Ugwu Thesis

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A Thesis



Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of

Texas A&M University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


December 2008

Major Subject: Mechanical Engineering



A Thesis



Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of

Texas A&M University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Approved by:

Co-Chairs of Committee, Xin-Lin Gao

Catalin Teodoriu
Committee Members, Anastasia Muliana
Alan Palazzolo
Head of Department, Dennis O’Neal

December 2008

Major Subject: Mechanical Engineering



Cement Fatigue and HPHT Well Integrity with Application to Life of Well Prediction.

(December 2008)

Ignatius Obinna Ugwu,

B.Eng., Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

Co-Chairs of Advisory Committee, Dr. Xin-Lin Gao

Dr. Catalin Teodoriu

In order to keep up with the world’s energy demands, oil and gas producing companies

have taken the initiative to explore offshore reserves or drill deeper into previously

existing wells. The consequence of this, however, has to deal with the high temperatures

and pressures encountered at increasing depths.

For an oil well to maintain its integrity and be produced effectively and

economically, it is pertinent that a complete zonal isolation is achieved during well

completion. This complete zonal isolation can be compromised due to factors that come

into play when oil well cement experiences cyclic loading conditions which can lead to

fatigue failure as a consequence of extensive degradation of the microstructure of the

cement material depending on stress levels and number of cycles. There have been a lot

of research and experimental investigations on the mechanism of fatigue failure of

concrete structures but the fatigue behavior of oil well cement is still relatively unknown

to engineers.

Research in the area of oil well cement design has led to improved cement

designs and cementing practices but yet many cement integrity problems persist and this

further strengthens the need to understand the mechanism of cement fatigue.

This research seeks to develop a better understanding of the performance of the

casing cement bond under HPHT well conditions that can lead to best practices and a

model to predict well life. An analytical model, which can be used to evaluate stresses in

the cement sheath based on actual wellbore parameters, was developed and combined

effectively with finite element models to evaluate the fatigue and static loading behavior

of a well.

Based on the findings of this investigation, the mechanical properties of the

casing, cement and formation as well loading conditions play a very big role in the static

and fatigue failure of well cement.

Finally, recommendations for future work on this subject were also presented in

order to understand all tenets of cement fatigue and to develop governing equations.


To God who gave me the strength and intellect to venture into this work, this work and

its progress is dedicated to Him.

To my parents who have been shinning beacons and continuous source of

encouragement, even in the face of difficulty, to me, this work is especially dedicated to


To everyone else who helped along the way, you are a great part of this work.


I would love to express my profound gratitude to my committee chairs, Dr. Xin-Lin Gao

and Dr. Catalin Teodoriu, for their untiring efforts in seeing to the success of this work.

Your willingness to devote your time to answer my questions whenever I called and your

continued guidance, understanding and support is something I highly appreciate.

Further appreciation is expressed to Dr. Palazzolo and Dr. Muliana, for making time

to serve on my thesis committee.

I would also not forget to acknowledge the minerals management services (MMS)

for funding this project.

To all my friends here at Texas A&M, especially Jerome Rajnauth, your warmth

and care made my transition through this great school much easier and enjoyable.


HPHT High Pressure -High Temperature

S-N Diagram Stress-Cycle Diagram

LS Low Strength

HS High Strength

BWOC By Weight of Cement

BVOB By Volume of Blend

BWOW By Weight of Water

FEA Finite Element Analysis

SF Safety Factor

E Young’s Modulus

v Poisson Ratio

σa Stress Amplitude

σm Mean Stress



ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………… iii

DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………………. v

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS……………………………………………………………… vi

NOMENCLATURE…………………………………………………………………… vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………. viii

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………….. x

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………… xiv


I INTRODUCTION: RESEARCH MOTIVATION……………………...................... 1

1.1 Background……………………………………………........................... 2
1.1.1 HPHT Well Integrity……………………………………………... 2
1.1.2 Failure Criteria……………………………………………………. 3
1.1.3 Fatigue…………………………………………………………….. 4
1.1.4 Fatigue in Cement/Concrete………………………………………. 6
1.2 Research Objectives………………………………………....................... 11
1.3 Approach...……………………………………………………………… 11

II OILFIELD CEMENTING…………………………………………………………… 12

2.1 Well Cement…………………………………………………………….. 12

2.1.1 New Cements vs. Conventional Well Cements………………….. 17
2.2 Cement Additives……………………………………………………….. 21
2.3 Well Cementing Design Process………………………………………... 23
2.4 Cement Integrity Issues Due to Temperature and Pressure…………….. 25
2.4.1 Effect of High Temperature………………………………………. 25
2.4.2 Combined Effect of Temperature and Pressure…………………... 27
2.4.3 Casing-Cement –Formation Interactions…………………………. 29



3.1 Analytical Model of Wellbore Stresses……………………………….… 33

3.1.1 Background………………………………………………………. 33
3.1.2 Assumptions……………………………………………………... 35
3.1.3 Failure Criteria…………………………………………………… 35
3.1.4 Analytical Model………………………………………………… 38
3.2 Analytical and Finite Element Studies………………………….……… 45
3.3 Fatigue Studies……………………………………………………….… 49

IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………………………………………………... 56

4.1 Static Studies…………………………………………………..……… 56

4.2 Fatigue Loading……………………………………………………….. 72


5.1 Conclusions……………………………………………………..…....... 88
5.2 Recommendations for Future Work…………………………………… 90

REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………. 91

VITA………………………………………………………………………..................... 94



1.1 Fluctuating Tensile and Compressive Cyclic Stress ........................................... 6

1.2 Comparison of Fatigue Strain for High and Low Strength Cements ………….. 7

1.3 Comparison of Max. Stress Levels to Number of Cycles for Different Cement
Strengths………………………………………………………..………………. 8

1.4 Damage Development Depending on Different Cyclic Load Levels…………... 10

2.1 Stresses That Act on a Pre-Stressed Cement System…………………………… 18

2.2 Three Step Process for Cement Design …………..…………………………… 25

2.3 Tangential Stress for Hard and Soft Cement Systems……… ………………… 31

3.1 Radial and Hoop Stress Profile Due to Loading Conditions…………………... 34

3.2 Stresses Acting on a Cement Sheath ……………………….………………….. 34

3.3 Concrete Failure Criterion under Triaxial Compressive Stresses ……………… 37

3.4 Failure Envelope for Triaxial Compression and Tensile Stress State …………. 38

3.5 Contact Pressure on Casing-Cement Interface…………………………………. 39

3.6 Operative Stresses on Cement-Formation Interface ………………………….... 42

3.7 Contact Stresses on Cement Sheath..................................................................... 44

3.8 Equivalent Stress for Casing –Cement –Formation Model with Meshing ……. 48

3.9 Equivalent Stress Comparison for Analytical and FEA Models ………………. 48

3.10 S-N Curve for Fatigue Analysis in ANSYS…………………….……………… 50

3.11 Cyclic Loading Conditions for the Cement Sheath…….……….……………… 51

3.12 Goodman Diagram for Brittle and Ductile Materials….……….………………. 52



3.13 Zero Based Loading, Goodman’s Diagram and Fatigue Options ……………... 53

3.14 Fully Reversed Loading, Goodman’s Diagram and Fatigue Options ………….. 54
4.1 Equivalent Stress with Formation E=3 x 10 psi and v=0.42 for Scenario 1………. 57
4.2 Equivalent Stress with Formation E=1 x 10 psi and v=0.3 for Scenario 1………... 58

4.3 Equivalent Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=1000 psi 59

4.4 Tangential Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=1000 psi 59

4.5 Radial Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=1000 psi....... 60
4.6 Von Mises Stress with Formation E=1 x 10 psi and v=0.3 for Loading case 2…… 61

4.7 Equivalent Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=0 psi...... 62

4.8 Tangential Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=0 psi..... 62

4.9 Radial Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=0 psi………. 63

4.10 Equivalent Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=4000 psi and pf=10000 psi 64

4.11 Tangential Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=4000 psi and pf=10000 psi 64

4.12 Radial Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=4000 psi and pf=10000 psi…... 65

4.13 Equivalent Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf=1000 psi and ΔT =150oF ……………. 66

4.14 Tangential Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf=1000 psi and ΔT =150oF ……………. 66

4.15 Radial Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf=1000 psi and ΔT =150oF ………................ 67

4.16 Equivalent Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf= 0 psi and ΔT =150oF ……………….. 68

4.17 Tangential Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf= 0 psi and ΔT =150oF ………………. 68

4.18 Radial Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf= 0 psi and ΔT =150oF …………………… 69

4.19 Equivalent Stress with pi= 4000 psi, pf=10000 psi and ΔT =150oF.................... 70


4.20 Tangential Stress with pi= 4000 psi, pf=10000 psi and ΔT =150oF ……….…. 71

4.21 Radial Stress with pi= 4000 psi, pf=10000 psi and ΔT =150oF ……..………... 71
4.22 Equivalent Stress for Static Loading with Formation E=1 x 10 psi and v=0.42..... 72

4.23 Equivalent Alternating Stress for Zero Based Loading………………………….. 73

4.24 Life Cycle for Zero Based Loading ……………………….……………………. 74

4.25 Fatigue Sensitivity to Life Plot for Zero Based Loading …………….................. 75

4.26 Fatigue Sensitivity to Safety Factor Plot for Zero Based Loading …………....... 75

4.27 Fatigue Sensitivity to Damage Plot for Zero Based Loading……………............ 76

4.28 Equivalent Stress for Static Loading with Formation Property: E=1 x 10 , v=0.3 … 77

4.29 Alternating Stress for Zero Based Loading with Formation Property:
E=1 x 10 , v=0.3………………………………………………………………... 77

4.30 Alternating Stress for Fully Reversed Loading with Formation Property:
E=1 x 10 , v=0.3………………………………………………………………… 78
4.31 Life Cycle for Fully Reversed Loading with Formation: E=1 x 10 , v=0.3……… 79

4.32 Equivalent Stress for Cement System 2 under Static Loading………………….. 80

4.33 Alternating Stress for Cement System 2 under a Zero Based Cyclic Loading … 80

4.34 Life Cycle for Cement System 2 under a Zero Based Cyclic Loading………… 81

4.35 Fatigue Sensitivity to Life for a Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement 2…. 82

4.36 Fatigue Sensitivity to Damage Plot for Zero Based Loading with Cement 2…. 82

4.37 Fatigue Sensitivity to Safety Factor Plot for a Zero Based Cyclic Loading with
Cement 2….......................................................................................................... 83


4.38 Equivalent Stress for Cement System 1 under Static Loading ……………....... 84

4.39 Alternating Stress for Cement System 1 under Zero Based Cyclic Loading....... 84

4.40 Life Cycle for Cement System 1 under Zero Based Cyclic Loading………….. 85

4.41 Fatigue Sensitivity to Life for Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement 1……. 86

4.42 Fatigue Sensitivity to Safety Factor for Zero Based Cyclic Loading with
Cement 1………………………………………………………………………… 86

4.43 Fatigue Sensitivity to Damage for Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement 1… 87



2.1 ASTM Cement Classifications …………………………………………………. 15

2.2 API Cement Classifications…………………………………………………….. 16

3.1 Stress-Life Data for Cement System 1 (Strength; 26 MPa/ 3771 psi)………… 49

3.2 Stress-Life Data for Cement System 2 (Strength; 84 Mpa /12,183 psi)……….. 49



For a well, whether oil or gas, to maintain its integrity and produce effectively and

economically, it is pertinent that a complete zonal isolation is achieved during well

completion. This complete zonal isolation, however, can be compromised due to factors

that come into play during the operative life of the completed well. Such factors may

come in the form of thermal or pressure loads generally regarded as HPHT (high

temperature-high pressure) loads which can manifest itself as a static/cyclic load or both,

depending on how it is exerted. Depending on the magnitude of loading (stress level),

the number of cycles and even the mechanical properties of the well cement, cyclic

loading could result in failure by extensive breakdown of the microstructure of the


There have been a lot of experimental investigations on the mechanism of fatigue

failure of structures like buildings and bridges but the fatigue behavior of well cement is

still relatively unknown to engineers. Research has led to improved cement designs and

cementing practices, yet many cement integrity problems persist and this further

strengthens the need to understand the mechanism of cement fatigue. Even though most

structural failures are as a result of fatigue rather than static loading, insights on the role

This thesis follows the style of SPE Journal.


of both static and fatigue loading conditions on the failure of cement sheath would

hopefully lead to improvements in well design.

1.1 Background

1.1.1 HPHT Well Integrity

A well can be said to have maintained its integrity if it effectively achieves zonal

isolation over its productive life. However, maintaining integrity is not always the case

in real life oilfield practice as case histories abound where the integrity of the well was

compromised due to failure of cement sheath and leading to loss of money and


In order to keep up with the world’s energy demands, oil and gas producing

companies have taken the initiative to explore offshore reserves or drill deeper into

previously existing wells. The consequence of this, however, is that they have to deal

with the high temperatures and pressures encountered at increasing depths. The industry

acknowledges the threshold for high temperature and high pressure conditions as 3000F

and 10,000 psi respectively. For temperatures and pressures above these values, only a

rigorous design would ensure the integrity of the well. High pressure /high temperature

(HPHT) scenarios can be seen in the case of Tuscaloosa trend in Louisiana drilled to a

depth of 23,000 ft and with bottom hole temperature of 4000F and pressures between

17000 to 20000 psi or even in case of the Shearwater field in the East Central Graben

area of the North sea with a depth of 16000 ft, temperature of 3600F and pressure of

15,200 psi, to mention but a few.


These actual HPHT industrial experiences highlighted the inadequacy of

conventional cementing procedures to provide adequate zonal isolation. High

temperatures and pressures or even post-cementing stresses imposed on the cement

sheath as a result of casing pressure testing and formation integrity tests set in motion

events which could compromise the long term integrity of the cement sheath due to

fatigue. Knowledge of the mechanism of fatigue in cement and factors that affect it such

as the magnitude of the load, strength and composition of the cement, mechanical

properties of the cement and pattern of load cycles are important to achieve a realistic

design of a cement system that will be subjected to fatigue loading. Such a design will

go a long way to ensure the long term integrity of a well operating under HPHT


1.1.2 Failure Criteria

Well cement is subjected to failure mainly by the process of

• debonding

• radial cracking

• cement plastic deformation

These are not new failure modes but just a petroleum engineer’s term for the usual failure

modes in mechanics of materials. Debonding can also be regarded as shear failure and can

exist in two forms - debonding from casing and debonding from formation. It is however

important to note that debonding can also occur as a result of cement shrinkage which in

this case cannot be regarded as a failure due to shear. Radial cracking is a failure mode by

fracture as a result of the gradual growth of cracks when the cement is subjected to fatigue

loading. Usually, the surface exhibits no sign of deformation and would finally fail under a

gradually increasing load perpendicular to the loading axis in tension and inclined to the

loading axis in compression. Plastic deformation is a result of yielding failure. It usually

results in the change of shape of the material involved.

Cook and Young1 discussed different classical theories of failure for brittle

materials including the maximum normal stress and Mohr-Coulomb’s criteria which may

partly define some of the failure modes described above. These failure criteria are used to

predict if a given material, in this case cement, will fail under a given stress condition.

Concrete under triaxial stresses fail in a unique manner and the Mohr-Coulomb’s criterion

can be used to approximately predict failure when concrete is under compressive and

tensile stresses. Neither this criterion nor the maximum normal stress criterion will suffice

in the case of triaxial compressive state. These failure criteria will be discussed in detail in

Chapter III. It is important to note that these failure criteria work by comparing a given test

condition such as a stress state with an already known parameter of the material like

ultimate strength.

1.1.3 Fatigue

Fatigue is a process of progressive and permanent internal damage in a material

subjected to repeated loading. Fatigue failure due to cyclic loading conditions occurs as

a result of frequently repeated stresses applied at stress levels lower than the ultimate

stress under static conditions. The magnitude of this stress decreases as the number of

cycles of stress increases.

The fatigue process occurs in three stages:

• Crack initiation which occurs as a result of cumulative damage in a localized

region under successive cycles of loading;

• Crack accumulation resulting in crack growth as a result of continued loading;

• Crack propagation where the specimen fractures and fails.

Since the third stage is very unstable, the fatigue life may be related to the transition

from the second stage to the third stage.

Results of static studies are used as the basis in defining a fatigue study. Fatigue

parameters include

• Fatigue life - the number of cycles to failure at a given stress level

• Fatigue Strength – the greatest amount of stress that can lead to the failure of a

material in a given number of cycles.

• Fatigue/Endurance limit- the maximum value of stress below which a material

can withstand an infinite number of cycles.

• S-N Diagram- a plot of fatigue strength against number of cycles to failure.

• Stress ratio -the ratio of the minimum to maximum stress

Fig. 1.1 shows the tensile and compressive stress fluctuations for a body under cyclic





Fig 1.1: Fluctuating Tensile and Compressive Cyclic Stress

1.1.4 Fatigue in Cement/Concrete

The nature of fatigue in well cement is generally unknown and only a few studies exist on

the fatigue of construction cement. The differences between oil well and cement used in the

construction industry will be discussed in the next chapter. The fatigue strength of

cement/concrete can be affected by factors such as the composition and mechanical

properties of the cement, environmental and loading conditions and water-cement ratio of

concrete. A number of studies have been done on the fatigue of construction cement and it

was found that due to the heterogeneous nature of cement, experimental results show a

large scattering in the concrete behavior due to the cyclic loading and few data sets may not

be sufficient to give an adequate description of cement behavior under fatigue loading.

Studies were conducted by Kim and Kim2 on the fatigue behavior of high strength

concrete using a type I Portland cement to which Elkem micro silica (powder) was added.

A constant minimum stress level of 25 percent of the static uniaxial compressive strength

was maintained while the cyclic tests were conducted at maximum stress levels of 75, 80,

85 and 95% of the static strength. The first cycle of loading was loaded at a standard rate,

and the other cycles were loaded in the frequency of 1 Hz. The test results (Fig.1.3)

indicated that under the same stress levels, fatigue life decreases as the concrete strength

increases, and then the fatigue resistance of high strength concrete seems to be inferior to

that of low strength concrete. Figure 1.2 below shows the relationships between the number

of loading cycles and the fatigue strains of concrete low strength (LS) and high strength

(HS). Although the fatigue strain of HS concrete is smaller than that of LS concrete, the

slope of strain increment curve of HS concrete is steeper than that of LS concrete, i.e., the

rate of strain increment increases with the strength of concrete. Therefore high strength

concrete is more brittle than low strength concrete under fatigue loading.

Fig 1.2: Comparison of Fatigue Strain for High and Low Strength Cements [2]

Fig 1.3: Comparison of Max Stress Levels to Number of Cycles for Different Cement
Strengths [2]

Antrim3 conducted fatigue studies on hardened ordinary Portland (type I) cement

paste using 2 specimens; one with a high-water cement ratio of 0.7 and another with a

low water-cement ratio of 0.45. A high stress level of 80% (percentage of the ultimate

static compressive strength of the cement) was used in conducting this investigation. It

was observed that the degree to which shrinkage stresses were present in the specimens

were proportional to the water content. This lead to the 0.7 mixture undergoing more

shrinkage due to a more extensive capillary pore system. It was also observed that at

equivalent percentages of the compressive strength, the 0.7 water-cement mixture was

capable of withstanding more cycles to failure than the 0.4 water-cement mixture. From

these results, the author suggested that shrinkage stresses play a greater role in fatigue

strength because they serve to restrain crack propagation3. Crack propagation was slower

in the open capillary structure cement (0.7 mixture) than in the dense structure cement

(0.4 mixture) because the high water cement ratio paste is less brittle and can re-adjust

its structure thus delaying the build up of stress concentrations.

Breitenbucher et al. 4 noticed in their investigations that cyclic loading could lead

to the reduction of stiffness of concrete and that fatigue strain plays a role in the

degradation of the mechanical properties of concrete. The level of damage due to fatigue

loading can be ascertained from the degradation of stiffness at certain number of cycles.

It was also observed that as the longitudinal strain increases at 60% stress level, the

concrete properties (Young’s modulus, fracture energy) decreased faster up to the first

2.0 millions of cycles thereafter, whereas the compressive strength almost remained

constant. There was no observed failure due to fatigue for at least 25.5 million cycles.

Similar observations were made at 70% & 75% stress levels. This shows that the effects

of number of cycles appear to be negligible and therefore the damage is governed only

by the evolution of fatigue strain. These results were also corroborated by the findings of

Breitenbucher and Ibuk5, who in addition noticed that small differences in the upper load

can largely affect the formation of micro-cracks.

Hayeb et al.6 obtained results similar to those of Breitenbucher et al.4 The

inclusion of steel fibers in ordinary cement paste helped to improve its damage

resistance. From Fig. 1.4, it is observed that at stress levels of 80%, failure occurred at

2.7 x 104 cycles and at a reduced stress level of 72%, the specimens did not fail even

after 2 x 106 cycles. A sharp decline in Young’s modulus during the first 104 cycles was

observed with no appreciable decay in the composite strength. These were also in line

with the findings of Breitenbucher and Ibuk5.


Fig 1.4: Damage Development Depending on Different Cyclic Load Levels [5]

From the existing literatures reviewed, it can be observed that the fatigue of cement can

be affected by the following;

• Compressive strength of cement

• Water-cement ratio of cement mixture

• Stress levels at which cyclic loading occurs

• Elasticity of the cement

• Use of solid particles may increase fatigue resistance

It should be noted that these studies were conducted using construction cement/concrete

but they should be an indicative of the fatigue of well cement as they both contain the

same base material.


1.2 Research Objectives

The objective of this research is to develop a better understanding of the performance of the

casing – cement bond under HPHT well conditions, leading to a model to predict well life.

This would entail two major tasks:

• to identify the factors that affect the casing-cement integrity under HPHT


• to understand better the fatigue of well cement

Based on the knowledge acquired from completing these tasks, it will be possible to

analyze the mechanics of casing-cement systems under HPHT conditions for the long term

integrity of the system.

1.3 Approach

The approach of this research would involve a combination of analytical and finite element

studies to achieve the above mentioned objective.

The analytical model of well bore stresses will be developed to provide insights into

the casing –cement –formation interactions under static loading conditions and also

providing guidance for the finite element model.

The finite element model will seek to utilize the results from the analytical model to

develop an understanding of fatigue life for cement sheath under HPHT conditions.



2.1 Well Cement

Well cements are specially formulated for the exploratory drilling of oil and gas wells.

Well cementing serves various purposes7 which includes

• to provide support and protection to the casing

• to enable zonal isolation by preventing the movement of fluids through the annular

space outside the casing, stopping the movement of fluids into fractured formation

or simply by plugging off an abandoned portion of the well. This is the primary

goal of well cementing.

The choice of a particular cement for zonal isolation centers largely on down hole and

formation conditions. But in general, oil well cements should have some features8 which

are necessary for a successful completion job and which would qualify them to be used

for well cementing purposes. Such features include the following:

• The cement should be able to maintain its integrity in terms of durability and

being free from strength retrogression during the operational life of the well at

the prevailing down hole conditions.

• There should be an optimal setting time for the cement .Too reactive a slurry will

result in a short setting time and an insufficiently reactive slurry may take too

long to set

• The cement slurry should have low viscosity to make it pumpable


• The cement should be high sulphate resistant.

• The cement should have a low permeability.

Well cement and construction cement have one thing in common- they are both

Portland cements. Their difference lies in the fact that well cement, in addition to its

Portland cement base, is also mixed up with additives in order to tailor it to a particular

application and is also manufactured to a higher level of consistency. Portland cement is

manufactured as a result of a chemical reaction between limestone and clay at temperatures

of about 2,600°F to 3,000°F. There are four principal compounds in Portland cement,

which are

• Tricalcium silicate C3S,

• Dicalcium silicate C2S,

• Tricalcium aluminate C3A,

• Tetracalcium aluminoferrite C4AF.

Portland cement, when set, develops compressive strength due to hydration as a

result of reaction between water and these constituting components of the cement. The

rate of hydration depends on temperature, size of cement particle and the percentage of

each component present, with C3A hydrating most rapidly followed by C3S and then by

C4AF and finally by C2S. This hydration reaction results in reduction of volume which

makes Portland cement to shrink when set. Expansive cement which is a modified

Portland cement is used to compensate for volume decrease due to shrinkage and to

induce a tensile stress in the reinforcement.


Pure Portland cement looses its compressive strength and increases its

permeability at temperatures above 230oF as a result of strength retrogression arising

from the breakdown of its crystalline structure at such temperatures. This would render

the Portland cement unusable for high temperature applications. The strength

retrogression could be explained as follows9:

When Portland cement is mixed with water, tricalcium silicate (C3S) and

dicalcium silicate (C2S) hydrate to form calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and

hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2)2. At temperatures higher than 230°F, C-S-H gel converts to α-

dicalcium silicate hydrate (α-C2SH). Conversion to the α-C2SH phase results in the loss

of compressive strength and an increase in permeability. Conversion of C-S-H gel to α-

C2SH at 230°F and higher can be prevented by adding crystalline silica.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specification C-150

provides for eight types of Portland cement I-VIII with type I cement being the normal,

general-purpose cement used for construction purposes10. More than 92% of Portland

cement produced in the United States are type I and II (or Type I/II). Type III accounts

for about 3.5% of cement production. Type IV cement is only available on special

request, and type V may also be difficult to obtain (less than 0.5% of production).

The American Petroleum Institute ,on the other hand, has defined Specifications

for materials and testing for well cements (API Specification 10A) , which includes

requirements for eight classes of oil-well cements (classes A through H) and three grades

(Grades O - ordinary, MSR - moderate sulphate resistant, and HSR - high sulphate

resistant). Each class is applicable for use at a certain range of well depths, temperatures,

pressures, and sulphate environments. Cement classes A, B, C, G, and H are primarily

used in the United States for well cementing. The petroleum industry also uses

conventional types of Portland cement with suitable cement-modifiers. Tables 2.1 and

2.2 shows the ASTM and API cement classifications and their uses.

Table 2.1: ASTM Cement Classifications [10]

ASTM Cement Use

I General purpose cement, when there are no extenuating conditions.
Similar to API class A.
II Aids in providing moderate resistance to sulfate attack. Similar to
API class B.

III When a high-early strength is required. Similar to API class C.

IV When a low heat of hydration is desired (in massive structures).

V When high sulfate resistance is required.

IA4 A type I cement containing an integral air-entraining agent

IIA4 A type II cement containing an integral air-entraining agent

IIIA4 A type III cement containing an integral air-entraining agent


Table 2.2: API Cement Classifications [8]

API class Operating Suitability

A 80-170 Good for 0-6000ft depth. Used when special
properties are not required.
B 80-170 Good for 0-6000ft depth. Used for moderate to
high sulphate resistance
C 80-170 Good for 0-6000ft depth. Used for moderate to
high sulphate resistance and when high early
strength is required
D 170-230 Good for 6000-10,000ft depth. Used for
moderate to high sulphate resistance and
moderately high temperatures and pressures
E 170-290 Good for 10,000-14,000ft depth. Used for
moderate to high sulphate resistance and high
temperatures and pressures
F 230-320 Good for 10,000-16,000ft depth. Used for
moderate to high sulphate resistance and
extremely high temperatures and pressures
G 80-200 Good for 0-8,000ft depth. Used for moderate to
high sulphate resistance. Has improved slurry
acceleration and retardation.
H 80-200 Same as class G

2.1.1 New Cements vs. Conventional Well Cements

Special situations call for innovative actions and so, the need to drill deeper and produce

oil and gas under HPHT environments has motivated drilling engineers to come up with

what is regarded as “designer” or “supercement” systems which are actually

conventional cements that are modified so as to improve its long term sealing integrity in

HPHT wells. In some cases, these designer cements are non-Portland based. The non-

Portland based cements may include Pozzolanic cements, Epoxy Resin11, geo-polymers,

graphite and fibers (glass, steel) which polymerizes at suitable temperatures and/or

time to produce a flexible and mechanically improved cement system. Pozzolanic

cements are not actually cements but react at ordinary temperature with calcium

hydroxide in the presence of moisture to form compounds with cementitious properties.

The modified conventional cement systems include

• Expansive cements (e.g. super cement bond log ),

• Non-shrinking cement system ,

• Foamed cement,

• Thixotropic cement and

• POZMIX cement (Pozzolan and Portland cement mix).

Each of these “designer” cements is chosen based on the prevailing well

conditions as the cement for the design of one well may not be appropriate for the design

of another. Investigations11 have been conducted on the effectiveness of these new

cement systems in securing a long term integrity for HPHT wells. These have been

conducted using new cement systems which includes a Portland based expansive cement

system and a non-Portland based (Epoxy Resin) cement system. According to

experimental results, the expansive cement exhibited good qualities which make it a

good candidate for a HPHT scenario. When set, it generates an internal compressive

strength which enables it to counter tensile stresses as opposed to conventional cement

systems. The tensile stress generated by the pressure within the wellbore annulus serves

first to reduce the compressive pre-stress present in the cement before the material

realizes a net tensile stress. As a result, the effective compressive strength of the cement

is increased by the compressive preload applied. This is shown in Fig. 2.1 below:

Fig 2.1: Stresses That Act on a Pre-Stressed Cement System [11]

Some of the positive results with this kind of cement include;

• Improved Annular seal under HPHT conditions


Test results when compared to conventional Portland cement system (Portland

cement, retarded, with 35% silica) showed the expansive cement system providing a

very good seal in a hard formation. Based on the number of cycles at each pressure

applied (up to 10,000 psi with increments of 1000 psi and temperature of 2000F), the

expansive Cement absorbed 5 times the energy before failure than the conventional

cement system.

• Improved Mechanical Shear Bonding

From the mechanical shear bond testing, the conventional cement was about 140 psi

as opposed to 1,840 psi for the expansive cement, an increase of approximately 13


• Improved Hydraulic Bonding

The resistance to various materials to allowing water to flow through or past a plug

was measured at ambient temperatures. The conventional system had a hydraulic

bond of 3800 psi as opposed to 6000 psi for the expansive cement system.

It should, however, be noted that expansive cement functions by expanding

against confinement and the higher the level of confinement, the better its performance

since expansive cements are generally strong in compression and weak in tension. As a

consequence, it would not be so good an idea to use expansive cement in soft/weak

formations as it tends to debond from the casing –cement interface.

The same investigators also conducted investigations on non Portland based

epoxy resin cement systems but with more inconclusive than positive results as

compared to the expansive cement system. They observed that for epoxy resin, the

pumping time is relatively insensitive to pressure and weighting materials, which makes

its design simpler than conventional cement systems. Different hardeners and diluents

can be added to push the temperature higher. The HPHT annular seal testing failed

laboratory investigations but was successful in field trials, and this led the investigators

to conclude that more tests and observation are necessary to understand the mechanism

of sealing using epoxy resin. The mechanical shear bond, however, was both high and

constant, and seems to be due to the material folding up and mechanically resisting the

imposed motion of the tubulars.

Foamed cement has also been employed to solve difficult HPHT well integrity

problems. This can be seen in the case of Shearwater field12,13. The presence of higher

than anticipated B annulus pressures in wells drilled at the Shearwater field in the East

central Graben area of the north sea resulted in serious concerns about the long term

integrity of the wells. The field is regarded as a HPHT well with initial reservoir

temperature and pressure of 360oF and 15200 psi respectively at 17900 MD. The

unusually high B annulus pressures were more likely as a result of

• The formation of micro annuli between the cement /formation interface

• Contamination of the cement by flowing hydrocarbons from tight crystalline

limestone within the surrounding formation.

The shearwater field team proposed the use of a foamed cement system citing the

following advantages:

• Improved Mud Displacement, Expansive Properties and Fluid Loss


Compared to conventional cement systems, foamed cement possesses superior mud

removal properties, has a lesser overall fluid loss and compensates for shrinkage

common with conventional cement systems.

• Improved Ductility

Compared to conventional systems, foamed cements are more flexible and possess the

ability to withstand both high temperature and high pressure cycling induced stresses.

• High Tensile Strength

Foamed cement high tensile strength would make it more resistant to tensile cracking

• Economy and Safety

Under a HPHT scenario, foamed cement provides a cost effective life cycle design even

though the initial cost may be higher than that of conventional cement, and it also

reduces health safety and environmental risks.

The use of foamed cement system proved very effective in dealing with the

shearwater field problems. However, it was pointed out that a comprehensive analysis is

required to assess the risk of damage to the cement sheath due to downhole well events.

It was also suggested that cement systems should be pre-tested in a laboratory to ensure

that it meets the requirements determined by the analysis.

2.2 Cement Additives

Depending on downhole conditions, certain qualities may be required of the cement used

in completing the well. Additives when added to the Portland cement base could be used

to achieve the desired qualities. They could also be used to extend the properties of the

base cement. For instance, with additives, Portland cement may be modified to sustain

very high temperatures up to 700oF and large pressures up to 30,000 psi.

Some of the most commonly used additives in oilfield cementing include

• Accelerators

These are cement additives that generally tend to reduce the thickening time of cement

slurry and increase the rate of development of compressive strength. Since the hydration

process, which results in the setting of cement, occurs at a faster rate at higher

temperatures, the setting of cement might be a problem while cementing wells drilled in

areas of low temperatures and also result in a lot of waiting time .To counter such,

accelerators like CaCl2, NaCl, sodium silicate, sea water etc are used to speed up the

thickening time.

• Retarders

Retarders are the opposite of accelerators as the name suggests. They act to increase the

thickening time of cement slurry. They are mostly lignosulfonate which are polymers

derived from wood pulp. Examples include calcium, sodium and chemically modified


• Weighting Agents

These are added to cement to increase the density of the final cement mix. They are very

important when designing wells with high temperature and high pressure conditions in

order to give the base cement more strength to sustain high pressures and also to prevent

strength retrogression at high temperatures. Examples include ilmenite (FeTiO3),

Hematite (Fe2O3) and Barite (BaSO4).


• Fluid Loss Control Agents

These set of additives prevents from phase separation under downhole temperature and

pressure conditions. Such a separation would result in fluid being lost to the formation.

They are usually synthetic polymers.

• Extenders

These set of additives help to lower the density of the cement mix. Examples include

bentonite, pozzolans, microsphere, sodium silicates etc.

Other additives include dispersants and lost circulation control agents.

2.3 Well Cementing Design Process

The drilling and completion of a well is a capital project that runs into millions of dollars

and hence, it is necessary to have a comprehensive design of the cement used for

completion of a particular well and also to avoid remedial cement work which would

add extra cost to the project. Cement design is usually streamlined to a particular well

according to prevailing downhole conditions which is ensued by testing in the lab to

determine if the design would be satisfactory.

Ravi and Xenakis 14 discussed a three step approach to cement design. Step one

would involve a detailed engineering analysis. It would require identifying the nature of

the formation- is it a hard or a loose formation? It would require identifying all forces

that would come into play as the well is being produced- are there high temperatures,

high pressures or both? Is it normally or abnormally pressured? Step one also includes

static and fatigue loading analysis to determine if the cement sheath would sustain the

series of cyclic loads it would encounter during its lifetime. The answers to step one

questions would lead to step two which would involve designing the cement slurry based

on factors identified in step one. Here properties of the cement like tensile strength,

Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, plasticity parameters, shrinkage/expansion during

hydration, and post-cement slurry hydration are chosen so as to effectively match the

effects of downhole conditions. Thereafter, laboratory investigations are conducted on

the designed slurry.

The data from the laboratory tests and the analysis of step one are then analyzed

together to evaluate performance. Step three would involve adhering to best drilling and

cementing practices such as centering of casing and effectively cleaning out hole of all

mud so as not to undermine the performance of the designed slurry. It also involves

monitoring during the life of the well. Fig.2.2 below summarizes the design process;

Step 1 -Effect of well operations on cement sheath

Engineering Analysis integrity
-Evaluate Properties of cement sheath to reduce
the risk of failure

Step 2 - Lab tests—Thickening time, mechanical

Cement Slurry Design properties
& Testing - Other tests—Wettability, hole cleaning and
slurry placement

Step 3 -People, equipment, quality process, HSE

Deployment and -Cement sheath evaluation, monitoring, learning,
Monitoring improvement

Fig 2.2: Three Step Process for Cement Design [14]

2.4 Cement Integrity Issues Due to Temperature and Pressure

The Knowledge of the stress and deformation fields in the vicinity of a HPHT well is very

critical in evaluating its structural capability. A combination of large temperature ranges

and high pressure variations exerts excessive load between the protection casing strings and

ultimately on the cement sheath. Studies have been conducted on the effects of high

temperature or high pressure or both on well integrity. Some studies describing such efforts

are presented below.

2.4.1 Effect of High Temperature

• Case Study 1

Very high temperatures change the crystalline structure of cement. Stiles15 conducted

studies to investigate the effect of ultrahigh temperatures on the mechanical properties of


cement. Five different cement formulations were exposed to a high temperature of 645oF

and the variations of the Young’s modulus, tensile strength and Poisson ratio of these

cement systems at this temperature (and pressure of 2,133 psi) were observed over a 2

year period. The cement systems used are described below:

System 1- Conventional (class G) cement system with 40% BWOC silica flour, 4.3%

BWOC gypsum, fluid loss control additive and CaCl2 accelerator. It was mixed at 15.4


System 2- A low density thixotropic cement system with 92% class A cement with 40%

BWOC silica flour, 8% gypsum, fluid loss control additive and CaCl2 accelerator and

mixed at 14.5 lb/gal.

System 3 – A foamed cement system of density of 11.65 lb/gal with class G cement (with

40% BWOC silica flour) as base slurry, a surfactant additive with 26% gas production

by volume. It was mixed at 15.8 lb/gal.

System 4 – High strength low density cement of density of 11.65 lb/gal, containing

hollow ceramic microspheres designed with maximized solid volume fraction technique

with silica content in excess of 40% BWOC and with added fluid loss control additive

and CaCl2 accelerator.

System 5- A flexible and expanding low density cement system of density of 12.5 lb/gal

containing solid flexible and an MgO base expanding agent designed with maximized

solid volume fraction technique similar to system 4.The flexible particles were added at

50% BVOB.

From the analysis of the experimental data, it was observed that the conventional

and foamed cement systems exhibited brittleness after curing at 6450F while other

systems possessed mechanical parameters (low Young’s modulus and high tensile

strength) that are as good as or better than the flexible blends. From this study it can also

be deduced that the ratio of tensile strength to young modulus gives an indication of

resistance to failure under tension. The thixotropic cement and the flexible cement had

the highest tensile strength to Young’s modulus ratio.

2.4.2 Combined Effect of Temperature and Pressure

The combined presence of high temperatures downhole with high pressure loads lead to

excessive pressure loading in annuli of the casing strings. The pressure load may be as a

result of an increase in pressure around the wellbore region due to pressure integrity

tests, increase of mud weight, casing perforation, stimulation, gas production etc and

these can result in considerable damage to the mechanical properties of cement sheath.

Godwin and Crook16 observed that failure in cement sheath due to excessive pressure

would normally occur in the bottom one half to three-quarters of the casing string and

due to excessive temperature in the upper one fourth to two-thirds.

• Case Study 2

Godwin and Crook16 investigated the effects of high temperatures and excessive annulus

pressure using laboratory experiments and field trials. They circulated hot oil at a

temperature of 350oF through the annulus of the test specimen while gradually

increasing the pressure up to 10,000 psi with 2,000 psi increments using the following

cement systems;

System 1- Cement/siliceous material mixture system with 30% BWOW latex, 1.25%

fluid loss control additive and 0.5% gelling agent. It was mixed at 12.1 lbm/gal with

10.81 gal mix water/sack. The yield was 2.49ft3/sack. Compressive strength, Young’s

modulus and Poisson ratio was 1000psi, 0.69 x 106 and 0.42 respectively.

System 2- Cement/Pozzolan mixture system with 30% BWOW latex, 2gal/sack fluid loss

control additive, 10 lbm silica additive and 0.25% gelling agent. It was mixed at 13.1

lbm/gal with 6.48 gal mix water/sack. The yield was 1.76 ft3/sack. Compressive strength,

Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio was 2500psi, 0.8 x 106 and 0.32 respectively.

System 3 is the same as system 2 but without the latex and was mixed at 13.1 lbm/gal.

Compressive strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio was 2000psi, 0.9 x 106 and

0.3 respectively.

System 4- Class H cement system with 35% BWOC silica flour mixed at 18 lbm/gal.

Compressive strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio was 9600psi, 2.4 x 106 and

0.11 respectively.

The results indicated a collapse in crystalline structure of system 1 at pressures of

8000 psi and no appreciable change in the permeability of systems 2 through 4 with

increasing casing pressures. All the cement systems withstood pressures of 2000 psi and

fractures where observed at pressures of 4000 psi with catastrophic effects after 6000 psi

stress cycles. A microanulus occurred in cement 2 with internal pressures up to 6000 psi.

System 1 exhibited elastic properties and provided full casing support until its failure at

6000 psi. Field trials were also conducted with systems 2, 3 & 4. After being subjected

to a 12,150 psi internal casing pressure (casing pressure plus casing fluid hydrostatic

pressure) system 4 failed while system 3 remained intact. No evaluation logs were run

for system 2.

2.4.3 Casing-Cement –Formation Interactions

As the awareness of the need to analyze the structural behavior of the cement is

currently increasing, so does the need for guidelines and quantitative results. This has led

to the use of simple models or the more complex finite element models to analyze the

casing-cement-formation system and to base the cement selection on the results of this

analysis. Fleckenstein et al.17 proposes finite element analysis as the best way to analyze

the casing-cement-formation properties during the design phase. This proposal has been

corroborated by others18,19,20,21.

Finite element methods offer a means of effectively modeling pressure and

temperature effects. Utilizing computer programs, analysis of the stress situation

downhole could be achieved in multiple dimensions by partially discretizing the system

and solving the problem using FEA. With FEA, stress variations at different points along

the cement sheath radius can be effectively modeled. Several studies 18,19,20,21 show how

finite element analysis was effectively used to model HPHT wells in order to understand

and overcome cement sheath failure problem. Ravi et al22 sounds a note that cement

which may be suitable under one set of conditions may not be suitable under a different

set of conditions. Thus, a rigorous design procedure using finite element analysis should

be used to select the cement system that will satisfy each specification.

• Case Study 3 - Casing-Cement Interactions

Fleckenstein et al.17 used finite element analysis to investigate the role which mechanical

properties of the cement plays in withstanding the internal casing pressure by modeling a

cemented wellbore with two cement systems- a soft and hard cement, the soft (ductile)

cement being one with a high Poisson’s ratio and low modulus of elasticity and the hard

(brittle) cement being one with a low Poisson’s ratio and relatively high modulus of


The hard cement was Class H cement mixed with 35% silica flour at 18 ppg,

with the following mechanical properties: compressive strength: 9,500 psi, Young’s

Modulus: 2,400,000 Psi, Poisson’s Ratio: 0.11 while the soft cement system was a

cement/siliceous material mixed with 30% latex at 12.1 ppg with Compressive strength:

1,000 Psi, Young’s Modulus: 690,000 psi, Poisson’s Ratio: 0.42. These cement systems

were also studied by Godwin and Crook16 .The results indicated that there is little

difference in the constraining effect of the different cement slurries. However, a

confining stress outside the cement sheath would increase the burst resistance of the


Fig 2.3: Tangential Stress for Hard and Soft Cement Systems [17]

• Case Study 4- Casing-Cement-Formation Interactions

The confining stress on the cement sheath may come from the formation and its effect on

the cement sheath was also modeled. It was run with a 10,000 psi internal burst pressure

acting upon the inner surface of the 5-½” casing and a 3000 psi confining stress from the


The results show reductions in von Mises stress from 6,099 psi to 4,292 psi and

in tangential stress from 894 Psi (tension) at the casing outer diameter to -283 Psi

(compression) at the borehole wall. The investigators noticed a difference in the von

Mises stress that is generated by the hard and soft cement systems. At 1000 psi, hard

cement generate twice the von Mises stress when compared with the soft cement but this

reduces as the confining stress increases with a reduction of less than 20% at 5000psi

confining stress.

From these investigations they deduced that radial cracking is less likely to occur

with soft cement systems because hard cement systems are likely to generate significant

tangential stresses (Fig. 2.3), which increases the likelihood of forming radial cracks in

the presence of high internal burst pressure pressures.

It should also be noted23 that with the use of flexible and expanding cement

systems, the stiffness of the formation plays an important role. If the stiffness of the

formation is low (low Young’s modulus) compared to the cement system, debonding and

formation of microannulus at the cement casing interface may occur.




3.1 Analytical Model of Wellbore Stresses

3.1.1 Background

As a result of production operations, a cemented casing is usually subjected to a variety

of stresses in the form of cyclic pressure and temperature variations. Considering an

infinitesimal element within the cement sheath, these stresses act in a three dimensional

fashion and the cement sheath can therefore be regarded as being under a triaxial stress

state, as shown in Figure 3.2. The third component (not shown in the diagram) is the

axial stress component which is perpendicular to the two stresses shown in Figure 3.2.

The radial stress is always compressive in nature while the tangential stress could be

tensile or compressive depending on the loading conditions. Figure 3.1 shows the nature

and profile of tangential and radial stresses under different loading conditions.

The casing-cement-formation set up can be analyzed as a pressurized composite

cylinder with three concentric cylinders and a perfect bonding is assumed to exist

between the cement and casing and the cement and formation. The pressure and/or

temperature changes induce stress concentrations near the casing – cement and the

cement-formation boundaries.

σr σr σθ

- σθ - -

(a)Internal pressure
(b)External pressure

Fig 3.1: Radial and Hoop Stress Profile Due to Loading Conditions [1]




Fig 3.2: Stresses Acting on a Cement Sheath [11]


3.1.2 Assumptions

The following assumptions were made to facilitate the analytical modeling of the


• Axisymmetric deformations exist for the composite cylinder

• The composite cylinder undergoes plane strain deformation. This implies that the

composite cylinder is under a triaxial stress state.

• Casing-cement and cement-formation interfaces are perfectly bonded with no

discontinuities. This implies that the radial displacements and radial stresses are

continuous across the boundary

• No initial stress exists in cement.

• The casing is regarded as a thin walled pressure vessel

• The cement sheath and formation is treated as a thick walled pressure vessel

3.1.3 Failure Criteria

The failure criteria employed in predicting the failure of cement sheath in this model


• Maximum normal stress criterion

• Mohr-Coulomb’s criterion

• Experimental Investigation

The maximum normal stress criterion predicts that an isotropic material will fail when the

largest principal stress reaches a limiting value. This implies that failure would occur when

≥1 (3.1)

where σ 1 is the maximum principal stress and σ f is the limiting stress. If σ 1 is tensile,

then σ f is the limiting tensile stress and the other two smaller principal stresses σ 2 & σ 3

play no role (with σ 1 〉σ 2 〉σ 3 ). If applied to a compressive stress state, this criterion


≥1 (3.2)

where σ 3 is the magnitude of the minimum principal stress. It is should be noted that

this criterion would be inaccurate if all three principal stresses are compressive.

In the Mohr-Coulombs’ criterion, σ 2 does not to play any role and failure is predicted to

occur when

σ1 σ3
− ≥1 (3.3)
σ tensile σ compressive

where σ tensile and σ compressive are the tensile and compressive strengths respectively.

The classical theories of failure discussed above become insufficient even as an

approximation when the tangential, radial and axial stresses are all compressive. In such

cases, different failure theories based on experiments would be required to determine the

onset of failure. Avram et al.24 discussed concrete fracture under triaxial stresses and

proposed a new failure criterion given in Eq. (3.4) below which complies with Mohr-

Coulombs’ criterion.

σ1 ⎛σ ⎞
= 1 + 3.7⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟
fc ⎝ fc ⎠ (3.4)

where f c is the compressive strength of the cement, σ 1 is the major principal compressive

stress at failure and σ 3 is the minor principal compressive stress with σ 1 〉 σ 2 〉 σ 3 . Fig 3.3

and Fig 3.4 shows the experimental results and failure envelope respectively for concrete

under a triaxial compressive state.

Fig 3.3: Concrete Failure Criterion under Triaxial Compressive Stresses [24]

Fig 3.4: Failure Envelope for Triaxial Compression and Tensile Stress State [24]

It should be noted that this experimental failure criterion was proposed for plain concrete

and may only give an approximation of failure for well cement.

3.1.4 Analytical Model

In a composite cylinder model under consideration, the internal pressure pi acting on the

inner surface of the casing in conjunction with temperature increase will expand the

casing radially , while the cement sheath will resist the expansion. As a result, a contact

pressure (pc1) will develop at the interface between the casing and the cement.

Considering the casing-cement interface as shown in Fig. 3.5, pc1 is the contact

pressure formed at the cement-casing interface and pi is the internal pressure.


b pc1
a pi

(b) Casing (c) Cement

(a)Casing–Cement Sheath
multi- cylinder

Fig 3.5: Contact Pressure on Casing-Cement Interface

The hoop strain is given by

εθ = [σ θ − ν (σ z + σ r )] + αΔT (3.5)

and the axial strain reads

εz = [σ z −ν (σ θ + σ r )] + αΔT (3.6)

But since the axial strain is negligible considering the large depth, then εz≈0 (i.e. plane

strain assumption).It follows from Eq. (3.6) that

σ z = ν [σ r +σ θ ]− α E Δ T (3.7)

Substituting Eq. (3.7) into Eq. (3.5) yields

εθ =
[ ( ) ( )
σ θ 1 − ν 2 − ν + ν 2 σ r + (1 + ν )αEΔT ] (3.8)

The radial expansion is thus obtained as

δr =
[ ( ) ( )
σ θ 1 − ν 2 − ν + ν 2 σ r + (1 + ν )αEΔT ] (3.9)

Let the radii a, b and c be represented by ra , rb & rc respectively. Considering the casing

as a thin walled vessel we have at r = b,

σ r = − p and σ θ = (3.10)

where p = pi − pc1 , r m is the mean radius of the casing and ts is the thickness of the

casing. Substituting Eq. (3.10) into Eq. (3.9) gives

a (Pi − Pc1 ) ⎡ rm ⎤
δ r − ca sin g = { ⎢ ( 1 −ν s
) + (ν s + ν s2 )⎥ } + [ (1 + ν s )aα s ΔT ] (3.11)
Es ⎣ ts ⎦

∂ (ΔT )
Considering the cement sheath as a thick walled cylinder and assuming = 0 , the

tangential and radial stress is given by

pc1b 2 ⎛ c 2 ⎞ pc 2c 2 ⎛ b 2 ⎞
σr = ⎜1 − ⎟ − ⎜1 − ⎟ (3.12)
c 2 − b 2 ⎜⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠ c 2 − b 2 ⎜⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠

pc1b 2 ⎛ c 2 ⎞ pc 2c 2 ⎛ b 2 ⎞
σθ = ⎜1 + ⎟ − ⎜1 + ⎟ (3.13)
c 2 − b 2 ⎜⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠ c 2 − b 2 ⎜⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠

At r = b, Eq. (3.12) and Eq. (3.13) reduces to

σ r = − pc1 (3.14)

⎛ c2 + b2 ⎞ ⎛ 2c 2 ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟
σ θ pc1 ⎜ 2 2 ⎟ pc 2 ⎜⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎟
− (3.15)
⎝c −b ⎠ ⎝c −b ⎠

This gives the radial expansion in the cement sheath at r = b when Eq. (3.14) and Eq.

(3.15) are substituted into Eq. (3.9) as

b ⎡ ⎡ ⎛ b2 + c2 ⎞ ⎛ 2c 2 ⎞⎤ ⎤
δ r − cement = ⎢( 1 − ν c )⎢ pc1 ⎜ 2
⎜ ⎟
2 ⎟
− p ⎜
2⎜ 2

2 ⎟ ⎥ + p (
ν + ν 2
)⎥ + [ (1 + ν c )bα c ΔT ]
⎣ ⎝c −b ⎠ ⎝ c − b ⎠⎦
c c 1 c c
Ec ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥

Since both radial expansions are equal, it follows from Eq. (3.11) & Eq. (3.16) that

⎧⎪ b
( )
2 ⎡b + c ⎤
( a ⎡ rm
) ( 2 ⎤⎫
) (⎡b
) ⎛ 2c 2 ⎞
( ⎤
2 2

pc1 ⎨ [ 1 − vc ⎢ 2 ]
⎥ + v + v c + ⎢ 1 − v
+ v + v s ⎥ ⎬ − pc 2 ⎢ ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟ 1 − vc 2 ⎥ =
2 ⎟
⎣c − b ⎦ ⎝c −b ⎠
⎪⎩ Ec ⎦ ⎪⎭
c s s
Es ⎣ t s ⎣ Ec ⎦
pi a ⎡ rm
Es ⎣ t s
) (
2 ⎤
⎢ 1 − vs + vs + v s ⎥ + [ (1 + ν s )aα s ΔT ] − [ (1 + ν c )bα c ΔT ]


Eq. (3.17) can be put in the form

Apc1 + Bpc 2 = C (3.18)

⎧⎪ b
A = ⎨ [ 1 − vc (
⎡ b2 + c2 ⎤
⎢ 2 2⎥
+ vc + v ( 2
c ) ] + Ea ⎡⎢ rt (1 − v ) + (v + v )⎤⎥⎫⎪⎬⎪ (3.19)
m 2 2
⎪⎩ Ec ⎣c − b ⎦
s s
s ⎣ s ⎦⎭

⎡ b ⎛ 2c 2 ⎞ ⎤
B = - ⎢ ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟ 1 − vc 2 ⎥
2 ⎟
( ) (3.20)
⎣ Ec ⎝ c − b ⎠ ⎦

C= (
pi a ⎡ rm 2
) (
⎢ 1 − v s + vs + v
Es ⎣ t s
s )⎤⎥ + [ (1 +ν )aα ΔT
s s ] − [ (1 + ν c )bα c ΔT ] (3.21)


Similarly, considering the cement-formation interface as shown in Fig.3.6, pc2 is the

contact pressure formed at the cement-formation boundary as a result of the confining

pressure from the formation pressure, pf.



(a) Cement-Formation (b) Cement (c) Formation

multi- cylinder setup

Fig 3.6: Operative Stresses on Cement-Formation Interface

∂ (ΔT )
Considering the cement sheath and assuming = 0 , at r = c,

σ r = − pc 2 (3.22)

⎛ 2b 2 ⎞ ⎛ c2 + b2 ⎞
σ θ = pc1 ⎜⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎟ − pc 2 ⎜⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎟ (3.23)
⎝c −b ⎠ ⎝c −b ⎠

This gives the radial expansion in the cement sheath at r = c when Eq. (3.22) and Eq.

(3.23) are substituted into Eq. (3.9) as

c ⎡ ⎡ ⎛ 2b 2 ⎞ ⎛ c 2 + b 2 ⎞⎤ ⎤
δ r − cement = ⎢( 1 − ν c )⎢ pc1 ⎜⎜ 2

2 ⎟
− p ⎜
2⎜ 2

2 ⎟ ⎥ + p 2
ν + ν 2
⎥ + [ (1 + ν c )cα c ΔT ) ]
⎣ ⎝c −b ⎠ ⎝ c − b ⎠⎦
c c c c
Ec ⎣⎢ ⎥⎦


Considering the formation as a thick walled pressure vessel with a finite radius d into the

∂ (ΔT )
formation and also assuming = 0 , at r = c

σ r = − pc 2 (3.25)

⎛ c2 + d 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2d 2 ⎞
σ θ = pc 2 ⎜⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎟ − p f ⎜⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎟ (3.26)
⎝d −c ⎠ ⎝d −c ⎠

when Eq. 3.24 and Eq. 3.25 are substituted into Eq. 3.9 , it follows that

c ⎡ ⎡ ⎛ c2 + d 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2d 2 ⎞⎤ ⎤
δ r − formation = ⎢( 1 − ν f )⎢ pc 2 ⎜⎜ 2

2 ⎟
− p ⎜
f⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎥
⎟ + pc 2 ν f + ν 2f ⎥ + [ (1 + ν f )cα f ΔT ) ]
E f ⎣⎢ ⎣ ⎝d −c ⎠ ⎝ d − c ⎠⎦ ⎥⎦

Since both radial expansions are equal, it follows from Eq. 3.24 & Eq. 3.27 that

[ (1 − v f 2 )⎢ d 2 + c 2 ⎥ + (v f ) ] + Ec [1 − v ]⎛⎜⎜ bc ( )⎫⎪⎬⎪ − p
⎧⎪ c ⎡c ⎤
⎡ ⎤ + c2 ⎞ ⎛ 2b 2 ⎞
( )
2 2 2
2 2
pc 2 ⎨ +v
⎟ − vc + v c1 ⎢
⎜⎜ 2 ⎟ 1 − vc 2 ⎥ =
− b 2 ⎟⎠ 2 ⎟
f c
⎣d − c ⎦ ⎝c −b ⎠
c 2
⎪⎩ E f c ⎝ ⎭ ⎣ Ec ⎦
⎡ c
pf ⎢
⎛ 2d 2 ⎞
⎜⎜ 2 (
⎟ 1 − vf 2
2 ⎟
)⎤⎥ − [ (1 + ν )cα ΔT ] + [ (1 + ν c )cα c ΔT ]
⎝d −c ⎠
f f
⎢⎣ E f ⎥⎦

Eq. (3.28) can be put in the form

Dpc1 + Kpc 2 = F (3.29)


⎡ c ⎛ 2b 2 ⎞ 2 ⎤
where D = - ⎢ ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟
2 ⎟
1 − v (⎥ ) (3.30)
⎣ Ec ⎝ c − b ⎠

[ (1 − v f 2 )⎢ d 2 + c2 ⎥ + (v f ) ] + Ec [1 − v ]⎛⎜⎜ bc −+ bc ⎞⎟⎟ − (v + v )⎫⎪⎬⎪ (3.31)

⎧⎪ c ⎡ 2 2
⎤ 2 2
2 2
K= ⎨ +v f c
⎣d − c ⎦
c 2 2 c
⎪⎩ E f c ⎝ ⎠ ⎭

⎡ p c ⎛ 2d 2 ⎞
F = ⎢ f ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟ 1− vf 2
2 ⎟
( )⎤⎥ − [ (1 + ν )cα ΔT ] + [ (1 + ν c )cα c ΔT ] (3.32)
⎢⎣ E f ⎝ d − c ⎠
f f

From a simultaneous solution of Eq.(3.18) and Eq. (3.29), the contact pressures pc1 and

pc2 are given as

pc1 = (3.33)

⎡ FB − KC ⎤
C−⎢ A
⎣ DB − AK ⎥⎦
pc 2 = (3.34)

From the analysis presented above, the circumferential, radial and axial stresses present

in the cement sheath as shown in Fig. 3.7 can then be determined.



Fig 3.7: Contact Stresses on Cement Sheath


The radial, tangential and axial stresses in the cement sheath are then calculated using

the following formulas

b2 ⎡ c2 ⎤ c2 ⎡ b2 ⎤
σ r −cement = Pc1 ⎢1 − 2 ⎥
− Pc2 2 ⎢1 − 2 ⎥ (3.35)
c2 − b2 ⎣ r ⎦ c − b2 ⎣ r ⎦

b2 ⎡ c2 ⎤ c2 ⎡ b2 ⎤
σ θ −cement = Pc1 ⎢1 + 2 ⎥
− Pc2 ⎢1 + 2 ⎥ (3.36)
c2 − b2 ⎣ r ⎦ c2 − b2 ⎣ r ⎦

σ z − cement = ν [σ r + σ θ ] − αEΔT (3.37)

τ max , the maximum shear stress given by the expression;

(Pc1 − Pc 2 )b 2 c 2
τ max = (3.38)
(c 2
− b 2 )r 2
At r = b,
(Pc1 − Pc 2 ) c2
τ max = (3.39)
(c 2
− b2 )
At r = c

τ max =
(Pc1 − Pc 2 ) b 2 (3.40)
(c 2
− b2 )

3.2 Analytical and Finite Element Studies

The response of the cement sheath to different static and fatigue loading conditions will be

studied for three cement systems;

• Cement system 1 - Ductile cement system with compressive strength of 3000 psi,

tensile strength of 1000 psi, a young’s modulus of 0.69 x 106 psi and a Poisson ratio

of 0.4

• Cement system 2 - Brittle cement system with compressive strength of 9500 psi,

tensile strength of 3000 psi, a young’s modulus of 2.4 x 106 psi and a Poisson ratio

of 0.1.

• Cement system 3- A low young’s modulus and a low Poisson ratio cement system

with compressive strength of 2500 psi, tensile strength of 1000 psi a young’s

modulus of 1 x 106 psi and a Poisson ratio of 0.25

These cement systems will be studied for the following cases;

• Well pressure: 15,000 psi ; formation pressure; 1000 psi

• Well pressure: 15,000 psi ; formation pressure; 0 psi
• Well pressure: 4000 psi ; formation pressure; 10,000 psi

Other parameters used as inputs to the model include;

Temperature change ΔT: 150oF
Casing’s Young modulus and Poisson ratio: 2.9 x 107 psi and 0.3
Shear bond strength of cement: 1000 psi
Casing outer diameter, b: 9.625 in
Casing wall thickness, ts: 0.545 in
Casing inner diameter, a: 8.535 in
Cement wall thickness: 2.125 in
Formation outer diameter, d: 20 in
Formation Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio: 3 x 106 psi and 0.42
Density of cement mix: 14 lb/gal
Cement expansion coefficient of 0.000006 in/ oF

The finite element analysis was done with ANSYS workbench 11.0 and since the

casing –cement –formation is axisymetric, a quadrant was used for the 2D modeling.

To validate the casing-cement-formation model, the analytical result and finite

element simulations were compared. An internal pressure of 15,000 psi was applied inside

the casing with no formation pressure. The meshing was done with 6648 elements and

20,607 node density. Plane strain state was assumed. The boundary conditions applied


• U=0, τxy = 0 on X = 0

• V=0 , τyx= 0 on Y= 0

• σ rr = pi on r = a

• σ rr = p f on r = d

The casing –cement –formation model was also assumed fully bonded with no separation at

the interfaces.

Figure 3.8 shows the distribution of equivalent von Mises stress under the loading

condition described above and Figure 3.9 below compares the analytical values for von

Mises equivalent stress with those from the finite element analysis. The analytical and

finite element values were close with an error of about 1 %.


Fig 3.8: Equivalent Stress for Casing –Cement –Formation Model with Meshing



Equivalent stress






4.5 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9

Fig 3.9: Equivalent Stress Comparison For Analytical and FEA Models

3.3 Fatigue Studies

To study the fatigue of the cement sheath, finite element analysis was utilized. The fatigue

properties of concrete were used for this analysis. Such properties include S-N curves,

strain-life curves and stress-strain curve. Tables 3.1 and 3.2 below gives the fatigue

material data used in the finite element modeling for cement systems 1 and 2 based on data

extracted from Fig.1.3 using a special software. The fatigue life for the cement systems will

be predicted from these curves using ANSYS. The S-N curve is shown in Fig.3.10.

Table 3.1: Stress-Life Data for Cement System 1 (Strength; 26 MPa/ 3771 psi)

No of Cycles Stress(psi)
0.99692 4332.322
4.65426 4031.543
57.8064 3590.166
683.674 3203.529
8084.64 2852.871
100398 2535.519
1.00E+06 2276.105

Table 3.2: Stress-Life Data for Cement System 2 (Strength; 84 Mpa /12,183 psi)

No of Cycles Stress(psi)
1.01527 13376.842
1.87358 13009.757
19.6824 11594.051
165.699 10353.456
1740.34 9208.586
16164.6 8206.784
1.46E+05 7314.037

Newman and Choo25 gave a relationship between the number of cycles to failure

and load ratio derived through experimental studies for concrete with densities greater

than 12.5 lb/gal as

f c. max
= 1 − 0.0685(1 − R) log10 N 3.26 (3.41)

Where f c. max is the maximum compressive stress of the cyclic loading,

f c is the compressive strength of the concrete,

f c. max
R is the stress ratio and
f c. min
N is the number of cycles to failure.

Fig 3.10: S-N Curve for Fatigue Analysis in ANSYS


The fatigue properties of the cement sheath were also studied under two loading conditions;

• Cyclic loading at the casing coupling and

• Cyclic loading within the casing annulus.

These loading conditions shown in Fig. 3.11 below, presents a cyclic loading condition due

to shear at the coupling and that due to the internal and formation pressure on areas where

there are no couplings.


Casing Po


a) Cement sheath under b) Cement sheath under Pi

shear at coupling and Po

Fig 3.11: Cyclic Loading Conditions for the Cement Sheath


For both cases, a constant amplitude loading condition is assumed .A fully reversed

loading is also assumed while modeling the fatigue behavior of the cement under shear

cyclic loading while a zero based (compression) loading is assumed for the internal and

external pressures. The Goodman diagram for fatigue analysis was chosen as it gives a

good description of the fatigue behavior of brittle materials. Figure 3.12 shows the

Goodman diagram. Figs. 3.13 and 3.14 present the different loading conditions and options

available with ANSYS.

Fig 3.12: Goodman Diagram for Brittle and Ductile Materials [1]

According to the Goodman diagram, for brittle materials;

σ σm 1
+ = (3.42)
σ fs σu SF

where σm =
(σ max + σ min ) (3.43)

σa =
(σ max − σ min ) (3.44)

Fig 3.13: Zero Based Loading, Goodman’s Diagram and Fatigue Options

Fig 3.14: Fully Reversed Loading, Goodman’s Diagram and Fatigue Options

Some of the result outputs for fatigue evaluation include:

• Fatigue life - The fatigue life plot gives an indication of number of cycles to failure

of a particular material;

• Damage - The fatigue damage plot gives the fatigue damage at a given design life;

• Factor of safety – This gives the factor of safety with respect to fatigue failure at a

given design life;

• Fatigue sensitivity – This plot gives an indication of how loading conditions affect

the fatigue performance of the material;




4.1 Static Studies

• Case Scenarios without Temperature

To understand the effect of static loading on the integrity of cement sheath, the analytical

model and finite element analysis were used to examine the responses of different cement

systems subjected to different magnitudes of internal pressure and formation pressure as

described in the previous chapter. The temperature change was neglected and the analytical

model was used to show the trends in the von Mises equivalent, tangential and axial

stresses in the cement sheath for the three cement systems.

1. High Inner Pressure and Low Formation Pressure

With an inner pressure of 15,000 psi and a formation pressure of 1000 psi, the finite

element model gives us an idea of the amount of stress generated within the steel casing

and the actual amount transferred to the cement sheath through the casing-cement interface.

The same can also be said of the transfer of stresses from the formation to the cement

sheath through the cement-formation interface. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 shows the trend for von

Mises stress using cement system 2, which has the same mechanical properties for steel

casing but with different formation properties. From the diagrams, it is evident the amount

of support the steel casing provides the cement sheath. In Fig. 4.1, the equivalent stress

within the casing decreases non-linearly from 84,178 psi to 66,784 psi. At the casing-

cement interface, there is a large decrease from 66,784 to 8,384 psi. Due to the fact that the

properties of the cement (E=2.4 x 106 psi, v=0.4) and the formation (E=3 x 106 psi, v=0.42)

are similar, there is a little change in the von Mises equivalent stress across the cement-

formation interface (5,806 to 5736 psi). Fig. 4.2 shows somewhat a similar trend but with

higher stresses imposed on the steel casing (93,575 to 74,325 psi) and a lower stress on the

cement sheath (8,160 to 5,560 psi).As opposed to Fig. 4.1, there a significant difference in

the equivalent stress at the cement-formation interface (5,560 to 2,776 psi).

Fig 4.1: Equivalent Stress with Formation E=3 x 106 psi and v=0.42 for Scenario 1

Fig 4.2: Equivalent Stress with Formation E=1 x 106 psi and v=0.3 for Scenario 1

Keeping the formation and casing properties unchanged, the analytical model was

used to study the response to a high internal pressure and low formation pressures on the

casing-cement-formation system as shown in Figs. 4.3 to 4.5. The results show that cement

system 1 generates compressive (negative) radial and tangential stresses. The tangential

stress fluctuates between a maximum value of -1,161 psi to a minimum of -590 psi. In

contrast, cement systems 2 and 3 generate tensile tangential stresses. Cement system 3

posses more of a ductile quality and generates less von Mises stress than system 2 but a

little more than system 1.




Equivalent Stress(psi)

cement system 1
5000 cement system 2
4000 cement system 3




4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Fig 4.3: Equivalent Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=1000 psi



Tangential stress(psi)

cement system 1
2000 cement system 2
cement system 3

4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000


Fig 4.4: Tangential Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=1000 psi


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Radial stress(psi)

-2400 cement system 1

cement system 2
-3400 cement system 3




Fig 4.5: Radial Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi =15000 psi and pf =1000 psi

2. High Inner Pressure and Zero Formation Pressure

The trend in the radial and tangential stresses in the three cement systems subjected to a

high inner pressure of 15,000 psi and a zero formation pressure is strikingly similar to the

trend in scenario 1 with values for radial and tangential stresses being a little higher as

shown in Figs. 4.7 to 4.9.The maximum equivalent stress in this case is 8,692 psi for

cement system 2 as opposed to 9,000 psi for the same cement system under scenario 1.The

same can be said about the values for the radial and tangential stresses for these two

loading cases.

Fig 4.6: Von Mises Stress with Formation E=1 x 106 psi and v=0.3 for Loading Case 2

The finite element modeling of case 2 with cement system 2 (Fig. 4.6) shows a

higher amount of equivalent stress on the casing (91,151 to 73,398 psi) in comparison with

case 1 with the same formation properties (84,178 to 66,784 psi).The transitions at the

boundary show a different trend from that of scenario 1.At the casing-cement interface, the

pressure reduces from 73,398 psi in the casing to 8,210 psi in the cement .The trend is the

opposite at the cement-formation boundary with 5,586 psi at the cement side of the

boundary and 6,150 psi on the formation side.




Equivalent Stress(psi) 8000


cement system 1
5000 cement system 2
4000 cement system 3




4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Fig 4.7: Equivalent Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=0 psi



Tangential stress(psi)

3000 cement system 1

cement system 2
2000 cement system 3


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000


Fig 4.8: Tangential Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=0 psi


-400 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Radial stress(psi)

cement system 1
-2400 cement system 2
cement system 3




Fig 4.9: Radial Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=15000 psi and pf=0 psi

3. Low Inner Pressure and High Formation Pressure

Fig 4.10-4.12 below presents the case when a casing pressure of 4000 psi and a high

formation pressure of 10,000 psi is applied to the casing –cement-formation model. The

trend here is significantly different t from that seen in the first two cases. Here, both the

tangential and radial stresses are compressive in nature. Cement systems 2 and 3 generates

almost equal amounts of tangential stresses and are much lower than those of cement

system 1.However, cement system 1 has the lowest value of radial stress (-5297 psi) of the

three cement systems.




Equivalent Stress(psi)

cement system 1
cement system 2
3000 cement system 3



4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Fig 4.10: Equivalent Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=4000 psi and pf=10000 psi

4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000


Tangential stress(psi)

-3000 cement system 1

cement system 2
-4000 cement system 3




Fig 4.11: Tangential Stress in Three Cement Systems with pi=4000 psi and pf=10000 psi




4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000
Radial stress(psi)

-300 cement system 1

cement system 2
-500 cement system 3





Fig 4.12: Radial Stress in Three Cement Systems with Pi=4000 psi and Pf=10000 psi

• Case Scenarios Considering the Effect of Temperature

1. High Inner Pressure, Low Formation Pressure with Temperature Change

It is no doubt that temperature change plays an important role in adding to the stresses that

would ultimately lead to the failure of the cement sheath. As expected, the combined effect

of temperature and pressure shows a trend that is a bit different, in terms of the magnitude

of the stress, from that when the effects of pressure are considered alone. Figs. 4.13 to 4.15

give us a view of that trend when an inner pressure of 15,000 psi, formation pressure of

1000 psi and temperature change (ΔT) of 150oF respectively are applied to the casing-

cement-formation model.


Equivalent Stress(psi) 10000


cement system 1
6000 cement system 2
cement system 3


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Fig 4.13: Equivalent Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf=1000 psi and ΔT =150oF



Tangential stress(psi)

cement system 1
2000 cement system 2
cement system 3

4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000


Fig 4.14: Tangential Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf=1000 psi and ΔT =150oF


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Radial stress(psi)

-2400 cement system 1

cement system 2
-3400 cement system 3




Fig 4.15: Radial Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf=1000 psi and ΔT =150oF

With the effect of temperature change, the trend in the tangential stress distribution

across the cement sheath remains pretty much the same although the stress value is higher.

The highest von Mises stress with ΔT=0 is about 9,000 Psi (cement system 2) compared

with 10,000 psi with the same cement system with ΔT=150. The tangential stress

distribution, however, differs as it fluctuates between a negative (compressive) value for

systems 2 to a positive (tensile) value for cement systems 1 and 3.


2. High Inner Pressure, Zero Formation Pressure with Temperature Change


Equivalent Stress(psi)


cement system 1
6000 cement system 2
cement system 3


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Fig 4.16: Equivalent Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf=0 psi and ΔT =150oF



Tangential stress(psi)

cement system 1
3000 cement system 2
cement system 3


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Fig 4.17: Tangential Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf= 0 psi and ΔT =150oF


-400 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Radial stress(psi)

cement system 1
-2400 cement system 2
cement system 3




Fig 4.18: Radial Stress with pi=15000 psi, pf= 0 psi and ΔT =150oF

In this case, the radial stress distribution profile is similar to that of Fig. 4.9 with

almost the same magnitude of stress but the tangential stress profile is different. While the

tangential stress profile in Fig. 4.8 was all negative (compressive) stress for cement system

1, it fluctuates from 85 psi (tensile) to -468 psi (compressive) when the effect of

temperature change is considered.. The equivalent stresses decreases non -linearly from the

inner surface of the cement ( 2928 psi for cement 1, 9,652 psi for cement 2, 4,687 psi for

cement 3) to 1,977 psi for cement 1, 6,802 psi for cement 2, 3,164 psi for cement 3 at the

outer surface. These are shown by figures 4.16 to 4.18 above.


3. Low Inner Pressure, High Formation Pressure with Temperature Change

This case generates the higher values for tangential and radial stresses in the three cement

systems as compared to the case without temperature change. The radial stress in the three

cement systems also increases non-linearly from the inner surface of the cement to the

outer surface where the opposite is the case without temperature change. The results are as

shown in Figs. 4.19 to 4.21.


Equivalent Stress(psi)


cement system 1
3000 cement system 2
cement system 3


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000

Fig 4.19: Equivalent Stress with pi=4000 psi, pf=10000 psi and ΔT =150oF

4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000


Tangential stress(psi)

-3000 cement system 1

cement system 2
-4000 cement system 3




Fig 4.20: Tangential Stress with pi=4000 psi, pf=10000 psi and ΔT =150oF


4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000


Radial stress(psi)

cement system 1
-4400 cement system 2
cement system 3





Fig 4.21: Radial Stress with pi=4000 psi, pf=10000 psi and ΔT =150oF

4.2 Fatigue Loading

The aim of the fatigue study was to determine if a cement system capable of sustaining a

static load would be able to sustain a similar load under cyclic loading conditions. A

fatigue analysis together with a related static analysis was done on a casing – cement -

formation setup with ANSYS using cement systems 2 with an inner pressure of 7,000 psi

and formation pressure of 2,000 psi. As was done in the static study, the properties of the

casing remained the same while the fatigue behavior of cement was studied with two

different formation properties; E=3 x 106 psi, v=0.42 and E=1 x 106 psi, v=0.3. Fully

reversed and zero based loading conditions were used in the fatigue analysis.

Fig 4.22: Equivalent Stress for Static Loading with Formation E=1 x 106 psi and v=0.42

With 7,000 psi internal pressure and 2000 psi formation pressure, the finite element

model in Fig. 4.22 gives an indication that cement system 2 would withstand such pressure

loads under static loading conditions. The effective von Mises stress changes from 22,760

psi at the cement-casing boundary on the casing side to 4330 psi on the cement sheath side

and from 2994 psi on the cement side of cement-formation boundary to 1,842 psi on the

formation side of the same boundary. The equivalent alternating stresses for a zero based

cyclic loading condition with the formation properties E=1 x 106 psi, v=0.42, however, is a

bit different as shown in Fig. 4.23.

Fig 4.23: Equivalent Alternating Stress for Zero Based Loading


The zero based fatigue loading results in a lower equivalent alternating stress in the

casing but higher values in the cement and the formation, as shown in Fig. 4.23.The

equivalent alternating stress decreases non-linearly from 18,199 psi to 13,719 psi at the

casing-cement boundary with a life of 5.86 x 105 cycles (Fig. 4.24). The cement part of the

casing –cement boundary has a life of 5.6 x 104 cycles (Fig.4.24) and an alternating stress

of 7,783 psi (Fig 4.23) psi as opposed to 4,330 psi (fig 4.22) under static loading

conditions. The progression from the cement to the formation at the cement –formation

boundary however sees a large increase in the equivalent alternating stress from 2,992 psi

to 1 x 1032 psi.

Fig 4.24: Life Cycle for Zero Based Loading


Figures 4.25 to 4.27 show the fatigue sensitivity plot for life, damage and safety

factor but does not explicitly show the fatigue performance of the different regions of the

casing-cement –formation model.

Fig 4.25: Fatigue Sensitivity to Life Plot for Zero Based Loading

Fig 4.26: Fatigue Sensitivity to Safety Factor Plot for Zero Based Loading

Fig 4.27: Fatigue Sensitivity to Damage Plot for Zero Based Loading

With the formation properties changed to E=1 x 106 psi and v=0.3, while the casing

and cement properties remain the same, an insight is gained on how mechanical properties

like Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio affects stress distribution and ability to withstand

fatigue loading. Figure 4.27 shows the response to fatigue with zero based load and

formation properties E=1 x 106 psi and v=0.3.Under the different formation properties, both

show similar trends in the static equivalent stresses and alternating stresses but as shown in

Figs. 4.28 and 4.29, the formation with more ductile properties (E=1 x 106 psi and v=0.3)

has slightly higher stress values for the static equivalent stresses and almost the same value

alternating stress.

Fig 4.28: Equivalent Stress for Static Loading with Formation Property: E=1 x 106, v=0.3

Fig 4.29: Alternating Stress for Zero Based Loading with Formation Property: E=1 x 106,


FEA modeling of the fully reversed cyclic shear loading of cement sheath at the

couplings (Figs. 4.30 and 4.31) also showed that the casing-cement boundary, which is the

point of maximum shear, appears more vulnerable to fatigue failure.

Fig 4.30: Alternating Stress for Fully Reversed Loading with Formation Property:

E=3 x 106, v=0.3


Fig 4.31: Life Cycle for Fully Reversed Loading with Formation Property: E=3 x 106,


The fatigue sensitivity plots for life, damage and safety factor provides us with the

number of life cycles to failure, the amount of damage done and the factor of safety for the

casing-cement-formation system, but they do not clearly express the effects of fatigue

loading on the cement sheath. In order to achieve this, the cement sheath was isolated and

the contact pressures obtained from the analytical model were applied. A temperature

change of 1500F was also considered. The response of cement systems 1 and 2 were

modeled. The results are as shown in Figs. 4.32 to 4.34.


Fig 4.32: Equivalent Stress for Cement System 2 under Static loading

Fig 4.33: Alternating Stress for Cement System 2 under a Zero Based Cyclic Loading

Fig 4.34: Life Cycle for Cement System 2 under a Zero Based Cyclic Loading

The fatigue sensitivity plots are as shown in Figs. 4.35 to 4.37 below.

Fig 4.35: Fatigue Sensitivity to Life for a Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement 2

Fig 4.36: Fatigue Sensitivity to Damage plot for a Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement


Fig 4.37: Fatigue Sensitivity to Safety Factor plot for a Zero Based Cyclic Loading with

Cement 2

From the fatigue sensitivity plots, it can be seen that the maximum load ratio that

can be supported by cement system 2 before failure is about 0.75. The same analysis for the

ductile cement (cement system 1), and the results are shown in Figs.4.38 to 4.40 below.

Fig 4.38: Equivalent Stress for Cement System 1 under Static Loading

Fig 4.39: Alternating Stress for Cement System 1 under Zero Based Cyclic Loading

Fig 4.40: Life Cycle for Cement System 1 under Zero Based Cyclic Loading

For cement system 1, the magnitude of the alternating stress appears to be smaller

than the equivalent stress under static loading (Figs. 4.38 & 4.39).This trend is quite

different from what was obtained with cement system 2 where the minimum alternating

stress under a zero based cyclic loading is greater than the maximum equivalent stress

under static loading (Figs. 4.32 and 4.33).The fatigue sensitivity plots (Figs.4.41 to 4.43)

show that the maximum load ratio that can be supported by cement system 1 before failure

is about 1.1.

Fig 4.41: Fatigue Sensitivity to Life for Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement 1

Fig 4.42: Fatigue Sensitivity to Safety Factor for Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement


Fig 4.43: Fatigue Sensitivity to Damage for Zero Based Cyclic Loading with Cement 1



5.1 Conclusions

The drilling and completion of a well is a capital project that needs to be executed

properly. As a consequence, a detailed design is required, putting into consideration all

forces that may affect the integrity of a well throughout its life span.

The findings of this investigation highlight the importance of cement fatigue in

cement design. Designs based solely on static loading conditions may or may not be

enough to ensure long term integrity depending on prevailing downhole conditions thus

the need to take the analysis further by also examining the effect of fatigue.

Life prediction is possible through models that define the operating stress

principles in a well. Such are incorporated into the analytical model presented in this

thesis, which can be used to evaluate stresses in the cement sheath based on actual

wellbore parameters and in synergy with finite element models, can be combined

effectively to evaluate the fatigue and static loading behavior of the well thereby helping

to predict the life of the well. These tools will also help in optimizing the design with

regards to the material properties of both the cement and casing which would also help

save cost in addition to a good well design.

Insights were also thrown into some fatigue and static behavior of well cements.

Fatigue failure in cement occurs when microscopic damage within the microstructure of

the cement caused by initial cyclic loading turns into macroscopic cracks under

gradually increasing loads. Cyclic loading impacts initial damage and if loading is

continued at load ratios above the critical ratio for a particular cement mix, failure is

imminent but may undergo many cycles when loaded below this ratio. Loading

conditions may affect the fatigue property of cement only when the mechanical

properties are such as to withstand static loading.

The mechanical properties of cement play a very important role in the static and

fatigue performance of cement. Ductile cement s systems – cements with low Young’s

modulus and a high Poisson ratio generally perform better under static and cyclic

loading conditions as compared to brittle cement systems i.e. cement systems with a high

Young’s modulus and low Poisson ratio. Ductile cement systems generates a

significantly lower value of tangential and radial stresses while brittle cements are more

likely to generate higher tensile and radial stresses within its microstructure under a

particular loading condition.

The magnitude of confining stress and the mechanical properties of the formation

also play an important role in the static and fatigue behavior of both the cement and

casing. A large far field stress (formation pressure) act to increase the performance of the

casing and counteracts high internal pressures ensuring a minimal transfer to the cement

sheath. Also the more brittle the formation (in terms of Young’s modulus and Poisson

ratio), the more stresses that will be transmitted to the casing and cement sheath.

5.2 Recommendations for Future Work

This work includes report on the effect of both static and fatigue behavior of well cement

based on analytical and finite element models. A lot of experimental work is required in

the following areas;

Developing equations specific to well cement. Equations 3.3, 3.4 and 3.26 can be

derived specifically for well cement from experimental data and linear regression

analysis. New failure mechanism, crack initiation and propagation and failure theories

can also be developed from these data. This would help expand the analytical model to

include fatigue life prediction

• The findings reported in this work are centered mainly on the mechanical

properties of the cement and on loading conditions. The effect of other factors

like cement-water ratio etc should be investigated through experimental studies.

• The effect of additives on the static and fatigue properties of well cement.

• Performance of new cement system with special properties like foam and

expansive cements should also be studied and data generated for them


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Name: Ignatius Obinna Ugwu

Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering

c/o Dr Xin-Lin Gao

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843-3123

Email Address: [email protected]

Education: B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology,

Owerri, Nigeria, 2005

M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University,

College Station, 2008

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