Prehistoric West
Prehistoric West
Prehistoric West
an oasis is threatened, its spirit can manifest as
a fearsome beast, a water barrier, or even a sand-
storm, deterring potential harm.
The history of Teragosia is etched into the very Gunslinging is another Teragosian hallmark. Fire-
sand and stone of the desert, the Teragosians, arms, used for defense, hunting, and order, are
in their resourcefulness, have built settlements common. Gunslinging has even been incorporated
that blend seamlessly into it. The influence of the into traditional dances and celebrations, leading
Shimmers and the Scalebinders permeates every to the formation of Gunslinger Guilds, groups of
aspect of Teragosian life. From the careful steward- skilled marksmen offering protection and law en-
ship of the oases to the respectful utilization of the forcement.
dinosaur population, their presence is a constant
reminder of the unique symbiosis between the Resource scarcity has spurred the formation
people and the land. Despite the harsh conditions, of factions among Teragosians. Led by skilled
Teragosia is an example of supreme resilience and Scalebinders and gunslingers, these factions claim
ingenuity of its people, a beacon of life in the heart and defend territories. Despite harsh conditions
of the desert. and resource struggles, Teragosians are bound by
loyalty and camaraderie. They are a resilient peo-
The Shimmers ple, proud of their survival and prosperity in one of
The Shimmers, or the Order of the Oasis, are a Surya’s harshest environments.
group of druids with a profound connection to the
oases they guard. These oases are more than mere
water sources; they are sacred, vibrant hubs of life
and magic, and the Shimmers are their dedicated
guardians. 1
Creatures who use a firearm without being profi-
Dance for Me Oasis Critters
At 11th level, you can opt to swiftly empty the Starting at 6th level, you learn to summon the
remaining ammunition in their firearm in a rap- ancient critters that roam your sacred Oasis to aid
id-fire barrage. As an action, choose an enemy you. You can perform a ritual that lasts 10 minutes
within range of your firearm, the targeted enemy summoning a swarm of Oasis Critters. The critters
must make a Dexterity saving throw against your disappear after 8 hours, or if they move further
Gunslinger DC. On a failed save, they take dam- than 60 feet from where you performed this ritual.
age equivalent to the firearm’s damage die rolled a While the ritual is active, your critters perform one
number of times equal to 2 plus the number of bul- of the following activities, at any time before this ef-
lets expended. On a successful save, they take half fect ends you may command your critters to change
as much damage. After this action, the firearm’s to a different task:
current ammunition is fully expended. Patrol. The critters spread out and alert you to the
presence of any creatures that enter the area other
However, the intensity of this action strains the than those you designate when you give this com-
firearm. If this ability is used more than once per mand. If you are asleep within range of the ritual,
day, each subsequent use carries a cumulative 20% the critters wake you when a creature enters the
chance that the firearm will break, requiring it to be area instead.
replaced or extensively repaired. Clean. The critters work for an hour to erase signs
of your passage from a recently inhabited site,
Unchained making it more difficult to track you. Creatures try-
At 15th level, your familiarity with imprisonment ing to track you through this area or discern who
and restraints renders you nearly impervious to was once there have disadvantage on all checks
effects that would seek to restrain your movement. made to do so.
When you are targeted by a spell or ability that Gather. The critters burrow and forage, creating a
would impose conditions to reduce or restrict your small pond of fresh water and gathering enough
movement (such as grappled, restrained, paralyzed, food to sustain up to 8 individuals for one day.
or any effect that would reduce your speed), you
can use your reaction to become immune to these Disorientating Display
conditions. Starting at 10th level, you learn to project deceptive
mirages that will distract your foes cause them to
This immunity lasts until the start of your next believe they are under assault. As a bonus action
turn, allowing you to move unhindered in spite of choose one enemy that you can see and force them
these effects. You can use this ability a number of to make an Intelligence saving throw against your
times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded spell save DC or be forced to use their reaction to
down). You regain all expended uses when you fin- make an attack against the mirage. Alternatively if
ish a long rest. you use this ability against a creature concentrating
on a spell, you can force them to make an Intelli-
Circle of the Oasis gence saving throw against your spell save DC or
lose concentration on the spell.
Desert Shimmer You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your connection your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you
to the oasis to create a rippling fluid like reflection regain all expended uses when you finish a long
of your allies. As an action, you can expend one use rest.
of your Wild Shape feature to cast the *mirror im-
age* spell without requiring material components, Oasis Resurgence
targeting up to 3 creatures within 30 feet of you Starting at 14th level you learn to bring forth a
that you can see. remnant of your Oasis to the battlefield. As an
action, you can summon a beautiful pillar adorned
Alpha Druid: with pieces of your home. This pillar remains for
If using the Alpha Druid as recommended in the Awk- 1 minute. During this time, allies within 5 feet of it
wardDM Rules PDF, this instead has 3 uses that you can use their bonus action to draw upon its power
recover upon completing a long rest.
gaining the benefits of the invisible condition. This
effect ends on an invisible creature if they move 3
more than 30 feet from the pillar, make an attack,
cast a spell, or when the pillar disappears. Magic Items
You regain the use of this ability when you finish a
short or long rest. Saddle Slingers
Grand Incarnation Wondrous item, rare
This unassuming saddle, upon closer inspection,
Starting at 18th level you master the art of creating reveals a series of small, intricate runes etched
vast illusionary landscapes that echo the grandeur along its straps and buckles. Designed to accom-
of your homeland’s Oasis. You can cast mirage modate a variety of firearms, it features adjustable
arcane once without expending a spell slot. While brackets and a magical resizing capability.
within the area of your own mirage arcane, you When you place this saddle on a creature, it
gain resistance to psychic damage and advantage magically adjusts to fit a creature of Large size or
on saving throws against abilities and effects that larger. The brackets can securely hold either two
would cause you to become charmed or frightened. one-handed firearms or one two-handed firearm.
In addition, you can cast the major image spell As a bonus action while mounted on the saddle,
without requiring concentration or expending a you can activate a lever with your foot, causing the
spell slot while within the area of your mirage ar- saddle to fire a mounted firearm. Make an attack
cane. roll as if you were firing the weapon yourself.
You regain the use of this ability when you finish a Additionally, when you take the Attack action on
long rest. your turn, you can replace one or more of your at-
tacks with an attack from a firearm mounted on the
Alpha Druid:
If you are using the Alpha Druid, i’ve added this 18th saddle, freeing your hands for other tasks.
level ability, as that re-work of the Druid removes the Firearms mounted to the saddle must be loaded
Wild Shape feature as a core feature and expands upon before they can be fired, and the saddle does not
each subclass a little further. provide any automatic reloading capabilities.
Spells Notes:
This weeks theme was heavily inspired by the art book
Dinosaurs of the Wild West by Shaun Keenan. I highly
Stampede reccomend you check out the pieces of art included in
5th-level conjuration that book to use as inspiration for running this content
at your table.
Casting Time: 1 Action
I’d also like to thank Shaun Keenan for being supportive
Range: Self
of this project and giving the go ahead!
Components: V, S, M (a small bone from a large
Duration: 1 round
You conjure hundreds of spectral beasts that
charge forwards in an area in front of you. The
area is 25 feet wide and 40 feet long. Each crea-
ture in that area when the spell is cast, or that ends
its turn in the area, must make a Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d8 blud-
geoning damage and is knocked prone. On a suc-
cessful save, a creature takes half as much damage
and isn’t knocked prone.
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Warlock