The Role of Preventive Practice in Reducing

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Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH

Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016, Romania

The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
DOAJ DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCES JOURNALS, Caby, Gale Cengace Learning, Cabell’s Directories

Science, Movement and Health, Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016

September 2016, 16 (2, Supplement): 484-489
Original article




Aim. The purpose of this study was to prevent the number of injuries in handball players by focusing on
physical fitness practice and create a well-planned and sustained sports training programme.
To be able to make a training plan and program, it is necessary to do the diagnosis beforehand, including
medical, functional, motor and anthropological diagnosis and choose the right exercises and their correct
performing technique. This is particularly related to the work at the gym and plyometric training. We implemented
the principles of adaptation, gradualism, progressivity, individual aspects, continuity, flexibility, specific focus of
sports training, and many others. (Dick, 1997; Bompa, 2000).
The correct methodology of preparing exercises, methods and resistance is one of the most important
preventive measures in sports. The task of preventive practice improved the muscle and connective tissue, the
locomotor apparatus of athletes, and motor reactions in unpredictable and dangerous situations health wise.
Conclusion. Preventive training should become an integral part of daily exercise with the ultimate aim of
extending the athlete’s career in the broader sense, and continuous high performance level during the season,
which is reflected in the higher level of sports results.
Keywords: handball, practice, injury prevention

Introduction of the scope and intensity of the activity,

By its structure, handball is a very and how not to put unattainable tasks
complicated and complex game. The complexity of before our players.
its activities is reflected in the acyclical and cyclical  Functional diagnosis, which tells us about
movement structures. Modern handball is the cardio-respiratory system, and about the
characterized by a high level of performance of energy capacity. Functional diagnostics
technical and tactical elements in conditions of should be carried out in the laboratories
constant contact of the players during the game. using modern technology.
We have the emergence of a contact game  Anthropometric diagnosis, which gives us
not only during the match, but also during the daily information about the structure of the body,
practice, which also presents a greater risk of injury deformities, and the critical zones of each
of players. Physical fitness can in large part be player.
aimed at preventing injuries. Preventive practice is
increasingly present in the daily training process. A well-planned and sustained sports training is
Consequently, the level of physical fitness a way to achieve high sports goals.
should be optimal. The realization of the set objectives in the field
The level of physical fitness affects the of optimal physical fitness for a longer period of
number and severity of injuries in handball. All time ensures a high sports performance and good
segments of physical fitness play a role in injury health of the players.
prevention. In addition to the results obtained by the
To be able to make a training plan and medical, functional, motor and anthropological
program, it is necessary to do the diagnosis diagnosis, it is very important to choose the right
beforehand, including: exercises and their correct performing technique.
 Medical diagnosis, in which we get the This is particularly related to the work at the gym
information about the history of disease and and plyometric training.
injury, biochemical analysis of the body, Incorrect biomechanical performance of the
the status of internal organs, and the status movements leads to micro trauma, and later to
of the locomotor apparatus. severe injuries that separate the players from the
 Motor diagnosis, which tells us how to field for a longer period.
program a training session, harmonization The obvious example are the handball activities,
College of Sports and Health, Belgrade, SERBIA
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Constanta, ROMANIA
E-mail address: [email protected]
Received 18.03.2016 / Accepted 09.04.2016
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
DOAJ DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCES JOURNALS, Caby, Gale Cengace Learning, Cabell’s Directories

passing and kicking, that are performed daily, while The Connective Tissue (ligaments and tendons,
the irregular biomechanical performance of these their improvement and development)
elements leads to problems in the shoulder joint Ligaments, tendons, cartilage and muscle
(labrum), which has been an increasingly common fascia are the critical points of the locomotor
injury in handball players in recent years. apparatus, and they are located between the bones
Respecting the principle is an important and muscles.
condition for the successful implementation of a In their research, Beagle and Earl, 2000,
sports training session. Common principles are show that training can improve their quality.
adaptation, gradualism, progressivity, individual The main objective of improving the
aspects, continuity, flexibility, specific focus of tendons and ligaments is so that they can respond to
sports training, and many others. (Dick, 1997; mechanical forces produced during physical activity.
Bompa, 2000). The development of connective tissue takes
Each of these principles contributes to the place somewhat slower than in the muscles, but it is
successful implementation of a training program and sufficient to contribute to the harmonious
achievement of the intended results, with the aim of development of all segments of the locomotive
reducing the severity and the number of injuries. apparatus, which is a prerequisite for the prevention
of sports injuries.
Method Training Incentives for Improving the
In this research the task of preventive practice Connective Tissue
is to improve all segments of the locomotor system  exercise in water
with the aim to alleviate and reduce injuries of  exercise in the sand
handball players. A training session should be  static (isometrical) exercises that last up to
directed at the improvement of muscle tissue, a few minutes
connective tissue (tendons and ligaments) and  dynamic (isokinetic) one-joint exercises
proprioception. with resistance, partner, elastic bands,
For each of these segments we must choose sandbags
the appropriate exercises, resistance, methods, and  low intensity plyometric exercises
their timely inclusion in the structure of sports  stretching exercises (stretching methods)
Improvement of Muscle Tissue Proprioceptive Practice
Due to the strong pace of the competition, Proprioceptors are special receptors located
athletes spend more and more time at the gyms in the joints, muscles and tendons (Harris and
lifting tons and tons of weights. Working with Dudley, 2000). Receptors are sensitive to the change
weights is inevitable, but only to the extent that it in pressure and tension, and they send all the
does not endanger the health of the athletes. Well information to the nervous system.
trained and physically strong athletes are at an Proprioception is the ability or the muscle
advantage nowadays. ability to respond to unforseen and specific
Particular attention should be paid to the situations in which they find themselves.
harmonious development of motor abilities. We are The essence and task of proprioceptive
often able to see athletes with developed lower and training is to put the body in a large number of
upper body, with the core muscles of the body situations that will provoke the activation of
poorly developed, which often leads to injuries of proprioceptors.
the lower back, adductors, abductors, flexor and Their activation through training will create
super flexor. a presumption that they can react optimally in
Also, disproportionate development of the unforseen situations.
quadriceps compared to the hamstrings leads to the The overall effects of proprioceptive
injury of the cruciate knee ligaments. training are aimed at the strengthening of tendons
Structural improvement of muscle tissue and ligaments, and increasing the range of motion in
refers to hypertrophy. If we plan it well and fit it into the joints. This type of exercise can be conducted in
the system of sports training, it will certainly the following way: movement over rough terrain,
contribute to injury prevention. soft mats, jumping on the trampoline, distort and
One of the functions of muscle mass is to maintenance of starts and stops while walking or
protect the joints from different movements and running, work on balance boards, work with Pilates
serious injury. Special attention should be paid to balls, use of the BOSU ball, and various
the period and the dynamics of increasing muscle combinations of the above.
mass (hypertrophy) because sudden changes can Looking at the shape of an athlete, we must
lead to a negative impact on the performance of pay attention to the joints in a specific order, joint by
technical elements of handball. joint.

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
DOAJ DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCES JOURNALS, Caby, Gale Cengace Learning, Cabell’s Directories

Every joint or series of joints have specific Stage 3 (specific) is the preparation which
functions, and therefore each joint has specific includes movements close to sports activities,
training needs. activation of the CNS for speed and strong activities.
We will line up the joints of the body in In order to implement the introductory and
order, from bottom to the top, and describe their preparatory stage of training in a high-quality way,
primary function: we should especially focus on individualization,
 ANKLE JOINT - mobility which is reflected in the use of foam rollers, balls
 KNEE JOINT - stability and sticks, professionally called the Self-Myofascial
 HIP JOINT - mobility Release -SMFR.
 LOWER BACK - stability What is their effect and task?
 CHEST (thoracic part) - mobility Many years of training, insufficient
 SCAPULA (shoulder blade) - stretching, improper training, and poor treatment
stability lead to the formation of fibrotic scarring, thickening,
 SHOULDER JOINT (articulatio and nodules (trigger point). We can observe that the
humeri) - mobility fascia sticks onto the muscle, resulting in pain,
limitation of movement, reduced flexibility. The use
What is visible in the said chain system is of rollers leads to a reduction in tension, better blood
that the corresponding characteristics STABILITY - circulation, relaxation and increased movement of
MOBILITY rotate. the joints. It has been shown that the trigger point is
best stimulated while the muscle is still cold. The
situation is similar with balls and sticks. Regular
stretching affects only the healthy muscle tissue, and
it does not break the nodule.
Massage using rollers, balls and sticks
usually takes about 60 seconds per region, but given
that there is never enough time for that kind of
warm-up, we should stick to the critical points.
The ideal massage sequence:
а) Gastrocnemius, soleus
b) Hamstring
c) Gluteus maximus
d) Gluteus medius
If one of the primary functions of any of the e) Iliotibial tract
joints is undermined in the kinetic chain, one or both f) Quadriceps
joints take on the role and compensate for the g) Tensor fascia late
movement. This leads to dysfunction, and often to h) Adductors
injury. i) Peroneus
Many authors suggest that if you feel a j) Latisimus dorsi
problem in one of the joints, special attention should k) Rhomboideus
be paid to the neighboring joint, which is the source l) Tibialis
of the problem.
Mobility and stability are also basic Overview of the exercises with rollers
prerequisites for uninterrupted function. Roller
The Introductory and Preparatory Stage of
Training preparation consists of three
Stage 1 (general preparation) involves
movement exercises that are performed in an aerobic
pace and aimed at increasing temperature and
reducing tension in muscles and joints, but this
effect is not sufficient, so, we move on to stage 2.
Stage 2 (exercise) is to increase mobility.
Static and dynamic exercise prepares the locomotive
apparatus to operate freely in all planes and angles Ankle Joint
required. It has been shown that the dynamic The mobility of the ankle joint is important for
exercise is more effective and has a positive take-off, landing, change of direction (tricks),
influence on sports results.

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
DOAJ DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCES JOURNALS, Caby, Gale Cengace Learning, Cabell’s Directories

landing with resistance to the opponent, sudden

stoping, and fast moving.

One of the most common injuries on the sports
field is a knee injury, or tearing of the ligaments.
The injuries usually occurs during landing when
playing one on one, or contact with an opponent.
The cause of knee ligament breaking, according to
many authors, is the imbalance between the
quadriceps and hamstrings in situations when
athletes are stopping, as stated already, given that
the quadriceps is a much stronger muscle than the
hamstring. The problem can be overcome by the
steady strengthening of the quadriceps and
hamstring muscles.


Hip Mobility
Poor mobility of the hip leads to problems
in the knees and lower back.
Frequent problems that cause poor mobility in this
joint are low elasticity of the hyper-flexors, and
weak activity of the gluteus medius and gluteus

Core Muscles of the Torso

Core muscles of the torso (the torso axle)
are a very sensitive region, which includes not only

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
DOAJ DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCES JOURNALS, Caby, Gale Cengace Learning, Cabell’s Directories

the lower back but also the adducts, abducts, flexors,

superfleksores, and the entire region to the chest.
The stability of the torso is the basic
component for the transfer of energy from the lower
to the upper part of the body. It should be developed
in all directions, and put all the muscles that provide
this stability to work.
The exercises are performed for 30 to 120
seconds. They can be performed with two, three or
four support points.

Thoracic Part - Mobility Shoulder

In handball, mobility in the shoulder joint is
very important, and so is the ability to perform
movements with the appropriate amplitude. They
allows us to properly execute technical elements of
tossing and passing the ball, and resistance to the
strong contacts.

Due to manifesting high speed while
tossing the ball, and large rotations in the shoulder
joint, it is necessary to pay great attention to the
stability of the scapula (shoulder blade).

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
DOAJ DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCES JOURNALS, Caby, Gale Cengace Learning, Cabell’s Directories

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Thanks to everyone who helped me to 2016. са
realize this material, which I have provided :
bibliographic materials and web sources. f-myofascial-release-e-manual/


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