04 - Ijnr 04 Od 2018 65
04 - Ijnr 04 Od 2018 65
04 - Ijnr 04 Od 2018 65
Research Article
Aim: This study aimed to assess the clinical competence of nursing intern students in both private and governmental health
sectors and then to compare the clinical competency of intern students in both sectors. Subjects and Methods: Descriptive
cross-sectional comparative research design was used. This study was conducted at two health sectors in Egypt, including
governmental sectors (Teaching Hospital and Menoufia University Hospital in Shebin El-Kom, Menoufia Governorate,
and Naser Institute) and private sector (El-Salam International Hospital, International Medical Center, and Omoma
Hospital). The participants of this study included all intern students (n = 105) enrolled in the internship program during
the academic year 2017–2018 at the Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University. Tool: First tool: Self-Assessment Clinical
Competence Questionnaire was used to conduct this study. Second Tool: Clinical competence questionnaire was used
as an observational checklist to observe the actual clinical competence level of the intern students. Result: The highest
percentage of the studied sample achieved an excellent level of competence at both hospitals regarding all competency
domains. However, the general performance domain of competency had the highest score. Conclusions: There were
statistically significant differences between both hospitals (governmental and private) regarding all competency domains,
as the majority of intern students at the private hospitals achieved an expert competence level than intern students at the
governmental hospitals.
Keywords: Clinical competency, Nursing intern students, Private and governmental health sector
Address for Correspondence: Hayam El-Shrief, Department of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University,
Egypt. Email: [email protected]
Nursing education should foster clinical competence as a areas of specialization that they are looking for, validating
fundamental goal which includes the ability to apply professional the nurse’s knowledge and demonstrating their initiative in
knowledge and skills, communication and social skills, and taking charge of their education.
advanced problem solving and decision-making skills.[3]
Assessing clinical competence that aimed to identify areas that The role of employers and the government
require improvement moreover determining the educational
needs of nurses should be taken into account because of the Promoting the nurse’s credentials of the knowledge, skills,
most vital responsibility of managers in clinical settings.[4] and personal attributes that they need in the nursing field is
Recently, attaining an entry level of clinical competency the responsibility of employers. Similarly, the government
through nursing education and paying attention to the conjointly plays a paramount role through organizing
clinical competence of nurses are a necessary foundation and retaining nursing programmers to support nurses in
of the nursing profession, due to the multiplied community reinforcing their clinical competencies.
awareness and expectations concerning receiving high-
quality services, paying attention to the clinical competence Significance
of nurses has become more paramount.[5] According to the
Australian Nursing Association, nursing students should Competency measurements that predict job performance
have enough consciousness concerning their professional could increase the probabilities that a remedial action will
qualifications when graduating and their attitudes toward be identified and will increase job performance of trainees
acquiring necessary competencies ought to be positive for who had low scores on end-of-training competency tests.[10]
their clinical performance to be effective.[6] Intern students during the internship program offered by
Health care is provided through public and private providers. the faculty of nursing are assigned to both private and
The private health sector provides varied services and governmental hospitals through which students were
distinctive learning opportunities thus contributing to clinical exposed to different practice environment that may affect
education and training of nursing intern students. There are their competency level. Consequently, the aim of that study
essential differences between the public and private hospital was to assess clinical competence of intern nursing students
sectors which produce valuable opportunities for education in both private and governmental health sectors and then to
and training.[7] Factors that affect the private sector’s compare the clinical competency of intern students in both
capacity to provide education and training include (a) the sectors, through the following objectives:
admitted patient profile and treatments provided, (b) the • Assessing intern students’ level of clinical competencies
staffing profile, and (c) funding models.[8] in private sectors.
• Assessing intern students’ level of clinical competencies
Four ways for nurses to maintain clinical competency[9] in governmental sectors.
• Comparing levels of clinical competencies of intern
Commit to lifelong learning students at private and governmental sectors.
The nursing career requires lifelong learning that motivates Theoretical framework: Stages of clinical competence
nurses to continuously demonstrate commitment to enhance acquisition[11]
their competence and to ensure that their competencies are
updated according to the current nursing practices. Benner’s application to nursing of the Dreyfus model of skill
Attend conferences and seminars
Benner applied skill acquisition model to explain the nurse
The conferences provide nurses with the opportunity to progression level during their practice from novice to expert.
meet inspiring speakers, experts, and professionals from
different nursing specialties and backgrounds. The nurse Three Competency levels: Novice/advanced beginner
can further develop networks with other nurses and health-
care professionals, allowing them to exchange ideas and Novice/advanced beginner: (marginally acceptable
concepts and keep updated on the most recent innovations performance)
in nursing care and education. They start to spot clinical situations. They are unable to
possess a comprehensive view of a new clinical case and the
Get a certification in specialization absence of critical approach.
Being certificated in specialization provides patients with a They are attentive to all relevant aspects of a situation; they are
lot of trust within the skills and talents of a nurse who is ready to articulate their actions in the form of medium and long-
certified in their specialization. Employers will also be more range goals or plans. They have the competencies to critically,
persuaded to hire a nurse with a valid certificate within the consciously, and analytically grasp matters and to form plans.
Data were collected by the researchers using two methods and Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Package (Office 2010) for
result analysis of the study. Data were expressed as number
First and percentage (n and %) and analyzed by applying Chi-
square test. All these tests were used as tests of significance
Administering self assessment clinical competence at P < 0.05 in the current study.
questionnaire to the intern nursing students to be filled out
during their clinical practice. Results
Second Table 1 displays the distribution of sociodemographic
characteristics of the studied sample. As shown in Table 1, the
The nursing interns were instructed to deal with all clinical
highest percentage of the studied sample was between the age
situations freely without any tension and instructed to take
of 22 and 24 years in both governmental and private hospitals.
all care decisions as they used to do in the presence of the
Regarding gender, the highest percentage of the studied
researchers who observed the nursing intern students’ skills.
sample was female. In addition, the highest percentage of the
Each observation conducted at different times through
studied sample was single at the private hospitals. More than
different shifts.
half of the respondents were rural residence at both private
and governmental hospitals. The majority of respondents who
Ethical considerations
did not attend any periodic in-service training programs were
A letter of approval was secured from the Dean of the in the governmental hospitals. The highest percentage of the
Faculty of Nursing to the Head of the Hospitals, in which studied sample who worked overtime was in private hospitals.
the study was conducted. The participants were asked for Table 2 illustrates association between sociodemographic
the approval for their participation. The researchers clarified characteristics of the studied sample and their total level of
to the participants that their participation in the study is clinical competence. As indicated from Table 2, there was
optional and they are able to withdraw from the study at any a statistically significance between nursing intern students’
time. Furthermore, it was explained to the research subjects socio-demographic data such as (gender, marital status, and
that anonymity and confidentiality will be guaranteed and working overtime) and their level of clinical competence.
no names on the questionnaires will be written. Table 3 shows the frequency distribution of the studied sample
according to their total level of clinical competence. As
Data analysis revealed from Table 3, the highest percentage of studied sample
achieved an expert level of the general performance of clinical
The collected data was refined by the researcher for any competence regarding all clinical competency domains.
repeated or missed responses, then computerized, coded, Table 4 displays the frequency distribution of the clinical
analyzed, and tabulated. The researcher utilized Statistical competence level for the studied sample of both hospitals.
Packages for the Social Sciences, Version 20.0 for Windows, There were highly significant differences between both
Table 2: Association between sociodemographic characteristics of studied sample and their total level of clinical
competence (n=105)
Items Novice competent Expert Chi P value
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Age (Years) 1.6 0.9
22–24 7 (6.7) 13 (12.4) 54 (51.4)
>24 3 (2.9) 6 (5.7) 22 (20.9)
Gender 13.1 0.001
Male 3 (2.9) 5 (4.7) 21 (20)
Female 7 (6.7) 14 (13.3) 55 (52.4)
Rural 5 (4.7) 10 (9.6) 42 (40) 0.1 0.9
Urban 5 (4.7) 9 (8.6) 34 (32.4)
Marital 13.1 0.001
Single 5 (4.7 11 (10.5) 58 (55.3)
Married 5 (4.7) 9 (8.6) 17 (16.2)
Periodic in‑service training program 6.4 0.04
Yes 0 (0) 8 (7.5) 18 (17.1)
No 10 (9.6) 11 (10.5) 58 (55.3)
Working over time 13.1 0.001
Yes 0 (0) 7 (6.7) 44 (41.9)
No 10 (9.6) 12 (11.4) 32 (30.4)
hospitals (governmental and private) regarding all clinical Table 3: Frequency distribution of studied sample according to
competency domains. their total level of clinical competence (n=105)
Table 5 shows correlation between total score of self- Items Novice Competent Expert
assessment questionnaire and observational checklist. As n (%) n (%) n (%)
revealed from Table 5, there was no statistical difference Nursing professional behavior 11 (10.5) 32 (30.5) 62 (59)
between total score of self-assessment questionnaire and General performance 11 (10.5) 22 (20.9) 72 (68.6)
observational checklist. Core nursing skills 19 (18.1) 23 (21.9) 63 (60)
Figure 1 shows the frequency distribution of the clinical Advanced nursing skills 37 (35.2) 13 (12.4) 55 (52.4)
competence level for the studied sample at both hospitals. Total 19 (18.1) 16 (15.2) 70 (66.7)
As presented in Figure 1, the majority of intern students at
the private hospitals achieved an expert level of competence
health sectors and then to compare the clinical competency
than intern students at the governmental hospitals.
of intern students in both sectors. It was once evident from
the results of this study that the highest percentage of the
studied sample was between the ages 22 and 24. Most of the
Developing equipped and confident new graduate nurses participants were females that was parallel with the study by
who can commit to their health care organizations is a AL-Mahmoud[15] and Fathi and Anwar[16] who revealed that
significant challenge. Researchers attributed the nursing about two-thirds of participants (61.33%) had been in their
competency to the chemistry between the nurse and patient, early 20’s and most of them (77.33%) were females and that
and nursing students could achieve highly competence was contradicted with Bifftu et al.[17] who concluded that the
levels through their own interpersonal skills, knowledge, majority of the study individuals176 (75.2%) had been male.
and potential to rise upward using learned practical and As well, in the current study, the very best share of the studied
theoretical knowledge to enrich own experience as part of sample had been single that was in congruence with Bifftu et
care values.[13] Today, the healthcare needs of the population al.[17] where 224 (95.7%) of participants were single and that
are more varied and complex, requiring a differentiated and result was contradicted with Fathi and Anwar[16] who found that
focused response to the specific needs of each individual. greater than one-half of their studied sample (56.66%) were
Those needs which have changed drastically over time have married. In addition, more than half of the respondents in this
to be met through increasing competent authorities capable study were rural residence in both private and governmental
of playing an energetic role in the complex organizational hospitals, which supported by Fathi and Anwar[16] who found
context, of which they are a part.[14] that the majority of the subjects (74%) were from rural areas.
The aim of that study was to assess clinical competence of Regarding the relationship between the total level of
intern nursing students in both private and governmental clinical competence of intern nursing students and their
Table 4: Frequency distribution of clinical competence level of studied sample at both hospitals (n=105)
Items Governmental Private Chi P value
n (%) n (%)
Nursing professional behavior
Novice 9 (16.6) 3 (5.9) 33.6 0.000
Competent 23 (42.5) 10 (19.6)
Expert 22 (40.7) 38 (74.5)
General performance
Novice 11 (20.3) 0 (0) 30.5 0.000
Competent 19 (35.1) 3 (5.9)
Expert 24 (44.4) 48 (94.1)
Core nursing skills
Novice 11 (20.3) 0 (0) 24.4 0.000
Competent 18 (33.3) 5 (9.8)
Expert 25 (46.2) 46 (90.2)
Advanced nursing skills
Novice 11 (20.3) 0 (0) 31.9 0.000
Competent 25 (46.2) 7 (13.7)
Expert 18 (33.3) 44 (86.3)
Novice 10 (18.5) 0 (0) 28.1 0.000
Competent 17 (31.5) 2 (3.9)
Expert 27 (50) 49 (96.1)
Table 5: Correlation between total score of self-assessment questionnaire and observational checklist (n=105)
Items Novice Competent Expert X2 P value
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Self-assessment total score 10 (9.5) 19 (18.1) 76 (72.4)
5.5 0.06
Observation checklist total score 11 (10.5) 22 (20.9) 72 (68.6)
sample achieved an expert level of the general performance of in-service training opportunities, and continuing learning
clinical competence compared to other competency domains. experiences for new nurses.[25]
The result of a present study supported by the findings of However, in private hospitals, all clinicians must adhere to
Children’s National Medical Center[19] which mentioned standardized care protocols that guide their clinical practice
that the perfect percentage of the studied sample completed and contributed to quality patient care and nursing competence.
excellent level of the general performance of clinical In addition, the health-care delivery system in these hospitals
competence, in which the internship program presents the allowed for more autonomous practices. Intern nursing students
newbie nurse with the information base and talent set needed in private hospitals had extensive education and training
to transition to competence in clinical nursing practice. program before engaging in the internship programs which
Furthermore, that finding could be attributed to the fact that equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills that are
all items on the general performance level are frequently updated and evidence-based to ensure that they are clinically
practiced by the students during their clinical practice of competent to care for the diverse patient population. On the
previous academic years; thus, the majority of students in both other hand, governmental hospitals, which have essential role
private and public hospitals achieved an excellent level in that in teaching nursing students, limit the opportunity for them to
domain. This study result contradicted with AL-Mahmoud[15] acquire necessary knowledge and skills as in these hospitals
who tested that the very best mean rating is for interpersonal nursing intern students not allowed to practice autonomously
and communication skills dimension while general overall but as assistances to the nursing staff.
performance had the lowest suggest scores.
The result of the present study revealed that there were highly Conclusions
significant differences between both hospitals (governmental
and private) regarding all clinical competency domains In the light of the present study, it can be concluded that
which was in the identical line with AL-Mahmoud[15] who the highest percentage of the studied sample achieved an
situated that there was a notably statistically enormous excellent level of competence at both hospitals regarding all
correlation between all clinical competence dimensions. competency domains. However, the general performance
This finding out about result contradicted with Tzeng[20] domain of competence had the highest score. In addition,
who found that no statistically significant correlations are there were statistically significant differences between
documented between total clinical competence dimensions. both hospitals (governmental and private) regarding all
The result of the present study reported that the majority of competency domains, as the majority of intern students at
intern students at the private hospitals achieved an expert the private hospitals achieved an excellent competence level
level of competence than intern students at the governmental than intern students at the governmental hospitals.
hospitals. The result of the current study was similar to Arrigoni
et al.[21] who assessed the degree of clinical competency in Recommendation
two private quarters in contrast with the governmental area
and reported that the level of clinical competence in the non- According to the current study findings, the researcher
public quarter had an excessive degree of clinical competence recommended that:
than the governmental sector. In addition, that finding was 1. Further studies are recommended (qualitative and
constant with the results of the survey by Buchanan et al.[22] quantitative) to deeply assess factors that affect the
who showed that private hospitals play the main function in competence level of intern nursing students at both
education and coaching and see this investment as strategically governmental and private hospitals.
important and the private health centers invest in the existing 2. Adopt a clinical competency questionnaire as an
and the future health-care workforce. On the contrary, Shahla assessment tool for evaluating the clinical performance of
et al.[23] found that no statistical correlations were documented the intern nursing students during the internship program.
between non-public and governmental sectors according to 3. Provide various training opportunities at different private
intern students’ level of clinical competence. hospitals, thus contributing to boosting their practical
In Egypt, the rigorous accreditation and quality assurance performance and developing their competencies before
programs of the health-care system might account for that going out to the labor market.
result in both health-care sectors. Creating a professional 4. Provide the orientation program for new nursing
nursing practice work environment that allow nurses graduates at the government hospitals to improve their
to practice to their full potential, and according to their level of clinical learning experiences according to
expectation as professionals, may be a fruitful strategy for Benner’s “from novice to expert” model.
nurse managers and administrators to attract and retain 5. Participation in extra skills laboraaatories - especially
nurses, promote their commitment to the organization and during orientation period - through which students are
improve their outcomes.[24] required to master basic procedures before practicing on
Ensuring professional development of nurses in the patients, to develop confidence and build independence
professional practice environment is the ultimate goal which and competent professional skills.
can be achieved through providing orientation programs, 6. Simulations are also mandatory and are carried before
each training period with the aim of training the 11. Benner P. From Novice to Expert: Excellence and
students’ for real-life situation. Power in Clinical Nursing Practice. Menlo Park:
Addison-Wesley; 1984. p. 13-34.
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the ability to do this work. I would like to offer a special Nursing. Taiwan: Chang Gung University of Science and
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to my parents and colleagues for their assistance. competence among Msc students of critical care nursing
faculty of nursing. Baqiyatallah university of medical
Conflicts of Interest sciences. Iran J Med Edu 2015;14:3-20.
14. Benner P, Sutphen M, Leonard V, Day L. Educating
This study has some important limitations that should be kept Nurses: A Call for a Radical Transformation. San
in mind when interpreting the results. First, the cross-sectional Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2016.
nature of the study design does not confirm definitive cause 15. AL-Mahmoud DS. Relationship between nurse interns’
and effect relationship. Second, the clinical environment is satisfaction regarding internship program and clinical
measured with one item that may not address the different competence. Med J Cairo Univ 2013;81:151-61.
dimensions of clinical environments that may lack an important 16. Fathi A, Anwar A. Clinical judgment among nursing
variable which can impact the competence of students. interns. Clin Nurs Stud 2018;6:3.
17. Bifftu S, Berihun M, Dachew BS, Netsanet H.
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