Tests Starters 3 Key

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••• Cambridge Young Learners English Tests

Second edition

Introduction 4

Test 1 Answers 6

Test 2 Answers 10

Test 3 Answers 14

Thematic Vocabulary List 1q


The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests offer an elementary-level testing system for learners of English
between the ages of 7 and 12. The tests include 3 key levels of assessment: Starters, Movers and Flyers.
Starters is the lowest level in the system. Test instructions are very simple and consist only of words and
structures specified in the syllabus.
The complete test lasts about 45 minutes and has the following components: Listening, Reading and
Writing, and Speaking.

length number of parts number of items

Listening approx. 20 minutes 4 20

Reading and Writing 20 minutes 5 25

Speaking approx. 3-5 minutes 5 -

Candidates need a pen or pencil for the Reading and Writing paper, and coloured pens or pencils for the
Listening paper. All answers are written on the question papers.

In general, the aim is to focus on the 'here and now' and to use language in meaningful contexts. ln
addition to multiple choice and short answer questions, candidates are asked to use coloured pencils to
mark their responses to one task. There are 4 parts. Each part begins with a clear example.

main skill focus input expected response number of questions

1 listening for words picture and dialogue carry out instructions 5

and prepositions and position things
correctly on a picture

2 listening for numbers illustrated comprehension write numbers and names 5

and spelling questions and dialogue

3 listening for specific 3-option multiple choice tick correct box next to picture 5
information pictures and dialogues
(present tenses)

4 listening for words, colours picture and dialogue carry out instructions, locate 5
and prepositions objects, and colour correctly
(range of colours is: black,
blue, brown, green, grey,
orange, pink, purple, red,


Reading and Writing

Again, the focus is on the 'here and now' and the use of language in meaningful contexts where possible.
To complete the test, candidates need a single pen or pencil of any colour. There are 5 pares, each starting
with a clear example.

main skill focus input expected response number of questions

1 reading short sentences lexical items, pictures, tick or cross to show if 5

and recognising lexis and sentences sentence is true or false

2 reading sentences about 1 picture and sentences write 'yes'/'no' 5

a picture and writing
one-word answers

3 spelling of single words pictures and sets of write words 5

jumbled letters

4 reading a text cloze text words choose and copy missing 5

writing missing words and pictures words correctly

5 reading questions about story presented through 3 write one-word answers 5

a picture story pictures and questions to questions
writing one-word answers

In the Speaking test, the candidate speaks with 1 examiner for about 4 minutes. The format of the test is
explained in advance to the child in their native language, by a teacher or person familiar to them. This
person then takes the ch ild into the exam room and introduces them to the examiner.
Speaking ability is assessed according to various criteria, including comprehension, the ability co produce
an appropriate response and pronunciation.

main skill focus input expected response

1 understanding and following scene card point to the correct part of the
spoken instructions picture

2 understanding and following scene card and 8 small place the object cards on the
spoken instructions object cards scene card as directed

3 understanding and answering scene card answer questions with

spoken questions short answers

4 understanding and answering 3 object cards answer questions with

spoken questions short answers

5 understanding and responding to no visual prompt answer questions with

personal questions short answers

Further information
The topics, structures, words and tasks upon which the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests are based
are comprehensively described in the H andbook, so teachers or parents can know exactly what to expect.
Further information about the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests can be obtained from the Local
Secretary for Cambridge ESOL examinations in your area, or from:

Cambridge ESOL (YLE Subject Officer)

Cambridge Assessment
1 Hills Road Telephone: +44 1223 553997
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CB12EU e-mail: [email protected]
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Test 1 Answers
Part 1 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
1 the clock and on the bookcase
2 rhe picture and a point on wall between TV and armchair
3 the phone and under the table
4 the book and on floor next ro flowers
5 the guitar and under the window

Part 2 (5 marks)
1 3/three 2 Kim (correct spelling) 3 15/fifteen - ' I/

4 2/two 5 Young (correct spelling)

/ 1'

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 C 2 B 3 B 4 c 5 A

Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the ball next to the baby - blue \-p~

~ ~·
2 Colour the ball between the hippo and the girl - red
3 Colour the ball in the boy's hands - pink

~ lp~
4 Colour the ball next to the man - yellow
5 Colour the ball in the water - orange

((D""-... red

TRANSCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge Starters 2

Practice Listening Test, Test 1. WOMAN: OK. Now put the picture on the wall.
Bov: Sorry. What?
Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at the WOMAN: The picture. Put it on the wall between
picture. Listen and look. There is the TV and the armchair.
one example. Bov: Between the TV and the armchair. OK.
WOMAN: Put the doll in front of the sofa. 3
Bov: Pardon? WOMAN: Now put the phone under the table.
WOMAN: Put the doll in front of the sofa. Bov: Pardon?
Bov: Right. WOMAN: Put the phone under the table.
Bov: Right.
Ipa use I
Can you see the line? This is an
example. Now you listen and draw
WOMAN: Can you see the book?
Bov: Yes.
[pause] WOMAN: Put the book on the floor next to the
1 Bov: OK. It's on the floor next to the flowers.
WOMAN: Now put the clock on the bookcase. [pausel
Bov: Sorry, what?
WOMAN: Put the clock on the bookcase.
Bov: Oh ... yes, OK.
[pa use]

Test 1 Answers

5 4
WOMAN: Now the guitar. Put it under the window. MAN: And there's a mouse in this class, I think.
Bov: Sorry, where? GIRL: Yes. We all love him. He's two years old.
WOMAN: Put the guitar under the window. MAN: How old?
Bov: OK. GIRL: He's two. He's very funny.
MAN: Good!
Now listen to Part 1 again.
[The recording is repeated.] GIRL: I know your name, I think!
[pause] MAN: Do you?
GIRL: Is it Mr Young?
That is the end of Part 1. MAN: Yes. Can you spell my name?
GIRL: Is itY - 0- U - N-G?
[pause] MAN: Yes. Well done!

Part 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write [pause]

a name or a number. There are two Now listen to Part 2 again.
[The recording is repeated.]
MAN: Hello! I'm your new teacher.
GIRL: Hello. That is the end of Part 2.
MAN: I'm writing your names in my book. Are
you Alex? [pause]
GIRL: Yes, that's right. You spell it A - L - E - X.
Part 3 Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
[pause] There is one example.
MAN: How old are you Alex?
GIRL: I'm seven.
MAN: Seven! What's john drinking?
GIRL: Yes. That's right.
GIRL: Hello John! What drink have you got
Can you see the answers? Now you today? Is it orange juice?
listen and write a name or a number. Bov: No. I don't like orange juice now.
GIRL: Is it milk, then, or lemonade?
[pause] Bov: Milk. It's good for me and I like it!

1 [pause]
MAN: How many children are in your family,
Can you see the tick? Now you listen
GIRL: I've got three big brothers.
and tick the box.
MAN: You have three brothers? [pause]
GIRL: Yes, that's right.
[pause] 1 Which boy is Sam?
GIRL: Which is Sam - the new boy in our
2 class? Is he the boy with black hair?
MAN: Now Alex, who is your friend in this Bov: No, that's Bill.
class? GIRL: Oh, is that Sam with the glasses?
GIRL: Ermm ... I like Kim. She sits next to me. Bov: Yes. And he's got brown hair.
MAN: Do you spell her name K - I - M?
GIRL: Yes.
[pause] 2 Which is Ann's new dress?

3 WOMAN: Which dress do you want today, Ann?

GIRL: Well ... not the pink dress. I don't like it.
MAN: How many children are in this class?
WOMAN: So, you can wear your green dress or
GIRL: Fifteen.
your blue dress. Which do you want?
MAN: Pardon?
GIRL: My blue dress. It's new.
GIRL: There are fifteen children in this class.
MAN: Thank you. [pause]

Test 1 Answers

3 Which monster does Sam like? WOMAN: Red. The ball between the hippo and the
girl. Colour it red.
MAN: This book's good, Sam. Do you like the Bov: OK.
Bov: Well, I don't like the monster with one eye. [pauseJ
MAN: I like the one with green hair. Do you?
Bov: No. There's my favourite - the monster
with red hands. WOMAN: Now look at the boy with a ball in his
(pause] Bov: The boy with a ball in his hands. Oh, yes,
I can see him.
4 How does Bill go to school? WOMAN: Well, colour that ball pink.
GIRL: Do you go to school on your bike, Bill? Bov: OK, It's pink.
Bov: No! I haven't got a bike! [pause]
GIRL: Oh! Do you go in your Dad's car?
Bov: No. I walk to school. 4
fpause] WOMAN: There's a man with an ice cream in the
5 What's for supper? Bov: Yes, and there's a ball next to him!
WOMAN: OK. Colour that ball yellow.
GIRL: What's for supper, Dad?
Bov: Right. A yellow ball. Next to the man with
MAN: Chicken and French fries. an ice cream.
GIRL: Can we have peas or beans with them?
Bov: No, not today. [pause]

[pause] 5
WOMAN: Now, can you see a ball in the water?
Now listen to Part 3 again. Bov: Yes. Can I colour that one orange?
[The recording is repeated.] WOMAN: OK. The ball in the water can be orange.
Bov: Good. That's my favourite colour!
That is the end of Part 3. Now listen to Part 4 again.
[The recording is repeated.]
Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look. [pause]
There is one example.
That is the end of the Starters Practice
Listening Test 1.
WOMAN: Hello, Nick! Colour this picture with me.
Bov: OK. Can I colour one of the balls?
WOMAN: Yes. Colour the ball under the table. Reading and Writing
Colour it purple.
Bov: Right. The ball under the table. It's
purple. Part 1 (5 marks)
fpausel 1 ./ 2 ./ 3 ./ 5 ./
4 "
Can you see the purple ball under the Part 2 (5 marks)
table? This is an example. Now you
1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 no 5 yes
listen and colour.
[pause] Part 3 (5 marks)
1 1 kite 2 bike 3 train 4 robot 5 camera
WOMAN: Now colour the ball next to the baby.
Part 4 (5 marks)
Bov: The ball next to the baby. Oh, yes. What
colour? 1 chair 2 feet 3 pens 4 children 5 table
WOMAN: Colour it blue.
Bov: OK. I'm colouring it blue. Part 5 (5 marks)
[pause] 1 bedroom 2 kitchen

2 3 orange, tangerine, satsuma, clementine, etc.

Bov: What now? 4 m ilk/water 5 red
WOMAN: Can you see the ball between the hippo
and the girl?
Bov: Yes. What colour do you want now?

Test 1 Answers


Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from child:

Usher brings candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hello.

This is (child's name*).

Examiner: Hello, •. My
name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello

1 Points to Scene card. Look at this. This is a

school. The children are
playing. Here's the man.
• , where's the cat? Is this the cat?
Where's the robot? Points to items in picture. Is this the robot?

2 Points to Object cards. Now look at these.

Which is the sock? Points to Object card. Is this the sock?
(pointing to sock)
I'm putting the sock
under the tree.
Now you put the sock Puts Object card in place. Where's the chair?
on the chair. Qn the chair.
Which is the boat/ Points to Object card. Is this the boat/
helicopter? helicopter?
(pointing to boaV
Put the boat/helicopter Puts Object card in place. Where's the dog?
next to the dog. ~tothedog.
Which is the radio/ Points to Object card. Is this the radio/guitar?
guitar? (pointing to radio/guitar)
Put the radio/guitar Puts Object card in place. Where are the boys?
between the boys. Bgtwg!im the boys.

3 Removes Object cards and Now,•, what's this? bird Is It a bird?

points to bird on Scene What colour is it? black Is it blue? Black?
card. How many birds are
there? two One? Two?

Points to woman running. What's this woman doing? running Is she running?

4 Puts Scene card away and

picks out three Object cards.

4.1 Shows TV card. What's this? TV Is it a TV?

Do you like TV? yes/no
Who watches TV with mummy Does mummy watch TV
you? with you? Or daddy?

4.2 Shows bed card. What's this? bed Is It a bed?

Is your bed big or small? small
Where's your bed? bedroom Is it In your living room?

4.3 Shows hat card. What's this? hat Is it a hat?

Have you got a yellow Do you have a yellow
hat? yes/no hat?
What are you wearing Are you wearing
today? trousers/ T-shirt trousers?

5 Puts away all cards. Now, •, what's the Is your school's name
name of your school? New School New Schoon
What's your favourite Do you like footbatn
sport? table tennis Table tennis?
How many teachers have One teacher? Two
you got? two teachers?

OK. Thank you, •. Goodbye

Goodbye. Leaves
" Remember to use the child's name throughout the test.
Test 2 Answers
Part 1 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
1 the pen and on the desk
2 the lamp and the floor between the boy and the mat
3 the shoe and in the cupboard
4 the dock and next to the dog
5 the sock and under the chair

Part 2 (5 marks)
1 Pear (correct spelling) 2 13/thirteen 3 Sam (correct spelling)
4 Tony (correct spelling) 5 5/five

Part 3 (5 marks)
1B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 c
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the banana under the chair - pink
2 Colour the banana between the apple and the pear - blue
3 Colour the banana in the cat's mouth - red
4 Colour the banana on the table - orange
5 Colour the banana next to the flowers - green

T RANSCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge Starters 2

Practice Listening Test, Test 2. WOMAN: Can you see the lamp?
BOY: Yes.
Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at the picture. WOMAN: Put it on the floor - between the boy and
Listen and look. There is one example. the mat.
Bov: OK. I'm putting the lamp on the floor,
[pause] between the boy and the mat.
WOMAN: Put the photo under the bed. [pause]
Bov: Sorry. What?
WOMAN: The photo. Put it under the bed. 3
Bov: Oh. Right. WOMAN: OK. Now the shoe.
Bov: Yes.
[pause] WOMAN: Put it in the cupboard.
Can you see the line? This is an example. BOY: Put the shoe in the cupboard?
WOMAN: Yes, that's right.
Now you listen and draw lines.
1 WOMAN: look at the dog.
WOMAN: Now put the pen on the desk. Bov: He's sleeping on the mat.
Bov: Pardon? WOMAN: Yes. Now put the clock next to him.
WOMAN: Put the pen on the desk. Bov: Put the clock next to the dog?
Bov: OK. WOMAN: Yes.
[pause] [pause]

Test 2 Answers

5 4
WOMAN: OK. Now the sock. Put it under the chair. MAN: Do you learn English at school, Anna?
Boy: Sorry, where? GIRL: Yes. It's my favourite lesson.
WOMAN: Put the sock under the chair. MAN: Who's your English teacher?
BoY: OK. GIRL: His name's Tony.
MAN: Is that T - 0 - N - Y?
GIRL: Yes, that's right.
Now listen to Part 1 again. [pause]
[Tbe recording is repeated.] 5
[pause] MAN: Are you reading that book?
GIRL: Yes! There are monsters in the story.
That is the end of Part 1. MAN: Monsters! Wow! How many?
GIRL: Five.
[pause] Five monsters!
GIRL: Yes. I like the story. It's very funny.
Part 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write
a name or a number. There are two [ pause]
Now listen to Part 2 again.
[The recording is repeated.]
MAN: Hello! What's your name?
GIRL: It's Anna. [pause]
MAN: How do you spell that?
GIRL: A double N - A.
That is the end of Part 2.
MAN: Oh. I see.
Part 3 Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
MAN: And how old are you Anna? There is one example.
GIRL: I'm eight.
MAN: Eight! You are a big girl. [pause]
G IRL: Yes, I am.
What's Sue doing?
Can you see the answers? Now you
listen and write a name or a number. WOMAN: Where's Sue?
Boy: She's in the kitchen.
[pause] WOMAN: Is she watching TV?
BOY: No, she's eating her breakfast.
[p ause]
MAN: Which school do you go to Anna?
G IRL: I go to Pear Tree School. Can you see the tick? Now you listen
MAN: Is that p - E - A - R?
and tick the box.
G IRL: Yes, that's right.
[pause) [pause]

2 1 What's Tom's favourite animal?

MAN: How many children are there in your WOMAN: What's your favourite animal, Tom?
class? Snakes?
G IRL: Ermm ... there are thirteen. BOY: No, I don't like snakes - or lizards.
MAN: Thirteen! That's a small class. WOMAN: What do you like, then?
G IRL: Yes ... I like that. BOY: Mmm ... frogs.
[pauseJ [pause]

3 2 Where's the baby?

MAN: Who sits next to you at school?
MAN: Where's the baby? Is he sleeping?
G IRL: My friend, Sam.
G IRL: No. He's with Mum.
MAN: Is that a boy or a girl?
MAN: Where are they? In the living room?
G IRL: A boy! He spells his name S - A - M.
G IRL: No, in the garden.

Test 2 Answers

lpausej 2
MAN: Can you see the banana between the
3 What's Ben having for lunch? apple and the pear?
Bov: What's for lunch, Mum? Is it sausages? GIRL: Yes.
WOMAN: No, it's bread and apples today. MAN: Colour it blue. The banana between the
Bov: And a drink of milk? apple and the pear.
WOMAN: Yes, OK. GIRL: That's good! I'm colouring it blue.
[pause] [pause]

4 Which girl is Kim? 3

MAN: The cat's got a banana! Can you see it?
WOMAN: Can you see Kim? Is that her with the red
GIRL: Yes - It's eating it!
MAN: Colour that banana red.
GIRL: No, that's May.
GIRL: OK. The banana in the cat's mouth. It's
WOMAN: Is Kim wearing a yellow T-shirt?
GIRL: Yes ... and a blue skirt.
5 What does Nick want for his
MAN: Now, the banana on the table.
GIRL: Can I colour it orange?
WOMAN: What do you want for your birthday, MAN: Yes.
Nick? GIRL: OK. An orange banana on the table.
Bov: Well, I don't know. I don't want books. [pause]
WOMAN: A new toy train, then?
Bov: No thanks. I want a new computer, 5
please! MAN: And now look at the flowers.
[pause] GIRL: Yes - there's a banana next to them.
MAN: That's right. The banana next to the
Now listen to Part 3 again. flowers. Colour it green.
GIRL: OK - it's green.
[The recording is repeated.] MAN: Good!
[pause] [pause]
That is the end of Part 3. Now listen to Part 4 again.
[pause] [The recording is repeated.]
Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look. [pause]
There is one example.
That is the end of the Starters Practice
fpausel Listening Test 2.
MAN: Look at this picture. It's a kitchen.
GIRL: Yes. Please can I colour the bananas?
MAN: Yes. There's a banana next to the radio.
Reading and Writing
Colour that one purple.
GIRL: A purple bananal Next to the radio! Part 1 (5 marks)
[pause] 1 ./ 3 ./
2 " 4 " 5 "
Can you see the purple banana next Part 2 (5 marks)
to the radio? This is an example.
Now you listen and colour. 1 no 2 no 3 yes 4 no 5 yes

[pause] Part 3 (5 marks)

1 desk 2 ruler 3 board 4 eraser
MAN: Now - there's a banana under the chair. 5 alphabet
GIRL: Yes, I can see it.
MAN: Colour it pink. Part 4 (5 marks)
GIRL: OK. The banana under the chair. I'm
1 numbers 2 house 3 hand 4 ear 5 children
colouring it pink.
MAN: That's right.
Part 5 (5 marks)
1 floor/carpet 2 bed 3 4/four
4 cake 5 sock

Test 2 Answers


Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from child:

Usher brings candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hello.

This Is (child's name").

Examiner: Hello, ". My

name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello

1 Points to Scene card. Look at this. This is a

garden. The children are
looking at the monkey.
Here's the dog.
•,where's the house?
Where are the trees? Points to items in picture.

2 Points to Object cards. Now look at these.

Which Is the guitar? Points to Object card. Is this the guitar?
(pointing to guitar)
I'm putting the guitar next
to the man.
Now you put the guitar Puts Object card in place. Where's the woman?
behind the woman. Behind the woman.
Which is the skirt? Points to Object card. Is this the skirt?
(pointing to skirt)
Put the skirt under the Puts Object card in place. Where are the flowers?
flowers. Under the flowers.
Which is the frog/hippo? Points to Object card. Is this the frog/hippo?
(pointing to frog/hippo)
Put the frog/hippo on the Puts Object card in place. Where's the table?
table. Qn the table.

3 Removes Object cards Now, •, what's this? bird Is it a bird?

and points to a bird in What colour is it? green Is it purple? Green?
Scene card. How many birds are there? two One? Two?

Points to woman. What's the woman doing? pointing Is she pointing?

4 Puts Scene card away and

picks out three Object

4.1 Shows phone/televison What's this? phone/television Is it a phone/television?

card. Have you got a phone/ yes/no
How many phones/ two Are there two? Three?
televisions are there in
your house?
4.2 Shows horse card. What's this? horse Is it a horse?
Do you like horses? yes/no
What's your favourite
animal? cat Do you like dogs? Cats?

4.3 Shows pencil card. What's this? pencil Is it a pencil?

Can you draw? yes/no
What do you draw at Do you draw animals?
school? my family Yourfamlly?

5 Puts away all cards. Now,•, where do you Do you live in (name of
llve? (name of town or city) town or city)?
Do you live in a big house
or a small house? big Is your house big?
What games do you play? tennis Do you play footbaln

OK. Thank you, •. Goodbye

Goodbye. Leaves

* Remember to use the child's name throughout the rest. 13

Test 3 Answers
Part 1 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
1 the eggs and under the chair
2 the flower and in the w oman's hair
3 the pineapple and o n the bookcase
4 the watermelon and next to the box
5 the onion and in the woman's hand

Part 2 (5 marks)
1 Kirn (correct spelling) 2 Cross (correct spelling) 3 5/five
4 (Mr) Young (correct spelling) 5 17/seventeen

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 c
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the k i te in the boy's hand - red
2 Colour the k it e between the bird and the tree - blue
3 Colour the k ite in the girl's bag - green
4 Col our the k ite on the bicycle - brown
5 Colour the kite under the chair - purple

TRANSCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge Starters 2

Practice Listening Test, Test 3. WOMAN: OK, now put the flower in the woman's
Part 1 Look at Part 1. Now look at the Bov: Put the flower in the woman's hair?
picture. Listen and look. There is one WOMAN: That's right.
example. Bov: That's beautiful!
WOMAN: Put the bananas on the table, please.
BOY: Put the bananas where? Bov: And the pineapple?
WOMAN: On the table. WOMAN: The pineapple. Put it on the bookcase.
Bov: Oh. OK. BOY: OK, I'm putting it on the bookcase.
WOMAN: Thanks.
Can you see the line? This is an
example. Now you listen and draw
WOMAN: Right, now can you find the watermelon?
lines. Bov: Yes, I can.
WOMAN: Can you put it next to the box, please?
Bov: OK, it's next to the box now.
1 [pause)
WOMAN: Now, can you put the eggs under the
chair? 5
Bov: Put the eggs under the chair. Bov: What now?
WOMAN: That's right. WOMAN: Mmm ... put the onion in the woman's
hand, please.
Bov: OK, I'm putting the onion in the woman's
WOMAN: Thank you.
Test 3 Answers

Now listen to Part 1 again. 5

MAN: And how many children are in this class?
[The recording is repeated.] GIRL: Seventeen.
[pause] MAN: Seventeen. Hmm.
GIRL: Can I sit down now, please?
That is the end of Part 1. MAN: Yes, you can, May. Thank you.
Now listen to Part 2 again.
Part 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write
a name or a number. There are two [The recording is repeated}
That is the end of Part 2.
MAN: Hello. I'm your new teacher! What's your
name? [pause]
GIRL: It's May.
MAN: Thank you, May. How do you spell your Part 3 Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
name? There is one example.
What's Pat's favourite food?
MAN: And how old are you?
GIRL: I'm ten now. [pause]
MAN: Sorry? Ten?
MAN: What's your favourite food, Pat? Burgers?
GIRL: Yes.
GIRL: No. I don't like them.
(pause] MAN: Is it French tries?
GIRL: No, my favourite food is ice cream.
Can you see the answers? Now you
listen and write a name or a number. [pause]

[pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen

and tick the box.

GIRL: I've got a sister at this school too.

MAN: And what's her name? 1 Who is Ben's teacher?
GIRL: It's Kim.
MAN: K -1- M? WOMAN: Who's your teacher, Ben?
GIRL: Yes. That's right. Bov: Her name is Sue. She's got long brown
[pause] WOMAN: Does she wear glasses?
2 Bov: No, she doesn't.
MAN: Where do you live, May? [pause]
GIRL: I live in Cross Street.
MAN: Is that C - R - 0 double S? 2 Which colour does Mum like?
GIRL: Yes. Bov: What can we buy for Mum's birthday?
[pause] She wants a new T-shirt, I know.
GIRL: Good! We can buy a pink T-shirt for her.
3 Bov: No, she doesn't like pink. And she
MAN: And what number is your house, please? doesn't wear black.
GIRL: Our house is number five. GIRL: Well, we can buy a white T-shirt, then.
MAN: Pardon? She likes that colour.
GIRL: Number five. [pause]
3 Which boy is Tom?
4 WOMAN: Do you walk to school, Tom?
MAN: And who drives you to school? No, I don't.
GIRL: My grandfather. WOMAN: Oh, do you go on the bus, then?
MAN: And what's his name?
Bov: No, I ride my bike to school.
GIRL: His name's Mr Young.
MAN: Is that y - 0 - u - N - G? [pause]
GIRL: Yes, that's right.

Test 3 Answers

4 Where are Kim's jeans? 2

MAN: Look! Some kites are flying.
WOMAN: Where are your new jeans, Kim?
GIRL: Yes, they're beautiful. Can I colour one?
GIRL: Mmm. Are they in my bedroom?
MAN: OK. Colour the kite between the bird and
WOMAN: No, they aren't. And they aren't in the
the tree.
GIRL: The kite between the bird and the tree.
GIRL: Oh, I know. They're in the living-room.
Can I colour it blue?
[pause] MAN: OK, colour it blue.

5 What does Bill want for his [pause]

breakfast? 3
WOMAN: What do you want for your breakfast, Bill? MAN: Now, there's a kite in the girl's bag.
Bov: Can I have eggs and beans, please? GIRL: In her bag? Oh yes, I can see it.
WOMAN: Yes. Do you want some bread with it? MAN: Can you colour it green, please?
Bov: No, thanks. GIRL: Green?
MAN: Yes, please. The kite in the girl's bag.
Now listen to Part 3 again.
[The recording is repeaced.l Can you see the bicycle in the picture?
[pause] GIRL: Yes, it's behind the girl.
MAN: There's a kite on the bicycle.
That is the end of Part 3. GIRL: Oh, yes! Can I colour that kite brown?
MAN: Brown? Well, OK, then.
Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look. s
There is one example. GIRL: OK, which kite can I colour now?
[pause] MAN: There's a kite under the chair.
GIRL: Under the chair?
MAN: Look at this picture. There's a kite in the MAN: Yes. Can you colour it purple?
tree. GIRL: OK. Mmmm, I like purple.
GIRL: Where?
MAN: In the tree.
GIRL: Oh yes, I can see it. Now listen to Part 4 again.
MAN: Can you colour it yellow?
GIRL: OK, it's yellow now. [The recording is repeated.]
[pause] [pause]
Can you see the yellow kite in the That is the end of the Starters Practice
tree? This is an example. Now you Listening Test 3.
listen and colour.
MAN: Now look at the boy.
GIRL: Yes, he's got a kite in his hand.
MAN: That's right. Can you colour it red?
GIRL: Colour the kite red? The kite in the boy's
MAN: Yes, please.

Test 3 Answers

Reading and Writing

Part 1 (5 marks)
1 ./ 3 ./ 4 " 5 "
2 "
Part 2 (5 marks)
1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes 5 no

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 mirror 2 bedroom 3 kitchen 4 cupboard
5 armchair

Part 4 (5 marks)
1 lessons 2 chair 3 book 4 pictures 5 pencils
Part 5 (5 marks)
1 4/four 2 man 3 bus 4 bag 5 oranges

Test 3 Answers


Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from child:

Usher brings candidate in. Usher to examiner: Hello.

This is (child's name*).

Examiner: Hello, *. My
name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello

1 Points to Scene card. Look at this. This Is a

classroom. The teacher
is talking to the children.
Here's the boy.
*, where's the window?
Where are the books? Points to items in picture.

2 Points to Object cards. Now look at these.

Which Is the orange? Points to Object card. Is this the orange?
(pointing to orange)
I'm putting the orange In
front of the door.
Now you put the orange Puts Object card in place. Where's the bookcase?
on the bookcase. Qn the bookcase
Which is the lamp? Points to Object card. Is this the lamp?
(pointing to lamp)
Put the lamp under the Puts Object card in place. Where's the window?
window. 1lfil!Jtl the window.
Which is the pen/ruler? Points to Object card. Is this the pen/ruler?
(pointing to pen/ruler)
Put the pen/ruler next Puts Object card in place. Where's the teacher?
to the teacher. Mfil!.t to the teacher.

3 Removes Object cards and Now, •, what's this? spider Is it a spider?

points to a spider in Scene What colour Is it? black Is it blue? Black?
card. How many spiders are
there? three Two? Three?

Points to children. What are the children

doing? painting Are they painting?

4 Puts Scene card away and

picks out three Object

4.1 Shows burger/ice cream What's this? burger/ice cream Is it a burger/an

card. ice cream?
Do you eat burgers/
ice cream? yes/no
What do you eat for chicken Do you eat fish? chicken?
4.2 Shows robot card. What's this? robot Is it a robot?
Have you got a robot? yes/no
What toys do you play
with? kite Do you play with kites?
4.3 Shows eyes card. What are these? eyes Are they eyes?
What colour are your Are your eyes blue?
eyes? brown Brown?
Do you wear glasses? yes/no

5 Puts away all cards. Now, *, how old are

you? seven Are you seven? Eight?
What's your favourite
lesson? reading Do you llke reading?
Is your teacher a man or
a woman? woman Is your teacher a woman?

OK. Thank you, *. Goodbye

Goodbye. Leaves
,. Remember to use the child's name throughout rhe test.
For ease of reference, vocabulary is arranged in semantic groups or themes. Some words appear under more
than one heading.
In addition to the topics, notions and concepts listed fo r the syllabus, the following categories appear:

• adjectives • pro nouns

• determiners • verbs
• adverbs • models
• preposicions • question words
• conjunctions

ANIMALS nose ch.ild/ ch.ildren

smile cousin
animal dad(dy)
cat Jath.er
ch.icken bag
cow clothes
crocodile dress
dog glasses
duck h.andbag
eleph.ant hat
Jish. Cs & pl) jacket
Jrog jeans
giraffe sh.irt
goat sh.oe
hippo skirt
horse sock
lizard trousers
monkey T-sh.irt
mouse/mice watch.
person/ people
sh.eep Cs & pl) wear
snake th.eir
spider COLOURS
black. th.ey
blue us
brown we
green woman/women
grey (or gray) you
arm orange young
body pink. your
ear purple
eye red FOOD & DRINK
Jace wh.ite
Jootlfeet yellow
baby break.Jost
leg burger
mouth. broth.er cake

Thematic Vocabulary List

carrot Ritchen eraser

cnicllen lamp example
cnips CUS fries) living room find
coconut mat floor
dinner mirror Rnow
drinR (n & v) painting le am
eat pnone lesson
egg picture letter (as in alphabet)
fisn radio line
food room listen (to)
fries (UK chips) sleep looll
grape sofa name
ice cream table number
juice television/TV open
lemon toy page
lemonade tree part
lime wall pen
lunch watcn pencil
mango window picture
meat playground
milll NUMBERS question
onion read
Cardinals: 1- 20
orange right (as in correct)
pea rubber
pear ruler
pineapple behind scnool
potato between sentence
rice here spell
sausage in story
supper in front of teacher
tomato next to tell
water on test (n & v)
watermelon parll ticR (n & v)
shop (US store) understand
THE HOME store CUK snop) wall
street window
there word
under write
bedroom alphabet badminton
boollcase answer ball
box asR baseball
camera board baslletball
chair booIt beach
cloclt booltcase bilte
computer class boat
cupboard classroom boolt
desll close bounce
dining room colour camera
doll computer eaten
door correct doll
flat cross draw(ing)
floor cupboard drive
flower desll enjoy
garden door favo urite
nall draw fisn(ing)
no use English fly

Thematic Vocabulary List

football (US soccer) plane thank you

game robot than.ks
guitar toy then
hit train. well
hobby truck (UK lorry) well done
hockey wow
jump TRANSPORT yes
listen. (to)
bus angry
car beautiful
fly big
piano dean.
picture closed
play (with)
lorry (US truck) correct
motorbike dirty
read double
ride (n. & v)
ride English
run. favourite
soccer (UK football)
swim f un.ny
train. good
song truck (UK lorry) great
walk happy
story her
table tennis
tennis sun.
toy WORK new
TV /television.
teacher nice
TIME right (correct)
beach sad
sand short
sea small
shell sorry
street their
sun. ugly
tree young
night your
TOYS bye (-bye) a lot of
ball goodbye lots of
baseball hello many
basketball I don't know my
bike no no
car oh one
doll oh dear some
football OK that
game pardon. the
helicopter please these
kite right this
lorry (US truck) so those
monster sorry

Thematic Vocabulary List

ADVERBS us jump
we kick
a lot
you learn
yours like
listen (to)
VERBS live
now I rreg ular:
look at
then be love
there catch (a balO
today choose paint
too come phone
very do pick up
draw play (with)
PREPOSITIONS drink point
about drive show
at eat smile
behind find start
between fly stop
for get tallt
from give test
in (prep of place) go tick
in front of try
have (got) walk
next to hit want
of hold watch
on ti.now wave
to learn
under maR.e MO DA LS
with put
read can/cannot/ can't
and say
but see
how many
or sing how old
sit (down)
PRONOUNS sleep where
he spell which
stand Cup)
her who
hers whose
take (a photo)
understand Alex
wear Ann
write Anna
mine Regular: Bill
one add Jill
ours answer Kim
she ask Lucy
that bounce May
theirs clean NicR.
them close Pat
these colour Sam
they complete Sue
this cross Tom
those enjoy Tony


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