Growth and Development
Growth and Development
Growth and Development
Growth and Development ● is accompanied by sexual
● One of the foundations for effective maturation, often leading to intimate
teaching understands the nature of relationships.
the learners. ADOLESCENCE
● It offers foundational knowledge on ● is a period of transition between
the concepts, factors and principles childhood and adulthood, from
as well as their impact on behaviors. immaturity to maturity.
● This first learning experience ● It is the period in life when an
examines the basic concepts, individual is no longer a child, but
dimensions in the context of family not yet a young adult.
and community. ● It is a period in which the individual
● The physiological and undertakes enormous physical and
developmental changes and tasks in psychological deviations.
adolescence are then linked to
realizations necessary for healthy Knowing the basic concepts, these
development and the transition to implied to education that learning can be
healthy adulthood. either a great help or hinder the maturation
process, depending on what is learned.
GROWTH versus DEVELOPMENT Thus, the great role of the teacher, as
Increase in size Improvement in facilitator of the learning process is vibrant
number circumstances in each developmental stage. Growth and
Quantitative Qualitative development become increasingly different.
measure measure
Involves the Encompasses
increase in number overall changes
and size including growth
and other
Death makes us think of the real and
deeper meaning of life. It reminds us to live
each day to the fullest and not to take each
moment for granted.
Armstrong believes that stage life has its
own unique gift to give to humanity. He
believes that we need to do whatever we
can to support each stage and to protect
each stage from attempts to suppress its
individual contribution to the human life