Immortal Gambit
Immortal Gambit
Immortal Gambit
>How to Play
You play to accomplish your Goal. When your Goal Meter reaches 5, narrate how
you achieve what you want. If the battle still rages, what do you do now? If you leave,
you can no longer affect the battle. At any time, if dying would serve the story, perish.
d20 Event
Half the troops on each side lose morale. If this happens for the second time,
the battlefield must change drastically.
3 An opening appears for those who want to hide or escape.
One faction retreats from an important point of interest, diverting all those troops to
another area of the battle.
7 The Pilot and the Rival have an honest conversation.
9 One faction decides their only way to survive is to initiate an all out attack.
Civilian activists weaken support for the war. Anyone looking to win decisively or see
the fight through to the end loses 1 from their Goal Meter.
12 One faction lands a decisive blow, turning the battle in their favor.
Multiple factions lock down their ships and bases. Anyone looking to win decisively or
steal important tech/info loses 1 from their Goal Meter.
14 One faction retreats entirely
A lone survivor of one faction escapes with a powerful story. Whether it's true or not
seems not to matter to the public.
16 A large ship carrying important intel starts falling apart.
The battle is reaching its end. Anyone looking to win decisively, steal important tech/
info or see the fight through to the end loses 1 from their Goal Clock.
18 Two factions decide their only way to survive and win is to initiate an all out attack.
19 All remaining factions temporarily lay down their weapons. Any Faction Leaders can
attempt to broker a ceasefire.
20 All remaining factions grind each other into dust, leaving the field open for a few
survivors to do what they will.
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