Shoulder Surgery

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Protocol for Patients Following Shoulder Surgery- Rotator Cuff Surgery,

Shoulder Stabilization Procedures, Labral Repairs.

Phase I

0-2 weeks

 Most important concern is pain control, protection and personal hygiene.

 Patients are instructed in proper showering, dressing and ADL.
 Precautions are stated in post op instructions (given to patient after surgery)
depending on what was done at surgery and the quality of the tissue/repair.
 Patients should sleep with immobilizer and not take any chances.
 Elbow, forearm, wrist and digits are mobilized to avoid stiffness and minimize
edema at the elbow and hand.
 Grip strengthening by using a “squeezy ball” keeps muscle pump going to reduce
dependent edema.
 Patients are seen at approximately 2 weeks for suture removal and wound check.

2-4 weeks

 No significant changes are made.

 Prescription is given for PT to start depending on what was done.
o No tissue repair just arthroscopic debridement- start at 2 weeks.
o Tissue repaired (any method) but good quality- start at 4 weeks.
o Tissue repaired but concerns about tissue integrity- start physician guided
exercises at 4 weeks, formal PT at 6 weeks.

Phase II

Begins when patient meets and begins working with therapist (usually at 4 weeks but
may be as much as 6 weeks post op) and lasts up till about 10-12 weeks post op

 May discontinue sling/immobilizer unless needed out of the house or for comfort.
 May sleep without sling.
 May begin driving as soon as safe and confident (usually determined by patient).
 Therapy is 3 sessions a week for 4 weeks at a time.
 Patients are encouraged and instructed in daily home stretches to assist therapist
in achieving functional ROM.

 Consists of AAROM with gentle passive assist by therapist to improve ROM and
 Directions include forward flexion, abduction, IR, ER.
 UBX, pulleys, cane stretches are all acceptable means to achieve ROM.


 No isometrics (they generate very high tension which may disrupt tissue repair).
 Begin distally with grip strengthening, elbow flexion/extension PRE’s with light
hand held weights.
 For proximal muscle strengthening think 3 P’s (in sequence).
o Primary joint stabilizers.
o Peri-scapular muscles.
o Power movers.
 Strengthening begins lightly and increases over time as tissue heals.
 Work muscle groups in proper sequence.

Phase III

10-12 weeks through 6 months


 Continues as before with progression to power movers and peri-scapular muscle

 Anterior and middle deltoids are key to success and proper shoulder function.

Phase IV

6 months until back to normal.

SLAP Repair

For Patients who have undergone SLAP repair, use guidelines and timeframe for small
cuff tear with good quality repair and tissue (i.e., start formal PT at 4 weeks) with
following exceptions:

o Avoid abduction/ER coupled motion for the first 6 weeks post-op.

o Avoid biceps resistance exercise for 8 weeks post-op.
Shoulder Stabilization procedures

Capsular plications, capsular shifts, Bankharts (whether open or arthroscopic) use

guidelines and timeframe for small cuff tear with good quality repair and tissue (i.e.,
start formal PT at 4 weeks) with following exceptions:

 Avoid abduction/ER-coupled motion for the first 6 weeks post-op; at 6-week

point, slowly progress this coupled movement over next 4 weeks. Full abd/ER
allowed 10 weeks post-op.
 Go slow with ER at side – limit to 30 degrees at side for 6 weeks; at 6-week
point, progress ER at side over next 4 weeks.
 For open repair, must violate the subscapula, therefore, as a general principle –
protect subscapula.

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