Dollar Tree
Dollar Tree
Dollar Tree
lrom l? 03 Lhrough l? 10 uL18s sales lncreased aL a CAC8 of 103 Powever wlLh Lhe shlfL ln
sales mlx Lo lowermargln consumables over Lhls perlod operaLlng marglns only wldened from
97 ln l? 03 Lo 98 ln l? 10 uesplLe sales sLrengLh ln consumables whlch drove a 124 sales galn
ln l? 11 Lhe companys operaLlng margln (before a oneLlme lnvenLory accounLlng charge of $263
mllllon) wldened 140 bps Lo 112 on effecLlve expense managemenL We noLe LhaL uL18 has Lhe
hlghesL operaLlng marglns ln our coverage peer unlverse
IN 44S0 Student esearch
ln CcLober 2007 dlrecLors auLhorlzed Lhe repurchase of $300 mllllon of common shares 1hls
auLhorlzaLlon was ln addlLlon Lo a november 2006 auLhorlzaLlon LhaL had abouL $984 mllllon
remalnlng ln March 2010 uL18 enLered lnLo an agreemenL Lo repurchase $200 mllllon of lLs common
shares under an AcceleraLed Share 8epurchase AgreemenL (AS8) A LoLal of 3 mllllon shares were
repurchased under Lhe AS8 ln !une 2010 dlrecLors auLhorlzed Lhe repurchase of an addlLlonal $300
mllllon of common shares As of Lhe end of l? 11 Lhe company had $3439 mllllon remalnlng under
repurchase auLhorlzaLlons
Investment |sks
Cur 12monLh LargeL prlce of $8293 ls derlved based on quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve facLors
lncludlng elLher lnLrlnslc value Analysls 8elaLlve valuaLlon Sum of arLs or a comblnaLlon of Lhese
meLhods LogeLher wlLh Lhe analysLs quallLaLlve rlsk premlum assessmenL
8lsks Lo our recommendaLlon and LargeL prlce lnclude sales shorLfalls due Lo changes ln consumer
confldence and buylng preferences and merchandlse avallablllLy Cur corporaLe governance concerns
lnclude cashonly compensaLlon for dlrecLors and Lhe nondlsclosure of speclflc performance crlLerla
and hurdle raLes for equlLy lncenLlve awards
IN 44S0 Student esearch
|gure 1 Income Statement
ln mllllons
5ootce compooy uocomeots 5toJeot stlmotes
IN 44S0 Student esearch
|gure 2 a|ance Sheet
ln mllllons
5ootce compooy uocomeots 5toJeot stlmotes