Proxies (100+)

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Then and Now Invention Reflections:

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences and in another readable color. If it
is more than one question, you must answer with more than one sentence. You are reflecting on
the Invention Wars.

1. What was your invention? Chinese fireworks

2. What is one thing that you learned about your invention that you didn't know about
before? They were used to fight off spirits
3. What was the purpose of your invention?
4. What was the hardest part about building your invention?the painting
5. Did your invention work?yes
6. What went well building your invention?the painting
7. What would you do differently next time with building your invention?idk
8. How well did your group work together? (this is the time to be honest about who worked
in your group and who did not.)no sofia did all the work
9. Was the work evenly distributed?no
10. Did everyone do their part? If No please explain.
11. Did you enjoy this PBL? Yes it was fun

Quick Peer Evaluation Form

Write the names of your group members in the numbered boxes. Then, assign yourself a value
for each listed attribute. Finally, do the same for each of your group members and total all of the
VALUES: 5=Superior 4=Above Average 3=Average 2=Below Average 1=Weak

Attribute Myself 1. sofia 2.ainslee 3.Nyukolles 4.air

Participated in 4 4 4 4 AIR
group discussions

Helped keep the 2 2 4 3 AIR

group on task.

Contributed useful 5 4 4 5 AIR


How much work 2 5 2.5 5 AIR

was done.

Quality of 5 5 4 3 AIR
completed work.

Totals 18 20 18.5 20 AIR

Group Self Evaluation Checklist
On your own decide which answer best suits the way your team worked together. Then,
complete the remaining sentences.

We finished our task on time, and we did a good job! Yes

We encouraged each other and we cooperated with each No


We each shared our ideas, then listened and valued each both
other’s ideas.

We did best at…... Talking

Next time we could improve at……. Ainslee out

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