6.1 2 Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
6.1 2 Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
6.1 2 Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
of Reaction
How does changing the factors affect the rate of a reaction?
Effect of concentration
Increasing concentration of one or more aqueous
reactants increases the rate of reaction.
The higher the concentration, the greater the number of
reactant particles per unit volume.
Reactant particles collide more often and the total number of
collisions per unit time increases.
Hence, rate of reaction increases.
large particle = low surface area small particles = high surface area
Effect of particle size
Explosive reactions take place when fine flour or coal
powder catches fire.
Effect of a catalyst
The alternative pathway to the products also requires
less activation energy, thus increasing the speed of
reaction as more of the collisions result in reaction.
Uncatalysed reaction
Catalysed reaction
potential Reactants
Effect of a catalyst
Different reactions need different types of catalysts. Most catalysts
are specific to a reaction.
Transition metals and their compounds make good catalysts.
Enzymes are biological catalysts.
Enzymes are proteins which act as catalysts in speeding up
biochemical reactions in living organisms.
They are highly specific and sensitive to changes in temperature
and pH.
They will only function within a narrow range of temperature,
beyond which they will be inactive (if the temperature is too low) or
denatured (if the temperature is too high).