*We present here the fourth FIRST PRIZE WINNING ESSAYS of the CSR Essay Contests 857,
858, 859 & 860, contributed by Mr. Pratyush Nath, Ms. Sunidhi Tyagi, Mr. Supratik Dalal and
Mr. Nalin Khare.
George Orwell, one of the most influential novelists of new sense of understanding of life and look at it in a
all time, once said that “ Each generation imagines itself to broader perspective, which is not confined to sociological
be more intelligent than the one that went before it and borders. The generation gap affects the mental and
wiser than the one that comes after it”. Loosely translated, emotional health of an individual.
this phrase sums up the word ‘Generation Gap’. The ‘Theory of Generation’ was proposed by Karl Mannheim
generation gap refers to the difference between the ages of in his essay called “The Problem of Generations”. His theory
the elders and the younger population. It is the gap between stated that the generations group themselves according to
two generations, most often the parent and the child. This their experiences and impact of these experiences or events
gap occurs due to the difference in ideologies and mentality in their lives. This gap is constantly widening due to the
of individuals in these age groups. Generation gap is a very change in the society and development of new technologies
critical topic to consider in today’s times and it is absolutely and mindsets.
vital for us to look into the same in order to bridge it. The generation gap is evident in many aspects of life.
Efforts need to be put from both the sides in order to It can be seen in families where the youngsters prefer to
maintain cordial and amicable relationships. A hostile live by themselves in their own house without any
environment doesn’t make people happy which is why it is interference of any sort from the elderly due to the need
an undeniable responsibility of both elders and youngsters for privacy and personal space, and this change in the
to work towards building healthy relationships where lifestyle is one of the factors leading to the widening of
everyone is able to understand one another. the generation gap. The language barrier is an emerging
The generation gap is increasing gradually due to many indicator as the younger generation adopts new slangs and
reasons such as technological development, lack of lingos which is why it becomes difficult for the preceding
communication and differences in perception, etc. This generation to keep up with the new terms and henceforth
gap is widening due to lack of understanding amongst they generally fail to understand such a vocabulary as well
both the generations. It divides the society into two sets as the new generation’s mindset. It can also be seen at
of individuals—the younger and the elderly. This is an workplaces, where contemporary techniques are preferred
everlasting social phenomenon which has been going on over conventional plans and strategies. It can be seen in a
for decades. This concept was born when youngsters started mentor-mentee relationship where the lack of
moving out of joint families and started living on their understanding in both regarding the other’s experiences
own, and they developed a new sense of understanding and know-how leads to criticisms. All of this leads to
of the cultures, ideologies, values, faith and beliefs. When misunderstanding between the two generations and widens
people live their lives on their own terms, they develop a the generation gap. It leads to lack of respect for each
‘ Living modernly is living quickly ’—‘Point Counter Point’ by constantly evolving and upgrading in line with fast-paced
Aldous Huxley technological advancements. Today, online shopping
Doubtlessly, shopping is an essential part of modern-day promises saving of time and transportation expenses, cost
civilisation. People need to buy different things for different benefits and competitive pricing, vast range of variety and
purposes. Generally, the nature of sales and shopping has brands, and great ease of delivery of goods at your
been competitive, and has been valuing the consumers in doorstep.
line with the phrase ‘consumer is the king’. Earlier, people In tune with the times, high-speed changes are sweeping
had no other option but to visit shopping malls or shops through everything related to our lives. Adaptation, be it
in a locality. However, over the recent years, the nature, for human relations or production, is a suitable word to
modes and ways of shopping have undergone a paradigm correlate with progress. Progress happens when the process
shift, much to the ease, convenience and benefit of already established for something is constantly reviewed,
consumers. This is the age of online shopping. Internet has improved and upgraded to keep abreast of the times and
revolutionised and transformed the concept of shopping, cater to the changing needs of the people. The clock of
which is now possible just at a click of button from the civilisation cannot go backwards. In the present era of
comfort of homes. A watershed and path-breaking globalisation, even a minimal change anywhere can impact
development in not so distant past, the online shopping is the whole global system. And in this backdrop, online
Let’s consider a generally common scenario. In a hospital is a mere click away. Just one post and lo! there are
in Mumbai, the first cry of a newborn resounded through innumerable views from across the globe. Tens and
the hospital walls and flooded across the corridors hundreds of likes and comments are overly flattering and
delivering joy to all ears. However, even before this infant their booming numbers are tremendously inspiring.
could open his eyes and catch his first glimpse of this Moreover, social media outlets manifest a bounty of
unexplored world, he was “papped and posted” on every informative and entertaining content. They furnish a vast
possible social media platform. As daddy stirred back and and varied range of resources to cater to people from all
forth with his live-casting, little did the newborn realise over. Further, they provide substantial marketing and
that someday, Instagram would be his ‘soulmate’, Facebook occupational opportunities. For instance, LinkedIn, a gold
would be his ‘alter ego’ and WhatsApp would be his ‘bosom mine for job aspirants, helps students build their contacts
buddy’. in their respective fields and navigate smoothly. Want to
The world has become so seemingly diminutive that reconnect with your college group? No worries. Facebook
physical separation is not a hindrance anymore. The world has it in store for you. Blind dates are a thing of the past.