9 - Immunohistochemistry PDF
9 - Immunohistochemistry PDF
9 - Immunohistochemistry PDF
• Immunohistochemistry (IHC) combines histological,
immunological and biochemical techniques for the
identification of specific tissue components by means of
a specific antigen/antibody reaction tagged with a visible
cells on slides
Acetone fixed:
- precipitates proteins onto cell surface---may extract lipids
-is needed for many of the “CD” antibodies
Paraformaldehyde fixed:
--needs to be freshly made, or frozen soon after
--is preferred over using 10% buffered formalin
colloidal gold.
Antibodies (Immunoglobulins)
• Indirect Method
• PAP Method
Direct Method
Labeled Antibody
Tissue Antigen
Two-Step Indirect Method
Secondary Antibody
Primary Antibody
Tissue Antigen
PAP Method
(peroxidase anti-peroxidase method)
• Cancer diagnostics
• differential diagnosis
• Treatment of cancer
• Research
General Immunohistochemistry
Part 1 Tissue preparation
1. Fixation
Fresh unfixed, fixed, or formalin fixation and
paraffin embedding
2. Sectioning
• Positive Control
It is to test for a protocol or procedure used.
• Negative Control