College of Disquiet
College of Disquiet
College of Disquiet
Ho l of the Fe ild
unarmed strike while you are raging, you can choose
to deal piercing damage equal to d your Strength At th level, you are immune to being charmed, and
modifier instead of the bludgeoning damage normal when you use your Primal Scream feature, you call
for an unarmed strike. A creature which takes this up a faerie fire-like green luminescence from the
piercing damage has disadvantage on the next ground that marks your enemies. When you force a
opportunity attack it makes before the start of your creature to roll a saving throw against your Primal
next turn. Scream feature, each other creature of your choice
within a -foot-radius sphere centered on that
H nter s S iftness target must make a Wisdom saving throw against the
same DC. Every creature that fails the saving throw
At th level, when you use the Dash or Disengage
including the original target, which also suffers the
action during your turn, moving through nonmagical
normal effects of its saving throw against your
difficult terrain costs you no extra movement until
Primal Scream sheds dim light in a -foot radius
the end of that turn.
and can t benefit from being invisible until the end of
Also, any ability check made to track you is made
your next turn. The next time before the end of your
with a disadvantage, and you have advantage on
next turn that you attack a creature that failed the
Wisdom Perception checks related to smell.
saving throw, you have advantage on the attack roll.
Fe heart
At th level, energies from the Feywild transform
you and empower your rage. Your creature type
changes to Fey. While raging, you gain advantage
on saving throws against spells and resistance to
damage from spells, and you can use a bonus action
to teleport up to feet.
Bard Colleges
There are two new bard colleges described below,
the College of Disquiet and the College of Grandeur.
Even the intricacies of history, warfare, music, and attack, or feature, once per turn you can choose one
oratory cannot match the complexity of the mind. creature who took that damage. That target must roll
You move across civilized society like a shark a Wisdom save against your bard spell DC. If they
swimming prey-filled waters. fail, they are frightened until the end of your next
R diments of Terror
At rd level when you choose this college, you gain
Frightf l C rse
proficiency with all martial weapons that do not At th level, your curses increase in potency and
have the two-handed or heavy property, and with you are immune to the frightened condition. When
the Insight and Intimidation skills. If you are already you target a creature with your hex spell, if the
proficient with one of these skills, you can choose to ability you choose to affect with that spell is Wisdom,
gain a tool proficiency instead of proficiency with creatures suffering disadvantage on Wisdom checks
that skill. In addition, you learn the hex spell as a from hex also suffer disadvantage on Wisdom saving
bard spell, though it does not count against the throws while they are the spell s target.
number of bard spells you know. While a creature is
the target of your hex spell, you have advantage on Alternati e Trinkets
Charisma Intimidation and Wisdom Insight When choosing your trinket during character
checks against that creature. creation, you may use this table rather than the one
in the Player s Handbook:
Inspire Dread
At rd level, you can augment an
enemy s anxiety when they are
struck by one of your comrades.
When an ally hits a creature
you can see or hear with
an attack, you can expend
one of your uses of Bardic
Inspiration to inflict extra
psychic damage on that
creature equal to the
number rolled on your
Bardic Inspiration die.
In addition, whenever
you inflict the extra
damage from your hex
spell, you can choose for
that damage to be psychic
damage instead of necrotic
Wordless Threat
At th level, when you inflict
psychic damage with a
cantrip, spell, weapon
d T i ke
College of Grande r
This leather pouch contains a few handfuls of
fine, sand-like dust. It is harmless, but causes a You have a deep understanding of the forces both
bright flash when thrown into an open flame. mundane and mystical that draw forth greatness in
otherwise ordinary mortals. Your study of history
This ashen mask s visage is twisted into a and politics has made you an expert in how certain
grotesque scream, and the shape of the mouth individuals shape the destinies of multitudes, and
opening amplifies the voice of the wearer you understand the path that leads to this kind of
slightly. legendary influence. Whether ruling themselves or
This wooden whistle sounds like wind howling seeking to inspire others to rule well, bards of the
through bare trees. College of Grandeur wield abilities fueled by the
presence of true leadership.
This charcoal sketch is a portrait of somebody
The eldest bards of this college keep an ancient
who once made you fear for your life, who you
book, the Tome of Grandest Deeds, in which they
are yet to have your revenge on.
record the most extraordinary achievements of their
This book is titled Reading the Face: A Treatise college s members, whether such prodigious exploits
on Emotional Tells and Displays in the serve good, evil, or mere ambition. The sagas on
Humanoid Races. It is bound in leaves and those famous pages make it clear that more direct
spider silk. opportunities for greatness often come with a
This cloth banner bears the symbol and colors weapon in your hand rather than a crown on your
of a noble from your homeland, and was given head. Many epic histories begin with a small band of
to you after you performed some great deed. seemingly insignificant heroes who chose glory over
safety. While confronting danger and mystery
This silver hand mirror was once used to reveal directly as an adventurer often leads to death, you
the surface thoughts of anybody who gazed also know it can also be a path to glory beyond what
into it. It has been broken for generations, and any throne or title can confer.
nobody has yet managed to repair it.
This stoppered glass vial contains a strange, Magic of Thrones
wispy substance, halfway between a liquid and When you join the College of Grandeur at rd level,
a gas. It is a dream that has somehow been your study of the heroes who rise to forge history
distilled down into physical form. gives you the option to learn some non-bard spells
This journal was written by you during your connected to leadership and protection. When your
training, in a code you devised yourself. It Spellcasting feature lets you learn a bard spell of st
level or higher, you can select the spell from the
contains everything you have learned about
following list of spells, in addition to the bard spell
human nature, and the many ways of
list. You must otherwise obey all the normal
manipulating people s fears and desires.
restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a
This set of three clear, glass balls can be made bard spell for you.
to float a few inches above a surface, and glow
with a dim spectral light.
Le el S ell When a creature hits you with a melee attack, it
provokes opportunity attacks from allies of yours
st bless command detect poison and
within feet of it.
disease heroism p rif food and drink
sanct ar shield of faith When an attack gains advantage from your Help
action, the attacker gains temporary hit points
nd aid find steed magic eapon protection
equal to your Charisma modifier if that attack
from poison arding bond
rd beacon of hope cr sader s mantle
da light re i if Leader's Destin
th death ard dominate beast At th level, while a creature still has temporary hit
Mordenkainen s pri ate sanct m points it gained from your Majestic Word or Inspire
th hallo reincarnate Defenders features, it gains resistance to psychic
damage and has advantage on Constitution saving
Commanding Pro ess throws.
Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid
At rd level, you gain proficiency with shields, an ally in attacking a creature, the target of that
calligrapher s supplies, and one skill of your choice. attack can be within feet of you, rather than feet
You can also use an emblem on your shield as a of you, if you can see or hear both the target and
spellcasting focus for your bard spells. Its cost is the your ally.
same as the emblem holy symbol type. The emblem
must be a crest, symbol, or sigil of personal
significance to you.
Majestic Word
At rd level, you can utter inspiring words that
restore your ally s stamina and courage. As a bonus
action, you can spend a spell slot to give temporary
hit points to an ally within feet who can hear you.
The ally you choose gains temporary hit points equal
to d your Charisma modifier for a st-level spell
slot, plus d for each spell level higher than st.
They also gain advantage on Wisdom or Intelligence
saving throws until the end of your next turn.
After you use this feature, you can immediately
take your action to expend one use of Bardic
Inspiration, allowing the target of your Majestic
Word to make one weapon attack using its reaction.
The target can move up to half its walking speed as
part of the same reaction.
Inspire Defenders
At th level, you gain special benefits that encourage
allies to come to your defense:
You can use the Help action as a bonus action.