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Journal of Asian Business Strategy

ISSN(e): 2225-4226
ISSN(p): 2309-8295
DOI: 10.18488/journal.1006.2020.102.192.203
Vol. 10, No. 2, 192-203.
© 2020 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved.
URL: www.aessweb.com



Ihejirika, Peters1+ Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Management Sciences,


Imo State University Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.

Ndugbu, Michael2
Mbagwu, Ijeoma
(+ Corresponding author)
Ojiegbe, Josephine4

Article History We investigate how corporate capital structure decisions affect financial viability of
Received: 21 September 2020 listed companies on the Premium Board segment of the Nigerian stock market 2010 –
Revised: 16 October 2020
Accepted: 4 November 2020 2018. The objectives were to ascertain (1) the extent the proportion of debt in relation
Published: 30 November 2020 to equity influence return on assets, (2) determine the effect of non-current liabilities to
net worth ratio on return on assets and (3) to examine the relationship between total
Keywords liabilities to total assets and return on assets. “Panel data analysis” was used to analyze
Capital structure decisions
Premium board the data. The “Fixed effects model” as well as the “Random effects model” were
Fixed effects estimated. The “Haussmann test” suggested the Fixed effects model for interpretation
Performance of firm
Debt ratio of results. The empirical analysis revealed mixed relationships between capital
Nigeria. structure decisions and financial viability of firms. It is recommended that quoted
Companies on the Premium Board should target achieving optimal combination of debt
and equity to enhance returns on capital employed as well as sustain their Long-term
debt profile to continue to improve the level of return on assets. Finally, listed
companies on Premium Board should re-examine their working capital policy to
minimize the negative effect of short-term debt on return on total assets; given that
long-term liability to total assets ratio exhibit a positive and significant association with
return on assets while total liability (current plus non-current) to total assets ratio
suggests a negative and significant effect on return on assets.

Contribution/ Originality: This study documents and isolates for the first time the relationship between capital
structure decisions and financial viability of firms listed on the premium board segment of the Nigerian stock

The literature on “capital structure decisions” and “firm performance” is very rich. Beginning from the
controversial but corrected (Modigliani & Miller, 1958) “capital structure irrelevance theory” to “Trade-off theory”
(Kraus & Litzenberger, 1973) “Agency Cost Theory” (Jensen & Meckling, 1976) the “Pecking Order Theory”
(Myers & Majluf, 1984; Myers, 1984) as well as (Adesina, Nwidobie, & Adesina, 2015) “Market Timing Theory”
among others. These propositions or theories argue that the choice of the ratio of debt and equity that make up the
capital composition of a firm is a critical issue for the firm‟s financial decision makers bearing in mind their cost
components and their effect on earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) which result to changes in the market and

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

share value of the firm. The tradeoff theory, agency cost theory, the pecking order theory as well as the Market
Timing Theory suggest different correlations between “capital structure and performance of firms”. This idea has
spurred researchers to investigate how the use of debt and equity affect the performance of firms.
The quest to investigate how the use of debenture and equity affect the financial viability of firms in Nigeria
have however dwelled on the Main Board quoted companies examining the different sectors as classified by the
Nigerian stock exchange (NSE). Akintoye (2008) study on “sensitivity of performance to capital structure”
concentrated on the foodstuffs and beverage industries in Nigeria. Olokoyo (2012) investigated “capital structure
and corporate performance of non-financial quoted firms in Nigeria”. Akinyomi (2013) dwelt on the manufacturing
sector in his study on the “effect of capital structure on firm performance”. Adesina et al. (2015) studied the “impact
of post-consolidation capital structure on the performance of banks quoted on the Nigeria stock exchange”. Abata
and Migiro (2016) “Capital Structure and Firm Performance in Nigerian-Listed Companies” studied 30 (non-
categorized) companies. Bashiru and Bukar (2016) investigated “the impact of capital structure on financial
performance of listed firms in the Nigerian oil and gas industry”. Jeleel and Olayiwola (2017) also chose a sector as
their study “effect of leverage on firm performance in Nigeria” concentrated on “listed chemicals and paints firms” in
Nigeria while Iyoha and Umoru (2017) explored the connection between “capital structure and performance” of
seventy-five (75) listed firms on the Nigerian Stock Exchange.
We observe that results and findings from these previous studies do not agree on the extent capital structure
decisions affect firm financial performance. Furthermore, review of related literature shows that studies that have
isolated firms based on the classification of Premium Board Quoted Firms are scarce to find. Premium Board
Quoted Firms are firms that are adjudged to have met the most stringent corporate governance standards and
international best practice listing requirements. These companies are standard bearers and leaders in their
respective industries. Could it be that their secret to success and international acclaim lies in their capital structure
decisions? Therefore, we investigate the effect of structure of capital on performance of Premium Board Quoted
companies in Nigeria. Following the introduction above, the remainder of this study is divided as follows: in section
two we review related literature, the study methodology occupies section three while section cover the analysis of
data. The paper concludes in section five.


2.1. The Concept of Capital Structure/Capital Structure Decisions
Literature on capital structure document a number of scholarly definitions of the concept “capital structure”.
Weston and Brigham (1977) defined capital structure as “the permanent financing of the firm represented by long-
term debt, preferred stock and net worth”. Titman and Wessels (1988), Hampton (1996); Myers (2000); Watson and
Head (2007); Pandey (2010); Ong and Heng (2011); Mishra (2011); Dadson and Jamil (2012) as well as Easynotes
(2018) all agree that capital structure is the combination of debt, equity and hybrid securities which a firms uses to
finance its assets. The capital structure decision of a company includes its preference for a target capital structure
(optimal capital structure), the mix of debt, equity and hybrid securities it adopts at any period time. According to
Ehrhardt and Brigham (2011) “managers should make capital structure decisions that are designed to maximize the
firm‟s intrinsic value”.

2.1.1. Debt to Equity Ratio

The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (2016) in its sidebar search page defines debt-to-equity
ratio as “a ratio of ordinary shareholders‟ equity and the stake of creditors in a company”. For Gallo (2015) “The
ratio tells you, for every dollar you have of equity, how much debt you have”. Jacinta, Mahfuzur, and Selvam (2017)
assert that “debt to equity ratio is a long-term solvency ratio that indicates the soundness of long-term financial
policies of a company”. According to Hayes (2020) “debt-equity ratio indicates how much debt a company is using to

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

finance its assets relative to the value of shareholders‟ equity”. It also indicates how far shareholders' capital can
compensate creditors if the firm is liquidated. The value of Debt is measured either as historical or current value of
all interest-bearing financial obligations. These include: loans, finance lease obligations, debentures, bank overdrafts
and redeemable preference shares. Currently, Short-term debt - all current liabilities - are increasingly being
considered in the calculation of debt and is frequently accounted for in decisions of financing structure of firms.
On the other hand, common (equity) shares confer ownership rights on the holder in a company. It is also
referred to as “founders shares” which is very important for the formation of a company. Legally, equity
shareholders own the company. Equity shares are irredeemable, have no maturity date and provides much of the
capital invested in fixed assets.
Preference shares capital is another constituent part of a firm‟s capital. It has both the features of debt and
equity making it a “hybrid form of financing”. “Perpetual preference shares” are not redeemable like equity shares.
But unlike debentures, delay in the payment of preferred dividends or redemption of “redeemable preference shares”
do not pose much financial risk to the firm. Holders of Preference shares receive a stated percentage of income as
dividend and ranks in priority over common shares if the firm is liquidated.

2.1.2 Return on Assets (ROA) as a Company Performance Indicator

The return on assets can be defined as the ratio of net income divided by total assets in a given period of time.
“ROA simply shows how effective a company is at using its assets to generate profit.” According to Jayiddin, Jamil,
and Roni (2016), “ROA is widely known as the most useful measure to determine the firms‟ performance”. Jewell
and Mankin (2011) attributes trace the origin of the use of ROA as A measure of financial performance to DuPont
company back in 1919. Gibson (1987) in his survey (Chartered Financial Analyst) investigated the “importance of
financial ratios”. Gibson, reported that at least 90% of the respondents chose ROA as the “main measure of
profitability”. According to Derayat (2012) and supported by Singh (2013) “ROA is an appropriate measure for firm
performance” and is “frequently used in capital structure literature”.

2.2. Theoretical Issues

Over time, theories of capital structure which diverge from the assumption of equilibrium capital markets
which underline the “Modigliani and Miller‟s irrelevance model” have emerged. Beginning with the “Trade-Off
Theory” attributed to Kraus and Litzenberger (1973) assumes that firms consider the returns and risks associated
with leverage and equity financing as well as market imperfections (taxes, bankruptcy costs and agency costs) to
arrive at an “optimal” capital structure. Another theory that differ from the “Modigliani and Miller‟s irrelevance
model”, the “Pecking Order Theory” (Myers & Majluf, 1984) show that companies prioritize financing sources to
minimize the risk of “information asymmetry” between managers of firms, investors and equity holders. Also, Baker
and Wurgler (2002) developed the “Market Timing Theory of capital structure” which show that “firms issue new
shares when they perceive they are overvalued and repurchase own shares when they consider these to be
undervalued”. Fourthly, Jensen and Meckling (1976) in their “Agency theory” explain that organizational managers
“may not necessarily always act as to maximize shareholder‟s wealth”. “The problem here is the separation of
ownership and control which gives rise to agency conflicts” (Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Agency theory affects
capital structure decisions based on Jensen (1986) which show that striped of excess free funds from retained
earnings through generous dividend payouts, firms resort to debt as a source of finance. Thus, agency problem
leads to greater reliance on debt by organizations. However, the presence of institutional investors in firms and
their role in monitoring managers‟ activities with growth objective in mind may lead firms to rely more on retained
earnings (Moh'd, Perry, & Rimbey, 1995).

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

2.3. Review of Related Empirical Studies

We review some earlier empirical studies that dwelt on how capital structure decisions affect the profitability of
firms in Nigeria.
Iyoha and Umoru (2017) investigated the “relationship between capital structure and firm performance”. They
used panel research design involving seventy-five (75) companies quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the
period 2010-2014. To avoid endogeneity problem, they estimated and analyzed their data using two stage least
squares (2SLS). The result of their study revealed that neither the ratio of noncurrent liability-to-equity nor
“financial performance” proxy by ROA affect each other. However, their findings indicate a bidirectional
relationship between short-term debt-to-equity ratio and return on assets. Further, Iyoha and Umoru (2017)
indicate a bidirectional causality between the proportion of equity to total assets and ROA. They concluded that
capital structure decisions affect firm performance (ROA) and that firm “financial performance” also influence
capital structure decisions in Nigeria.
Patrick, Freeman, and Ellis (2017) investigated the “effects of capital structure choice on profitability of oil
marketing companies in Ghana”. Patrick et al. (2017) used current liability-to-total capital, long-term debt-to-total
capital as well as total debt-to-total capital to measure capital structure. On the other hand, return on assets, return
on equity and net profit margin were adopted as measures of performance. They utilized the multiple regression
method to analyze their data. The estimated results of the three models in their study revealed a mixed
relationships between their measures of capital structure decisions and performance (ROA and ROE) of “Oil
Marketing Companies”.
Herciu and Ogrean (2017) examined whether how the capital of a firm is composed affects the company‟s
profitability. They measured profitability with return on assets and return on equity while debt-to-equity ratio was
used as a measure of capital structure. Their samples were drawn from “the most profitable non-financial companies
ranked in Fortune Global 500” as at 2016. Results of their study were mixed. They found a positive correlation
between ROA and debt-to-equity ratio but a very weak association between debt-to-equity and ROE.
Matthew and Stephen (2016) empirically investigated the “relationship between capital structure and firm
performance” of listed firms in the Nigerian stock exchange. The drew a sample of 30 firms from the 173 stocks
quoted on the Nigerian stock market. Their study covered the period from 2005 to 2014. Matthew and Stephen
(2016) applied an “econometric panel data technique” to analyze their data. They report an insignificant negative
correlation between financial leverage and ROA. Their study also indicate that debt/equity mix has a negative and
significant relationship with ROE.
On the other hand, EL-Maude, Abdul-Rahman, and Ahmad (2016) examined the “impact of capital structure on
financial performance of firms in the Nigerian cement industry”. They used annual data from 2010 to 2014 with a
total of 20 observations drawn from 4 listed cement companies and apply “panel data analysis” to investigate the
extent non-current liabilities and current liabilities affect return on assets and return on equity respectively. EL-
Maude et al. (2016) show that non-current liabilities have a positive and significant relationship with return on
assets and return on equity respectively. Similarly, current liability significantly affects both return on assets and
return on equity.
Ubesie (2016) analyzed how the mixture of capital components affect financial “performance of conglomerates
quoted on the Nigerian stock exchange” for the period 2011 to 2015. Ubesie (2016) used four variables to measure
financial performance. These include “return on assets”, “return on equity”, “assets turnover ratio” and “earnings per
share”. On the other hand, “capital structure” was proxy by “financial leverage”. Methodologically, Ubesie (2016)
used the “pooled ordinary least square regression” for data analysis and report that capital structure affects return
on assets and asset turnover ratio but show no effect on ROE and earnings per share of the conglomerates. Ubesie
(2016) stated that the outcome of the study agreed with earlier similar studies‟ results that “capital structure” has a

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

mixed effect on financial performance. Ubesie (2016) therefore advised firms to discover the best combination of
debt and equity that is profitable for their company.
Mahmud and Musa (2016) examines the “impact of capital structure on financial performance of listed firms in
the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry” and used panel data sourced from the sampled firms‟ annual reports for the
period 2005 to 2014. They used panel data regression technique to analyze the extent Debt components affected
performance variables. Their results indicate that capital structure proxy by current liabilities, non- current
liabilities and Total liabilities has a negative and significant relationship with “financial performance” measured by
return on assets and earnings per share of listed petroleum marketing companies in Nigeria. Their result also
showed that firm size as well as “tangibility” significantly affected ROA and earnings per share positively.
Nwude, Itiri, Agbadua, and Udeh (2016) provide “an empirical investigation of the impact of debt structure on
the performance of Nigerian quoted firms”. Nwude, Itiri, Agbadua and Udeh used annual data from 2001-2012
collected on 43 firms across different sectors of the Nigerian stock market. The study estimated the “Pooled OLS,
Fixed effects and Random effects models” and the results show that debt significantly influence the performance of
quoted firms albeit negatively for the period covered in their study. Thus, Nwude et al. (2016) in conclusion assert
that “debt contributes negatively to performance of Nigerian quoted firms”.

The longitudinal research design for panel data, a type of quasi-experimental research design was adopted. We
used the following metrics; debt-to-equity ratio (DER), long-term debt-to-total assets ratio (LTDTA), total debt-
to-total assets ratio (TDTA) and short-term debt-to-total assets ratio (STDTA) to measure capital structure
decisions. For performance of firms, ROA was used. Size, measured as the “natural log of total assets”, was
introduced as a control variable (see Frank and Goyal (2003)).

3.1. Data
The first set of data (equity, total market value, book value, long-term debt, total assets, total debt, short-term
debt, and net income values) were collected from the annual reports of the individual firms that featured in this
study. The second set of data (the capital structure and performance ratios) were derived from the first set of data.
The published annual reports of firms several years were complimented by data sourced from the Nigerian stock
exchange and the security and exchange commission who maintain data banks for quoted firms in Nigeria. Also, we
sourced data from the Cashcraft Asset Management Limited, a registered dealer and broker with the Nigerian stock
exchange through their website especially data on stock price movements of firms. Annual data for the years 2010
through 2018 were collected on the variables of interest across the Premium Board companies that entered into the
analysis. As at the end of December 2018, there were seven (7) firms quoted on the Premium Board of the Nigerian
stock exchange. It is important to point out that “in keeping with its commitment to promoting Africa‟s biggest
companies, as well as influencing the economic growth and development of Nigeria”, the Nigerian stock exchange
launched the “Premium Board and the associated Premium Board Index on Tuesday, August 25, 2015”. Thus, on
the time range covered by this study, the above information show that Premium Board were not operationally in
existence as at 2010. However, the researchers bent backwards to 2010 in order to capture the 5year pre-qualifying
condition of the companies before their listing in the Premium Board. Thus, we used a balanced panel data from
seven firms covering a period of 9 years.

3.3. Model Specification

This study used panel regression method. The fixed and Random effects models were estimated in this study
and the Haussmann test was used to select the best model for interpretation of the results.
We specified the estimated functional model as follows:

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

Equation 1 show return on assets (dependent variable) as a function of total debt to assets ratio, long-term debt
to total assets ratio, debt to equity ratio and size.
The above functional relationship Equation 1 in its estimated form (see Equation 2 below) becomes:

The variables in Equation 2 above are further explain as:

, return on assets; i = company 1, 2, …, n and t = year 1, 2, …, n

are the independent variables as previously defined

= are the coefficient for the explanatory variables; k = 1, 2, …, n

the error term

= “is the unknown intercept for each firm” under the Fixed effects method


Table-1. Composition of premium board companies.

S/N Company Symbol Sector Status in study
Seplat Petroleum Oil and Gas (Exploration and
1 Development Company Plc SEPLAT Production) Used
2 Zenith Bank Plc ZENITH Financial Services (Banking) Used
3 Access Bank Plc ACCESS Financial Services (Banking) Used
4 United Bank for Africa Plc UBA Financial Services (Banking) Used
Industrial Goods (Building
5 Lafarge Africa Plc. (Wapco) LARFWAPCO Materials) Used
Financial Services
(Banking/Other Financial
6 FBN Holdings Plc FBNH Institutions) Used
Industrial Goods (Building
7 Dangote Cement Plc DANGCEM Materials) Used

Table 1 above presents the companies listed on the Premium Board segment of the Nigerian stock exchange
within the period covered by this study. It also shows their symbols (ticker) and their respective sectors (type of
business). All the companies listed formed part of this study as indicated in the column labeled „status in the study‟.

4.1. Panel Unit Root Test

From Table 2 above, all the statistics indicate that the series are stationary at level. This result lead to the
rejection of the null hypothesis that the series have unit root. We therefore accept the alternative hypothesis that
the variables have no unit root.

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

Table-2. Panel unit root test results.

Sample: 2010 2018
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0 to 1
Newey-West automatic bandwidth selection and Bartlett kernel
Method Statistic Prob.** Cross- sections Obs
Null: Unit root (assumes common unit root process)
Levin, Lin & Chu t* -12.1233 0.0000 88 588
Null: Unit root (assumes individual unit root process)
Im, Pesaran and Shin W-stat -4.59188 0.0000 88 588
ADF - Fisher Chi-square 305.720 0.0000 88 588
PP - Fisher Chi-square 347.110 0.0000 88 616
Note: ** Probabilities for Fisher tests are computed using an asymptotic Chi.
-square distribution. All other tests assume asymptotic normality.

4.2. Empirical Results: Random Effects Cross – Section Effects Model

The results Table 3 below using the Random effects cross – section effects model, R-squared (R2) indicate that
51% of changes in ROA of companies listed on the premium board were accounted for by TDTA, LTDTA, DER
and Size. The t-test results show that except TDTA, the other variables - LTDTA, DER and Size - were
statistically significant at the 5% level of significance. However, DER and SIZE exhibit negative relationships with
return on assets. The standard error of the model is very small at 2.3% while the F-statistical probability is 0.0000.
Therefore, we “reject the null hypothesis that all of the regression coefficients are zero” and conclude that the model
can be relied upon.

Table-3. Random effects model.

Type of analysis: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section Random effects)
Coefficients Stand. Error T-Stat Prob
C 0.081629 0.036869 2.214053 0.0313
DER? -0.001910 0.000888 -2.150940 0.0362
LTDTA? 0.209956 0.067581 3.106738 0.0031
TDTA? 0.003088 0.034154 0.090409 0.9283
SIZE? -0.005498 0.002733 -2.011635 0.0496
R-squared 0.512934
Adjusted R-squared 0.474732
S.E. of regression 0.022816
F-statistic 13.42714
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
EGLS Estimated Generalized Least Square

Next, we estimate the Fixed effects model.

Table 4 show the results of the Fixed effects model. Except DER, others (TDTA, LTDTA and Size) were
statistically significant at the 5% level of significance. The explanatory power of the Fixed effects model was72.56%
and 66.46% for R2 and R2-adjusted respectively compared to 51.3% for R2 and 47.47% for R2-adjusted using the
Random effects model. Nevertheless, the coefficient of DER and SIZE maintained their negative sign just as every
variable in the model maintained their previous signs as in the Random effects model.

4.3. Hausman Test

We estimated Hausman Test (Hausman, 1978) to decide which model is better between the Random and Fixed
effects models. This statistic compares coefficients from the Random effects model with those from the Fixed effects
model. A significant difference would indicate that Fixed effects model out performs Random effects method. If

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

Fixed effects model out performs Random effects method, Fixed effects model results are then used for
interpretation otherwise, the Random effects model is used.

Table-4. Fixed effects model.

Method Pooled Least Squares (Cross-section Fixed effects)
Variable Coefficient Std error T. Stat. Prob (t- stat)
Constant 0.332399 0.148775 2.234243 0.0305
DER? 0.000351 0.001614 0.217187 0.829
LTDTA? 0.210252 0.068246 3.080784 0.0035
TDTA? -0.21288 0.050747 -4.19494 0.0001
SIZE? -0.02518 0.011862 -2.12297 0.0393
R 2 0.725575
R2-adj. 0.664591
F-statistic 11.89791
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Durbin-Watson stat 1.936907

The full test result is presented below.

Table-5. Correlated Random effects – Hausman Test.

Pool: PREMIUM Board
Test cross-section Random effects
Test Summary Chi-Sq. Statistic Chi-Sq. d.f. Prob.
Cross-section random 34.868677 4 0.0000
** WARNING: estimated cross-section Random effects variance is zero.
Cross-section Random effects test comparisons:
Variable Fixed Random Var(Diff.) Prob.
DEBTR? 0.000351 -0.001910 0.000002 0.0934
LTDTAR? 0.210252 0.209956 0.000090 0.9752
TDTAR? -0.212882 0.003088 0.001409 0.0000
SIZE? -0.025183 -0.005498 0.000133 0.0881

From the results shown in Table 5, the Hausman statistic reports show that Random effects specification differ
significantly from Fixed effects specification with a chi-square value of 34.868677 at 4 degrees of freedom and
practically zero (0.0000) probability. Looking at the Cross-section Random effects test comparisons table, the
variation between the coefficients of the two specifications show statistically insignificant differences in the
specifications for the variables except for TDTAR which accepts the hypothesis that there is significant difference
in the specification by both random and Fixed effects. Overall, the Fixed effects specification going by the test
summary is superior to the Random effects specification and so we reject the Random effects model as inconsistent
and adopt the Fixed effects model instead. Having adopted Fixed effects specification, and given the results in table
4 above, we summarize the effect of capital structure decisions on firms listed on the premium board of Nigerian
stock market as follows.
1. Measures of capital structure used in this study explain 72.6% of the variations in return on assets (ROA) of
companies registered on the premium board of the Nigerian stock exchange.
2. Debt/equity ratio share a positive but insignificant association with ROA.
3. Long-term debt affect ROA positively and significantly
4. Total debt to total asset ratio has negative and significant relationship with ROA.
5. Size affects ROA negatively and significantly at 5% level of significance.

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Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

Furthermore, we conducted the redundant Fixed effects test which examined the importance of cross-section
effects in our specification. The tests, "Cross-section F" and "Cross-section Chi-square" evaluate the “joint
significance of the cross-section effects using sums-of-squares (F-test) and the likelihood function (Chi-square test)”.
From test results, sums-of-squares (F-test) value 5.811446 and likelihood function (Chi-square test) 32.128391 and
their associated p-values 0.0002 and 0.0000 respectively lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis that “the cross-
section effects are redundant”. This implies firms entertain different intercepts and thus supports the Fixed effects

4.4. Discussion of Findings

The positive relationship between debt to equity ratio suggested by this study agree with Abdul and Zubair
(2017) who investigated “Debt to Equity ratio and firm performance of Pakistani companies” to the extent that
decisions on capital mix affect corporate performance. However, the results differ on grounds of the significance.
This positive relationship is insignificant for firms in Nigeria while significant for Pakistani companies. Similarly,
Jean (2017) on Rwandan firms found “a strong positive relationship between debt level and profitability” (ROA).
EL-Maude et al. (2016) as well as Abdulkadir and Ozlem (2015) all agree capital structure decisions affect ROA of
firms. On the other hand, our results disagree with Tim (2017) study on Dutch firms who found a negative and
significant relationship between measures of “capital structure” and ROA. Mauwa, Namusonge, and Onyango
(2016); Matthew and Stephen (2016); Nassar (2016); Mahmud and Musa (2016); Nwude et al. (2016) findings all
indicate that „return on asset‟ relates negatively with „capital structure decisions‟ which is in agreement with the
„Pecking Order Theory‟. Iyoha and Umoru (2017) revealed that the ratio of noncurrent liability to equity does not
affect ROA. The mixed relationship found among capital structure decision measures in this study supports (Patrick
et al., 2017) who investigated the “effects of capital structure choice on profitability of companies in Ghana”. Patrick
et al. (2017) study indicates that „long-term-debt to total capital‟, „total debt to total capital‟ and „firm size‟, affect
return on asset differently. These varying relationships among capital structure decisions‟ variables and ROA finds
support in Herciu and Ogrean (2017) and Ubesie (2016) whose results were mixed as some measures show positive
correlations between ROA and „debt-to-equity ratio‟ while others show very weak correlation.

We examined the financing decisions of firms and the extent such decisions (the proportion of debt in relation
to equity as well as total assets) affect the financial performance of firms listed on the premium board segment of the
Nigerian stock exchange. The objectives were to provide insight on the relationships between “debt-to-equity
ratio”, “long-term-debt to total assets”, “total debt to total assets” on one side and return on assets. The research
design was quasi experimental and utilized “cross-sectional time series data”. Panel regression methods were used
to analyze the data. Fixed and Random effects models were estimated. Haussmann test was used to decide the best
model for interpretation of the results. The Fixed effects model was adopted. The results indicate mixed
relationships between measures of capital structure decisions and performance (ROA) of firms quoted on the
premium board of the Nigerian stock exchange. It is recommended that quoted Companies on the Premium board in
Nigeria should target achieving optimal combination of their capital components to leverage on positive effects of
debt-to-equity ratio on return on assets. Further, firms quoted on the premium board of the Nigerian stock
exchange should sustain their Long-term debt profiles to continue to improve their level of return on assets.
Finally, Premium Board quoted companies should re-examine their working capital policy to minimize the negative
impact of current liabilities on return on asset given that “long-term debt to total assets ratio” affects ROA
positively and significantly.

© 2020 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved.
Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2020, 10(2): 192-203

Funding: This study received no specific financial support.

Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Acknowledgement: All authors contributed equally to the conception and design of the study.

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