Attention Modification For GAD - Amir Et Al (2009)
Attention Modification For GAD - Amir Et Al (2009)
Attention Modification For GAD - Amir Et Al (2009)
Research suggests that individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) show an attention bias for
threat-relevant information. However, few studies have examined the causal role of attention bias in the
maintenance of anxiety and whether modification of such biases may reduce pathological anxiety
symptoms. In the present article, the authors tested the hypothesis that an 8-session attention modification
program would (a) decrease attention bias to threat and (b) reduce symptoms of GAD. Participants
completed a probe detection task by identifying letters (E or F) replacing one member of a pair of words.
The authors trained attention by including a contingency between the location of the probe and the
nonthreat word in one group (Attention Modification Program; AMP) and not in the other (attention
control condition; ACC). Participants in the AMP showed change in attention bias and a decrease in
anxiety, as indicated by both self-report and interviewer measures. These effects were not present in the
ACC group. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that attention plays a causal role in the
maintenance of GAD and suggest that altering attention mechanisms may effectively reduce anxiety.
Keywords: attention training program for GAD, attention bias, anxiety, information processing
Researchers have used a wide range of methods borrowed from presence of the probe by pressing a button. MacLeod et al. (1986)
cognitive psychology to examine attention bias to threat in indi- found that individuals with GAD detect probes that replace threat
viduals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; MacLeod, words, either in the upper or in the lower portion of the screen,
Mathews, & Tata, 1986; Mathews & MacLeod, 1985, 1986; Mogg, faster than probes that replace neutral words. Thus, clinically
Millar, & Bradley, 2000). Research using these methods has con- anxious individuals with GAD consistently showed an attention
sistently produced evidence that patients with GAD preferentially bias toward threat. However, nonanxious controls tended to dem-
attend to threat-relevant stimuli over neutral stimuli when the two onstrate an attention bias away from threat in this paradigm. In a
compete for processing priority. later replication of this study, MacLeod and Mathews (1988)
In a seminal study, MacLeod et al. (1986) developed the probe calculated an attention bias score in this paradigm by subtracting
detection paradigm to measure attention bias to threat in GAD. In the mean response latency for trials in which the probe replaced
this paradigm, participants see two words, one above the other, on the threat stimuli from the mean response latency for trials in
a computer screen. One word is neutral (e.g., table) and the other which the probe replaced the neutral stimuli, such that larger
word has a threatening meaning (e.g., disease). Participants are numbers revealed greater bias for threat. Using this index, these
asked to read the upper word and ignore the lower word. On authors again found that individuals with GAD show an attention
critical trials (25%), either the upper or the lower word is replaced bias toward threat.
with a dot probe ( 䡠 ) and participants are asked to signal the Two recent reviews of attention bias in anxiety provide clear
evidence for an attention bias for threat in GAD. Mogg and
Bradley (2005) reviewed 10 studies using the probe detection task
Nader Amir and Jessica Bomyea, Department of Psychology, San Diego and concluded that individuals with GAD show an attention bias
State University; Courtney Beard and Michelle Burns, Department of for threat that is absent in nonanxious controls. A second meta-
Psychology, University of Georgia. analysis conducted by Bar-Haim, Lamy, Pergamin, Bakermans-
This study was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants R34 Kranenberg, and van IJzendoorn (2007) examined attention bias
MH073004-01 and R34 MH077129-01 awarded to Nader Amir. We thank
across 172 studies (N ⫽ 2,263 anxious, N ⫽ 1,768 nonanxious),
Heide Klumpp, Jason Elias, Allie Osborn, and Sarah Wilson for their help
concluding that this bias is a consistent and reliable finding using
in data collection.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Nader a variety of paradigms. In summary, there is reason to believe that
Amir, Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, San Diego State individuals with GAD have an attention bias toward threat-
University/University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA 92120- relevant information that is absent or less pronounced in nonanx-
4913. E-mail: [email protected] ious individuals.
However, most existing research has not allowed the examina- mediating vulnerability to negative affectivity. At the practical
tion of the causal relationship between attention and GAD because level, it may be possible to use such attention training procedures
correlational designs have been used in these studies. Conclusions clinically to ameliorate anxiety symptoms.
regarding the causal role of attention bias in maintaining anxiety Although the results for the above study are consistent with the
can only be gleaned from research designs in which participants hypothesis that change in attention bias can lead to change in
are randomly assigned to conditions, and their attention is exper- anxiety vulnerability, several issues need further examination.
imentally manipulated. We now turn to studies using this design. First, because the two conditions in the above studies both actively
MacLeod, Rutherford, Campbell, Ebsworthy, and Holker (2002) trained attention (i.e., either toward threat or away from threat), it
selected 64 undergraduate students from a large participant pool is not possible to determine the effect of each training session
who scored in the middle third of the distribution of a self-report compared with a baseline condition without training contingencies.
measure of trait anxiety. These participants were then randomly Thus, in the present study, we compared the effects of an Attention
assigned to one of two probe detection tasks that were designed to Modification Program (AMP) with a baseline condition in which
train attention. Each task comprised 672 trials in which pairs of there was no contingency between the location of the probe and the
words (one threat, one neutral) were presented, one above the location of the threat or neutral information. We predicted that the
other, on a computer screen. In the attend threat condition, probes AMP would lead to decreased attention to threat and anxiety
appeared in the position of the threat word on 576 training trials. symptoms compared with the attention control condition (ACC).
The remaining 96 trials were designed to provide a measure of Second, although effective attention training procedures in non-
attention bias to threat words. In these test trials, threat word patient samples has been demonstrated in prior research, research-
position and probe position were fully crossed as in a typical probe ers have not examined the role of attention training in clinical
detection task, thus permitting measurement of a participant’s populations. Therefore, we sought to extend attention training
tendency to attend preferentially to threat-relevant or neutral procedures to populations with clinical levels of anxiety (i.e.,
words. In the attend neutral condition, probes appeared in the GAD). Application of information-processing bias modification to
position of the neutral word on 576 of the trials, with the remaining alleviating anxiety symptoms is important because a substantial
96 trials again providing a measure of attention bias. Participants portion of individuals with GAD presenting for treatment do not
were asked to indicate which type of probe (i.e., single dot or a respond to current therapies (psychotherapy: 52%, Fisher &
double dot) had appeared in each trial by pressing a corresponding Durham 1999; medication: 43%, Gorman, 2003), and for many,
button as rapidly and accurately as they could. Following the the most effective treatments are unavailable or difficult to access.
training task and a brief (4-min) rest, MacLeod et al. manipulated Although researchers have established a relationship between
the participants’ level of stress by presenting them with a series of GAD and attention bias to threatening information, this knowledge
unsolvable anagrams and telling them that video recordings of has yet to be translated into effective treatments for this disorder,
participants who performed particularly well or poorly would be thus making examination of such training procedures informative
shown to other students. Results indicated that after training, for advancing available treatment options.
participants in the attend threat condition showed faster response Finally, no study has examined attention training procedures
latencies for detecting probes that replaced threat words than with materials specific to each individual’s perception of threat.
probes that replaced neutral words. Participants in the attend Due to the varied nature of concerns for individuals with GAD, we
neutral condition showed the opposite pattern of results. Moreover, asked each participant to select the words most relevant to his or
this training extended to word pairs containing novel threat- her own concern. In summary, in the present study, we examined
relevant words and was not confined to specifically trained word the effect of a multiple-session attention training program similar
pairs. More important, participants in the attend threat condition to that described by MacLeod et al. (2002) on anxiety in individ-
reported a greater elevation of negative emotion in response to an uals with GAD.
experimental stressor.
MacLeod et al. (2002) successfully replicated in their second
study the findings of their first study. During this second study,
participants’ levels of negative affect were measured prior to Participants
attention training as well as subsequent to training. This modifi-
cation provided a baseline against which the effects of attention Participants were 29 treatment-seeking individuals meeting the
training could be compared. Results again showed that participants diagnostic criteria for GAD, based on a diagnostic interview using
in the attend threat condition reported greater elevation of negative the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM–IV (SCID-IV; First,
emotion in response to the experimental stressor than did those in Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 1994). Participants were included in
the attend neutral condition. Groups did not differ in their levels of the study if they (a) had a principal Diagnostic and Statistical
negative affect before the training procedure or after training prior Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM–IV; American
to the stressor. Thus, the difference between the two groups Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994) Axis I diagnosis of GAD;
appears to reflect the creation of differing affective vulnerability to (b) showed no evidence of suicidal intent; (c) showed no evidence
stress that is manifested only after the presentation of the stressor. of current substance abuse; (d) had no evidence of current or past
MacLeod et al. (2002) suggested that their findings have poten- schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or organic mental disorder; (e)
tially important theoretical and practical implications. At the the- were not currently participating in CBT; and (f) had no change in
oretical level, their results provide the strongest support to date for other psychosocial treatments or medication during the 12 weeks
the hypothesis that individual differences in the allocation of prior to study entry. Participants were asked at postassessment
attention to threat-relevant information are causally important in whether they had obtained any additional form of treatment during
the study. None reported any additional treatment, and no partic- general anxiety (Sets A and B) and two sets of 48 matched neutral
ipant dropped from the study. words. In the present study, half the participants in each group saw
a particular word set during training (Set A) and were then tested
Materials and Tasks pretraining and posttraining using the other word set (Set B). Thus,
the tests of attention were conducted on a different set of words
Clinician-rated measures, self-report measures, and information than the one used during training. To ensure the relevance of the
processing measures were administered before the first training particular words used during training for each participant, an idio-
session (pretraining) and after the final training session (posttrain- graphic material selection procedure was used. Prior to training, each
ing). Clinician ratings were made by raters blind to treatment participant was asked to rate the emotionality (⫺3 to ⫹3) of each of
condition. The interviewer measures included the SCID Anxiety
the words from the two sets. Twenty words that were rated as most
Disorders Module (First et al., 1994), the Hamilton Rating Scale
emotionally negative by that participant from the training set were
for Anxiety (HRSA; Hamilton, 1959), and the Hamilton Rating
then used as the threat words in the training task. During testing,
Scale for Depression (HAM-D; Hamilton, 1960). Interview-based
all words from the alternate set were used.
assessments were administered to all participants by postdoctoral
and doctoral-level students with at least 2 years of cognitive- Participants were seated approximately 30 cm from the com-
behavioral training. Reliability was trained and maintained for all puter screen. Words were presented in the center of the screen,
interviews in a three-phase process. The certification procedure approximately 1.5 cm from one another in size 12 Arial font, for
required the SCID-IV trainee to first view videotaped and live 500 ms. Word pairs for each participant were presented in a
administrations of the Hamilton scales and SCID-IV by senior different random order. The computer program was written in
interviewers; trainees’ ratings of these interviews were then com- Delphi (Borland, Inc.) for this experiment.
pared with those of the senior interviewer. Next, the trainee ad- Participants in both groups completed the training procedures
ministered three HRSA, HAM-D, and SCID-IV interviews in the two times per week (on different days) for 4 weeks, for a total of
presence of the senior interviewer with the requirements that (a) eight completed sessions. Participants were informed that they
the trainee’s diagnoses matched those of the senior interviewer and would be randomly assigned to one of two attention training
(b) the Hamilton scales ratings differed by no more than 5 points groups. The protocol was described to the participants by the
from the senior interviewer’s ratings. Finally, each interviewer clinician administering the interview as an experimental procedure
maintained a video-based record of his or her interviews through- to determine the efficacy of a computer treatment for anxiety.
out the study. All assessment interviews were reviewed during Participants were informed that, depending on their random group
weekly meetings. If a trained rater no longer met the reliability assignment, the computer program they would complete could be
criterion, then he or she underwent further training using a differ- either a placebo condition that was not designed to influence their
ent set of training tapes until the criterion was reached again. The anxiety or an experimental treatment condition that was designed
interrater reliability for the primary outcome measure (HRSA) for to reduce their anxiety. This protocol was approved by the univer-
the present study was high (r ⫽ .94).
sity’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Self-report measures included the Spielberger State–Trait Anx-
The AMP. During each session, participants saw 240 trials that
iety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, &
consisted of the various combinations of probe type (E or F), probe
Jacobs, 1983), the Beck Depression Inventory—II (BDI–II; Beck,
position (top or bottom), and word type (neutral or threat). Of the
Steer, & Brown, 1996), the Worry Domains Questionnaire (WDQ;
Tallis, Eysenck, & Mathews, 1992), and the Penn State Worry 240 trials, 80 included only neutral words: 2 (probe type) ⫻ 2
Questionnaire (PSWQ; Meyer, Miller, Metzger, & Borkovec, (probe position) ⫻ 20 (word pairs). The remaining 160 trials
1990). The information-processing measure used in the present included one neutral word and one threat word: 2 (probe type) ⫻
study was an alternate version of the probe detection task. This 2 (probe position) ⫻ 2 (threat word position) ⫻ 20 (word pairs).
task was identical in terms of probe location to the ACC procedure On trials in which participants saw one neutral word and one threat
but used an alternate set of stimuli to test for generalizability of the word (i.e., 66% of the trials), the probe always followed the neutral
training to a new set of materials. word. Thus, although there was no specific instruction to direct
attention away from threat word, on 66% of the trials, the position
Procedure of the neutral word indicated the position of the probe.
The ACC. The ACC condition was identical to the AMP proce-
Participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: dure except that during the presentation of the trials in which a threat
AMP (n ⫽ 14) or ACC (n ⫽ 15). The participants, independent word was present, the probe appeared with equal frequency in the
assessors, and research assistants working with the participants were position of the threat and neutral word. Thus, neither threat nor neutral
blind to participant condition. To ensure that participants remained words provided information regarding the position of the probe, and
blind with respect to their condition, each participant received an there was no contingency between the position of either threat or
envelope that contained a condition number that they entered into the neutral words and the position of the probes.
computer to start the assigned computer program. Groups did not
differ significantly on any clinician-administered or self-report
measure at pretraining ( ps ⬎ .2). Results
The stimuli used in the attention training were derived from
words used by MacLeod et al. (2002). These authors created two Groups did not differ on age, education, or gender at pretraining
sets of 48 words that were relevant to fears of individuals with ( ps ⬎ .4). Table 1 summarizes these results.
Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations of Response Latencies by Group on the Probe Detection Task
Probe position M SD M SD M SD M SD
Threat word
Top 589 175 526 100 635 206 543 115
Bottom 593 179 510 89 641 214 553 135
Threat word
Top 584 199 508 100 629 214 539 120
Bottom 581 193 514 94 633 213 533 114
Bias score on the probe detection task by training. Moreover, this change in bias was not specific to the
group and time words used for training but generalized to a different word set used
at pretraining and posttraining assessments. These results suggest
15 that the AMP group experienced a reduction in attention bias
10 ACC toward threat compared with the ACC group.
Although our predictions concerned the impact of attention
5 modification on anxiety, we observed similar effects on self-
Bias Score
Table 3
Means and Standard Deviations for Self-Report and Interviewer Measures
Measure M SD M SD M SD M SD F p F p F p
STAI-T 60.9 8.9 47.3 10.4 58.6 10.2 55.6 12.3 0.72 .4 26.72 .00 10.84 .003
STAI-S 59.1 10.5 41.4 8.9 51.1 9.8 49.8 13.7 0.00 .9 11.81 .002 8.87 .006
BDI-II 24.6 12.3 14.5 10.0 22.8 8.9 22.1 12.0 0.70 .4 7.17 .01 5.50 .03
WDQ 86.5 16.7 66.5 18.4 86.8 14.3 80.9 18.2 1.81 .2 16.54 .00 4.96 .04
PSWQ 70.6 4.7 63.0 11.2 67.8 7.6 63.9 10.9 0.11 .7 10.70 .003 1.15 .29
HRSA 20.3 6.5 11.9 5.7 19.0 7.6 16.7 7.4 0.58 .45 20.34 .001 6.46 .02
HAMD 10.4 5.4 6.4 4.4 12.0 4.7 10.3 4.3 3.29 .08 10.20 .004 1.73 .20
Note. AMP ⫽ Attention Modification Program; ACC ⫽ attention control condition; STAI ⫽ State–Trait Anxiety Inventory; BDI–II ⫽ Beck Depression
Inventory—II; WDQ ⫽ Worry Domains Questionnaire; PSWQ ⫽ Penn State Worry Questionnaire; HRSA ⫽ Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety;
HAM-D ⫽ Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.
dfs ⫽ 1, 27.
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