JRF Pri - of Plant Breeding

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1. Autogamy: transfer of pollen grain from the anther to the stigma of same flower.
2. Cleistogamy: flower does not open at all/ pollination and fertilization occurs in unopened
flower bud. It ensures complete self-pollination and prevents cross-pollination. Ex:
wheat, oats, barley and other grasses.
3. Allogamy: transfer of pollen grains from the anthers of one plant to the stigmas of another
4. Monoecy—male and female flowers are separate but present in the same plant.
Same inflorescence—castor, mango, banana and coconut.
Separate inflorescence—maize, grape, rubber, cassava, cucurbits, chestnut and walnut
5. Dioecy: male and female flowers are present in different plants.
Ex: datepalm, papaya, hemp, asparagus and spinach.
6. Protogyny—pistils mature before stamens. Bajra
7. Protandry----stamens mature before pistils. Maize and Sugarbeet.
8. Geitonogamy: pollen from a flower of one plant falls on the stigmas of other flowers of
the same plant. Ex: maize.
9. Genetically ,geitonogamy is equal to autogamy
10. Often cross pollinated crops: Cross-pollination up to 5 to 30%, Jowar, cotton, pegion
pea, and safflower.
11. Bulbils: modified form of flowers.
12. Apomixis: Seeds are formed but the embryo develops without the fusion of male and
female gametes.
13. Apospory: Vegetative cells of the ovule develop into unreduced embryo sacs after
meiosis. The embryo develops from egg cells or some other cells of such an embryo sac.
14. Apogamy: Development of an embryo from synergids or antipodal cells wthot meiosis
and fertilization
15. Primary introduction: Introduction of semi dwarf wheat- sonara-64, lermarajo., Rice-
TN-1, IR-8, 28, 36
16. Secondary introduction; Kalyana Sona, Sonalika- wheat selections from CIMMYT,
Mexico material.
17. NBPGR:
The bureau has its head quarter at IARI, New Delhi. It has five sub stations for testing
the introduced plant material, these represents various climatic zones of India. They are
Simla - Temperate Zone
Jodhpur - Arid Zone
Kanyalumari - Tropical Zone
Akola - Mixed climatic Zone (shifted from Amaravathi)
Shillong - collections for NE India.

18. Quarantine: to keep materials in isolation to prevent the spread of diseases, pests etc
present in them to the other materials.
19. The process that leads to the adaption of a variety to new environment-acclimatization
20. The sum total of genes or heredity material in a species-germplasm
21. The gradual loss of variability in the cultivated forms and in their wild relatives-genetic
22. An area of diversity protected from human interference-Gene sanctuary
23. Isolation of desirable plants from the population-selection
24. Selection intensity: Percentage of plants selected to be advanced to next generation from
a population.
25. Selection differential: The difference between the mean of selected plants and mean of
parental population.
26. The ratio of genotypic variance to the phenotypic or total variance is known as
heritability. It is generally expressed in percent.
27. Broad sense heritability: It is the ratio of genotypic variance to the total or phenotypic
variance. H (bs) = Vg/Vp or Vg/Vg+Ve
28. Narrow sense heritability: The proportion of additive genetic variance to the total
variance is called narrow sense heritability. H (ns) = ½ D/Vp,
D-additive genetic variance.
29. Genetic advance
Improvement in the mean phenotypic value of the selected plants over the parental
population is known as genetic advance. The success of genetic advance under selection
depends on genetic variability, heritability and selection intensity.
GA = P X K X H (bs)
P = phenotypic standard deviation of the character in the population.
K = selection differential (2.06 when 5% of the population is selected)
H (bs) = heritability in broad sense.
30. Mass selection: Useful for purification of pure lines
31. Evaluation of worth of plants on the basis of the performance of their progenies is called
as progeny test, developed by Louis de vilmorin. It is also called as “vilmorin isolation
principle or vilmorin principle”
32. Pureline is the progeny of a single homozygous plant of a self-pollinated species.
33. All The phenotypic differences within a pureline are due to the environment and have no
genetic basis.
34. Proportion of completely homozygous plants in the population was given by
(2m-1/2m)nWhere m= number of generations of selfing,N=number of genes segregating.
35. Mass and pureline selections are applied to genetically variable and homozygous
populations of self-pollinated crops.
36. The methods generally used for handling of segregating generations may be grouped into
• Pedigree method
• Bulk method
• Back cross method.
• The description of the ancestors of an individual is k/a-pedigree
Bulk method: First used by Nilsson-Ehle in 1908 at Svalof, it is also called as
mass method OR population method of breeding OR evolutionary method of
37. Bulk method: Provides Opportunity for *natural selection
38. Single - Seed – Descent Method (Goulden): A breeding procedure used with
segregating populations of self pollinated spp in which plants are advanced by single seeds
from one generation to the next
39. Single - Seed – Descent Method (Goulden): Modified form of bulk method
➢ Maximum genetic variability is observed in the generation-F2
40. Back cross method: A cross between a hybrid and one of its parents is known as back
41. Recipient parent: lack one or two characters, repeatedly used in the back cross
programme, also called recurrent parent, which is susceptible to a disease and high yielding
42. Donor parent: used only once in the breeding programme, also called as non-recurrent
parent, which is resistant variety.
43.Back cross method: useful for inter specific transfer of simply inherited characters
44. Back cross method: Only method for Transfer of cytoplasm from one variety or
species to another
45. Back cross method: useful for Production of isogenic lines
46. Back cross method: useful for Germplasm conservation
47. The variety which is produced by crossing in all possible combinations a number of
inbred lines that will combine well with each other is known as “synthetic variety”.
48. Hayes and Garber first suggested commercial utilization of synthetic varieties in
maize in 1919.
49. Synthetic varieties are of great value in the breeding for those cross-pollinated crops
where pollination control is difficult. Ex: forages
50. GCA of the parental lines is tested in the production of Synthetics
51. Sewall Wright in 1922 suggested the following formula for predicting the
performance of Syn2. Syn2 = Syn1- (Syn1-Syn0) / n
N= number of parental lines.
Syn2 – is the performance of the synthetic variety after one
generation of random mating.
Syn1 –performance of the synthetic in the first generation after it
has been synthesized from the parental lines.
Syn0 – average performance of the “n” parental lines.
52. Male sterility: Absence of functional male gametes or it is characterized by non
functional pollen grain while female gamete functions normally.
53. Genetic male sterility (GMS): A male sterile line may be maintained by crossing it
with heterozygous male fertile plants.
54. Genetic male sterility (GMS): It is ordinarily governed by a single recessive gene ‘ms’
but dominant genes ‘Ms’ governing male sterility is also reported in safflower.
55. Cytoplasmic male sterility: Is determined by the cytoplasm since the cytoplasm of a
zygote comes primarily from egg cell, the progeny of such male sterile plants always be male
56. The male sterile line ‘A’ is maintained by crossing it with male fertile
line or maintainer line ‘B’
57. CMS may be utilized for producing hybrid seed in certain ornamental species or in
species where a vegetative part is of economic value or seeds is of no use.
58. Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility: This is case of cytoplasmic male sterility, where a
nuclear gene for restoring the fertility in the male sterile line is known.
59. Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility: Ex: Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Sunflower, Rice and Wheat
60. Sources of CMS in different crops
Crop cytoplasm
Maize - Texas.
Nicotiana tabaccum- N. megalosiphon
Triticum aestivum - Aegilops caudate.
Sorghum bicolar - Milo, Combined kafir
Bajra - Trifton
Rice - Wild Abortive(WA),

61. Self incompatibility: First reported by Koelreuter

62. Lewis in 1954 suggested the classification of self incompatibility
63. S.I.: Failure of pollen from a flower to fertilize the same flower or other flowers on the
same plants.
64. Heteromorphic system: The incompatibility reaction of pollen is governed by the
genotype of the plants producing them.
65. Ex: In Primula there are two types of flowers “Pin &Thrum”
Mating Progeny
Phenotype Genotype Genotype Phenotype
Pin X Pin “ss x ss” Incompatibility mating
Pin X Thrum “ss x Ss” 1 Ss : 1 ss 1 thrum : 1 pin
Thrum X Pin “Ss x ss” 1 Ss : 1 ss 1 thrum : 1 pin
Thrum X Thrum “Ss x Ss” Incompatibility mating
67. Homomorphic system: Incompatibility is not associated with morphological differences
among the flowers.
68. Gametophytic system: First described by East and Mangelsdorf
69. Gametophytic system: Incompatibility reaction of the pollen is determined by its own
genotype and not by the genotype of the plant on which it is produced.
70. Gametophytic system:Fully incompatible S1S2 X S1S2
Partially incompatibility S1S2 X S2S3
Fully compatible S1S2 X S3S4
80. Sporophytic system: The incompatibility reaction of the pollen is governed by the
genotype of the plant on which it is produced and not by the genotype of the pollen.
81. Sporophytic system: First reported by Hughes and Babcock
82. Biometry/biometrics: Is the science that deals with the application of statistical
procedures to the study of biological problems.
83. Biometrical genetics: Branch of genetics which deals with the inheritance of quantitative
traits using statistical concepts and procedures it is also known as quantitative genetics.
84. Fisher in 1918 divided the genetic variance into additive, dominance and epistatic
85. Additive variance: Which is produced by the deviation due to average effects of alleles
or genes at all segregating loci. Thus it is the component which arises from differences between
homozygotes of a gene i.e. AA and aa.
86. Additive variance or additive x additive variance: is fixable, selection is effective.
87. Dominance variance: It arises due to the deviation from the additive scheme of gene
action resulting from intra allelic interaction i.e. interaction between alleles of the same gene or
same locus.
88. Dominance variance: It is due to the deviation of heterozygote Aa from the average of
two homozygotes (AA and aa).
89. Dominance variance: is not fixable. Selection is not effective.
90. Epistatic variance: It arises due to the deviation from additive variance as a consequence
of inter allelic interaction i.e. interaction between alleles of two or more different genes or
91. Environmental variation: Non-heritable and non-fixable
92. Hybridization: is the mating/crossing of two plants/lines of dissimilar genotypes.
93. The chief objective of hybridization is to create genetic variation
94. 1. Intervarietal: parents belong to the same species i.e. they may be two strains, varieties or
races of the same species. Also called as intraspecific hybridization.
95. 2. Interspecific hybridization: crossing the plants belongs to two species of same genus.
96. 3. Intergeneric hybridization: crossing the plants belongs to two different genera. Triticum
turgidum X Secale cereale – Triticale.
97. Hybrid varieties are the first generation (F1) from crosses between two pure lines, inbreds,
open pollinated varieties, clones or other populations that are genetically dissimilar.
98. An inbred is a nearly homozygous line obtained through continuous inbreeding of a self-
pollinated species.
99. Single cross: cross between two inbreds A X B
100.Double cross: the cross between two single cross hybrids (A X B) X (C X D)
101.Three way cross: cross between a single cross and an inbred to yield the hybrid population.
(A X B) X C.
102.Inbred variety cross/ top cross: a cross between an inbred and an open pollinated variety,
purpose is to estimate the GCA of the lines crossed with OPV.
103.Test cross: when a cross is made to assess the combining ability is known as test cross.
104. Poly cross: progeny of a line produced through random pollination by a number of selected
105. Varietal/ population cross: a cross between two open pollinated varieties.
106. Hybrid varieties were first commercially exploited in Maize.
107. Shull suggested growing of single cross hybrids in Maize.
108. The double cross scheme proposed by Jones in 1918.
109. In 1934- Jenkins provided a reliable method for the prediction of double cross
110. Combining ability: the ability of an inbred to transfer the desirable characters to its hybrid
progenies in combination with another inbred line is known as combining ability.
111. General combining ability: the average performance of an inbred in series of hybrid
combinations is known as GCA.
112.Specific combining ability: it is the deviation in performance predicted on the basis of general
combining ability. (Inbreds are crossed in all possible combinations and the progenies are
evaluated to arrive SCA)
113. Hybridization between unrelated strains generally leads to an increased vigour and fertility is
called heterosis or hybrid vigour.
114.Heterosis may be defined as the superiority of F1 hybrid over both of its parents in terms of
yield or some other characters.
115. Term heterosis was first used by Shull in 1914
116. Average heterosis: Superiority of F1 is estimated over the two parents or mid parent. If the
F1 hybrid is superior to the mid parent it is regarded as mid parental heterosis.
Average heterosis = F1- mid parent/mid parent x 100
117. Heterobeltiosis or Better parent heterosis:
When the heterosis is estimated over the superior or better parent.
Heterobeltiosis = F1- better parent/better parent x 100
118. Economic or useful heterosis:
Superiority of F1 over the standard commercial variety.Useful heterosis = F1- commercial
variety / commercial variety x 100
119. Standard heterosis:
Superiority of F1 over the standard commercial hybrid.
Standard heterosis = F1-standard hybrid/ standard hybrid x 100
120. Powar in 1944 suggested that the term heterosis should be used only when the hybrid is either
superior or inferior to both the parents.
121. Luxuriance: Increased vigour and size of inter specific hybrids,
122. Dominance hypothesis: First proposed by Davenport in 1908.
123. Explanation for Dominance hypothesis objections:Jones 1917
124. Over dominance hypothesis:Proposed by East and Shull in 1908.
125. Over dominance hypothesis: Heterozygote Aa would be superior to both the homozygotes
AA and aa.
126. East in 1936 proposed that at each locus showing over dominance there are several alleles
e.g. a1, a2, a3, a4 etc with increasingly different functions. Heterozygote for more divergent alleles
would be more heterotic than those involving less divergent.
For ex a1, a4 would be superior to a1, a2, a3, a4 or a3, a4.
127. Loss of vigour and fertility due to inbreeding is known as inbreeding depression.
128. The highest degree of inbreeding is achieved by selfing.
129. The chief effect of inbreeding is an increase in homozygosity in the progeny.
130. East 1908 and Shull 1909 independently published the detailed and precise information on
inbreeding in maize.
131. Degrees of inbreeding depression:
A)High inbreeding depression: Alfalfa, Carrot,
B)Moderate inbreeding depression: Maize, Jowar and Bajra.
C)Low inbreeding depression:
D)Lack of inbreeding depression: Self pollinated crops
132. The sum total of unfavourable genes is known as genetic load.
133. Cross pollinated crop species are highly heterozygous and heterogeneous, they show
variable inbreeding depression.
134. Recurrent selection First suggested by Hayes and Garber in 1919 and independently by
East and Jones in 1920.
135. Hull suggested that recurrent selection may be useful in improving specific combining ability.
136. Recurrent selection: Method of improving cross pollinated population which involves
reselection generation after generation with interbreeding of selects to provide for genetic
137. Recurrent selection for general combining ability: A tester may be open pollinated
variety, a synthetic variety
138. Recurrent selection for specific combining ability:First proposed by Hull
139. Recurrent selection for specific combining ability: tester used here is an inbred
140. Reciprocal recurrent selection: Proposed by Comstock, Robinson and Harvey.
141. Reciprocal recurrent selection: The objective is to improve two different populations in
their ability to combine well with each other.
142. Clone: is a group of plants produced from single plant through asexual reproduction
143. Chimeras: Individuals containing cells of two or more genotypes.
144. The procedure used for selection of BEST CLONE is known as clonal selection.
145.Kufri red potato – clonal selection from- Darjeeling red round.
Kufri safed potato- clonal selection from Phulwa.
Bombay green banana- bud selection- Dwarf Cavendish.
146. Potato: Kufri jyothi-late blight resistant, Kufri sheetman- frost resistant.
147. Haploid- an individual carrying gametic chromosome number “n”
Monoploid- has the basic chromosome number - x.
148. Heteroploids: individuals carrying chromosome number other than the diploid number are
known as heteroploids
149. Euploids: heteroploidy that involves one or more complete genomes. (Chromosome number
is the exact multiple of the basic chromosome number)
a) Autopolyploids: all the genomes present in the polyploid species are identical.
Autotriploids : three copies of one genome.
Autotetraploids: four copies of one genome.
Autopentaploid: five copies of one genome.
Autohexaploid: six copies of one genome.

b) Allopolyploidy: Polyploids containing two or more distant genomes.

Allotetraploid: two distant genomes
Allohexaploid: three distant genomes.
Allooctaploid: four distant genomes.
150. Amphidiploid: is an allopolyploid that has two copies of each genome present in it and as a
consequence behaves as a diploid during meiosis.
151. Segmental allopolyploid: contains two or more genomes. Which are identical with each
other except for some minor differences.
152. Autotriploids are generally highly sterile – seed less watermelons and banana,sugarbeet
153. Autotetraploids: Ex: rye, grapes and alfalfa.
154. Segregation in autotetraploids: Segregation is much more complex than that in diploids.
Allard has considered this topic in 1960. 4 chromosomes are homologous to each other hence each
gene has 4 copies.
Simplex: individual has one dominant and three recessive alles (Aaaa)
Duplex: two dominant and two recessive alleles (AAaa)
Triplex: three dominant and one recessive allels (AAAa)
Quadraplex: four dominant alleles (AAAA)
Nulliplex: all the recessive alleles (aaaa)
155. Allopolyploids: have genomes from two or more species. Ex: Triricale, Raphanobrassica
and some gorages.
156. Diplodization: The process due to which allopolyploids show diploids like behavior i.e. form
bivalent only is known as diploidization.
157. The process of br inging a wild species under human management is referred to as
158. Seed less watermelons are –triploids
159. Mutation breeding most commony used in vegetativly or asexually propagated plants
160. Asexually propagated crops are allogamous crops
161. First commercial cotton hybrid released is H4
162. The most commonly used male sterile system for hybrid seed production- Cytoplasmic
genetic male sterility:
163. Results are repeatable and predictable: Back cross method
164. In self pollinated crops, a mass selected variety-homozygous but heterogeneous
165. In cross pollinated crops, mass selected variety-heterozygous and heterogeneous
166. Pureline variety is homozygous and homogeneous population.
167. Multiline variety- homozygous but heterogeneous population
168. Clonal variety- Heterozygous but homogeneous population.
169. A hybrid variety- Homogeneous but heterozygous population
170. Synthetic and composite varieties- Heterogeneous but heterozygous population
171. Acclimatization: The process that leads to the adaptation of a variety to a new environment.
172. Exploration: are trips for the purpose of collection of various forms of crop plants and their
related species
173. A pureline is a progeny of a single homozygous plant of a self -pollinated species.
174. Phenotypic variance = Genotypic variance + Environment variance
175. Multiline variety- Mixture of several purelines of similar height, flowering and maturity
176. Bud Pollination: Most practicable and successful method both in the gametophytic and
sporophytic systems for Temporary Suppression of Self-Incompatibility
177. Hardy-Weinberg law: States that the gene and genotype frequencies in a Mendelian
population remain constant generation after generation if there is no selection, mutation, migration
or random drift.
178. Random drift: Random drift or genetic drift is a random change in gene frequency due to
sampling error.
179. The degree of inbreeding of an individual is expressed as inbreeding coefficient (F).
180. Inbreeding depression = F1-F2/ F1 x 100
181. Number of single crosses with reciprocals = n (n-1)
182. Number of single crosses without reciprocals = n (n-1)/2
183. Total number of three way crosses = n(n-1) (n- 2) / 2
184. Total number of double cross hybrids = n(n-1) (n- 2) (n-3) / 8
185. Germplasm complexes: are produced by mixing seeds from several lines or populations of
diverse genetic origin.
186. The term mutation was coined by Hugo Devries in 1900 for the first time and the word is
derived from the latin word ‘MUTARE’ means to change.
187. Mutation is the sudden heritable change other than the Mendelian segregation and gene
188. a) Natural mutants : Rice : GFB 24 – arose as a mutant from Konamani variety Dee – Gee
– Woo – Gen – Arose as a mutant from rice in China
189. b) Induced mutants :
Rice : Jagannath-gamma ray induced mutant from T.141,
Wheat : Sarbati Sonora Gamma radiation from Sonora 64,
Cas tor : Aruna (NPH1) – Fast neutrons induced mutant from HC 6
190. Colchicine treatment: Most effective and the most widely used treatment for chromosome
191. Alien addition lines: Carries one chromosome pair from a different species in
addition to somatic chromosome complement.
192. Alien substitution lines: has one chromosome pair from different species in place of the
chromosome pair of the recipient parent.

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