English Grade 9 4A Travel and Tourism Lesson Plan

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Travel and Tourism Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics,

Kokshetau city

Date: Teachers:

Present: Absent:
Learning 9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a wide
objectives(s) that range of written genres
this lesson is
contributing to 9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing
9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and
curricular topics
9.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
 develop active reading skills, identify relevant vocabulary and some
of the details at phrase level (3-4)
 explain and justify point of view on the topic (2-3 sentences)
 develop an argument while writing with moderate grammatical
accuracy (with 2 minor errors)

Most learners will be able to:

 develop active reading skills, identify relevant vocabulary and most
of the details at phrase level (5)
 explain and justify point of view on the topic (4-5 sentences)
 develop an argument while writing with moderate grammatical
accuracy (with 1 minor errors)
Some learners will be able to:
 develop active reading skills, identify relevant vocabulary and all
the details at phrase level (5)
 explain and justify point of view on the topic (6 sentences)
 develop an argument while writing with moderate grammatical
accuracy (with no errors)
Language objectives The grammar focus is on prepositions before nouns and adjectives, use if
only /wish [that] clauses
Value links respect , cooperation, global citizenship
Cross curricular Geography, Social Studies, GP
Previous learning No subject-specific prior knowledge is assumed, but all students are
expected to be aware of trends and events both within Kazakhstan and in
the wider world as part of their regular study, and to review national and
international events through a range of news media.
ICT skills projector
Intercultural Respect to culture diversity
Kazakh culture Tourism in Kazakhstan: advantages and disadvantages of increasing
tourism in Kazakhstan
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions

timings Planned activities Resources
Lesson 1
1 min Teacher informs lesson objectives: PPT slide 2
 develop active reading skills, identify relevant
vocabulary and specific details at phrase level
 explain and justify point of view on the topic
 develop an argument while writing with moderate
grammatical accuracy in speaking and writing

Warm up:
2 min PPT slide 3
Tell the class about your exciting adventure holiday.
Learners share their experiences in pairs.
Differentiation: learners relate findings to their hobbies and

Pre reading activity:

3 min PPT slide 4
Learners review vocabulary on the topic.
They write the correct words in the boxes below the picture.
5 min Pre teaching vocabulary: PPT slide 5
 Accommodation
 To explore
 Desert
 Prefer
 Temple
 Tent
Teacher displays new vocabulary on the PPT slide and delivers
phonetic drill.

Using PPT visuals learners in pairs guess the meaning of the

new words.

Differentiation: encourage learners to utilize prediction skills

and share the ideas.

As a class, discuss the meaning of the new vocabulary.

Learners put down the new vocabulary.

Practicing new vocabulary:

Using new vocabulary learners make up open questions,
relevant to the topic.
10 min While reading activity: Handout 1
Learners read the text about types of adventure travels. While
reading they highlight the main ideas.

Teacher monitors the reading process, provides support for less

able learners.

Post reading activities:

A) Check understanding by grouping Handout 2
Learners write the activities under the correct holiday
Differentiation: less in advance learners collaborate with more
able ones.

B) Check understanding: multiple choice Handout 3

Learners circle all the holidays that answer the question.
Differentiation: less able learners use a visual support,
highlighted ideas

Peer assessment:
In groups learners discuss the correct answers, then as a class PPT slide 6
learners peer assess the findings.
15 min Writing activity: Handout 4
Learners write a short text using the questions below:
Which of these holidays would you be interested in? What’s the
best holiday you’ve ever had? Where did you go? What did you
Learners are supposed to use if only /wish [that] clauses.

Before writing, learners discuss and create the rubrics for the
writing task

Teacher note: encourage learners to include the point related to

the grammar accuracy (if not suggested)
5 min Reflection:
What have you learnt today?
What was the biggest success in the lesson?
What was the challenge in the lesson?
How would you cope with the challenge next time?
How would you use acquired knowledge in real life?
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more Learners Cross-curricular
support? How do you plan to challenge the more able ‘Assessment – links
learners? how are you
less able students will be supported by classmates when planning to Curriculum links with
working in groups. They will feel more confident when check Geography, Social
creating sentences with the phrasal verbs by means of learners’ Studies
sample sentences. learning?


Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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