Lesson Proper Week 8
Lesson Proper Week 8
Lesson Proper Week 8
According to Adhakari (2019), King Ramesses fought
numerous wars during his reign and emerged victorious
from most of them. This led to the expansion of riches
owned by the Egyptian empire during his 66-year reign
in 1279-1213 BC. Thus, it is not surprising that he is one
of the most influential pharaoh of Egypt. Moreover, one
of his remarkable battles were that against the Nubians,
According to Adhikari (2019), Trajan’s Colum is one wash painting in Chinese is also
of the most popular landmark in the city of Rome as commonly classified as water-
it is also the best-preserved monument in the city. colored painting or brush painting. It
Aside from its stunning exterior, it contains 2,662 was an art performed in principle by
carved figures in its surface with over 155 scene gentlemen and a differentiation that
depictions that tell a story of its own. The beauty of begins with the Song dynasty in
the monument is a living narrative of the Roman
literature but may benefit remarkably
army's coordination, administration, and operations.
from leading exhibitors. This style is
(Adhikari, Top 10 Outstanding Pieces of Ancient
often called the “xieyi” style.
Roman Art, 2019)
5. Medieval Period. This period featured a
range of things from glass mosaics, wall
paintings, and metalwork. Byzantine art is
traditional and primarily religious. Most
byzantine artworks are associated with
lower levels of realism. Byzantine paintings The painting above is called the Zhang
are white, with little to no shadows to a hint Zeduan’s Spring Festival on the River (also
of 3D, and the themes are generally serious called Along the River
and somber. During Qingming Festival). This Chinese painting
Example: was created during the Northern Song dynasty in
the 12th century. According to Boucher (2014), the
attribution of Northern Song Dynasty academy to
Zeduan is uncertain but this work of art has
nonetheless became one of the most famous yet
debatable works in Chinese history. The painting
Hagia Sophia, built in 537 AD (Kirchmair,
portrays the intricate details of the city life from
2020), at the beginning of the medieval period
thousands of years ago.
under Byzantine emperor Justinian I,
epitomizes Byzantine architecture. Although 7. Japanese Print. Until its Edo era in 1603 to
Hagia Sophia was originally built as a Greek 1868, the art of woodblock printing was
Orthodox Christian cathedral, it was launched into the Han dynasty. Initially,
repurposed as a mosque after the Turkish conventional handscrolls were used as
conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and is inexpensive books by woodblock printing.
However, conventional handscrolls were quickly
used as a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. When
converted and used as a method for the mass
it was built, Hagia Sophia was the world’s processing of prints.
tallest building known for its iconic, massive
dome. Example:
Over the past few decades an immense industry for Amateur pornography /s a category of pornography
the production and consumption of pornography that features models or actors performing without
has grown, with the increasing use or the VCR, the pay, or for whom this material is their first or only
DVDs and the Internet, as well as the emergence of paid modeling work.
social attitudes more tolerant of sexual portrayals.
Performers in pornography are referred to as Reality pornography is professionally
pornographic actors (or actresses), or the more made porn which seeks to emulate the style
commonly title "porn star" and are generally seen of amateur pornography Amateur porn has
as qualitatively different from their mainstream been called one of the most profitable and
counterparts. Amateur pornography has become long-lasting genres of pornography.
widely popular and generally distributed via the
internet for free. Amateur porn began to be popular in the
1980s, when people began recording their
Depictions of a sexual nature are old as civilization sex lives on camcorders and watching the
(and possibly older, in the form of Venus figurines results on VCRs. Prior to this couples had to
and rock art)"' but the concept of pornography as film themselves using Super 8 film which
understood today did not exist until the Victorian then had to be sent for processing. Polaroid
era. Previous to that time, though some sex acts cameras allowed images to be produced
were regulated or stipulated in laws looking at immediately, without the need for sending
objects or Images depicting them was not. In some the material out to the processing facility.
cases, specific books, engravings or image
collections were censored or outlawed, but the The term Real core has been used to
trend to compose laws that restricted viewing of describe digital amateur porn, which arose
sexually explicit things in general was a Victorian due to the combination of cheap digital
construct. cameras and the World Wide Web in the
late 90s. The term refers both to how porn is
When large scale excavations of Pompeii were made, with simple cameras and a
undertaken in the 1860s, much or the erotic arc or documentary style, and how it is distributed,
the Romans came to fight, shocking the Victorians mostly for free, in Web communities or
who saw themselves as the intellectual heirs of the Usenet newsgroups. The term was invented
Roman Empire. They did not know what to do with by Sergio Messina, who first used it at the
the frank depictions of sexuality, and endeavored to Ars Electronica Symposium in 2000, and
hide them away from everyone but upper class was subsequently adopted by a number of
scholars. The moveable objects were locked away authors and experts. Sergio Messina has
in the Secret Museum in Naples and what could not written a book on the subject, entitled Real
be removed was covered and cordoned off as to core, the digital porn revolution.
not corrupt the sensibilities of women, children and
the working class. Soon after, the world's first law Amateur porn eventually influenced the rise of the
criminalizing pornography was enacted by the celebrity sex tape, featuring stars like Pamela
Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1857 in the Anderson and Paris Hilton.
Obscene Publications Act.
Sexual fetishism, or erotic fetishism, is
The Victorian attitude that pornography was for a the sexual arousal brought on by any object,
select few can be seen in the wording of the Hicklin situation or body part not conventionally
test stemming from a court case in 1868 where it viewed as being sexual in nature. Sexual
asks, "Whether the tendency of the matter charged fetishism rnay be regarded, e.g. in
as obscenity is to deprave and corrupt those whose psychiatric medicine, as disorder of sexual
minds are open to such immoral influences." preference or as an enhancing element to a
relationship causing a better sexual bond
between the and female. The sexual acts Group sex may be a part of other social activities
involving fetishes are characteristically such as parties, although some venues such as
depersonalized and objectified, even when gay bathhouses tend to eschew talking.
they involve a partner. Body parts may also
be the subject of sexual fetishes (also Pornography's Effects on Adults
known as partialism) in which the body part
preferred by the fetishist takes a sexual Despite what its defenders say, pornography has
precedence over the owner. profoundly negative effects on people's views of
sex and sexual behavior. Researchers at the
Alfred Binet proposed that fetishes be classified as National Foundation for Family Research and
either "spiritual love" or "plastic love". "Spiritual Education concluded that "exposure to
love" occupied the devotion for specific mental pornography puts viewers at increased risk for
phenomena, such as attitudes, social class, or developing sexually deviant tendencies." According
occupational roles; while "plastic love" referred to to the report, "the rape myth (belief that women
the devotion exhibited towards material objects cause and enjoy rape, and that rapists are normal)
such as body parts, textures or shoes. is very widespread in habitual male users of
The existential approach to mental disorders
developed in the 1940s and influenced a view that Some researchers say that the repeated use of
fetishes had complex personal meanings beyond pornography interfere with the ability to enjoy and
the general categories of psychoanalytical participate in normal marital intimacy Dr. Victor
treatment. For instance, the Austrian neurologist Cline, a specialist in treating sex addiction, has
and logo therapist Viktor Frank once noted the case noticed recurring progression in the use of
of a man with a sexual fetish involving pornography. If left unchecked, what starts as
simultaneously, both frogs and glue. casual viewing of pornography can eventually lead
to an escalation to more hard-core, aberrant
Group sex /s sexual behavior involving material. This, he claims, can lead to deviant sexual
more than three participants at the same acts. Behavioral scientists agree. Dr. Cline reports
time. The main focus of this page is group that "any type of sexual deviation can be acquired
sex among humans, however group sex in this way and that it cannot be eliminated even by
also occurs in other animal species, for massive feelings of guilt." Eventually, the viewer
instance, bighorn sheep and bonobos. may try to act out the pornography-based, immoral
fantasies, often with devastating results.
Any and all sexual behavior performed by at least
four people can be a part of group sex, as well as a The course of this problem may be gradual and
number of behaviors only possible with more than undetected, concluded Cline. He states: "Like a
two people. Group sex involving one participant cancer, it keeps growing and spreading. It rarely
being penetrated by multiple people is sometimes ever reverses itself, and it is also very difficult to
termed a gang bang. In modern parlance an orgy treat and heal. Denial on the part of the male addict
may also refer to an event involving group sex and refusal to confront the problem are typical and
predictable, and this almost always leads to marital
Group sex may involve three or more people of any or couple disharmony, sometimes divorce, and
gender or sexual orientation. The events sometimes the breaking up of other intimate
themselves may be characterized by sex; for relationships.”
example, a straight group sex session would
involve only heterosexual sex. Some venues for The Damage to Young People
group sex may be intended for a particular group or Some researchers say that exposure to
groups of people. Different types of group sex may pornography can affect the natural development of
or may not involve switching partners. a child's brain Statistics show that the primary
consumers of pornography are boys between the
ages of 12 and pornography is their primary 17. In
fact, for many, pornography is either primary source
of sexual education. This has very disturbing
ramifications. "Teen pregnancy and sexually Addictive and Progressive
transmitted diseases like AIDS." Notes one report, Dr, Victor Cline a known pornography therapist
"are completely nonexistent in porn, giving a false identified a four-stage progression describing the
belief that there are no adverse consequences to addictive quality of pornography.
behaviors depicted in pornography.”
According to Cline, after exposure and repeated
Some researchers say that exposure to viewing, a person enters stage one, which is
pornography can also affect the natural addiction. We know from recent research that porn
development of a child's brain. Dr. Judith Reisman, viewing stimulates a powerful cocktail of
president of the Institute for Media Education, neurotransmitters that floods the brain and provides
concludes: "Health based neurological a high similar to that' produced by narcotics.
observations about the instinctual brain-imprinted
response to pornographic sights and sounds Once addicted, a person may reach stage two,
indicates that viewing pornography is a biologically which is escalation. In this stage, material that
significant event that overrides informed consent— formerly produced the "high" longer does. More
and that is harmful to children's [moldable) 'plastic' material, longer viewing times and harder, coarser,
brains because it compromises their grasp of reality more degrading material is sought in order to
and thus their mental and physical health, their achieve the same degree of stimulation.
well-being and their pursuit of happiness."
The third stage is desensitization. Dr. Cline wrote:
The Effects on Relationships "Material which was originally perceived as
Pornography shapes altitudes and influences shocking, taboo-breaking, illegal, repulsive or
behavior. Its messages are enticing primarily immoral, in time, comes to be seen as acceptable
because they are fantasy and thus presented as and commonplace"
more exciting than the real thing. (See the box
"'Which Will You Accept?"" "Individuals using The final stage involves acting-out what the user
pornography set themselves up for unrealistic has seen in pornography. 'This could take the form
expectations leading to damaged relationships," of seeking out prostitutes, engaging in group sex,
notes one report. voyeurism, inflicting pain, compulsive promiscuity,
committing rape or child sexual assault.
Pornography can destroy trust and openness,
essential qualities in a marriage. Because it is Legality
primarily viewed in secret, pornography use often Revised Penal Code Article 202
leads to deception and lying. Mates feel betrayed. Vagrants and prostitutes; penalty The following are
They do not understand why their marriage partner vagrants:
no longer funds them desirable.
1. Any person having' no apparent means of
Spiritual Harm subsistence, who has the physical ability to work
Pornography use causes serious spiritual damage. and who neglects to apply himself or herself to
It can become a real impediment for an individual some lawful calling;
seeking to have a relationship with God. The Bible
links sexual appetite with covetousness and 2. Any person found loitering about public or
idolatry. (Colossians 3:51 the one coveting semipublic buildings or places or trampling or
something desires it so much that it becomes the wandering about the country or the streets without
dominant thing in his life, eclipsing everything else. visible means of support;
In essence, those addicted to pornography put their 3. Any idle or dissolute person who ledges in
sexual desire above God. They thus make an idol houses of ill fame; ruffians or pimps and those who
of it. Jehovah God's command states: "You must habitually associate with prostitutes;
not have any other gods against my face. “ Exodus
4. Any person who, not being Inc provisions of pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor or
other articles of this Code, shall be found loitering slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
in any inhabited or uninhabited place belonging to
another without any lawful or justifiable purpose; (d) To undertake or organize tours and travel pains
consisting of tourism packages or activities for the
5. Prostitutes purpose of utilizing and offering persons for
prostitution, pornography or sexual exploitation;
For the purposes of this article, women who,
intercourse for money or profit, habitually indulge in (e)To maintain or hire a person to engage in
sexual or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be prostitution or pornography;
prostitutes. Any person found guilty of any of the
offenses covered by this articles shall be punished (f) To adopt or facilitate the adoption of persons for
by arrest minor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, the purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual
and in case of recidivism, by arrest mayor in its exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary
medium period to prison correctional in its minimum servitude or debt bondage;
period or a fine ranging from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or
both, in the discretion of the court. (g) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport or abduct a
person, by means of threat or use of force, fraud
Revised Penal Code Article 341 deceit, violence, coercion, or intimidation for the
Penal Code article 341 imposes a penalty to any purpose of removal or sale of organs of said
person who "shall engage in the business or shall person; and
profit by prostitution or shall enlist the services of
any other person for the purpose of prostitution. Heart To recruit, transport or adopt a child to
engage in armed activities in the Philippines or
Republic Act 9208 abroad.
Section 4 of Republic Act 9208, otherwise known
as the "Anti-Tracking in Persons Act of 2003" Republic Act 7610 - special Protection of
deems it unlawful for any person, natural or Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and
juridical, to commit any of the following acts: Discrimination Act
(a) To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, provide, or Sec, 5. Child prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse.
receive a person by any means, including those Children, whether male or female, who for money,
done under the pretext of domestic or overseas profit, or any other consideration or due to the
employment or training or apprenticeship, for the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or
purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual group, indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious
exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary conduct, deemed to be children exploited in
servitude or debt bondage; prostitution and other sexual abuse. The penalty of
reclusion temporal in its medium period reclusion
(b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or perpetual shall be imposed upon the following:
material, economic or other consideration, any
person or, as provided for under Republic Act NO. (a)Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or
6955, any Filipino women to a foreign national, for induce child prostitution which include, but are not
marriage for the purpose of acquiring, buying, limited to, the following:
offering, selling or trading him/her to engage in
prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, (1)Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute;
forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt
bondage; (2) Inducing a person to be a client of a child
prostitute by means of written or oral
(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, advertisements or other similar means;
for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering,
selling, or trading them to engage in prostitution, (3)Taking advantage of influence or relationship to
procure a child as prostitute;
prescribed for the consummated \ felony under
(4)Threatening or using violence towards a child to Section 5 hereof shall' be imposed upon the
engage him as a prostitute; or principals of the attempt to commit the crime of
child prostitution under this Act, or, in the proper
(5)Giving monetary consideration goods or other case, under the Revised penal code.
pecuniary benefit to a child with intent to engage
such child in prostitution. Republic Act 6955 - Man order Brides
RA 6955 basically declares as unlawful "the
(b) Those who commit the act of sexual practice of matching Filipino women for marriage to
intercourse of lascivious conduct with a child foreign nationals on a mail order basis. Republic
exploited in prostitution or subject to other sexual Act 8042 - Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos
abuse; Provided, That when the victims is under Act
twelve (12) years of age, the perpetrators shall be
prosecuted under Article 335, paragraph 3, for rape RA 8042 (Long title: AN ACT TO
381 5, as amended, the Revised Penal Code, for ESTABLISH A HIGHER STANDARD OF
rape or lascivious conduct, as the case may be: PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF THE
Provided, That the penalty for lascivious conduct WELFARE OF MIGRANT WORKERS,
when the victim is under twelve (12) years of age THEIR FAMILIES AND OVERSEAS
shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period; FILIPINOS IN DISTRESS, AND FOR
The act contains provisions which regulate
(c) Those who derive profit or advantage the recruitment of overseas workers;
therefrom, whether as manager or owner of the mandate establishment of a mechanism for
establishment where the prostitution takes place, or free legal assistance for victims of illegal
of the sauna, disco, bar, resort, place of recruitment; direct all embassies and
entertainment or establishment serving as a cover consular offices to issue travel advisories or
or which engages in prostitution in addition to the disseminate information on labor and
activity for which the license has been issued to employment conditions, migration realities
said establishment. and other facts; regulate repatriation of
workers in ordinary cases and provide a
Sec. 6. Attempt To Commit Child mechanism for repatriation in extraordinary
Prostitution.-There is an attempt to commit cases; mandate establishment of a Migrant
child prostitution under Sections, paragraph Workers and Other Overseas Filipinos
(a) hereof when any person who, not being Resource Center to provide social services
a relative of a child, is found alone with the to returning worker and Other migrants;
said child inside the room or cubicle of a establishment of a Migrant Workers Loan
house, an inn, hotel, motel, pension house, mandate Guarantee the Fund to provide
apartelle or other similar establishments, pre-departure and family assistance loans;
vessel, vehicle or any other hidden or establishes a legal assistance fund for
secluded area under circumstances which migrant workers; and other provisions
would lead a reasonable person to believe related to Filipino migrant workers. The act,
that the child is about to be exploited in approved on June 7, 1995, mandates that
prostitution and other sexual abuse. pursuant to the objectives of deregulation
the Department of Labor and Employment
There is also an attempt to commit child (DOLE) shall: within a period of five (5)
prostitution, under paragraph (b) of Section 5 years, phase- out the regulatory functions of
hereof when any person is receiving services from the Philippine Overseas Employment
a child in a sauna parlor or bath, massage clinic, Administration (POEA).
health club and Other; similar establishments. A
penalty lower by two (2) degrees than that
House Resolution No. 779 Tracking in different areas
House of Representatives of the Philippines A special report from the Vatican states: The
Citizen's Battle Against Corruption (CIBAC) Reps. Philippines has a serious trafficking problem of
Emmanuel Joel Villanueva and Cinchona Cruz women and children illegally recruited into the
Gonzales, on September 24, filed House tourist industry for sexual exploitation. Destinations
Resolution No. 779 to intensify the fight against within the country are Metro Manila, Angels City,
human trafficking on all levels, from legislation, Olongapo City, towns in Bulacan, Batangas, Cebu
policy formulation, enforcement and prosecution, to City, Davao and Cagayan de Oro City and :other
rehabilitation and support for victims. Villanueva sex tourist resorts such as Puerto Galera, which is
said: "Human trafficking is fast becoming a major notorious, Pagsanjan, Laguna, San Fernando
transnational crime next only to the illegal drugs Pampanga, and many beach resorts throughout the
trade and illegal arms trade. Most of the victims of country. The promise of recruiters offers women
trafficking are being exploited as commercial sex and children attractive jobs in the country or
workers, forced laborer"' and even unwilling organ abroad, and instead& they are coerced and forced
donors. We must consider the reports of the victims and controlled into the sex industry for tourists in
that lack of funds and resources are key problems the Philippines, child sex slaves are sold on the
in the full implementation of the Anti-Trafficking of open market.
Persons Act, including the necessary support and
protection." The National Bureau of Investigation · Puerto Galera
(Philippines) reported "more than 400,000 persons · Subic Bay
from both government and nongovernment · Angeles
organizations who, are victims of trafficking and · Manila
almost 100,000 of these victims are children." Cruz- · Olongapo
Gonzales said: "As of last year, only a little over a · Pagsanjan
thousand cases were -officially reported. Batangas · Pasay
Network. · Makati
· Davao
· Cebu
· Pampanga
On September 15, 2007, the Children and · Lucena City
Youth Secretariat of the Anti-Child
Pornography Alliance (ACPA- P11ipinas) Trafficking of Filipinas to Overseas Destinations
launched Batingaw Network to exploitations. Sex tourism
It is the biggest formation against child British Foreign pedophiles.
pornography (cyber-sex dens: Internet
shops with pornographic cubicles). rt
declared September 28 as the "National
Day of Awareness and Unity against Child
Senate hearing
On September 15, 2004, the first hearing was held
on escort services. UJ followed by a second
hearing on September 22, 2004, attended by well
mown movie personalities and a third hearing,
attended by representatives from KTVs.
SPE-FIL 1: Lesson Proper for Week 8 Una pang-una
Ano ang Pang-uri Ikalawa pangalawa
- Isang bahagi ng pananalita na Ikaaanim pang-anim
naglalarawan o nagbibigay-turing sa Ikalabing-isa panlabing-isa
pangngalan o panghalip. Ikadalawang daan pangalawang-daan
Halimbawa: Matalinong Bata si Pedrito • Abracete – Girl at the right side, holds Right arm
of partner with her Left hand, free hands down at
2. PAHAMBING - Kaantasang naghahambing ng the sides. This terms is of Spanish and is used in
katangian ng dalawang pangngalan o panghalip. Rigodon and in other dances.
Ginagamit sa pang-uring pahambing ang mga
salita o katagang: mas, magsing, magkasing , sing, • Arms in Lateral Position – both arms are at one
higit na, pareho, kapwa, at iba pa side, either sideward right or left. This may be done
at shoulder chest or waist level.
Halimbawa: Magsintalino sila Pedrito at Ullyses
• Arms in Reverse “T” position – Arms are side
3. PASUKDOL – Kaantasang naghahambing ng horizontal, elbows bent at right angles, forearms
katangian ng tatlo o mahigit pang pangngalan o parallel to head, palms forward or facing inward,
panghalip kung saan inilalarawan ang may fists loosely closed.
pinakamatinding katangian sa lahat. Ginagamit sa
pang-uring pasukdol ang mga salita o katagang: • Bilao – To turn hands up and sown alternately,
pinaka-, hari ng, pagka--, napaka-, ubod- walang hands at waist level in front, elbows close to waist.
kasing, lubha, sakdal. Gayundin ang pag-uulit sa
pang-uri tulad ng mabuting-mabuti, • Brush – Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the
ball or heel of the other foot (the free foot) after
Halimbawa: Pinakamatalino pa rin sa lahat ang which that foot is lifted from the floor to any
gurong nagtuturo sa mga bata ng mabuting asal at direction.
tamang pakikipagkapwa-tao
• Cabeceras – When dancers are in square
KAYARIAN NG PANG-URI formation, the couples occupying the width of the
hall are called “cabeceras” or head couples. This is
1. PAYAK – Ito ay binubuo ng salitang-ugat of Spanish origin.
Halimbawa: Berde, luntian, asim, galit • Clockwise – Like the motion of the hands of the
clock. Right shoulder is toward the center of an
2. MAYLAPI – Ito’y mga salitang-ugat na imaginary circle. When facing center, the
kinakabitan ng mga panlaping ka, ma-, in, ma-hin, movement is toward the left.
kasing. Kasim atbp.
Halimbawa: Mapusok, kaibigan, kasimputi • Counterclockwise – The reverse direction of
clockwise. Left shoulder is toward the center of an
3. INUULIT – Ito’y binubuo sa pamamagitan ng imaginary circle. When facing center, the
pag-uulit ng buong salita o bahagi ng salita movement is toward the right.
Halimbawa: pulang-pula, bungang-bunga,
oras-oras, galit na galit • Costados – When Dancers are in square
formation, the couples occupying the length of the
4. TAMBALAN – Ito’y binubuo ng dalawang hall are called “costados” or side pairs. This is of
salitang pinagtambal Spanish origin.
Halimbawa: Ngiting-aso , pugad-birhen,
kapit-tuko, hilong-talilong • Crossed arms – Partners are facing each other
or standing side by side, girl at the right of boy.
They join their Left hands together and their Right
hands together either Right over Left or Left over
Right hands.
• Cross- Over – Two couples (the vis-à-vis) are
opposite each other. Each couple proceeds in a
straight line to the opposite place. The girl pass by
their Left shoulders between the boy. Boys bow to
each other when they meet at the middle or at
about one-third of the way, then proceed to the
opposite place. Upon reaching the opposite place,
partner’s turnabout, girls stand at partners’ right