Sinha 2015
Sinha 2015
Sinha 2015
According to statistics [1] more than 1.2 million people Many of the activities has been performed by the driver while
die each year on the road accidents. 20 - 50 million of people driving shown in the given table.
suffer from non-fatal injuries due to these road accidents across
the world. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration) in the year 2008, it estimated that 5,870 B. Parameters of Driver Inattention
deaths, 7,45,000 and 350,000 injuries are due to lack of driver
concentration on the road. Damages of billions per year due Several methods has been used to measure driver inat-
to cell phone related crashes occur in U.S [1]. India has the tention. Dinguss [5] measures the glimpse length, number of
highest number of road accidents in the year 2013, according glimpse and frequency of use. The glimpse parameters requires
to the recent world health organization report nearly 1,05,725 a image observing for the drivers face and eyes. Some other
people died in the year 2013 from road accidents. 77.5% approaches has been used for time period and accurateness for
of total road accidents are due to drivers fault. In Europe, the replacement of secondary task such as Peripheral Detection
the estimation shows that 10%-20% of all traffic accidents Task (PDT). These measures are yet not measures in real-
happened due to driver’s fatigue [2]. 25% of all the crashes time for everyday driving. Boer [6] used a driver performance
are due to driver fatigueness and drowsiness. Statistics reveal measure, steering entropy, to measure workload, which unlike
that driver inattention is a major issue for the road accidents eye gaze and some of the secondary tasks is practical for
in the world. Driver inattention may be due to his/her lack of everyday monitoring, and can be calculated in real-time. In this
concentration on secondary tasks like talking on the cell phone, work indicates that it is able to detect driver inattention and
taking a meal, mentally disturbed. Drivers stress behavior driver distraction while engaged in other tasks while driving.
may be the reason for lack of inattention, which causes the
accidents. These crashes only happen between midnight to 6
a.m. [3]. Driver influence of alcohol, it causes severe damage C. Drowsiness detection can be divided into three main classes
of life and property as well as the lost of the economy.
Alcohol and Drugs is the major factor for road accidents. Due (1) Vehicle based evaluation (2) Behavioral based evalua-
to drunk driving driver lost their control and accidents are tion (3) Physiological based evaluation. A comprehensive eval-
occurs. In recent years the number of accidents in vehicle has uation on these parameters will afford insight on the current
been increased manifold due to stress/mobile phone use while systems, concerns related with them and the improvement and
driving, aggressive driving, sleeping disorders, driver’s yawn development that need to be done to make a vigorous system.
frequently, tending to children, mentally depressed, eating a Three different methods for Drowsiness detection has been
meal, grooming etc. as there is a lack of concentration of driver described in Fig 1. An elobrated review on three parameters
while driving. The deaths and financial losses are due to road are discussed in this paper.
1) Vehicle based evaluation: Vehicle based measure de-
scribed the divergence from its original path, rotation of
A. Driver Inattention
the steering wheel of the car, pedal movement etc. These
According to the survey, driver inattention is the major parameters are continuously observing and if any modification
issue now a days for the whole world. Driver Inattention is in these occurs that crosses a specified threshold, that means
becoming more and more challenging now a days in whole there is a drastically increment of the probability that the driver
world. The NET survey in 2001 is given below in Table I . is drowsy.
2) Behavioral based evaluation: The driver’s performance A. FORD using Accident Avoidance and Driver Assist Tech-
like eye closure period, eye blinking, head rotation, Perclos nologies
etc. is constantly observed through a camera for detecting the
driver’s eyes. If any performance is detected then it shows that FORD using many new technologies for accident avoidance
the driver is drowsy. and driver assist system like in FORD handling and braking
capabilities are used. This technology has been used in de-
3) Physiological based evaluation: Drowsiness is detected
veloped nation. It helps the driver by controlling the vehicle
in physiological measures like continually examining the heart
or alerting the driver while driving and reduced the possible
rate, brain and pulse information. ECG (Electrocardiogram)
accidents. It can support everyday driving tasks by improving
and EEG (Electroencephalogram) can be used in this evalua-
comfort in car[16].
tion for detecting the drowsiness of the driver while driving.
Driver drowsiness system architecture shows in Fig 2. 1) Adaptive Crucial Control: Ford technologies offers
Adaptive crucial control(ACC), it helps the drivers to maintain
II. R ELATED W ORK a distance from a vehicle in front of them. It uses a radar
system which is mounted at the top of the vehicle that measures
Some latest work has been done in the field of development the distance and closing speed of the vehicle as shown in Fig
and technological tools for driver monitoring. Few of them 3. This system automatically preset the distance by which the
are using for the purpose of driver observation, the research speed of the car is adjusted. Adaptive crucial control which
has been used for avoiding driver fatigue and accidents which is radar based is available in FORD Taurus, Flex, Edge sand
may occur in future. They are using numbers of solutions Explorer and the Lincoln MKZ, MKS, MKX and MKT[16].
and technologies for reducing these types of road accidents
in details which are as follows. Image observations is one 2) Collision Warning with Brake Support: The Fusion
of the solution to detect driver drowsiness. Zhu et al.[7], technology offers Ford’s Collision warning with brake support,
proposed an idea for reducing the accident rate. This paper In this technology, which uses the radar for detecting the speed
used two cameras for detecting the image of driver’s face, pupil and the range as shown in Fig 4. It is just like adaptive crucial
movement, head rotation and gesture, facial expressions for control. When a vehicle detects a high risk collision then this
achieving driver drowsiness later this many research has been collision warning with brake support is used for activates a
done in this area. Later on Albu et al.[8], This paper describes visual and audible warning system to alert the driver while
a state in which sleeping while driving is the most serious driving. Faster brake performance is achieved by when the
consequence of fatigueness of driver and also described the brake system is pre-tensioned by servo boost, if required by
physiological state of drowsiness, check out the eye opening the driver. If the system getting suspended sensors become
and closing state. They are using some other measures to blocked by snow, mud or ice, then the driver will get a
identify the fatigue, they monitor the eyes condition to detect message to reduced the functionality. This technology is used
the drowsiness in driving. Lee et al.[9] described driving status by developed nation like North America on the Ford Taurus,
by using two cameras one is using to capture the drivers view Edge, Flex and Explorer and the Lincoln MKS, MKX, MKZ
and the other is used for tracking the path while driving for .
Fig. 7. Schematic of Sensing System Integration for Driver Drowsiness
Detection and Assistance [13]
Fig. 10. Algorithm for Eye-blink detection and classification system
Eye blinking based detection is use to measure the driver A. System Design Overview
drowsiness. The blinking period of the eye and the closure
period is calculated for detecting the state of the driver. There The driver alert system is mainly focus on the recognition
are mainly two states are described one is normal state and of face and eye. It consists of four major sections: 1) Image
another is abnormal state. Normal state in which the closure acquisition; 2) pupil and face recognition; 3) driver state
period of the eye is for 2 sec and it shows the humble behavior recognition; and 4) activate alarm.
of the driver and abnormal state in which the closure period 1) Image Acquisition System: The purpose of this stage is
of the eye is more than 2 sec and drowsiness is detected by to obtain high quality video images of the driver’s face and
monitoring the eye constantly. If a driver is in sleepy state then eye. It is a major issue to acquire a high class image of eye
their eyes blinking rate are totally changed from the normal and face with adequate details. There are many constraints for
state of the driver. Fig 10 describes the blinking frequency ad implementing such a system. However such a system with the
the time period of closure [20]. This method uses a camera to desired uniqueness up to an extent can be implemented. The
occupy the video and calculate ratio of perceptiveness. In this images used in this study are taken from the record. The image
face movement, eye movement and eyelid measure is the ratio is converted from RGB to gray level for color processing.
of perceptiveness Fig 10 shows the eye blink detection.
2) Face and Eye Detection: In this part, the face and eye
E. Optical Detection detection method are the first level of drowsiness detection
technique. The Open CV library is used in this level for face
Optical Detection is useful for monitoring the driver’s pupil and eye detection. We initiate a very fast and memory efficient
by using optical sensor. Mainly optical sensors uses infrared or face detection algorithm based on Viola-Jones method. This
near-infrared LEDs. In optical detection some of the algorithm detection method proposed by Viola and Jones [21]. It is a
measured the blinking duration and rate for analysing the real time method which is very popular for face detection
drowsiness. Facial expressions, yawning detection are the and implemented in our driver drowsiness detection system
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3) Blink Detection: Blinking of an eye is detected when [16]
the change of black pixels in the eye area. An open eyeball 1210228-0-0-135-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html.
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Many modern technologies exist to detect the driver fa- SION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION ,2001,pp.1-9.
tigue. Although the products made by FORD, TOYOTA etc are
quite satisfactory in performance but they are not cost effective.
Since India has a majority of middle class population thus, this
system is not popular among the people. Much work needs to
be done in order to make it cost effective.