MBA Business Economics
MBA Business Economics
MBA Business Economics
Ordinance, Syllabus and Courses of Reading for MBA (Business Economics) (I & II Semester)
Session 2009-2010
Available from: Incharge (Publication) Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak-124 001 (Haryana) Price : At the Counter : Rs. 50/By Regd. Parcel : Rs. 90/By Ordinary Post : Rs. 75/-
External marks Paper code Nomenclature Internal marks Practical marks Total marks Duration of written examination (hrs.) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Principles and Applications of Business Economics Management Process and Organisational Behaviour Business Statistics Macro Economic Management Accounting for Managerial Decisions Computer Applications in Business - I All papers
70 70 70 70 70 50
30 30 30 30 30 -
Paper code Nomenclature External marks Internal marks Practical marks Total marks Duration of written examination (hrs.) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Analysis Financial Research OperationsManagement Marketing Management Business Environment Analysis Human Resource Marketing Management Management Human Resource Management Business Research Methods Computer Applications Financial Management in Business - II All papers
70 70 70 70 70 50
30 30 30 30 30
Note : 1. 2. Immediately after the completion of the 2nd Semester, the students shall proceed for their Summer Vacation Training (SVT) of 8 weeks duration.
70 70 50
30 30 --
Planning Four papers from two opted For Nomen- specialisation areas given in Table-1 clature and Paper Code see Table-1
100 70 marks for each paper 30 marks for each paper 100 100 100
3 3 3 3
100 800
a. b.
Paper code
4.1 4.2 For Nomenclature and Paper Code see Table-1 4.5 4.6
Business Econometrics Business Strategy Business Strategy Development Entrepreneurship Two papers from two specialization areas already opted in Semester-III
70 70
30 30
140c 100e
60d --
Note : 1. a= in paper 3.3. ( Business Research Methods) 25 marks shall be assigned to a short practical business research report. The report shall pertain to a business research problem demonstrtaing the applications of any one or more of the buisness research methods included int the paper and submit a written short research report ( in about 15-25, A-4 size pages typed in double space on both sides) at least 10 days before the end of 3rd smester. The report shall be evaluated internally by a consist-
Ordinance & Syllabus M.B.A. (Business Economics) ing of : (i) the HOD,(ii) the senior most teacher (excluding the HOD/ Director), and (iii) the concerned teacher. b= written report to be evaluated by an external examiner, c= to be evaluated internally by the Department/ Institute on the basis of presentation of training report by the candidate before a panel of two internal examiners, d= written report to be evaluated seprately by an external examiner to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the PG Board of Studies, e= written report to be evalauted by the internal supervisor, f= to be evaluated through project Viva-Voce Examination to be jointly conducted by HOD/ Director of te Institute and an external examiner to be appointed by the Vice -Chancellor on the recommendation of the PG Board of Studies.
Paper code
A. Marketing
C. Finance
Business Taxation
Note: A student is required to opt for two specialization areas in Semester-III, which will remain the same in Semester-IV.
MBA (Business Economics) Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Principles and Applications of Business Economics Paper Code: 1.1 Unit-1 Nature and scope of Business Economics; business economics and managerial decision making; role of business economist; basic concepts- short and long run, firm and industry, types of goods and markets, opportunity cost, risk and uncertainty, demand, supply and equilibrium, productivity and efficiency, factors of production; objectives of a firm; nature of marginal analysis. Law of Demand; elasticity of demand; consumers equilibrium utility and indifference curves approaches; techniques of demand estimation. Unit-II Short and long run production functions; producers equilibrium; optimal input combination; technology changes and innovation; cost classification; short and long run cost curves and their interrelationship; engineering cost curves; economies of scale and scope; minimum efficient scale and its competitive implications; learning curve and its usage. Unit-III Firm and industry equilibrium under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly; price discrimination; multiplant equilibrium; advertising and firms equilibrium; managerial theories of the firm; pricing policies, practices, strategies and tactics. Unit-IV Factor pricing theory-determination of rent, wage, interest and profit; risk and uncertainty in business; risk-incorporated in business decisions.
Suggested Readings: 1. H.Craig Petersen and W. Cris Lewis, Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi 2. Dominick Salvatore, Managerial Economics in Global Economy, Thomson Learning Bombay 3. A. Koutsoyiannis, Modern Micro Economics, Macmillan, N. Delhi 4. Manab Adhikary, Business Economics, Excel Books, N. Delhi. Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks. Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Management Process and Organizational Behaviour Paper Code: 1.2 Unit-I The concept and process of management; management levels and skills; managerial challenges; approaches to management; nature of managerial decision making; globalisation and management; ethical and social responsibility aspects of management; tasks of a professional
manager; information system for management. Unit-II Planning-concept, types and objective setting; strategic planning process; nature of organising; departmentation; delegation and decentralization of authority; line-staff relationships; span of management; organisational re-engineering; staffing decisions. Unit-III The leadership function; leadership theories, behaviour and styles; the basic control process; critical control points, standards and benchmarks; control as feedback system; techniques of managerial control; pre-requisites for effective control. Unit-IV Organisational bevhaviour- concept, challenges and opportunities; types of organisational structures; organisational culture, values and motivation; group behaviour and work teams; organisational communication; organisational conflicts and negotiation; training, development and performance appraisal; organisational change. Suggested Readings: 1. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management-An International Perspective, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi James A.F.Stoner, R.Edward Freeman and Daniel R.Gilbert, Management, Pearson Education, Delhi Stephen P.Robbins, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi F. Luthans, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi.
2. 3. 4.
Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks. Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Business Statistics Paper Code: 1.3 Unit-I Significance of statistics in business decisions; basic conceptsdescriptive and inferential statistics; population and sample; frequency distributions and ogives, degrees of freedom, levels of significance; types of data, methods of data collection and presentation; basic sampling concepts and methods. Unit-II Measures of central tendency and dispersion; moments, skewness and kurtosis; two-variable linear correlation and regression; multiple and partial correlation; price, quantity and value index numbers; time series analysis; statistical quality control. Unit-III Probability-basic concepts, postulates and rules; Bayesian Theorem; Probability distributions-Binominal, Normal and Poisson; sampling distributions-large and small sampling; statistical estimation-point and interval estimation.
Unit-IV Significance and scope of business forecasting; types of business forecasts; basic steps in forecasting; forecasting with trend projection, moving averages and exponential smoothening; barometric methods of forecasting; basic econometric methods of forecasting using single and multiple equation models; predicting business cycles; qualitative forecasts through surveys and opinion polls.
50% to 70% of the maximum written exam marks shall be assigned to practical/numerical problem solving.
Suggested Readings: 1. Murray R.Spiegel and Larry J.Stephens, Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2. Ya-Lun Chou, Statistical Analysis, Rinehart & Winsten, New York 3. Croxton and Cowden, Practical Business Statistics, Prentice-Hall, London 4. S.P.Gupta, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & sons, N.Delhi. 5. Amir D.Aczel and Jayavel Sounderpandian, Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : The examiner will set eight questions in all, selecting two questions from each unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions selecting atleast one question from each unit. All five questions will carry equal marks.
Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Macro Economic Management Paper Code: 1.4 Unit-I Nature of macro-economic system; circular flow of income; national income- concepts and measurement; determinants of economic growth; quantity theory relationship; investment multiplier and accelerator; Keynsian theory of income determination; interrelationship between inflation rate, exchange rate and interest rate; elements of macro planning; nature of balance of payments, tradegrowth relationship. Unit-II Nature and components of fiscal policy; fiscal policy operations for macro-economic growth and stabilisation; fiscal deficit and its management; public debt operations and their impact. Central banking operations and aspects of monetary management; growth and stabilisation effects of monetary policy operations; liquidity and interest rate management; co-ordination of fiscal and monetary policies for effective macro-management; corporate adjustments to monetary and fiscal variations. Unit-III Aspects of b.o.p management; exchange rate management through macro-economic policies; approaches to manage trade and b.o.p deficits; managing internal and external balance simultaneously; management of foreign exchange reserves; managing foreign investment flows; corporate responses to variations in exchange rates and policies.
Unit-IV Approaches to macro-economic planning and objectives; resource mobilization and strategy of current five year plan in India; business opportunities in the current plan; appraisal of plan performance; effect of macro-planning on corporate decisions. Suggested Readings: 1. Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fisher and Richard Startz, Macroeconomics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2. Edward Shapiro, Macroeconomic Analysis, Galgotia Puiblications, New Delhi 3. Eric J. Pentecost, Macroeconomics An Open Economy Approach, MacMillan, N.Delhi. 4. Michael R. Baye and Dennis W. Jansen, Money, Banking and Financial Markets: An Economics Approach, AITBS, N. Delhi. 5. Dernburg, T.F and J.D. Dernburg, Macroeconomic Analysis, An Introduction to Comprataive Statistics and Dynamics, Addison- Wesley. Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks.
Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Accounting for Managerial Decisions Paper Code: 1.5 Unit-I Nature and scope of accounting concept; principles and standards; journal, ledger and ledger posting; preparation of trial balances; classification of capital and revenue expenditures; fixed assets and depreciation accounting- straight line and diminishing value method; preparation of financial statements along with adjustments. Unit-II Cost classification; preparation of cost-sheet; inventory accountinginventory control and pricing methods. Labour cost accounting- remuneration and incentive techniques; conceptual knowledge of allocation of overheads. Unit-III Budgeting and budgetary control-types of budget; standard costing; variance analysis-material and labour; Fundamentals of strategic cost management; elementary knowledge of activity-based costing and its application in budgeting. Unit-IV Marginal costing and cost-volume profit analysis; performance measurement- RI, ROI, EVA; responsibility accounting and human resource accounting. Suggested Readings: 1. I.M. Pandey, Management Accounting, Vikas Publishing House, N. Delhi 2. Hansen and Mowen, Management Accounting, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
3. M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain, Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, N. Delhi. 4. Hrongren and Sundem, Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi. Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks. Written Exam: 50 Practical Exam: 50 Time: 3 Hours Computer Applications in Business -I Paper Code: 1.6 Unit-I Definition and nature of computers; classification of computers; basic computer organization; input and output devices; storage devices; computer applications; types of computer virus- preventive measures and treatment; computer crimes; impact of computers on society. Unit-II Software types- system software, application software and utility software; forms of data transmission; communication channels; modes of data transmission; nature and types of communication packages.
Unit-III Nature, types and criteria for classification of computer networksLAN, MAN, WAN; network topologies; network architecture; applications of computer networks. Unit-IV Introduction to SPSS, STATA and E-Views, running SPSS, varaibles, coding the variables indicating the decimals places, variables and value labels, missing values, active file, listing data, cleaning data, data tabulations, descriptive statistices, business application of simple and general linear regression. Lab: Working knowledge of MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint and Internet Surfing. Suggested Readings: 1. Rajaraman: Fundamentals of Conputers; Prentic Halls of India, New Delhi 2. White, Data Communication and Networking, Thomson Learning Bombay 3. B.Ram, Computer Fundamental, New Age, N.Delhi 4. Faromzan, Data Communication and Networking, TMH, New Delhi 5. Andy Field, Discovering Statistics using SPSS, SAGE, London. Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : The examiner will set eight questions in all, selecting two questions from each unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions selecting atleast one question from each unit. All five questions will carry equal marks.
Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours International Economics Paper Code: 2.1 Unit-I Areas of international economics ; alternative theories of international trdae; dynamic factors affecting trade : terms of trade; intra industry trade and transfer pricing; trade growth interrelationship and implications for macro economic policy: forign trade multifiplier; barriers to trade; economic effects of tariffs. Unit-II Forms of international economic cooperation and integration : trade creating and trade diverting affects of custom union; international capital movements; alternative approaches to FDI. Unit-III Analytical structure of balance of payment (bop) bop disequilibrium and approaches to adjustment; macro economic policy for internal and external balance; alternative exchange rate systems; foreigzn exchange market and exchange rate determination. Unit-IV Working of international ibnsttituitions in trade and finance (WTO, IMF, UNCTAD and World Bank); problem of international liquidity and indebtedness; analysis of Indias foreign trade and balance of payment in the post reform period. Suggested Readings: 1. Suderston, Bo, International Economics; Macmillan Presss, London. 2. Salvatore, D. International economics John Wiley, New York. 3. Porter, M. E. The competitive advantage of Nations. The
Free Press, New York. 4. King, P., International Economcs and International Economic Policy: A Reader, Mc Graw Hill, New York. Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks. Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Operations Research Paper Code: 2.2 Unit-I Significance of operation research in managerial decsision making : formulation of linear programming problem and its solution by graphical and simplex methods; ideas of infeasibility, degeneracy, unboundedness and multiple optimal solutions; duality. Unit-II Transportation problems; unbalanced probmes, degeneracy, maximization objective and multiple optimal solutions; assignment problems. Unit-III Networks Analyisis : difference between PERT and CPM network construction, calculating EST, EFT, LST LFT and fafloats, probability considerations in PERT, time-cost trade -off.
Unit-IV Types of inventory, inventory costs, EOQ model, determination of optimal safety stock Queuing theory : general structure of queuing system, operating characteritics of queuing system. Poissonexponential single server infinite population model, determination of optimal service level. Suggested Readings: 1. Vohra, N.D. : Quantitative Techniques in Management; Tata Mc Graw Hill Pubsihing Company Ltd., New Delhi. 2. Wanger, H.M. principles of Operation research with Applications to Mangerial Decision Prentice Hal of India, New Delhi. 3. Levin, R.I. and Kirkpatrick, C.A. Quantitataive approaches to Management, Mc Graw Hill 4. Hardy, A. Taha, Operations research - An Introduction, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York. 5. Harper, W.M. Operations Research, ELBS, London. 6. Hilier F.S. & Lieberman G.J. Introduction to Operations Research Holden Day Inc. San Francisco. 7. Hartley, E.V., Operation Research : A Managerial Emphasis, Good Year Publishing Compnay, California. Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : The examiner will set eight questions in all, selecting two questions from each unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions selecting atleast one question from each unit. All five questions will carry equal marks.
Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Business Environment Analysis Paper Code: 2.3 Unit-I Business environment-nature, structure and determinants; country risk; political environment and corporate adjustment; corporate social responsibility; corporate governance; international impact on domestic business environment; Government influence on business environment. Unit-II Economic reforms and the current state of investment and growth environment; fiscal and monetary policy environment; corporate adjustment to interest rates; inflationary environment and corporate adjustment; competitive environment and the Competition Act, 2002; Intellectual property protection regime and R&D environment; consumer protection and marketing decisions; financial environment. Unit-III Industrial growth scenario; industrial policy design; public sector reforms and public-private partnership; operating environment for SMEs; trends in infrastructure development and policy; current trends in Indias service sector; present state of industrial relations. Unit-IV BOP scenario; globalisation trends and corporate challenges; foreign trade pattern and policy; environment for FDI: exchange rate stability and corporate responses. Suggested Readings: 1. Ruddar Datt(ed.), Second Generation Economic Reforms in India, Deep and Deep, New Delhi
N.K.Sengupta, Government and Business, Vikas, New Delhi 3. S. K. Mishra and V. K. Puri, Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing, New Delhi 4. Govt. of India, Economic Survey (latest year), Govt. of India, New Delhi 5. Council for Social Development: India: Social Development Report, Oxford University Press, New Delhi Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks. Written Exam: 70 Internal Assessment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Marketing Management Paper Code: 2.4 Unit-I Importance and scope of marketing; marketing concepts; tasks of marketing management; consumer and business markets; developing marketing strategy and plan; marketing environment; marketing research process and information system; building an effective marketing organization.
Unit-II Consumer buying decision process in consumer and business markets; building customer value, satisfaction and loyalty; managing customer relations. Market segmentation, targeting and positioning approaches to deal with market competition. Unit-III Product levels; developing and introducing new products; product life cycle; branding decisions; managing brand equity; developing brand strategy, packaging decisions; marketing channels and value networks; decisions concerning channel designing and management; marketlogistics decisions. Developing effective marketing communications; media decisions; direct marketing; managing personal selling; pricing policies, strategies and tactics. Unit-IV Ethical issues in marketing; socially responsible marketing; consumerism and marketing decisions; special challenges of rural marketing; e-marketing; evaluating and controlling marketing effort; challenges of global marketing. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane, Marketing Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi Terence A. Shimp, Promotional Management and Marketing Communications, The Dryden Press, Orlando. Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff and Norman A. P. Govoni, Sales Management, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. V.S. Ramaswamy and S.Namakumari, Marketing Management : Planning, Control, MacMillan, N. Delhi.
Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks. Written Exam: 70 Internal Assesment: 30 Time: 3 Hours Human Resource Management Paper Code: 2.5 Unit I Concepts and perspective of human resource management; human resource management in changing environment; process involved in HRM; Unit II Human resource planning- long and short term perspective; methods and techniques of forecasting the demand and supply of man power; job analysis and job evaluation; recruitment and selection; employment tests and interviews. Unit III Training and development of managerial, technical, operating personnel and office staff; workforce adjustment; employee promotion-mechanics system and key issues.
Unit IV Human resource information system; human resource audit; human resource accounting; human resource motivation; compensation- aims and components, factors determining pay rates; establishing pay rates; industrial relations; industrial disputes and dispute resolution; trade unions; employee grievances and discipline; employee empowerment. Suggested Readings: 1. G. Dessler, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education Asia, N. Delhi. 2. Jan Beardwell and Len Holden, Human Resource ManagementA Contemporary Perspective, Mac Millan, New Delhi 3. E, Ramaswamy; Managing Human Resources, Oxford University Press, N. Delhi. 4. John Ivancevich, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill, N. Delhi. 5. Lais R.Gomez-Mejia, David B.Balcin, Robert L.Cardy, Managing Human Resource, Pearson Education, Delhi. Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks.
Financial Management Paper Code: 2.6 Unit-I Nature and scope of financial management; goals and functions of finance; objectives of financial management; impact of financial and economic environment on financial management; time value of money; ratio analysis; fund flow analysis; cash flow analysis. Unit-II Capital structure decisions; leverages; cost of capital; net income approach; net operating income approach; traditional approach; Merton Miller (MM) approach; EBIT-EPS analysis; debt equity ratio; generation of internal funds; dividend policy determinants. Unit-III Working capital management; need for working capital; determinants of working capital requirements; estimation of working capital needs; working capital financing; management of cash and inventory; credit management. Unit-IV Investment decisions- importance and difficulties; capital budgeting techniques; inflation and capital budgeting; risk analysis; risk-adjusted discounting rate; decision tree; independent and dependent risk analysis. Suggested Readings: 1. I. M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, N.Delhi. 2. M. Y. Khan and P. K. Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi 3. Engene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Thomson South Western, Ohio.
4. 5.
Van Horne, Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, N. Delhi
Only latest editions of the above are recommended. Note : 1. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. 2. Instructions for external Examiner : the question paper will have two section. Section A shall comprise eight question (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to atempt four questions (selecting one question each unit). Section B will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks.