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Woody Allen and The Teutonic Knights: by Miles Mathis

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and the Teutonic Knights

by Miles Mathis
First published August 6, 2018

I know, you are saying “you have to be kidding us with that title! Woody Allen as a Teutonic Knight?
Next you will be telling us he was a Roman gladiator”. Well, I am not telling you he is a knight
(though they still exist)*. I am telling you there is a link.

You will be glad to know this isn't about Woody's alleged sexual transgressions. I think we have all
heard more than enough about that. My readers know that I used to be a Woody Allen fan. I no longer
am, but it has nothing to do with the sex scandals. It has to do with movies like Midnight in Paris,
which was so bad it was hard for me to accept it was written by the same guy who wrote Hannah and
her Sisters. I am not fully convinced it was. Yes, people get old and lose their touch, but I feel there is
more to it than that.

Anyway, that is not what this paper is about, either. I still like his earlier stuff, and haven't let anything
ruin Play it Again, Sam for me. Woody was a very funny guy and there is no getting around that. But
what I wanted to know here is where did Woody really come from. Like the rest, we are told he came
from the middle class, rising only on his talents, but with a real name like Alan Stewart Konigsberg, we
can be sure that isn't true. That is what got me in here. I finally tripped over all the clues in that name,
which is probably why we never hear it.

Another thing that got me thinking was seeing him interview Bill Buckley back in the day. It was in
the late 60s, and I was shocked at how chummy they were. Buckley was always a fascist, doing
nothing to hide it, and we now know he was CIA. While Woody has always supposedly been a leftist
or liberal or whatever you want to call it. So why were they grinning so hugely at one another here, I
asked myself. Why would Woody call Buckley “charming”, when in fact Buckley had perhaps the
least charm of anyone who has ever appeared on TV? If it were me, and I had been asked to interview
Buckley, I could have hardly gotten through it without puking. If I had smiled and made nice as part of
my job, you could have seen right through it. I would have still been shooting him daggers with my
eyes the whole time. Even Dick Cavett had a hard time stomaching Buckley. But Woody didn't seem
conflicted at all. He actually seemed amused by Buckley. They disagreed on nothing, and of course
agreed on Israel.

To figure it out, let's go back to Woody's name. I can't believe I never noticed the middle name
Stewart. That sort of jumps out at us now, doesn't it, given what we have learned in the past few years.
Before, we probably would have read it as a common given name, but now that we are wiser, we see it
as a probable surname. Which makes it all the stranger in its position here. We remind ourselves that it
is not a name usually taken by admitted Jews—either as a given name or surname—and Woody has
never denied he is Jewish, or tried to hide it or downplay it. Rather the reverse, of course. Stewart is a
name we have seen with crypto-Jews, especially hailing back to Scotland, but the Konigsbergs and
Cherrys (Woody's maternal line) are supposed to be from Russia and Austria. Curious, since we find
Cherrys in the British peerage. So our first guess would be that Woody descends in one recent and
important line from the famous Stewarts/Stuarts of Scotland and England. Almost all famous people we
have looked at have been related to these Stewarts, and Woody is famous, so that is just playing the
odds. Unfortunately, we find no easy proof of that, since Geni and Geneanet both scrub Woody in the
same way. Little information is forthcoming, so the best we can do is guess.

The only information we get at the genealogy sites is information on Woody's Konigsbergs. We go
back many generations, finding ourselves first in Russia and then Lithuania. This is a clue, because
Konigsberg is a famous old town in that little sliver of land beneath Lithuania that is sometimes left out
of modern maps, like Western Sahara. It is north of Poland and west of Russia, sometimes in the past
belonging to Poland, Germany, or Lithuania, but now held by Russia as Kaliningrad. And things get
very deep very fast when we study Konigsberg.

First of all, it is a Hanseatic seaport, which means it was (and is) an important part of the maritime
trade in the region. Given what we have just learned in Gerry's series linking the Israelites to the
Phoenicians, this should jog something in that pretty head of yours. Especially when we link it to
another important clue: Konigsberg was founded by Teutonic Knights in 1255. If you don't know what
that infers, see my paper on the Crusades, and substitute what we learned about the Knights Templar
there for the Teutonic Knights here. We will see they were the same people hiding behind the same
basic story.

Meaning? Well, I showed there that the Templars were actually Jewish. In fact, everyone involved in
the Crusades was Jewish, including the Kings of France, the Byzantine Emperors, and even the Popes.
Not only that, but they were closely related, all being from the same families originating in Armenia.
We find exactly the same red flags on the Teutonic Knights, since they also go back to the same
families: namely the Komnenes. The Teutonic Knights were founded in Acre in 1190, and although
their famous shield is a black cross on white, based on the Jerusalem cross, their coat of arms adds a
Phoenix rising. As in Phoenician.
Some will tell me that is a black eagle or imperial eagle, not a phoenix. But I think otherwise. To start
with, the black eagle isn't a bird of Europe or the Middle East. It is a bird of India and China and does
not migrate. The black indicates rather the phoenix charred by flames. The red highlights indicate the
same thing. The fleurs de lis are another clue, since they point to the same people. The Scythians and
Kushans both used the fleur de lis before the French did, and I remind you the Phoenicians traded both
east and west.

If you still don't believe me, study earlier depictions of this black bird, as in the painting of Grand
Master Knight Hermann von Salza below. In these, the bird's neck is preternaturally long, and no one
has ever seen an eagle with a neck like that. In other depictions, the bird has a screaming red tongue,
that no eagle ever had but that a phoenix might have. In many others, the bird had two heads, which is
an attribute of the phoenix but not of the eagle.

Explains a lot, doesn't it? [Also notice the “33”.]

Like the Templars, the Teutons were allegedly founded as a Christian military order to protect pilgrims
traveling to the Holy Land. But we have seen that both were created by Jewish traders to protect their
trading routes. The Christian monastic story was just a cover. They give you the clue, though no one
reads it right: Jerusalem is in their title. Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in
Jerusalem. They are brothers in Jerusalem. Before arriving in Konigsberg, they headquartered in
Transylvania, where Andrew of Jerusalem was king. Andrew was part of the old Arpad dynasty, which
we have linked to the families in earlier papers and will do again here. In other words, he was Jewish,
descended from the Komnenes and others. In fact, his daughter is one of the patron saints of the
Knights. She was St. Elizabeth, and she was descended through her mother from Baldwin of Jerusalem
and Morphia of Melitene. She is also connected to Kievan Rus through her ancestor Vladimir the
Great. So we have that strange link as well. It is difficult to say why the Knights used her as a patron
saint, except that she was a pretty cousin who died young, wronged by her relatives. Possibly one of
the early knights was in love with her. More likely they used her story as more pseudo-Christian cover.

This leads us into a short but interesting diversion. Andrew's mother was a noblewoman from Kiev,
and her grandmother was Gytha of Wessex. What? Was there a Wessex in the Ukraine at that time?
No, she was the daughter of Harold the Saxon, the very same Harold defeated by William the
Conqueror in 1066. So, although you might think these areas were ruled locally back in the 1000s,
they weren't. There were ties between Russia and England even before there was a Russia and an
England [Denmark is also included, since Gytha's uncle was King of Denmark]. We later saw the
Romanovs closely related to the Hanovers, but the rulers of those same lands were marrying one
another 900 years earlier. So much less may have changed over the past millennium than you thought.
Which leads us to ask, Were the Romanovs actually the Rurikids, just under a changed name? Possibly.
According to mainstream history, the Rurik dynasty goes back to 862, when Rurik was invited from
Scandinavia to rule Russia.

Folk history tells of the Finnic and Slavic tribes in the area calling on "'the Varangians [i.e.
Scandinavians], to the Rus' … The Chud, the Slovenes, the Krivichi and the Ves said "Our land is
vast and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come and reign as princes and have authority over
us!"' Three brothers came with 'their kin' and 'all the Rus' in response to this invitation.

Right. That sort of confirms my assumptions here, doesn't it? If the Jews/Phoenicians were settling
these areas, or infiltrating them, they would be coming from the West—the direction of Scandinavia—
since that is the direction of sailing, via the Baltic Sea. We are told Rurik was a Varangian, which is
another word for Viking. So have the Phoenicians also become conflated with the Vikings? Possibly,
since as it turns out the Vikings were not the savages we have been sold. Their leaders liked to dress in
silks. Hmmm. Silks, you say? What could it possibly mean! Wikipedia is careful to keep the word
“purple” off its page on the Vikings, but further research confirms the Vikings did like purple,
especially the Jarls (the rulers). You may also want to remind yourself what color the uniforms of the
Minnesota Vikings are. Just another wacky coincidence, right? For more wacky coincidences, study
the map from Wiki:

What color do they use to indicate the Viking's main settlements there? And it's somewhat curious, is it
not, that according to the map, the Vikings didn't bother to sail down the coast of Africa, but they did
bother to sail all the way across the Mediterranean. However, notice that our map mapers would have
us believe these silly Vikings sailed 3/4's of the way across the Mediterranean, only to take a hard left
after Greece and sail into the Black Sea. They didn't bother to keep going and hit the far end of the
Mediterranean, where they would have crashed into Phoenicia/Jerusalem. Could the misdirection be
any more hamhanded here?

And we once again have a strange hole. We are told the Vikings had almost no language before the 11 th
century, when both Latin and Old Norse arrived. Before that they only had some old futhark runes,
which they hardly ever used. And you believe that? It sounds to me like older documents were
mopped up and stored to prevent us from making the link I am making here.

Anyway, let's return to the rulers of Kiev for a moment on our way back to the main line. The Arpads
in Hungary descended from a woman of Kiev named Liubava Dmitrievna Zavidich. Look closely,
because we have another clue hidden in plain sight. Wiki scrubs her, but Geni has a bit more for us.
Her grandfather was named Zavid Eustace. I guess you see what they are doing here? They changed
one letter. It should be David, not Zavid. Which of course tells us these people are Davidic. Davidich,
not Zavidich.

So let us return now to the Teutonic Knights. In 1226, even before the establishment of Konigsberg,
the Knights were given Chelmno Land by Konrad I of Masovia, of the Premyslid and Priast dynasties.
So the crypto-Jewish rulers of the area were deeding lands to their noble cousins. The Knights also had
the support of the Holy Roman Emperor, who just happened to have connections to Jerusalem like the
rest. Besides being the King of Germany, Italy, and Sicily, this Frederick II was also the King of
Burgundy and the King of Jerusalem. Frederick had married Yolande of Brienne, which is our big
clue here. She was the granddaughter of Isabella I of Jerusalem, the daughter of Maria Komnene.
Again, the Komnenes were Jews from Armenia.

We are told the Teutonic Knights were invited to Chelmno and the region to help convert the Prussians
to Christianity, but that is another cover story. By 1387 everyone was allegedly converted, so the
Knights should have closed up shop. Their work was done. But, as it turns out, they were just getting
started. In fact, at that time they initiated many campaigns against their Christian neighbors in Poland,
Lithuania, and Novgorod. They could do this because they owned a large navy in the Baltic. Why
would Christian crusaders protecting pilgrims to the Holy Land own a large navy in the Baltic?

We find that the Teutonic Knights also had a headquarters in Venice, which was their primary dwelling
before 1309. That confirms my main thesis once more, since Venice was both a trading center and a
headquarters for the Jewish merchants. After 1309, the headquarters of the Knights was transferred to

It was the largest fortress at the time and is still the largest castle in the world based on land area. It
later became the royal residence of the Polish king, a Jagiellon. But in 1309 it was the project of
Siegfried von Feuchtwangen, Grand Master of the Knights. Feuchtwangen could be translated as
“spruce sidings”, which might refer to ships.
Which brings up the very good question, “Who exactly were these knights?” Not surprisingly, the
mainstream doesn't want to tell us. An early Grandmaster was Hermann von Salza. We are told he was
a minister of the Landgrave of Thuringia, but this is foggy in the extreme. We are told these ministers
were a “dynasty” of serfs raised to be placed in positions of power. What? Since when are serfs of any
kind referred to as a dynasty? And when in history have serfs been groomed for positions of power?
Doesn't this sound like the same old cover story? Yep. Hermann was a friend of Emperor Frederick II,
but we are supposed to believe he was just a serf? He was also a friend of Pope Honorius III, which is
of course another clue. Honorius was a Savelli, an “aristocratic” family of Rome related to the Counts
of Tusculum. These Counts just happen to descend from Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, which brings
us in a tight circle. Henry was of the Counts of Savoy, linking us again to all the same people. His
daughter married the King of Hungary, Ladislaus, who of course was a Arpad. Her daughter married
John II Komnenos, Emperor of Byzantium. Those Komnenes seem to be everywhere, don't they? So
we have more proof the Popes were from the same families as the Holy Roman Emperors and Kings of
France, and that they were all Jewish.

You know who else are everywhere? The Cohns. See Hermann von Salza's Wikipedia page, where, in
the footnotes, we find the guy who literally wrote the book on Salza back in the 1930s was Willy Cohn,
a German/Jewish historian. Ask yourself why a Jew would be writing about the Teutonic Knights.
Well, I have previously suggested the Kohens were originally Komnenes, so that may be the answer.

Not all the Grand Masters are sold to us as serfs or vassals. Gerhard von Malberg is said to have been a
margrave, which is like a marquess or marquis. Fifth Grand Master Konrad von Thuringen was a
landgrave and his maternal grandfather was Duke of Bavaria. It was his elder brother that had been
married to St. Elizabeth, explaining how she came into this. Which makes it far worse than my guesses
above. It looks to me like Konrad may have conspired in the murder his brother and taken over his
lands, which means he is also responsible for the early death of Elizabeth. So elevating her to patron
saint of these knights couldn't be more perverse. For instance, Elizabeth founded a hospital in Marburg
and willed it to the Johnniter Order, but her brother-in-law Konrad—with the help of Pope Gregory IX
—threw out the will and took the property for himself. This is rich since the stated goal of the Teutonic
Knights was to found hospitals, not to steal them and turn them into banks.
Hermann von Salza

We also find Heinrich von Hohenlohe as 7 th Grand Master. Forty-eight years later another Hohenlohe
was 14th Grand Master. Of course the Hohenlohe were nobles, later princes, being the lords of
Wurttemburg and Bavaria for centuries. A Hohenlohe of this same family was the brother-in-law of the
current Prince Philip of England. This same Gottfried, 8 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, was the
great-grandson of both Queen Victoria and Tsar Alexander II. There are about 500 Hohenlohes in the
British peerage.

Finally, in the 1500s, we are told the Teutonic Knights dissolved as Poland allied with the HRE.
However, since the Polish king was Sigismund, a Jagiellon, we are being sold the same story as with
the Templars. The Templars weren't defeated or dissolved, they simply passed their assets to their
cousins and retired, with a sexy fake story to cover it. The same thing happened with the Teutonic
Knights, whose holdings passed to the crypto-Jewish Jagiellons. To cover this, we are told tales to this
day, with Napoleon dissolving what was left of the Knights and Hitler outlawing them. But this is just
a continuation of the joke, since we have seen that both Napoleon and Hitler were from the same

So you can already see that what I said is true: the Teutonic Knights were just Jewish cousins of the
crypto-Jewish rulers of Thuringia and other principalities in the area, backed up by Jewish Popes and
Jewish Holy Roman Emperors. And they were all descended from Komnenes and other families of the
Near East, via northern European dynasties like the Arpads, Premyslids, and several others.

And what does any of this have to do with Woody Allen? I know lots of funny guys, and they didn't get
hired by NBC at age 19 or have their own TV shows a few years later. Given Woody's real name and
given that he felt compelled to legally change it by age 17 (not just take a stage name), my guess is
Woody is from the very same families. But the scrubbing on his ancestry makes that very difficult to
prove. So let's start by chasing down some of the Cherrys in the peerage. There we find a Charlotte
Cherry married a Charles Barclay in 1875. That is amusing in itself. Those aren't the Barkleys of the
NBA (though there may be a link—I am not saying there isn't), they are the Barclays of Barclays Bank,
linking us to the Quakers and all that. Charlotte's grandmother was a Surtees, daughter of a Lewis,
daughter of a Villiers, related to the Howards, Earls of Suffolk. Her brother Ben married a Barrett-
Lennard, daughter of a Pomeroy and a Graham. If we can link Woody to this, that would link him to
many in Hollywood, including Heather Graham and Warren Beatty, who is a Pomeroy. The Barrett-
Lennards are Baronets and Lords of Dacre, related to the St. Aubyns. This links us to J. K. Rowling's
publisher, whose mother is Anne St. Aubyn.

[Addendum October 2, 2020: You know who else it would link him to? Mia Farrow, who is a Villiers.
Her brother's middle name is Villiers. This indicates the usual: Woody Allen and Mia Farrow are

Hubert Cherry also married a Barclay in about 1940, then changed his name to Downes for some
reason not stated.

Next we find John William Cherry of the peerage, who married Annie Nall in 1914. Annie Nall? As in
Annie Hall? Annie's brother was the 1st Baronet Nall. This links us to the Jervis Viscounts, as well as
to the Hamiltons and Watsons. Through the Watsons we link to the Eves.
In 1871, James Cherry married Lady Haworth-Leslie, of the Earls of Rothes. Also related to the
Pelhams, Earls of Chichester, and through them to the Franklands, linking us to Ben Franklin.
Through the Earls of Rothes we soon link to Campbells and. . . Stewarts. So we have linked Alan
Stewart Konigsberg to the Stewarts, but it is a rather long link. I actually doubt Woody got his middle
name this way, but it gives us hope.

James Cherry's granddaughter Miriam Leslie Owen-Taylor married Col. J. Stuart-Usher in 1947.
Woody was born before that, so he can't be named that way, but again, it shows the links between the
Cherrys and the Stewarts/Stuarts. It also may link Woody to Owen Wilson, who starred in Midnight in

A daughter of Sir Benjamin Cherry married a Perceval-Maxwell in about 1930.

But the biggy is Janet Cherry, who married a Leveson-Gower in 1865. This links us to many Earls and
Dukes, including the Stewarts. Strangely, all these Cherrys, including Janet, are scrubbed. We have no
idea where they came from, though they don't go back far. The earliest is one of the Benjamins, who
was born in 1671. Wikitree takes us back a few more generations to 1609, where we find they were
related to Watts and Greens and were from Braughing in Hertfordshire. So we assume they were
wealthy merchants who married into the peerage with their money. Another Benjamin Cherry married
an Edith Bunker, which is also amusing and which may be a clue. As we know, they go to their own
ancestries for names. Some places tell us these Cherrys were laborers, but that turns out to be a lie.
One was four-time mayor of Hertford and left bequests for the poor. Hertford is also a clue, since it is
the location of the oldest Quaker meeting house in the world, dating back to 1670.

Woody's maternal grandmother was a Hoff, but there are only a few Hoffs in the peerage and no real
clues there.

I find it strange that Woody's paternal line goes back six generations to 1814, but all the women are
scrubbed. Finally, we discover at Ethnicelebs that Woody's paternal grandmother was a Copplin from
Kaliningrad. This confirms Konigsberg, since they are the same town. He wasn't just named for
Konigsberg, his line was from there. There are no Copplins in the peerage, but there are a few
Coppins. I believe the name has been fudged, since the Coppins may fit our research. See Catherine
D'Ewes Coppin, who married Charles Long in 1883. I saw the Eves while researching the Cherrys. If
the Ewes and Eves are variations of the same name, as I suspect, we may have a link there. The Ewes
link us to the Knollys, the Willoughbys, the Wrays, the Darcys, etc. But the Ewes themselves are
scrubbed, with the 1st Baronet's parents not given. Indicating they were merchants who changed their
name to Ewes.

Also see Sarah Coppin, who in 1811 married the Viscount George Lambart, son of the Earl of Cavan
and Margaret Gould. Gould is a Jewish name. So those of you saying a very Jewish guy like Woody
can't be descended from the British peerage just aren't keeping up. Yes, he looks and acts quite Jewish,
but he has red hair, remember? So he is a mix like the rest of us and anything is possible.

I said I wouldn't mention the other stuff, but I do find it curious that four of Woody's five children are
adopted. He has no natural children with Soon-Yi, although he married her quite young, as we know.
His only natural child was said to be Ronan Farrow, but he does not share his last name. Beyond that,
Mia recently hinted Ronan was actually Sinatra's child, which would mean Woody has no natural
children. Ronan does look more like Sinatra than Woody, I have to say, but who knows? Remind
yourself Woody used this theme in Hannah and her Sisters, where his character was infertile. He did
finally get one of the sisters pregnant in the final scene, though maybe that was just wishful thinking. It
is also curious that Ronan is gay and hates Woody, which might confirm he isn't his natural son. Ronan
seems like a nasty character to me, and his interviews don't encourage trust in my opinion, but it is
almost impossible to tell what is going on there without being closer to the sources. Just be aware that
there are horror stories about Mia as well as Woody, so it is probably not worth picking a side. You
wouldn't want to be involved with these famous people one way or another, and you should just
consider yourself lucky not to have been born into the families.

I will close by admitting that I noticed Woody said Match Point was one of his three best films, so I
rewatched it. I seem to remember trying to watch it before, and not being able to get through the first
20 minutes. I got a bit further this time, mainly on willpower, but still couldn't make it to the end. I
think I quit the first time after the early scene where Rhys-Meyers first meets Johansson at the ping-
pong table. It was achingly cliché and clunky. The two have all the chemisty of maple syrup and
tunafish. Woody apparently told Rhys Meyers to play the role super-gay and super-morose, and the
actor hit all his marks. Johansson isn't any better, trying to play sexy but failing miserably. Yes, she
has gorgeous lips and killer tits, but that doesn't make a person sexy by itself. I have never seen her
actually do any acting, and her best role for me was in Girl with a Pearl Earring, where she hardly
spoke. We could just gaze at her lips without having to hear her voice grate like golf cleats slipping on
cement. [She must be a smoker and appears to be working on a Lauren Bacall voice—which I predict
she will have before she hits 50.] It also helped that she was opposite Colin Firth, whose acting made
hers seem sparkling by comparison. I think he had the same direction Woody gave Rhys Meyers.

So why would Woody say this was one of his best? Has he never seen it? It only gets worse after the
part where I stopped watching, with lots of unnecessary violence and shallow moralizing. The only
thing I can figure is that he liked making a movie about the filthy rich, filming in posh houses in
London and at the Tate Modern and Saatchi Gallery, and so on. Maybe one part of him yearns to be
truly upper-upperclass, like his ancestors and cousins. But this is another reason I couldn't stand the
film: his constant nods to Modern Art have gotten more glaring and obtrusive as the years have passed
—though they were always sort of there—and though for some this will give him a hip gloss, for me it
comes off more like a plastic varnish. He could just as easily have filmed at the Tate Britain or the
National Gallery, you know, but then he would have had to forego his kickbacks from Charles Saatchi
and Nicholas Serota, I guess.

I also begin to find it unnerving that Woody feels compelled to keep making movies about getting away
with murder, and being lucky instead of good. Same theme as Crimes and Misdemeanors. We know
his movies are autobiographical. Is he trying to tell us something? Is anyone unaccounted for?

In short, it isn't one of Woody's top three. Maybe one of his bottom three. The last watchable movie he
did was Deconstructing Harry. That was almost a return to form. But for me the old Diane Keaton
movies will always be the best, before he ever got mixed up with Mia Farrow. Keaton had a charm he
desperately needed to fill out the female side of his films, and that he has never found since.

*After 1804, the Teutonic Knights were run by the Hapsburgs—which should give you a new take on them as
well. It is now alleged to be a charitable organization, though they admit the order has been involved in
excavation and tourism projects in Jerusalem. They still have a Grand Master. In other words, they are still
spooks hiding behind fronts. Believe nothing you read about them in the mainstream.

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