Pond Sand Filter

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New York City.

The use of hypochlorites for sterilization purposes has now reached a

stage where its field of usefulness in the destruction of objectionable bac-
terial life in public water supplies, filtered or unfiltered, is well understood.
Until the fall of 1908 the data were scarce and more or less indefinite as
regards practical application, but since that time enough history has been
made to allow of the statement that a new epoch in the art of water purifi-
cation has been ushered in-an epoch which is revolutionary in character
and which will always remain one of the most striking developments in the
art of water purification.
The practical merits of filtration in minimizing water-borne diseases
have been widely recognized and accepted for less than twenty years. The
writings of antiquity disclose strildngly few references to the filtration of
water for the purpose of purifying it and making it safe for human con-
sumption, probably the earliest reference being that which appeared in
the "Ousruta Sanghita," a collection of medical lore written in Sanskrit
probably some 4,000 years ago. In a letter to the British Journal of Pre-
ventive Medicine, Mr. Francis E. Place, B. Sc., of Jaipur, Rajputana,
India, calls attention to this reference, in which the following appears:
"It is good to keep water in copper vessels, to expose it to sunlight and
filter through charcoal."
As late as 1892 the efficiency of slow-sand filters was seriously ques-
tioned by a large number of medical authorities and engineers. Their
arguments against filtration were very largely based upon such occurrences
as the outbreak of typhoid fever in that portion of Berlin, Germany, which
was supplied with filtered water from the old Stralau works. Many
prominent sanitarians did not hesitate to express the conviction that. fil-
tration of impure water for municipal use was an ineffective safeguard
against water-borne diseases, and altogether improper, and that public
water supplies should be drawn only from pure mountain streams and
ground waters. The abandonment of filtered Thames River water in
favor of water from mountain streams was strongly advocated for Lon-
don, and the current literature of that day on the subject showed a clear
over-balancing tendency against filtration in general.
* Read at 38th Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association, Milwaukee, September, 1910.

In marked contrast to the slow development of the science of water

purification up to 1890, or thereabouts, is the remarkable progress in this
field of municipal sanitation during the past twenty years. In 1890 less
than 200,000 people in this country were being supplied with filtered
water, and ninety per cent. of this water came from rapid sand filters
which bore little resemblance to filters of this type which have been built
during the last ten years. In 1900 the number of people supplied with
filtered water had increased to 1,860,000, and in 1904, to 3,160,000. At
the present time nearly 8,000,000 people, or over 22 per cent cf the urban
population of continental United States, are being supplied with filtered
When the first municipal filter was built at London, England, in 1829,
the only office it was expected to perform was that of a mechanical strainer
in removing turbidity from the water-the germ theory of disease had not
then been advanced. It was not until 1849, during the severe cholera
epidemic of that year, that this theory assumed definite proportions.
With the recognition of the germ theory of disease came the realization that
polluted water, when passed through beds of sand, was made safer for
human consumption. This, however, as before stated, was not widely
recognized, and in the late eighties the art of water filtration for munic-
ipalities was on a very insecure basis. The striking results obtsained at
Altona, Germany, during the cholera epidemic at Hamburg in 1892, did
more than anything else to convince the sanitary world, and the general
public, that filtration of polluted waters was deserving of the most serious
consideration in connection with efforts to minimize the death rate from
water-borne diseases. The splendid work of the Altona filters during the
Hamburg cholera epidemic is too well known to require repetition here.
About the time of this epidemic, the Massachusetts State Board of
Health, as a result of the information accumulated during the early years
of the work at Lawrence, arrived at the conclusion that the purification- of
waters as highly polluted with sewage as those of the Merrimack River
could be successfully accomplished at a reasonable cost. Cholera, prob-
ably emanating from Hamburg, appeared in New York harbor in the
same year, and its appearance caused the city officials of Lawrence to
decide upon the construction of a slow sand filtration plant, thereby
taking a step which was to prove to be the opening of an era of practical
accomplishments in America in the field of water filtration. It must also
be pointed out that sand filter plants were built as early as 1874. at
Poughkeepsie and at Hudson, New York.

It is probable that the most sanguine advocates of water filtration

have never firmly believed that filtration of polluted water, even when
carried cut with the greatest care, would at all times render it entirely
free of bacteria, or would do more than greatly minimize the danger
from drinking it.
The hygienic efficiency of filter plants is usually stated on a basis of the
percentage removal of bacterial life from the unfiltered water. Ordinarily
such removal amounts to 90 per cent and over, and it is clear that the
danger in drinking polluted water is minimized in proportion to the
removal of bacterial life. Filters will not remove all bacteria, and prob-
ably a fair statement of the safety of a filtered water for drinking purposes
would be to say that, other things being equal, it will to a considerable
extent vary with the quality of the unfiltered water. In other words, a
water which is primarily but slightly polluted will be potentially less
dangerous to the public health after filtration than one which is initially
foully impure.
Regardless of the initial impurity of a water, efforts have always been
directed toward keeping as low as possible at all times the number of
bacteria in the filtered water. In Germany the effort has been made to
set and maintain a standard of purity for filtered waters of 100 bacteria per
cubic centimeter, and when the filtered water contained a higher number
than this the filter was to be judged inefficient and was to be shut down
and cleaned. The results of the practical operation of large filtration
works in this country and abroad show clearly that it is not possible at all
times to live up to such a standard as this, and that there will be times in
the use of practically all filters when the number of bacteria in the filtered
water will amount to several hundred per cubic centimeter.
Filtration of impure waters has undoubtedly been instrumental in
reducing by about 75 per cent, on the average, the typhoid death rate in
cities in this country using filtered water. It is reasonably certain
that there is also brought about by filtration a very material reduction in
the death rate due to other diseases than typhoid fever, substantiating
the theorem of Hazen.
By filtration, water may be at all times made clear and free from tur-
bidity and color and substantially free from bacterial life. In the last
two years the practical adaptability of hypochlorites in rendering prac-
tically sterile filtered waters-and unfiltered waters as well-has been
clearly demonstrated. The hypochlorite treatment would therefore
appear to be a finishing touch in the art of water purification, and would
make available an exceedingly economical and harmless means of remov-

ing virtually the last fraction of potential danger from drinking water,
whether initially impure or merely under suspicion at times.
The use of hypochlorites for the destruction of objectionable bacteria
in water and in sewage has been a matter of considerable active investiga-
tion on a small scale for some twenty years, although it was studied in
connection with the deodorization of the London sewage, as reported
upon in 1861 by the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal. The inves-
tigators who have studied the action of hypochlorites on bacteria are
numerous, and include such well-known workers as Ballner, Barsenge,
Clark, Deiter, Dibden, Digby, Dunbar, Elsner, Fermi, Fowler, Gage,
Houston, Hunerman, Kaufmann, Kellerman, Kimberly, Konig, Korn,
Kranepuhl, Kurpjuweit, Lodi, McGowan, McLintock, Nissen, Phelps,
Pratt, Proskauer, Remele, Rideal, Schumacher, Schwartz, Shenton,
Sickenberger, Traube, Webster, Woolf, Zim, and others.
The late Thomas M. Drown observed that the American Public
Health Association recognized the value of hypochlorites as early as 1888;
and the experience and results obtained at Maidstone, England, in 1897,
and at Lincoln, England, in 1904, are too well known to require repetition.
The use of hypochlorites at Worthing, England; Middlekerke, Belgium;
Nice, France; Poplar, England; Havana, Cuba; Vera Cruz, Mexico;
Brewsters, New York; Red Bank and Boonton, New Jersey; Baltimore,
Maryland; Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and numerous other places, has
supplied valuable information which has in all ways confirmed the earlier
favorable ideas of the applicability of these compounds for general ster-
ilizing and deodorizing purposes.
Up to 1908 the use of hypochlorites in the purification of public water
supplies had not received serious consideration. Most of the information
then available was fragmentary and more or less indefinite in character,.
and the process had not gained general credence. The first demonstration
in this country in a practical way of the usefulness of hypochlorites in con-
nection with water purification was made in the fall of 1908 at the filter
plant of the Chicago Stock Yards, on the recommendation and under the
direction of the writer. Following directly on the heels of the spectacular
results obtained at Chicago, came the adoption of this process for the
sterilization at Boonton, New Jersey, of the impounded and unfiltered
water supply of Jersey City, with which work the writer was also connected.
The results obtained at these two places were given wide publicity, and
almost immediately the use of hypochlorites, either intermittently or con-
tinuously, spread throughout the United States. Among its users at this

time are many of the largest cities of North America, including Brooklyn
and New York; Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio; Harrisburg, Philadel-
phia, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Hartford, Connecticut; Montreal,
Quebec; Nashville, Tennessee; and St. Louis, Missouri
Probably the most complete line of information regarding the chemistry
of this process was secured during the litigation between Jersey City, New
Jersey, and the Jersey City Water Supply Company, which water company,
as has been said, was one of the first to make continuous use of hypo-
chlorites as a germicide. After the sterilization plant of the Jersey City
Water Supply Company had been in practical operation for several
months, during' which the quantity of water treated amounted to over
40,000,000 gallons daily, extended testimony was taken in the Court of
Chancery before Special Master ex-Chancellor Magie, the testimony being
given by Professor H. B. Cornwall of Princeton University; J. A. DeGhuee,
New York City; J. W. Ellms, Cincinnati Filtration Works; George W.
Fuller, Rudolph Hering and Geo. A. Johnson of New York City; C. E.
Garside, New York City; X. H. Goodnough, Boston, Mass.; Professor G. A.
Heulett, of Princeton University; N. S. Hill, New York City; Daniel D. Jack-
son, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Professor Leonard P. Kinnicutt, Worcester Polytechnic
Institute; Dr. John L. Leal, Paterson, N. J.; Dr. Ernst J. Lederle, New
York City; Dr. George E. McLaughlin, of Christ Hospital, Jersey City,
N. J.; Professor William P. Mason, of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
tute; Dr. Charles E. North, of New York City; Professor William H. Park
of Bellevue Hospital and New York Research Laboratory; Professor E. B.
Phelps, New York City; the late Professor Franklin C. Robinson, of
Bowdoin College; Professor Wm. T. Sedgwick, of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; Professor F. F. Wesbrook of the University of
Minnesota; George C. Whipple of New York City; Professor C.-E. A.
Winslow of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and cthers.
In his opinion rendered in May, 1910, and based upon the testimony
given by the foregoing witnesses, ex-Chancellor Magie made the following
"From the proofs taken before me, of the constant observations of the effect of
this device, I am of the opinion and find that it is an effective process which destroys
in the water the germs, the presence of which is deemed to indicate danger, including
the pathogenic germs, so that the water after this treatment attains a purity much
beyond that attained in water supplies of other municipalities. The reduction and
practical elimination of such germs from the water was shown to be substantially

"Upon the proofs before me, I also find that the solution described leaves no
deleterious substances in the water. It does produce a slight increase of hardness,
but the increase is so slight as in my judgment to be negligible."
"I do therefore find and report that this device is capable of rendering the water
delivered to Jersey City pure and wholesome, for the purposes for which it is intended
and is effective in removing from the water those dangerous germs which were deemed
by the decree to possibly exist therein at certain times. "


Much has already been written about the chemistry of the process of
hypochlorite treatment in the sterilization of water, but it may be that a
condensed statement in this connection may not now be out of place.
Hypochlorite of lime, commercially known as "chloride of lime" or
"bleaching powder," has been, and is, extensively used for bleaching pur-
poses in paper mills and in many textile industries. It is sold in the form
of a dry white powder and is usuaUy shipped in wooden or sheet-iron con-
tainers of a capacity ranging from 100 to 750 pounds each. It is manu-
factured at numerous places in this country, as well as abroad, and its cost
in large quantities is about one and one-third cents per pound at the
works. When exposed to air the powder deteriorates in strength rather
rapidly, because of the absorption of moisture and carbonic acid. It is
usually bought,on the basis of its strength in so-called " available chlorine."
The product in this country usually runs about 35 per cent pure, according
to this standard.
When the hypochlorite in the powder form is dissolved in water con-
taining carbonic acid, hypochlorous acid is liberated. This acid is a
powerful oxidizing agent, and in the presence of organic matter gives up
oxygen in an atomic state with an amount of energy which makes this
chemical approach ozone in intensity of action as an oxidizing and steriliz-
ing agent. It is generally considered to be superior to ozone for practical
purposes, for the reason that it is more easily applied and brought into
speedy and thorough contact with all parts of the water to be treated,
which appears not now possible in the case of ozone. There seems to be
no doubt, also, that it always is materially cheaper than ozone.
The chemical itself, as bought, is a mixed salt which consists of approx-
imately equal amounts of calcium chloride and calcium hypochlorite.
When the powder is added to water the calcium chloride remains inert,
but the calcium hypochlorite, being acted upon by the free and half-bound
carbonic acid in the water, splits up into calcium carbonate and hypo-
chlorous acid. The decomposition of the exceedingly unstable hypo-
chlorous acid liberates oxygen in a very active state and leaves hydro-
chloric acid. The latter then drives off the weaker carbonic acid and

unites with the calcium, forming calcium chloride. It is the liberation of

oxygen in this manner that effects by oxidation the destruction of bacterial
The general result following the application of hypochlorite of lime to
water is the destruction of the majority cf the non-spore-bearing forms of
bacterial life which the water may contain, a reduction in the organic color
of the water, an oxidation of the organic matter proportional to the amount
of the chemical applied, and a slight increase in the total hardness and
total solid matter of the water. Where quantities no greater than from
five to fifteen pounds of the powder are applied to each million gallons of
water, as is the common practice, the changes in the physical and chemical
characteristics of the water before and after treatment are so slight as to
be barely noticeable and are well within the limits of accuracy of the pre-
vailing methods of analysis. The important result and greatest change is
the virtual destruction of the bacterial life in the water, more particularly
the disease-producing germs. Included in this group are the germs of
Asiatic cholera and typhoid fever.
There is another method of obtaining hypochlorites, and that is through
the electrolysis of solutions of common table salt, whereby hypochlorite
of soda is produced. Careful study of the relative efficiency of hypochlo-
rite of lime obtained from bleaching powder, and hypochlorite of soda
electrolytically produced from common table salt, shows that, unit for
unit, hypochlorite of soda is slightly more efficient in the destruction of
bacterial life than hypochlorite of lime. The process of manufacture of
hypochlorite of soda is not so well understood from a chemical standpoint,
however, but it appears certain that where electric current can be obtained
for one and one-half cents or less per kilowatt hour, and salt for one-third
of a cent per pound, or less, hypochlorite of soda will prove to be
a cheaper germicidal agent than hypochlorite of lime. Furthermore, in
some cases its use may be preferable to that of hypochlorite of lime, because
of the aesthetic objections sometimes raised against the use of bleaching
powder, which, in the case of the electrolytic solution, should be entirely
overcome. It is understood that at the water purification works of the
city of Cincinnnti, preparations are now being made for the installation
of electrolytic cells in which hypochlorite of soda will be manufactured
and substituted for the hypochlorite of lime used in the past.
It has been asserted by some that free chlorine is liberated from the
bleaching powder as applied to water and that it may persist for some
time in water so treated. In this connection it may be said that the term

" available chlorine" is a convenient term used by the analyst to express

the strength of the bleaching powder or the electrolytically prepared solu-
tion of hypochlorite of soda. This term was adopted by industrial
chemists for the reason that in bleaching operations at some places the
commercial product is treated with strong acids which can break up the
chemical and release free chlorine. It is perfectly clear that if free chlorine
could be released from bleaching powder when applied to water, such
free chlorine would immediately combine with the hydrogen of the water
and form hydrochloric acid, and at the same time liberate free oxygen in
an atomic state. The final result, therefore, would be the same.
There is plenty of evidence of a conclusive character to show that the
weak carbonic acid, as found in natural waters, is incapable of releasing
appreciable or even measureable quantities of free chlorine from bleachimg
powder. Instead of this, hypochlorous acid is produced-and hypochlo-
ous acid is not a poison. Upon its decomposition with organic matter,
the chlorine which the hypochlorous acid contains combines with the
alkalinity of the water and forms calcium chloride. By present labora-
tory methods no free chlorine is found in the application of this chemical to
an ordinary water supply. In the past, efforts have been made by those
who did not favor the process to locate a toxicologist who would classify
this treatment as a poisonous one, but such efforts have been unavailing.
In the Jersey City case, Professor G. A. Heulett testified that in his
examination of the Jersey City water to which had been added ten pounds
per million gallons of bleaching powder, he was unable to determine the
presence of free chlorine. It is a fact that there has been -no chemical test
yet devised which is capable of identifying the presence of free chlorine
in an alkaline solution such as normal surface water. Professor Heulett
stated, however, basing his assumption upon the theory of electrolytic
dissociation and giving all possible benefit of the doubt to the
plaintiff in the case, that if ten pounds of bleaching powder per
million gallons were added to the Jersey water, it was theoretically
possible for free chlorine to the extent of 6.4 parts in a trillion
parts of water to be present in the water after treatment. He
admitted that he was unable to prove this assumption. It was further-
more pointed out in this case that if Professor Heulett's theory was correct,
in order for an adult to obtain a medicinal dose of free chlorine, such as has
been administered in cases of typhoid fever as an anti-ferment and ger-
micide, it would be necessary for such a person to drink a gallon of water
so treated each day for 7,180 years.


It is the more common practice to make up hypochlorite solutions of
one-half per cent strength, that is, one pound of the bleaching powder to
200 pounds of water. It is probable that solutions as strong as four or
five per cent may be made without material loss of oxidizing power, but
the more dilute the solutions are, the more easy they are to work with,
because of the deposits of quicklime formed in orifices and in pipes. It
is well to point out that where electrolytically-produced solutions of hypo-
chlorite of soda are used, no trouble is had on account of deposits of sludge,
as is the case with hypochlorite of lime. This is another feature of no
little importance in favor of the use of hypochlorite of soda.
Concrete appears to be the most suitable material for solution tanks.
Iron tanks may be used, but they are attacked by the chemical and event-
ually eaten through, although they last a long time owing to the protection
afforded by deposits of lime upon the exposed surfaces. Black iron pipes
have lasted for over two years at the Boonton plant and at a number of
places special bronze pumps have worn well. Wooden tanks are the least
suitable of all, but if wood is used cypress seems to be the best material.
White pine is reduced to pulp in a comparatively short space of time.
When solutions of bleaching powder are used, it is essential that the
contents of the tank be thoroughly stirred at the outset, in order to get
into solution all of the soluble portion of the powder. Later on, stirring
is convenient to keep the sludge well distributed; for if not stirred, it
becomes troublesome as the last portion of the solution is removed from
the tank. Tanks ten or twelve feet deep, containing a one-half per cent
solution of bleaching powder, or hypochlorite of lime, will ordinarily show
a deposit of lime sludge about one inch thick, which contains about as
much of the active agent as the one-half per cent solution does. Care
should therefore be taken in its disposal, otherwise it will cause trouble
to fish in water into which it is emptied.
Solutions deteriorate but little when standing in covered tanks that are
constantly stirred-perhaps some two per cent in a day or two.,
Considerable attention has very recently been given to the feasibility
of applying the bleaching powder in dry form. If appliances can be de-
vised that will allow of the addition to water of a suitable quantity uni-
formly at all times, more or less automatically, there is no reason to
suppose that hypochlorite applied in the form of powder will not act as
satisfactorily as in the form of a solution, provided there are afforded
adequate facilities for complete mixing of the dry powder with the water to
which it is applied. Hypochlorite of lime absorbs moisture rapidly, and

this is probably a difficulty which will be hardest to overcome where the

application is in the dry form, as with time the powder will tend to lump
and grow pasty.
All available data indicate clearly that the germicidal action of hypo-
chlorites is exceedingly rapid. This is due, of ccurse, to the fact that
atomic oxygen is released promptly when the chemical is applied to the
As a general proposition it is thought advisable to provide for a con-
tact period of at least one hour before the treated water is delivered to
the consumer. In some cases even shorter periods have given satis-
factory results. Such periods of contact in some cases are provided
by long pipe lines or distributing reservoirs between the point
of application of the hypechlorites and the nearest consumer. It is also
highly important that the chemical be quickly and thoroughly mixed with
the water, a process which is usually effected by mechanical stirrers or
baffling arrangements.
The best point of application of hypochlorite to a water depends
largely upon the conditions surrounding each individual problem. As a
general proposition, as before stated, from five to fifteen potnds of the
powder per million gallons of water are required to effect practical steril-
ization of filtered or unfiltered waters which contain normal amounts of
organic matter. If the water contains abnormal amounts of organic
matter, or iron in an incompletely oxidized state, considerably larger
quantities of the germicide are required to obtain the best results.
Each individual problem must be studied by itself and the correct dose of
the germicide ascertained in the beginning.
The earliest studies with hypochlorites were directed at the total elimina-
tion of bacterial life, but this is not now considered necessary in the
sterilization of water. The principal object is to destroy all disease-pro-
ducing germs, such as those of typhoid fever, if such germs are present.
This can be done without effecting the complete destruction of all bacte-
rial life in the water, for the reason that the typhoid bacillus, as well as
the colon bacillus, is less hardy than most forms of bacterial life which
naturally predominate in water and which are known to be non-patho-
genic. Their removal, therefore, is not a matter of consequence as regards
the sanitary quality of the water. It is known that hypochlorite has a
selective action upon such germs as the bacillus of typhoid fever an4 B. coli,

and owing to their less resistant state in water it destroys them more
quickly and completely than it does some of the harmless forms of bacteria
common to water. It is not unusual to find that such bacteria as resist
the hypochlorite treatment are spore formers and other hardy forms of
non-pathogenic water bacteria.
To determine the amount of hypochlorite to be added to a given
water, the latter must first be carefully studied in connection with the
germicidal treatment, and the quantity of the chemical which gives satis-
factory results under normal conditions ascertained as nearly as possible.
When this amount is found, it is the common practice to increase this
quantity some 25 per cent. in order to guard against sudden fluctu-
ations in the quality of the untreated water which may increase its power
of absorption of the hypochlorite. Where the germicide is added to a
filtered water, such fluctuations are much less marked.
It is obvious that if too little of the germicide is used there may be an
unwarranted feeling of security, for the reason that for months the results
may be thoroughly satisfactory with the application of a given quantity
of chemical, and then, owing to a sudden change in the character of the
water, unsatisfactory results may be obtained. For this reason it is
always better constantly to use more of the chemical than is actually
required under normal conditions.
On the other hand, over-dosing is quite as undesirable. If the attempt
is made to effect complete sterilization of the water rather than to secure
the destruction of the pathogenic bacteria, there is a strong probability
that at times there will be imparted to the water an undesirable taste or
odor which has been variously considered by laymen to be similar to car-
bolic acid or ibdoform. It is not believed that, within working limits, the
presence of an excess of this chemical in water is deleterious to health, but
it is objectionable to the senses and is therefore inadmissible. There is
no excuse for such over-dosing, for when the quantity of chemical required
under normal conditions is once ascertained, by making use of a moderate
amount over this quantity a sufficient margin of safety has been provided
to meet ordinary conditions.
Reciting the practical status of the use of hypochlorites in connection
with the purification of water, it may be stated that the advantages of
the process are the following:

1. Substantially complete destruction of objectionable bacteria,

particularly those of intestinal origin.
2. Reliability and ease of application of the chemical, together with
small variation in the required dose.
3. Total absence of poisonous features, either in the chemical prod-
uct, as applied to the water, or in any of its resulting decomposition
4. Merely nominal cost of the chemical and its application.
5. Speed of reaction, making unnecessary any substantial arrange-
ments as to basins other than storage facilities.
6. Substantial saving in the cost of coagulation of waters that are
of sufficiently unsatisfactory appearance to require clarification or filtra-
7. Rates of filtration materially in excess of those possible where high
bacterial efficiency is required of the filtration process in the absence of
8. Reduced clogging of the filter beds with a consequent lengthen-
ing of the runs between cleanings, due to the destruction of various forms
of algae.
In making a complete analysis of the practicability of this process, it
is necessary to recognize the fact that it is not possible by thE use of this
germicide to overcome certain disadvantages, such as the following, which
do not appear in connection with certain styles of water treatment:
1. Inability to remove or destroy all of the spore-forming bacteria
not considered to be pathogenic to man, at least not those common to
2. Inability to remove bacteria which are embedded in particles of
suspended matter.
3. Inability to remove turbidity.
4. Inability to remove appreciable amounts of color or dissolved
vegetable stain.
5. Inability appreciably to remove organic matter.
6. Inability to remove swamp tastes or odors.
7. Inability to remove creosote tastes or odors coming from the
cleaning of stills used in the destructive distillation of wood.
8. Inability to soften water; as a matter of fact, the addition of
hypochlorite of lime usually results in a slight increase in the hardness of
the water-although this is not ordinarily measureable-notwithstand-

ing the fact that the commercial product usually contains a little free
quick lime which reduces slightly the carbonic acid in the water.
9. Difficulties encountered in applying this process, except with
the greatest care, to waters which contain substantial quantities of reduc-
ing agents or compounds capable of oxidation, such as nitrites and unoxi-
dized iron.
The foregoing statements set forth the advantages and short-comings
of this process which, like other things that are new, is likely to be, and
in some cases is, considered a cure-all for all water ills, no doubt with
disappointing results in some cases.
The application of hypochlorite to water, while comparatively
simple, should always be carried out with much care and fidelity by a
competent analyst; otherwise if the dose is not adjusted so as to meet
satisfactorily all local conditions, there is liable to be alternately an over-
dose of the chemical insufficient to sterilize, or an overdose which will
result in objectionable tastes and odors readily noticeable to the con-
sumers, and due to the bleach itself.
The use of hypochlorites cannot be considered in the light of a substi-
tute for filtration. Where waters are uniformly satisfactory in appear-
ance, but open to suspicion as regards their content in bacteria, the use of
the hypochlorite process alone in many cases may prove sufficient.
Where waters are unsatisfactory in physical appearance and are also pol-
luted and require filtration, the combined use of filters and the hypochlorite
process is called for. As an adjunct to filtration processes it has a distinct
field of applicability, as above stated, for at a moderate cost it is feasible
to obtain a water which is practically above suspicion; and, furthermore,
there is brought about a substantial economy in the first cost of the filtra-
tion plant. This is made possible by the use of higher rates of filtration
than are ordinarily used, and the required filter area may therefore be
reduced. It also effects a substantial economy in the cost of operation.

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