B2B Survey Question Bank First Edition

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The Umbrex

B2B Survey
Question Bank:

17 Use Cases for B2B Surveys

20 Question Types
Sample Questions for 16 Common Topics
Complete Sample Survey

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

© 2023 by Will Bachman

First Edition

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any
electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems,
without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may
quote brief passages in a review.

Published by Umbrex
Astoria, NY
Book design by Umbrex Consulting LLC
Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 978-1-961779-08-2

For more information on our publications, visit our website at www.umbrex.com

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The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank:

17 Use Cases for B2B Surveys

20 Question Types

Sample Questions for 16 Common Topics

Complete Sample Survey

Will Bachman

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

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The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

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The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Table of Contents
1. Use Cases
2. Question Categories
3. Question Types
4. Question Bank
4.1 Level of Awareness
4.2 Rank Ordering of Buying Criteria
4.3 Satisfaction and Loyalty
4.4 Frequency and Usage
4.5 Perception and Opinion
4.6 Behavioral
4.7 Demographic
4.8 Preference
4.9 Net Promoter Score (NPS)
4.10 Expectations and Desires
4.11 Price Sensitivity
4.12 Product Evaluation
4.13 Future Intent
4.14 Experience and Journey
4.15 Company Evaluation
4.16 Barriers and Drivers
5. Example B2B Survey
6. List of Fictitious Companies

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

This document opens in Section 1 with an overview of uses cases for B2B surveys.

Section 2 lists 16 specific topics that a B2B survey can be used to explore.

Section 3 includes a list of 20 question types.

Section 4 includes examples of questions for each of the 16 topics listed in section 2.

Section 5 includes a complete sample survey.

We used names of fictional companies in the illustrative survey questions. A

complete list of those fictional companies is included in Section 6.

How to use this question bank:

First, determine if a B2B survey is in fact the most efficient and cost effective way to
obtain the information you need. In many cases, it makes sense to start with some
qualitative interviews.

Once you’ve decided on a B2B survey, list all the information you’d like to get from a

Then, using Section 4, write questions that would yield the information you are

Assemble your questions and review the complete draft of your survey.

Consider how long it would take to fill out. Typically, it is necessary to prioritize and
trim questions to reduce the length, or you risk having survey takers drop out in the

If you need help designing, fielding, or analyzing a survey, Umbrex can help connect
you with a consultant with expertise in quantitative market research. Contact us at
[email protected]

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Section 1: Use Cases

B2B surveys can be leveraged in a multitude of scenarios, serving as a powerful tool
for gathering the data necessary for informed decision-making. The following are
some example use cases for B2B surveys.

1. Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty: B2B surveys can be used to understand

customer satisfaction and loyalty. This might involve questions about service
quality, the usefulness of a product or service, customer support experience, etc.

2. Brand Awareness: Companies can utilize B2B surveys to gauge the awareness of
their brand within their target market. This can reveal important insights about
the reach and effectiveness of the company's marketing efforts.

3. Market Penetration: B2B surveys can be used to understand market penetration,

i.e., the extent to which a product or service is being used by potential customers.

4. Pricing Research: Surveys can be used to understand how pricing affects customer
decision-making and to help companies optimize their pricing strategy.

5. Product Development and Innovation: Surveys can help understand the need for
new products or features. This includes understanding the market demand, ideal
product specifications, potential pricing, etc.

6. Competitor Analysis: B2B surveys can provide insights into how businesses view
their competition. This may cover perceptions of competitors' strengths and
weaknesses, market positioning, product quality, customer service, etc.

7. Market Segmentation: Surveys can help businesses segment their market, by

determining the different characteristics, needs, and wants of various customer

8. Industry Trend Analysis: Companies can use B2B surveys to identify and monitor
industry trends, which can help with strategic planning and anticipating changes
in demand.

9. Customer Experience (CX) Mapping: Surveys can gather feedback about various
touchpoints in the customer journey, which can help to improve the overall
customer experience.

10. Post-Purchase Evaluation: B2B surveys can track customers' experiences after
they have made a purchase. This could involve the quality of the product, the
delivery process, customer service interactions, etc.

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

11. Sales Process Optimization: Surveys can be used to gain feedback on the sales
process. This can help identify potential bottlenecks, understand the buyer's
journey, and optimize for future sales.

12. Channel Partner Feedback: B2B surveys can be employed to gather feedback from
channel partners, such as distributors or resellers. This can help improve the
relationship, support provided, and the overall effectiveness of the partnership.

13. Risk Assessment: Surveys can be used to identify and evaluate potential risks.
This can include areas such as cybersecurity, supply chain disruption, or
regulatory compliance.

14. Employee Engagement (Internal Survey): Although not traditionally considered a

B2B survey, understanding the level of employee engagement can be vital to a
company's success. High levels of employee engagement can lead to higher
productivity, better customer service, and a more successful company overall.

15. Regulatory Compliance Feedback: Surveys can be used to ensure partners,

suppliers, and other stakeholders are compliant with industry regulations.

16. Supplier Evaluation and Vendor Management: B2B surveys can be used to
evaluate the performance of suppliers and vendors, providing insights to
strengthen these relationships and improve supply chain management.

17. Due Diligence for M&A: Before a merger or acquisition, B2B surveys can be used to
gather crucial information about the target company, including its reputation,
customer relationships, market positioning, and more.

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Section 2: Question Categories

Different types of B2B survey questions can elicit different data and insights. A given
question type could be used across multiple use cases, tailored to fit each one. Here
is a list of survey question categories.

1. Level of Awareness: These questions aim to measure the extent of awareness

about a particular brand, product, service, or concept among the respondents.

2. Rank Ordering of Buying Criteria: These questions are designed to understand the
priorities of buyers when they are making purchasing decisions. Respondents are
asked to rank different criteria based on their importance.

3. Satisfaction and Loyalty: Questions in this category are used to measure the level
of satisfaction among customers or partners and gauge their loyalty towards the
brand or organization.

4. Frequency and Usage: These questions ask respondents about the frequency of
their interactions with a product, service, or brand, and how they use it.

5. Perception and Opinion: These types of questions probe the respondents' views
and opinions about a brand, product, service, or any particular aspect related to
the organization.

6. Behavioral: Questions in this category aim to understand the behaviors and

habits of customers or partners in relation to a product or service.

7. Demographic: These questions gather demographic data like age, location,

industry, job role, company size, etc.

8. Preference: These types of questions aim to discover the preferences of the

respondents in terms of products, services, features, or any other aspect related
to the organization.

9. Net Promoter Score (NPS): This question category aims to understand the
likelihood of a customer or partner recommending a company’s products or
services to others.

10. Expectations and Desires: Questions that probe what the respondents expect or
desire from a product, service, brand, or organization.

11. Price Sensitivity: Questions in this category are used to understand the price
tolerance of a product or service, and how price changes might affect the buying

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

12. Product Evaluation: These questions ask respondents to evaluate a product's

features, usability, performance, etc.

13. Future Intent: Questions designed to predict future behavior, like intent to
purchase, switch brands, renew contracts, etc.

14. Experience and Journey: Questions that seek to understand the customer or
partner's experience and journey with the product, service, or brand.

15. Company Evaluation: Questions that probe respondents to evaluate an

organization across various aspects like reputation, leadership, financial stability,
CSR initiatives, etc.

16. Barriers and Drivers: Questions to understand the key factors that drive or hinder
the use of a product or service.

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Section 3: Question Types

The following types of questions are commonly used in B2B surveys.

1. Multiple Choice (Select One Option): A question with several possible answers, but
respondents can only select one.

2. Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options): A question where multiple responses

can be selected from a list of options.

3. Numerical Answer (Enter an Integer Between a Min and a Max): Respondents are
asked to provide a numeric answer within a specific range.

4. Likert Scale: Respondents rate a statement on a scale, often from 1-5 or 1-7, where
one end represents strong agreement and the other represents strong

5. Semantic Differential Scale: A type of a rating scale designed to measure the

connotative meaning of objects, events, and concepts. Respondents are asked to
choose where their position lies, on a scale between two bipolar adjectives (e.g.,
Easy - Difficult, Unimportant - Important).

6. Matrix/Rating Scale: A table of questions or statements rated on the same scale.

Respondents rank various items or statements along the same criteria.

7. Open-Ended (Text Box): Respondents provide written responses. These questions

can give more nuanced insights but are more challenging to analyze because the
responses are not standardized.

8. Yes/No Question: A binary question that offers respondents just two options: yes
or no.

9. Rank Order Scaling: Respondents rank a list of items in order of preference.

10. Constant Sum: Respondents allocate a "sum" of units, points, or percentages

across several categories.

11. Slider Scale: Respondents slide an indicator along a continuous scale to indicate
their response.

12. Picture Choice: Respondents select one or more images as their response.

13. Net Promoter Score (NPS): A special type of question where respondents rate on a
scale of 0-10 the likelihood they would recommend a company, product, or
service to a friend or colleague.

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

14. Drag and Drop Ranking: Respondents rank a list of options by dragging and
dropping items into their desired order.

15. Date or Time: Respondents are asked to provide a specific date or time.

16. Single Textbox: Respondents are asked to type a short text or numerical answer
into a single textbox.

17. Multiple Textboxes: This is used when you need respondents to provide several
short text answers to a single question.

18. Email Address: Specifically used to collect a respondent's email address.

19. File Upload: Respondents are asked to upload a file as their response.

20. Demographic Question: These are specific questions related to respondent's age,
gender, income, job role, etc.

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Section 4: Question Bank

Next, we will provide a comprehensive bank of B2B survey questions that could be
used in the various categories from Section 2.

For each question, we have provided:

1. Format (one of the 20 question types listed in Section 3)

2. Question text
3. Answer options (if applicable)

Sample questions are provided for each of the 16 categories listed in Section 2:

4.1 Level of Awareness

4.2 Rank Ordering of Buying Criteria
4.3 Satisfaction and Loyalty
4.4 Frequency and Usage
4.5 Perception and Opinion
4.6 Behavioral
4.7 Demographic
4.8 Preference
4.9 Net Promoter Score (NPS)
4.10 Expectations and Desires
4.11 Price Sensitivity
4.12 Product Evaluation
4.13 Future Intent
4.14 Experience and Journey
4.15 Company Evaluation
4.16 Barriers and Drivers

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.1 Level of Awareness

Format: Yes/No or Binary
Question: Prior to today, were you aware of Vector Aerospace?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How would you describe your awareness of Quantum Automobiles' product
Answer Options:
x I am not aware of their products at all.
x I have heard of them, but don't know much about their products.
x I am somewhat familiar with their products.
x I am very familiar with their products.
x I know their products extremely well.

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How did you first learn about MedFusion Corp.?
Answer Options:
x Internet Search
x Social Media
x News Article
x Trade Show
x Word of Mouth
x Other (please specify)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: Which of the following services offered by Apex Financial are you aware of?
Answer Options:
x Asset Management
x Wealth Management
x Retirement Planning
x Mortgage Lending
x Insurance Services
x Not aware of any of their services

Format: Likert Scale

Question: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: "I am
well-informed about the range of products offered by Orion Metals Corp."
Answer Options:
x Strongly Disagree
x Disagree
x Neither Agree nor Disagree

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x Agree
x Strongly Agree

Format: Open-Ended (Text Box)

Question: What do you know about the corporate social responsibility initiatives at
Greenfield AgriCorp?

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Have you heard of our latest product line at PrimePack Inc.?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How would you describe your familiarity with the business operations of
Riley Educational Resources?
Answer Options:
x I'm not at all familiar.
x I'm slightly familiar.
x I'm moderately familiar.
x I'm very familiar.
x I'm extremely familiar.

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: Please rate your awareness of the environmental policies followed by
StratOil Corp.
Answer Options:
x Not aware at all
x Slightly aware
x Moderately aware
x Very aware
x Extremely aware

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Prior to this survey, were you aware of M&H Aviation Technologies' new
line of commercial aircraft engines?
Answer Options: Yes, No

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.2 Rank Ordering of Buying Criteria

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale
Question: Please rank the following criteria in order of importance when purchasing
products from Elysian Beauty. (1 being the most important and 5 being the least
x Product Quality
x Price
x Delivery Speed
x Customer Support
x Sustainability Practices

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: Please rank the following factors according to their significance when
selecting a service from Quantum Energy. (1 being the most significant and 4 being
the least significant)
x Service Reliability
x Technical Support
x Contract Flexibility
x Cost

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: What matters most to you when choosing to invest with a company like
Peak Capital Partners? Please rank the following items from 1 (Most Important) to 5
(Least Important).
x Return on Investment
x Reputation of the Firm
x Transparency in Reporting
x Client Service
x Investment Portfolio Diversification

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: Rank the importance of the following attributes when considering
purchasing medical devices from VitalDynamics Inc. (1 = Most Important, 5 = Least
x Innovation
x Quality Assurance
x Price
x Post-Sale Services
x Ease of Use

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Question: In deciding to purchase agricultural products from NaturaGrow Solutions,

how would you rank the following factors? (1 = Most Important, 4 = Least Important)
x Sustainable Farming Practices
x Product Quality
x Price
x Delivery Speed

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: Please rank the following criteria according to their importance when
choosing a financial service from Apex Financial. (1 being the most important and 4
being the least important)
x Interest Rates
x Customer Service
x Variety of Financial Products
x Accessibility (Online/Mobile banking)

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: How would you rank these factors when selecting a product from
PrimePack Inc.? Please rank them from 1 (Most Important) to 5 (Least Important).
x Brand Reputation
x Packaging Sustainability
x Product Quality
x Price
x Availability

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: When purchasing professional services from Conclave Consulting, what
matters most to you? Please rank the following items from 1 (Most Important) to 5
(Least Important).
x Expertise of Professionals
x Price
x Reputation
x Communication and Responsiveness
x Range of Services Offered

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: Please rank the following attributes in order of importance when choosing
software from SoftSphere Technologies. (1 being the most important and 6 being the
least important)
x Ease of Use
x Cost
x Technical Support
x Integration with existing systems

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x Security Features
x Customizability

Format: Matrix/Rating Scale

Question: In evaluating the services of Global Vision Foundation, how would you rank
the importance of the following aspects? (1 = Most Important, 4 = Least Important)
x Impact of their initiatives
x Transparency in fund allocation
x Community involvement
x Reputation and credibility

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.3 Satisfaction and Loyalty

Format: Numerical Answer (Range)
Question: On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Vector Aerospace
to a colleague or business associate?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the products provided by
Elysian Beauty?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Likert Scale

Question: Thinking about your most recent interaction with Peak Capital Partners,
how would you rate your satisfaction with their customer service?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How satisfied are you with the level of communication provided by
Quantum Automobiles?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: If given the opportunity, how likely are you to continue doing business with
NaturaGrow Solutions in the future?
Answer Options:
x Not at all likely
x Not so likely

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x Somewhat likely
x Very likely
x Extremely likely

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the services provided by
Apex Financial?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Numerical Answer (Range)

Question: How likely are you to recommend the professional services from Conclave
Consulting to another business?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How satisfied are you with the technical support provided by SoftSphere
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Numerical Answer (Range)

Question: On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to continue supporting the
initiatives of Global Vision Foundation?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Numerical Answer (Range)

Question: How likely are you to recommend PrimePack Inc.'s products to a colleague
or business associate?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.4 Frequency and Usage

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)
Question: How frequently do you use Quantum Energy's services?
Answer Options:
x Daily
x Weekly
x Monthly
x Quarterly
x Annually
x Never

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How often do you purchase supplies from PrimePack Inc.?
Answer Options:
More than once a week
x Weekly
x Bi-weekly
x Monthly
x Quarterly
x Annually

Format: Numerical Answer (Open-Ended)

Question: In a typical month, how many times do you interact with Apex Financial's
customer service?
Answer: Numerical answer (open-ended)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How frequently do you use Elysian Beauty's online ordering platform?
Answer Options:
x Multiple times a day
x Daily
x Weekly
x Monthly
x Rarely
x Never

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: Over the past year, how often have you attended training events organized
by SoftSphere Technologies?
Answer Options:
x More than 10 times
x 6-10 times

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x 3-5 times
x 1-2 times
x Never

Format: Numerical Answer (Open-Ended)

Question: How many VitalDynamics Inc. products does your company currently use?
Answer: Numerical answer (open-ended)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How frequently do you use NaturaGrow Solutions' mobile app?
Answer Options:
x Multiple times a day
x Daily
x Weekly
x Monthly
x Rarely
x Never

Format: Numerical Answer (Open-Ended)

Question: How many times in the past year have you recommended Conclave
Consulting's services to other businesses?
Answer: Numerical answer (open-ended)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: Over the past six months, how often have you used Global Vision
Foundation's research resources?
Answer Options:
x Weekly
x Monthly
x Quarterly
x Rarely
x Never

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.5 Perception and Opinion

Format: Likert Scale
Question: How do you perceive the quality of SoftSphere Technologies' products
compared to its competitors?
Answer Options:
x Much lower quality
x Somewhat lower quality
x About the same
x Somewhat higher quality
x Much higher quality

Format: Likert Scale

Question: What is your opinion on the pricing of AeroSky Defense Corp's products?
Answer Options:
x Extremely overpriced
x Somewhat overpriced
x Fairly priced
x Somewhat underpriced
x Extremely underpriced

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How do you perceive the environmental responsibility of BioGreen
Agriculture's farming practices?
Answer Options:
x Highly responsible
x Responsible
x Neutral
x Irresponsible
x Highly irresponsible

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: In your opinion, what is the most significant strength of GreenLeaf
Pharmaceuticals? (Please select only one)
Answer Options:
x Product quality
x Pricing
x Customer service
x Innovation
x Market presence

Format: Likert Scale

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Question: How would you rate DriveLine Automotive's commitment to safety and
Answer Options:
x Excellent
x Good
x Average
x Poor
x Very poor

Format: Text Entry

Question: What are your thoughts on the advertising and marketing practices of
BeautyEssence Cosmetics?
Answer: Open-ended

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How do you view the corporate social responsibility efforts of EcoTech
Answer Options:
x Highly commendable
x Commendable
x Neutral
x Lacking
x Highly lacking

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How would you compare the innovation of TechBlitz Software with the
industry standard?
Answer Options:
x Far below standard
x Below standard
x At standard
x Above standard
x Far above standard

Format: Likert Scale

Question: What is your perception of the customer service provided by SwiftTrans
Answer Options:
x Very Positive
x Positive
x Neutral
x Negative
x Very Negative

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How do you perceive the brand image of FamilyWines, a family-owned wine
Answer Options:
x Very Premium
x Premium
x Moderate
x Budget-friendly
x Very Budget-friendly

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.6 Behavioral
Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)
Question: How often does your organization purchase products from AeroSky
Defense Corp?
Answer Options:
x Daily
x Weekly
x Monthly
x Quarterly
x Annually
x Never

Format: Text Entry

Question: What was the primary reason for choosing SoftSphere Technologies'
software for your business?
Answer: Open-ended

Format: Numerical Entry

Question: How many times have you contacted GreenLeaf Pharmaceuticals' customer
support in the last six months?
Answer: Numerical Answer (Enter an integer between 0 and 100)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: In the past year, how many BioGreen Agriculture products have you
incorporated into your agricultural practices?
Answer Options:
x None
x 1-5
x 6-10
x 11-15
x 16 or more

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: What factors influenced your decision to invest in TechBlitz Software's
latest technology? (Please select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Price
x Features
x Brand reputation
x Recommendations from others
x Previous experience with the company

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How often do you review and update your security measures with
SwiftTrans Logistics?
Answer Options:
x Continuously
x Monthly
x Quarterly
x Biannually
x Annually
x Never

Format: Numerical Entry

Question: In the last 12 months, how many DriveLine Automotive vehicles has your
company leased or purchased?
Answer: Numerical Answer (Enter an integer between 0 and 500)

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How satisfied are you with the after-sales support provided by
BeautyEssence Cosmetics?
Answer Options:
x Very satisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Neutral
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Very dissatisfied

Format: Likert Scale

Question: If FamilyWines were to introduce a new product line, how likely would you
be to purchase it?
Answer Options:
x Extremely likely
x Very likely
x Moderately likely
x Slightly likely
x Not at all likely

Format: Numerical Entry

Question: What percentage of your energy needs are met by EcoTech Energy
Answer: Numerical Answer (Enter a percentage between 0% and 100%)

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.7 Demographic
Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)
Question: What is the size of your organization?
Answer Options:
x 1-10 employees
x 11-50 employees
x 51-200 employees
x 201-500 employees
x 501-1000 employees
x More than 1000 employees

Format: Drop-down Menu

Question: Which industry does your organization operate in?
Answer Options:
x Aerospace & Defense
x Agriculture
x Automotive
x Biotechnology
x Chemicals
x (Other options representing all industries)

Format: Text Entry

Question: What is your role within the organization?
Answer: Open-ended

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How long has your organization been using SoftSphere Technologies'
Answer Options:
x Less than 6 months
x 6 months to 1 year
x 1-2 years
x 2-5 years
x More than 5 years

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: What is the annual revenue of your organization?
Answer Options:
x Under $1 million
x $1 million to $5 million
x $5 million to $10 million
x $10 million to $50 million

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x Over $50 million

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: In which geographic region does your company primarily operate?
Answer Options:
x North America
x South America
x Europe
x Asia
x Africa
x Australia

Format: Numerical Entry

Question: How many branches does your organization have?
Answer: Numerical Answer (Enter an integer between 1 and 1000)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: Does your organization have a direct partnership with AeroSky Defense
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option) with Other Option

Question: What is the primary focus of your organization's collaboration with
GreenLeaf Pharmaceuticals?
Answer Options:
x Research and Development
x Sales and Marketing
x Distribution
x Manufacturing
x Other (please specify)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: What is your organization's primary method of interacting with customers?
Answer Options:
x In-person
x Phone
x Email
x Social Media
x Other

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.8 Preference

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: If given a choice, which of the following software platforms from DataCore
Tech would you prefer for your company's analytics needs?
Answer Options:
x Platform A
x Platform B
x Platform C
x None of the above

Format: Ranking
Question: Please rank the following features of SunStream Energy's solar panels in
order of preference for your organization (1 = Most preferred, 5 = Least preferred).
Answer Options:
x Energy Efficiency
x Durability
x Aesthetic Design
x Price
x Warranty Coverage

Format: Paired Comparison

Question: Which do you prefer when dealing with FinancialGrowth Services: Online
support or Dedicated account manager?
Answer Options:
x Online support
x Dedicated account manager

Format: Sliding Scale

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you prefer FreshValley's organic
agricultural products over conventional products?
Answer Options: 1 (Strongly prefer conventional) to 10 (Strongly prefer organic)

Format: Matrix Rating

Question: Please rate the following aspects of BuildMaster Real Estate & Construction
in terms of preference for your upcoming project:
Answer Options:
x Location Options: Low Preference to High Preference
x Design Choices: Low Preference to High Preference
x Sustainable Practices: Low Preference to High Preference
x Cost: Low Preference to High Preference

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: Which of the following services offered by HealConnect Healthcare are
most preferred by your organization for employee wellness programs?
Answer Options:
x Annual Health Check-ups
x Fitness Programs
x Mental Health Support
x Nutritional Counseling
x None of the above

Format: Drop-down Menu

Question: Which car brand from AutoZoom Automotive do you prefer for your
company's fleet?
Answer Options:
x Brand A
x Brand B
x Brand C
x Brand D

Format: Text Entry

Question: What specific features or characteristics would make you prefer
SilverScreen Media's advertising solutions over competitors for your marketing
Answer: Open-ended

Format: Multiple Choice with Other Option

Question: Which of the following materials from EarthStone Metals & Mining do you
prefer for your manufacturing process?
Answer Options:
x Material A
x Material B
x Material C

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.9 Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)
Question: On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend EarthStone
Metals & Mining to a colleague or business partner?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: How likely is it that you would recommend BuildMaster Real Estate &
Construction's project management services to a friend or business associate?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: Considering your overall experience with FreshValley's organic agricultural
products, how likely are you to suggest them to a business in your network?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely would you be to recommend AutoZoom
Automotive's fleet management service to other businesses?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: Based on your experience with DataCore Tech's software solutions, how
likely are you to recommend them to another company?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: Considering your total experience with SilverScreen Media's advertising
solutions, how probable are you to refer them to other businesses?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: How likely are you to recommend HealConnect Healthcare's employee
wellness programs to other businesses in your industry?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: Based on your interactions with FinancialGrowth Services, how likely would
you be to endorse their financial planning services to other corporations?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.10 Expectations and Desires

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One)
Question: What are your primary expectations from partnering with AeroSky Defense
& Aerospace?
Answer Options:
x Cost efficiency
x Innovative solutions
x Reliable support
x Global reach
x Other (please specify)

Format: Matrix Rating Scale

Question: Please rate your expectations for the following areas of our services at
GreenField Agriculture.
Answer Options:
x Quality of Products: Very Low – Low – Neutral – High – Very High
x Customer Support: Very Low – Low – Neutral – High – Very High
x Pricing: Very Low – Low – Neutral – High – Very High
x Delivery Speed: Very Low – Low – Neutral – High – Very High

Format: Open-Ended
Question: If you could change one thing about CarTron Automotive's product line,
what would it be, and why?
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple)

Question: What additional services would you like BioTechLife to offer in the next two
Answer Options:
x Training and Education
x Consulting Services
x Product Customization
x More Affordable Pricing Options
x Other (please specify)

Format: Likert Scale

Question: To what extent do you agree with the statement: "FreshPack Consumer
Packaged Goods meets my company's expectations for sustainability"?
Answer Options:
x Strongly Disagree
x Disagree
x Neutral

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x Agree
x Strongly Agree

Format: Ranking
Question: Please rank the following features of NovaChem Chemicals in order of
importance to your business (1 = most important, 5 = least important).
Answer Options:
x Product Quality
x Pricing
x Customer Service
x Environmental Friendliness
x Innovation

Format: Net Promoter Score (0-10 Scale)

Question: On a scale from 0 to 10, how well does GlamourCare Cosmetics & Personal
Care meet your company's desires for ethically sourced products?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all) to 10 (Extremely well)

Format: Sliding Scale

Question: On a scale from 1 to 100, how would you rate your satisfaction with the
educational resources provided by LearnHub Education Services?
Answer Options: 1 (Very dissatisfied) to 100 (Very satisfied)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One with Comment)

Question: Would you like SolarPower Energy to expand its services to new geographic
Answer Options:
x Yes
x No
x Maybe
x If yes or maybe, please explain: (Open text field for explanation)

Format: Matrix Rating Scale

Question: Please rate your expectations regarding the following financial services
offered by CapitalGrowth Financial Services.
Answer Options:
x Investment Options: Very Low – Low – Neutral – High – Very High
x Customer Support: Very Low – Low – Neutral – High – Very High
x Pricing Transparency: Very Low – Low – Neutral – High – Very High

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.11 Price Sensitivity

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)
Question: How would a 10% price increase in AeroSky Defense & Aerospace's
products affect your purchasing decision?
Answer Options:
x No impact
x I would buy less
x I would stop buying
x I would buy more

Format: Likert Scale

Question: On a scale of 1 to 5, how sensitive are you to price changes in GreenField
Agriculture's fertilizers? (1 = Not sensitive at all, 5 = Extremely sensitive)
Answer Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Format: Open-ended
Question: Please explain how a reduction in price for CarTron Automotive's electric
vehicles would affect your company's fleet purchase decisions.
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: Which factors would cause you to reconsider your purchases from
BioTechLife if they increased their prices? (Select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Quality of product
x Availability of alternatives
x Budget constraints
x Brand loyalty

Format: Rank Ordering

Question: Rank the following GlamourCare Cosmetics & Personal Care products by
how sensitive you are to their price changes (1 = Most sensitive, 4 = Least sensitive):
Answer Options:
x Moisturizer
x Lipstick
x Shampoo
x Perfume

Format: Numerical Entry

Question: What percentage of price reduction in NovaChem Chemicals' products
would encourage you to increase your orders?
Answer Options: Enter a number between 0% and 100%

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: If SolarPower Energy were to offer a discounted pricing package for a long-
term contract, would it affect your willingness to switch providers?
Answer Options:
x Much more likely
x More likely
x No change
x Less likely
x Much less likely

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Would you be willing to pay a higher price for CapitalGrowth Financial
Services' premium investment advisory package?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How likely are you to switch to FreshPack Consumer Packaged Goods if
they offered a competitive price compared to your current supplier? (1 = Not likely, 5
= Very likely)
Answer Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.12 Product Evaluation

Format: Likert Scale
Question: How satisfied are you with the overall quality of AeroSky Defense &
Aerospace's latest jet engine?
Answer Options:
x Very Dissatisfied
x Dissatisfied
x Neutral
x Satisfied
x Very Satisfied

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: Which feature of GreenField Agriculture's new seed line do you find most
Answer Options:
x Durability
x Growth Speed
x Disease Resistance
x Cost

Format: Open-ended
Question: Please describe any issues or challenges you have encountered with
CarTron Automotive's electric vehicle charging system.
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Rank Ordering

Question: Rank the following attributes of BioTechLife's biotechnology equipment in
order of importance to your organization (1 = Most important, 5 = Least important).
Answer Options:
x Efficiency
x Reliability
x Cost
x Technical Support
x Innovation

Format: Numerical Answer (Enter an Integer between a Min and Max)

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the usability of GlamourCare
Cosmetics & Personal Care's new skincare line?
Answer: Enter a number between 1 and 10

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Question: What improvements would you like to see in NovaChem Chemicals' safety
equipment? (Select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Better Material
x Enhanced Comfort
x More Sizes
x Lower Price
x Improved Design

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Would you recommend SolarPower Energy's solar panel systems to a fellow
business owner?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How does CapitalGrowth Financial Services' trading platform compare to its
Answer Options:
x Much Better
x Better
x About the Same
x Worse
x Much Worse

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How likely are you to purchase FreshPack Consumer Packaged Goods' new
food packaging again in the future? (1 = Not likely, 5 = Very likely)
Answer Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Format: Open-ended
Question: Can you provide specific feedback on how MediaMagic Entertainment's
software suite could be improved to better meet your organization's needs?
Answer: Open-ended text answer

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.13 Future Intent

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)
Question: How likely are you to continue using AeroSky Defense & Aerospace's
maintenance services in the next two years?
Answer Options:
x Very Likely
x Likely
x Neutral
x Unlikely
x Very Unlikely

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Do you plan to expand your current investment with GreenField
Agriculture's organic fertilizer products?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Open-ended
Question: What new features would encourage your organization to upgrade to the
premium version of CarTron Automotive's fleet management software?
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Likert Scale

Question: On a scale of 1-5, how interested are you in participating in BioTechLife's
upcoming biotechnology workshop?
Answer Options:
x 1 (Not Interested at All)
x 2 (Somewhat Interested)
x 3 (Neutral)
x 4 (Interested)
x 5 (Very Interested)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: Which of the following GlamourCare Cosmetics & Personal Care products
are you considering purchasing in the next quarter? (Select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Skin Cleanser
x Moisturizer
x Sunscreen
x Hair Care Products
x None of the above

Format: Rank Ordering

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Question: Please rank the following SolarPower Energy solutions in order of your
likelihood to invest in the next fiscal year (1 = Most Likely, 5 = Least Likely).
Answer Options:
x Residential Solar Panels
x Commercial Solar Panels
x Solar Batteries
x Solar Heating Solutions
x Solar-Powered Outdoor Lighting

Format: Numerical Answer

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to increase your advertising spend
with MediaMagic Entertainment in the next six months?
Answer Options: Enter a number between 1 and 10

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Are you considering FreshPack Consumer Packaged Goods for any
upcoming product launches?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How do you foresee your collaboration with CapitalGrowth Financial
Services changing over the next year?
Answer Options:
x Increase Significantly
x Increase Slightly
x Remain the Same
x Decrease Slightly
x Decrease Significantly

Format: Open-ended
Question: Please provide details on any potential barriers that might prevent your
company from adopting NovaChem Chemicals' latest product line.
Answer: Open-ended text answer

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.14 Experience and Journey

Format: Likert Scale
Question: How would you rate your overall experience with AeroSky Defense &
Aerospace's product support?
Answer Options:
x 1 (Very Poor)
x 2 (Fair)
x 3 (Average)
x 4 (Good)
x 5 (Excellent)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: Which stage of the buying process did you find most challenging with
GreenField Agriculture?
Answer Options:
x Identifying Needs
x Researching Options
x Evaluating Solutions
x Making the Final Decision
x Implementation

Format: Open-ended
Question: Can you describe a recent experience where CarTron Automotive exceeded
your expectations?
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Rank Ordering

Question: Please rank the following aspects of BioTechLife's customer service
according to their importance to you (1 = Most Important, 5 = Least Important).
Answer Options:
x Responsiveness
x Knowledge of Products
x Friendliness
x Resolution Time
x Customized Support

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: What were the key factors that contributed to your satisfaction with
GlamourCare Cosmetics & Personal Care's new product line? (Select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Product Quality
x Pricing

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x Packaging
x Delivery Time
x Customer Support

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Did SolarPower Energy's installation team provide adequate training on
how to operate the new solar panels?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Numerical Answer

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your recent onboarding
experience with MediaMagic Entertainment's advertising platform?
Answer Options: Enter a number between 1 and 10

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How often do you utilize FreshPack Consumer Packaged Goods' customer
Answer Options:
x Daily
x Weekly
x Monthly
x Rarely
x Never

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: What areas of CapitalGrowth Financial Services would you like to see
improved? (Select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Online Banking Platform
x Customer Support
x Investment Options
x Account Management
x Security Measures

Format: Open-ended
Question: Please share any additional comments about your overall experience and
journey with NovaChem Chemicals' products and services.
Answer: Open-ended text answer

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.15 Company Evaluation

Format: Likert Scale
Question: How would you rate the overall quality of products provided by AeroSky
Defense & Aerospace?
Answer Options:
x 1 (Very Poor)
x 2 (Fair)
x 3 (Average)
x 4 (Good)
x 5 (Excellent)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: Which of GreenField Agriculture's services do you find most valuable for
your business?
Answer Options:
x Crop Consulting
x Equipment Leasing
x Sustainable Practices Training
x Soil Analysis
x Other (please specify)

Format: Open-ended
Question: What improvements, if any, would you suggest for CarTron Automotive's
customer support?
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Rank Ordering

Question: Please rank the following aspects of BioTechLife's service from most
important to least important to your company.
Answer Options:
x Product Innovation
x Price Competitiveness
x Customer Service
x Delivery Speed
x Sustainability

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Would you recommend GlamourCare Cosmetics & Personal Care's products
to a business partner?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Semantic Differential Scale

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Question: Please rate your perception of SolarPower Energy's brand using the scale
Answer Options:
x Innovative 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Not Innovative
x Reliable 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Not Reliable
x Affordable 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Expensive

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: What are the main reasons your company chose to work with FreshPack
Consumer Packaged Goods? (Select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Quality of Products
x Competitive Pricing
x Efficient Delivery
x Wide Product Range
x Strong Brand Reputation

Format: Open-ended
Question: Describe any challenges you've faced while working with MediaMagic
Entertainment's advertising platform.
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How would you rate NovaChem Chemicals' commitment to environmental
Answer Options:
x Excellent
x Good
x Fair
x Poor
x Don't Know

Format: Paired Comparison

Question: If you had to choose between the following aspects of CapitalGrowth
Financial Services, which would be more important to your company?
Answer Options:
x Quick Customer Service Response vs More Diverse Investment Options
x Improved Online Security vs Better Interest Rates
x Easier Account Management vs More Comprehensive Reporting

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

4.16 Barriers and Drivers

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)
Question: What was the main driver behind your decision to choose AeroSky Defense
& Aerospace for your company's defense needs?
Answer Options:
x Cutting-edge Technology
x Reputation in the Industry
x Competitive Pricing
x Efficient Support Service
x Other (please specify)

Format: Open-ended
Question: Can you detail any barriers that might prevent your company from
continuing to work with GreenField Agriculture?
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Paired Comparison

Question: If you had to choose, which aspect of CarTron Automotive's service would
be more important in deciding to renew your contract?
Answer Options:
x Timely Deliveries vs Customization Options
x Pricing vs Technical Support

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How strongly do you agree with the statement: "BioTechLife provides
innovative solutions that drive our business success"?
Answer Options:
x 1 (Strongly Disagree)
x 2
x 3
x 4
x 5 (Strongly Agree)

Format: Multiple Choice (Select Multiple Options)

Question: What barriers, if any, have you faced when dealing with SolarPower
Energy's products or services? (Select all that apply)
Answer Options:
x Lack of Technical Support
x Installation Challenges
x Cost-Related Issues
x Product Availability
x Other (please specify)

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Format: Open-ended
Question: What drives your company to continue partnering with GlamourCare
Cosmetics & Personal Care? Please provide specific examples or details.
Answer: Open-ended text answer

Format: Semantic Differential Scale

Question: Please rate your experience with MediaMagic Entertainment in terms of
ease of use and responsiveness.
Answer Options:
x Easy to Use 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Difficult to Use
x Responsive 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Unresponsive

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Did you encounter any financial barriers when considering the products
offered by FreshPack Consumer Packaged Goods?
Answer Options: Yes, No

Format: Rank Ordering

Question: Please rank the following drivers that influenced your company's decision
to work with NovaChem Chemicals.
Answer Options:
x Environmental Responsibility
x Wide Range of Products
x Competitive Pricing
x Strong R&D Focus
x Exceptional Customer Service

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: If there was one thing that could improve your relationship with
CapitalGrowth Financial Services, what would it be?
Answer Options:
x Lower Fees
x More Investment Options
x Personalized Service
x Faster Response Times
x Other (please specify)

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Section 5: Example B2B Survey

The following example shows an entire B2B survey created for the following:

Industry: Software

Type of company: PE-owned

Name of company: SoftSphere Technologies

Use case: Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty


Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How long have you been using SoftSphere Technologies' products or
Answer Options:
x Less than 6 months
x 6 months to 1 year
x 1-2 years
x 2-5 years
x More than 5 years

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How often do you use SoftSphere Technologies' software?
Answer Options:
x Multiple times a day
x Daily
x Weekly
x Monthly
x Rarely

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with SoftSphere Technologies'
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Likert Scale

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Question: How satisfied are you with the value for money of the software?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Numerical Answer (Range)

Question: On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend SoftSphere
Technologies to a colleague or business associate?
Answer Options: 0 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How satisfied are you with the technical support provided by SoftSphere
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How does SoftSphere Technologies' software compare to our competitors'
software (e.g., CyberNode Solutions, DataFusion Enterprises)?
Answer Options:
x Much worse
x Somewhat worse
x About the same
x Somewhat better
x Much better

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How likely are you to continue using SoftSphere Technologies' software in
the future?
Answer Options:
x Not at all likely
x Not so likely
x Somewhat likely
x Very likely
x Extremely likely

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How satisfied are you with the user-friendliness of the software?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How satisfied are you with the reliability of the software (e.g., no crashes or
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: How frequently do you encounter problems or issues with SoftSphere
Technologies' software?
Answer Options:
x Never
x Rarely
x Sometimes
x Often
x Always

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How responsive has our company been to your questions or concerns
about the software?
Answer Options:
x Extremely responsive
x Very responsive
x Moderately responsive
x Slightly responsive
x Not at all responsive

Format: Likert Scale

Question: Compared to our competitors' software, how would you rate the
functionality of SoftSphere Technologies' software?
Answer Options:

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

x Much worse
x Somewhat worse
x About the same
x Somewhat better
x Much better

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How satisfied are you with the training and resources provided to use the
software effectively?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Multiple Choice (Select One Option)

Question: If given the opportunity, how likely are you to renew your subscription to
SoftSphere Technologies' software?
Answer Options:
x Not at all likely
x Not so likely
x Somewhat likely
x Very likely
x Extremely likely

Format: Likert Scale

Question: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with SoftSphere Technologies
as a company?
Answer Options:
x Very dissatisfied
x Somewhat dissatisfied
x Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
x Somewhat satisfied
x Very satisfied

Format: Text Entry

Question: In what areas can SoftSphere Technologies improve? (Please specify)
Answer: Open-ended

Format: Text Entry

Question: What do you like most about SoftSphere Technologies' software?
Answer: Open-ended

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Format: Text Entry

Question: Do you have any additional comments or feedback for SoftSphere
Answer: Open-ended

Format: Yes/No or Binary

Question: Would you be interested in participating in a follow-up interview to discuss
your responses?
Answer Options: Yes, No

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

Section 6: List of Fictitious Companies

1. Aerospace & Defense
Fortune 500: Vector Aerospace
PE-owned: Vertex Defense Systems
Family-owned: M&H Aviation Technologies

2. Agriculture
Fortune 500: Greenfield AgriCorp
PE-owned: NaturaGrow Solutions
Family-owned: Old Oak Farms

3. Automotive
Fortune 500: Stride Motors
PE-owned: Quantum Automobiles
Family-owned: Donovan & Sons Auto Works

4. Biotechnology
Fortune 500: GenSys Biotech
PE-owned: BioNexa Innovations
Family-owned: RegenGenetics Labs

5. Chemicals
Fortune 500: Pinnacle Chemicals
PE-owned: Vista Polymers
Family-owned: Fergusson Compounds Inc.

6. Consumer Packaged Goods

Fortune 500: PrimePack Inc.
PE-owned: Choice Consumer Goods
Family-owned: Sullivan's Grocery Products

7. Cosmetics & Personal Care

Fortune 500: Elysian Beauty
PE-owned: Lumiere Cosmetics
Family-owned: Morelli Personal Care

8. Education
Fortune 500: Eduline Corporation
PE-owned: NextGen Learning Inc.
Family-owned: Riley Educational Resources

9. Energy
Fortune 500: Quantum Energy

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

PE-owned: Nova Power Solutions

Family-owned: Hawthorne Renewables

10. Financial Services

Fortune 500: Apex Financial
PE-owned: Quasar Capital Group
Family-owned: Beckett Wealth Management

11. Healthcare
Fortune 500: MedFusion Corp.
PE-owned: HealthSphere Services
Family-owned: Jensen Healthcare Providers

12. Insurance
Fortune 500: Shield Assurance
PE-owned: Pinnacle Coverage Solutions
Family-owned: O'Reilly Insurance

13. Manufacturing
Fortune 500: IronCrest Manufacturing
PE-owned: Verge Industrial Solutions
Family-owned: Harper's Steel Works

14. Media & Entertainment

Fortune 500: EntroMedia Corp.
PE-owned: Inception Entertainment Group
Family-owned: DiCaprio Broadcasting

15. Medical Devices

Fortune 500: VitalDynamics Inc.
PE-owned: MedTech Innovation Labs
Family-owned: Carter Biomedical Devices

16. Metals & Mining

Fortune 500: Orion Metals Corp.
PE-owned: Apex Mining Solutions
Family-owned: McAllister Minerals

17. Nonprofit
Fortune 500: Global Vision Foundation
PE-owned: BetterWorld Initiatives
Family-owned: O'Connor Community Services

18. Oil & Gas

Fortune 500: StratOil Corp.

The Umbrex B2B Survey Question Bank

PE-owned: PetroNexa
Family-owned: Sullivan Oil & Gas

19. Pharmaceuticals
Fortune 500: Zenith Pharma Inc.
PE-owned: PrimeCure Pharmaceuticals
Family-owned: LeBlanc Life Sciences

20. Private Equity

Fortune 500: Peak Capital Partners
PE-owned: Apex Investment Group
Family-owned: Thompson Family Ventures


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