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llnanclal AccounLlng
8lma shah
8oll no 47

% name of Lhe Company

2% llnanclal ?ear
2010( f|gures |n ks 000)

3% ross proflL for Lhe year Comparlson of 9 wlLh prevlous year WhaL ls Lhe lncrease ln gross
proflL as compared Lo lasL year?
rof|t for 2010 ks 1429972
rof|t for 2009 ks 1002634
|fference ks 427338
ross prof|t ( |ncrease) 4262

4% WhaL ls Lhe of MaLerlal CosL Lo LoLal cosL?
Mater|a| cost ks 2106674
1ota| cost ks 11304S00
of Mater|a| cost to tota| cost 2106674]11304S00*1001863

% WhaL ls Lhe purchase of llxed AsseL? ls any flxed asseL been sold durlng Lhe year?
WhaL ls Lhe amounL of depreclaLlon for currenL year?
urchase of I|xed Asset |s ks417SSS4
I|xed asset so|d kS1S1984
Amount of eprec|at|on for the current year ks32S104

6% WhaL ls Lhe composlLlon of lnvesLmenLs as Lo 1rade lnvesLmenL and oLher lnvesLmenLs? ls Lhere
subsLanLlal lncrease or decrease ln lnvesLmenL?
8ata ropert|es L|m|ted ks 48S10
mmovab|e propert|es |and ks12266S
1ota| non1rade nvestment |s for 2010 ks1308
1ota| non1rade nvestment |s for 2009 ks1308
No ncrease |n |nvestment

7% WhaL ls Lhe composlLlon of CurrenL AsseL? WhaL ls Lhe amounL of closlng sLock? ls lL very hlgh
as compared Lo lasL year's?
Current Assets comprlses of
O nventor|es ks2993633
O Sundry ebtors ks302024
O Cash and 8ank 8a|ances ks13SS720
O Loan and Advances ks142627S
O Cther current assets ks1S429
1C1AL CUkkLN1 ASSL1S ks6093081
C|os|ng Stock 2010 ks28346S6
C|os|ng Stock 2009 ks2606999
|fference n C|os|ng Stock (noL much hlgh% ks2276S7

% WhaL ls Lhe amounL of borrowed fund? WhaL ls Lhe composlLlon of caplLal lnLo uebL and own
8orrowed funds ks 137743
Cwned fund ks 3982366
8aLlo of Cwners fund 8orrowers fund 2891

9% WhaL ls Lhe amounL of neL Sales? WhaL ls Lhe lncrease ln neL Sales?
neL Sales for 200 ks 128S1943
neL Sales for 2009 ks 10916S17
1here ls an lncrease ln sale of ks 193S426

0%ls Lhere CLher lncome ? WhaL ls Lhe composlLlon of oLher lncome? ls Lhere any abnormal
lncrease ln CLher lncome due Lo whlch Lhe proflLablllLy has lncreased?
es there |s Cther ncome 1he ComposlLlon ls as follows

nterest (gross) ks60SS1
a|n on fore|gn exchange f|uctuat|on ks14178
uty raw 8ack and other export |ncent|ves ks4961
L|ab|t|es no |onger requ|red wr|tten back ks3698
M|sce||aneous |ncome ks69141

es there |s a abnorma| |ncrease |n the other |ncome

%WhaL ls Lhe of neL 9roflL before 1ax Lo Sales?
N81 ks1429972
Net Sa|es ks12S81943

Note 1he Company has h|gher other |ncome wh|ch |ncreases |ts tota| |ncome wh|ch |s much
h|gher than |ts Net Sa|es nence the percentage of N81 to Net Sa|es |s more than 100

2%WhaL are lncrease / decrease ln neL proflL as of neL Sales as compared Lo lasL year?

2010 9S3S20]12S819437S7
2009 972272]10916S17892

3% ls neL proflL before Lax subsLanLlally down? lf yes whlch expendlLure has gone up due Lo whlch
proflL ls reduced?
1here ls decrease ln rof|t 8efore 1ax
Adm|n|strat|on expense

4%WhaL ls Lhe ma[or expendlLure under Lhe head AdmlnlsLraLlve Lxpenses"?
1he Ma[or LxpendlLure under Lhe head
AdmlnlsLraLlve Lxpenses" ls
Sa|ar|eswages and bonus amounLlng Lo ks149S8S3

%WhaL ls Lhe Advance 1ax pald by Lhe company?
Advance 1ax ks7032SS

6%WhaL ls Lhe amounL of SecurlLles 9remlum collecLed by Lhe company?
1here ls Secur|t|es rem|um collecLed by Lhe company
Amount S013S6

7%ls any share lssue Laken place durlng Lhe year? lf yes whaL ls Lhe amounL?
Share |s |ssued durlng Lhe currenL year
Amount 6428S0

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