Tests Starters 3 Key
Tests Starters 3 Key
Tests Starters 3 Key
Second edition
Introduction 4
Test 1 Answers 6
Test 2 Answers 10
Test 3 Answers 14
The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests offer an elementary-level testing system for learners of English
between the ages of 7 and 12. The tests include 3 key levels of assessment: Starters, Movers and Flyers.
Starters is the lowest level in the system. Test instructions are very simple and consist only of words and
structures specified in the syllabus.
The complete test lasts about 45 minutes and has the following components: Listening, Reading and
Writing, and Speaking.
Candidates need a pen or pencil for the Reading and Writing paper, and coloured pens or pencils for the
Listening paper. All answers are written on the question papers.
In general, the aim is to focus on the 'here and now' and to use language in meaningful contexts. ln
addition to multiple choice and short answer questions, candidates are asked to use coloured pencils to
mark their responses to one task. There are 4 parts. Each part begins with a clear example.
3 listening for specific 3-option multiple choice tick correct box next to picture 5
information pictures and dialogues
(present tenses)
4 listening for words, colours picture and dialogue carry out instructions, locate 5
and prepositions objects, and colour correctly
(range of colours is: black,
blue, brown, green, grey,
orange, pink, purple, red,
In the Speaking test, the candidate speaks with 1 examiner for about 4 minutes. The format of the test is
explained in advance to the child in their native language, by a teacher or person familiar to them. This
person then takes the ch ild into the exam room and introduces them to the examiner.
Speaking ability is assessed according to various criteria, including comprehension, the ability co produce
an appropriate response and pronunciation.
1 understanding and following scene card point to the correct part of the
spoken instructions picture
2 understanding and following scene card and 8 small place the object cards on the
spoken instructions object cards scene card as directed
Further information
The topics, structures, words and tasks upon which the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests are based
are comprehensively described in the H andbook, so teachers or parents can know exactly what to expect.
Further information about the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests can be obtained from the Local
Secretary for Cambridge ESOL examinations in your area, or from:
Part 2 (5 marks)
1 3/three 2 Kim (correct spelling) 3 15/fifteen - ' I/
Part 3 (5 marks)
1 C 2 B 3 B 4 c 5 A
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the ball next to the baby - blue \-p~
~ ~·
2 Colour the ball between the hippo and the girl - red
3 Colour the ball in the boy's hands - pink
~ lp~
4 Colour the ball next to the man - yellow
5 Colour the ball in the water - orange
((D""-... red
Test 1 Answers
5 4
WOMAN: Now the guitar. Put it under the window. MAN: And there's a mouse in this class, I think.
Bov: Sorry, where? GIRL: Yes. We all love him. He's two years old.
WOMAN: Put the guitar under the window. MAN: How old?
Bov: OK. GIRL: He's two. He's very funny.
MAN: Good!
Now listen to Part 1 again.
[The recording is repeated.] GIRL: I know your name, I think!
[pause] MAN: Do you?
GIRL: Is it Mr Young?
That is the end of Part 1. MAN: Yes. Can you spell my name?
GIRL: Is itY - 0- U - N-G?
[pause] MAN: Yes. Well done!
1 [pause]
MAN: How many children are in your family,
Can you see the tick? Now you listen
GIRL: I've got three big brothers.
and tick the box.
MAN: You have three brothers? [pause]
GIRL: Yes, that's right.
[pause] 1 Which boy is Sam?
GIRL: Which is Sam - the new boy in our
2 class? Is he the boy with black hair?
MAN: Now Alex, who is your friend in this Bov: No, that's Bill.
class? GIRL: Oh, is that Sam with the glasses?
GIRL: Ermm ... I like Kim. She sits next to me. Bov: Yes. And he's got brown hair.
MAN: Do you spell her name K - I - M?
GIRL: Yes.
[pause] 2 Which is Ann's new dress?
Test 1 Answers
3 Which monster does Sam like? WOMAN: Red. The ball between the hippo and the
girl. Colour it red.
MAN: This book's good, Sam. Do you like the Bov: OK.
Bov: Well, I don't like the monster with one eye. [pauseJ
MAN: I like the one with green hair. Do you?
Bov: No. There's my favourite - the monster
with red hands. WOMAN: Now look at the boy with a ball in his
(pause] Bov: The boy with a ball in his hands. Oh, yes,
I can see him.
4 How does Bill go to school? WOMAN: Well, colour that ball pink.
GIRL: Do you go to school on your bike, Bill? Bov: OK, It's pink.
Bov: No! I haven't got a bike! [pause]
GIRL: Oh! Do you go in your Dad's car?
Bov: No. I walk to school. 4
fpause] WOMAN: There's a man with an ice cream in the
5 What's for supper? Bov: Yes, and there's a ball next to him!
WOMAN: OK. Colour that ball yellow.
GIRL: What's for supper, Dad?
Bov: Right. A yellow ball. Next to the man with
MAN: Chicken and French fries. an ice cream.
GIRL: Can we have peas or beans with them?
Bov: No, not today. [pause]
[pause] 5
WOMAN: Now, can you see a ball in the water?
Now listen to Part 3 again. Bov: Yes. Can I colour that one orange?
[The recording is repeated.] WOMAN: OK. The ball in the water can be orange.
Bov: Good. That's my favourite colour!
That is the end of Part 3. Now listen to Part 4 again.
[The recording is repeated.]
Part 4 Look at the picture. Listen and look. [pause]
There is one example.
That is the end of the Starters Practice
Listening Test 1.
WOMAN: Hello, Nick! Colour this picture with me.
Bov: OK. Can I colour one of the balls?
WOMAN: Yes. Colour the ball under the table. Reading and Writing
Colour it purple.
Bov: Right. The ball under the table. It's
purple. Part 1 (5 marks)
fpausel 1 ./ 2 ./ 3 ./ 5 ./
4 "
Can you see the purple ball under the Part 2 (5 marks)
table? This is an example. Now you
1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 no 5 yes
listen and colour.
[pause] Part 3 (5 marks)
1 1 kite 2 bike 3 train 4 robot 5 camera
WOMAN: Now colour the ball next to the baby.
Part 4 (5 marks)
Bov: The ball next to the baby. Oh, yes. What
colour? 1 chair 2 feet 3 pens 4 children 5 table
WOMAN: Colour it blue.
Bov: OK. I'm colouring it blue. Part 5 (5 marks)
[pause] 1 bedroom 2 kitchen
Test 1 Answers
Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from child:
Examiner: Hello, •. My
name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello
Points to woman running. What's this woman doing? running Is she running?
5 Puts away all cards. Now, •, what's the Is your school's name
name of your school? New School New Schoon
What's your favourite Do you like footbatn
sport? table tennis Table tennis?
How many teachers have One teacher? Two
you got? two teachers?
Part 2 (5 marks)
1 Pear (correct spelling) 2 13/thirteen 3 Sam (correct spelling)
4 Tony (correct spelling) 5 5/five
Part 3 (5 marks)
1B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 c
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the banana under the chair - pink
2 Colour the banana between the apple and the pear - blue
3 Colour the banana in the cat's mouth - red
4 Colour the banana on the table - orange
5 Colour the banana next to the flowers - green
Test 2 Answers
5 4
WOMAN: OK. Now the sock. Put it under the chair. MAN: Do you learn English at school, Anna?
Boy: Sorry, where? GIRL: Yes. It's my favourite lesson.
WOMAN: Put the sock under the chair. MAN: Who's your English teacher?
BoY: OK. GIRL: His name's Tony.
MAN: Is that T - 0 - N - Y?
GIRL: Yes, that's right.
Now listen to Part 1 again. [pause]
[Tbe recording is repeated.] 5
[pause] MAN: Are you reading that book?
GIRL: Yes! There are monsters in the story.
That is the end of Part 1. MAN: Monsters! Wow! How many?
GIRL: Five.
[pause] Five monsters!
GIRL: Yes. I like the story. It's very funny.
Part 2 Look at the picture. Listen and write
a name or a number. There are two [ pause]
Now listen to Part 2 again.
[The recording is repeated.]
MAN: Hello! What's your name?
GIRL: It's Anna. [pause]
MAN: How do you spell that?
GIRL: A double N - A.
That is the end of Part 2.
MAN: Oh. I see.
Part 3 Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
MAN: And how old are you Anna? There is one example.
GIRL: I'm eight.
MAN: Eight! You are a big girl. [pause]
G IRL: Yes, I am.
What's Sue doing?
Can you see the answers? Now you
listen and write a name or a number. WOMAN: Where's Sue?
Boy: She's in the kitchen.
[pause] WOMAN: Is she watching TV?
BOY: No, she's eating her breakfast.
[p ause]
MAN: Which school do you go to Anna?
G IRL: I go to Pear Tree School. Can you see the tick? Now you listen
MAN: Is that p - E - A - R?
and tick the box.
G IRL: Yes, that's right.
[pause) [pause]
Test 2 Answers
lpausej 2
MAN: Can you see the banana between the
3 What's Ben having for lunch? apple and the pear?
Bov: What's for lunch, Mum? Is it sausages? GIRL: Yes.
WOMAN: No, it's bread and apples today. MAN: Colour it blue. The banana between the
Bov: And a drink of milk? apple and the pear.
WOMAN: Yes, OK. GIRL: That's good! I'm colouring it blue.
[pause] [pause]
Test 2 Answers
Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from child:
5 Puts away all cards. Now,•, where do you Do you live in (name of
llve? (name of town or city) town or city)?
Do you live in a big house
or a small house? big Is your house big?
What games do you play? tennis Do you play footbaln
Part 2 (5 marks)
1 Kirn (correct spelling) 2 Cross (correct spelling) 3 5/five
4 (Mr) Young (correct spelling) 5 17/seventeen
Part 3 (5 marks)
1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 c
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 Colour the k i te in the boy's hand - red
2 Colour the k it e between the bird and the tree - blue
3 Colour the k ite in the girl's bag - green
4 Col our the k ite on the bicycle - brown
5 Colour the kite under the chair - purple
Test 3 Answers
Test 3 Answers
Part 1 (5 marks)
1 ./ 3 ./ 4 " 5 "
2 "
Part 2 (5 marks)
1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes 5 no
Part 3 (5 marks)
1 mirror 2 bedroom 3 kitchen 4 cupboard
5 armchair
Part 4 (5 marks)
1 lessons 2 chair 3 book 4 pictures 5 pencils
Part 5 (5 marks)
1 4/four 2 man 3 bus 4 bag 5 oranges
Test 3 Answers
Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions:
expected from child:
Examiner: Hello, *. My
name's Jane/Ms Smith. Hello
Thematic Vocabulary List
Thematic Vocabulary List
Thematic Vocabulary List
ADVERBS us jump
we kick
a lot
you learn
yours like
listen (to)
VERBS live
now I rreg ular:
look at
then be love
there catch (a balO
today choose paint
too come phone
very do pick up
draw play (with)
PREPOSITIONS drink point
about drive show
at eat smile
behind find start
between fly stop
for get tallt
from give test
in (prep of place) go tick
in front of try
have (got) walk
next to hit want
of hold watch
on ti.now wave
to learn
under maR.e MO DA LS
with put
read can/cannot/ can't
and say
but see
how many
or sing how old
sit (down)
PRONOUNS sleep where
he spell which
stand Cup)
her who
hers whose
take (a photo)
understand Alex
wear Ann
write Anna
mine Regular: Bill
one add Jill
ours answer Kim
she ask Lucy
that bounce May
theirs clean NicR.
them close Pat
these colour Sam
they complete Sue
this cross Tom
those enjoy Tony