Chaos Dwarfs Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition
Chaos Dwarfs Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition
Chaos Dwarfs Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition
The units in this book are inspired solely by the works of games workshop publications. They are as follows.
1. 6th edition, Ravening Hordes, Games Workshop LTD, October 2000. ISBN 1-84154-063-3.
2. 5th edition, Tuomas Pirinens Chaos Dwarf Playtest List.
3. 4th edition, White Dwarf Presents: Chaos Dwarfs, Games Workshop LTD, December 1994. ISBN 1-872372-
Older edition units added have been adapted to 6th edition using Avians Design a Unit Rules which can be found at
the following web address.
Artwork has been adapted from the above publications, but also taken directly from many fan made sources.
1. Cover art by Baggronor from
2. Icons and Imagary from Admiral, ASL, Baggronor, conorburkeart, Endless Legend, Falkzimmer, Forgefire,
Grupax, Johannes Böhm, Johann Valentin Andree, Kubasa, m3lvin, mattbird, Raul Gomez, Donie_Odulio
and many others that I shall hopefully fill in with time.
3. Other artwork is straight from GW sources as linked above, fan sources as linked below, or from the later
GW Tarmurkhan book.
Lore has either been inspired by, or directly taken from the following sources. Changes have been made to form a
consistent book inspired by the ideas presented in Tuomas Pirinens Chaos Dwarf Playtest List.
1. Kevin Coleman, Matt Birdoff, Indy GT armies, Dwarfs of Chaos. A 7th edition fan publication.
2. Mathias Eliason, Chaos Dwarfs 9th edition V.1.3 from the Warhammer Armies Project.
3. Thomas Hunt, Chaos Dwarfs.
4. Warpstone Issue 28, From The Darkness, Chaos Dwarfs by Alfred Nunez Jr.
5. 5th edition, Tuomas Pirinens Chaos Dwarf Playtest List.
6. 4th edition, White Dwarf Presents: Chaos Dwarfs, Games Workshop, Dec 1994. ISBN 1-872372-80-5.
"I stand here, atop the Ziggurat of Zharr-Naggrund, the Place of Fire
and Desolation. From where I stand, I can gaze across the plains of
Zharrduk, and what I see is pleasing to my eyes.
It is forever Dark under the sun here in the heart of the world. The
smell of sulphur and of burning oil fills the air. The cracking of whips
and the wailing of slaves drowns out the clatter of machinery.
This is the future. One day Hashut, the Father of Darkness, shall rise
from his slumber, and trample the world beneath his brazen hooves.
The dead shall outnumber the living, and those that remain shall be
dragged in chains to the pits of Zharr to toil for the greater glory of
And all will be blessed Darkness."
-From the prophesies of Astragoth, the High Priest of Hashut
-5000 - 1558
A carefully orchestrated campaign against the Orc
The time of the Ancestor Gods. No written records of and Goblin tribes begins throughout the Dark Lands,
these times survive although legend tells of the driving them westwards.
gradual colonisation of the Worlds Edge Mountains
by Dwarfs. -1500
The Goblin Wars. The Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge
-4700 Mountains are assaulted by all manner of enemies
The most adventurous of Dwarfs journey across the including Goblins, Orcs, Skaven and their evil kin, the
barren upland regions north of the Worlds Edge Chaos Dwarfs, led by Astrogoth High Priest of Hashut.
Mountains which they name 'Zorn Uzkul' (or the Great Many Dwarf holds fall to their enemeies.
Skull Land) in the plain of Zharr.
-4500 To expand their power, House Ashodar begin a
Contact is lost between Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge massive enslavement of Orcs, Goblins and Humans.
Mountains and Dwarf settlements in the Dark Lands Other houses follow suite.
and Zorn Uzkul. The Dwarfs of the west believe their
eastern kin have perished, destroyed by the tides of -921
Chaos from the north. The first Great Purge of the Mountains of Mourn. In an
attempt to break the strength of the Greenskins, who
-3500 had grown vastly in number, an extended campaign is
Abandoned by their gods and facing imminent undertaken to kill or enslave as many as they can.
destruction, the Dwarfs of the Zorn Uzkul, persuaded
by the young Astrogoth, bargain with the stranger. In -600
turn leading to the worship of the evil god Hashut. the Vorag Bloodytooth, the girst and only Ghoul King,
Father of Darkness. leads an army of Ghouls that overrun and nearly
destroy the Red Cloud tribe. The survivors are
-2700 enslaved and forced to build the fortress of Vorag to
Legend tells how the mighty ziggurat, Mingol Zharr- the east of the Plain of Bones. Whilst besieging the
Naggrund (The Great City of Fire and Desolation) was mountain hold of some nearby Goblins, Vorag is killed
raised from dark iron and black obsidian by the most by a Bolt Thrower and the army disbands.
powerful Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers.
-2600 Experiments on Orc and Goblin slaves by Alchemagi
Enslavement of Orc and Goblin tribes throughout the of House Khash ends in the creation of Black Orcs.
Dark Lands and Mountains of Mourn. Within the
great Plain of Zharr, the culmination of Chaos Dwarf -100
Sorcery and Goblinoid thralls build the massive The Black Ores prove unruly and difficult to control.
weapon foundries and armories of the Chaos Dwarfs. After leading an armed revolt that ravages the lower
levels of Zharr-Naggrund, stopped by the timely
-1600 betrayal of their Hobgoblin allies, they are purged
The Battle of Blood. A loose alliance of Greenskin from the ziggurat. Fleeing Black Ores escape to the
tribes to the west are broken in an almights slaughter Worlds Edge Mountains and the Mountains of Mourn.
that lasts for eight days.
The second Great Purge of the Mountains of Mourn.
Barbarian Ogres aid the Chaos Dwarfs in the
destruction of rebel Black Orc fortresses.
223 Whilst the Chaos Dwarfs are stretched on many
Battle of Daemon’s Stump. Chaos Dwarf and fronts, the largest invasion by Steppe Hobgoblins ever
Daemons fight the Ogres for possession of the seen takes place. Hundreds of Dawi Zharr are slain or
Daemon’s Stump.The Ogres are defeated and routed captured, but the unforgiving environment
as they attempt to cross the River Ruin, which runs red eventually forces the besieging Hobgoblins to retrest.
for a week after the slaughter.
250 Whilst investigating some lost ruins deep in the heart
Chaos Dwarf artisans finish carving the titanic of the Blasted Wasted, Chaos Dwarf explorers chance
monuments surrounding the Temple of Zharr. To date upon a massive network of tunnels. Within weeks a
they remain the greatest artistic achievement of the Skaven invasion force from Hell Pit arrives and
Chaos Dwarfs, their incredible level of intricacy and slaughters all before it. After numerous defeats by a
flawless details remain unsurpassed. never ending swarm of Skaven, Alchemagi of House
Kash led by the Sorceror Astrogoth collapse many
336 miles of tunnels in an enormous explosion, effectively
The Battle of a Thousand Grudges. During this brutal bringing an end to the war.
war the Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs demonstrated
previously unthinkable acts of vengeance upon each 1822
other, enough tofill several volumes in the Grudge Urogash falls to the Ogres after a furious war lasting a
Books of both races. month. After a fighting retreat to barges on the River
Ruin, a coven of Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers of House
500 Hargan led by Ghorth the Cruel bring the ruins of the
Rich volcanic deposits first mined at Gorgoth city crashing down upon the Ogres.
740 1939
Having seen the wealth being mined in the Dark Battle of the Cursed Mound. The forces of Chaos come
Lands by the humans from distant Cathay, the Chaos very close to besieging Daemon’s Stump itself. A
Dwarfs send armies to destroy them. Slave raids begin quick brutal war and a merciless hunt of survivors see
in the land of Cathay. off any potential threats.
I000 2009
To fuel the ever increasing demand for slaves the The Battle of Blood River. Barbarian raiders are
Chaos Dwarf fleet cruises the River Ruin and Sea of fought back as they attempt to besiege Zharr
Dread enslaving those unfortunate enough to cross its Naggrund from the Eastern shore. The trail of blood
path. A great sea canal is constructed linking the Falls follows the River Ruin allthe way to the sea.
of Doom with the Sea of Chaos giving the fleet an exit
in the north.
The Black Fortress and its sister tower, the Flayed
Rock, are erected just north of what will later become
known as Gnoblar Country.
The Liche Lord Vorag is slain in a magic duel with
Sorcerer Priest Zarkgar, the Liche’s fortress in the
Plain of Bones is brought to ruin.
2037 2520
Nightmare of Drakenmoor. Chaos Dwarfs and Skaven The armies of Chaos march across the Zorn Uzkul and
battle. Daemon-abominations are loosed and down towards Peak Pass as they prepare for the Storm
nightmare phenomena ravage the lands a hundred of Chaos that is to consume the Empire in flames.
leagues in all directions for a year before the arcane Archaon meets the assembled Chaos Dwarfs outside
tempest at last dies away. Both sides claim victory. the walls of Zharr Naggrund, striking a deal to have
the use of Hellcannons for slaves.
Slave Lord Brakuz of house Ashodar leads a large
slave expedition of Chaos Dwarfs through the
Mountains of Mourn, into the lands of Grand Cathay.
There Lord Brakuz razes many outlaying settlements Lessons for an apprentice.
before engaging in battle with the Celestial Dragon
Monks of the Dragon-Throne Empire. "Come here, lad? and take a
look at these etchings on the wall.
2153 " Loremaster Gramak said as he pointed
Chaos Dwarfs begin a 270 year campaign to conquer them out to his young charge.
Mount Grimfang. It had been a stronghold of raiding "Master: do you think it wise that we have left
Greenskins for thousands of years.
our escort in this Ancestor-forsaken place? "
2253 ''Thrent. my apprentice, you needn’t worry. Olan
Booned by the Chaos God Tzeentch, the Vampire and Berek should be back momentarily from
Mangari leads a combined horde of daemons and foul their patrol. We need some time to determine
Undead warriors against several Chaos Dwarf what information we should bring back to Karak
fortresses near the Mountains of Mourn. Chaos Dwarf Kadrin from this old outpost on Peak Pass. Now
Overlord, Gharkzarch of House Hargan smites the what do you see?"
vile Vampire in single combat causing the Undead ''It looks to be in the tongue of the thrice-cursed
horde to collapse and the Daemons vanquished. goblins.Something about the Masters of the
Flaming Darkness. The rest is typical greenskin
2302 nonsense about so-and-so’s mother ... Wait. there
Khorn Warriors besiege Zharr-Naggrund. The seems to be a sketch of sorts."
slaughter continues for two years before the borders of "What do you make of it?"
the Chaos Wastes retreat to the north. With the
"Looks to be a Dwarf, but something is wrong
Khornate army weakend, the Chaos Dwarfs break the
siege and obliterate their foe. with the appearance. More like a shortened
version of a minotaur I should think. "
2304 "Take a closer look, Thrent. What else do you
The Fall of Karak Vlag. Tong Marauders lay siege to see?"
Karak Vlag. It is said that Hashut rescued his new "Bull's head and a thick, unbraided beard.
children after a pact is made, and whisks them away There’s also something that looks like a tail ... "
from danger. No trace of karak Vlag can later be " What is this Master Gramak?”
found. "it is time, my apprentice, to learn about the
darker aspects of our race. An ancient evil whose
2400 malevolence and ill deeds exceed their
Zhatan the Black, Commander of the Tower of Zharr diminishing numbers. Do not share this
declares genocide on the Black Orcs of the Mountains
information capriciously, This dark race is a
of Mourn. Two thousand Black Orcs are brought
blight on our honour and, as such, ours alone to
before the Altar of Hashut and sacrificed into great
roaring furnaces for the glory of Hashut. destroy.”
On the eastern expanse of the Worlds Edge Mountains lies a bleak and barren land known only as the Darklands.
Filled with marauding tribes of Orcs, Goblins and worse, it is here where the corrupted counterparts of the Dwarf
Empire dwell. Using their knowledge of science, engineering and wicked sorcery to serve their chaotic deity,
Hashut, Father of Darkness, the Chaos Dwarves commit unspeakable acts, heinous sacrificial rituals and callous
evils, yet it was not always this way.
Many thousands of years ago the Dwarf race moved northwards from its ancestral home somewhere in the
Southlands. They moved along the high ridge of mountains known as the Worlds Edge Mountains, following the
trail of mineral ores and precious gems. The Dwarfs spread amongst the mountains, driven onwards by their lust for
the secrets of rock and metal. Over a period of many hundreds of years they dug shafts and excavated cavernous
underground cities, they sank mines deep into the mountain roots, and constructed tunnels which carried them
further north.
Eventually, some time in the dim and distant past, the Dwarfs reached the upland region
at the far north of the Worlds Edge Mountains which they called Zorn Uzkul or the
Great Skull Land. Here they found a vast and inhospitable plateau where the air
was thin and cold and the rocks barren. Many turned back south to swell the
growing numbers of Dwarfs in the Worlds Edge Mountains, others turned west
into the cold lands of Norsca, but some of the most adventurous turned east
and then south along the bleak Mountains of Mourn.
At first these widespread Dwarf kindreds maintained contact with each other,
but the eastern Dwarfs strayed far and when the Time of Chaos came, the
northern regions were cut off forever. The Dwarfs of the west believed their
eastern kin dead, destroyed by the tides of Chaos that came from the north,
but they were mistaken. Chaos did not kill the hardy Dwarfs, instead it
worked a dreadful change upon them.
While the Ancestor Gods of Grimnir, Grungni and Valaya
rose to lead and defend the Dwarfs of the mountains, no such
legendary heroes emerged within the lost colonies. Faced
with the inevitable cataclysm of Chaos, the Dwarfs of Zorn
Uzkul fell to despair. Their strongholds were not as secure as
those that lay in the bastion of the mountains and it was only
a matter of time until the Daemons of Chaos would consume
them completely. Ambassadors were dispatched to the
mountains to request aid from the Dwarf High King, though
their pleas would never be heard and their envoys never seen
again. It became clear that the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul were
alone, deserted by their kinfolk and isolated from any form of
allies or aid. Indeed, doom was upon them.
As the Dwarfs prepared for the final Daemon assault upon the
Grand Tower of Zorn Uzkul, a strange being appeared in the halls of
the tower. Shrouded in a black cloak and in the guise of a Dwarf, the
interloper claimed he was from a realm where the foul Daemons of
Chaos could not penetrate and where he was the sole lord and master.
The cynical Dwarf warriors mocked and berated the visitor believing
him delusional and mad. However when the stranger requested an
audience with the clan’s elders, the Dwarf sentries agreed knowing that their
doomed fate was all but sealed, and any source of hope, even from an unhinged drifter, could only possibly
benefit the grim Dwarfs. The elders admitted their guest and told him they would listen only briefly to his
claims, for the final battle of Zorn Uzkul was brewing and the time of the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul was coming to
an end. In proper Dwarf fashion, they intended to die in a glorious final battle, smiting as many
Daemons as possible, taking the foul spawn of Chaos with them to their graves. The guest went on
to describe that He, and He alone, could protect the Dwarfs. That he had the power to
banish the Daemons from their lands, but for only a simple request in return – an oath
of loyalty; a mere bargain between the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul and Himself was all
that would be necessary to seal a deal and save their kingdom from
The elders eyed each other and then back at their unusual guest, they had
obviously wasted their time with a madman, yet just before the eldest
among elders spoke to dismiss the stranger, the youngest of the elders
spoke. He asserted that they should simply agree to the bargain, that
their lives and world was coming to an end nevertheless and if by
some curious turn of fate the stranger spoke truth their
civilization would endure. In turn, if the bargain was but a mere
farce, they lost nothing agreeing to a trivial pact with a
madman. The council agreed and the pact was made. With
insane laughter the interloper vanished, the council
shrugged and prepared for their final battle. Manning the
ramparts of the Tower of Uzkulak, the stout Dwarf warriors
stood ready for battle, but the Daemon hordes never came.
The Dwarfs had waited for the Daemon hordes for days then weeks, but they had never appeared. A great
celebration was held in the grand audience chamber of the Tower of Uzkulak, where many toasts, pledges and
other offerings were made in tribute to the one that had saved them, as agreed from their pact with the stranger.
However, death from the Daemon hordes might have been a more fortunate fate for the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul, for
instead of their destruction, a far more sinister fate had been lain upon them.
Soon, insidious and unexplainable changes began to take place: their instincts became perverted and warped
compared to the honorable values of the Dwarfs of the west, all seemingly unnoticed or indifferent to the Dwarfs of
Zorn Uzkul. Stoicism and order were exchanged for cruelty and madness, as these became the dominant qualities of
the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul. Strange rituals involving the praise of bulls and the sacrifice of beasts by incineration
become common practice. Some Dwarfs began to realize that their bargain with the stranger had been a trick. They
had been spared the Daemon’s wrath, but at the cost of their own enthrallment, for they sensed the touch of Chaos
upon them. The Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul were becoming the very servants of Chaos they had fought against. However,
the Dwarfs that spoke such things were silenced, never to be seen or heard from again.
Over the following centuries the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul were completely transformed. The touch of Chaos had
altered the Dwarfs forever, twisting them into evil parodies of their kin in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Dwarfs took
on new names, trading their traditional Dwarf namesakes such as Snorri, Dorin and Kazador in favour of bizarre
designations such as Zhrazak, Gargath and Barukh. Tiny horns sprouted from their skulls and tusks grew from their
mouths, their fingernails twisted into black talons and their eyes became shadow, blazing with glorious
malevolence. Thus the Chaos Dwarfs were born.
A saviour during their hour of need, and the conductor of
their twisted fall, Hashut the Father of Darkness revealed
himself to be their conniving guardian. Through a
masterstroke of manipulation, he bode his time, allowing
decades to warp the stout Dwarves of Zorn Uzkuls minds
before revealing his true self. The Chaos Dwarves, as
they are now called, maintained their innate dwarven
resistance to magic resulting in an awarness of their fall,
and that all is not as it should be. Hashut, ever
resourceful, twisted this awareness into vicious hatred
of their former kin. Through whispered voices and
shadowed murmurs the Chaos Dwarves wondered
where had the ancestor Gods been? Where had their so
called High King been? It was betrayal and treachery
surely, they had been surrendered to Chaos! Embracing
their reprehensible existence for the promise of power to
fulfil their warped grudge, the Chaos Dwarves live in a
bitter and twisted state, enacting terrible and vindictive
vengeance in the name of Hashut.
Hashut, the Father of Darkness, is the God of Fire, Greed
and Tyranny and patron deity of the Chaos Dwarfs. A grim
and malignant being, often represented as a great blazing
bull wreathed in smoke and shadow, Hashut is most often
believed to be a Chaos God; some scholars of the arcane
would, however, label him as an archdaemon rather than a Dark
God, and others insist he is some other foul entity let loose upon the
world during the Great Catastrophe. Whatever the case may be,
Hashut is closely associated with tyranny, greed, fire, and hatred,
and is a being whose gift of power comes at a terrible price.
Over the centuries, in return for flesh and blood, homage " Outside of the Four Ruinous Powers, the
and devotion, Hashut has gifted the Chaos Dwarfs with Father of Flame and Darkness claims his own
malign secrets and powerful sorcery that combined with dominion. A once fertile land is laid waste by
their mastery of industry and forgecraft has enabled them the industry of his own creations as he of the
to create many daemon-fused machineries and monstrous Flame seeks to grow his own power. Before the
engines of war. The pact between the Chaos Dwarfs and End of Tme, the power of the Flaming Darkness
their dark god has only deepened over time and grown to must decide against whom to vie for survival”.
the point where the tendrils of Hashut’s malevolence and
the Chaos Dwarfs’ own bitter souls have become as one. Passage from the second book of the
Daemonomicon from the Liber Malefic, The
Book of Chaos Foreseen, written by Marius
Hollseher around 1322 I.C.
The Chaos Dwarfs are governed by a counsel of Sorcerer-Priests, drawing on their ancient wisdom and gifted with
the sorcery of their dark god, Hashut, the Sorcerer-Priests rule their nation with an iron fist. There are one hundred
and one members on the Council of Hashut, all of them being ancient, wise and well learned Sorcerers, hailing from
the many Great Houses that make up the Chaos Dwarf Empire. They convene in a vast hall within the Tower of
Zharr-Naggrund, seated around a colossal iron cauldron that blazes eternally with a great conflagration of fire.
Before each session, one hundred and one slaves are thrown, screaming into the great inferno, sacrificed to the Lord
Once their offering to their dark deity has been sated; the council discusses the day-to-day administration of the
empire. They review requests of slave expeditions, the construction of new fortresses, and any relevant information
regarding the security and prosperity of their empire. It is the Council of Hashut that mandates the work and
creation of new weapons, machinery and experiments. All are dictated and regulated by the terms and desires of
the Sorcerers, and in turn the houses they represent. While there is no single Sorcerer that has more authority than
another, it is the voice of the eldest and most populous Houses that bear the most weight. Currently the two most
potent and authoritative Sorcererss are Astragoth of House Khash, and his rival Ghorth the Cruel of House
Ashodar. Both are ancient Chaos Dwarfs seemingly kept alive by the dark favour of Hashut himself!
The Chaos Dwarfs respect age and knowledge like the Old World Dwarfs, but they do so when these attributes are
coupled with power and evidence of Hashut's blessing. The latter takes the from of mutations involving horns and
hooves. Although Chaos Dwarfs lust for material objects, it is the number of slaves that measures their wealth.
Slaves are used as commodities in a similar manner that other races use coins. From a Chaos Dwarf point of view,
the well-being of a slave is only as important as its use. This view is consistent with the little regard that Chaos
Dwarfs have towards other, inferior races. After all, these races are only fit for enslavement.
In a sense, the typical Chaos Dwarf is treated marginally better than a slave by their house elders, especially those
considered weak or unsuited for higher service to the house. To survive in his own society, an individual Chaos
Dwarf must quickly learn to be as ruthless as his superiors. He also must learn how to manoeuvre through the
whims of the house leaders. It is not uncommon for a Chaos Dwarf to become a sacrifice to Hashut if he fails to carry
out the commands of the ruling Sorcerer-Priest.
Chaos Dwarfs have a special contempt for the Old World Dwarfs. It is these western traitors and their Ancestor
Gods who abandoned the Chaos Dwarfs to their fate. The savagery of the two races when they meet in combat
matches that of any Old World Dwarf-Orc conflict. Still, the Old World Dwarfs have value to their corrupted kin
as high quality and hardworking slaves.
Where the Old World Dwarfs are in some part defined by their opposition to greenskins, Chaos Dwarfs are defined
by their manipulation, domination and usage of the greenskins of the Darklands. This makes up for the low Chaos
Dwarf numbers but has resulted in a society wholly dependent upon slaves.
The average life expectancy of a slave ranges from six to eight years, although Dwarfs may last twice as long. The
labour is hard, and their treatment is harsher still. Some slaves may find themselves placed in the private chambers
of one of the upper echelons of Chaos Dwarf society where they are forced to perform a wide range of demanding
tasks by their abusive masters.
Bands of Chaos Dwarfs constantly scour the Dark Lands, the Mountains of Mourn, and the
eastern Worlds Edge Mountains in search of slaves. Other bands trade weapons and
armour to Orcs and Goblins in return for slaves and food. Chaos Dwarfs also trade
with their Hobgoblin allies and neighbouring Ogres for slaves from among the
steppe nomads and the peoples of Imperial Cathay. In addition, the Chaos Dwarfs
employ members of other races, chiefly Humans, to act as their agents, procuring
slaves by whatever means necessary for gold.
Many slaves work, and die, in the workshops, forges, and mines of Zharr-
Naggrund and Gorgoth. Others struggle in the poisoned Plain of Zharrduk.
Those who survive are likely to meet a yet more terrible fate on the Altar
of Hashut or in a vat of molten metal. It is not surprising, then, that
many slaves take their own lives when given the opportunity.
The worship of Hashut is the sole religion of the Chaos Dwarfs. To the
individual, religion means the sacrifice of slaves, participation in
festivals, and war with a purpose. The Sorcerer-Priests place the
worship of Hashut foremost in their lives. Hashut's gift grants
the Sorcerer-Priests immense power and a very long life, even
though its final price is immortality as a stone statue lining
the highways of Zharr-Naggrund. The ruling Sorcerer-
Priest of each house conducts all rituals of sacrifice to feed
Hashut 's enormous hunger for souls.
The largest temple to Hashut is located at the top of the
Zharr Naggrund ziggurat. The immense temple is the scene
of festivities and sacrifices to the Father of Darkness. At its
eastern end is a smaller ziggurat upon which stands the
enormous statue of Hashut in his bull form. Fuelled by coal and the
bodies of slaves, a furnace within causes the statue to glow red hot. A
gilded, ogre-sized altar stands before the statue, with two sunken vats of molten metal flanking it. The temple walls
depict battle scenes where the victorious Chaos Dwarfs march their captives to the mines. Sacrificial slaves are
usually dropped into one of the vats of molten metal. A few, mostly mighty warriors captured in battle, are held on
the altar as they are ripped from sternum to waist and their heart removed before their eyes. The presiding Sorcerer-
Priest then honours the fallen foe by eating the still beating heart. The carcass is dropped into a chute behind the
statue of Hashut, which falls away to a river of lava thousands of feet below the surface.
Smaller temples can be found at the top of all the major Chaos Dwarf settlements in the Dark Lands. All are adjacent
to dwellings of the resident Sorcerer-Priest. They are similar to the major temple, but on a smaller scale.
There are many houses in Chaos Dwarf society, but a small number of great houses control a large swath of the Chaos
Dwarf Empire. Whilst each house is a self contained commercial, industrial and martial entity, certain houses
dominate aspects of Chaos Dwarf life. Three great houses comprise the core of the Empire, the alchemical engineers
of House Khash have a mastery of sorcery and the alchemical arts, producing powerful war machines that are the
core of Chaos Dwarf hegemony in the Dark Lands. The slavers of House Ashodar control the largest and most
profitable slave trade network in the Chaos Dwarf Empire, spanning from the Sigmarite Empire to the West, and
Imperial Cathay to the east. The industrialists of House Hargan control the majority of the mining infrastructure in
the Mountains of Mourn, gifting them a pre-eminent position in weapons and armour production. Numerous other
great houses exist within the Chaos Dwarf Empire, each striving to better serve Hashut, whilst bettering their houses
station. Chaos Dwarf armies are drawn from the ranks of these great houses, with Chaos Dwarf warriors oweing fealty
to one sorcerer or another.
House Succession
The Sorcerer Lords are the masters of their houses, but invariably there are lesser Sorcerers who must
serve them. Each Sorcerer Lord has a a number of Sorcerers and Acolytes serving under them, with
lesser members of the Sorcerer Caste vying for status with the aim of one day becoming a Sorcerer Lord.
However, most are fated to serve like every other Chaos Dwarf.
When a Sorcerer Lord succumbs to the Sorcerers' Curse, it is part of the order of things that he will be
succeeded by the eldest Sorcerer in his Household, who will henceforth be the Sorcerer Lord and the
master of all his former kinsman's assets – including the Chaos Dwarfs that were bound to him.
However, it is not unknown for a violent power struggle to ensue as some Sorcerers' attempt to ensure
that they are the oldest surviving Sorcerer in the Household. This is generally achieved by the simply
being the only surviving Sorcerer in the Household.
House Khash
House Khash comprises some of the greatest sorcerer smiths in Chaos Dwarf society. So much so, some sorcerers of
House Khash adhere to their own discipline of sorcery. These sorcerers are known as Alchemagi and are greatly
respected members of Chaos Dwarf society. House Khash also owns and maintains the full complement of Chaos
Dwarf Golems which are sent to aid Chaos Dwarf armies only for an exceedingly high price. As the ability to create
new Golems has thus far proved impossible, this lends House Kash great power and leverage within Chaos Dwarf
House Khash is ruled by Astrogoth, eldest of the Sorcerer Priests and High Priest of Hashut. So old is Astrogoth, that
his body is succumbing to the Sorcerers Curse. Only through the innovation of the Alchemagi of House Khash does
Astrogoth remain mobile, his solidifying body melded with arcane machinery.
House Khash holdings are centred in the North of the Chaos Dwarf Empire. They hold the fortress city of Uzkuluk,
through which they have garnered profitable trading relations with the Chaos worshipping tribes to the north, and
the Hobgobla Khans to the East. House Khash were the arbiters of the Sneaky Gitz tribe relocation to Gash Kadrak,
and thus hold tentative loyalty from these unreliable hobgoblins. Finally, and most importantly, House Khash hold
a controlling minority of districts within Zhar Naggrund and thus claim the greatest number of Sorcerers seated on
the Council of Hashut. They must however be vigilant, as a combination of opposed houses could overrule their
House Hargan
House Hargan is first and foremost the preeminent industrial power within the Chaos Dwarf Empire. It is through
House Hargans holdings in the east of the Empire that the finest quality iron is extracted, and it is in House Hargan
forges where the finest armour and weapons are made. With the ongoing rivalry between House Khash and House
Ashodar, House Hargan acts as a balancing force, purchasing vast quantities of Slaves from House Ashodar to fuel
labour for industry, but also exporting large quantities of raw materials to House Khash.
House Hargan maintains a large force of highly trained Chaos Dwarf Warriors. Overseeing the eastern extraction
operations in the Mountains of Mourn requires stalwart warriors to raid and repel the numerous nomadic tribes,
Green Skin, and Ogre incursions from the east. Those warriors that prove themselves may be admitted to the
Immortals, the signature force of House Hargan and the Chaos Dwarf Empire.
House Hargan is ruled by Khomenu, a middling Sorcerer but one who possesses great cunning and a strategic mind.
His twin brother, Mhartok, has ruled in Daemons Stump for the last 500 years, whilst a third kinsmen, Drazoath,
rules in the Black Fortress. Drazoath is driven by extreme ambition, a motivator that is hard to realize from the
distant Black Fortress. Recent rumblings in Zharr Naggrund seem to indicate that Drazoath is attempting to
emulate House Khash’s Chaos Dwarf Golems, inspired by the recent use of ‘daemon sorcery’ to construct the Hell
Cannons. Whether his so called ‘Kdai’ or his many other inventions, ever see the light of day, is doubtful.
Alongside it’s holdings in Daemons Stump and the Black Fortress, House Hargan has the third largest number of
Sorcerer Priests on the council of Hashut. These holdings give House Hargan control of the entire East, South East of
the Chaos Dwarf Empire, but most importantly, the lions share of control of mining extraction from the Mountains
of Mourn, the source of the best Iron in the Empire.
Recent breakthroughs have seen a peace treaty and trade agreement brokered between House Hargan and
Slavelord Braugh. Allowing House Hargan to refocus it’s efforts on routing out Greenskin and Black Orc tribes
from within the Mountains of Mourn.
House Ashodar
House Ashodar rules in the south and west of the Chaos Dwarf Empire. The seat of their power is the Tower of
Gorgoth, a vast fortress city built within the volcano Azgorh, second in size only to Zhar Naggrund. At one point ,
the mineral wealth of Gorgoth flowed throughout the empire making House Ashodar wealthy, in recent centuries,
the mines have begun to run dry, putting a strain on the ambitions o f House Ashodars leader, Ghorth the Cruel. A
second source of wealth, and now the primary source of wealth for House Ashodar, are the slave resources provided
by the abundant greenskin tribes that fill the western edge of the Darklands. House Ashodar raids these tribes and
further into the Worlds Edge Mountains relentlessly, funnelling countless slaves into the Chaos Dwarf Empire.
House Ashodar holds sway over the second largest portion of Sorcerers on the Council of Hashut, Ghorth’s right
hand man, Zhatan the Black, commands the Tower Of Zharr, the most imposing of the fortresses surrounding Zharr
Naggrund. House Ashodar also holds the settlement at the Gates of Zharr. However, none of these holdings provide
much in terms of mineral wealth, thus House Ashodar has begun to push further south in search of riches, founding
the settlement of Darkhold in the Ash Mountains.
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers rule over the desolate empire of Zharr- Naggrund
with iron-fisted malice, both as lords and masters of all they survey and as
priests of their dark god Hashut. Their lore is terrible and ancient, and
involves the study of machines, and the mastery of forge-craft, weapon
making and the terrible Chaos magics gifted to them by Hashut. Combined,
these create terrifying weapons and arcane devices of power and destruction.
When the dark legions of the Chaos Dwarfs march to war, often a senior
Sorcerer of one of the many Chaos Dwarf houses will accompany or lead the
army to battle, sometimes riding atop a huge and ancient winged
Lammasu, they soar about the battlefield blasting the enemies of the
Chaos Dwarfs into burning cinders and smoking ruin.
Sorcerer Lord* 3 4 3 4 5 3 1 1 10
Sorcerer Hero 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9
Special Rules
Resolute, Chaos Dwarf Superiority, May ride a Lammasu*.
Lord* 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10
Hero 3 6 4 4 4 2 3 3 10
Captain 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9
Warrior** 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Special Rules
Resolute, Chaos Dwarf Superiority, May ride a Great Taurus*,
Chaos Dwarfs can use blunderbusses. A unit with blunderbusses may move and fire in the same turn. When they
shoot they project a 'fire zone' the width of the unit and 12" straight forward. Any model within this is a potential
target and is hit on a 4 + . The only exceptions are models behind extremely substantial cover such as a hill or a
building. Models behind walls or in woods are hit as normal. Hits are resolved at S3 plus 1 per Chaos Dwarf extra rank
up to S5. Ranks count if at least 4 wide. A single character in the front rank will not effect the unit's fire.
Bull Centaurs are creatures with the upper torso of a Chaos Dwarf but the
body of a ferocious bull. Many centuries ago, when the Chaos Dwarfs were
twisted by Chaos, some of their race were transformed by the changeling
powers of Chaos into Bull Centaurs. Since those days the Bull Centaurs have
guarded the great statue of Hashut in the temple high atop the Tower of
Zharr-Naggrund. They are as keen-witted and intelligent as Chaos Dwarfs
and completely devoted to the worship of Hashut the Father of Darkness. The
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers trust them completely, and often entrust them with
complex or dangerous tasks. Although they are few in number, they are more
powerful than Chaos Dwarfs and much swifter in battle. Even though there
are mighty individuals amongst them, there are no sorcerers in their number.
The Captain of the Bull Centaurs is the warden of the entire city of Zharr-
Naggarund, and one of the most influential and powerful of all the lords of
the Chaos Dwarf Empire.
Bull Centaur Lord 8 6 3 5 5 3 5 5 9
Bull Centaur Hero 8 5 3 4 5 2 4 4 9
Bull Centaur Captain 8 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 9
Bull Centaur Warrior 8 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 9
Special Rules
Chaos Dwarf Superiority
Hobgoblins are a taller and meaner breed of Goblin. They have narrow eyes with
gaunt, scrawny faces and mouths full of pointy teeth, lending Hobgoblins a thin
and sneaky appearance. Hobgoblins are particularly notorious amongst other
greenskins for their unscrupulous treachery. In fact, such is their reputation
of backstabbing and double dealing that most tribes of Goblinoids will
have nothing to do with them. As a result, the bulk of Hobgoblin tribes
seek the protections of the Chaos Dwarfs of Zharr-Naggrund where
they are treated as privileged taskmasters and overseers of the other
Goblinoid thralls that slave in the infernal workshops of the Chaos
Dwarfs. Hobgoblins are tolerated more so than other goblinoids for
their actions in thwarting the Black Orc rebellion that nearly
overran Zharr Naggrund almost a millenia ago.
Hobgoblin Hero 4 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 7
Hobgoblin Captain 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6
Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6
Darklands Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3
Special Rules
Insignificant, Animosity
Alchemagi are the scientist-sorcerers of House Khash and
are greatly respected members of the Chaos Dwarf
society. The Alchemagi are the greatest scientists of the
Chaos Dwarf race. Their twisted inventions and war
machines are a foundation of the military power of the
Chaos Dwarfs. In battle the Alchemagi command the war
machine batteries where their great expertise allows them
to oversee their use. They also bring their own Greenskin
slaves to battle, mutated and twisted creatures that have
been forced to endure the cruelties of the scientists of
House Khash.
Alchemagi 3 5 4 4 5 2 3 2 10
Special Rules
Resolute, Chaos Dwarf Superiority, War Machine
Expertise, Slave Experiments.
Slave Experiments
The Alchemagi may choose one hobgoblin or slave regiment at the beginning of the battle. He will have
experimented on these unfortunate Greenskins. Roll a D6 and consult the chart below to determine the effect. This
roll cannot be modified for any reason. All models in the unit are affected, including the champion but excluding
any characters.
Roll Effect
1. Lunacy The minds of the Greenskins break due to the unspeakable treatment of the Alchemagi.
The unit becomes subject to stupidity as detailed in the Warhammer Rulebook.
2-3. Psychotic The Alchemagi has tormented the minds and the bodies of the Greenskins until they
Hatred become psychopathic and dangerous, ready to vent their anger on anybody that comes
in their way. The unit suffers from hatred as detailed in the Warhammer rulebook.
4-5. Toughened After their treatment of chemicals and spells the Greenskins are disfigured and
deformed beyond description. The unit causes fear. See Warhammer rulebook for details.
6. Frenzy! The unit becomes insanely violent. The Greenskin unit becomes subject to the rules of
frenzy. See Warhammer rulebook.
Immortal 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 1 9
Captain 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 2 9
Special Rules
Resolute, Chaos Dwarf Superiority,Unstoppable Assault.
Unstoppable Assault
The rank bonus of the Immortals is not negated by enemy charging in their flank or rear, though the usual +1/+2
bonus still applies. Being masters of the assault, the Immortals also ignore defended obstacles. Their opponents gain
no bonuses for defending a wall, rampart, or other obstacle.
House Ashodar sends relatively few warriors to battle, but
these fighters are fearsome indeed. They are known as the
Slavers, and the enemies of Zharr-Naggrund fear them more
than any other force in the Chaos Dwarf army.
Slavers go to war for one reason only: to capture greatest
possible number of new slaves. Slaves are important to all
Chaos Dwarfs, but House Ashodar is obsessed with keeping
the control of the Slave trade throughout the Empire of Zharr-
Slavers are very strong and extremely cruel. In battle they
wield heavy Chains and carry wickedly curved scimitars
which they use to hamstring the enemies so they can be
captured after the battle and dragged off to slavery.
Enslaver 3 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 9
Captain 3 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 9
Special Rules
Resolute, Chaos Dwarf Superiority
Hobgoblins are such an utterly evil and treacherous race that it is hard to
imagine a tribe of Hobgoblins whose double dealing and back stabbing is
renowned even amongst their own fickle kind, yet it exists. This tribe, the
Sneaky Gits as it is called, lives in the mountain clefts of Gash Kadrak to
the east of Zharr Naggrund. Here, in the legendary Vale of Woe,
thousands of slaves toil under the cruel lashes of their Hobgoblin
Sneaky Gits fight in battle with two long curving knives, ideally
suited to their back stabbing methods. In battle the Sneaky Gits
rely upon an envelopment tactic to catch their enemy off
guard. The front rank of the Sneaky Gits' formation keeps the
enemy busy while the rear ranks dash round the sides to attack
the enemy from the side or rear.
Sneaky Git 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6
Sneaky Git Boss 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6
Special Rules
Poisoned Attacks, Skirmishers
Goblins and Orcs live throughout the Darklands in various bands and tribes.
These groups have for millenia fed the unquenchable demand for slaves that
the Chaos Dwarf Empire requires. Of limited use for skilled craft, Chaos Dwarfs
are constantly looking for either superior slaves, or methods to improve lower
quality slaves effectiveness. Through years of selective breeding and the use of
evil magic Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers first created the Black Orc race in the foul
depths of Zharr-Naggrund. Far stronger and tougher than Orcs and Goblins,
Black Orcs were intended as a race of super slav es.
The experiment worked at first, but the Chaos Dwarfs soon realised that
although their creations were much tougher, they were far too independent-
minded to make good slaves. After several armed revolts when Black Orcs led
Orc and Goblin rebellions, ravaging parts of the tower of Zharr-Naggrund, the Chaos Dwarfs decided to drive them
from the city forever. With utter ruthlessness the Chaos Dwarfs purged the tower of their creations. Many Black Orcs
escaped the dire retribution of the Chaos Dwarfs, fleeing to the Mountains of Mourn and across the Dark Lands to
the Worlds Edge Mountains during the time of Sigmar. The Chaos Dwarfs destroyed most of the fleeing Black Orcs,
but some small tribes roam free.
Black Orcs have skin which is black or extremely dark green. They are bigger than normal Orcs and pride
themselves on being the best fighters of the Orc and Goblin races. They take war much more seriously than other
Orcs, and are usually better armoured and carry more, bigger, and better weapons..
Slave Goblin Special Rules M WS BS S T W I A LD
Animosity, Fear Elves Slave Goblin 3 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 9
Goblin Overseer 3 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 9
Ignore Greenskin Panic: Orcs of all types ignore panic tests for breaking and fleeing Goblin Units.
Big’Uns: Choose one unit of Orc Boys to upgrade to Big’Uns. A unit of Big’Uns may carry a magic standard worth
up to 50 points.
Choppa: An Orc warrior on foot armed with a single Choppa adds +1 to his strength in the first round of combat
when he charges. This bonus does not apply if a weapon is carried in each hand. The bonus armour save for using a
hand weapon and shield does not apply to an Orc wielding a Choppa.
Quell Animosity: Black Orcs do not test for Animosity. Furthermore, any unit which fails an Animosity test within
6” of Black Orcs will ignore the roll and must immediately roll again. A second failed roll will stand. Fleeing
Black Orcs cannot Quell Animosity.
Lacking any real skill compared to that of the Chaos Dwarfs, Hobgoblins build
clumsy devises and weapons, from wolf-pulled wagons to cruel devices
designed only for the purpose of inflicting pain and torture upon their
enemies. The Hobgoblins carelessly lash wood and iron together resulting in
crudely constructed contraptions, often lethal to both Hobgoblin and foe alike!
The most common war machine Hobgoblins construct is the potent bolt thrower -
a giant, lever-operated bow that fires huge bolts capable of penetrating deep
into ranked formations of troops, skewering masses of soldiers at once or even
dispatching a large beast in a single deadly shot.
Although crude and primitive compared to the arsenals of the Chaos Dwarfs,
Hobgoblin bolt throwers can provide effective ranged support…that is, if they
ever actually hit…
Bolt Thrower - - - - 7 3 - - -
Hobgoblin Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6
Special Rules
As bolt thrower, see the Warhammer Rulebook for details.
The Death Rocket is a fiendish invention of the Alchemagi. It consists of a tubular rocket packed full of chemical
propellant suthesised from the abundant raw materials of the Plain of Zharr. The Death Rocket carries an explosive
charge, but due to its unpredictable nature it does not always explode when the rocket lands. Sometimes, the rocket
will smasg into the ground and simply bury itself without exploding. On other occasions the rocket will hit the
ground and spin around madly before it fires off in a new direction. A rocket which goes wild in this way can
sometimes hop and skip across the battlefield, changing direction several times before it explodes.
Death Rocket - - - - 7 3 - - -
Chaos Dwarf Crew 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Special Rules
Death Rocket, Resolute, Chaos Dwarf Superiority
Death Rocket
• A death rocket is fired as a stone thrower, but may only
guess up to 48”.
• The cannon misfire table is used. If a misfire and a hit are
rolled, the rocket hits the ground where aimed then shoots off in a
random direction before exploding. Roll 4D6” for the distance the
rocket moves (in the direction of the arrow on the hit symbol), and
resolve the explosion there. It does no damage where it lands
The Earthshaker Cannon is a massive weapon of destruction and one of the most deadly weapons in the arsenal of
the Chaos Dwarfs. It fires a heavy shell full of powerful explosives. When the shell lands it smashes into the ground,
burying itself deeply before exploding, creating a devastating shock wave. As well as blowing its target apart, the
shockwaves of the explosion are so strong that nearby models are knocked to the ground. Troops close to the blast
will be far too shocked by the impact to fight, or even to move. All the can do is lie on the ground, dazed and confused,
until they recover their senses.
Special Rules Earthshaker - - - - 7 3 - - -
Chaos Dwarf Crew 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Earthshaker, Resolute, Chaos Dwarf Superiority
Treat the Earthshaker as a stone thrower in the rulebook with the following exceptions.
• You may only guess between 12” and 48” for range.
• Use the cannon misfire table.
• In addition to normal damage, roll 2D6” once you have worked out where the shell lands. Any troops within
this distance from the centre of the template move at half rate in their next turn and may not shoot missile
weapons. War machines caught in the area may only fire on a 4+.
Over a thousand years ago it was the will of Lord Khaddash of House Khash that his Sorcerers would create life from
unliving materials. They would create ultimate soldiers to serve the Chaos Dwarfs in their conquests. And so it was
that the great Alchemagi Mardukh created life from unlife, a horrific construction made from ruddy bronze and
brass, a great mechanical fighting machine made of Bronze. These constructs were named Golems, and they were the
jewels of the black genius of Mardukh.
Vaguely humanoid in shape, the Golems are frightening machines. Tubes pump corpse-fluids, and brass wiring
crackles with electrical charges. Powered by arcane machinery, the Golem lurches forward in a hideous parody of
nature, hissing steam pouring from the joints and exhaust pipes, causing cacophonic and terrifying noise. The heads
of Golems are ornately decorated, shaped to resemble either Chaos Dwarf, Great Taurus or the visage of Hashut the
Father of Darkness.
Golems are solidly built from molten bronze and iron, and even a direct hit from a Cannon is not likely to destroy it.
Golems have no mind, save the will of their Chaos Dwarf masters. Thus, they can be sent to perform missions that any
living creature would dread to undertake. For two long centuries Mardukh laboured in the pits of Zharr, creating
variants of Golems and improving his original design. But then the dreaded Sorcerer's curse settled in. His body
started to turn into stone.
Desperately the great Alchemagi tried to find a cure. But it was all in vain. First his feet and then his hands started
to turn to stone. Desperate, Mardukh started experimenting with magic to escape the curse. He summoned daemons,
sacrificed innumerable slaves and read forbidden spells. But all his efforts were in vain. His hands and feet turned to
stone, and finally he banished all his apprentices and locked himself inside his chambers. For three years Mardukh
remained in his laboratory until all believed he had perished, and broke down the door of the laboratory to remove
his body and place it in the temple of Hashut as is the custom of Chaos Dwarfs. Inside they found a Golem, a massive
mountain of Bronze and Iron, which became animated the moment the magically sealed doors were broken. It
crushed the horrified Chaos Dwarfs under its massive feet and lumbered out of
the fortress, slaying any it came across.
The gigantic Golem shambled to the east and was never seen again.
Only a pile of rubble was found in the workshop of Mardukh. The
Chaos Dwarfs believed that Mardukh had perished in some
horrifying accident in his research. The great Alchemagi was
never seen again. What happened to him, no-one knows. Many
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers speculate that he somehow transferred
his essence to the Golem, but equally many were certain that the
Great Alchemagi was dead.
Golems are very rare, for the secret of their making was lost with
Mardukh, and thus no new Golems have been built for several
decades. Many Sorcerers have tried to examine and copy Mardukh's
work, but always without success. Their attempts to dismantle and
study Golems have failed: and many have gone berserk, slaying the
knowledge-hungry Sorcerers and his servants before being hunted
down and destroyed by Chaos Dwarfs.
Golem 5 4 3 6 6 5 2 5 10
The Hellcannon may not declare charges. However, in the Compulsory Moves phase, roll 2D6. If the number rolled
is equal to or greater than the distance between the Hellcannon and the nearest enemy unit, the Hellcannon will
immediately charge into combat with that unit if possible.
The charged unit may react as usual – treat the number rolled on the 2D6 as both the Hellcannon’s maximum and
failed charge range. When the Hellcannon is rampaging or in combat it may only Spew Ichor in the Shooting phase.
It may never pursue.
Loss of Crew
If all crew are lost, the test for rampaging must be checked against all units, not just the enemy’s – it may therefore
charge friendly units. Furthermore, it will move the 2D6 result rolled towards the nearest unit even if it does not
make contact with it.
The Hellcannon has a range of 60", and fires in exactly the same manner as a stone thrower, with the exceptions
below. Because of its malign intellect, the first roll of the Scatter dice may be re-rolled each turn. Once the point of
impact has been resolved any unit that is not Immune to Psychology and would be hit by the Hellcannon may elect
to flee directly away from the Hellcannon before the hit is resolved.
Place the small template with the central hole over the point of impact. Anything under the template takes a S10
hit, suffering D6 wounds (D6+2 against buildings and castle sections). Determine partial hits by rolling a dice, on a
4+ the model is affected. Then place the large template with the central hole over the same point. Any unit (friend
or foe) with a model even partially under the large template must immediately pass a Leadership test or flee directly
away from the Hellcannon. This does not affect troops which are Immune to Psychology.
Spew Ichor
Instead of firing normally, the Hellcannon can opt to spew out a great gout of body parts and daemonic ichor. Place
the Flame template with the narrow end touching the Hellcannon’s maw and the large end aimed at the target.
Determine which models are hit as per a breath weapon, these take a Strength 6 hit. Any unit with a model even
partially under the template must take a Terror test.
On any roll of a Misfire, the Hellcannon does not fire as intended. Roll on the hellcannon misfire chart:
5 The Hellcannon’s arcane workings snarl and grind; it loses its Daemonic Aura and any other
ward saves for the rest of the battle.
6 The Hellcannon’s Chaotic energies go haywire, inflicting a wound on every magic user on
the battlefield with no Armour or Ward saves allowed.
The Chaos Dwarfs believe that the Lammasu is a rare mutation of the Great Taurus, a creature whose forbears were
once Chaos Dwarfs, but which has become twisted by the powers of Chaos into a huge bull-shaped monster. The
Lammasu's ancestry is evident in its tusked head, its thickly curled beard, and its considerable intelligence. It is a
creature with magical properties. It breathes not ordinary air but the power of magic itself, drawing into itself the
power of the Winds of Magic. As it exhales the creature breathes out whirling clouds of black sorcery which
wreathe themselves around the Lammasu, enwrapping
it with protective power by protecting it from hostile
spells. The Lammasu is the favourite mount of the
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers.
A Lammasu gives its rider +2 Dispel dice to dispel
each spell that affects themselves or the rider.
Lammasu 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 2 8
Special Rules
Large target, Terror, Fly, Magic Resistance (2)
The Great Taurus is a huge and terrifying monster with the body of a massive bull and membranous
wings like a dragon. These creatures are stabled in great pens beneath the Temple of Hashut, the
bull god of the Chaos Dwarfs. Powerful Chaos Dwarfs ride Great Tauruses into battle. The creature
burns with a terrific intensity, so that its whole body is wreathed in fire and smoke. Indeed, so angrily
and so hot does the Great Taurus' skin burn, that swords and axes become molten and blunt in the
very process of striking it. When it moves across the ground sparks
fly from its hooves and lightning plays about its feet. It breathes
fire in great snorting bursts and black smoke curls from its
gaping maw. The Chaos Dwarfs believe that the Great
Tauruses were once Chaos Dwarfs, and that they
were mutated by the warping power of Chaos into
living bull-furnaces like the statue of the god
Hashut himself. The Chaos Dwarfs sometimes
call the Great Tauruses the Red Bulls of Hashut.
A Great Taurus is immune to fire-based attacks,
has a 4+ armour save and breathes S3 fire.
Great Taurus 6 5 0 6 5 4 3 4 6
Special Rules
Large Target, Terror, Fly, Fire breath, Scaly Skin Save (4+), Immune to Fire..
The Dark Lands are a stark and cheerless place where nature has rent
the ground and burst the mountains apart. Amongst the peaks
volcanoes spew black smoke into the filthy sky. In the plains the
stench of tar pits and oil pools hangs heavily in the air. Steaming lava
from beneath the earth's crust covers the ash wastes with a blanket of
bubbling magma. It is bordered on both sides by the Worlds Edge
Mountains and the Mountains of Mourn. Almost nothing can grow in
the Dark Lands. The dim light and choking air combine to ensure that
the land remains devoid of vegetation, except for a few straggly black
thorns. The volcanoes and gaping pits bring up all kinds of minerals
and gems from beneath the earth: gold and silver, iron and copper,
diamonds and sapphires, as well as sulphur, oil and tar. It is a land rich
in the materials that Dwarfs especially covet.
The capital of the Chaos Dwarf empire rises above the Plain of Zharrduk like a mountain of black obsidian and dark
iron, dimly reflecting the lights of the many furnaces and forges. Zharr Naggrund is built like a ziggurat, with each
square-shaped step hundreds of feet high. Each step is surmounted by battlements cut to resemble the Chaos Dwarfs'
lower tusks. Four huge stone gateways, each barred by huge gates bound in the blackest iron, have been constructed
on the four sides of the bottom step. From the east and west gates, roads paved with slabs of gold and brass lead to
other parts of the Dark Lands, and to the Mountains of Mourn. The River Ruin enters Zharr Naggrund through the
north gate. Its cold waters cool the huge forges, power machinery, and flush away the refuse of industry and
inhabitants. When it leaves through the south gate, the steaming, thick water is a poisonous mixture of acids and
Countless furnaces burn within Zharr-Naggrund; the heat in the lower levels is nearly unbearable. Massive crucibles
pour molten metal into moulds to make parts for the machinery and weapons of destruction. The roaring of furnaces
and grinding of machinery fill the air day and night. The air inside the massive ziggurat is foul, even though the worst
of the fumes are channelled to the outside through shafts cut from the obsidian.
The succeeding step of the ziggurat houses an ascending level of Chaos Dwarf society. The third and fourth highest
steps are the sanctuary of the Sorcerer-Priests, open only to senior members of their house and their most trusted
servants. The lower levels hold the bulk of the houses population. The Hobgoblin overseers also reside in the lower
levels, but closer to the workshops, forges and slave pens. This ensures that the Hobgoblins can respond quickly to
any trouble. It also places them between the slaves and their Chaos Dwarf masters in the event of a slave revolt.
Huge doors, guarded by massive Bull Centaurs, bar entry to the uppermost tiers. A separate passageway, with
heavily-guarded doors, bypasses these tiers and leads to the very top of Zharr-Naggrund, and the Great Temple of
Astragoth is the current High Priest of Hashut and ruler of House Khash, the most powerful house in Zharr-
Naggrund. However, his days are numbered as creeping petrifaction has already taken his legs, and his hands are
beginning to lose their mobility. Waiting for the approaching day when he becomes the new High Priest, Ghorth the
Cruel is attempting to assume a number of Astragoth's ceremonial duties. Ghorth's formidable power has led to the
instalment of one of his sons as Exalted Marshal of Zharr Naggrund. Zhatan the Black is the cruellest and most
bloodthirsty of the Chaos Dwarf generals.
The mines of Zharr-Naggrund honeycomb the land beneath and around the Obsidian City. Though heavily
polluted, the Plains of Zharrduk are rich with mineral deposits, gemstones, and metal ores. These mines are filled with
thousands of slaves of all races who toil until death in the inky darkness.
Deep within the remains of the long extinct volcano Azgorh, the Chaos Dwares found there to be vast seams of
precious minerals. Untold numbers of slaves have been brought here over the centuries and the mines have
developed into an extensive network, as well as a number of hellish furnaces. As the seams get deeper, they require
increasing numbers of slaves to dig and numerous slave trading houses have set up permanent residence within the
Tower of Gorgoth itself. Of the original mining colonies, the greatest was the Tower of Gorgoth, a black poisoned
dagger sunk deep into the infertile earth of the south. Although its resources are now almost depleted, Gorgoth still
operates as a slave labour camp, the largest of its kind, where many of those captured by the Chaos Dwarfs can expect
to end their days.
The Tower of Gorgoth perches on the northern edge of the plateau of Zorn Mizpal in the southern Dark Lands. The
region is a dark, gloomy place. The skies are filled with ash from the numerous active volcanoes. The plateau is rich
in ore and gemstones, and riddled with Chaos Dwarf mines.
The second largest Chaos Dwarf settlement, Gorgoth is only a fraction of the size of Zharr-Naggrund. Its ruler is the
Sorcerer Priest Keros of House Ashodar. Keros is second in seniority only to Ghorth within House Ashodar, and is
responsible for ensuring a steady stream of tribute (mostly slaves) from the wild Orc and Goblin tribes of the Wolf
Lands (Varagazan), as well as securing the south-western frontier of the Chaos Dwarf empire.
Gorgoth is a huge factory. Enormous furnaces and numerous forges provide the only light in this dismal landscape.
The area is almost as heavily polluted as that around Zharr-Naggrund itself. Gorgoth comprises a central spire of
obsidian about 150 feet tall, surrounded by four smaller towers of dark grey stone. The citadel's temple to Hashut is
at the top of the spire. The entire complex is surrounded by a massive fifty foot wall, with a single gate opening to the
world beyond. Bas reliefs of Lammasus wearing the characteristic hats of the Chaos Dwarfs flank the gate. This is the
last sight of the outside world that most captives ever see.
The Gates of Zharr are built on the highway midway between Zharr-Naggrund and Gorgoth. Their structure is
simply a large archway flanked by several towers of black grey basalt. The Gates mark the southern boundary of the
Chaos Dwarf empire proper. Beyond it lies the frontier, where the Chaos Dwarfs' control is continually contested by
the wild Orc and Goblin tribes.
Most of the Chaos Dwarfs and Hobgoblins stationed at this outpost reside in underground chambers; only their
superiors lodge above ground. General Dariek of House Ashodar is the commander of the outpost, overseen by
Montaz, the sorcerous liaison to Zharr Naggrund. Patrols of Chaos Dwarfs and Hobgoblins sweep the Blasted Wastes
to the west and the highway to the south for raiding bands of greenskins, and for any other potential slaves.
The Gates of Zharr have no mines, forges or furnaces, and as a consequence the area is less polluted than any other
Chaos Dwarf settlement. Still, this region of the Dark Lands is relatively uninhabitable for all but the most
determined and thorny plants. Periodic windstorms blow clouds of dust and pollutants from the north, leaving the
region desolate. Food and drink is brought from the Chaos Dwarf capital, or obtained through trade with a few allied
Orc and Goblin tribes.
Uzkulak, the Place of the Skull, is the northernmost stronghold in the Chaos Dwarf empire, which sits at the opening
of the tunnel beneath Zorn Uzkul that connects the River Ruin to the Sea of Chaos. As a port to the north, Uzkulak is
a central location for the gathering of the Chaos Dwarf fleet when they ply the seas for slaves. Its proximity to The
High Pass and the Road of Skulls also makes it a convenient stronghold for forces raiding into Kislev.
Sorcerer-Priest Zargon of House Khash has been the Lord of Uzkulak for over a hundred years. In his hands lies the
security of the northern gate to Zharr-Naggrund and the Chaos Dwarf empire. Uzkulak is connected to the plains of
Zharrduk and the River Ruin by a Chaos Dwarf excavated underground canal system called "Skullfire Way"
The mines around Uzkulak are few. The region, called the Great Skull Land (Zorn Uzkul) is a vast, inhospitable,
mineral-poor plateau where the cold air is thin and vegetation is scarce. The little vegetation that still exists has been
mutated by the warpdust that occasionally blows in from the Wastes.
Downriver from Zharr-Naggrund, the Daemon's Stump marks the eastern boundary of the Chaos Dwarf empire. The
citadel sits atop the lonely rock outcrop from which it takes its name. Across the polluted river lie the Mountains of
Mourn, home to the hostile Orc and Goblin tribes and the Ogre Kingdoms. Foremost among the greenskins are the
descendants of the Black Ore slaves that escaped Zharr-Naggrund over 2,500 years ago.
Sorcerer-Priest Mhartok of house Hargan rules in Daemon’s Stump, second in seniority only to his twin brother,
Khomenu, leader of House Hargan. Mhartok has maintained the peace in the region for the past five hundred years,
through rigorous patrols of the river ruin and preemptive slave raids into the Mountains of Mourn. Mhartok is one of
the more powerful of the Sorcerer-Priests, but must remain at his post. His older twin, Khomenu, rules house Hargan
from their holdings in Zhar Naggrund. Khomenu has demonstrated an uncanny ability to survive even though he is
the less powerful of the two. Only Mhartok's deference towards his elder restrains him from doing anything to hasten
Khomenu's demise.
The citadel of Daemon's Stump is constructed from the black iron found in the foothills ofthe Mountains of Mourn.
The Chaos Dwarfs use the same metal to forge their weapons and armour. Legions of slaves toil under Hobgoblin
overseers in the rugged foothills. Most of these slaves are Humans or Dwarfs and this limits any potential rebellion,
as the only escape route is deeper into the Orc and Ogre infested mountains.
The Black Fortress lies south of the Daemon's Stump on the banks of the River Ruin. Like Gorgoth to the west, the
Black Fortress marks the southern frontier. The obelisk across the river, called the Flayed Rock, delineates the extent
of Chaos Dwarf influence and serves as a warning to possible intruders. The Fortress and Rock are both constructed
of obsidian and basalt. The River Ruin is marginally less polluted here than at any point since it passed through
Zharr-Naggrund. Most of the heavier toxins have already seeped into the ground by this point. South of the Flayed
Rock, the River Andun emerges from the east and mingles its clean water with the polluted and sluggish River Ruin.
This mixing dilutes the remaining poisons, and the lower River Ruin flows more freely to the sea.
The Black Fortress is the smallest of all Chaos Dwarf settlements. Few, if any, threats to the Chaos Dwarf empire pass
through this way, especially given the good relations House Hargan enjoys with the neigbouring Ogre Tyrants. This
situation suits Drazoath, the incumbent Sorcerer-Priest, perfectly. Single mindedly driven to recreate the Golems of
House Khash, he can safely pursue his experiments outside of the watchful gaze
of House Khash spies, and the ever prying Council of Hashut.
Other than providing supplies of obsidian and basalt, the mines at
Black Fortress are rather marginal. The small amount of wealth they
produce is just enough to keep the remote outpost viable and
supplied. The surrounding land is so desolate that even the Orcs
and Goblins from the nearby Mountains of Mourn shun it.
BLASTED WASTES - The parched lands of the Blasted Wastes are a great desert that supports very little life. The
powerful winds that cross this land have long since destroyed the fragile ecosystems that once existed here. Scattered
tribes of nomadic goblins live in valleys and hills; ambushing caravans and attacking other tribes to survive. Sand
storms and the burning sun will force many traveling parties to fight for the shelter of caves, and access to water holes.
One of the most notorious inhabitants of the Blasted Wastes was Grimgor Ironhide and his elite Black Orcs, Da
DESOLATION OF AZGORH - In an age before the race of dwarfs had even known of the Dark Lands, the ancient
volcano Azgorh erupted with such force that it blew itself apart. Never before had such devastating force been
known by mortals. The ash cloud blowing south was seen as far away as Khemri, and the sound of the explosion was
recorded by elves in what is now Bretonnia. The colossal forces unleashed on the lands between the Ash Ridge
Mountains and what would later be the Mines of Gorgoth rent the ground asunder from earthquakes and pyroclastic
flows. This carved the landscape into a labyrinth of razor sharp rocks and vents of toxic steam, where no creatures or
plants will live. Only the most foolhardy adventurers would seek to travel through these lands in search of precious
minerals. The Desolation of Azgorh is also known for its sulphur pits.
GASH KADRAK - Gash Kadrak, the Vale of Woe, is a large cleft in the northern Mountains of Mourn to the east of
the Plain of Zharr that is inhabited chiefly by the Sneaky Git Hobgoblin tribe and numerous slaves of the Chaos
Dwarfs, who are overseen by these cruel Hobgoblins. It is tentatively under the control of House Khash.
GNOBLAR COUNTRY - A hilly country north of Pigbarter, relatively fecund, and once teeming with warrens of
Gnoblars and Hill Goblins, until predations from slave raids, arrowhawks, and the Pigbarter townsfolk's javelin-sport
of Runtspike severely reduced the native population.
HOWLING WASTES - These bleak plains are forever plagued by a thin, devil-spawned wind that whips across the
blighted landscape and pulls at one's clothes and hair like the grasping fingers of mean-spirited children. Upon the
wind are carried voices, horrible voices that whenever the wind picks up rise into a wailing clamour like the protests
of the damned. Since the disastrous test of the Hammer of Hashut, the Howling Wastes also serve as a test area for
the Chaos Dwarf Death Rockets, due to its distance from Chaos Dwarf settlements. These desolate plains are plagued
by near-constant gale force winds that shriek and scream across the blasted heath.
PLAIN OF ZHARR - Also called the Plain of Zharrduk, it is the great mineral rich meteor crater that is the main
population area of the Chaos Dwarfs. It houses their capital city, Zharr-Naggrund and also much of their industrial
projects. The Plain is choked with pits of molten tar, rivers of burning oil, massive stockpiles of coal and other
effluence of industry, pock-marked with countless pits and mines and home to many thousands of workshops and
factories. Nothing is able to grow there, but despite this the Chaos Dwarfs remain in their ruined homeland because
of its near-inexhaustible mineral wealth. Only one watercourse passes through the Plain of Zharr, the polluted River
Ruin which enters from the mountains to the north and leaves choked with filth and waste.
PLAIN OF BONES - The Plain of Bones is an ancient dragon graveyard in the southwest.
SCALDED DELTA - The delta of the River Ruin as it pours into the Sea of Dread. The swamp smells strongly of
sulphur and the waters are heated near boiling - possibly a result of the volcanic activity of the region, possibly due
to some industrial pollution from the Chaos Dwarfs to the north.
WOLF LANDS - Amidst the barren lands and wind carved rocks south of the Barren Wastes are the Wolf Lands,
populated by the vicious breeds of wolf that give this area its name. The constant struggle for survival has long since
killed off the weaker breeds of creatures, and only the strongest and fiercest exist. The hunting packs of wolves stalk
the lands around Crookback Mountain and Mt. Grey Hag in search of prey, and are a continual source of danger to
any who will travel unprotected in these lands.
ZORN UZKUL - Zorn Uzkul, the Great Skull Land is a vast plateau lying to the north of the Plain of Zharr. It is said
to be extremely inhospitable, consisting only of barren rock as far as the eye can see and with thin, cold air. It was the
sight of this desolate land that caused most of the migrating Dwarfs to turn south and retreat from the region, leaving
their more adventurous kin to explore and later become the ancestors of the modern Chaos Dwarfs. In recent history,
it was briefly home to the horde of Grimgor Ironhide, who crossed the Worlds Edge Mountains in search of a greater
challenge. While there he and his warriors fought against the Kurgan tribe known as the Yusak and became a target
for marauder warbands of all descriptions who sought to prove themselves against the "Green Daemon". It wasn't
until Archaon's assault on the Empire that Grimgor left these lands, returning to the Old World to take part in the
Storm of Chaos. Zorn Uzkul is named for the bones of great beasts that come to the desolate region to die. These bones
carpet the plateau, forming towering mounds of ivory.
CROOKBACK MOUNTAIN - The largest Skaven stronghold in the Dark Lands, Crookback Mountain is the
stronghold of Clan Rictus, which is known for the large number of Stormvermin it breeds. Originally a Goblin hold,
Crookback Mountain was conquered by Clan Rictus around the time of Sigmar. The Skaven mine iron and copper
at Crookback Mountain and mount slaving operations against the Goblins of Mt. Grey Hag and Mt. Grimfang. The
Skaven also mount expeditions across the surface of the Dark Lands to retrieve warpstone meteorites, but they face
Orcs, Goblin Wolf Riders, and Chaos Dwarf slavers. Other Skaven clans must pay a toll to Clan Rictus to pass
through Crookback Mountain, in and out of the Dark Lands.
MOUNT GUNBAD - Former Dwarf hold, its rich mines now under the control of Night Goblins.
PIGBARTER - A trading settlement where the Spice Route meets the River Ruin, shrouded by the acrid yellow fug
produced by that poisoned stream. The ground level is a ramshackle shantytown occupied by Goblins and Gnoblars,
market stalls crowd the small, crooked streets where boars rut openly. Human houses are raised up on wormwood,
centipede and louse-ridden stilts above, their rims and supporting beams studded with nails and sharpened glass to
keep the Greenskins out. Traders use large eagle owls to protect their goods during the night, and any Goblins caught
thieving are staked to the roofs of the stilt-houses as a treat for the huge birds. During the day the town is a busy
marketplace, and pig-jousting is a favoured form of entertainment.
THE SENTINELS - A pair of gigantic standing stones and a trading post, just west of the River Ruin, along the Ivory
Road. It is the last place before crossing the River Ruin that traders can buy Rhinoxen and provisions before reaching
the Ogre Kingdoms. The trading post has been hollowed out from the smaller standing stones and rocks that surround
the base of the Sentinels. Horses, mules, and rhinoxen are kept in rough paddocks, tied to the stones by great iron
rings. Ogre mercenaries and Gnoblars can also be bought.
FORTRESS OF VORAG - The Fortress of Vorag was built by the Ghoul King Vorag Bloodytooth, with the aid of
enslaved Chaos Dwarfs and Goblins, only for it to later fall into ruin when Vorag was destroyed.
RIVER RUIN - The great waterway of the Dark Lands, the River Ruin is fed by the streams and rivers of the
Mountains of Mourn. In the north, it is connected to the Sea of Chaos by a great underground canal carved from the
Falls of Doom to Uzkulak; in the south it empties through the Scalded Delta to the Sea of Dread. As the river passes
Zharr Naggrund, it is polluted with all manner of toxic and industrial wastes, effluence, scrap metals and the bodies
of slaves. These pollutants have long since killed off any life that could exist in the river itself, and very few creatures
will now live along the river banks. At very few places can the river be safely crossed, this makes it an ideal natural
defence against all the denizens who populate the Mountains of Mourn and the lands beyond. The great caravans
from the East will usually use the Ivory Ford or the docks at Pigbarter to cross the river.
The purpose of an army list is to enable players with ARMY LIST ORGANISATION
vastly different armies to stage games which are as The army list is divided into four sections:
fair and as evenly balanced as it is possible to make
them. The army list gives each individual model a CHARACTERS
points value which represents its capabilities on the Characters represent the most able, skilled and
tabletop. The higher a model's points value the better successful individuals in your army: extraordinary
it is in one or more respects: stronger, tougher, faster, leaders such as Heroes and Wizards. These form a
better leadership, and so on. The value of the army is vital and potent part of your forces.
simply the value of all the models added together.
As well as providing points costs, the list also divides
Core Units represent the most common warriors. They
the army into its constituent units. The list describes
usually form the bulk of the army and will often bear
the weapons and optional equipment that troops can
the brunt of the fighting.
have and occasionally restricts the number of very
powerful units an army can include. It would be very SPECIAL UNITS
silly indeed if an army were to consist entirely of Earth Special Units are the best of your warriors and include
Shakers or Golems. The resultant game would be a common engines of war. They are available to your
frustrating and unbalanced affair if not a complete army in limited numbers.
waste of time, We employ army lists to ensure that this
does not happen! RARE UNITS
Rare Units are so called because they are scarce
HOW THE ARMY LIST IS INTENDED compared to your ordinary troops. They represent
TO BE USED unique units, uncommon creatures and unusual
The army lists enable two players to choose armies of machines.
equal points value to fight a battle, as described in the
main body of the Warhammer rules. The following list CHOOSING AN ARMY
has been constructed with this purpose in mind. Both players choose armies to the same agreed points
value. Most players find that 2,000 points is about
The list can also be used when playing specific right for a battle that will last over an evening•
scenarios, either those described in the Warhammer Whatever value you agree, this is the maximum
rulebook, or others, including ones invented by the number of points you can spend on your army. You can
players. In this case, the list provides a framework spend less and will probably find it is impossible to use
which the players can adapt as required. It might, for up every last point. Most 2,000 points armies will
example, be felt necessary to increase or decrease therefore be something like 1,998 or 1,999 points, but
the number of characters or units allowed, or to they are still '2,000' points armies for our purposes
restrict or remove options in the standard list such as
magic items or monstrous mounts. If you refer to Once you have decided on a total points value it is
the Scenarios section of the Warhammer rulebook time to choose your force.
(p. 196-213), you'll find some examples of this kind
Choosing Characters Unit Sizes. Each entry specifies the minimum size for each
unit. In the case of Core Units this is usually 10 models. In
Characters are divided into two broad categories: Lords the case of other units it is usually less. There are
(the most powerful characters) and Heroes (the rest). The exceptions as you will see. In some cases, units also have a
maximum number of characters an army can include is maximum size.
shown on the chart below.
Weapons and Armour. Each entry lists the
Army Max.Total Max. Lords Max.
Characters Heroes standard weapons and armour for that unit type. The
Less than 2,000 3 0 3 value of these items is included in the points value.
Additional or optional weapons and armour cost extra
2,000 or more 4 1 4
and are covered in the Options section of the unit entry.
3,000 or more 6 2 6
4,000 or more 8 3 8 Options. Lists the different weapon, armour and
Each + 1,000 +2 +1 +2 equipment options for the unit and any additional points
cost for taking them. It may also include the option to
An army does not have to include the maximum number upgrade a unit member into a Champion. While this
of characters allowed, it can always include fewer than model usually has a specific name (the Champion of a
indicated. However, an army must always include at Halberdier unit is called a Sergeant, for example) all
least one character: the General. An army does not have the rules that apply to Champions apply to them. See
to include lords, it can include all of its characters as the appropriate section of the Warhammer Rulebook
Heroes if you prefer. At the beginning of the battle, choose for details (pages 108-109).
one of the characters to be the General and make sure that Special Rules. Many troops have special rules which are
you let your opponent know which one it is. fully described elsewhere in this book. These rules are
For example, a 2,500 points army could include an also summarised for your convenience in the army list.
Sorcerer Lord, Sorcerer Hero, a Chaos Dwarf Hero, and an It would be a long and tedious business to repeat all the
Hobgoblin Hero (ie, four characters in total, of which one is special rules for every unit within the army list itself. The
a Lord). army list is intended primarily as a tool for choosing
armies rather than for presenting game rules. Wherever
Choosing Troops possible we have indicated where special rules apply
Troops are divided into Core, Special and Rare units. The and, where space permits, we have provided notes
number of each type of unit available depends on the within the list as 'memory joggers'. Bear in mind that
army's points value, indicated on the chart below. these descriptions are not necessarily exhaustive or
Army Core Special Rare Units definitive and players should refer to the main rules for a
Units Units full account.
Less than 2,000 2+ 0-3 0-1
2,000 or more 3+ 0-4 0-2 Dogs of War
3,000 or more 4+ 0-5 0-3 Dogs of War are troops of other races who are prepared
to fight under your flag in return for money, food, or some
4,000 or more 5+ 0-6 0-4
other suitable reward. A selection of such regiments are
Each + 1,000 +1 +0-1 +0-1
available as part of the Dogs of War range of models. The
option to include Dogs of War units is included in the
In some cases other limitations may apply to a particular army list as part of the Rare Troops section.
kind of unit. This is specified in the unit entry. For example,
the Immortals Core Unit entry is accompanied by a note Some players prefer to play without Dogs of War -•
explaining that a maximum of one unit of this kind can be choosing to field armies of pure and noble purpose
included in the army. unsullied by grubby financial transactions. If both
players prefer to field armies without Dogs of War, they
Unit Entries are free to agree beforehand not to employ untrustworthy
Each unit is represented by an entry in the army list. The sel-swords.
unit's name is given and any limitations that apply are
explained. Conversely, if players wish to add more colour and variety
Profiles. The characteristic profiles for the troops in each to their armies then they may wish to employ more of
unit are given in the unit entry. Where several profiles are these spectacular units. If both players agree beforehand,
required, these are also given even if, as in many cases, they Dogs of War units can be included as Special Unit
are optional. choices as well as Rare ones.
In this section the common magic items are listed first (see page 154 of the Warhammer rulebook for a complete
description). They are followed by a list of ‘Chaos Dwarf only’ magic items. These items can only be used by models
from this book and must be selected within the points limitations set by the army list section. Note that all the rules
on magic items presented on page 152-153 of the Warhammer rulebook also apply to ‘Chaos Dwarf only’ items.
The blunderbuss is a powerful but short range gunpowder weapon wielded by Chaos Dwarf warriors. Full
rules for firing the Blunderbuss are covered on Page 21.
You may choose to roll a D3 at the start of either
player's Magic phase. Remove this many dice from
both player's magic pools.
Resolute: Chaos Dwarfs only flee or pursue 2D6-1" instead of the normal 2D6".
Animosity: Roll at the end of the Start of your turn for each unit of Hobgoblins, Slaves and Sneaky Gits. On a
2-6 they are OK and do what you want, on a 1 they squabble amongst themselves and do nothing this
Chaos Dwarf Superiority: Chaos Dwarfs and Bull Centaurs ignore panic tests for breaking and fleeing
Orc, Goblin and Slave units of all types.
Ignore Goblin Panic: Orcs of all types ignore panic tests for breaking and fleeing Goblin units of all types.
Insignificant: All troops ignore panic tests for breaking and fleeing Hobgoblin units except other
Hobgoblins. Hobgoblins also do not count towards the core unit count of Chaos Dwarf armies.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Sorcerer Lord 3 4 3 4 5 3 1 1 10 190
Lammasu 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 2 8 200
Special rules: Resolute; Chaos Dwarf Superiority; War Machine Expertise (Pg. A Battle Standard Bearer
23); Slave Experiments (Pg. 23) may not be your army
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Chaos Dwarf Hero 3 6 4 4 4 2 3 3 10 60
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Hobgoblin Hero 4 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 7 40
Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 12
• May have an additional hand weapon (+4 pts) or Great weapon (+4 pts).
• May have light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) and/or a shield (+2 pts).
• May ride a Wolf (+12 pts)
• May choose magic items from the common, or Chaos Dwarf magic items list, with a maximum total value of
50 pts.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Warrior 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 9
Warrior Captain 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 +10
Unit Size: 10+
Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, heavy armour and shield.
• May either have a Great axe (+2 pts/model) or replace their shield with a blunderbuss (+3 pts/model) .
• Upgrade one warrior to a Musician for +5 pts.
• Upgrade to Standard Bearer for +10 pts.
• Upgrade one warrior to a Captain for +10 pts.
Special rules: Resolute; Chaos Dwarf Superiority; Blunderbuss (Pg. 21)
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Immortal 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 1 9 14
Captain 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 2 9 +12
Unit Size: 10+
Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon, chaos armour and shield.
• Upgrade one Immortal to a Musician for +6 pts.
• Upgrade one Immortal to a Standard Bearer for +12 pts.
• Upgrade one Immortal to a Captain for +12 pts.
• A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 pts.
Special rules: Unstoppable Assault (Pg. 24); Resolute; Chaos Dwarf Superiority
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 2
Hobgoblin Captain 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 +8
Unit Size: 10+
Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon.
• May have bow (+3 pts).
• May have light armour (+1 pt) and shield ( + 1 pt).
• Upgrade to a Musician for +4 pts.
• Upgrade one Hobgoblin to a Standard Bearer for +8 pts.
• Upgrade one Hobgoblin to a Captain for +8 pts.
Special rules: Insignificant; Animosity;
Hobgoblins are insignificant to Chaos Dwarves and thus do not count towards the core army requirement.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Slave Goblin 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 2
Goblin Overseer 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 +8
• Any unit may either be equipped with spears for +1 pt/models, or may exchange their shields for short bows
for +1 pt/model.
• Any unit may have light armour for +1 pt/model.
• Upgrade one Slave to a Musician for +4 pts.
• Upgrade one Slave to Standard Bearer for +8 pts.
• Upgrade one Slave to an Overseer for +8 pts.
Special rules: Animosity; Fear Elves
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Slave Orc 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 5
Slave Orc Big-Un 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 7 +2
Orc Overseer 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 7 +13
Unit Size: 10+
Weapons & Armour: Choppa & light armour.
• Any unit may be equipped with one of the following: additional hand weapon (+2 pts/model); spear (+2
pts/model); shields (+1 pt/model).
• May upgrade the unit to arrer boyz for +2 pts (bow with choppa) or +3 pts (bow, choppa, light armour).
• Upgrade one unit of Orc Slaves to Big’Un Slaves for +2 pts/model.
• Upgrade one Orc to a Musician for +5 pts.
• Upgrade one Orc to Standard Bearer for +10 pts.
• Upgrade one Orc to an Orc Overseer for +13 pts.
Special rules: Ignore Greenskin Panic; Animosity; Choppa; Big’Uns (Pg. 26)
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Slave Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 10
Black Orc Overseer 4 5 3 5 4 1 2 2 8 +15
Unit Size: 10+
Weapons & Armour: Choppa & heavy armour.
• The unit may be equipped with one of the following weapons: Additional hand weapon (+2pts/model),
great axe (+2 pts/model).
• The unit may be equipped with shield for +1 pt/model.
• Upgrade one Black Orc to a Musician for +6 pts.
• Upgrade one Black Orc to a Standard Bearer for +12 pts.
• Promote one Black Orc to a Black Orc Overseer for +15 pts.
• The Standard Bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 pts.
Special rules: Ignore Greenskin panic; Quell Animosity; Choppa (Pg. 26)
Unit Size: 1 war machine with 2 Hobgoblin crew. You may take up to 2 Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers as a single Special
Weapons & Armour: Hand weapon.
Special rules: As bolt thrower. See the Warhammer Rulebook for details.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Death Rocket - - - - 7 3 - - - 80
Chaos Dwarf Crew 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 -
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Sneaky Git 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 5
Sneaky Git Captain 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 +10
Unit Size: 10+
Weapons & Armour: Two hand weapon.
• May become scouts (+2 pts/model)
• Upgrade one warrior to a Musician for +10 pts.
• Upgrade one warrior to a Standard Bearer for +10 pts.
• Upgrade one warrior to a Captain for +10 pts.
Special rules: Poisoned Attacks, Skirmishers.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Bull Centaur 8 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 9 20
Bull Centaur Captain 8 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 9 +15
• May swap Great Axe for additional hand weapon for free.
• May Upgrade light armour to heavy armour (+1pt/model)
• Upgrade one warrior to a Musician for +15 pts.
• Upgrade one warrior to a Standard Bearer for +15 pts.
• Upgrade one warrior to a Captain for +15 pts.
Special rules: Chaos Dwarf Superiority
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Earthshaker - - - - 7 3 - - - 110
Chaos Dwarf Crew 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 -
Unit Size: 1
Weapons & Armour: Golem fists.
• May take Golem Upgrades.
Special rules: Terror, Artificial, Metal Body, Crush, Destroyed Golem, Golem Upgrades (Pg. 30)
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Hellcannon - 4 4 6 7 6 1 4 9 270
Chaos Dwarf 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 -
Zhatan the black may be taken as a Lord choice in a Chaos Dwarf Army.
Zhatan the Black wears heavy armour and wields a warhammer. He may ride a Great Taurus or a Lammasu. Such
is his stature amongst his kind and such is the power of his master Ghorth the Cruel of House Ashodar, that he can
carry up to 100 pts of magical items.
Acts of the most cruel and heartless nature are everyday occurrences in the Plain of Zharrduk. Thousands of slaves
endure unimaginable agonies in the pits of Zharr, mining out the poisonous wealth amidst choking fumes and
impenetrable darkness. In the workshops of Zharr-Naggrund untold slaves are worked to death in their chains so
that their masters can enjoy a lifetime of ease. The Hobgoblin overseers in the Vale of Woe beat their pitiful
charges so that their flesh hangs from their backs like bloodied rags. Even amongst such wanton cruelty there is one
whose deeds of brutality are remarkable: Zhatan the Black, Commander of the Tower of Zharr.
Zhatan serves the Sorcerer-Prophet Ghorth the Cruel, most potent of all living Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers. It is said
that when Ghorth presides over the sacrifices of Hashut the only sound louder than the screams of his victims is the
gloating laughter of Zhatan, his general. Zhatan is kept busy by his master's insatiable demand for fresh slaves. The
Chaos Dwarf has led many successful slaving expeditions to the west, crushing every Orc army that has dared to
stand up to him. All the Goblin tribes between the Plains of Zharrduk and Mount Grimfang have bowed before his
armies, sending thousands of their kind in tribute to the Lords of Zharr-Naggrund. The workshops and mines of
Ghorth can scarcely keep pace with Zhatan's demand for weaponry. Every expedition he undertakes brings further
slaves whose labours fuel fresh conquests.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Zhatan The Black 3 8 6 4 5 4 6 4 10 160
Lord Astragoth may be taken as a Lord choice in a Chaos Dwarf army.
He is encased within a machine that enables him to walk and powers his petrified limbs, besides giving him
additional protection from attacks. Its steam-driven pistons, which have replaced Astragoth's muscles and sinews,
allow him to strike his enemies with mechanical force.
For over two and a half millennia Astrogoth has led House Khash, and is the most senior Sorcerer in the Coven of
Sorcerers that governs the Chaos Dwarf Empire. During that time he has had to guide his race through countless
dangers that threaten them with extermination. Little would he have guessed all those lifetimes ago, when he rose
to lead the Coven as an ambitious High Priest, the direction Hashut had planned for him.
Astragoth is the oldest living Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer. When he was at the height of his powers he was the most
potent sorcerer to walk the Plain of Zharr in a thousand years. Now his powers have begun to wane. His body is
slowly succumbing to petrifaction. A decade ago he constructed a mechanical device by which he is transported
from place to place. His legs have long ceased to work and even his hands have now turned to stone. To an extent
these have been replaced by the machinery grafted to his body. This engine was constructed by his slaves to plans
created by Astragoth himself, and combines the undoubted skills of the Chaos Dwarf race with twisted dark
science.His legs have long ceased to work and even his hands have now turned to stone. To an extent these have
been replaced by the machinery grafted to his body. This engine was constructed by his slaves to plans created by
Astragoth himself, and combines the undoubted skills of the Chaos Dwarf race with twisted dark science.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Astragoth 6 6 3 5 5 4 5 3 10 350
Weapons: Steam driven hand weapons, Mechanical Body (3+ armour save) cannot march or charge more than 6”.
Magic: Astragoth is a level 4 wizard, and may use the lore of Fire, Metal, Shadow or Death from the Warhammer
• May choose magic items from the common or Chaos Dwarf magic items
list to a maximum total of 100 pts.
Special rules: Chaos Dwarf Superiority, Death Blow, Mechanical Body.
Amongst the Chaos Dwarfs, Rykarth is among the greatest of his kind. He has led the Immortals of House Hargan for
centuries. His army never requires a standard bearer, for his presence alone is enough to bolster the resolve of his
Rykarth is known for his toughness and courage, which sets him apart from other Chaos Dwarfs. In a race of stout-
hearted and disciplined warriors, Rykarth is viewed as a paragon of Chaos Dwarfen toughness, resolve, and cunning.
He has faced many powerful foes and has triumphed every time. Rykarth himself was present in the forges of Zharr-
Naggrund when Archaon signed a deal for the creation and crewing of the daemonic Hellcannons. Some say that
Rykarth even met eyes with the Lord of the End Times without looking away. Only moments after which Archaon
agreed to pay the hefty commission demanded by the Chaos Dwarfs.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Rykarth 3 6 4 4 4 2 3 3 10 120
Your army may include Gorduz Backstabber as a Hobgoblin Hero character subordinate to the
army’s general.
All fame is fleeting and all glory ultimately fades away. The renown of the Hobgoblin Chieftains tends to fade away
more quickly than most, usually with the help of a dagger, poison or 'nasty accident'. Gorduz Backstabber has
outlived most of the other tribal leaders thanks to a naturally distrustful disposition and lashings of low cunning. He
has also been lucky as the hardened scar tissue that criss-crosses his massive bony shoulder hump testifies. Fated...
Lucky... Sneaky! Call it what you will, Gorduz Backstabber has an enduring talent for survival.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Gorduz Backstabber 4 6 6 4 4 3 5 4 8 100
Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 +4
These lists are supposed to be fun, and a way of incorporating ideas that fit with the aim of this book (to add lore and
depth of choice to the Chaos Dwarf army list, incorporating the house system) whilst keeping with the spirit of 6th.
Earth Shaker, Slave Giant Use the small template on an area within 24”. Each
model beneath the template must roll equal to or less
than their initiative or be killed. Buildings collapse
on a 4+. Look out sir is not applied.
End of Main Book
In the following section I will cover the methodology used for incorporating the additions to the ravening hordes list,
separated by selection (Lords, Heroes, Core etc etc).
These are unchanged from the 6th edition ravening hordes list.
Excluding the Alchemagi, the Hero choices are the same as fom the Ravening Hordes list.
The Alchemagi is taken from the 5th edition playtest list, with the following stats.
This character needed a few changes to bring in line with 6th edition, so the points cost was recalculated using Avians
design a character rules. The character seems to be a partial sorcerer (only one spell) with a stat line that facilitates
some combat ability and able to use equipment.
Recreating the Alchemagi Statline requires the following points using Avians design rules. (shown per stat in the
following table).
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts
Alchemagi 3 5 4 4 5 2 3 2 10 ?
Wizard Points Path -5 +5 0 +10 +20 +15 0 +10 +20 75
75 points for the stats. Additionally, gaining 1 wizard level requires 50 points. Resulting in an Alchemagi that costs
125 points using the Wizard path. There are cheaper ways to do this, using the fighter path and adding a wizard level
for 40 pts. But being conservative is best, so 125 points it is.
How fair are these points?
Recreating each of the other Hero and Lord choices from Chaos Dwarfs (which are straight from 6 th ravening hordes)
garners the following results.
Choice Ravening Hordes Points Avianon Points
Sorcerer Lord 190 205
Chaos Dwarf Lord 120 125
Bull Centaur Lord 170 185 (using big guy hero
Sorcerer 65 75
Chaos Dwarf Hero 60 65
Bull Centaur Hero 100 115
Hobgoblin Hero 40 55
As can be seen, in each case the Avianon points costs comes out higher. This is good, as it means any character
adjusted with these rules should come out on the conservative end of the cost spectrum.
For its upgrade options and where it fits in the army, here are my thoughts.
Even though the character is potentially a Lord (being able to ride a Lammasu etc), it’s wound profile and one wizard
spell suggests a Hero, therefore the ability to ride anything was removed to leave that to the realm of Lord characters.
Additionally, to differentiate it a bit more from the Sorcerer Hero, there was no option added to increase it’s wizard
level, which also seems to be in keeping with the character from 5th. As the character has a fighty statline and a
reduced ability to cast, it kept the ability to take armour and equipment options. This seemed to be in keeping with
what the character was supposed to be in 5 th. The 0-1 restriction was kept as removing it is a buff, which is best
avoided, and it seems fair and thematic..
The character also has some special abilities (Shown on the following page) which will be implemented, but the
question I pondered was whether to increase the character cost or not. To check, I calculated the Empire Engineer
(who has a similar artillery assistance ability) to see if points had been added for this ability above its basic statline
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Master Engineer Empire 6th
edition book 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 7 55
Engineer Path Avianon Rules 0 +5 0 +10 +10 +15 0 0 +10 50
It’s pretty clear here that some cost has been attributed to its special ability. It is likely more than the 5 points shown
if we want to remain conservative, as we showed that Avianons numbers are usually 5-10% higher this should be
accounted for. We also want to add two special abilities, increasing the 5 points to 6, doubling it to represent both
added abilities, and rounding up to 15 points added seems fair.
The end result is a Alchemagi that costs 140 points. 64
This is probably on the expensive end for something truly useful, and the character does seem to be in the middle of
a load of use cases, but thematically, this is a pretty sweet character and I feel happy saying that it is likely a fair and
conservative points cost.
The Core Chaos Dwarf Warrios and Hobgoblin choices remain the same as in the Ravening Hordes list, with the
Hobgoblin wolf riders just broken out into their own choice for the sake of neatness.
The additions here are the Immortals and the Ashodar Enslavers, both units from the 5th edition playtest list. The
choice to put them in core rather than special was due to the overloaded selections already available in Special.
Ideally, slave selections (Goblins, Orcs, etc) would be core rather than special, and these units would be Special.
However, as I wanted to avoid changing the core ravening hordes list as much as possible, and as the Immortals are
0-1, this does put them in line with units such as the Cult of Ulric Teutogens. The Ashodar Enslavers also seemed
rather mild, and more of a flavourful unit, so having these core would allow the use of a thematic House Ashodar list
or some such.
Adjusting the Immortals.
The easiest course of action would be to just calculate the statline and add points for its special ability. However,
thematically this was the best place to include some chaos armour in the list. I understand the trouble with doing so,
I have seen other fan made lists that allow each character to take chaos armour, and all of the basic Chaos Dwarf
warriors. This is obviously going to be an issue on the table.
Adding chaos armour to this unit however, fixes a plot hole and brings Chaos Dwarfs in line with the many other
armies that have a 4+ armour save (Dwarf ironbreakers, Empire greatswords, Chaos… all the things). Let us
remember, Chaos Dwarfs are supposedly the manufacturers of Chaos Armour, yet wear none themselves? Very
This also aligns with the 5th edition description of the Immortals.
So anyway, the Immortals would be the place to add them here, so on to calculating.
A basic Chaos Dwarf costs 6 points (7 pts with the required light armour) and has the following statline.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Immortal 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 1 9
Special choices remain the same as in the Ravening Hordes List, however the rules and points cost for the slave units
have been taken from the Orcs and Goblins 6th edition book. The Sneaky Gits have had their lap around rule
replaced with the ability to skirmish, which is something that can be reversed if you use the lap around rule. The
reason for this change, is 1) the lap around rule is often unused. 2) many people (myself included) use the 6 th edition
army books with the 7th edition rules, which made this rule unusable. Making the sneaky gits skirmishers still aligns
with their description in the 5th edition play list which states,
To account for this change, we may as well recalculate the Sneaky Gits statline and add the skirmishing special
ability alongside poisoned weapons
Basic Hobgoblins cost 2 points, and have the exact same statline as a sneaky git.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Sneaky Git 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6
Sneaky gits have extra hand weapons (+2 points), poisoned weapons (+1 point per weapon, so +2 points) and skirmish
at +1 point. This brings them to 7 points per model from an initial 5 points.
The Bull Centaurs and the Earth shaker remain the same as in the ravening hordes list. The Hellcannon is added from
the 6th edition Storm of Chaos book, and remains unchanged from that publication. The only addition here is the
Chaos Dwarf Golem, which comes from the 5th edition play test list. It has the following statline (ignoring the misprint
of T7 at the end of the playtest list) and costs 230 points. Immediately, I think this should cost more when porting to
6th, but we shall see what happens.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Golem 5 4 3 6 6 5 2 5 10
It also has the special rules Fear, Artificial, Metal Body, Crush, Destroyed Golem, Golem Upgrades. To bring it inline
with other similar creatures in 6th, it will cause Terror rather than fear, but other wise all these stats and rules stay the
Using Avians rules for creating a large monster, the points cost is as follows.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Golem 5 4 3 6 6 5 2 5 10
Avian Points +5 +20 0 +20 +25 +30 0 +50 +35
This results in a cost of 185 points.
Each special ability should then be accounted for.
Large targets with 5 or more wounds automatically cause Terror under Avians rules, so no additional points.
Artificial and metal body.
Artificial is essentially unbreakable, and metal body is a 5+ armour save that cannot be reduced (not quite a ward
save). These can be accounted for by assuming that they are similar to the trait Daemonic, which for 50 points gives
immune to psychology and a 5+ daemonic aura ward save. So lets add 50 points to bring us to 235.
Crush & Destroyed Golem
These abilities don’t seem to have an easy to attribute cost, nor a direct comparable using Avians rules. To account
for these, the Golems cost is increased by 10 points per ability to 255 points. This is likely conservative, as the Crush
ability is likely to be used rarely, and the Destroyed golem ability is one use only (Whelp).
Golem Upgrades
Golem upgrades each cost something, and thus will not increase the cost of the Golem itself. However, are these
points cost fair?
1. Lave Thrower. At 50 points, a breath template attack with S4 hits at -2 armour save modifier that can still
be used in the shooting phase when in close combat. A normal S4 breath weapon attack is 30 points using
Avians rules, so this seems proportional at 50 points for the added benefits.
2. Great Hammer. 20 points for +1S and each hit causing a wound. Going from 6 to 7 S would cost 20 points, so
the automatic wounds seems to be for free. As only two upgrade slots are available, perhaps this is the trade
off? I decided not to tinker here.
3. Daemon Crystal. 50 points for a +2 ward save against spells. This seems proportional to the cost to add magic
resistance. 20 points for MR 1 and 40 points for MR2 using Avians rules.
4. High Powered Engine. 40 points for +1M, +1 S, +1 A but to suffer double wounds from attacks. +1M would be
10 points, +1 S 20 points and +1A +10 points if done through raw stats. Halving the wounds on the creature
would save 30 points. So this is a very overcosted upgrade seemingly. Left as is.
5. Furnace of Hashut. 50 points. At the beginning of each turn, may add +2M and +D6 attacks in hand to hand
at the expense of taking D6 S6 hits. Raw, +2M is 20 pooints and assuming an average of 3.5 attacks, +3.5A
is (estimated) 35 points. So 55 points of gain to take D6 S6 attackes, this seems fair to include as is.
6. Armoured Plating. 35 points. This increases the metal body bonus from 5+ to 4+ armour save that cannot be
reduced. This could be seen as similarish to the Hellcannons Deamonic Gift “Diabolic Splendour” which at
20 points converts from a 3+ non magical ward save to a complete ward save. Perhaps a stretch of a
comparison, but it seems in a similar realm. Either way, 35 points seems fair?
Overall the golem seems well priced at this point. The only potential “cheap” upgrade is the Great Hammer, whilst
all other upgrades and probably on par or overcosted. Comparing what the Golem can do to say a bone giant or a
dragon seems to put it in a similar area of performance.
The golem is a must have addition in my mind as it allows models from across the Chaos Dwarf range to be
incorporated into a 6th edition army. Want to use a 3rd edition tenderiser? Use a Golem with two Great Hammer
upgrades. Iron Daemon from Tamurkhan? Put ona Lava Thrower and Armoured Plating. Kdai Destroyer? Daemon
Crystal and something else. A great addition.
This brings to an end the normal list additions, but some special characters were also added from the 4th edition book,
with the methodology for including them shown in the following pages.
What is an army list without special characters? As this book aimed to bring more thematic choices to the Chaos
Dwarfs, and as the avenue of doing so centred around houses, what better way to realise it then to bring in some of
the special characters from 4th edition.
Firstly, Astrogoth was placed as the head of House Khash due to his reliance on a machine body. This was so perfectly
aligned with House Khash’s speciality of Alchemagi, Golems and war machines that it just made sense to do so. This
also allowed me to place Ghorth in charge of House Ashodar, as Ghorth is supposed to be a rival of Astrogoth in some
of the WFRP lore, this made sense to place him in charge of another house. Additionally, “the cruel” moniker Ghorth
carries perfectly aligns with a slave obsessed house (in a slave obsessed faction), and his right hand man (Zhatan the
Black) also being cruel helped give this house some character.
Anyway, Astragoths stats in the 4th edition book are as follows.
Zhatan the black is rather easy to calculate, as he is just a Lord character with slightly better stats and Hatred. He is
taken straight from the 4th edition book, and is intended to be the thematic choice to lead a House Ashodar army. I
was toying with the idea of creating Ghorth the Cruel, but that would derail the whole idea of only using real
published units in this compilation.
This brings his cost to 160 points. Hatred is a free upgrade for Chaos Dwarfs so no additional points added.
round to 120 for neatnesses sake. Taking him of course means no other BSB may be taken, and the armour of Gazrahk
is taken by Rykarth so no other can be taken.
An army that relies so much on Hobgoblins should have a Hobgoblin special character. I did toy with the idea of
adding a hobgoblin only fun army list at the end, but didn’t. however, having Gorduz does open the possibility of a
Hobgoblin only army, using sneaky gits, hobgoblin warriors, bowmen and wolfriders.
Gorduz rules are taken straight from the 4th edition book.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Gorduz Backstabber 4 6 6 4 4 3 5 4 8
Avians Points Cost 0 +20 0 0 +15 +40 0 +20 0
The total is therefore 95 points. The one strange thing here is that Gorduz is a hero character with 3 wounds. Whilst
very unusual, there are a few other cases where this happens, Exalted Demons being one, and again, I didn’t want to
adjust stats from actually published rules.
Lastly, Gorduz has an ability in 4th called Lucky!
This is a 4+ ward save for his last wound only. I would equate this to a 6+ ward save (as it applies 1/3rd of the time
to only 1 wound of his 3).
Avian has a trait called “Daemonic” which costs 10 points and gives a 5+ Ward save. We can assume a 6+ ward
save would be 5 points or so, and round Gorduz up to 100 points.
Items are a point at which the Ravening Hordes list definitely falls short when compared to the full 6 th edition books.
Unfortunately, as I wanted to avoid creating anything, I cannot fully fix this without going into the realms of creating
something new. This problem occurs as in 4th edition, Chaos Dwarfs (and all factions) could take any items. In 5th
edition there are no Chaos Dwarfs, and in later editions the items seem a little OP. So we are stuck with the 6 th edition
ravening hordes itesm list.
One of the only addition I felt safe adding was the Chaos Armour from the Beasts of Chaos list at +10 points. This I
felt fixed the issue of Chaos Dwarf Lords/Heroes not having access to a 4+ save on their equipment options, without
actually making this change, which could be seen as OP. This also fixes the issue of Sorcerers having no protective
equipment options.
Lastly I added the Familiars. I felt this was a safe option as a number of armies (Hordes of Chaos, Vampire Counts)
have access to them. This boosts the magic equipment options of the army (that otherwise has none) but avoids taking
OP options.
There are a few other items that could be added, specifically items that Chaos Dwarves have made that are on the
Hordes of Chaos list, but as of now I have avoided doing so.