Nihms 171161
Nihms 171161
Nihms 171161
Author Manuscript
Tissue Eng. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 February 12.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Harvard Medical School and Shriners Hospital for Children, Boston, Massachusetts 8 Division of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 9 The Wake
Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston
Salem, North Carolina 10 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University, Medford,
Massachusetts 11 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York
This article summarizes the views expressed at the third session of the workshop “Tissue Engineering
—The Next Generation,” which was devoted to the engineering of complex tissue structures.
Antonios Mikos described the engineering of complex oral and craniofacial tissues as a “guided
interplay” between biomaterial scaffolds, growth factors, and local cell populations toward the
restoration of the original architecture and function of complex tissues. Susan Herring, reviewing
osteogenesis and vasculogenesis, explained that the vascular arrangement precedes and dictates the
architecture of the new bone, and proposed that engineering of osseous tissues might benefit from
preconstruction of an appropriate vasculature. Jennifer Elisseeff explored the formation of complex
tissue structures based on the example of stratified cartilage engineered using stem cells and
hydrogels. Helen Lu discussed engineering of tissue interfaces, a problem critical for biological
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fixation of tendons and ligaments, and the development of a new generation of fixation devices. Rita
Kandel discussed the challenges related to the re-creation of the cartilage-bone interface, in the
context of tissue engineered joint repair. Frederick Schoen emphasized, in the context of heart valve
engineering, the need for including the requirements derived from “adult biology” of tissue
remodeling and establishing reliable early predictors of success or failure of tissue engineered
implants. Mehmet Toner presented a review of biopreservation techniques and stressed that a new
breakthrough in this field may be necessary to meet all the needs of tissue engineering. David Mooney
described systems providing temporal and spatial regulation of growth factor availability, which may
find utility in virtually all tissue engineering and regeneration applications, including directed in
vitro and in vivo vascularization of tissues. Anthony Atala offered a clinician’s perspective for
functional tissue regeneration, and discussed new biomaterials that can be used to develop new
regenerative technologies.
Address reprint requests to: Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, 363G
Engineering Terrace, Mail Code 8904, 1210 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027, [email protected].
MIKOS et al. Page 2
Engineering complex tissues is perhaps the most ambitious goal of all tissue engineers.
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Antonios Mikos from Rice University discussed tissue engineering approaches to dental, oral,
and craniofacial rehabilitation for millions of people, as well as significant challenges that need
to be addressed before successful clinical applications can be realized. The current paradigm
that recognizes the complex interplay between biomaterial scaffolds, growth factors, and local
cell populations during healing has been consistently utilized to design constructs that attempt
to promote these interactions to restore the original architecture and function of complex
tissues. Nevertheless, issues related to each component of this paradigm reflect the fact that
“ideal” tissue engineering techniques are yet to be developed for the regeneration of complex
composite structures such as alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and teeth.
Part of the difficulty in designing constructs exposed to the oral environment relates to a unique
set of interactions involved in the regenerative process in contrast to other parts of the body
(Table 1). Augmented healing of alveolar extraction sites, where bone regeneration materials
implanted into a tooth extraction socket encounter an environment very different from that of
healing long-bone fractures, provides an excellent example. Interactions between the implanted
material and the oral flora occur within an essentially “contaminated” wound-healing site, and
a progenitor cell population responsible for bone healing is believed to be derived from
remnants of the periodontal ligament, rather than from periosteum or endosteum. Further,
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reconstitution of a healed extraction socket involves the coordinated regeneration of both bone
and epithelium. Thus, tissue engineering approaches to augmented healing of alveolar sockets
have attempted to recapitulate the temporal and spatial relationships of growth factors and cells
with the healing environment of the oral cavity, and constructs should be designed with these
considerations in mind.
Biomaterial scaffolds
Biomaterials and growth factor delivery systems used for alveolar bone engineering have
several fundamental shortcomings. From an anatomical standpoint, an ideal scaffold for bone
regeneration should be injectable so that it conforms to the irregularly shaped defects produced
by tooth extraction. Next, it should undergo an increase in mechanical stiffness, to mimic the
mechanical properties of bone, in order to sustain the physiological loading conditions imposed
by mastication. The scaffold material should also degrade at a rate complementary to bone
formation so as to preserve the morphology of the alveolar ridges—an important consideration
for the prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient. If the material degrades too quickly, the resultant
defect will compromise denture construction or dental implant placement. A slower rate of
degradation will reduce tissue in-growth and regeneration.
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Although moldable polymeric materials exist, which upon cross-linking exhibit compressive
and tensile strengths close to that of bone, these materials do not degrade on a timescale suitable
for optimal bone healing. In addition, these materials are hydrophobic, which renders them
unsuitable for cell encapsulation. Conversely, numerous synthetic and biocompatible materials
capable of forming hydrogels are available. These degrade quickly and promote tissue in-
growth, but their weak mechanical properties require rigid fixation devices to stabilize
mechanically unstable bone defects. Thus, the challenge is to create an injectable biomaterial
that has mechanical properties similar to bone, yet degrades quickly enough to support tissue
in-growth, and allows for cell encapsulation.
Aside from the mechanical properties of a scaffold, the interactions between cells and the
biomaterial surface also need to be addressed. While design improvements to biomimetic
scaffolds have allowed an increase in cell adhesion, the adhesion of specific cell populations
by altering scaffold properties has yet to be perfected. Surface properties are especially
important in periodontal ligament regeneration, where successful formation of the
periodontium and surrounding alveolar bone also requires the prevention of epithelial down-
growth into the periodontal defect site. An ideal periodontal regeneration material should
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promote the attachment and in-growth of both osteogenic cells and periodontal ligament
fibroblasts, while excluding epithelial cells from the periodontal defect.
An equally important challenge in growth factor delivery for the engineering of complex tissues
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is control over the kinetics of release. Much research has focused on the characterization of
key growth factors within the healing cascade and their temporal and spatial expression within
complex tissue defects. However, the ability to direct the release of numerous growth factors
on multiple timescales will determine the success of a tissue engineering scaffold in
recapitulating the complex wound-healing environment seen in oral and craniofacial tissues.
Issues of scale-up present additional challenges. Tissue engineering strategies that prove to be
successful in small experimental defects may fail in larger human applications where nutrient
diffusion into the center of an extensive cell-based construct may be limited during the initial
stages of healing before any appreciable angiogenesis takes place. Investigators must also
consider the possibility of differences in physiology between animal and human subjects, and
whether or not potentially promising results obtained in animal models can be reproduced in
the clinical setting.
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Future directions and potential for dental and craniofacial tissue engineering
While advances in tissue engineering have created a variety of approaches toward both alveolar
bone and periodontal ligament regeneration, an ideal material has yet to be developed.
Additional clinical challenges that must be addressed include the ability to control the
morphology of bone formed by an implanted biomaterial. For instance, the alveolar bone
present in the posterior maxilla tends to have a larger proportion of cancellous bone when
compared to the anterior mandible, which has implications for the primary stability of titanium
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implants placed in that location. There currently exists no synthetic biomaterial capable of
controlling the architecture of bones generated de novo within a bony defect. Another challenge
is to create dental implant systems for tooth replacement that can regenerate a periodontal
ligament attachment to the surrounding alveolar bone and form a tight gingival seal between
the implant surface and the oral mucosa. Finally, one of the most difficult challenges is to
regenerate an entire tooth. Although some attempts have been made in this direction, they have
been rarely successful. The ability to regenerate a complete tooth and its periodontal ligament
within an extraction socket would be an extraordinary achievement, and would surely
revolutionize the practice of dentistry.
Dr. Mikos concluded that continuing developments in the field of tissue engineering would
undoubtedly lead to improvements in biomaterial scaffolds for cell-based therapeutics and the
delivery of bioactive molecules such as growth factors and DNA. He also emphasized that the
success of tissue engineering strategies would rely on the ability of the implanted construct to
control the proliferation and differentiation of specific cell populations within the wound-
healing site, using materials that are both cost effective and easy to manipulate in the clinical
setting. In this way, tissue regeneration can be optimized in the complex wound-healing
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the same time, processes that stimulate osteogenesis induce angiogenic factors.4 The
association between membranous ossification and the preexisting vascular pattern in the
connective tissue matrix is so anatomically close that one early worker referred to the process
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as “angiogenic ossification”5 (translated by Inoue et al.6) and another described the bone as
“modeling itself along the course of the artery.”7 Arnold Caplan, a founding father of modern
tissue engineering, described the vasculature as the “orientor of osteogenesis” in vivo,8 and his
illustrations make clear that it is the vessels of the periosteum that provide the (negative) model
for newly apposed layers of bone.
If it is generally true that the normal developmental sequence is for mineralized matrix to be
patterned by a pre-existing vasculature, then the present practice violates the precept that tissue
engineering works best if it mimics ontogeny. Manufacturing the matrix first may not be the
most efficacious way to produce a well-perfused graft. Instead, the vascular network should
be prepared first, from which living, remodeled woven bone could be produced naturally.
To establish that normal skeletal growth proceeds from vasculature to bone, rather than the
reverse, Herring and colleagues assessed the role played by the periosteal vasculature in
organizing the newly deposited matrix of growing craniofacial bones in a pig model. Piglets,
2–6 weeks old (n = 5), were anesthetized, injected intravenously with calcein (12.5 mg/kg;
Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), and then perfused with heparinized saline followed by a
silicone rubber–based vascular fill (Microfil®; Flow Tech, Carver, MA). The head was frozen
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overnight, and the zygomatic arch was cut into blocks and dehydrated and infiltrated with
plastic embedding media. Cured specimens were thick-sectioned (50–1000 μm) and examined
under epifluorescent illumination to compare the calcein-labeled matrix (mineralized in the
last 3 hours of life) to the periosteal vasculature. Additional material included periosteal whole
mounts from animals injected with Microfil® and histological sections of decalcified arches
from piglets that had received injections of bromodeoxyuridine 3 hours before sacrifice.9
Different portions of the periosteum of the zygomatic arch were strikingly different in
osteogenic activity. The medial surface was almost devoid of calcein label. Histological
observations confirmed that the medial surface was not appositional, and was indeed being
actively resorbed. The lateral surface showed extensive deposition of calcein, but the pattern
was different for the two bones that comprise the arch, reflecting their different structures.10
The more anterior zygomatic bone (Fig. 1) showed a continuous surface layer of calcein,
approximately 100 μm thick, whereas the more posterior temporal bone (Fig. 2) exhibited
calcein extending the tips of bony spicules by approximately 250 μm.
As has been described for the periosteum of limb bones,11 the nutrient vessels of craniofacial
periosteum were different from those of the bone-marrow spaces. Relatively large-caliber
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vessels were found within the plane of the periosteum, parallel to the bone surface. Beyond
this general relationship, vascular pattern varied with region.
Despite its resorptive character, the medial periosteum was well vascularized with very large
vessels close to the bone surface. Histological sections suggested that these vessels were
composites of fusing smaller vessels and that they were continuous with the marrow circulation
in the resorbing medial bone. In contrast, the largest vessels of the appositional lateral
periosteum were more peripheral in the fibrous layer at some distance from the bone surface.
These large vessels, which stemmed from nearby muscles and ligaments, formed an
anastomosis in the plane of the periosteum. Closer to the bone surface, small-caliber vessels
formed another planar network, interconnected with the large, superficial one. Only very small
vessels penetrated the bone surface, and these frequently showed signs of angiogenesis, such
as sprouts and endothelial tubes.
Both the zygomatic and the temporal bone showed an intimate association between newly
mineralized matrix and vascular architecture. In thick sections, labeled matrix could even be
visualized as tubes around blood vessels (Fig. 3). However, only for the zygomatic bone was
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the vascular architecture that of the periosteum. Here the accreting matrix surrounded the deep
periosteal network, becoming the negative image of the vasculature (Fig. 1). On the temporal
bone, the mineralizing, elongating spicules were nested between radiating vessels that were
perpendicular to the periosteal plane. Rather than coming from the periosteum, these vessels
were clearly continuations of the intraosseous vasculature (Fig. 2).
In growing craniofacial bones, the relationship between new matrix and vascular architecture
was close enough to justify the idea that vascular pattern dictates where mineralized matrix is
laid down. However, the significant vasculature is not necessarily that of the periosteum. In
the slower-growing zygomatic bone, the deep periosteal network did appear to be engulfed by
mineralizing matrix and thus patterned the woven bone into its negative image. But in the
faster-growing temporal bone, the appearance was that of radially oriented intraosseous vessels
co-opting and transforming the deep periosteal network.
Susan Herring concluded that from a tissue engineering point of view, the important feature is
that, in both cases, bone formed around the vessels. Osteogenesis can be organized either by
internal vessels, as in the temporal bone, or by external vessels, as in the zygomatic bone. Thus,
it may not be necessary, or even advisable, to engineer three-dimensional porous scaffolds for
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bone; rather, a vasculature should be constructed. Further, the vascular network need not be
three-dimensional if it is osteogenic. A two-dimensional periosteum creates a three-
dimensional bone. A two-dimensional vascular graft might be especially suitable for the
membrane bones of the skull, which lack cartilage predecessors and are entirely formed and
shaped by their periostea.
The discovery of stem cells and the development of novel engineering technologies have
infused energy into the field of tissue engineering and stimulated new advances that will further
understanding of the tissue development process and promote clinical translation. Stem cells
address a major challenge in tissue engineering—procurement of adequate cell numbers to
place on a scaffold.13 The cell is the building block of the developing tissue, proliferating and
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producing the desired tissue-specific extracellular matrix (ECM). Cells isolated from tissue
biopsies oftentimes have limited expansion capabilities, and instead readily differentiate and
secrete the tissue-specific proteins. The problems arise from the fact that during expansion
these differentiated cells often change phenotype and lose their capability to form tissue.14 In
contrast, stem cells have the capacity to proliferate in an undifferentiated state, providing a
potentially large source of cells.15 The subsequent challenge, though, is to differentiate the
stem cells during the tissue engineering process. In the case of adult stem cells, in particular,
bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), many of the signals (e.g., growth
factors) required for tissue-specific differentiation have been elucidated.16 In the case of
embryonic stem cells (ESCs), manipulating or controlling differentiation remains a significant
Stem cells
Stem cells are characterized by their ability to proliferate significantly in an undifferentiated
state and, under appropriate conditions, to differentiate along one or more lineages. The
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discovery of these cells has stimulated significant excitement in the field as large cell numbers
are required to seed the three-dimensional scaffolds, particularly if the scaffolds are the size
of clinically relevant defects.17
Adult stem cells can be isolated from a number of tissues, most notably, the bone marrow.18
Researchers continue to identify other sources of adult stem cells, including fat, cardiac, neural,
limbus, bone, and muscle tissues. While there is still some debate over identity and
classification, adult stem cells can be characterized by surface markers and their functional
differentiation. The ESCs can be isolated from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and the
primordial gonadal ridge of the fetus19,20 These cells are cultured on fibroblast feeder layers
to maintain them in an undifferentiated state, for potentially very long periods of time. New
feeder-free stem-cell culture systems are under development by a number of groups.
The proliferative capacity of the ESCs is intriguing for researchers in regenerative medicine
who continually battle the challenge of having enough cells to combine with biomaterials to
build new tissues. Differentiation of ESCs is usually initiated by formation of embryoid bodies
(EBs), clusters of cells differentiating into all three germ layer lineages.21 A number of
researchers are selecting specific cell types or groups of cells from EBs to apply to tissue repair.
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22 While these proliferation and differentiation characteristics lead one to assume unlimited
capacity for ESCs to make any tissue in the body, we are now just touching the surface on how
to control these cells and the unique requirements that we must elucidate to induce tissue
development. A number of problems remain to be solved before stem cell research can be
translated into clinical practice.
Tissue engineering of cartilage provides one important venue to evaluate a number of cell
types: fully differentiated chondrocytes from cartilage, adult stem cells, and ESCs.23–28 Figure
4 pictures cartilage engineered from chondrocytes isolated from cartilage tissue, bone marrow–
derived stem cells, and cells derived from EBs made from human and mouse ESCs. While the
base hydrogel scaffold was similar in all cases, embryonic cells required unique conditions for
differentiation in each case.
for stem cells, particularly ESCs, are unknown. This has led engineers to work with biologists
to help discover more about the biology of stem cells and how they behave in complex tissue
engineering scaffold systems.
Like many other tissues in the body, cartilage is structurally organized and contains a
superficial, a middle, and a deep layer. The tissues in each of these layers are distinct with
respect to matrix composition and organization and subsequent mechanical properties. The
superficial layer contains more collagen than the other layers, and the fibers are aligned parallel
to the joint surface. The deep layer of cartilage contains more proteoglycans and the collagen
fibers are aligned perpendicular to the cartilage joint surface. The cells in the deep layer are
larger compared to the superficial cells, which are smaller and flattened. The combination of
these two layers and the intermediate third layer in between is what provides cartilage its unique
mechanical properties and overall functionality as a smooth, lubricating surface that absorbs
and transmits mechanical forces. Therefore, from a tissue engineering perspective, rebuilding
the structure of even a seemingly simple tissue such as cartilage is critical to building more
functional tissues. The need for organized structures applies to practically all tissues in the
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body, and these technologies may be applied in a similar manner to other tissue types.
Hydrogels can be used as scaffolds to suspend chondrocytes (and stem cells) in a three-
dimensional environment for engineering cartilage.30 Hydrogels are cross-linked polymer
matrices capable of absorbing large amounts of water. Cells can be suspended in the liquid
polymer solution before cross-linking. Light triggers the cross-linking process, and this enables
a high degree of control over cross-linking—only when the solution is exposed to light does
gelation occur. This technology was developed primarily to ease implantation, giving
physicians control over gel scaffold formation in vivo.31
The light-based process is also useful for creating multilayered hydrogel structures. For
example, a bilayered hydrogel can be created in a mold by placing one layer of partially gelled
liquid polymer solution that forms a semi-solid, and then adding a second layer of liquid
polymer solution to the first. The whole construct is then fully cross-linked to form a bilayered
hydrogel. This technique can be extended to create more layers in the hydrogel. Different cell
types can be encapsulated in each layer, without migration. Moreover, the interface of the
hydrogel layers can be manipulated such that there is either a “clean” interface with no cell
mixing, or a “fuzzy” interface with some degree of contact and mixing of the cells. Cells labeled
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While the multilayered hydrogels are useful for creating tissues that resemble the normal
architecture of tissue, they also provide a venue to study how cells “talk” to each other.
Developmental biologists have for many years known the importance of cell organization,
boundaries, and interfaces between cells in regulating tissue development. This concept can
be applied to tissue engineering for enhancement of both tissue -formation rate and quality.
In both developmental biology and tissue engineering, little is known about how the cells in
the different layers of cartilage “talk” to each other to regulate tissue composition. Biologists
have determined a number of signals in limb development that may also be important in the
multilayered hydrogel system. The application of multilayered, organized hydrogel scaffolds
applies to the new realm of understanding how stem cells talk to other cells to regulate their
own differentiation and also behavior of other cells. When chondrocytes isolated from the deep
layer of cartilage were cocultured next to cells from the superficial layer, they decreased their
proliferation rate and produced more ECM compared to when they were cultured alone. While
we do not know all of the signals that were transmitted between the two cells, we can further
investigate the mechanisms for the observed differences in cell function. Most important, it is
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clear that engineering biomaterial scaffolds to create organized tissue structures will be critical
for functional tissue engineering and for understanding mechanisms of cell communication at
the mm- and even the cm-length scales.
The hydrogel systems have also been used to study the behavior of mouse and human ESCs
and human embryonic germ cells (Fig. 4). While we learn a great deal from working with fully
differentiated cells and adult stem cells, the cell contact and matrix requirements for the above
mentioned cells are all different. In all cases, the three-dimensional environment played an
important role in differentiating the stem cells and even affected the cell response to growth
factors.25 Significant research still needs to be done to further understand the differences
between these cell types.
There has been much interest in and debate over the role of stem cells in repair. It is clear that
stem cells play a positive role in tissue repair, but questions arise as to whether these cells
differentiate and help form the repair tissue or whether they simply secrete the appropriate
cytokines that stimulate host cells to form new tissue and also scar formation. Tissue
engineering systems can help in answering some of these questions. For example, MSCs were
co-cultured in hydrogels adjacent to chondrocytes. Previous investigations by Gerstenfeld et
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al. have demonstrated that chondrocytes cultured in monolayers stimulate the differentiation
of MSCs toward an osteogenic phenotype.32 In similar coculture studies in a three-dimensional
hydrogel environment, the MSCs stimulated the chondrocytes to proliferate and to produce
more matrices. This effect was not observed with osteoblasts or fibroblasts, suggesting that
MSCs promote new cartilage development. Coculture studies have thus been crucial in utilizing
ESCs for cartilage tissue engineering applications.
Jennifer Elisseeff summarized that there are a number of exciting technologies in tissue
engineering that currently, and will in the future, have a significant impact on the field of tissue
engineering. Stem cells and enabling technologies will keep tissue engineers busy, as they
elucidate the scaffold environments for more powerful cell types (stem cells) and design
systems to enable translation of these technologies.
interface tissue engineering will likely be instrumental in the development of a new generation
of fixation devices that can expedite the translation of orthopedic tissue engineering to the
clinical setting. Using the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-to-bone insertion site as a model
system, she explored the creation of the tissue interface by coculturing cells on a scaffold with
a biomimetic gradient of structural and functional properties.
Musculoskeletal function requires soft tissue to integrate with subchondral bone and function
in unison to facilitate joint motion. The insertion of ligaments or tendons into bone is usually
achieved through fibrocartilage interface.50–56 By design, the controlled matrix heterogeneity
minimizes the formation of stress concentrations, effectively transferring complex loads
between two distinct types of tissues.51,57 Current soft-tissue reconstruction methods do not
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result in adequate graft integration, and the lack of interface can compromise graft function
and long-term outcome. Lu proposed that the regeneration of the soft tissue-to-bone interface
is a prerequisite for achieving biological fixation of soft-tissue grafts, and is essential for
functional orthopedic tissue engineering. An important long-term goal is to devise tissue
engineering strategies for regenerating the soft tissue-to-bone interface, and to apply these
strategies to design integrative fixation devices capable of promoting the biological fixation.
To this end, elucidating the structure-function relationships and the mechanisms of interface
regeneration will be important for the design of integrative fixation devices.
Design considerations
The ACL is the primary knee-joint stabilizer and the most frequently injured knee ligament,
58 with over 100,000 ACL reconstruction procedures performed annually in the United States.
59 Autologous hamstring tendon-based grafts are increasingly utilized due to donor-site
morbidity associated with bone-patellar tendon-bone grafts.60 The soft tissue–based grafts can
restore the physiological range of motion and joint function through mechanical fixation;
however, biological fixation is not achieved as disorganized scar tissue forms within the bone
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The ACL connects to bone through a characteristic fibrocartilage interface, with controlled
spatial variation in cell type and matrix composition.50,51,53–56,61 The ligament-to-bone
interface consists of three distinct tissue regions: ligament, fibrocartilage, and bone (Fig. 6).
The ligament proper is composed of fibroblasts embedded in type I and type III collagens. The
fibrocartilage region is further divided into nonmineralized and mineralized zones. The
nonmineralized fibrocartilage matrix consists of ovoid chondrocytes, and collagen types I and
II within the proteoglycan-rich matrix. The mineralized fibrocartilage zone contains
hypertrophic chondrocytes surrounded by a mineralized matrix.54 Type X collagen, a marker
for hypertrophic chondrocytes, is detected only within this region.61 The last zone is the
subchondral bone, within which osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts are embedded in a type
I collagen matrix.
The specific organization and controlled heterogeneity of the interface are important for
minimizing stress concentrations and facilitating the transfer of complex loads between soft
and hard tissues.51,62 This multitissue insertion site is lost following ACL reconstruction
surgery, and the graft is attached to bone via mechanical fixation using screws or pins. Without
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a biological interface, the graft-bone junction has limited mechanical stability, and the lack of
integration is the primary cause of graft failure.63–65 To date, functional integration of soft-
tissue grafts with bone remains a problem, and advances are hindered by the lack of integrative
graft solutions and sufficient understanding of mechanisms that govern interface regeneration.
Functional integration of soft tissue to bone may be achieved through the regeneration of the
fibrocartilage interface, which in turn may require multiple types of cells, a multiphasic
scaffold, and the development of controlled matrix heterogeneity mimicking that of the native
insertion. Lu and colleagues have focused their efforts on three areas: (i) elucidating the
mechanism of interface regeneration using models of homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell
interactions, (ii) characterizing the structure-function relationship at the insertion site and
identify interface-relevant design parameters, and (iii) designing biomimetic scaffolds capable
of supporting multitissue regeneration.
physiologically, the insertion is situated outside of subchondral bone (Fig. 6). The formation
of a fibrovascular tissue, instead of a mineralized matrix, within the bone tunnel results in a
weak link at the graft-to-bone fixation site.64 To promote biological fixation, it is thus
physiologically more relevant to develop a fibrocartilaginous zone outside of the bone tunnel.
The formation of a fibrocartilage layer where the tendon graft directly contacts the bone is
highly significant, and has led to the hypothesis that the interactions between cells derived from
tendon (e.g., fibroblasts) and bone (e.g., osteoblasts) play a role in interface or fibrocartilage
regeneration. Fujioka et al.70 reported that by suturing the Achilles tendon to its original
attachment site, cellular organization resembling that of the native insertion was observed over
time. In vivo cell-tracking studies have revealed that the tendon graft is populated by host cells
within 1 week of implantation.71 While the source and nature of these host cells are not known,
cell types other than osteoblasts and fibroblasts may be involved in fibrocartilage formation.
Based on these observations, it is thought that osteoblast-fibroblast interactions mediate
One of the coculture systems focused on the interaction of fibroblasts and osteoblasts,72 with
the goal of emulating the in vivo condition where the tendon is in direct contact with bone tissue
following ACL reconstruction. In this model, osteoblasts and fibroblasts were first seeded on
opposite sides of a tissue-culture well separated by a hydrogel divider preformed in the center
of the well (Fig. 7A). Once the cells reached confluence, the divider was removed, allowing
the osteoblasts and fibroblasts to migrate and interact within the interface region. In another
model system, an osteoblast monolayer was cultured atop a chondrocyte micromass73 (Fig.
7B). It is likely that osteoblast-fibroblast interactions facilitate the recruitment and
differentiation of stem cells or progenitor cells into chondrocytes or fibrochondrocytes. A
triculture model was used to evaluate the effects of fibroblast-osteoblast interactions on
chondrocytes.74,75 These studies demonstrated the utility of in vitro coculture systems for
investigating the mechanisms of interface regeneration.
native tissue.49 Therefore, in order to successfully engineer the soft tissue-to-bone interface,
the structural and material properties of the insertion site must be characterized. Identification
of these properties will be critical for biomimetic scaffold design, and will serve as benchmark
criteria for judging the success of engineered interfaces.
Based on Wolff’s Law,78 a structure-function relationship likely exists at the insertion site, and
the observed interface organization and matrix composition are directly related to the nature
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of the strain experienced in the region. Fibrocartilage is often found in regions subjected to
compressive stresses.79 Combining microscopic mechanical testing with optimized digital
image correlation methods, the region-dependent changes in compressive mechanical
properties of the fibrocartilage interface were quantified.80 Displacement under applied load
was imaged using epifluorescence microscopy, and digital image analysis was performed to
determine the mechanical properties. The incremental displacement decreased gradually from
the ligament, to the nonmineralized to the mineralized fibrocartilage, and then to bone,
implying an increase in tissue stiffness across these regions.
Analysis of these individual regions demonstrated decreased strain and a significantly higher
elastic modulus for the mineralized fibrocartilage compared to the nonmineralized
fibrocartilage region.80 Surface characterization of the insertion site (Fig. 8B) revealed a
corresponding increase in calcium and phosphate content progressing from ligament to
interface and then to bone.81 Benjamin et al. suggested that the amount of calcified tissue at
the insertion correlates to the force transmitted across the calcified zone.82 Thus, the increase
in elastic modulus is likely due to the mineral phase of the fibrocartilage interface.
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Scaffold design and testing—A biomimetic scaffold is essential for providing an optimal
environment for fibrocartilage formation. In addition to supporting the growth and
differentiation of relevant cell types, the scaffold for interface tissue engineering must direct
heterotypic and homotypic cell-cell interactions to promote multitissue formation and the
maintenance of controlled matrix heterogeneity. Consequently, the scaffold should exhibit a
gradient of properties mimicking those of the native insertion zone. The interface scaffold must
be degradable and must exhibit mechanical properties comparable to those of the ligament
insertion site. It should also be adaptable to current ACL reconstruction methods or should be
preincorporated into the design of replacement grafts in order to facilitate in vivo graft
integration. A triphasic scaffold (Fig. 9A) with one region (Phase A) intended for soft tissue,
Phase B intended for fibrocartilage region, and Phase C designed for bone formation is an
example of a biomimetic scaffold for engineering a tissue interface. Through the interaction
of osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and fibroblasts on this triphasic scaffold with a gradient of
material properties, it is anticipated that a fibrocartilage-like interface may be formed in the
intermediate region, Phase B, under appropriate physical and chemical stimulation.
The interactions of osteoblasts and fibroblasts on the triphasic scaffold and the feasibility of
this scaffold for interface tissue engineering have been evaluated in vitro83 and in vivo.84
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Specifically, fibroblasts and osteoblasts were seeded onto Phase A (polymer fiber mesh without
Ca-P) and Phase C (polymer-ceramic composite with Ca-P85), respectively, whereas Phase B
(polymer with lower amount of Ca-P than Phase C) was left unseeded. The migration of both
cell types into Phase B was monitored over time, and it was observed that fibroblasts (Calcein
AM, green) and osteoblasts (CM-DiI cell tracer, red) were localized primarily at the opposite
ends of the scaffold after initial seeding (Fig. 9B-i), with very few cells found in Phase B. After
4 weeks of culture, the fibroblasts and osteoblasts proliferated within their respective phases
and both cell types migrated into Phase B (Fig. 9B-ii). The controlled cell distribution resulted
in elaboration of matrix specific to each cell type on the relevant phase of the scaffold. A
mineralized matrix was detected in Phase C only, with extensive type I collagen matrix
deposition observed on both Phase A and Phase B.
When the triphasic scaffold cultured with osteoblasts and fibroblasts was evaluated in a
subcutaneous athymic rat model, abundant tissue formation was found (Fig. 9C). The
production of ECM compensated for the decrease in mechanical properties of the
biodegradable scaffold and, more important, controlled matrix heterogeneity in vivo.
Optimization studies are currently under way with the ultimate goal of developing integrative
fixation devices for use in soft-tissue reconstruction procedures.
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Helen Lu summarized that the integrative graft solutions would be a significant component of
functional tissue engineering.86,87 Building upon the foundation of tissue engineering
methodologies developed in the past two decades, innovative approaches have been created to
address the challenges of biological fixation of soft-tissue grafts. The success of interface tissue
engineering will likely depend on a thorough understanding of the structure-function
relationships existing at the native insertion site, and the elucidation of the mechanisms
governing interface regeneration. The successful regeneration of the soft tissue-to-bone
interface will augment graft function and enhance translation potential of engineered grafts.
engineered joint repair. Resurfacing the articulating surfaces of synovial joints with synthetic
prostheses is still a treatment of choice for end-stage diseases. She argued that though primary
joint replacements implanted since the late 1980s have shown reasonable success, failure rates
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of up to 40% after 10 years have been reported depending on the type of implant.90–93 It has
been speculated that all joint-replacement implants made of synthetic materials will need
replacement if the patient lives long enough. Recent efforts have focused on developing new
treatment methods that will result in biological repair and preclude the need for non-degradable
synthetic materials. One of these approaches entails the use of tissue engineering methods to
regenerate articular cartilage either in vitro or in vivo.89,94
General requirements
The key to successful bioengineering of articular joints will be to generate implants that will
address the contrasting needs of the two different tissues, cartilage and bone, as well as the
cartilage-bone interface. Bone comprises well-organized trabeculae, consisting of mineralized,
mostly type I collagen matrices. In contrast, the ECM of articular cartilage is composed
predominately of water and type II collagen fibers admixed with large aggregating
proteoglycans. The deep aspect (adjacent to bone) of the cartilage is mineralized and this zone
anchors the hyaline cartilage to the underlying subchondral bone. In addition to this interfacing
function, the calcified zone is involved in the transmission of forces across the joint.95,96 The
stiffness of the calcified cartilage layer is greater than that of the nonmineralized hyaline
cartilage but is an order of magnitude less than that of bone, most likely due to the arrangement
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of collagen fibers.97 It has been hypothesized that this stepwise transition in stiffness is
important for the proper functioning of cartilage and distribution of forces.97 It is well known
that repair of joint defects with fibrocartilage, which does not have the organization and
composition of hyaline articular cartilage, will degrade over time as it does not have sufficient
load-bearing capability.88,98 As the goal of cartilage tissue engineering is to generate articular
cartilage that will function similar to the native tissue, it is likely that regeneration of cartilage
with both of these zones will be required.
A porous ceramic substrate composed of calcium polyphosphate (CPP), which has mechanical
properties approximating cancellous bone, has been developed.117 To generate the biphasic
construct, articular chondrocytes are placed on the articulation surface of the CPP substrate.
As the cartilage forms in vitro, the developing tissue fills and thereby integrates with the top
portion of the substrate (Fig. 10). The cartilage tissue contains type II collagen and large
proteoglycans.118 The CPP is biodegradable, and as the biomaterial is made of calcium and
phosphate the breakdown products do not incite an inflammatory reaction.119
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native cartilage.124
Rita Kandel summarized that the most important challenge is identifying a cell source that will
provide sufficient numbers of cells capable of forming hyaline cartilage large enough to repair
clinically relevant defects, and still having the capability to form cartilage with an upper non-
mineralized zone and a deep mineralized zone. Articular chondrocytes are phenotypically
unstable when grown in monolayer culture, and the cells can dedifferentiate to fibrocartilage-
type cells with even one passage.125 So, if the approach is to expand the cell number of
differentiated chondrocytes in culture, it will be necessary to identify cell culture conditions
that will allow for cell proliferation while still maintaining chondrocyte phenotype.126
Alternatively, one can design materials with appropriate characteristics so that when the
passaged cells are placed on the material it would induce the cells to redifferentiate toward
articular chondrocytes. Nanomaterials or “smart” materials may be more suitable for this
Another approach currently being explored is the use of mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs).
Most of the work focusing on this cell type and its role in tissue engineering is preliminary, in
part because of our limited understanding of the biology of these cells and because the markers
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used to separate out cells that can differentiate to chondrocytes from a mixed cell population
have not been well defined. However, MPCs after expansion and seeding into a scaffold are
able to differentiate toward chondrocytes under the appropriate culture conditions, but whether
they can generate tissue with the two zones is not known.129,130 The biphasic (osteochondral-
type) constructs can be created in a shape individualized for the defect, the soft tissue–hard
tissue interface can be re-created prior to implantation, and they should be relatively easy to
implant if designed appropriately.
Dr. Schoen described an approach to tissue engineering of heart valves based on concepts and
data derived from valve anatomy, physiology, development, remodeling, response to injury,
and substitution. He stressed that surgical repair or replacement of a diseased heart valve is a
common procedure (over 85,000 cases per year in the United States and 285,000 worldwide),
and the tissue of the heart valves cannot regenerate spontaneously. Although valve surgery
generally leads to enhanced survival and quality of life, presently available valve substitutes
provide imperfect functional restitution and have potential complications.136,137 Moreover, in
pediatric applications, where although physiologically corrective procedures can be
successfully performed, repairs of congenital deformities require very small valve sizes, and
subsequent (and repetitive) operations may be needed to accommodate growth of the patient,
even in cases where typical prosthesis-associated complications have been prevented. The goal
of heart valve tissue engineering is to overcome the limitations of contemporary valve
substitution methods by creating or regenerating a living valve replacement that functions well
hemodynamically, repairs ongoing tissue damage, and has long-term durability and growth
potential similar to the natural heart valves.138–141
The aortic valve (the most extensively studied, most frequently diseased, and most widely
transplanted valve) best illustrates the essential relationships of structure to function. The aortic
valve cusps open to form an obstruction-free orifice during ventricular systole and close rapidly
and completely in diastole. Although the pressure differential across the closed valve imposes
a large load on the cusps, regurgitation and cuspal prolapse are prevented by substantial
coaptation of the cusps, which is enabled by a microscopically inhomogeneous architecture
with three well-defined cellular tissue layers.142,143 Nearest to the outflow surface is the
fibrosa, composed predominantly of circumferentially aligned, densely packed collagen fibers,
largely arranged parallel to the cuspal free edge. The fibrosa provides strength and stiffness,
and minimizes sagging of the cusp centers. The central layer of the aortic valve cusp,
spongiosa, is composed of loosely arranged collagen and abundant glycosaminoglycans. This
layer accommodates the dynamic shape changes of the cusp during the cardiac cycle, lubricates
relative movement between ventricularis and fibrosa layers, and absorbs shock during closure.
The thin layer near the inflow surface, ventricularis, is rich in radially aligned elastic fibers,
and this enables the cusps to recoil and have minimal surface area when the valve is open, but
stretch in response to back-pressure of blood in the closed phase. The valves are lined by a
confluent layer of valvular endothelial cells (VEC); deep to the surface are valvular interstitial
cells (VIC).
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Studies of normal, pathological, and substitute valves have demonstrated that the principal
determinant of valve durability is the valvular ECM, whose quantity and quality depend on
viability and function of VIC.144 The VIC comprise a population of resident cells of diverse
and dynamic phenotypes, largely along a spectrum of fibroblast-like to myofibroblast-like.
145–148 The VIC synthesize the valvular ECM molecules and express matrix degrading
enzymes such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) that mediate
ECM remodeling and repair.149
In normal valves, VIC are fibroblast-like (i.e., immunoreactive to vimentin but not to smooth
muscle actin [SMA, a marker of myofibroblast function150,151], SMemb, or MMP-13). Indeed,
only 2–5% of VIC of normal intact valves express SMA.148 In contrast, previous in vitro studies
using isolated cells cultured from heart valves demonstrated that 56–78% of cells are SMA
positive.142 The higher percentage of myofibroblasts observed when VIC are removed from
the intact valve (i.e., and placed in culture) suggests that removal from the normal tissue
environment stimulates VIC growth. Moreover, treatment of isolated VIC with transforming
growth factor (TGF) strongly activates VIC to the myofibroblast phenotype.152
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The mechanisms of developmental maturation of heart valves were studied by analyzing human
semilunar valves obtained from fetuses at 14–19 and 20–39 weeks of gestation and neonates
24 hours to 30 days old, and comparing these valves with those of normal adults.158 Fetal VIC
showed a high proliferative index, an activated/myofibroblast-like phenotype (indicated by
SMA expression) and MMP-collagenases, indicating active matrix remodeling. In contrast,
cell turnover and VIC activation were low in adult valves. A trilaminar architecture, evident
by 36 weeks of gestation, was rudimentary compared to that of adult valves. Moreover, collagen
content increased during valve maturation but not subsequently, although collagen fiber
alignment was higher in adult than fetal valves.
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A unique opportunity to study cellular phenotypic changes and ECM remodeling of valves in
response to abruptly altered mechanical loading in vivo is provided by clinical replacement of
a diseased aortic valve by transplantation of the patient’s own pulmonary valve into the aortic
position (Ross procedure) done in some pediatric and young adult patients with aortic valve
disease.164 Analysis of the structure and interstitial cell phenotypes in clinical pulmonary-to-
aortic valve transplants early (2–10 weeks) and late (3–6 years) postoperatively showed near-
normal cuspal structure and collagen architecture, and viable VIC.165 In early autograft cusp
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explants, VIC resembled myofibroblasts (19% had positive SMA) and had strong expression
of MMP-13, indicative of active ECM remodeling. Subsequently, there was late normalization
of VIC phenotypes toward those of normal aortic valve, with only 6% of VIC in late explants
and 5% in normal aortic valves expressing SMA.
Physiological wound healing in mitral valves is also associated with phenotypic modulation
of VIC from fibroblasts to myofibroblasts.166 Moreover, VIC in mitral valve leaflets from
patients with myxomatous mitral valve degeneration also express features of myofibroblasts,
suggesting that this disease comprises a nonequilibrium state, consistent with the progressive
course of this condition in many patients.167
The data summarized above on the dynamic VIC phenotypes that occur in several
circumstances suggest the following general mechanistic paradigm by which cardiac valvular
tissue is dynamically and reversibly responsive to environmental conditions, particularly
mechanical loading: (i) Under equilibrium conditions, the majority of VIC are quiescent
fibroblast-like cells, (ii) Altered mechanical loading (as in valve development, adaptation to
changes in the local mechanical environment and in pathologic states) stimulates VIC to
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become activated and mediate connective tissue remodeling, and (iii) When equilibrium is
restored, the cells return to the quiescent state.
viable cells, synthesis of collagen or other ECM components cannot occur, and structural
damage can accumulate.
components to assume normal function with the capacity to repair structural injury, remodel
ECM, and potentially grow.
In the general paradigm of tissue engineering,12 cells are seeded on a synthetic polymer or
natural material that serves as a scaffold, and then a tissue is matured in vitro (bioreactor) until
proliferating cells produce a sufficient amount and quality of ECM. The tissue thus formed is
called a construct. In the second step, the construct is implanted in the appropriate anatomic
location, where further remodeling in vivo may occur to recapitulate normal functional organ
or tissue architecture. Alternatively, cardiovascular tissue engineering approaches can omit a
step or steps in the general paradigm by taking advantage of specific properties of initial
components (cell or scaffold) and endogenous cells. For example, in the cell-seeded scaffold
model, a confluent endothelial coverage could be placed on a cardiovascular prosthesis at the
time of implantation.172,173 The cell transplant model used in experimental and early clinical
trials of cell-based therapy for myocardial tissue repair uses cells injected at a specific tissue
site, in the hope that these cells will differentiate and proliferate, and/or stimulate repair by
functional tissue.174 More recent approaches to valve and vascular graft engineering have
utilized scaffolds designed to attract endogenous cells to repopulate and remodel a
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The constructs were implanted as pulmonary valves in lambs. Valves functioning for and
explanted at 4–20 weeks demonstrated the dynamic changes of VIC phenotype and ECM in
tissue engineered valve explants toward layered architecture and cellular configuration of
native valves. Some cells in explants at 4–8 weeks showed weak staining for SMA, but all cells
throughout the cusp stained strongly for MMP-13. Explants at 16–20 weeks had layered
leaflets, with fibroblast-like cells, having undetectable SMA; some cells were still positive for
MMP-13. Leaflets were partially covered with cells that stained positive for von Willebrand
factor, which is characteristic of endothelial cells. Movat stain demonstrated collagen in the
fibrous layer on the aortic (outflow) side, proteoglycans in the central loose layer, and elastin
near the ventricular (inflow) side. The structure resembled that of native valve. These studies
showed that an engineered tissue valve could be implanted into and function in the pulmonary
artery, and that the remodeling of these valves recapitulated features of tissue development,
response to injury and wound healing.
Inflammatory cells may also play a role in mediating remodeling of a scaffold implanted in
vivo without prior cell seeding. In one experiment on pigs, each of the four pigs used had one
pulmonary valve leaflet excised and replaced with a leaflet constructed from porcine small
intestinal submucosa (SIS).182 Histology indicated that the implanted matrix was progressively
resorbed and replaced by fibrous connective tissue that had features of adult valve.
Alternatively, a biodegradable graft containing collagen microsponge was fabricated and
tested, with and without preseeding.183 In both cases (SIS and collagen microsponge) there
was no thrombus formation, the scaffold was absorbed, and there was endothelialization,
parallel smooth-muscle cell alignment, elastin, and collagen fibers. These results suggested
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that the patch promoted in situ cellularization and regeneration of autologous tissue. However,
an important limitation of this study was that the implanted patches were small; cellularization
of a large patch may be less efficient.
engineering evolves, attempts have been made to transition from the design of separate
structures to the design of complete valved conduits.177 Importantly, the remodeling of a single
cusp attached to a native arterial wall may be different from those in a valved conduit.
There is a need to develop guidelines characterizing the safety, efficacy, and quality of tissue
engineered products (be they heart valves, other cardiovascular implants, or prostheses in other
clinical applications) before they can be implanted in humans. Challenges in tissue
characterization for heart valve tissue engineering are summarized in Figure 11. The major
research goals are to understand mechanisms, define animal models, develop biomarkers,
develop assays/tools, and define surrogate and true end points. The major clinical goals are to
characterize and assure control of quality of tissue constructs, accommodate patient-to-patient
heterogeneity in tissue remodeling, and predict outcomes as early as possible.
cardiologist suggested that surgeons should consider the use of a tissue engineered valve in a
patient (beyond appropriately controlled clinical research) only when the 15-year lifetime of
conventional valve substitutes can be conclusively and predictably demonstrated.187 This will
be a substantial challenge since results from available animal models of bioengineered tissue
may not necessarily translate directly to humans, and the most suitable animal model for testing
TEHV has not yet been determined.
A key consideration is that in vivo behavior of TEHV may display considerable variability
among recipients, owing to intrinsic variation in inflammation and remodeling potential among
individuals.188–191 Simply stated, some patients might inadequately remodel their tissue
engineered valves, and the consequences could be disastrous. This issue is conceptually
analogous to the emerging area of pharmacogenomics,192 which shows that individual patient
characteristics (for example, genetic mutations or polymorphisms) have a profound influence
on drug metabolism outcome in some patients. Indeed, it has been shown that individuals with
To understand, monitor, and potentially control patient variability in wound healing and tissue
remodeling in vivo, tissue biomarkers measurable by chemical or molecular assay or molecular
imaging that predict success and failure of an engineered tissue must be identified. These
biomarkers may be employed in preclinical in vitro and in vivo experiments and clinical studies
using molecular tissue imaging,194,195 to track the presence, migration, proliferation, and
function of bone marrow–derived endogenous progenitor cells and cells used to preseed
scaffolds. Imaging of magnetically labeled MSCs injected into porcine myocardium has been
performed in vivo,196 a technique that can potentially be expanded to study magnetically
labeled EPCs and MPCs seeded on a scaffold and implanted into an animal or human model.
In vivo molecular imaging has been used to demonstrate key enzymatic and cellular events in
atherosclerosis and thrombosis.197,198 Molecular imaging can probe polymorphisms of ECM
gene expression in vivo in models of wound healing199 and cardiovascular disease.200,201
These studies can potentially be translated to perform real-time in vivo characterization of
scaffold matrices (either preseeded or with the potential of attracting endogenous cells)
implanted in animal models. Moreover, relevant biomarkers might be measured distant from
the tissues in which they are generated; for example, researchers are currently working to
identify serum-specific biomarkers of ECM remodeling in diseases, such as MMPs in acute
coronary syndromes,202 and urine-based biomarkers in early cancer progression.203
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Frederick Schoen concluded that the assessment of bioactive and engineered implants will
require a broadened scope of the concept of biocompatibility, and that the approaches employed
in implant retrieval and evaluation will necessitate the identification of tissue characteristics
(biomarkers) that will be predictive of (surrogates for) success and failure. Although
considerable validation of these concepts and enabling technological advances will be
necessary, a most exciting possibility is that such biomarkers may be used to noninvasively
image or monitor the maturation or remodeling of engineered devices in individual patients
through bioassay or molecular imaging technology.
goal has proven extremely difficult to achieve and failure to make significant progress has led
to disappointment, but, recently, with the emergence of tissue engineering and cell-based
therapies, cryopreservation research has been reinvigorated.
have been successful for one cell type have proven to be difficult to adapt to other cells types.
These problems have been compounded as the field has attempted to move into the preservation
of tissues or whole organs. In order to support the growth of tissue engineering, the
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cryopreservation field, or the broader field of biopreservation, must create methods for the
long-term preservation of any cell type, and ultimately of complex tissues.
In order to prevent cell death, the cells must be allowed to dehydrate, thereby reducing the
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amount of intracellular water, and then they must be frozen quickly to avoid excess shrinkage
and damage from high electrolyte concentrations. Most successful cryopreservation protocols
use a period of slow cooling and the introduction of cryoprotectants to induce some cellular
shrinkage, followed by fairly rapid cooling to liquid nitrogen temperatures. If the cooling is
too fast, so that the cells do not shrink, then ice forms inside the cells and they die. If the cooling
is too slow, then the cells shrink too much and die from dehydration and electrolyte build-up.
If it is just right, the cells may survive.208 The three sources of cellular damage—dehydration,
intracellular ice formation, and cryoprotectant toxicity—are all independent. There is no
guarantee that for any particular cell type a cooling rate exists that will lead to high levels of
viability. A cell that is very sensitive to dehydration effects may have low viability at cooling
rates that extend right up to the point where ice starts to form inside the cells, which can kill
them. Some cells are very sensitive to cryoprotectants and cannot tolerate even low
concentrations of glycerol or DMSO.
Cooling rates—The rate at which cells must be cooled in order to induce some, but not too
much, shrinkage is highly dependent on cell type.209 For highly permeable cells such as
erythrocytes, the optimal cooling rate is more than 1000°C/min, but for relatively impermeable
stem cells the optimum is about 1°C/min. Determination of optimum cooling rates has been a
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highly fruitful area of research, both empirically and theoretically.210 The original concept for
defining an optimum was proposed by Mazur211 as the fastest cooling rate possible that would
not promote intracellular ice formation. He proposed that intracellular ice would not form if
the cell had less than 10% of its initial water when it entered the ice nucleation zone of
temperature. These values were refined to 5% of the initial water content when the cell reached
−30°C.212 Based on this definition and the water transport equations originally developed, a
theory for determining optimum cooling rates for cell survival was developed.211,212 This
enabled prediction of optimal cooling rates that agreed very well with experimental values for
a wide variety of cells, based solely on knowledge of the cell membrane permeability and the
cell’s initial surface area to volume ratio. However, the fact that the optimum value is cell-type
dependent means that there is no one preservation protocol that will work for all cells. Also,
as we noted earlier, for many cells there is no protocol of this type that will work at all.209
Vitrification—Another method for avoiding ice formation inside the cell is to vitrify the entire
sample, that is, have the entire sample enter the glass phase with no ice inside or outside the
cells. There are two methods for achieving vitrification. The first method is to freeze the sample
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very fast. If water is frozen fast enough, 1,000,000°C/s, it will form a glass phase even without
the addition of cryoprotectants.213 For single cells and small samples this has been done
successfully,209,214 but scaling techniques of this type for large samples or even large numbers
of small samples may be impossible. The second, more widely used, technique involves the
use of high concentrations of cryoprotectant chemicals so that ice will not form no matter how
slowly the sample is cooled. For instance, solutions containing 41–50% of propanediol will
form a glass phase when cooled at any rate without forming ice.215 Since ice is not formed
anywhere in the sample, the cells do not shrink when they are cooled. They may shrink if
cryoprotectants that do not enter the cell are used, and they usually are, but this shrinkage is
controlled by the amount of chemicals added. Vitrification protocols, therefore, do not depend
on cooling rate—which eliminates two of the three sources of damage in traditional freezing
protocols. This also enables preservation of large tissue samples, at least in theory. Cooling
large tissues at a uniform rate is impossible unless very slow cooling rates are used, but for
vitrification protocols, very slow cooling rates can be used and uniformity of cooling is not so
important. For these reasons, vitrification protocols are regarded by many as most promising
for the successful preservation of whole organs.216
The problem with vitrification protocols is that they require very high concentrations of
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cryoprotectants, much higher than the concentrations used in freezing protocols. The mere
addition and removal of the chemicals can kill the cells due to osmotic stress, and the chemicals
are toxic.215,217,218 It seems clear that many cell types will never be successfully vitrified
unless new, nontoxic cryoprotectants can be found, and it is not clear that this will even happen.
Vitrification may ultimately be effective for the storage of certain organs whose cells can
tolerate the required chemicals, but it is unlikely to be the best method for preserving the many
different cell types the field of tissue engineering will require.
Challenges ahead
Research continues along the traditional lines of vitrification and freezing protocols that
attempt to prevent intracellular ice formation, but new research is moving in slightly different
directions. Recent work has shown that ice formation is strongly enhanced by cell-cell
interactions.219,220 This suggests that efforts to prevent intracellular ice in complex tissues
may be even more difficult than expected, since ice formation in even one cell of the tissue
could trigger intracellular ice formation in surrounding cells or throughout the system. On the
other hand, work by Acker and coworkers has shown that ice that forms inside a cell due to
interaction with a neighboring cell is not lethal.221,222 This complements some earlier studies
by Rall,223 which showed that the formation of intracellular ice is not always a lethal event.
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These studies suggest that future cryopreservation research might aim at controlling the damage
caused by the formation of intracellular ice rather than its prevention. If this damage is
prevented then faster cooling rates could be achieved with lower concentrations of
Other research is moving away from cryopreservation. Within the last 5 years there has been
significant research on the various forms of anhydrobiotic preservation—preserving cells in a
dried state. In 1992 Goodrich et al. reported the successful recovery of functional erythrocytes
after freeze drying.224 Using trehalose and sucrose to stabilize membranes and to promote glass
formation, researchers have been able to preserve a variety of cells using air drying and freeze
drying techniques.225–227 There are two potentially significant advantages of drying
techniques as a form of biopreservation for tissue engineering. The first is ease of storage and
transport. Samples preserved in a dry state can be stored at or near room temperature. The
convenience of off-the-shelf availability for the cells used in tissue engineering and for tissue
engineered products is significant. In contrast, cryopreserved cells must be maintained at liquid
nitrogen temperatures, which makes storage expensive and transport difficult. The second
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advantage of drying techniques is that the major additives used to promote survival of dried
cells are sugars, usually trehalose or sucrose, which are nontoxic. This means that many cell
types tolerate the addition of the sugars and that the sugars do not need to be removed before
cell culture and clinical use. Drying techniques, therefore, may be applicable to cell types that
do not tolerate traditional cryoprotectants.
Mehmet Toner concluded that the field of tissue engineering has allowed the biopreservation
field to refocus. The long-held goal of whole-organ preservation remains important, but of new
importance is the need to preserve cells of all types (including stem cells), even in small
numbers, and engineered tissues. New techniques such as dried preservation, largely untested
for most cell types, may not be applicable to whole organs, but may provide substantial benefits
to tissue engineering. Techniques that are widely applicable to many important cell types do
not yet exist, and it is not even clear which class of techniques will likely provide answers in
the future. The traditional techniques of controlled freezing and vitrification have not yet
yielded the desired results. A new breakthrough in biopreservation may be necessary to meet
the full needs of the tissue engineering field.
David Mooney from Harvard University discussed the process of angiogenesis as a universally
relevant and useful model to study the relation of growth factor delivery to tissue regeneration,
and stressed the need for control over the spatial and temporal availability of individual or
combinations of factors. He reviewed the process of angiogenesis and what has been learned
from past efforts to promote angiogenesis with growth factor delivery, polymeric sustained
delivery systems, and certain key issues to address in future studies, as well as the potentially
broad importance of this topic for tissue engineering.
Polymeric systems allow one to regulate the tissue concentration, duration of signaling, and
simultaneous or sequential availability of multiple factors. These levels of control enable the
creation of networks of new blood vessels with controlled maturity and increased functionality
in rodent models. However, the utility of these systems must be evaluated in larger animals
and humans in the future, and, importantly, a quantitative understanding of growth factor
signaling and its dependence on the host environment will likely be required to exploit these
systems therapeutically. Systems that can provide desirable spatial and temporal signaling of
growth factors could find utility in virtually all tissue engineering and regeneration
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Morphogens and growth factors regulate developmental, disease, healing, and regeneration
processes. The spatial and temporal availability of these molecules is integral to their ability
to regulate these processes and control the pattern of tissue formation. One type of tissue
formation in which this interplay has been extensively investigated is new blood vessel
formation (neovascularization). The cardiovascular system is the first organ system to develop
and function in the embryo,228 pointing to its central importance in development. While the
role of the vascular system in the transport of nutrients and waste products has long been
appreciated, its importance in regulating the availability of circulating growth factors and stem
cells has become clear only recently.229 Neovascularization results from the processes of
vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, and arteriogenesis.229,230 Angiogenesis is the major process by
which vessels are formed in the adult, and serves as an excellent model for examining the
importance of controlling growth factor availability in tissue engineering. The engineering of
any tissue of appreciable size (e.g., smallest dimension greater than a few hundred microns),
with the exception of cartilage, will require angiogenesis to allow cell survival and tissue
function.231 Cell transplantation approaches to promoting neovascularization will not be
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specifically reviewed, and the interested reader is referred to a review of that topic.232
The large number of patients suffering from ischemic diseases (e.g., coronary artery disease),
in concert with the availability of recombinant angiogenic growth factors, has led to significant
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over desired time frames to promote therapeutic angiogenesis in the context of ischemic disease
or as a component of a tissue engineering strategy. A variety of polymers and their varying
physical forms have been developed to allow for localized and sustained delivery of various
bioactive macromolecules.240 Both injectable systems that are amenable to minimally invasive
delivery,241,242 and implantable, porous scaffolds243–246 that may effectively serve as patches
or vehicles for the combined delivery of angiogenic factors and cells required to engineer
various tissues types (e.g., bone forming or neural cells) have been developed for angiogenic
Providing a multiweek sustained release of VEGF from polymeric systems, in contrast to bolus
delivery, leads to a significant increase in the density of blood vessels formed at the site of the
polymer implantation,244 enhances perfusion of ischemic limbs,245 and prevents necrosis of
these limbs (Chen and Mooney, unpublished data). Importantly, these effects can be achieved
with total VEGF doses of orders of magnitude lower than what is typically used for bolus
delivery, and the sustained VEGF presence in the tissue of interest is accompanied by little to
no systemic exposure to the growth factor.246
a tissue of interest is to utilize localized gene therapy in order to promote a local production of
the factor by the cells resident in the tissue.230 The approaches to accomplish this goal to date,
while they have led to very promising initial results, may ultimately be limited in their success
due to the short-term expression of the plasmid DNA or adenoviral vectors used in these efforts.
One approach to extend, in a controllable manner, the expression of the plasmid encoding the
factor(s) of interest is to immobilize the plasmid in a polymer system that enables its sustained
release. Incorporation of plasmid DNA into poly (lactide-co-glycolide) scaffolds can lead to a
significant increase in the duration of expression,247 and condensation of the plasmid prior to
polymer encapsulation can significantly increase the level and duration of expression in vivo.
Regardless of whether one promotes angiogenesis via direct delivery of a protein, or via indirect
gene therapy approaches, it may be necessary to provide multiple factors in specific
combinations or sequences to drive the formation of mature and fully functional vessel
networks. A combined delivery of multiple factors important in the initiation of angiogenesis
(e.g., VEGF and Ang-2) can increase the density of new blood vessels in an additive manner
(Ennet and Mooney, unpublished data), but does not enhance the maturity of the vessel
networks. A simultaneous delivery of factors involved in angiogenesis initiation and
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maturation decreases the formation of blood vessels,249 likely due to the conflicting roles of
the early versus later acting factors. However, providing sequential delivery of factors acting
in the different stages of angiogenesis can maintain the vessel-forming activity of the early
factors, while also promoting the subsequent maturation of these vessel networks.249
While the main focus in the development of polymeric systems for delivery of angiogenic
molecules is the chemistry of the polymer, physical aspects of the system may also be critical
to its performance. External mechanical stresses and strains imposed on the system may alter
the kinetics of factor release,250 and even the intrinsic mechanical properties of the polymer
system can alter the responsiveness of the surrounding cells to the therapeutic molecule (e.g.,
plasmid DNA uptake and expression251).
will likely be broadly applicable to the use of growth factors or morphogens in tissue
engineering and regeneration. Little function typically results from providing
supraphysiological concentrations of single factors for poorly controlled time frames and with
little regulation over the distance of signaling, even if biological processes are significantly
influenced. Instead, sophisticated delivery systems that provide the necessary concentrations,
factor gradients, and sequential availability of multiple factors are more likely to initiate and
drive the processes to a desired end point, and result in highly functional new tissues.
Polymeric systems offer great promise in enabling control over growth factor signaling, and
considerable success with this approach has been achieved in small animal models. The
function of these systems must, however, be tested in larger animals and humans to assess their
utility. Critically, it will be necessary to understand the quantitative biology of the systems of
interest, in addition to the qualitative understanding that is the norm, in order to appropriately
design these systems for specific applications. For example, the specific duration of signaling,
and the concentration and specific gradient of the factor(s) in the tissue of interest required to
both activate and guide tissue formation are typically unknown, and are likely to vary with the
age and disease state of the individual. A quantitative understanding of these issues will likely
require the development of novel in vitro and in vivo model systems, and better mathematical
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David Mooney concluded that polymeric systems that can drive therapeutic angiogenesis could
find broad utility in tissue engineering and regeneration. In addition to the obvious utility in
treating ischemic diseases,236 VEGF signaling and angiogenesis are now more broadly
appreciated as helpful in regulating many regenerative processes. Bone formation is dependent
on VEGF signaling,252 and the sustained delivery of VEGF from polymers can enhance bone
regeneration.242,253 Nerve and blood vessel wiring is dependent on common mechanisms,
254 and VEGF signaling may be beneficial to slow or reverse various neural diseases.255 More
broadly, angiogenesis is crucial to the survival of transplanted cells. Appropriate delivery of
angiogenic molecules has been demonstrated to increase the engraftment of various cell types,
including osteoprogenitors256 and hepatocytes.257 Stem cell populations may be dependent on
vascular niches,204 and systems that appropriately stimulate angiogenesis may reestablish
niches crucial to regeneration and maintenance of tissues.
Anthony Atala from Wake Forest University emphasized that the clinical application of tissue
engineering has been elusive, owing to the difficulties in expanding cells outside the body, the
challenge of providing adequate vascular support to growing constructs, and the nonavailability
of biomaterials capable of controlling cell fate. He stressed that, in nature, there are three pillars
of functional regeneration: soluble factors (autocrine and paracrine mechanisms), insoluble
factors (ECM), and physical forces (pressure, flow, and shear). For years investigators have
sought to use the marriage of biology, materials science, and bioengineering to master the
development of tissues either in vitro or in vivo, but our grip on these three mediating factors
is remarkably loose. In particular, the complex interactions between adult stem and progenitor
cells and the ECM, and the mechanisms that lead to functional tissue regeneration are poorly
defined. Dr. Atala discussed how regenerative cells function to restore injured tissue, and how
these mechanisms are being exploited to guide the development of better biomaterials
Clinical translation
The term tissue engineering began appearing in the medical research literature as a distinct
derivative of its predecessor, cell therapy, in the late 1980s. Although the proceedings from
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one of the first tissue engineering conferences were published soon thereafter,258 the potential
of tissue engineering to provide tissues and organs to millions of patients suffering from trauma,
congenital defects, and chronic diseases has not yet been fully recognized. Unfortunately, few
notable successes of clinical translation have been achieved since that time.
People often point to the first tissue engineered product approved for clinical use by the Food
and Drug Administration, Dermagraft™, as one of the few examples. Despite the obvious
technical and regulatory achievement, Dermagraft has been a commercial disappointment and
was sold by the developer, Advanced Tissue Sciences (ATS), to Smith & Nephew for only
$12 million in 2002, as part of ATS’s bankruptcy liquidation. In October 2005, Smith &
Nephew announced that it would exit Dermagraft and related products from the market. The
ATS and Dermagraft experience has shown that strong science does not necessarily translate
into strong sales. Knowing this, how do we as scientists bring tissue engineering technology
from the bench to the bedside?
Interactive biomaterials
In its simplest form, tissue engineering is the combination of biomaterials and cells into a
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construct that will eventually become the regenerated tissue. In early years, the biomaterial
scaffolds were degradable synthetic polymers and naturally derived materials, primarily
collagen, that had been used for decades in medical device applications. The view at the time
was that if a proper temporary architecture was provided to the cells, functional tissue would
form. It was soon determined that cellular interaction with the insoluble environment was as
important as it was complex. In an effort to move the science forward, many investigators
began to consider the merits of combining the benefits of various types of materials.
Specifically, cell binding was considered to be of great importance to the maturation of a
construct into functional tissue.
It is well known that cellular recognition is facilitated by the binding of cell surface integrins
to specific amino acid motifs of the ECM.259,260 The predominant ECM proteins are collagen
and fibronectin, both of which have been extensively studied with regard to cell binding.261
Fibronectin contains several regions that support attachment by a wide variety of cell types.
262 Mould et al. showed that in addition to the widely known Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid
(RGD) motif, the “X”-Aspartic Acid-”Y” motif on fibronectin is also recognized by the integrin
a4b1, where X represents Glycine, Leucine, or Glutamic Acid, and Y represents Serine or
Valine.263 Remarkably, it was not until well after the discovery of these important cellular
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interactions that published reports of the efforts of biomaterial scientists to employ synthetic
schemes to incorporate protein binding motifs into synthetic polymers first began to appear in
the literature.264–267
One explanation for this apparent lag in the development of interactive biomaterials is the
necessity to employ materials with a proven history of clinical use. Another is that those most
knowledgeable about the interactions between growing tissue and its ECM are typically
developmental biologists, a group not heavily involved during the nascent stages of the tissue
engineering field. Nevertheless, the concept that a combination of natural and synthetic
polymers alone will yield successful results in our quest to recapitulate developmental biology
is unrealistic. The native ECM is simply too complex to be mimicked accurately.268–271 This
complexity has been shown to be highly cell specific, although most studies fail to elucidate
specific mechanisms, particularly with respect to the role ECM plays in recruiting and
controlling the differentiation of stem and progenitor cells.272,273 How then do we overcome
this circumstance? Do we continue down the current path, looking to the immediate past for
solutions to our future, or do we undertake yet another renaissance in biomaterials
development? It is apparent that recent advances in stem cell biology compel the biomaterials
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Cell sources
It is widely accepted that almost every tissue in the body, including brain,274 liver,275
circulating blood,276 and heart,277 as well as skin278 and fat,279 contains some type of stem
cell or progenitor cell. Preclinical application of these cell sources is beginning to take shape,
and as techniques are developed for the isolation, purification, and controlled differentiation
of these cells into mature, functional tissues, successful patient treatment paradigms can be
envisioned. However, while many differentiated cell types grow well in culture after being
isolated from native tissue, stem and progenitor cell characteristics can easily be lost and
progeny diverted from their desired terminal fate when cultured under inadequate conditions,
that is, without a supportive coating or feeder layer.
Methods to ameliorate this dilemma have been developed in certain cell types and are in routine
use at the basic and applied research levels. For example, coating tissue culture plastic with
natural biomaterials such as collagen or fibronectin is somewhat effective, and the use of three-
dimensional gels such as collagen or Matrigel™ has been successful. However, there is no
evidence to suggest that these are optimal biomaterial systems for inducing cell differentiation.
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On the contrary, recent studies have shown that slight variations in the composition of ECM
surrogates can have a dramatic impact on cell growth and differentiation,280 but have yet to be
developed for many cell types. Moreover, several authors have pointed out that ECM
composition is more tissue specific than currently appreciated.281–283 Others have shown
experimentally that ECM is able to mediate a regenerative process by attracting stem cells,
279,284 but that these environments are not necessarily optimal for efficient differentiation and
functional tissue development. Given that even subtle changes in ECM composition can have
a dramatic effect on cellular differentiation,280,285 it is reasonable to assume that a multitude
of possibilities exist and we have merely scratched the surface.
Anthony Atala summarized that the application of developmental and stem cell biology to
biomaterials development offers an astounding number of possibilities, yet our understanding
of this interplay in the context of tissue engineering remains incomplete. Any textbook on the
composition of ECM will almost universally contain the same basic chapters: collagens,
fibronectin, elastin, laminin, and perhaps another section on proteoglycans. A recent literature
search of the key words “extracellular matrix” and “biomaterial” yielded 1,432 hits. If one adds
the term “biglycan,” a critical ECM proteoglycan in bone formation, the number of hits drops
to only three. This begs the question, are collagen, fibronectin, laminin, and elastin the most
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widely studied ECM-related biomaterials because they are the most important, or because they
are the most easily studied?
Most approaches to biomaterials development for tissue engineering fail to take into account
the tremendous complexity of the ECM. This is understandable given that most analytical tools
for studying the composition of the ECM are solution-based techniques, with the exception of
immunostaining methods. Also, given the fact that complete digestion of the ECM without
significantly disrupting the integrity of the constituent molecules is extraordinarily difficult, it
is not surprising that biomaterials development has fallen so far behind advances in cell and
molecular biology. In order to overcome these inherent challenges, efforts need to be focused
on the application of existing tools in ways that have never been tried and the development of
new tools that will allow investigators to completely reverse engineer the ECM. Only through
a complete understanding of the compositional gradients, temporal changes, and remodeling
of even the most minute constituents of the ECM will we be able to use the solid cellular
environment to drive tissue and organ morphogenesis.
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Antonios Mikos thanks Simon Young and Mark Wong for help with the preparation of this article, and the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) for funding support (R01 DE15164). Susan Herring thanks Patricia Emry and Frank Starr
for help with the procedures, and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) for funding
support (PHS award DE08513). Helen Lu thanks Kristen Moffat for help with the preparation of this article, and the
Whitaker Foundation, the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, the NIH (NIAMS AR052402), and the National Science
Foundation (GK-12 Graduate Fellowship) for funding support. Rita Kandel thanks M. Grynpas, M. Hurtig, and R.
Pilliar for help with the preparation of this article, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council, and the Arthritis Society for funding support. Mehmet Toner thanks Alex Fowler
for help with the preparation of this article. David Mooney thanks NIDCR and the NHLBI for funding support.
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FIG. 1.
Lateral surface of the zygomatic bone, coronal section, epifluorescent illumination. Light color
is the 3-hour calcein label in a continuous layer of newly mineralized matrix. Vascular fill (red)
is seen in the periosteal vessels and in cross-sectioned vessels within the calcein-labeled layer
(arrows). Color images available online at
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FIG. 2.
Lateral surface of the temporal bone, coronal section, epifluorescent illumination. The 3-hour
calcein label is discontinuous and forms the tips of bony spicules. Vascular fill (red) shows
that the radially arranged vessels of this layer are continuous with intraosseous vessels (arrows)
and differ in orientation from the periosteal vessels. Color images available online at
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
FIG. 3.
Lateral portion of the zygomatic bone, parasagittal section. An intraosseous vessel near the
surface can be seen encased in a bony tube (arrow). Color images available online at
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
FIG. 4.
Cartilage has been engineered using a number of different cell types. Primary bovine
chondrocytes (A), caprine MSCs (B), mouse EBs (C), and human EBs (D) demonstrate
Safranin-O positive proteoglycan production in polyethylene glycol (PEG) gels with the
exception of human EBs, which did not undergo chondrogenesis. Human embryonic stem (ES)
cells were aggregated into EBs and either encapsulated directly (2A) or disaggregated and
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
cultured for five passages (1) before encapsulation (2B). The hEBs that were encapsulated into
PEG gels did not stain positive for Safranin-O (D). Cells derived from the hEBs (1)
encapsulated in PEG gels also did not stain positive for Safranin-O when cultured in
chondrogenic medium with TGF-β1 (E). Incorporation of the adhesion peptide sequence
YRGDS into the PEG gels promoted homogenous differentiation and formation of cartilage-
like tissue from hES-derived cells (F), confirming the unique requirements for human ES cell
differentiation. Reproduced with permission from Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Color
images available online at
FIG. 5.
Cells labeled with colored dyes encapsulated in a bilayered hydrogel. Organized tissue can be
created or interactions of coculture environments can be studied. Reproduced with permission
from Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Color images available online at
FIG. 6.
Anatomy and matrix organization of the ligament-to-bone insertion site. (A) The anterior
cruciate ligament (ACL) connects to the femur and tibia through two insertion sites (posterior
view). (B) The multitissue organization of the tibial insertion, transiting from the ACL to
fibrocartilage (FC) region, and then to the bone region (modified Goldner’s Masson Trichrome,
bar = 500 μm).49 (C) The fibrocartilage interface is further divided into the nonmineralized
fibrocartilage (NFC) and mineralized fibrocartilage (MFC) zones (von Kossa, bar = 200 μm).
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FIG. 7.
Coculture models to evaluate interaction of interface-relevant cells. (A-i) In vitro coculture
model of fibroblasts (Fb) and osteoblasts (Ob) permit heterotypic and homotypic cell-cell
interactions.88 (A-ii) Fibroblast (CFDA-SE, green) and osteoblast (CM-DiI, orange-red)
distribution at day 7, bar = 100 μm. (B) In vitro coculture model of chondrocytes (Ch) and
osteoblasts (Ob), established by forming an osteoblast monolayer on top of the chondrocyte
micromass. Glycosaminoglycan distribution was restricted to the chondrocytes micromass
during coculture (day 10, Alcian blue, bar = 100 μm). Color images available online at
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FIG. 8.
Structure-function relationship at the ligament-to-bone insertion. (A-i) Elastographic analysis
of the ACL-to-bone insertion (TI) under applied uniaxial tension.97 Displacement map
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calculated from ultrasound radio frequency data (Increase in magnitude in mm: blue to red,
bar = 5 mm). A region-dependent decrease in displacement is a result of increasing tissue
stiffness from the ligament to fibrocartilage region and to the bone region. (A-ii)
Microcompression testing of the ACL-to-bone insertion also revealed region-specific increase
in tissue stiffness from the nonmineralized (NFC) to mineralized fibrocartilage (MFC) and to
bone.102 In the displacement curve, slope of the curve in each region represents the strain, with
a less steeper slope for MFC, indicating decreased strain compared to the NFC zone. (B) The
increase in tissue stiffness across the interface may be related to the higher calcium phosphate
distribution from the NFC to MFC, and to bone (i von Kossa and ii Elemental analysis of the
MFC revealed presence of Ca and P at the insertion104). Color images available online at
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FIG. 9.
Biomimetic multiphasic scaffold for interface tissue engineering: Design, in vitro and in vivo
testing. (A) Triphasic scaffold modeled after the three regions of the interface112: Phase A for
soft tissue, Phase B for the fibrocartilage region, and Phase C for bone. Phase A consists of
knitted degradable polymer mesh, Phase B of sintered degradable polymer microspheres, and
Phase C of osteointegrative polymer-ceramic composite microspheres.11 (B) In vitro coculture
of fibroblasts and osteoblasts on the triphasic scaffold resulted in phase-specific cell
distribution and controlled matrix heterogeneity.112 Fibroblasts (Calcein AM, green) were
localized in Phase A and osteoblasts (CM-DiI, red) were found in Phase C at day 1 (i) and day
28 (ii). Both osteoblasts and fibroblasts migrated into Phase B by day 28. (C) In vivo evalution
of the triphasic scaffold cocutlured with fibroblasts and osteoblasts revealed abundant tissue
infiltration and matrix production at 4 weeks postimplantation.113 (modified Goldner’s
MassonTrichrome, bar = 200 μm). Color images available online at
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
FIG. 10.
(A) Line drawing of biphasic construct. (B) Histological appearance of biphasic construct at
8 weeks of culture. The cartilage is integrated with the upper aspect of substrate and has a
nonmineralized zone and a mineralized zone (arrowhead) adjacent to the substrate (von Kossa
and toluidine blue, ×50 original magnification). Color images available online at
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FIG. 11.
Paradigm for translating research in heart valve tissue engineering from the laboratory to the
clinic. Biomarkers for cell and tissue characterization in conjunction with structural, chemical,
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and molecular information obtained via in vitro and in vivo models are necessary for
understanding key biological processes in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. These
concepts and data can be used to predict and measure patient success and failure. Data from
clinical experience further informs the development of appropriate biomarkers, which may
result in reassessment of the appropriate characterization parameters. Reproduced and
modified with permission from Mendelson et al.141 Color images available online at
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
FIG. 12.
Long-term storage of cells is critical for the successful applications of tissue engineered
products. Cell and tissue banks are needed at various steps in the development of tissue
engineered products. Reprinted with permission from Acker, J.P., Chen, T., Fowler, A., and
Toner, M. Engineering dessication tolerance in mammalian cells: tools and techniques. In:
Fuller, B.J., Lane, N., and Benson, E.E., eds. Life in the Frozen State. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press, 2004. Color images available online at
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Table 1
Key Aspects of Tissue Engineering of Oral and Craniofacial Tissues
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Specific clinical issues which • Control over the morphology of regenerated bone.
remain unaddressed
• Periodontal ligament anchorage and effective gingival seal around
titanium dental implants.
• Regeneration of entire teeth with supporting structures in extraction
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