UHV II FTF Day 2 Session 1 Lec 9,10
UHV II FTF Day 2 Session 1 Lec 9,10
UHV II FTF Day 2 Session 1 Lec 9,10
I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material
I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous Physical facility is required for
happiness nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony Production, protection and right
at all levels of being (from self to utilization of physical facility is a
entire existence) is my program of part of my program (<1/4th)
action for continuous happiness
Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material
I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous Physical facility is required for
happiness nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony Production, protection and right
at all levels of being (from self to utilization of physical facility is a
entire existence) is my program of part of my program
action for continuous happiness
I am the: I use the body as an instrument
Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer) for fulfillment my program
nz’Vk] drkZ] HkksDrk
I am the Seer
“Seer” means the one that sees / understands
e.g. If you are given something in your hand and you conclude that it is a pen, it is not your eyes
that concluded this. It is you that concluded this. The Self sees via the eyes – the eyes don’t
see themselves
Like that all the 5 senses are just the instrument that enable the Self to see something outside
Just like you see outside, you can also see ‘within’, without using the body for sensation
e.g. You can ‘see’ that you are feeling happy, getting angry...
Thus, the Self ‘sees’ or understands, sometimes with the help of the body, sometimes without
the help of body
I am the one who decides. I decide what to do, what not to do...
I may or may not use the body to do – what I think of is my decision. I do that thinking within
myself (there is no role of the body in this)
I am the Enjoyer (Experiencer)
I am the one that feels enthused or depressed. I am the one that feels angry or
Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material
I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous Physical facility is required for
happiness nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony Production, protection and right
at all levels of being (from self to utilization of physical facility is a
entire existence) is my program of part of my program
action for continuous happiness
I am the: I use the body as an instrument
Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer) for fulfillment of my program
nz’Vk] drkZ] HkksDrk
The Self is The Body is
central to human existence an instrument of the Self
Activities of Self eSa dh fdz;k,a
Ability Activity
Self eSa 1.
3. Desire Imaging
bPNk fp=.k
4. Thought Imagination
fopkj fo'ys"dYiuk”khyrk
5. Expectation Selecting-Tasting
vk'kk p;u&vkLoknu
Body 'kjhj
Activities of Self eSa dh fdz;k,a
Power Activity Meaning
“kfDr fØz;k
Self eSa 1.
Source of Motivations for our Desires - Its Implications
Power Activity Self verification on the basis
“kfDr fØz;k of Natural Acceptance
Self eSa 1. lgt Loh—fr ds vk/kkj ij
3 tkap dj
Preconditioning 2. Self-organised
ekU;rk 1 Lora=rk √
3. Desire Imaging
Enslavement bPNk fp=.k
4. Thought Analysing-Comparing
ijra=rk X
fopkj fo'ys"k.k&rqyu Imagination
5. Expectation Selecting-Tasting
vk'kk p;u&vkLoknu
Body 'kjhj 2 Sensation
Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z
Enslavement ijra=rk X
Preconditioning, Sensation and Natural Acceptance
Preconditioning: Assuming without knowing. Depends on something or someone outside,
keeps changing. Not sure if it leads to harmony or if it leads to contradiction
Sensation: Happiness from favourable sensation of Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell through
Happiness from indulgence
tasty-necessary → tasty-unnecessary → tasteless-unnecessary → intolerable
Natural Acceptance: Purpose or what to be, what to do as a human being. Leads to harmony
(happiness) within, continuity is desirable, possible
For Relationship [for mutual fulfillment, complimentarity, not for opposition]
For Harmony [for mutual enrichment, not for exploitation- being in harmony within, and harmony
with outside]
For Co-existence [for co-existence, not for conflict]
Content of Imagination in the Self
Natural Acceptance Is it like this?
D = Continuous Happiness & Prosperity
D1 D2 D3 …..Dn
This contradiction in desires, in thoughts, in expectations, this contradiction between desires and
thoughts, this contradiction between desire-thought-expectation and the natural acceptance,
all these contradictions result in unhappiness
If we observe carefully, we realize that we have accumulated a lot of desires, which are resulting
in numerous thoughts and expectations
Harmony in the Self is realised when there are no contradictions in the imagination
and all imagination is in accordance with natural acceptance
State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised
Force / Power Activity
cy@“kfDr fØz;k
1. Realization Natural
vuqHko 3 Acceptance
2. Understanding INTENTION
Preconditioning 1 cks/k
ekU;rk 3. Desire Imaging
bPNk fp=.k
4. Thought Analysing COMPETENCE
fopkj fo'ys"k.k What You Are
5. Expectation Selecting/Tasting
vk'kk p;u@vkLoknu
2 Sensation
Body 'kjhj
Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z Lakosnuk
Harmony in Self = D, T, E in accordance with Natural Acceptance
Force / Power Activity
cy@“kfDr fØz;k
1. Realization Natural
Right Understanding
vuqHko to
be ensured in the Self
2. Understanding INTENTION
cks/k Guided
3. Desire Imaging
bPNk fp=.kContent of
4. Thought Analysing COMPETENCE
fopkj fo'ysGuided
"k.k by What You Are
5. Expectation Selecting/Tasting
Right Understanding
vk'kk p;u@vkLoknu
Body 'kjhj
Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z Happiness = To be in a state of Harmony
Lkq[k ¾ laxhr esa] O;oLFkk esa thuk
Some Details
The Self
Deluded Self: Imagination on basis of Sensation & Preconditioning
Power Dynamic Activity State Activity
verification on
“kfDr xfr fØz;k fLFkfr fØz;k the basis of
1. Authentication Realization B1 Natural
Áek.k vuqHko Acceptance
Preconditioning 1
Human Tradition
ekuoh; ijaijk
Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity Fulfillment of Human Goal
mHk; lq[k mHk; le`f) Ekkuo y{; dh iwfrZ
Undivided Human Society EXPRESSION Universal Human Order
v[k.M ekuoh; lekt OUTSIDE lkoZHkkSe ekuoh; O;oLFkk
To See (To Observe)
1. Seeing the Self by the Self
The consciousness observing the consciousness
Exercises 1 and 2
Looking within
This is just one way of looking within (not the only way)
The steps mentioned in this exercise, are one possible set of steps
(not the only set of steps)
Step 1: Self Observation, Self Awareness
I (Self, consciousness) am observing myself (Self, I)
Be aware of Yourself
(a simple way is to be aware of your imagination)
1a. Try and observe your imagination.
Try and observe the desire, thought and expectation in your imagination.
Observe the imagination going on within you at this moment of time, just as it is –
without evaluating it… without reacting to it… without trying to stop it… without trying to change
Step 1: Self Observation, Self Awareness
1b. If you are not able to see your imagination directly, then you may begin with observing your thought:
If you are able to see your thoughts, try to see the desire (feeling) behind it.
Ultimately, we have to see the complete imagination.
Try to observe your desire ( feeling), thought and expectation going on in your imagination.
In particular, focus on your desire (feeling)
Observe the imagination going on within you at this moment of time, just as they are –
without evaluating them… without reacting to them… without trying to stop them… without trying to change
them… each moment
Sum Up
The Self is a unit of consciousness. It consists of various activities which are going on continuously
▪ The activities of desire, thought and expectation are together called imagination (block B2)
▪ We can begin to observe the Self by becoming aware of our
− imagination and
− natural acceptance
▪ Behaviour and work are external expressions of imagination
Practice Session after Lecture 10
1. It was mentioned that when you are consuming any physical facility, the following sequence
Tasty-Necessary → Tasty-Unnecessary → Tasteless-Unnecessary → Intolerable
Observe this sequence for at least five types of physical facility, say a tasty food, TV programs,
your favourite music, etc.
In contrast, observe that any feeling in you is either naturally acceptable or not. If a feeling is
naturally acceptable, you want it continuously; and if not naturally acceptable, you do not want it
even for a moment.
What are your conclusions from this exercise? Is continuous happiness possible through
sensation by consuming physical facility? What are the other options for continuity of happiness?
Practice Session after Lecture 10…
• Observe your imagination for about 15 minutes. List down the object of your imagination at
least once every minute. From this list or from directly observing your imagination, make a
sequence diagram (as shown below).
• Take your list of desires. Revise it if you need to. For each desire, identify the primary
source of motivation (sensation, preconditioning or natural acceptance). If there is any
desire which has more than one source of motivation, split it into two or more desires.
E.g. a desire for good clothes may be motivated by your natural acceptance (to protect
the Body from excessive heat or cold) and also be motivated by the social
preconditioning for the clothes of the latest fashion. In such a case, split the desire into
two desires. Now, write down your observations:
▪ What percentage (approximately) of your desires is motivated by your natural acceptance? This will
give you an idea of the percentage that you are self-organised. Keep in mind that natural acceptance is
about purpose and it does not change with time, place or person.
▪ What percentage (approximately) of your desires is motivated by sensation or preconditioning? Now
you can get an idea of the percentage that you are dependent or enslaved.
▪ What effort is necessary to be completely self-organised (if that is your goal)?
Expected Outcome
• The students are able to see that all physical facility they use is required for a limited time in a
limited quantity. Sensation through physical facility cannot be the source of continuous
happiness. They are able to see that in case of feelings; they want continuity of the naturally
acceptable feelings and they do not want feelings which are not naturally acceptable even for a
single moment.
• The students become aware of the activities of the Self and start finding their focus of attention
at different moments. Also, they are able to see that many of their desires are coming from
outside (through preconditioning or sensations) and are not based on their natural acceptance.
They are able to find out their level of self-organisation and enslavement.
Self Reflection