T3-Y10-Business1-2022-2023 - MS
T3-Y10-Business1-2022-2023 - MS
T3-Y10-Business1-2022-2023 - MS
Business (4BS1)
Paper 01 Investigating small businesses
Question Which one of the following is a business stakeholder? Mark
Number Answer
Question Which one of the following is the second stage in the product Mark
Number life cycle?
1 (a) (iv) AO1 - 1 mark
Question Which one of the following is the markup on the packs of Mark
Number balloons?
1 (a) (v) AO2 - 1 mark
Question Define the term consumer goods. Mark
Number Answer
1 (b) AO1 - 1 mark
Award 1 mark for a correct definition of consumer goods.
Question State one customer service provided by Tangos to its customers. Mark
Number Answer
Indicative content
1 (g) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks
Unlimited liabilities to both shakthi and karthik.
Disagreements might occur between them.
If Tangos makes losses rather than profits, shakthi and
karthik have to give their personal wealth to settle all the
losses and business debts.
If there are disagreements between shakthi and karthik,
this can be bad impact to the business continuity and they
won’t be able to achieve its business goals and objectives.
Question Explain one advantage of job rotation to a business. Mark
2 (c) A01 - 3 marks
If tangos give a proper training to the employees, it
will increase job satisfaction and motivation.
Training is important to Tangos to improve
employee flexibility as employees can shift in
different job roles.
The employees will be happier working there and will
be more willing work efficiently and effectively.
This will lead to create multi skilled workers and it
easy for Tangos to achieve any goals they may have
Question Analyse the benefits of recruiting full time employees to Mark
Number Tangos Bakery
Indicative content
2 (f) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks
If tangos recruit full time workers, they are expected
to work in full working hours, whole week from 9 am
to 10 pm.
Tangos employees will motivated as they get more
be benefits like overtime pay, health insurance etc.
This will lead to smooth running of the business to
tangos and can provide continues customer service.
This will lead to increase productivity, reduce
recruitment cost and this results more revenue and
profits to Tangos. (6)
Question Define the term break-even point. Mark
Number Answer
3 (a) A01 - 1 mark
Level of output where total cost and total revenue are (1)
exactly same, either a profit or loss is made. (1)
Question State one type of market segment identified by Tangos bakery. Mark
3 (c) A02 - 1 mark
Award 1 mark for a type of market segment identified by Tangos
Geographical segmentation
3 (d) A02 - 2 marks
Option 1 – By using crowdfunding Tangos can
raise large amount of money to increase its product
Option 2 – By using personal savings Tangos will be
able to obtain money easily without increasing any debts.
Option 1 – Investors do not need to be given any
financial reward in return for their money but could
instead be offered Tangos bakery products.
Option 2 – Tangos can easily obtain money internally.
This won’t create any additional cost to Tangos. They can
improve its cash flow.
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No Rewardable material.
Level 1 1-3 Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and issues to
the business context. (AO2)
Attempts to deconstruct business information
and/or issues, finding limited connections between
points. (AO3)
Makes a judgement, providing a simple justification
based on limited evaluation of business information
and issues relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 2 4-6 Sound application of knowledge and understanding
of business concepts and issues to the business
context although there may be some
inconsistencies. (AO2)
Deconstructs business information and/or issues,
finding interconnected points with chains of
reasoning, although there may be some logical
inconsistencies. (AO3)
Makes a judgement, providing a justification based
on sound evaluation of business information and
issues relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 3 7-9 Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and issues to
the business context throughout. (AO2)
Deconstructs business information and/or issues,
finding detailed interconnected points with logical
chains of reasoning. (AO3)
Makes a judgement, providing a clear justification
based on a thorough evaluation of business
information and issues relevant to the choice made.
Question Define the term mark-up. Mark
Question Explain one factor that might affect the choice of distribution Mark
Number channel of a business.
3 (f) A01 - 3 marks
4 (c)
AO1 = 3 marks AO2 = 3 marks
AO3 = 3 marks AO4 = 3 marks
Market research is identifying and satisfying
customers’ needs and wants.
It involves gathering, presenting, and analyzing
information relevant for marketing decisions..
Tangos can be more successful if it supplies
products that meet customers’ needs.
Also, market research is a useful leverage to inform
business decisions to Tangos such as setting correct
price for its new savoury platters and finding the
correct target market.
This means they try to predict what customers want in
advance and respond to changes very quickly. They will
be able to keep up with the latest trends, flavours,
technology and designs related to their product
Tangos will be able to make good, quality decisions
so that they will be able to achieve objectives and
goals and be a successful business.
However, this may only provide accurate
information about customers’ needs if the results
of the market research are accurate ones.
Quality of the decision depends on the representative (12)
sample and data collected. Otherwise, research is a waste
of money to Tangos and may even bring harm to them.
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No Rewardable material.
Level 1 1-4
Demonstrates elements of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and issues,
with limited business terminology used. (AO1)
Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and issues to
the business context. (AO2)
Attempts to deconstruct business information
and/or issues, finding limited connections between
points. (AO3)
Makes a judgement, providing a simple justification
based on limited evaluation of business information
and issues relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 2 5-8 Demonstrates mostly accurate knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and issues
including appropriate use of business terminology
in places. (AO1)
Sound application of knowledge and understanding
of business concepts and issues to the business
context although there may be some
inconsistencies. (AO2)
Deconstructs business information and/or issues,
finding interconnected points with chains of
reasoning, although there may be some logical
inconsistencies. (AO3)
Makes a judgement, providing a justification based
on sound evaluation of business information and
issues relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 3 9 - 12 Demonstrates accurate knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and issues
throughout, including appropriate use of business
terminology. (AO1)
Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and issues to
the business context throughout. (AO2)
Deconstructs business information and/or issues,
finding detailed interconnected points with logical
chains of reasoning. (AO3)
Makes a judgement, providing a clear justification
based on a thorough evaluation of business
information and issues relevant to the choice made.
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