ASTM E 100 Standard Specification For ASTM Hydrometers

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Designation: E 100 – 05

Standard Specification for

ASTM Hydrometers1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 100; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 3.2.2 top of the hydrometer, n— top of the finished instru-

1.1 This specification covers glass hydrometers of various ment.
scale graduation systems, as required by the ASTM Test 3.2.3 total length, n—overall length of the finished hydrom-
Methods in which they are used. eter.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4. Specifications
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 4.1 Individual hydrometers shall conform to the detailed
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- specifications in Table 1 and to the general requirements
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. specified in Sections 5-15.
NOTE 1—Changes in this specification may be made from time to time
2. Referenced Documents which do not affect the basic characteristics of the hydrometers. Hydrom-
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 eters manufactured prior to the adoption of the specifications will retain
D 287 Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and the same official status as those meeting current specifications.
Petroleum Products (Hydrometer Method) 5. Type
D 1250 Guide for Use of the Petroleum Measurement
Tables 5.1 Hydrometers shall be of the constant-mass, variable-
E 1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers displacement type. Hydrometers shall be made of glass, except
E 77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther- for the scale, ballasting material, and the thermometric liquid

mometers of thermohydrometers.
E 126 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Hy- 5.2 The outer surface of the stem and body shall be
drometers symmetrical about the vertical axis. There shall be no uneven
E 344 Terminology Relating to Thermometry and Hydrom- or unnecessary thickening of the walls, and no abrupt changes
etry or constrictions that would hinder thorough cleaning or tend to
trap air bubbles when the instrument is immersed.
3. Terminology 5.3 The hydrometer shall always float with its axis vertical.
3.1 Definitions—The definitions given in Terminology 5.4 The hydrometer shall be thoroughly dry on the inside
E 344 apply. when sealed. The top of the stem shall be neatly rounded
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: without unnecessary thickening.
3.2.1 length of the scale, n—length of the nominal range in 5.5 The glass shall be smooth, transparent, and free of
the stem, not including graduations extending above and below bubbles, striae, or other imperfections that might interfere with
the nominal limits. the use of the hydrometer. The glass shall adequately resist the
reaction of chemical agents to which hydrometers may be
exposed, and also shall have suitable thermal properties to
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E20 on permit its use over the range of temperatures to which it may
Temperature Measurement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E20.05 be subjected. In general, glasses suitable for constructing the
on Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers and Hydrometers.
Current edition approved May 1, 2005. Published May 2005. Originally bulbs of thermometers are satisfactory for hydrometers.
approved in 1953. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as E 100 – 03.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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E 100 – 05
5.6 The API hydrometers are intended to be used in con- ation at least 15 mm, and remain cylindrical for at least 3 mm
junction with Test Method D 287, hydrometer readings being below the lowest graduation.
corrected using Guide D 1250, IP 200. Therefore, these hy-
drometers shall be made of glass having a cubical coefficient of 9. Scale
expansion of approximately 0.000023/1°C or 0.0000128/1°F 9.1 The material for the scale is optional. If paper is used,
15.56°C (60°F). only No. 1 sulfite paper or ledger paper shall be used. The scale
6. Body may be anchored by a design which prevents it from moving;
otherwise it shall be fixed in place with a cement that will not
6.1 The preferred shapes for the bodies of hydrometers are soften below 105°C (221°F) and will not deteriorate with time.
shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The paper shall show no evidence of scorching or charring
7. Ballast when received, or after use at 105°C (221°F). The scale must
7.1 Material used for ballast shall be secured to the lower be straight and without twist.
part of the body, and no loose material of any sort may be
10. Markings
inside a hydrometer. When a cement is used to hold the ballast
securely in place, this cement shall not soften below 105°C 10.1 Graduation lines and inscriptions shall be in a perma-
(221°F). nent black marking material, such as India ink.
7.2 When mercury is used for weighting, it shall be placed 10.2 All graduation lines shall be straight, fine lines not
in a small bulb below the main bulb of the hydrometer, and exceeding one fifth of the graduation interval in thickness, and
completely separated from the main bulb by means of a glass in no case more than 0.2 mm. The lines shall be perpendicular
partition or by sealing the small opening between bulbs with a to the vertical axis of the hydrometer. The lengths of main
suitable cement. Solid material, such as shot, also may be division lines, and the subdivision lines, shall be so chosen as
placed in a similar small bulb. to facilitate readings. The shortest lines shall be at least 2 mm
8. Stem 10.3 All numbers of the API hydrometers must be complete.
8.1 The stem shall be uniform in cross section, with no The numbers for 0.050 lines on specific gravity and density
perceptible irregularities. It shall extend above the top gradu- hydrometers must include the values for the first three decimal

(a) Plain Hydrometer (b) Thermohydrometer with (c) Thermohydrometer with

Thermometer in Body Thermometer in Stem
FIG. 1 Typical Hydrometers Designs

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E 100 – 05

FIG. 2 Soil Hydrometers

places, for example: 0.750, 0.900, 1.100; the other numbered 13. Special Inscription
lines may be abbreviated. 13.1 There shall appear on the scale or an extension thereof,
10.4 For cemented scales, there shall be a permanent or on a suitable label cemented permanently to the inside of the
reference mark on the stem of the hydrometer corresponding to instrument, an inscription that indicates the purpose of the
a designated reference mark on the scale. hydrometer. If necessary, this inscription should denote the
liquid for which the hydrometer is intended, the temperature at
11. Graduation which it is to be used, and the character of the indication.
11.1 All hydrometers shall be graduated to read correctly 13.2 The designation of standard temperature and reference
where the plane of the level liquid surface intersects the stem. temperature may be abbreviated, for example, sp gr 60/60°F,
11.2 Hydrometers indicating density shall be graduated to means that the hydrometer indicates at 60°F the specific
indicate, at the temperature marked on the scale, the density of gravity of the liquid, referred to water at 60°F as unity.
liquids in kilograms per cubic metre. 13.3 The inscription shall include also the hydrometer
11.3 Specific gravity hydrometers shall be graduated to number (1H, 6H, and so forth) but not the year designation (62,
indicate the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of the liquid at and so forth); a unique serial number; and the name or
the stated temperature to the mass of the same volume of trademark of the manufacturer or vendor.
gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature.
14. Standardization
11.4 API hydrometers shall be graduated to give degrees of
API gravity obtained as follows: 14.1 When tests are made at three scale points, the points
shall include at least 60 % of the graduated interval of the
API Gravity, deg 5 141.5/~sp gr 60/60°F! 2 131.5 (1)
scale. Neither of the extreme points shall be farther from the
nearest end of the graduated scale than a distance represented
11.5 A list of liquids suitable for comparison tests of by 25 % of the length of the graduated scale. No two adjacent
hydrometers will be found in Table 1 of Test Method E 126. points shall be farther apart than a distance represented by
50 % of the length of the graduated scale.
12. Thermohydrometers
NOTE 2—When testing thermohydrometers, the thermometer in the
12.1 The thermometer shall be of the mercury-in-glass type, instrument shall not be used to determine the temperature of the bath. An
unless otherwise specified. ASTM Gravity Thermometer as prescribed in Specification E 1, or an
12.2 The capillary stem shall be essentially parallel to the instrument of equal sensitivity and accuracy, must be used.
hydrometer axis. 15. Case
12.3 When the thermometer scale is located in the stem of
15.1 The hydrometer shall be supplied in a suitable carton
the hydrometer, the scale shall be in red to distinguish it from
on which shall appear the ASTM number, name, and range, as
the hydrometer scale.
given in Table 1.
12.4 When the thermometer scale is in the stem, calibration
and testing of the thermometer shall be based on immersion of 16. Method for Inspection, Test, and Standardization
the thermometer scale to the level of the mercury in the 16.1 Hydrometers shall be inspected, tested, and standard-
thermometer stem (total immersion). ized in accordance with Test Method E 126.
12.5 The requirements in Section 9 for the scale of the
hydrometer shall apply also to the scale of the thermometer. 17. Keywords
12.6 The thermometer shall be calibrated in accordance 17.1 ballast; body; hydrometers; specific gravity; stem;
with Test Method E 77. thermohydrometers

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Kathe Hooper (ASTMIHS Account); Mon May 23 12:41:47 EDT 2005
E 100 – 05

TABLE 1 Specifications for ASTM Hydrometers

API Gravity Hydrometers Specific Gravity Specific Gravity

Hydrometers Hydrometers
For Petroleum Products and Other Liquids of For General Use
Similar Surface Tensions (33 dynes/cm or less)
ASTM Nominal ASTM Nominal ASTM Nominal
Hydrometer API Gravity Hydrometer Specific Gravity Hydrometer Specific
No. Range, deg No. Range No. Gravity

1H-62 −1 to + 11 82H-62 0.650 to 0.700 For AlcoholsA

2H-62 9 to 21 83H-62 0.700 to 0.750 98H-62 0.950 to 1.000
3H-62 19 to 31 84H-61 0.750 to 0.800 For Heavy LiquidsA
4H-62 29 to 41 85H-62 0.800 to 0.850 111H-62 1.000 to 1.050
5H-62 39 to 51 86H-62 0.850 to 0.900 112H-62 1.050 to 1.100
6H-62 49 to 61 87H-62 0.900 to 0.950 113H-62 1.100 to 1.150
7H-62 59 to 71 88H-62 0.950 to 1.000 114H-62 1.150 to 1.200
8H-62 69 to 81 89H-62 1.000 to 1.050 115H-62 1.200 to 1.250
9H-62 79 to 91 90H-62 1.050 to 1.100 116H-62 1.250 to 1.300
10H-62 89 to 101 117H-62 1.300 to 1.350
11H-03 37 to 49 118H-62 1.350 to 1.400
12H-03 64 to 76 119H-62 1.400 to 1.450
120H-62 1.450 to 1.500

Standard temperature, °F 60 60/60 60/60

Subdivisions 0.1° API 0.0005 0.0005
Intermediate lines at 0.5° API 0.001 0.001
Main (numbered) lines at 1.0° API 0.005 0.005
Scale error at any point not to exceed 0.1° API 0.0005 0.0005
Total length, mm 325 to 335 325 to 335 325 to 335
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145 125 to 145 125 to 145
Scale extension beyond nominal range 0.2° 0.0025 0.0025
limits, max
Body diameter, mm 23 to 27 23 to 27 23 to 27
Stem diameter min, mm 4.0 5.0 4.0

API Gravity Hydrometers

For Petroleum Products and Other Liquids of Similar Surface Tensions (33 dynes/cm or less)
ASTM Hydrometer No. Nominal API Gravity ASTM Hydrometer No. Nominal API Gravity
Range, deg Range, deg
21H-62 0 to 6 31H-62 50 to 56
22H-62 5 to 11 32H-62 55 to 61
23H-62 10 to 16 33H-62 60 to 66
24H-62 15 to 21 34H-62 65 to 71
25H-62 20 to 26 35H-62 70 to 76
26H-62 25 to 31 36H-62 75 to 81
27H-62 30 to 36 37H-62 80 to 86
28H-62 35 to 41 38H-62 85 to 91
29H-62 40 to 46 39H-62 90 to 96
30H-62 45 to 51 40H-62 95 to 101

Standard temperature, °F 60
Subdivision, °API 0.1
Intermediate lines at, °API 0.5
Main (numbered) lines at, °API 1.0
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °API 0.2
Total length, mm 158 to 168
Length of nominal scale, mm 48 to 61
Scale extension beyond nominal range limits, max 0.2 °API
Body diameter, mm 12 to 15
Stem diameter min, mm 2.5

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E 100 – 05
TABLE 1 Continued

API Gravity Thermohydrometers

For Petroleum Products and Other Liquids of Similar Surface Tensions (33 dynes/cm or less)
Thermometer Scale in Body
ASTM Hydrometer No. Nominal API Gravity Range, deg
41H-66 15 to 23
42H-66 22 to 30
43H-66 29 to 37
44H-66 36 to 44
45H-66 43 to 51
Total length, mm 374 to 387
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25
Stem diameter, min, mm 4.0
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °F 60
Subdivisions, ° API 0.1
Intermediate lines at,° API 0.5
Main (numbered) lines at, ° API 1.0
Scale error at any point not to exceed,° API 0.1
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale

Range, °FB 0 to 150 Designation L

30 to 180 Designation M
60 to 220 Designation H
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °F 2
Intermediate lines at,° F 10
Main (numbered) lines at, °F 20
Scale error at any point not to exceed,° F 1
Scale length, mm 80 to 110

API Gravity Thermohydrometers

For Petroleum Products and Other Liquids of Similar Surface Tensions (33 dynes/cm or less)
Thermometer Scale in Body Thermometer Scale in Stem
Nominal API Gravity Nominal API Gravity
ASTM Hydrometer No. ASTM Hydrometer No.
Range, deg Range, deg
51H-62 –1 to + 11 71H-62 –1 to + 11
52H-62 9 to 21 72H-62 9 to 21
53H-62 19 to 31 73H-62 19 to 31
54H-62 29 to 41 74H-62 29 to 41
55H-62 39 to 51
56H-62 49 to 61
57H-62 59 to 71
58H-62 69 to 81
59H-62 79 to 91
60H-62 89 to 101

Total length, mm 374 to 387 374 to 387
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25 23 to 27
Stem diameter, min, mm 4.0 6.0
Hydrometer Scale

Standard temperature, °F 60
Subdivisions, °API 0.1
Intermediate lines at, °API 0.5
Main (numbered) lines at, °API 1.0
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °API 0.1
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale

Range, °FC 0 to 150 Designation L 30 to 220

30 to 180 Designation M
60 to 220 Designation H
Immersion total total


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E 100 – 05
TABLE 1 Continued
Subdivisions, °F 2 2
Intermediate lines at,° F 10 10
Main (numbered) lines at, °F 20 20
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °F 1 1
Scale length, mm 80 to 110 105 to 145

Specific Gravity Thermohydrometer

For Petroleum Products and Other Liquids of Similar Surface
Tensions (33 dynes/cm or less)
Thermometer Scale in Body
ASTM Hydrometer No. Nominal Specific Gravity
101H-03 0.500 to 0.650

Total length, mm 354 to 387
Body diameter, mm 19 to 22
Stem diameter min, mm 10.5
Working pressure min, psi 200
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °F 60/60
Subdivisions 0.001
Intermediate lines at 0.005
Main (numbered) lines at 0.010
Scale error at any point not to exceed 0.001
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °F 30 to 90
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °F 1
Intermediate lines at, °F 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °F 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °F 0.5
Scale length, mm 50 to 70

Specific Gravity Hydrometers

For Petroleum Products and Other Liquids of Similar
For General Use
Surface Tensions (33 dynes/cm or less)
ASTM Nominal Specific Gravity ASTM Nominal Specific
Hydrometer No. Range Hydrometer No. Gravity Range
102H-62 0.650 to 0.700 125H-62 1.000 to 1.050
103H-62 0.700 to 0.750 126H-62 1.050 to 1.100
104H-62 0.750 to 0.800 127H-62 1.100 to 1.150
105H-62 0.800 to 0.850 128H-62 1.150 to 1.200
106H-62 0.850 to 0.900 129H-62 1.200 to 1.250
107H-62 0.900 to 0.950 130H-62 1.250 to 1.300
108H-62 0.950 to 1.000 131H-62 1.300 to 1.350
132H-62 1.350 to 1.400
133H-62 1.400 to 1.450
134H-62 1.450 to 1.500
135H-62 1.500 to 1.550
136H-62 1.550 to 1.600
137H-62 1.600 to 1.650
138H-62 1.650 to 1.700
139H-62 1.700 to 1.750
140H-62 1.750 to 1.800
141H-62 1.800 to 1.850

Standard temperature, °F 60/60

Subdivisions 0.001
Intermediate lines at 0.005
Main (numbered) lines at 0.010
Scale error at any point not to exceed 0.001
Total length, mm 250 to 270
Length of nominal scale, mm 70 to 85
Scale extension beyond nominal 0.005
range limits, max
Body diameter, mm 20 to 24


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E 100 – 05
TABLE 1 Continued
Stem diameter min, mm 4.0

Soil Hydrometers (55 dynes/cm or less)

ASTM Hydrometer Nominal Specific ASTM Hydrometer No. Nominal Range
No. Gravity Range
0.995 to 1.038
151H-05 152H-05 –5 to + 60 g/L
sp gr
Standard temperature, °F 68/68 68/68
Divisions 0.001 sp gr 1 g/L
Intermediate lines at 0.005 sp gr 5 g/L
Main (numbered) lines at 0.010 sp gr 10 g/L
Scale error at any point not to exceed 0.001 sp gr 1 g/L
Length of nominal scale See Fig. 2 See Fig. 2
Total length, mm 278 to 282 278 to 282
Body diameter See Fig. 2 See Fig. 2
Stem diameter See Fig. 2 See Fig. 2

Pounds Per Gallon Hydrometers

For Petroleum Products and Other Liquids of Similar Surface Tensions (33 dynes/cm or less)
ASTM Number Nominal Range,
293H-68 5.83 to 6.24
294H-68 6.24 to 6.66
295H-68 6.66 to 7.08
296H-68 7.08 to 7.50
297H-68 7.50 to 7.91
298H-68 7.91 to 8.33
Standard temperature, °F 60°F
Subdivisions 0.005
Intermediate lines at 0.01
Main (numbered) lines at 0.05
Scale error at any point not to exceed 0.005
Total length, mm 325 to 335
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Scale extension beyond nominal range limits 0.025
Body diameter, mm 23 to 27
Stem diameter min, mm 5.0

ASTM Hydrometer No. API°
255H-03 37 to 49
258H-03 64 to 76

Total length, mm 385 to 405
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25
Nominal stem diameter, mm >4
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °F 60
Subdivisions, API 0.1
Intermediate lines at, API 0.5
Main (numbered) lines at, API 1
Scale error at any point not to exceed, API 0.1
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °F 0 to 100°
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °F 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, °F 1
Long intermediate lines at, °F 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °F 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °F 0.5
Scale length, mm 110 to 140

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E 100 – 05
TABLE 1 Continued
ASTM Hydrometer No. Density, Range, kg/m3
300H-82 600 to 650
301H-82 650 to 700
302H-82 700 to 750
303H-82 750 to 800
304H-82 800 to 850
305H-82 850 to 900
306H-82 900 to 950
307H-82 950 to 1000
308H-82 1000 to 1050
309H-82 1050 to 1100

Total length, mm 374 to 387
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25
Stem diameter, min, mm 4.0
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, kg/m3 1
Long intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 0.5
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Scale extension beyond nominal range limits, kg/m3 2.5
Thermometer Scale
Range, °C designation
−20 to + 65 L
0 to + 85 M
+ 20 to + 105 H
Thermometer Scale
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °C 1.0
Intermediate lines at, °C 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °C 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °C 1.0
Scale length, mm 80 to 100

Thermohydrometer (Pressure)
ASTM Hydrometer No. Density Range, kg/m3
310H 500–650

Nominal length, mm 387
Body diameter, mm 16 to 22

Nominal stem diameter, mm 10.5
Working pressure, kPa 1400
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 1
Intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at, kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 1
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °C 0 to 35
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °C 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, °C 1
Long intermediate lines at, °C 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °C 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °C 0.5
Scale length, mm 50 to 80

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Kathe Hooper (ASTMIHS Account); Mon May 23 12:41:47 EDT 2005
E 100 – 05
TABLE 1 Continued

Hydrometer No. Density, Range, kg/m3
311H-82 600 to 650
312H-82 650 to 700
313H-82 700 to 750
314H-82 750 to 800
315H-82 800 to 850
316H-82 850 to 900
317H-82 900 to 950
318H-82 950 to 1000
319H-82 1000 to 1050
320H-82 1050 to 1100

321H-03 775 to 825

Total length, mm 325 to 335
Body diameter, mm 21 to 27
Stem diameter, min, mm 4.5
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, kg/m3 1
Long intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 0.5
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Scale extension beyond nominal range limits, kg/m3 2.5

ASTM Hydrometer No. Density, Range, kg/m3
345H-03 775–825

Total length, mm 385 to 405
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25
Nominal stem diameter, mm >4
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 0.5
Intermediate lines at, kg/m3 1
Long intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 0.5
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °C –10 to 40
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °C 0.2
Short intermediate lines at, °C 0.2
Long intermediate lines at, °C 1
Main (numbered) lines at, °C 5
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °C 0.2
Scale length, mm 110 to 140

For specific gravities less than 0.950, alcoholic solutions may be tested with hydrometers 84H to 87H
Indication of the thermometer range is made by the use of the listed designation used as a suffix to the ASTM hydrometer number. For example, 42HL is an instrument
with API gravity range of 22 to 30° API and thermometer range 0 to 150°F. An instrument with the same gravity range, but a thermometer range of 60 to 220°F would be
designated 42HH. The number 45HM would identify an instrument with API gravity range of 43 to 51° API and a thermometer range of 30 to 180°F.
Indication of the thermometer range is made by the use of the listed designation used as a suffix to the ASTM hydrometer number. For example, 54HL is an instrument
with API gravity range of 29 to 41° API and thermometer range 0 to 150°F. An instrument with the same gravity range, but a thermometer range of 60 to 220°F would be
designated 54HH. The number 57HM would identify an instrument with API gravity range of 59 to 71° API and a thermometer range of 30 to 180°F

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E 100 – 05
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in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Provided by IHS under license with ASTM Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 11/10/2007 01:07:25 MST
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Kathe Hooper (ASTMIHS Account); Mon May 23 12:41:47 EDT 2005

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