Low Temp. Phys. - 2023
Low Temp. Phys. - 2023
Low Temp. Phys. - 2023
V. I. Sokolenko
National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv 61108, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]
The review presents the most significant scientific results obtained at the NSC KIPT NAS of Ukraine during
low-temperature studies of the physical and mechanical properties of a wide range of metals and alloys over
the period from the second half of the 30s of the 20th century to recent years. During this period, a school
in the field of physics of strength and plasticity was formed at the Institute, at the origins of which were I. V. Ob-
reimov, R. I. Garber, V. I. Startsev, V. I. Khotkevich, B. G. Lazarev, and I. A. Gindin. As a result of the studies
of these famous scientists, their students and followers, fundamental concepts in the field of low-temperature
physics of strength and plasticity of solids and cryogenic materials science have been developed. The relevance
of the results obtained is also confirmed by the development of modern cryogenic and aerospace engineering,
nuclear and hydrogen energy, electronics, etc.
Keywords: low temperatures, solids, deformation, structural state, ultrasound, magnetic fields, irradiation, physi-
cal and mechanical properties.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1447
1. The beginning and development of low-temperature research in the field of physics of strength
and ductility at UIPT–KIPT..................................................................................................................... 1448
2. Studies of the physics of strength and plasticity of solids at low and moderately low temperatures ......... 1449
2.1. Cold brittleness and low-temperature mechanical properties of bcc metals in various structural
states ................................................................................................................................................ 1449
2.2. Deformation-induced polymorphism of metals and alloys ............................................................... 1450
2.3. Fatigue of fcc and hcp metals and alloys .......................................................................................... 1451
3. Physical effects of the interaction of dislocations with lattice, electronic, and magnetic subsystems
in crystals ................................................................................................................................................. 1452
3.1. Creep of fcc, bcc, and hcp metals in the normal state at low temperatures ...................................... 1452
3.2. Softening of metals during the transition to the superconducting state ............................................ 1453
3.3. Magnetoplastic effect ....................................................................................................................... 1454
3.4. On the general mechanism of metal softening under the influence of magnetic and electric fields 1455
3.5. Changes in the mechanical properties of ferro- and antiferromagnets under preliminary exposure
to magnetic fields............................................................................................................................. 1456
4. Increasing the strength of metals and alloys and modifying the structural state by ultrasonic influences
and irradiation .......................................................................................................................................... 1457
4.1. Creation of highly distorted structures and nanostructures in fcc, bcc, and hcp metals and alloys by
low-temperature deformation methods and study of physical and mechanical characteristics ........ 1457
4.2. Changes in the structural state and physical and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline metals
and heterophase materials as a result of ultrasonic exposure and irradiation ................................... 1460
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 1462
© V. I. Sokolenko, 2023
Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur/Low Temperature Physics, 2023, Vol. 49, No. 11 1447
V. I. Sokolenko
1. The beginning and development of low-temperature at T = 4.2 K, corresponding to the onset of plastic defor-
research in the field of physics of strength and ductility mation for a number of metals with different types of crys-
at UIPT–KIPT tal lattice [19]. The author determined σ0 by the magnitude
of the load on the sample, from which additional resistance
In the second half of the 30s and in the 40s of the last appeared due to the onset of plastic deformation.
century, V. I. Kostenets, under the leadership of B. G. La- To study impact strength at T = 20 K, V. I. Khotkevich
zarev [11–13], carried out the first in the former USSR studies developed an original method for quickly transferring a
of the mechanical properties of a number of pure metals, sample from a vessel with liquid hydrogen with automati-
steels and alloys by static and impact tests at 20–300 K. cally correct installation on the impact tester supports [19].
Note that before the work of V. I. Kostenets there were The works briefly described above marked the begin-
few publications in which the results of studies of mechani- ning of a large cycle of research that led to the creation of
cal properties at low temperatures were presented. In [14], new ideas and directions in the field of low-temperature
it was reported that the plasticity of Cd and Zn single crys- physics of the strength and plasticity of metals and alloys,
tals was retained up to T = 1.2 K, and a conclusion was as well as in the field of fundamental and applied super-
made about the existence of an athermal component in the conductivity.
plasticity phenomenon. At the temperature of liquid hydro- Systematic and large-scale studies of the physics of
gen under conditions of uniaxial loading, the mechanical strength and plasticity of solids at low temperatures (1.4–77 K)
characteristics of polycrystalline Cu and Ni, as well as a num- were started by the KIPT in the second half of the 50s under
ber of alloys and steels, were studied [15]. The results of the leadership of I. A. Gindin and B. G. Lazarev. Some-
testing the impact strength of a number of steels at hydro- what later, ILTPE staff led by V. I. Startsev joined in such
gen temperature are presented in [16]. studies. On the one hand, those were stimulated by the rapid
A tensile testing machine with a force of up to 1.5 t. development of the branches of new technology, namely
was designed in the laboratory of crystal physics of the cryogenic and aerospace; on the other hand, it was of fun-
UIPT to carry out mechanical tests in a liquid nitrogen me- damental interest to elucidate the physical processes of
dium. Tensile strength σB and elongation to failure δ of a wide plastic deformation and the mechanical behavior of solids
range of samples (Al, Ag, Cu, Ni, Pb, Mo, Sn, Mg, Na) were near absolute zero temperature, when thermal activation
measured with an accuracy of 3–5% and 2–3%, respecti- processes are minimized.
vely [12]. It was shown in [11–13] that the studied poly- For aerospace enterprises headed by S. P. Korolev and
crystalline metals with the fcc lattice (Al, Ag, Cu, Ni, Pb) A. A. Lyulka, KIPT carried out a large amount of studies
at 77 K and 20 K retain or even increase their high plasticity, of mechanical properties and the nature of destruction in
while Mo (bcc lattice) and Sn (bct lattice) are brittle. The re- the temperature range 4.2–300 K of a wide class of steels
sults obtained were related to the hypothesis that the me- and special alloys of iron, niobium, molybdenum, aluminum,
chanical properties and cold brittleness of metals and alloys copper, and titanium bases in various states. Boundary tem-
at low temperatures depend on the type of lattice (the twin peratures were established within which it is possible to use
forging hypothesis) (see, for example, [8]). At the same time, the materials under study, and recommendations were given
a more than threefold increase in δ was shown for sodium for their use in various components of aviation and space
(bcc lattice) with a decrease in the test temperature from technology.
77 to 20 K. This effect stimulated further detailed studies As a result of several studies achieved at the KIPT using
at the KIPT of the low-temperature mechanical properties various investigation methods, it was shown that low-tem-
of alkali metals and found an explanation in the occurrence perature deformation of metals and alloys that remain duc-
of deformation polymorphic transformations in these me- tile at these temperatures is characterized by a high degree
tals, which will be discussed in more detail below. of lattice distortion and imperfection, deformation uni-
In the 1950s, V. I. Khotkevich, using a low-temperature formity, and a more uniform distribution of dislocations
press placed in a liquid helium medium, first studied the over the volume even at low degrees of deformation. With
mechanical characteristics of metals and alloys under com- a temperature decrease, a number of effects are observed:
pression at helium temperatures, as well as the effect of mechanical twinning has an increased role, the work of new
plastic deformation on the electrical conductivity and criti- slip planes manifests itself, athermal plasticity of crystals oc-
cal parameters of superconductors [17, 18]. Table 1 pre- curs at helium temperatures, the temperature of the begin-
sents the values of the conditional elastic limit σ0 measured ning of the recovery process during annealing of the de-
Metal Tl In Hg Cu Mg Al Sn Ag Au Pt Ni Mo Ta Fe
σ0, MPa 3 4 4 66 69 85 118 290 364 550 590 680 800 840
1448 Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur/Low Temperature Physics, 2023, Vol. 49, No. 11
Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
formed metal decreases, etc. This gave grounds to assume (Тbrt < 4.2 K, Ttw > 77 K) were separated, and it was shown
the existence, and then for the first time to experimentally that the initiation of microcracks is not always related to
discover the phenomenon of low-temperature recrystalliza- the appearance of twins [24]. Thus, it was found that me-
tion in relatively refractory metals (Cu, Ni, Fe) after de- chanical twinning is not responsible for cold brittleness,
formation at 4.2–77 K (R. I. Garber, I. A. Gindin, V. S. and the metal’s tendency to brittle fracture is determined by
Kogan, B. G. Lazarev, Ya. D. Starodubov, and M. B. Laza- the type of crystal lattice and impurities. Moreover, twinn-
reva) [20–22], which opened up new possibilities for creat- ing, as the predominant type of low-temperature defor-
ing a special structural state of the metal. Thus, with the mation, not only does not lead to brittle fracture of tech-
help of severe low-temperature deformation by rolling or nical purity metals, but under certain conditions promotes
extrusion of copper and subsequent long-term annealing their plasticization [29–33].
at room temperature, as a result of the joint occurrence of I. A. Gindin and L. A. Chirkina established the plasti-
polygonization and recrystallization processes, an ultrafine- cizing effect of relaxed twin layers. They showed that if
grained structure (0.5–2 µm) was obtained, which provided thin twins are introduced into silicon iron (e.g., by an impact
increased mechanical properties that are resistant to high- at 77–150 K), then stopping their development at an early
temperature heating [23]. stage, and creating conditions for stress relaxation from the
For the first time in the former USSR, for the developed tops and incoherent boundaries of the interlayers (e.g., by an-
technical superconductors of various designs based on the nealing or ultrasonic action at temperatures of 300–400 K)
Nb3Sn compound and the Nb-Ti alloy, the current-carrying causes sharp decrease of the cold brittleness temperature and
ability at 4.2 K in strong magnetic fields at tensile stresses the deformation proceeds, as in pure iron [28], mainly due
was studied [24, 25]. The observed effect of a reversible to the appearance and development of new systems of twin
decrease of the critical current Jc under load, which increases layers [34]. At the same time, the temperature region of se-
with an increase in the number of Nb-Ti filaments in the condary twinning expands towards higher temperatures
conductor and the magnetic field strength, is due to elastic and the plasticity margin above the ductile-brittle transition
martensitic transformation, which reduces the volume con- temperature increases.
tent of the initial superconducting β phase. It is shown that For the first time, I. A. Gindin, L. A. Chirkina, and V. S.
for composites with a low volume content of the Nb3Sn Okovit carried out systematic studies of the mechanical pro-
phase, made by the “bronze” technology, a local maximum Jс perties of bcc metals reinforced with relaxed twins, depend-
appears at increase of tensile stress. This maximum is due to ing on the size of their grid (type of the Hall–Petch de-
the compensation of thermal compressive stresses, which re- pendence) and found that the level of stress concentration
duce the superconducting characteristics of Nb3Sn, and is at the twin boundary is lower than that at the grain boundary.
absent at increased volume content of Nb3Sn and the addi- It is shown that twin interlayers not only play the role of
tion of a stabilizing element into the structure. The obtained mechanical stoppers during the movement of dislocations
data were used in calculations and assembly of supercon- under load, but also create around themselves a zone with a
ducting magnetic systems. special defect structure, which, as a result of dislocation
reactions, increases the number of dislocation sources in
2. Studies of the physics of strength and plasticity
the matrix, eliminates overstresses in the vicinity of twin
of solids at low and moderately low temperatures
formations, and, as a consequence, plasticization of the ma-
2.1. Cold brittleness and low-temperature mechanical terial [35].
properties of bcc metals in various structural states When studying the effect of the degree of purification
In the second half of the 1950s, studies of the physical on the structure and mechanical properties of niobium in
nature of the cold brittleness of crystalline solids began to the temperature range of 4.2–300 K, it was established that
develop intensively at KIPT. By this time, there were a num- there is “threshold” purity, above which the mechanical
ber of hypotheses about the causes of the cold brittleness of
metals, among which the most widespread were lattice, im-
purity, and twin hypotheses. The authors of the latter be-
lieved that twinning precedes brittle fracture and is its cause.
However, this conclusion was not convincing. In the expe-
riments of I. A. Gindin and Ya. D. Starodubov [26–29]
with pure (99.99%) iron, the origin and development of twin
layers and microcracks, mechanical and thermal hardening
of twins were studied in detail. It was shown that twin layers
appear long before rupture and develop under subsequent (a) (b)
loading to significant thicknesses (15–20 µm) without the Fig. 1. Development of twin interlayers in Fe (99.99%) under
formation of microcracks (Fig. 1). For the first time, the tem- continuous tension (Т = 77 K): σ = 220 MPa (a), σ = 420 MPa
perature thresholds of cold brittleness Тbrt and twinning Тtw (× 100) (b).
Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur/Low Temperature Physics, 2023, Vol. 49, No. 11 1449
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Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
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V. I. Sokolenko
140 µm 0.7 µm
(a) (с)
140 µm 0.7 µm
(b) (d)
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Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
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Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
phenomenon [69]. Qualitatively similar results were ob- 3.4. On the general mechanism of metal softening
tained in [73–77, 79] when studying the MPE for different under the influence of magnetic and electric fields
metals (Ni, Dy) both under conditions of active tension and
under creep. In the sixties of the twentieth century, the phenomenon
The results of MPE study in a quenched (disordered) of a sharp decrease in the resistance to plastic deformation
and ordered Ni3Mn alloy under active tension in the tem- of metals was discovered in the case of exposure to high-
perature range of 77–300 K are presented in [80]. It has density electric current pulses (J = 108–109 A/m2), as well
been established that the MPE value increases with a rise as charged particles or electromagnetic radiation. This phe-
in the degree of order and a test temperature decrease. The ob- nomenon is named the “electroplastic effect” (EPE) [84].
served effect is related to a change in the process of order- EPE is revealed in pulsed decreases in the deforming stress
ing and loading of such characteristics as the anisotropy required to maintain a constant strain rate. Dependencies of
constant, magnetostriction, and the magnetization vector. the intensity of the effect on such parameters as the type
The change in the dislocation structure of Ni under the and rate of sample deformation, temperature, current density
influence of an alternating magnetic field H = 1000 Oe amplitude, pulse frequency and duration, current direction,
during creep at 77 K (σ = 120 MPa) was studied in [77–81]. and structural characteristics of crystalline samples were
It is shown that the observed evolution of the cellular dis- established [84–87]. Combining the action of an electric
location structure has specific features compared to its de- current and irradiation with charged particles leads to an
velopment in the absence of a field. First of all, this is ma- intensification of the effect [86]. A list and a brief analysis
nifested in the different character of structural changes of various approaches to explaining the electroplastic ef-
within the boundaries of the cells (the density of disloca- fect is presented in [88].
tions decreases, partial decay of the cell walls is observed), It is known that a non-stationary magnetic field induces
as well as in the appearance of characteristic features of the an electric field (rot E = –∂B/∂t) in a conductor, which gives
effect of cyclically changing stresses (the presence of thre- reason to believe that among the mechanisms of the magne-
sholds and kinks on dislocations, as well as dipoles and toplastic effect (as discussed above), in addition to “purely
loops in the places of congestion dislocations). The observed magnetic”, there should be “electric” mechanisms, of course,
structural changes under the action of an alternating mag- except for Joule heating.
netic field is related to the unblocking of dislocation clusters In recent years, the Institute has carried out complex
in cell boundaries due to their interaction with moving do- experimental studies of the influence of various modes of
main walls. magnetic field exposure on the creep characteristics of
It follows from the obtained experimental data that MPE nickel with a purity of 99.996% at T = 77 K and theoretical
is found both in single- and polycrystalline materials only calculations supplemented by numerical simulation of ki-
in the region of plastic deformation in the presence of un- netic processes in crystals associated with the impact of
pinned dislocations. The MPE value when applying a per- pulsed electric fields [88–90]. The purpose of these studies
manent magnetic field has a maximum at relatively low is to propose a general mechanism for the softening of
degrees of deformation and field values, which is due to metals under the influence of a magnetic and electric field.
the superposition of the magnetostrictive effect and an in- Figure 16 illustrates the experimentally observed effect
crease in the density of mobile dislocations. The MPE in of nickel softening during creep with the imposition of dif-
alternating magnetic fields tends to saturate with an increase ferent types of magnetic field pulse regimes. In mode 3
in the degree of deformation. This is due to the balance (periodic monopolar pulses with sample demagnetization),
between the softening factor of an increase in the density the interactions of dislocations with the boundaries of mo-
of mobile dislocations previously blocked by domain walls bile domains were excluded, as well as significant thermal
and the strengthening effect of an increase in the number effects associated with an inductive electric field. Curve 4,
of forest dislocations acting as barriers. MPE is character- corresponding to the effect of harmonic pulses, is located
ized by an increase with lowering temperature. above curve 3, which is a consequence of the additional
Theoretical data in V. G. Baryakhtar and E. I. Druinskii contribution to the softening due to the interaction of dislo-
work [82] indicate an insignificant contribution to the soften- cations with domain walls. The low strain rate in the exper-
ing of ferromagnets by the mechanism of dislocation inter- iment prevented the possible action of the softening mech-
action with spin waves in the helium temperature range and anism associated with the interaction of dislocations with
the need to take it into account in the temperature range of spin waves. As a result, the effect of softening in the mode
its maximum appearance (20–100 K). In addition, at high of action of periodic monopolar pulses with demagnetiza-
dislocation rates (103–104 cm/s), “Cherenkov” generation tion of the sample should be attributed to the action of pre-
of spin waves by moving dislocations is possible [83]. How- dominantly “electrical mechanisms”.
ever, due to the low average dislocation rates under creep The theoretical model proposed by V. I. Karas et al.
conditions, the influence of this mechanism on the dislo- [88–90] includes the results of a consistent kinetic consid-
cation dynamics can be ignored. eration of the nonequilibrium dynamics of the electron-
Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur/Low Temperature Physics, 2023, Vol. 49, No. 11 1455
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Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
lated to the relaxation of internal stresses due to the destruc- causes an effective softening of the elastic moduli, which
tion of dislocation walls with the formation of a disordered promotes dislocation migration. The displacement of dislo-
ensemble of dislocations, similar to the tempering structure, cations to neighboring slip planes is possible due to the ef-
and partial relaxation by the mechanism of dislocation polar- fects of nonlinear dislocation dynamics, which leads to the
ization in thin extended bending configurations. As a result formation and displacement of double kinks under the action
of magnetic treatment in the weld at a distance of 3–5 mm of low-amplitude alternating magnetostrictive stresses.
from the transition layer and the symmetrical part of the The work [97] demonstrated the effectiveness of mag-
matrix material, a significant decrease in the average size of netic treatment in relation to antiferromagnetic materials,
coherent scattering regions and the average value of type II in particular, the industrial alloy VKh-2K based on chromium
stresses is observed. (98.5 Cr, (0.3–0.4) La, (0.2–0.3) Ta, (0.4–0.5) V, wt%).
The effect of a non-stationary magnetic field with am- Preliminary exposure of samples VKh-2K to an alternating
plitudes not exceeding the saturation field of magnetization magnetic field (Н = 1.3 kOe, f = 50 Hz, Т = 77 K, t =
on the structure and processes of plastic flow of steel = 30 min) leads to a slight decrease in strength characteris-
15Kh2NMFA, the radiation hardening of which was the tics and an increase in elongation to failure from 16 to 32%
result of irradiation with electrons with an energy of E = at 300 K, which is comparable to the effect of heat treat-
= 10 MeV and a dose of D = 5·1019 cm–2, was studied. ment at 1420 K. Such a change in mechanical properties is
It has been shown that, depending on the mode of magnetic related to the relaxation of stresses in places of their con-
treatment, both active development of recovery processes centration due to magnetostrictive effects and displacement
and an increased stability of the structure during creep are of domain boundaries.
possible [95]. The studies, the results of which are presented in this
For samples of 15Kh2NMFA steel subjected to severe section, were carried out by I. M. Neklyudov, V. I. Soko-
low-temperature deformation and characterized by low duc- lenko, K. A. Yushchenko, A. V. Mats and co-authors.
tility and high strength, it is shown that exposure to an al-
ternating magnetic field leads to a significant decrease of 4. Increasing the strength of metals and alloys
the yield strength (by 18%) and an increase of the ultimate and modifying the structural state by ultrasonic
strength at fracture (up to 10%), total elongation (up to 65%) influences and irradiation
and transverse narrowing (up to 60%) in the temperature
4.1. Creation of highly distorted structures
range 293–138 K [96]. These effects were accompanied by
and nanostructures in fcc, bcc, and hcp metals and alloys
a decrease in the background of internal friction and coer-
by low-temperature deformation methods and study
cive force, an increase in the dynamic shear modulus in the
of physical and mechanical characteristics
range of 300–500 K. Changes in the physical and mechan-
ical properties and structure are related to processes of a At the Institute, using the developed unique methods of
magnetic and electrical nature that cause stress relaxation deformation (rolling, drawing, torsion, quasi-hydroextrusion,
in microvolumes with a high level of internal stresses forging in the range of cryogenic temperatures, 4.2–77 K),
(high-angle boundaries, dense clusters of dislocations). priority studies were carried out to create structures with an
Figure 19 shows a diagram illustrating the mechanism extremely high density of defects, including nanostructures,
of a possible decrease in local internal stresses τ due to a de- in metals and alloys with various types of crystal lattice.
crease in the number of dislocations in staggered pileups A number of new, non-trivial effects have been discovered
due to the passage of the domain boundary, which also that could not be predicted on the basis of traditional ideas
Fig. 19. The decrease in the number of dislocations in a flat pileup (according to the Cottrell model) when the domain wall passes
through the pileup (from left to right), which corresponds to τ2 < τ1. Arrows in different positions show spin rotation in a Bloch wall of
width δB.
Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur/Low Temperature Physics, 2023, Vol. 49, No. 11 1457
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1458 Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur/Low Temperature Physics, 2023, Vol. 49, No. 11
Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
The structural features of zirconium after 92% defor- of up to 30 nm was obtained and studied. The physical me-
mation by rolling at 100 and 300 K and subsequent anneal- chanism of the process of grain refinement has been estab-
ing have been studied by measuring the electrical resistance, lished, which has a staged nature and correlates with the
thermo-emf, X-ray diffraction analysis, and optical micro- activity of deformation twinning. It is shown that the limit
scopy [108]. It is shown that under conditions of large plastic of decrease in the average grain size is several tens of na-
deformations, the deformation temperature does not affect nometers, which is explained by the impossibility of fur-
the type of texture formed and the parameters of the material ther creation of deformation nanotwins in such grains. The
microstructure. The observed increase in creep resistance and observed low-temperature feature of grain-boundary hard-
higher thermomechanical stability of zirconium obtained ening is explained within the framework of theoretical mo-
using preliminary deformation by rolling at 100 K are due to dels, according to which, under the conditions of the de-
the specific features of the structure of grain boundaries. pendence of the dislocation loop diameter on the nanoscale
The method of combined plastic deformation by rolling grain size, the stress of dislocation nucleation at the boundary
at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures (e = 3.9) was is inversely proportional to the grain size.
used to obtain nanostructures with subgrain sizes of 82, 61, With the use of deformations by rolling and QHE at
and 94 nm, in Zr and in Zr-based alloys [Zr1Nb and E125 77 K in an ultrafine-grained (d = 150–200 nm) VT6 titanium
(Zr–2.5% Nb)], respectively [109–111]. Figure 22 illus- alloy, various structural states were created and the mecha-
trates the distribution of subgrains in Zr. It is shown that nical and dissipative properties were studied [119, 120]. It is
the kinetics of the formation of the main part of the sub- shown that as a result of deformations by 60%, an additional
grain boundaries has a disclination character and is not the refinement of the alloy structure to a nanometer (70 nm)
result of dynamic polygonization and recrystallization. scale and a significant increase in strength properties occur
Nanostructured samples of Zr and Zr1Nb are characterized without loss of plasticity. The optimal degrees of QHE de-
by the values of yield strength σ02 = 650 and 670 MPa, formation are established and substantiated. The excess de-
ultimate strength σB = 810 and 830 MPa and fracture stress formation causes the appearance of microcracks, which limits
σB = 1090 and 880 MPa, respectively, with ductility of 13 the maximum of deformation dispersion of the structure
and 12%, which indicates a high the degree of homogenei- and hardening (σB = 1360 MPa, δ = 8%) of the VT6 alloy.
ty of the nanostructure. The revealed features of temperature dependencies in the
The results of a quantitative assessment of the evolution range of 100...600 K of internal friction and shear modulus
of the microstructure of commercial-grade titanium during in the nanostructured state are analyzed in comparison with
multi-pass rolling up to the true deformation e = 2.66 at 77 the ultrafine-grained state.
and 293 K are presented in [112]. Deformation at both A number of new effects caused by LPD of metals at
temperatures was accompanied by twinning. At Т = 77 K, low temperatures have been discovered: an anomalously
twinning was more extensive in terms of the proportion of high mass transfer of interstitial atoms during QHE of nio-
twinned grains and the duration of the twinning stage. As a bium [121], oscillations of the mechanical, superconduct-
result of rolling, a microstructure was formed with a ing, and structural characteristics of metals [121–123],
grain/subgrain size of 80 nm at 77 K or 200 nm at 293 K. changes in the law of low-temperature creep [50], and the
The contribution of various mechanisms to the strengthen- kinetics of diffusion decomposition of the niobium-titanium
ing of titanium after rolling at 77 and 293 K was quantita- alloy after cryogenic mechanical-thermal treatment [124].
tively analyzed. By using the example of vanadium, it was found [125] that
Scientists from the ILTPE also studied the effect of the processes of self-organization of dissipative structures
LPD by rolling at 77 K on the formation of a nanostructure bound the growth of defects of the same type even at low
in titanium. In a series of works [113–118] carried out by temperatures. It is also shown that the development of mul-
V. A. Moskalenko and co-workers, Ti with a grain size tiple fragmentation after large (> 90%) deformations by
drawing leads to nonmonotonicity in the dependence of
mechanical properties on the degree of deformation related
to the structural instability of the material.
At LPD, a fragmented structure is formed containing
high-angle boundaries, stress relaxation in which leads to
the formation and evolution of new interfaces with a miso-
rientation reaching tens of degrees. However, the material is
damaged in some cases when creating nanostructures with-
out reaching the formation of a fragmented submicrostruc-
ture. To prevent the destruction of the material, it is advis-
able to use a combination of pressure treatments that create
different stress diagrams. By using the example of austenitic
Fig. 22. Size distribution of subgrains in deformed Zr. steel (Fig. 23) [126] and titanium alloy [120], the structural-
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Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
0.2 µm
Fig. 24. Microstructure with an electron diffraction pattern of a deformed Zr–2.5% Nb alloy and the dependence of the microhardness
Hµ on duration USE exposure. The thick arrows indicate the grain size, and the thin arrows indicate the σUSE values.
that plastic flow is associated with the displacement of point stabilization of the nanostructure during creep at T = 20 °C
defects and is controlled by several mechanisms that are and restrains the process of the structure transformation at
more characteristic of high-temperature deformation: grain T = 350 °C, as a result of a decrease in the level of internal
boundary diffusion, dislocation creep, and slip along grain stresses. Such irradiation does not change the character of
boundaries. Ultrasonic treatment of the Zr1Nb nanostructure the Zr nanostructure, but initiates recovery processes at grain
alloy [110, 130] leads to a decrease in the level of internal boundaries and near-boundary regions, for example, anni-
stresses due to the formation of a more equilibrium struc- hilation and dislocation climbing due to their interaction
ture of boundaries with insignificant grain growth: d increases with vacancies of radiation origin [133]. Preliminary ultra-
from 61 to 67 nm, which is associated with a decrease in sonic relaxation of internal stresses before irradiation leads
the number of grains with low-angle boundaries. The effect to a decrease in the intensity of dynamic recrystallization
of reducing the strength characteristics as a result of USE during creep at 670 K, which indicates increased thermo-
was ~ 15% for σ0.2 and ~ 5% for σB. The ductility has al- mechanical stability and makes it possible to maintain a
most doubled, but the creep rate has changed insignificantly. sufficiently high level of strength and plasticity of nanostruc-
The relaxation of internal stresses in the bulk of the material tured Zr after electron irradiation.
is due, as in the case of Zr, to the formation of a large For the Zr1Nb nanostructured alloy, as well as Zr, irra-
number of vacancies, which stimulates the nonconservative diation with doses D = 6∙1017 and 5∙1019 cm–2 does not
sleep of dislocations. change the character of the deformation structure. It has
The influence of ultrasonic action (f = 20 kHz, σUSE = been noted that recovery processes in grain boundaries and
= 65 MPa, T = 300 K, t = 30 min) on the evolution of the near-boundary regions cause changes in the crystal anisot-
structure and creep of the nanostructured (d ~ 100 nm) ropy of the hcp lattice, which leads to softening of the ma-
titanium alloy VT1–0 was studied in [131]. It is shown that terial during creep at 380°C [134].
USE causes relaxation of internal stresses due to the for- The influence of USE with stress amplitudes below the
mation of an equilibrium structure of the boundaries without threshold values on the nature of temperature dependencies
noticeable grain growth. In contrast to nanostructured Zr in the range of 77–600 K of mechanical properties and
and Zr1Nb samples, titanium is characterized by an increase impact strength, the level of micro distortions, and the dis-
in the ultimate strength while maintaining yield strength and location structure of 15Kh2MFA and 15Kh2NMFA ferrite-
ductility. The observed effect may be caused by the low pearlite steels and welded joints has been studied [135].
stacking fault energy of the VT1–0 alloy, which hinders The observed effects are due to the flow of relaxation pro-
the course of relaxation processes, as well as the restructur- cesses, including the unblocking and annihilation of dislo-
ing during creep with the formation of new deformation cations in the ferrite matrix, and a decrease in the efficiency
boundaries that are more resistant to tensile loads. of stress concentrators at the carbide-matrix interfaces. It is
For nanocrystalline metals and alloys (Zr, Zr1Nb, VT1–0), shown that the structure formed by USE has a reduced ten-
the papers [132, 133] present the results of studies of changes dency to radiation embrittlement at electron (E = 225 MeV,
in the mechanical characteristics and structural state due to D = 1.6·1018 cm–2) and neutron (E ≥ 1.15 MeV, D =
irradiation with high-energy electrons (E = 10 MeV) at = 4·1020 cm–2) irradiation.
various doses D. Martensitic phases in steels of the austenitic class, which
It was shown [132] that electron irradiation with D = are formed as a result of external influences (deformation,
= 5∙1019 cm–2 has unimportant effect on the mechanical irradiation, strong magnetic fields, etc.), create internal
characteristics of VT1–0 both in the coarse-grained and in stress fields localized at the austenite-martensitic interfaces,
the nanostructured state, however, it leads to the saving and which leads to an undesirable change in a number of prop-
Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur/Low Temperature Physics, 2023, Vol. 49, No. 11 1461
V. I. Sokolenko
erties. It was shown [136] that a low-intensity USE affect- The review was prepared during the implementation of
ing the structure makes it possible to control the degree of the project “Computer simulation and diagnostics of struc-
conjugation of interfaces in an austenite-martensite struc- tural defects in solids” (application 1030287), funded by
ture, which are sinks of point defects of radiation origin. the Simons Foundation, USA.
In a series of papers [137–141], the effects of low-in- ________
tensity USE for brittle ceramic materials and a supercon-
1. 50 years of the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology,
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Low-temperature investigations of the physico-mechanical properties of solids and topical problems
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