Worksheets: Connected Strategy

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Siggelkow & Terwiesch

Connected Strategy
(HBR Press, 2019)

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Pet Friends and the Pet Industry Overview
About Pet Friends: Pet Friends is a local network of smaller pet retailing stores. It carries products for the most
common pets, dogs and cats, but has a limited offering outside of those pets. It does carry some veterinary
products that can be sold without prescriptions. Historically, they have competed with the lower cost, but more
removed big box stores (e.g. PetCo) and the Walmarts, and have differentiated themselves by having a more
convenient option for shoppers with a deep variety of products in dogs and cats (they’ve opted to dedicate more
shelf space to these two pets instead of trying to sell bird and fish products). More recently, they have been losing
market share to online retailers such as and Amazon, which have started offering subscription services
and free two-day delivery, surpassing their convenience differential.

About the Pet Industry: The US pet industry is worth $72billion1 and has been growing over the past seven years
at a rate of 5.1% p.a. The pet food segment and supplies/OTC Medicine represent a $46billion (64% of total) and
has grown at a rate of 5.3%. The average consumer spent $713 on pets in 2017 in the US. Online penetration is
increasing at an alarming rate, according to Nielsen, 21% of pet sales were online, up from 12% in 2017.

Grooming & Boarding Live Animal Purchases Vet Care Supplies/OTC Medicine Food

+5.1% 72
67 70
56 59 60 6 2 6 2
51 53 6 2
5 2 5 2 5 2 17 18
2 4 2 4 15 15
13 14 14 15 16
14 15
12 13 13 14
20 20 21 23 23 28 29 30

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E

1. Source: APPA © Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)
Chapter 3
(Rewards of Connected Strategies)

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 1: Diagnostic questions concerning your current connections
with customers
Questions Answers

How often do you currently connect to your - Approximate 1-2x per month when they come in to buy
customers? food, with an occasional ad hoc connection whenever there
is a vet emergency
- A traditional sell-what-we-have retailer
What kind of information do you receive - We receive very limited information about our customer via
about your customers’ needs? our rewards program that grants discounts
- We have preferred payment method, e-mail address,
and history of product purchases
How does information flow from the - Information flow relies almost exclusively on the customer’s
customer to you? For instance, does the initiative
information flow rely on the customer - We do send out occasional promotional e-mails and get a
taking the initiative, or does the few replies every now and then, but that isn’t
information flow happen in more a systematically tracked
continuous and autonomous manner
How long does it take for a customer need - As long as it takes for the customer to discover his need
to reach you? and come to the store
How long does it take for you to react once - React quite quickly, as long as I am carrying the
you have a customer need? product/service, if not, can take up to a week from ordering
from wholesalers and distributing it to customer
What do you learn each time a customer - With current systems in place, we only learn about the
connects to your firm? How are you fidelity program customers and what they purchased plus
integrating these episodic interactions into what payment method they used
a single connected experience for your
© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)
Step 2: Brainstorm the effects of a Connected Strategy could have
for your organization
Imagine a world in which customers could instantaneously communicate their needs to you. You
are by their side as they go through life, anytime and anywhere. How would this increase in
connectivity allow you to improve how you serve your customers? More specifically:
Questions Answers

How could you use this information to With unlimited information on customers I could instantly send out
increase the willingness-to-pay of your for deliver their pet food to their home whenever they request it,
customers? Curate offerings based on their pet’s preference of food and treats
I could send veterinary products to their pet in an emergency or
schedule a veterinary visit to their home

How could you use this information to With more communication to my clients – I don’t need such a large
decrease your fulfilment costs? store to carry so much inventory, reducing inventory and real-
estate costs
Leaner inventory also leads to less breakage (pet food is perishable)

Next, imagine a world in which you know a customer need even before the customer knows this
need itself.
Questions Answers

How could you use this information to We would be able to have recurring products sent over to
increase the willingness-to-pay of your customers before they run out (pet food and medication)
customers? We could also schedule a vet to visit and examine the pet if any
abnormality in his vital signs were perceived

How could you use this information to Would carry minimal inventory levels and would no longer need
decrease your fulfilment costs? stores, could coordinate with producers to ship direct to consumer
as well and reduce logistic costs

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 3: Start identifying drivers of willingness-to-pay

Willingness to Pay

Consumption Utility: How happy is Accessibility: How easy is it for the Cost of Ownership: How much does
the customer with the product or customer to get the product or service? it cost for the customer to use and
service? maintain the product?

Performance Fit Location Timing Usage cost Maintenance

over product cost over
Perceived Product Location plays For in store
life product life
quality of assortment for an important purchases the
dog/cat food is owners’ pet: role, especially time to and If a company By providing a
reflected in Smaller stores as big-box pet from the store, could provide more adequate
(i) Pet’s will focus on store chains are once at the some coach diet, the pet
health / most common usually outside store the behavior in should become
weight , dogs and cats, city centers. product is easily helping pet sick less
(ii) Glow and but there are Purchases are accessible owners dose frequently (if
color of his specialized heavy and food portions in at all) and
fur, players in other traveling can be For online a secure way, reduce his
(iii) Willingness pets cumbersome purchases they would medical
to eat Pure retailer or In an emergency usually two day lower overall expenses over
(iv) Stool retailer & accessibility to delivery is a maintenance time
consistency service provider vet and standard cost of the pet
/ regularity (bath, daycare, medication is
(v) Ingredients etc…) key
& sourcing

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 4: Sketch the efficiency frontier for your industry that reflects
the trade-off between willingness-to-pay and fulfillment costs

Comment on willingness to pay: we believe people are willing to pay more in our stores than in other places due
to (i) our convenience, most of our customers live within a few miles of the store and (ii) our sales-people are
knowledgeable and help customers pick the right products for them. However, with subscription services and online
delivery, I feel that we no longer have the best convenience offering out there.

High Unleashed
by PetCo
Willingness Amazon
to pay



High Low
Fulfillment costs

Comment on fulfillment costs: while we maintain a close relationship with all major
pet suppliers, our order sizes simply don’t allow us to have the same prices as larger
players. Also, we need to build into our prices our store occupancy expenses which
online and big-box players don’t worry as much about.

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 4: Sketch the efficiency frontier for your industry that reflects
the trade-off between willingness-to-pay and fulfillment costs
Questions Answers

Where are you relative to the efficiency We are below the frontier given that we don’t have the same
frontier? purchasing scale as the large chains (e.g. PetCo) and the online
players (e.g. Amazon & Chewy), so our fulfillment costs are lower
– also our stores offer convenience (+) but not the same breadth
(-) as the online players

If you are not on the efficiency frontier, We can develop a more connected relationship wherein we can
what efficiency improvements do you plan curate offerings, reduce SKUs, thereby increasing our purchasing
to pursue in order to reduce your fulfilment scale, offer subscriptions and an automated purchasing of dog food
costs? and medicine, thereby reducing real estate and inventory costs.

Assuming you are on the efficiency frontier, Despite not being on the frontier, we believe we should take a
do you feel that you are in the right spot on connected approach wherein we can monitor the pet’s health and
the frontier? curate offerings, and automatically execute some functions – our
main value driver will be a higher willing to pay than our

What are the trends in your industry? Is We expect competition to be driven much more by providing
there pressure on lowering costs or do you products and services with higher willingness to pay than strictly
see your firm win over its rivals by lowering costs. Retailers are aiming at increased pet services and
providing products and services with a higher convenience, subscription with automated sale and delivery,
and suppliers are focusing on creating products with unique recipes
higher willingness-to-pay?
and organic ingredients

Are there new technologies that have Yes advancement in online payments have made subscription models
allowed some of the firms already in the where the client receives his pet food delivered weekly/monthly (as
industry or potentially new entrants to a Dollar Shave Club) possible. Further, and more interestingly,
push out the frontier? Do you see new advances in micro batteries have now made possible to add chips to
your pet’s collar with GPS capabilities, as well as other monitoring
business models breaking the trade-off
between willingness-to-pay and fulfillment

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Chapter 6
(Creating Connected Customer Relationships)

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 1: Map the current customer journey of one customer experience

Customer Journey
Why does the customer engage How does the customer go about identifying, ordering, What products and services are
in the interaction? and paying for the desired product? provided to the customer?

Latent need Awareness Search for Decide on Order & pay Receive Experience Post-
of need options options good/ purchase
Leaves store service experience
Dog food is Serves one of Looks up Decides for Brings with 20lb Will use the Limited, will
ending, will the last delivery time pet store products to bag of food bag to feed see if the
need to refill bowls of dog for an online given time cashier and (to purchase pet(s) for pet enjoys
food of purchase constraint, pays with at lower the next few eating it, and
current bag Searches local searches store card price / weeks the food’s
pet stores for pet’s pound) effect on the
Pet Food brand pet
After the full Owner Hopefully the Depending on
Vet Emergency Owner needs After diagnosis and receives pet recovers, gravity, may
to decide if deciding to treatment is service at meaning the involve other
Dog contracts Dog loses this behavior go to vet, he done, he will vet, procedures visits to vet,
some disease appetite, warrants a must pick receive a bill sometimes worked may involve
or infection throws up, vet visit, if one that is with all will need to having to go
and has low so, which vet open & near procedures leave pet purchase
disposition to take the to him performed there for a medication
dog? few days

Depending if the product is pet food or a veterinary service, pain points differ
significantly, but both could greatly benefit from better awareness of the latent need!

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 2: Identify customer willingness-to-pay drivers and pain points

Willingness-to-Pay Drivers and Pain Points

Why does the customer engage How does the customer go about identifying, ordering, What products and services are
in the interaction? and paying for the desired product? provided to the customer?

Latent need Awareness Search for Decide on Order & pay Receive Experience Post-
of need options options good/ purchase
If need was service experience
Hard for If a system Options are If owner is Usually simple discovered Dosing
owners to could numerous, trying to in both a ahead of time, If pet does
correctly food
predict automate the however most change store and an can be not enjoy, or
precisely need- owners are brands, online delivered to reacts badly
could be a
when the identification repeat-buyers finding a environment home. If not, to, the new
service to
food will run part, WTP of a specific similar-style – not a product is food there is
improve the
out would brand brand can be significant heavy and little the
increase hard WTP driver receiving it is a owner can do
major pain and drive
point WTP

These steps are already table-stakes today

These two steps are probably some of the biggest We need technological
pain points for our customers, automating this advancements to help with
should increase their loyalty and preference for us this pain point that is
measuring the performance
of dog diets / products
© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)
Step 3: Capture the information flows for this customer experience

Information Flows
Why does the customer How does the customer go about identifying, What products and services
engage in the interaction? ordering, and paying for the desired product? are provided to the

Latent Awareness Search for Decide on Order & Receive Experience Post-
need of need options options pay good/ purchase
service experience
Pet eats Food levels Deciding Picking what Payment Address, Address, Pet’s fur,
food at a are low where to brand, type, type, credit preferred preferred stool health,
Description of given purchase and flavor card product size product size appetite,
Information portion (Pet Friends to purchase information mood

Pet eating Serve pet Low food Presented Selecting Purchase Pet is Pet’s health
Trigger food hungry
level with options option completion & mood
Frequency 1-4x per day 1-2x/month 1-2x/month 1-2x/month 1-2x/month 1-2x/month 1-4x per day 1x per day

Richness Low Low Low Medium Low Low Medium Low

Customer effort None Low Medium Medium Medium High Low Low

Action by Pet Customer Customer Customer Customer Client/Store Pet Owner

Standardize Can With pet Tracking pet With stored With proper With built- Source of
serving, w/ automate information health can credit card information in scale, can richest
Improvement information re-orders - can curate lead to a information can be adjust food information;
Ideas on food can w/ product offering data-driven can delivered portions to can be
also create & portion ahead of decision automate before food pet diet collected w/
pet diet size time making this process runs out chip

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 4: Identify the deeper needs of the customer

In the eyes of the customer, the purpose of the relationship with our firm is to…

Why This is the ultimate

Keep my pet
healthy and service we can provide
safe to any pet-owner !

products and
services for
my pet

How Purchase dog Purchase

Purchase pet
food and veterinary
treats products

This is why our customers enter our stores… not a

comprehensive list, but these are the main ones.
© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)
Step 5: Understand the current relationship with your customer
across separate (repeated) customer experiences
A) Identify the customer and retrieve data
Questions Answers

How do you identify the customer and connect him or Will create profiles for every customer with pet details
her to prior customer experiences? such as: age, weight, breed, current brand, & last food
purchase. Ideally would also implant a chip in the pet’s
collar to track vitals, GPS location,

Is this identification requiring time and effort form the Yes initial onboarding will require some time and effort
customer? from client. Could also be recommended done with the
aid of a veterinary doctor

Is this identification costly to your firm? Yes, will need to invest in an onboarding team that
includes vets for initial checkup/ check-in
Will also need to invest in chips with long-term battery
capabilities and accurate sensors

What organizational incentives are in place (or what No incentives in place yet, will require setting up a team
disincentives need to be removed) so that various parts of analysts that will program the food replenishment
of your organization share the information they have algorithm and vets for the veterinary emergency
about a particular customer? warnings. We may potentially face channel conflict as
more sales are via online subscription model

B) Customization
Questions Answers

How do we improve customization for a particular Will track his pet’s estimate food consumption, or, with
customer based on information that we have gathered a bowl with built-in scale can precisely re-order food for
about this customer? him. Curate offerings based on pet age, breed, and eating

What feedback do we gather from the customer to Pet’s consumption of food and pet vitals as measured by
understand whether a particular solution worked well? the collar chip. Can also survey owners for their input

Can the customer make direct suggestions to us of how Yes we will allow customer’s to overwrite any datapoints
to improve our product or service? from collar chip and pet bowl scale

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 5: Understand the current relationship with your customer
across separate (repeated) customer experiences
C) Population-level insights

Questions Answers

How do we currently use population (or market- Currently we don’t (only anecdotally), with customer
segment) level data to improve our product and pet profiles we will be able to drop inferior
assortment? products and recommend best-performing and best-value

How do we currently use population (or market- With enough information we will be able to tailor which
segment level data to refine features of existing products are best suited for each breed (currently only
products? categorize by weight/size/age)

How do we currently use population (or market- We can find gaps in products that serve a particular
segment level data to create entirely new products? breed, size/age well – and liaise with producers to
design new products

D) Why-How ladder questions

Questions Answers

At what level in the Why-How ladder are most of our With the systemized food refill/subscription we are
transactions currently taking place? mostly serving customers in the “how” end of the
ladder. With a vet-emergency identifying and acting
system we would serving the “why” end

What would be alternative value propositions to the We could offer a simpler service, without the collar chip
customer that are either more focused (HOW) or for vet purposes and simply be a subscription food
broader (WHY)? delivery service like, which would be more
focused, or instead selling a pet insurance with the
collar chip

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 6: Identify new opportunities associated with connected relationships
Automated Execution

Behavior Curated Offering


Latent need Awareness Search for Decide on Order & pay Receive Experience Post-
of need options options good/ purchase
Standardize Monitor each Can offer Owner can Once profile is Given enough service experience
portion sizes serving size similar select created, can lead-time to
to adhere to and last food products, blend brand/product enable a 1-click need can ship Standardize Monitor pet
pet diet and purchase to of products, online ahead of pay or directly to portion sizes health with
correctly feed estimate cheaper time at a automated door at low to adhere to new
pet with when food medication fulfillment cost ordering / cost pet diet. product/diet
lower costs will run out based on pet payment
needs & pref.

Responses to Pain Points

Required Information
Scale in bowl Scale in dog Pet profile Need Credit card Order request Scale in bowl A chip
can transmit bowl (or an with historic detection information ahead of can transmit measuring
serving size estimate of consumption information, needs to be time, address serving size vitals,
to owner’s serving size) pattern, owner’s stored and preferred to owner’s temperature,
cellphone and weight collar chip e-mail or delivery time cellphone activity, sleep,
(internet content of can also track having the (internet and other
capabilities in last purchase dog’s app capabilities in decision factors
bowl) compatibility downloaded bowl) for vets
w/ diet
© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)
Step 7: Find ways to utilize information gathered from repeated interactions to
improve the Recognize-Request-Respond cycle
Experience 1 Experience 2 Experience 3 Experience 4
Tries a Reviews pet Measures Important to
Offer a
most health and owner’s position ourselves as
blend of pet
frequently picks from satisfaction, a partner to our
food that
bought new curation inc. price customers
lowers price

Customization Improvements
Fulfillment of deeper
Will adjust marketing spend on product categories that our clients are most customer needs
interested in. Can also adjust the website and mobile store to show the products
for the type of pet the owner has We will move from a
simple pet retailer to
Optimization of Product and Service Offering be essentially the
caretaker of the pet’s
Will filter out the products from offering that the pet does not eat, or that has health and nutrition. By
a negative impact on the pet’s vitals and digestive system. Can also suggest more blending products,
appropriate bag sizes and cheaper (generic) versions of medication that pet might suggesting generic
take medication we are also
Creation of New Products and Services lowering our (client’s)
fulfillment costs and
Can create blends of foods from different producers based on the pet’s preferences gaining customer loyalty.
that can lower costs to clients. Can also create a report on their feeding habits to The historic information
coach behavior and assist owners that want to put their pets on diets of trial and error with
pet food makes our
suggestions more
Efficiency Improvements
accurate and sets us
With more precise pet-eating habits we can coordinate shipments and inventory and apart from our
minimize costs (e.g. direct to consumer shipping). We can also start creating competitors
blends of pet food that are nutritious and cheaper than current pure-branded
options for both us and the pet-owner
© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)
Step 8: Assess your data-protection policies to maintain trust with
your customers

Questions Answers

What procedures do we have in place to Will need to include standard anti-hacking software, especially
stay informed about data protection and with payment and GPS information.
privacy regulations in all the geographies in Fortunately, data privacy and security for pets isn’t as big as an
which we are active? issue as it is for people.

How do we keep up with how public Pet data privacy shouldn’t be at the core of the discussion.
opinion is changing with respect to these However, monitoring owners’ spending habits should be kept
issues? confidential and safe.

How do we currently obtain customer During the onboarding service for new clients, we will collect their
consent? How transparent is it to our consent to monitor their pet and save their credit card information.
customers what happens to their data? We will disclose how and where we intend to use their data

What do we do to keep the data current The collar chip will keep some of the data updated in real time.
and accurate? However we will recommend a more comprehensive update
whenever visiting a vet.

What are our activities to keep the data We will have top-notch cloud based infrastructure and processing
safe and under what conditions do we providers that have best-in-class security measures. We will always
notify customers of any breaches? notify via e-mail and text any data breach as soon as possible.

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Chapter 10
(Creating Connected Delivery Models)

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 1: Use the Connected Strategy Matrix to map your own
activities and the activities of your competitors

Connected Connected Connected Crowd P2P Network

Producer Retailer Market Maker Orchestrator Creator

Respond-to- Walmart Rover

Desire PetCo Doghero

Curated Amazon Amazon


Coach Tagg PetCo

Behavior Greencross

Pet Friends

Note: * Chewy’s automated execution is totally dependent on pet owner establishing new order cycles, in
essence it is an autopay function that every so days orders more food, not a connected model.
Amazon can also be a market maker when they don’t have the product’s inventory and do their fulfillment
by Amazon
© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019) 20
Step 2: Use the empty cells in the Connected Strategy Matrix to
create new ideas
Probably very
hard to monetize

Connected Connected Connected Crowd P2P Network

Producer Retailer Market Maker Orchestrator Creator

Pet trainers Dog walking P2P

Respond-to- Direct to
for hire via an
consumer pet network where
Desire app where you you walk other
food brand
can schedule dogs to gain
visits credit
Curated Angie’s list for
vets and dog
Offering trainers near
your home

Coach Pet feeder

with accurate
Behavior / automatic

Automatic Pet feeder

Execution automatic
reorder based
on food levels

These might
already exist in
the kickstarter /
prototype phase!
© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019) 21
Step 3: Understand your existing revenue model, identify its main Still not sure if pay per
limitations and consider alternatives for your current activities as product or subscription
model is the best
well as for the ideas created above revenue model…

Questions Answers

What does the customer pay for? Currently for products and services bought in my store

What are your different revenue streams? Single revenue stream, with sales of pet products and services

Who is paying? Pet owners

When does payment occur? At store checkout, before taking product

Questions Answers

Next, look for inefficiencies in your revenue This revenue model is a product of a constrained information flow.
model. Do you use this revenue model We are simply charging for a markup on a product, but there is
because you believe it is the right one, or little value we can create for our customers beyond product
are you constrained by connectivity to the availability. We don’t learn much from clients and their pets with
each transaction. We believe there could be better models.
Now that you understand the current With a connected strategies we could (i) charge membership fees
revenue model, consider ways for and sell products at no economic profit, therefore we don’t have
considering these inefficiencies an incentive to push more expensive products onto owners. (ii)
Offer pet insurance for a fixed fee if we have enough customers to
dilute actuarial risk

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 4: Deconstruct your Connected Strategy into technological sub-
functions and then catalogue currently used technological solutions
for each sub-function
Here we are decomposing the connected bowl/feeder and the collar chip connected strategy

Recognize Request Respond Repeat Connection Revenue

Architecture Model
Become aware Search and Order Pay Receive Experience After sale Learn and Connect Monetize
of the need decide on improve parties in customer
option ecosystem relationship
Sense Level of Receive Product Check cash Order Serving size Measure Which types Average
food information chosen by balance or payment on pet bowl pet’s vitals, of nutrients vital signs of spending of
consumed from pet owner credit card was fulfilled, / feeder temperature, are best dogs for owner on
and food previous approval fulfillment appetite suited for early signs dog vs.
left purchase and time (time to the pet, as of similar
products’ promised eat) he grows abnormalitie breeds’
prices older too s
Quantity Price and Payment Order Serving size To owner’s To central Any Expenditure
information historic request to priority to to cellphone cell then to system abnormalitie analysis to
to owner’s purchase payment logistics central where each s to central
to central
cellphone information processor department system pet profile veterinary system
is held staff

Analyze Remaining Relative Guarantee If current Optimize Compare to Compare pet To central If there is Suggestions
food levels prices of that client’s payment route historic health with system short-term for savings
and lead previous preference is methods are density patterns this type of where each risk or if it and more
time of a order with available functional while and food / meal pet profile just performance
new order similar maintaining veterinary size to is held warrants a w/ dog diet
products on-time recommenda previous and check-up
status tions benchmark
Decide it is Send Place order Execute Ship Serving size Adjust next Curate Notify Send
time to product and provide payment product to to cellphone order offering veterinary if curated
start suggestions shipping address product further, emergency, proposals of
Request to pet address suggestion blending only pet how to
module owner asking and next products for owner if he lower his
for serving size higher should do a cost while
permission performance check-up increasing
to purchase pet health

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

Step 5: Identify new technological solutions and how those might
enable further innovations in your Connected Strategy not identified
so far
A new implantable microchip would improve significantly our ability to measure and adapt to the pet’s vitals!

Recognize Request Respond Repeat Connection Revenue

Architecture Model
Become aware Search and Order Pay Receive Experience After sale Learn and Connect Monetize
of the need decide on improve parties in customer
option ecosystem relationship
Sense Microchip Vet receives Ambulance
If ER is
senses abnormality ETA is
emergency, waiting for
abnormalities report as calculated
will send a pet to
in dog’s well as pet’s and sent to
team of arrive
temperature, medical pet owner
vets to
heart rate, history pickup dog if
need be
Transmit Will warn Warn vet Pet owner
Transmits Can follow
owner that hospital to receives via
directly to a Payment the pet’s
his pet has dispatch his app or
central system can GPS location
had an team of via message
system, via be the same in arriving
abnormality vets the ETA
cellular data as for dog
sensed and 1st aid
Analyze account,
Central Vet will Pet owner ER/ Vet can
Will analyze payment can
system assess can decide already
distance, also be done
assesses if report and to take dog prepare
and if pet is later after
these configure himself to tests and
accessible or the service
patterns are preliminary ER if if ETA procedures
not is completed
out of the diagnoses is too long that pet
ordinary requires

Send an Will decide if Sends out Confirms Can quickly
automated situation is an ambulance perform
report to a an ambulance or decides tests and
veterinary emergency to meet dog to drive procedures
professional or if a based on himself once pet
check-up is microchips arrives
in order GPS location

This enables us to move up in the hierarchy of needs of our customers in keeping their pet safe!

© Siggelkow & Terwiesch (2019)

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