Performance of Full-Scale Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected To Extreme Earthquake Loading

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Performance of Full-Scale Reinforced Concrete Columns

Subjected to Extreme Earthquake Loading

A Dissertation

Alireza Nojavan



Arturo E. Schultz

December 2015
Copyright © Alireza Nojavan 2015

This project was supported by the National Science Foundation under award No.

CMMI-10041633. I would like to acknowledge the Department of Civil, Environmental

and Geo-Engineering of the University of Minnesota for the Departmental Fellowship


I would like to also acknowledge all who made this research possible. First and

foremost, I would like to express my extreme gratitude to my advisor, Prof. Arturo E.

Schultz for his support, and valuable advice and directions during the course of my

research. He was not only a kind teacher, but also a source of motivation. I would also like

to acknowledge Prof. Catherine French, Prof. Lev Khazanovich, and Prof. Ryan Elliott for

serving on my thesis committee and for their helpful comments. Special thanks are due to

Prof. Shih-Ho Chao at University of Texas, Arlington (UTA) for directing the experimental

part of this project and for his comments.

The experimental part of this research could not be possible without help from several

others. I would like to acknowledge help from the staff at the MAST Lab of the University

of Minnesota. Special thanks are due to Paul Bergson, Rachel Gaulke, and Mary Vancura

who helped during all stages of the tests. Michael Boldischar is thanked for his help during

setting up cameras and recording and uploading test data. I am also thankful to Tanner

Swenson, Charles Vermace, Lauren Snyder, Anton Tillmann and Andrew Morgan for their

help during assembly, instrumentation, and testing of the specimens. Help of many others

at UTA in construction of the specimen is also appreciated.

Dedicated to

my parents and my wife


Seven full-scale reinforced concrete (RC) columns were tested at the Multi-Axial

Subassemblage Testing (MAST) Laboratory of the University of Minnesota to investigate

their performance under extreme seismic events that would produce near-collapse

conditions. One of the goals of the tests was to investigate any potential differences in

performance with column size, thus, the test specimens were larger than nearly all of the

columns tested previously. In order to investigate the adequacy of current provisions, the

specimens were designed according to seismic provisions of ACI 318-11 and featured two

different cross sections (36×28 in. and 28×28 in.). Another goal of the program was to

investigate the influence of loading history, thus the column specimens were subjected to

several large displacement loading protocols, including monotonic and uniaxial and biaxial

cyclic loading protocols. The last overall goal of the program was to investigate the post-

peak behavior of the specimens at near-collapse conditions, hence loading on the

specimens continued beyond the stopping criteria in previous tests until the specimens

exhibited severe strength loss and stiffness degradation.

Results from these tests were combined with the available dataset of RC column tests

to study the effects of cross-sectional size on parameters representing seismic performance

of columns including moment capacity, effective stiffness, drift capacity, displacement

ductility, and reinforcing bar buckling. It was revealed that unlike the other parameters,

specimens featuring larger cross-sectional depths are more prone to in-plane bar buckling,

a failure mechanism that has never been reported during previous tests of RC columns.

Unlike outward buckling of bars, in-plane bar buckling is not generally controlled by

confining reinforcement; rather it is the concrete surrounding the bars that restrain them

from in-plane buckling. To better understand this phenomenon, finite element (FE) models

of isolated bars as well as a three-dimensional (3D) FE model of the lower portion of the

tested specimens were analyzed. A parametric study indicates that concrete compressive

strength, bar size and overall cross-sectional size of the columns can affect bar buckling

while the effects of longitudinal bar and tie spacing are minor.

The evolution of damage during application of the various loading protocols was

quantified using several cumulative and noncumulative damage index models. In addition,

observed visual damage to the specimens was used to assess calculated damage indices

based on different models. Calculated and measured damage quantities were considered in

combination with the lateral force-deformation cyclic envelope, strength loss, stiffness

reduction, and hysteretic energy dissipation of the specimens to study the effects of applied

loading protocols on the performance of tested column specimens.

Table of Contents

List of Tables ................................................................................................................... IX

List of Figures ................................................................................................................... X

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

1.1. Background ................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Research Objectives and Summary .............................................................. 4

1.3. Thesis Organization ...................................................................................... 5


PROTOCOLS ................................................................................................................... 8

2.1. Summary ....................................................................................................... 8

2.2. Introduction ................................................................................................... 9

2.3. Test Setup.................................................................................................... 13

2.4. Specimens ................................................................................................... 16

2.5. Materials ..................................................................................................... 18

2.6. Instrumentation ........................................................................................... 20

2.7. Loading Protocols ....................................................................................... 25

2.8. Test Observations........................................................................................ 28

2.9. Future Use of the Data Set .......................................................................... 36

2.10. Conclusions ................................................................................................ 38


PERFORMANCE OF RC COLUMNS ........................................................................ 40

3.1. Summary ..................................................................................................... 40

3.2. Introduction ................................................................................................. 41

3.3. Research Significance ................................................................................. 44

3.4. Experimental Investigation and Data Selection .......................................... 45

3.5. Flexural Moment Capacity ......................................................................... 51

3.5.1. Calculation ..................................................................................... 51

3.5.2. Influence of Column Section Depth h ............................................. 52

3.6. Effective Stiffness ....................................................................................... 53

3.6.1. Calculation ..................................................................................... 53

3.6.2. Influence of Axial Loading and Aspect Ratio ................................. 55

3.6.3. Influence of Column Section Depth h ............................................. 57

3.7. Drift Capacity and Displacement Ductility................................................. 59

3.7.1. Calculation ..................................................................................... 59

3.7.2. Influence of Axial Loading and Aspect Ratio ................................. 59

3.7.3. Influence of Column Section Depth h ............................................. 61

3.8. Reinforcing Bar Buckling ........................................................................... 65

3.8.1. Characterization of Reinforcing Bar Buckling ............................... 65

3.8.2. Influence of Column Section Size ................................................... 72

3.9. Conclusions ................................................................................................. 74


EARTHQUAKE LOADING.......................................................................................... 76

4.1. Summary ..................................................................................................... 76

4.2. Introduction ................................................................................................. 77

4.3. ExperimentaL Program ............................................................................... 79

4.4. Test Observations........................................................................................ 80

4.5. Analytical Investigation Using Bar-Spring Model ..................................... 84

4.5.1. General Description of the Bar-Spring System .............................. 84

4.5.2. Static Analysis Using Modified Riks (Arc-Length) Method............ 87

4.5.3. Results from Bar-Spring Analysis................................................... 88

4.6. Finite Element Modeling of RC Column Specimens ................................. 90

4.6.1. General Description of the FE Model ............................................ 91

4.6.2. Estimation of Spring Stiffness ......................................................... 93

4.6.3. Modeling of Concrete Behavior ..................................................... 98

4.6.4. Explicit Dynamic Analysis of the Model....................................... 100

4.6.5. Model Validation .......................................................................... 102

4.6.6. Parametric Study .......................................................................... 105

4.7. Results and Observations .......................................................................... 106

4.7.1. Effect of Concrete Compressive Strength (f′c) .............................. 106

4.7.2. Effect of Longitudinal Bar Size and Spacing ................................ 108

4.7.3. Effect of Tie Spacing ..................................................................... 110

4.7.4. Effect of Column Cross-Sectional Size ......................................... 111

4.8. Conclusions ............................................................................................... 113



5.1. Summary ................................................................................................... 115

5.2. Introduction ............................................................................................... 116

5.3. Previous Work on Damage Indices........................................................... 120

5.3.1. Noncumulative damage indices .................................................... 121

5.3.2. Cumulative damage indices .......................................................... 124

5.4. Experimental Program .............................................................................. 138

5.5. Measured Response of Column Specimens .............................................. 145

5.6. Damage Analysis of Tested Specimens .................................................... 151

5.7. Correlation of Calculated and Observed Damage .................................... 160

5.8. Effect of Loading Protocols ...................................................................... 173

5.9. Conclusions ............................................................................................... 180


6.1. Summary ................................................................................................... 182

6.2. Conclusions ............................................................................................... 184

6.3. Recommendations for Future Research .................................................... 186

REFERENCES.............................................................................................................. 188


INSTALLATION OF SPECIMENS ........................................................................... 199

A.1. Construction .............................................................................................. 199

A.2. Instrumentation ......................................................................................... 205

A.3. Shipping and Installation .......................................................................... 211

List of Tables

Table 2.1. Normal Strength Concrete Mix-Design .................................................... 19

Table 2.2. Material Properties of the Specimens ....................................................... 19

Table 2.3. Number of Different Types of Sensors for Each of the Specimens ......... 23

Table 2.4. Amount of Image and Video Data Recorded During Each Test (GB) ..... 24

Table 2.5. Applied Loading Protocols ....................................................................... 27

Table 3.1. Characteristics of the MAST Tests ........................................................... 48

Table 3.2. Properties of Rectangular Columns in the ACI 369 Database ................. 51

Table 3.3. Drift Ratios at the Onset of Bar Buckling and Fracture ........................... 71

Table 4.1. Critical Loads from FE Analysis of Bar-Spring System .......................... 90

Table 4.2. Parametric Study Matrix ......................................................................... 105

Table 5.1. Damage Classification for Park-Ang Model .......................................... 138

Table 5.2. Applied Lateral Loading to the Specimens ............................................ 140

Table 5.3. Estimated Damage Values at the End of Each Test ............................... 153

Table 5.4. Visual Damage Categories Based on Test Observations........................ 162

Table 5.5. Measured Strength Loss at the Onset of Visual Damage Categories ..... 167

Table 5.6. Estimated Damage Values for Various Visual Damage Categories....... 172

List of Figures

Figure 2.1. Properties of Previous Tests on Rectangular RC Columns. .................... 10

Figure 2.2. (a) Assembly of the Specimen under the Loading Crosshead

(Vertical Actuators are not Shown for Clarity) (b) Definition of

the Coordinate System and (c) Specimen Connection to the

Crosshead. .............................................................................................. 15

Figure 2.3. Location of the Inflection Point and Definition of the Top

Moment................................................................................................... 16

Figure 2.4. (a) 3D Rendering of PF Specimens and (b) Cross-Sectional

Detailing of PF (Top) and SF Specimens (Bottom) ............................... 17

Figure 2.5. LVDTs (LV) and String Pots (SP): (a) Location along the Height

and (b) Section 1-1 ................................................................................ 21

Figure 2.6. Locations of Strain Gages: (a) on Longitudinal Bars (b) on

Transverse Hoops (c) and (d) Horizontally within the Concrete

and (e) Vertically within the Concrete ................................................... 22

Figure 2.7. Location of the Telepresence Towers and High-Resolution

Cameras at the MAST Lab ..................................................................... 23

Figure 2.8. Loading Protocols for Specimens: (a) SP1; (b) SP2, SP5, and

SP8; (c) SP3; (d) SP4; (e) SP6; (f) SP7 .................................................. 26

Figure 2.9. Progression of Damage on SP2: (a) SE Face at 2.2% Drift Ratio;

(b) SW Face at 2.2% Drift Ratio; (c) SE Face at the End of the

Test and (d) SW Face at the End of the Test .......................................... 30

Figure 2.10. Applied Load vs. Crosshead Displacement and Drift Ratio ................. 31

Figure 2.11. Reinforcement Strain Profiles along Column Height at 2.15%

Drift Ratio for Specimen SP2: (a) Longitudinal Bar (SL1G); (b)

Transverse Hoops (STR3G) ................................................................... 33

Figure 2.12. Concrete Core Strain Profiles along Column Height at 2.15%

Drift Ratio for Specimen SP2: (a) Vertical Strain Gages (CL1G);

(b) Horizontal Strain Gages (CTRH4G)................................................. 34

Figure 2.13. Moment vs. Curvature Relation for SP2 Measured 6 in. from the

Column Base. ......................................................................................... 35

Figure 3.1. Overview of the Test Specimens ............................................................. 46

Figure 3.2. Overview of the Test Setup at the MAST Lab and Loading

Direction ................................................................................................. 47

Figure 3.3. Behavior of Specimen SP4 under the Applied Loading Protocol:

(a) Loading Protocol, (b) Variation of Lateral Force with Drift

Ratio and Top Displacement .................................................................. 50

Figure 3.4. Normalized Moment Capacity vs. Cross-Sectional Depth for

Columns Failing in Flexure .................................................................... 53

Figure 3.5. Definition of the Effective Stiffness........................................................ 54

Figure 3.6. Normalized Effective Stiffness vs. Axial Load Ratio ............................. 56

Figure 3.7. Normalized Effective Stiffness vs. Cross-Sectional Depth ..................... 57

Figure 3.8. Normalized Effective Stiffness vs. Cross-Sectional Depth ..................... 58

Figure 3.9. Variation of Drift Capacity with Axial Load Ratio................................. 60

Figure 3.10. Variation of Drift Capacity with Cross-Sectional Depth ...................... 63

Figure 3.11. Variation of Displacement Ductility with Cross-Sectional Depth ........ 64

Figure 3.12. Location of Strain Gages for Cross Sections of MAST Test

Specimens ............................................................................................... 67

Figure 3.13. Sudden Drops in Load Carrying Capacity due to Bar Fractures ........... 68

Figure 3.14. Characterization of the Onset of Bar Buckling ..................................... 69

Figure 3.15. In-Plane bar buckling and Fracture in MAST Column Tests................ 73

Figure 4.1. Specimen Geometry and Detailing ......................................................... 81

Figure 4.2. In-Plane Bar Buckling During Tests at the MAST Lab: (a)

Column Specimen under Monotonic Loading, (b) Column

Specimen Subjected to Cyclic Loading .................................................. 83

Figure 4.3. Bar-Spring System to Simulate Bar Buckling Behavior ......................... 86

Figure 4.4. Stress-Strain Behavior of Longitudinal Bars .......................................... 86

Figure 4.5. FE Analysis Results for a No. 9 Bar ....................................................... 88

Figure 4.6. General Description of FE Model: (a) Modeled Section (b) Mesh

of Concrete Material (c) Modeling of Buckling Bars within

Concrete Elements .................................................................................. 92

Figure 4.7. Preventive Effect of Surrounding Concrete from In-Plane

Buckling after Cover Spalling ................................................................ 95

Figure 4.8. Spring Stiffness Parallel to the Column Face.......................................... 98

Figure 4.9. Stress-Strain Relationship of Concrete ................................................. 100

Figure 4.10. In-Plane Buckling of Bars in the FE Model ........................................ 103

Figure 4.11. Moment-Rotation Behavior of Tested and Modeled Specimens ........ 104

Figure 4.12. Effect of Concrete Compressive Strength on Buckling

Displacement in: (a) Corner Bars, (b) Middle Bars ............................. 107

Figure 4.13. Variation of Axial Loads of the Reinforcing Bars During FE

Analysis in: (a) Corner Bars, (b) Middle Bars ..................................... 108

Figure 4.14. Effect of Bar Size on Buckling Displacement in: (a) Corner

Bars, (b) Middle Bars ........................................................................... 109

Figure 4.15. Effect of Bar Spacing on Buckling Displacement in: (a) Corner

Bars, (b) Middle Bars ........................................................................... 110

Figure 4.16. Effect of Tie Spacing on Buckling Displacement in: (a) Corner

Bars, (b) Middle Bars ........................................................................... 111

Figure 4.17. Effect of Cross-Sectional Size on Buckling Displacement in: (a)

Corner Bars, (b) Middle Bars ............................................................... 112

Figure 5.1. Definition of Plastic Deformations in Stephens-Yao Model ................ 126

Figure 5.2. Definition of Primary and Follower Half Cycles (Kratzig &

Meskouris, 1987) .................................................................................. 135

Figure 5.3. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP1 ......................................... 142

Figure 5.4. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP2 ......................................... 142

Figure 5.5. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP3 ......................................... 142

Figure 5.6. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP4 ......................................... 143

Figure 5.7. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP5 ......................................... 143

Figure 5.8. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP6 ......................................... 143

Figure 5.9. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP7 ......................................... 144

Figure 5.10. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP1 .................................. 147

Figure 5.11. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP2 .................................. 147

Figure 5.12. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP3 .................................. 148

Figure 5.13. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP4 .................................. 148

Figure 5.14. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP5 .................................. 149

Figure 5.15. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP6 .................................. 149

Figure 5.16. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP7 along Y

Direction ............................................................................................... 150

Figure 5.17. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP7 along X

Direction ............................................................................................... 150

Figure 5.18. Estimation of the Yield Displacement and Yield Force ...................... 151

Figure 5.19. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP2 Based on LUC80 ...... 157

Figure 5.20. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP2 Based on LUC50 ...... 157

Figure 5.21. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP3 Based on LUC50 ...... 158

Figure 5.22. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP4 Based on LUC50 ...... 158

Figure 5.23. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP5 Based on LUC50 ...... 159

Figure 5.24. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP6 Based on LUC50 ...... 159

Figure 5.25. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP7 Based on LUC50 ...... 160

Figure 5.26. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Light” Damage

Category ............................................................................................... 163

Figure 5.27. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Moderate” Damage

Category ............................................................................................... 164

Figure 5.28. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Severe” Damage

Category ............................................................................................... 165

Figure 5.29. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Failure” Damage

Category ............................................................................................... 166

Figure 5.30. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Stephens Model......................... 168

Figure 5.31. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Wang Model ............................. 168

Figure 5.32. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Roufaiel Model ......................... 169

Figure 5.33. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Kratzig Model ........................... 169

Figure 5.34. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Park Model ................................ 170

Figure 5.35. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Lybas Model ............................. 170

Figure 5.36. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Banon Model............................. 171

Figure 5.37. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different

Visual Damage Categories Based on Displacement Ductility ............. 171

Figure 5.38. Generation of Cyclic Envelope for Specimen SP2 ............................. 175

Figure 5.39. Force-Deformation Cyclic Envelopes for All Tests ............................ 175

Figure 5.40. Calculated Energy Dissipation until Occurrence of 50% Strength

Loss....................................................................................................... 176

Figure 5.41. Damage Values by Lybas Model until Occurrence of 50%

Strength Loss ........................................................................................ 178

Figure 5.42. Damage Values by Stephens Model until 50% Strength Loss ............ 178

Figure 5.43. Damage Values by Roufaiel Model until 50% Strength Loss ............ 179

Figure 5.44.Damage Values by Kratzig Model until Occurrence of 50%

Strength Loss ........................................................................................ 179

Figure 5.45. Damage Values by Park Model until Occurrence of 50%

Strength Loss ........................................................................................ 180

Figure A.1. Reinforcement Details for Perimeter Frame (PF) Column

Specimens ............................................................................................. 200

Figure A.2. Reinforcement Details for Perimeter Frame (PF) Column

Specimens ............................................................................................. 201

Figure A.3. Reinforcement Details for Space Frame (SF) Column Specimens ...... 202

Figure A.4. Reinforcement Details for Space Frame (SF) Column Specimens ...... 203

Figure A.5. (a) Building Reinforcing Cage, (b) Placing the Cage in the Forms ..... 204

Figure A.6. Forming Column and Top Block.......................................................... 205

Figure A.7. Grinding and Cleaning of Bars Prior to Strain Gage Installation......... 206

Figure A.8. Attaching the Strain Gage to the Prepared Surface of the Bar ............. 207

Figure A.9. Installation of an Aluminum Anchor for External Instrumentation ..... 208

Figure A.10. Installation of Vertical LVDTs on SE Face of the Column ............... 209

Figure A.11. Installation of LVDTs and String Pots on NE Face of the

Column ................................................................................................. 210

Figure A.12. Post Tensioning of the Specimen Prior to Shipping........................... 212

Figure A.13. Lifting the Specimen Before Shipping ............................................... 213

Figure A.14. Delivery of the Specimen to the MAST Lab ...................................... 213

Figure A.15. Unloading the Specimen at the MAST Lab ....................................... 214

Figure A.16. Tilting Up the Specimen at the MAST Lab ....................................... 215

Figure A.17. Three-Piece Spacer Block .................................................................. 216

Figure A.18. Installation of the Specimen on Top of the Spacer Blocks ................ 217




The recently advanced performance-based design philosophy anticipates a structure to

dissipate energy during an earthquake and accepts certain levels of damage depending on

the expected risk of occurrence of earthquakes during their lifetime, and the importance of

the structure. In fact, there are different structural design objectives in the performance-

oriented seismic design philosophy, and these are based on various levels of accepted

damage (i.e., limit states) under distinct levels of earthquake loads that are expected during

lifetime of the structure. Estimated structural demands (e.g. required strength, or stiffness)

to meet the structural objectives are then compared against capacity of the structure (e.g.

available strength, stiffness, or deformation capacity). Evaluation of structural capacity, on

the other hand, relies primarily on numerical modeling tools that are calibrated against test

results. In the case of reinforced concrete (RC) columns, the test results are used to estimate

lateral load and deformation capacities under simulated seismic loadings.

A large number of experimental efforts have been undertaken on RC columns to

enhance knowledge on their performance under gravity and lateral loads, and to develop

and improve design code provisions. Properties of more than 300 of such tests are collected

in the ACI 369 Rectangular Column Database (Ghannoum et al., 2012) as well as in the

PEER structural performance database (Berry, Parrish, & Eberhard, 2004). Primary

variables in these tests include axial load ratio, lateral loading scheme, cross-sectional

dimensions, shear span–to-depth ratio, and amount and distribution of transverse


While many tests have been conducted on RC columns, their performance, specifically

in the post-peak region, is not completely understood. This lack of knowledge in the

softening regime of response for the columns is mainly due to the fact that almost all of the

previous tests were terminated once the specimens lost 20% or less of their lateral load

capacity. While an arbitrary definition of structural failure can be tied to the

aforementioned condition, RC columns can still survive collapse when loaded beyond this

arbitrary point of failure. Therefore, to investigate the seismic performance of RC columns

and to generate and calibrate component models, especially at the near-collapse stage, RC

column specimens are required to undergo large deformation levels under which they

exhibit significant strength loss (i.e., 50% or more) and post-peak behavior (i.e., up to

residual strengths 50% or less of the peak resistance). Development of such improved

models—which is important, according to the National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST) and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (Advisory

Committee on Earthquake Hazards Reduction, 2008; National Institute of Standards and

Technology, 2009)—requires that the shortcomings in available RC column test data be


Additionally, many of the previous tests were conducted on columns with smaller

dimensions than those currently used in mid- or high-rise buildings mainly due to

limitations of the testing facilities. The average cross-sectional depth of the rectangular RC

columns in the more recent database (i.e., ACI 369 Rectangular Column Database, 2012)

is 12.5 in. (318 mm) with lower 5% and upper 95% bounds of 6.3 in. (160 mm) and 21.65

in. (550 mm), respectively. More specifically, an analysis of these databases indicates that

columns with flexural failure modes feature a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 24

in. (610 mm). While these tests provide a valuable dataset for RC columns, a careful study

is required to assess the validity and applicability of their results to estimate seismic

performance of actual columns with larger dimensions.

Last but not least, unlike RC bridge columns, there are limited previous experimental

efforts that have focused on the effects of applied loading protocols on RC building

columns and during which similar test specimens were subjected to monotonic and cyclic

loading protocols. Considering the uncertainty in the amplitude and number of cycles that

RC columns in a building structure may sustain during an earthquake, their performance

under distinct simulated loading protocols is needed in order to more accurately estimate

their force-deformation (i.e., “backbone”) capacity curves, as well as to accurately

characterize damage during the various stages of loading.


To enhance understanding of the behavior of RC columns that are representative of

those commonly used in mid- and high-rise buildings and to address the shortcomings of

the aforementioned data set for rectangular RC columns, eight full-scale columns were

tested as a part of this research at the Multi-Axial Subassemblage Testing (MAST)

Laboratory of the University of Minnesota. These column specimens were subjected to a

constant axial load and various loading schemes, including uniaxial and biaxial symmetric

cyclic, near-collapse unsymmetric cyclic, and single-cycle loading protocols. The

protocols were designed to attain drift ratios exceeding 10% such that the specimens would

lose most of their lateral loading capacity and exhibit significant loss of flexural strength

and stiffness. The specimens were representative of actual columns in the ground floor of

a 20-story building located in a high seismic region and featuring two different cross-

sectional dimensions (36×28 in. and 28×28 in.), both which are larger than all flexure-

critical columns tested previously.

Results from the tests that were conducted at the MAST Lab as part of this research

were utilized along with those from previous tests that are included in the ACI 369

Rectangular Column Database (2012) to investigate the effect of cross-sectional size of RC

columns, and on the parameters that represent their seismic performance including the

moment capacity, effective stiffness, drift capacity, ductility, and drift at the onset of


During the tests that were carried out at the MAST Lab, a failure mechanism was

observed that has never been observed in previous tests of RC columns. In this failure

mechanism, reinforcing bars buckled parallel to the face of the columns, which is referred

to as in-plane buckling in this study, while the common assumption is that longitudinal

bars would only buckle in the outward direction (i.e., perpendicular to the column face).

Unlike outward buckling, transverse ties were observed to have little effect in preventing

in-plane buckling of bars. This unobserved failure mechanism is investigated numerically

using 3D FE analysis of the columns to obtain a better understanding of the column

characteristics that affect it.

Last but not least, RC columns experienced severe damage during these tests resulting

in significant strength loss and stiffness degradation of the specimens. The extent of

damage in each specimen was calculated using several well-known damage index models

for RC elements. Measured damage indices were then compared against observed damage

during tests at the MAST Lab. Finally, measured and observed damage to the specimens

were considered along with cyclic force-deformation response, and energy dissipation of

the specimens to investigate the effect of the applied loading protocols.


Chapter 2 describes characteristics of the tests that were conducted as part of this

research at the MAST Lab including details of specimens, material properties,

instrumentation, loading protocols, and brief test observations. Detailed information

regarding each test as well as measured response of specimens during loading are made
available via digital object identifier (DOI) links provided in the chapter. While the current

study focuses on the behavior of seven columns that were constructed with normal strength

concrete, this chapter also presents brief information regarding a specimen that was

constructed with ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHP-FRC) and tested

as part of the experimental program. A detailed information regarding this specimen and

its behavior during the test can be found elsewhere (Palacios, 2015).

A study on the effect of cross-sectional size of the RC columns on their seismic

performance is investigated in Chapter 3 by analyzing moment capacity, effective stiffness,

drift capacity, displacement ductility, and longitudinal bar buckling. For the purpose of this

analysis, tested column specimens that are included in the ACI 369 Rectangular Column

Database (2012) as well as those constructed with normal strength concrete (i.e., specimens

SP1 – SP7) and tested as part of this research are considered.

In-plane buckling of longitudinal bars, an unobserved failure mechanism during

previous tests, is described in Chapter 4. The chapter also presents information regarding

the FE modeling of isolated bars, as well as that related to the 3D FE modeling of the lower

portion of tested specimens. Results from a parametric study on the effects of parameters

that control in-plane buckling of reinforcing bars is also included.

In Chapter 5, the evolution of damage during each test is quantified by cumulative and

noncumulative damage index modes. Also, the observed damage are categorized and

compared against measured damage indices. The chapter concludes by presenting the

effect of loading protocols on the performance of column specimens.

Finally, a summary of this research and conclusions obtained are presented in Chapter

6. Based on these conclusions, recommendations for future study are offered.





A series of eight full-scale reinforced concrete column tests was recently carried out

at the NEES (Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) Multi-Axial

Subassemblage Testing (MAST) site at the University of Minnesota as part of a National

Science Foundation (NSF) NEES research program. The tests were conducted to address

the shortcomings in the available database of reinforced concrete (RC) columns tested with

large drift ratios under monotonic and cyclic loading protocols. The specimens were

designed based on ACI 318-11 and featured two different cross-sectional dimensions, both

larger than nearly all of the columns tested previously. They were subjected to several large

displacement loading protocols, including a monotonic and a cyclic biaxial loading

Nojavan, A., Schultz, A.E., Haselton, C., Simathathien, S., Liu, X., and Chao, S-H. (2015). “A New Dataset
for Full-Scale RC Columns under Collapse-Consistent Loading Protocols,” Earthquake Spectra, EERI, 31(2):
protocol. Also, to investigate the effectiveness of novel materials, one specimen was

constructed with ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHP-FRC). This

chapter presents a description of and potential uses for the data set that is made accessible

via a digital object identifier (DOI) (data set DOI: 10.4231/D33T9D65T).


One of the primary goals of conducting tests on RC columns is to enhance knowledge

of their behavior and to develop component models that can predict the columns’ seismic

performance in a structural system. For the purpose of seismic performance–based design,

improved component models are required to capture the post-peak behavior of columns

more accurately. Development of such improved models—which is important, according

to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Earthquake

Hazards Reduction Program (Advisory Committee on Earthquake Hazards Reduction

(ACEHR), 2008; National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2009)—requires

that the shortcomings in available RC column test data be addressed.

A large number of experimental investigations have been carried out to understand

the behavior of RC columns subjected to various loading protocols. The properties of 326

tests on rectangular RC columns are presented by (Ghannoum et al., 2012). Primary

variables in these tests include axial load ratio, lateral loading scheme, cross- sectional

dimensions, shear span–to-depth ratio, amount and distribution of transverse

reinforcements, and bond-slip characteristics. Figure 2.1 illustrates the maximum


12.5 Flexure-Shear


Maximum Drift (%)



0 10 20 30 40
Max. Cross-Sectional Dimension (in.)

Figure 2.1. Properties of Previous Tests on Rectangular RC Columns.

cross-sectional dimension, maximum drift ratio, and failure mode of column specimens in

previous experiments. It shows that columns with flexural failure modes feature a

maximum cross-sectional dimension of 24 in. A few of the smaller specimens were loaded

to drift ratios of 10% or more; columns with larger cross-sectional dimensions were loaded

to drift ratios smaller than 5% because they failed in more brittle modes, either in shear or

in flexure-shear.

There are no data on flexure-dominated column sections of sufficiently large

dimensions to realistically represent those used in the lower stories of multistory buildings

and loaded to sufficiently large drifts (∼10%) to elucidate their degradation characteristics

for calibration of collapse simulation models. Therefore, to investigate the seismic

performance of flexure-dominated RC columns and to generate and calibrate component

models, especially at the near-collapse stage, specimens that are representative of those
typical in tall buildings are required to undergo large deformation levels under which they

exhibit significant strength loss (i.e., 80%) and post-peak behavior (i.e., up to residual

strengths equal to approximately 20% of peak resistance). Several studies have explored

the effects of loading protocols on the behavior of RC members (Applied Technology

Council (ATC), 2009a; Dhakal & Fenwick, 2008; Ingham, Liddell, & Davidson, 2001;

William C. Stone, Cheok, & Stanton, 1995; Takemura & Kawashima, 1997). However, in

only a limited number of investigations were identical specimens placed under both

monotonic and cyclic loading protocols (Applied Technology Council (ATC), 2009a;

Haselton, Liel, Lange, & Deierlein, 2008). Also, in many experiments column specimens

were subjected to symmetric cyclic reversals of lateral displacements, in addition to either

a constant (Dawn E. Lehman & Moehle, 1998; Jaradat, McLean, & Marsh, 1998;

Esmaeily-Gh & Xiao, 2002) or a variable (Gilbersten & Moehle, 1980; Kreger & Linbeck,

1986) axial load. However, in an actual earthquake small loading cycles are often followed

by large unsymmetric displacement excursions that can lead to major plastic deformations

in one direction and in turn to structural collapse due to P-delta effect. Therefore, it is

necessary to investigate the effect of unsymmetric cyclic loading protocols that represent

what columns will experience during earthquakes.

To address the shortcomings of the available data set for rectangular RC columns, a

series of eight full-scale columns were subjected to a constant axial load and various

loading schemes, including uniaxial and biaxial symmetric cyclic, near-collapse

unsymmetric cyclic, and single-cycle loading protocols. The protocols were designed to

attain drift ratios exceeding 10% such that the specimens would lose most of their lateral
loading capacity and exhibit significant loss of flexural strength. The specimens were

representative of actual columns in the ground floor of a 20-story building located in a high

seismic region and featuring two different cross-sectional dimensions (36×28 in. and

28×28 in.) that are larger than all flexure-critical columns tested previously.

In a related matter, limited investigation was conducted on the helpful effects of ultra-

high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHP-FRC) in improving damage tolerance

when applied in large column specimens. To study the effects of this emerging innovative

material in enhancing the seismic performance of columns, one of the specimens was

constructed with UHP-FRC consisting of a mixture of high-strength steel microfibers and

concrete with a compressive strength of 25 ksi at 28 days.

The experimental data recorded during the eight tests are available through DOI links

provided in this paper. The DOIs also contain all required pre- and post-test information,

including assembly of the specimens, cross-sectional details for each specimen, material

properties, location and orientation of the sensors and instrumentations (LVDTs, string

pots, tiltmeters, and strain gages), and video and still images for each specimen. The data

set is provided in complete accordance with available databases such as the ACI 369

Rectangular Column Database (Ghannoum et al., 2012), and the Pacific Earthquake

Engineering Research center (PEER) Structural Database (Berry et al., 2004). The data set

described here will provide an opportunity for researchers to explore the performance of

RC columns in various cyclic loading conditions. It will also help researchers enhance their

knowledge of the seismic performance of full-size columns under severe loading

conditions and to employ it to develop enhanced computational tools and seismic code

provisions for structural design.


Eight full-scale RC columns with two different cross-sectional dimensions were built

and tested under distinct axial load ratios and various lateral loading protocols. All of the

specimens were constructed and cast in an upright position in the Civil Engineering

laboratory of the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, and were tested at the Multi-

Axial Subassemblage Testing (MAST) laboratory of the University of Minnesota. The six-

degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) loading system at the MAST lab is capable of applying up to

1,320 kips of vertical force, 880 kips of lateral force in two orthogonal horizontal

directions, 8,910 kip-ft of moments, and maximum displacements of ±20 in: and ±16 in: in

the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively (French et al., 2004). The loading

crosshead of the MAST lab is controlled by an MTS 6-DOF controller that computes the

required movement for each of the actuators (in their current configuration and along their

local coordinate system) to apply a desired boundary condition to the specimen considering

the effect of geometric nonlinearity. Each DOF defining the position of the crosshead can

be controlled either in displacement or in force mode, and the global coordinate system of

the crosshead remains constant regardless of the movement of the specimen. Users specify

the history of displacement or load for each of the six global DOFs, and the controller

computes the required forces or displacements of the local DOFs for each of the actuators.

Figure 2.2 illustrates the assembly of a specimen under the loading crosshead at the MAST

lab and the definition of the MAST and specimen coordinate systems.

The specimens were oriented at a 45° angle (X′ -Y′ axes) with respect to the MAST

lab primary coordinate system (X-Y axes) to provide a larger stroke capacity of ±22.6 in.

in the diagonal direction (X ′ or Y′ ) for the actuators, as opposed to ±16 in. stroke capacity

in the X (or Y) direction. The test specimen comprised the lower portion of a column in

double curvature plus a short segment above the point of inflection such that the latter was

located 10 in. below the soffit of the top block of the specimen. To keep the inflection point

at the desired location, a flexural moment was introduced by the crosshead on top of the

specimen (Figure 2.3).

Figure 2.2. (a) Assembly of the Specimen under the Loading Crosshead (Vertical

Actuators are not Shown for Clarity) (b) Definition of the Coordinate System and (c)

Specimen Connection to the Crosshead.


The specimens were representative of the lower portion of a column bent in double

curvature (Figure 2.3) at the ground floor of a 20-story prototype moment-resistant frame

building. Columns were designed according to seismic provisions in Chapter 21 of

ACI 318-11 (ACI Committee 318, 2011) and were designated as perimeter frame (PF) or

space frame (SF) depending on their location in the floor plan, representing an interior

column along the perimeter frame and an interior column in a space frame, respectively.

The PF specimens had a rectangular cross section of 36×28 in. with 16 #9 longitudinal

bars; the SF specimens featured a 28 in. square cross section with 12 #8 longitudinal bars

Figure 2.3. Location of the Inflection Point and Definition of the Top Moment
(Figure 2.4). In both specimen types, the longitudinal bars were tied with closed hoops

bent from #5 bars and placed with 5- or 6-in. center-to-center spacing depending on their

location relative to the column base. The column portion of all specimens were 106 in. tall

and were cast along with an 84×84×30 in. footing block and a 75×75×23 in. loading (top)

block. The footing block enabled connection to a post-tensioned, three-piece concrete base

block of 102×102×60 in. dimensions, which itself was attached to the lab strong



Figure 2.4. (a) 3D Rendering of PF Specimens and (b) Cross-Sectional Detailing of PF

(Top) and SF Specimens (Bottom)

floor using 1.5 in. ASTM A193 Grade-B7 threaded rods with a minimum yield strength of

125 ksi. The loading block connected to the MAST crosshead using the same threaded

rods. The entire testing assembly had a height of 219 in. under the crosshead. Figure 2.4

illustrates a typical PF specimen along with cross-sectional details of both specimen types.


The specimens were built using ASTM A706 (2003) Grade-60 reinforcing steel and

normal-strength, normal-weight concrete except the last specimen (SP8), which was built

with UHP-FRC. The concrete used for the specimens was self-compacting with a

maximum aggregate size of 3/8 in. and a specified nominal 28-day compressive strength

of 5,000 psi. The concrete strength of each specimen was determined using standard

cylinder tests according to ASTM C39C (2003). For each specimen, three 4×8 in. cylinders

were tested on the day the specimen was tested. The concrete mix design for the column

specimens is presented in Table 2.1. Average measured specimen compressive strengths

on the testing day are presented in Table 2.2. The UHP-FRC specimen was constructed

with concrete with a compressive strength at 28 days of 25 ksi along with a 3% volume

fraction of high-strength steel microfibers to improve its ductility and seismic performance.

Uniaxial tensile tests were conducted on steel coupons according to ASTM A370-03a

(2003) to measure the mechanical properties of the steel bars. Samples of 18 in. lengths

were cut from each heat of reinforcing bars. The samples were instrumented with an 8-in.

gage length and pulled at a constant rate of 0.125 in/min. using a 200-kip universal testing

machine with hydraulic grips. In addition to the applied force and displacement, strains
were captured by an extensometer located at the middle of the gage length of each sample.

Mechanical properties of the longitudinal and transverse bars are presented in Table 2.2,

where b × h show the cross-sectional dimension of each specimen and f y, f u, and εu

represent reinforcement yield, ultimate stress, and ultimate strain, respectively.

Table 2.1. Normal Strength Concrete Mix-Design

Weight (lb) for 1 Cu. Yd. of Normal Strength Concrete

Cement Sand Aggregate Water W/C

748 1227 1666 404 0.54 4045

Table 2.2. Material Properties of the Specimens

Longitudinal Bars Transverse Bars

Age of
bh fc
Spec. testing
(in.) (psi) Bar fy fu Bar fy fu
(days) u u
Size (ksi) (ksi) Size (ksi) (ksi)

SP1 36×28 4,860 28 9 74 112 0.2 5 69 104 0.12

SP2 36×28 5,400 28 9 74 112 0.2 5 66 108 0.12

SP3 36×28 5,300 28 9 74 112 0.2 5 65 105 0.12

SP4 36×28 5,370 20 9 74 112 0.2 5 65 105 0.12

SP5 28×28 5,270 21 8 59 102 0.15 5 64 103 0.12

SP6 36×28 4,610 19 9 74 112 0.2 5 65 105 0.12

SP7 36×28 4860 14 9 74 112 0.2 5 62 103 0.11

SP8 28×28 23000 24 8 59 102 0.15 5 63 104 0.12


Linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) were installed in a vertical

configuration on each specimen to measure column deflections from which curvature could

be calculated. Also, horizontal LVDTs and diagonal string potentiometers (pots) were

installed to measure specimen shear deformation at 36 and 96 in. from the column base, as

shown in Figure 2.5. Additional string pots were connected to the specimen at 96 in. from

the top of the base block to track displacement at the inflection point. A tiltmeter was

installed at this point to measure specimen rotations. Strain gages were used to record

strains on longitudinal bars and transverse hoops and in the concrete core in each specimen;

their location is shown on Figure 2.6. In the figure, “XX” after the each strain gage name

refers to its specific location along the specimen height. The total number of different

sensor types for each specimen is given in Table 2.3.

Besides the sensors, high- and extra-high-resolution still cameras as well as

high-resolution video cameras were applied during each test. Still images were captured

by eight Canon SX110IS 9.0-megapixel still-image cameras located at two different

elevations on four telepresence towers at the four corners of the MAST strong floor, as

shown in Figure 2.7. Also, high-definition (HD) videos were recorded by eight Sony

EVI-HD1 video cameras located next to the image cameras on telepresence towers. Each

still camera and video recorder was adjusted to focus on a single face of the column

specimens. Still images were taken either at every 1-in. displacement of the crosshead or

at the peak displacement of each drift cycle, whereas videos were recorded continuously

Figure 2.5. LVDTs (LV) and String Pots (SP): (a) Location along the Height and

(b) Section 1-1

Figure 2.6. Locations of Strain Gages: (a) on Longitudinal Bars (b) on Transverse

Hoops (c) and (d) Horizontally within the Concrete and (e) Vertically within the


Table 2.3. Number of Different Types of Sensors for Each of the Specimens

LVDT String Pots Strain Gages

Long. Horiz. (in Vert. (in Tiltmeter Total
Vert. Horiz. Diag. Horiz. Hoops
Bars concrete) concrete)

SP1 20 8 4 2 52 36 34 7 - 163
SP2 20 8 4 2 53 36 34 7 1 165
SP3 20 8 4 2 48 36 42 7 1 168
SP4 20 8 4 2 52 42 34 11 1 174
SP5 20 8 4 2 68 36 34 9 1 182
SP6 20 8 4 2 68 36 32 10 1 181
SP7 38 10 8 4 100 32 36 12 - 240
SP8 20 8 4 2 64 34 38 11 1 182

Figure 2.7. Location of the Telepresence Towers and High-Resolution Cameras at the

during the tests. Additionally, three high-resolution cameras, including two Nikon D600

24.3-megapixel digital SLRs and a Nikon D3200 24.2-megapixel digital SLR captured

high-resolution still images continuously during each test at a rate of one image per 10 s.

Moreover, time-lapse images were captured by a 6-megapixel Canon Powershot Pro Series

S3 every 30 s during the test and every 5 min during specimen preparation.

Table 2.4 summarizes the amount of visual data (still images and videos) recorded

during each test. Contact sensors (mini-accelerometers) and air-coupled ultrasonic

transmitters were used on specimens SP6, SP7, and SP8 for nondestructive evaluation

(NDE) based on ultra- sonic testing. A nondestructive testing (NDT) technique was

conducted on SP6 using ultrasonic shear-wave tomography, known as MIRA, to detect

internal defects in the cross section. Discussion of the applied ultrasonic methodology and

the results obtained are discussed elsewhere.

Table 2.4. Amount of Image and Video Data Recorded During Each Test (GB)

Still and Extra High

Total Total image and
Sp. timelapse Resolution Videos
images video
images images

SP1 7.7 75.4 83.1 33.97 117.0

SP2 6.7 286.1 292.8 24.1 316.9

SP3 8.1 112 120.1 16.9 137.0
SP4 7.8 128.7 136.5 17.3 153.8
SP5 6.2 106.2 112.4 15.8 128.2
SP6 4.4 41.3 45.7 10.0 55.7
SP7 10.2 200.9 211.1 41.5 252.6

SP8 7.7 153.8 161.5 30.7 192.2


The RC specimens were subjected to six different loading protocols to investigate the

effect of various seismic loading events. At the beginning of each test, an axial load was

applied and its magnitude and vertical orientation were kept constant during the tests using

the eight actuators that drive the MAST crosshead. The movement of each actuator is

computed internally by the MTS controller to ensure the commands defined for the global

DOFs at the crosshead. Therefore, there is no need for the user to modify the movement to

account for geometric nonlinearity. The magnitude of the axial load for the specimens

constructed with normal-weight concrete was selected according to the estimated structural

demands of the PF and SF columns in the prototype structure and with consideration

of their cross-sectional dimensions and concrete strengths such that the axial load ratio

(P⁄f′cAg) was 0.15 and 0.3 for PF and SF specimens (except the UHP-FRC specimen),

respectively, where Ag is the gross cross-sectional area of concrete for each specimen.

While the axial load was kept constant, the specimens were subjected to lateral

displacement cycles, as shown on Figure 2.8 and described in Table 2.5. A single-cycle

loading protocol (i.e., monotonic cycle) was applied to the first specimen (SP1), whereas

all other specimens were subjected to progressively increasing displacement cycles until

they exhibited severe damage and strength loss. The loading stopped when one of the

following conditions was satisfied: (1) the specimen showed significant strength loss such

that the residual strengths were less than or equal to 20% of the peak strengths in both

12 12

8 8

Drift (%) 4 4

Drift (%)
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 15 30 45 60
-4 -4

-8 -8

-12 -12
Cycle Cycle

(a) (b)

12 12

8 8

4 4
Drift (%)

0 Drift (%) 0
0 15 30 45 60 0 15 30 45 60
-4 -4

-8 -8

-12 -12
Cycle Cycle

(c) (d)
DriftY' (%)
Drift (%)

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 -6 -4.5 -3 -1.5 0 1.5 3 4.5 6
-4 -1.5

-8 -3

-12 -4.5
Cycle -6
DriftX' (%)

(e) (f)

Figure 2.8. Loading Protocols for Specimens: (a) SP1; (b) SP2, SP5, and SP8; (c) SP3;

(d) SP4; (e) SP6; (f) SP7

Table 2.5. Applied Loading Protocols

bh Protocol Description of the
Specimen TYP. P/ fc Ag
(in.) in Figure Loading Protocol

SP1 PF 36×28 0.154 a Monotonic

SP2 PF 36×28 0.139 b Symmetric Cyclic (ACI 374)

Symmetric Cyclic (ACI 374)
SP3 PF 36×28 0.141 c
Plus Monotonic Push
Symmetric Cyclic (ACI 374)
SP4 PF 36×28 0.140 d
Plus Monotonic Push
SP5 SF 28×28 0.285 b Symmetric Cyclic (ACI 374)

SP6 PF 36×28 0.163 e Near-Collapse

SP7 PF 36×28 0.154 f Biaxial

SP8 SF 28×28 0.065 b Symmetric Cyclic (ACI 374)

directions exhibited during the test; and (2) the hydraulic actuators reached their maximum

stroke or rotational capacity.

Except for SP1 and SP6, all other loading protocols were designed in accordance with

ACI 374-05 (ACI Committee 374, 2005) guidelines. These protocols comprised three

full-reversed displacement cycles at each drift level followed by a small cycle at 1/3 of the

preceding drift level. This loading pattern was applied to SP2, SP5, and SP8 with

progressively increasing drift cycles until one of the stopping criteria was satisfied; SP3

and SP4 experienced a monotonic push after a certain number of cycles. Displacement

cycles were applied along the primary axis of the specimens (Y′ axis in Figure 2.2(b)),

except for SP7, which was subjected to a biaxial loading protocol as shown on Figure


SP6 was subjected to a near-collapse loading protocol that was developed using results

from time-history analysis of a series of low- to high-rise buildings subjected to a set of

far-field earthquake records. The near-collapse loading protocol consisted of symmetric

cycles followed by large unsymmetric displacement cycles under which typical columns

in the time history analysis showed significant yielding and strength loss.


Figure 2.9 shows specimen damage initiated after application of early cycles when

flexural cracks were observed on the SE and NW faces close to the column base. Also,

shear-flexure cracks were observed on the SW and NE faces and distributed through the

lower portion of the specimens. Cracking and spalling of the cover concrete was followed

by yielding of the longitudinal bars. However, the specimens reached their peak strengths

at larger displacement levels because of the resistance mobilized by the confining pressure

of the transverse hoops as well as strain hardening of the longitudinal bars. Cracking and

crushing of the concrete along the column perimeters and, more importantly, buckling and

fracture of the longitudinal bars resulted in the loss of flexural resistance. In some

specimens, spalling of the cover concrete and lateral pressure of the longitudinal bars

caused some hoops to open. Buckled bars fractured at following large drift ratios, which

resulted in sudden decreases in lateral load capacity. At the end of the tests, severe damage

to the perimeter concrete and fracture of the longitudinal bars in the extreme faces were


Figure 2.10 shows applied lateral loads for SP1, SP2, and SP3 plotted against their

lateral drifts (measured at the idealized inflection point) and lateral displacements. The

specimens subjected to these loading protocols [(a), (b), and (c)] were selected as

representative of all loading protocols because they included a single cycle, a series of

gradually increasing cycle groups, and a series of gradually increasing cycle groups

followed by a collapse-level drift cycle. The loading protocols addressed one of the primary

goals of this project that was testing of RC columns under large drift ratios and capturing

their post-peak performance at the near-collapse state. In the first specimen (SP1), the

loading was terminated at an approximate 12% drift ratio when the actuators reached their

rotational capacity. However, the progression of damage and strength loss in SP2 and SP3

occurred at a greater rate such that the capacity of these specimens deteriorated to 20% or

less of their peak strength at smaller drift ratios than that of SP1.

Strains in longitudinal bars, transverse hoops, and the concrete core were recorded

during each test using embedded strain gages that are shown in Figure 2.6. On longitudinal

bars, the strain gages were installed at closely spaced points along the lower portion of the

column and in the footing block, by which the onset of yielding, strain hardening, and

fracture of longitudinal bars could be identified during application of the loading protocols.

As shown in Figure 2.11(a), at a 2.15% drift ratio for specimen SP2, yielding occurred

over a large portion of one of the longitudinal bars. Nominal yielding in Figure 2.11 can

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.9. Progression of Damage on SP2: (a) SE Face at 2.2% Drift Ratio; (b) SW

Face at 2.2% Drift Ratio; (c) SE Face at the End of the Test and (d) SW Face at the

End of the Test

Lateral Displacement (in.)
-16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16

Lateral Force (kip)

-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12
Drift (%)

Lateral Displacement (in.)

-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12
Lateral Force (kip)

-8 -4 0 4 8
Drift (%)

Lateral Displacement (in.)

-16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16
Lateral Force (kip)

-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12
Drift (%)

Figure 2.10. Applied Load vs. Crosshead Displacement and Drift Ratio
be recognized as a strain equal to 0.0025 in./in., as indicated by the dashed line. Also, at

the same drift level transverse hoops started to yield at a location approximately 12 in.

above the column base, as shown in Figure 2.11(b). On transverse hoops, strain gages were

installed along the column height and at different locations in the cross section (Figure 2.6).

Besides longitudinal bars and transverse hoops, strains at different locations in the

concrete core were measured using vertical and horizontal strain gages. Figures 2.12(a) and

2.12(b) show strain profiles measured along the height of SP2 and at a 2.15% drift ratio. In

these figures, CL1G corresponds to the vertical strain gage located at the midpoint of the

specimen’s SE face; CTRH4G measures the horizontal strains (as shown on Figure 2.6).

Horizontal strains measured by CRTH4G fell beyond the cracking strains for the concrete,

which was confirmed by the formation of many horizontal flexural cracks as observed in

Figure 2.9.



Height (in.)

0 5 10 15 20
Strain ( 10-3 in./in.)



Height (in.)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Strain ( 10-3 in./in.)


Figure 2.11. Reinforcement Strain Profiles along Column Height at 2.15% Drift Ratio

for Specimen SP2: (a) Longitudinal Bar (SL1G); (b) Transverse Hoops (STR3G)



Height (in.)

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2
Strain ( 10-3 in./in.)



Height (in.)

0 50 100 150 200
Strain ( 10-3 in./in.)


Figure 2.12. Concrete Core Strain Profiles along Column Height at 2.15% Drift Ratio

for Specimen SP2: (a) Vertical Strain Gages (CL1G); (b) Horizontal Strain Gages


Along with strain gages, vertical LVDTs were installed on the specimens’ SE and NW

faces (Figure 2.5) to estimate flexural curvature along the column height. Such estimation

was carried out for the lower portion of specimen SP2, as shown in Figure 2.13, which

illustrates base moment for specimen SP2 against curvature measured 6 in. above the

column base. Curvature at this point was calculated using measurements for the vertical

LVDTs on the column’s SE and NW faces. Also, the base moment included the first-order

moment caused by application of the lateral load over the column height as well as the

second-order moment resulting from the P-delta effect. The LVDT cores were connected

to aluminum plates located on the footing block. These plates were anchored at a distance

from the column so that they would not get loose after cracking of the concrete at the

column base.



MBase (kip.ft)



-6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000
 (10 /in.)

Figure 2.13. Moment vs. Curvature Relation for SP2 Measured 6 in. from the Column



Recorded data from eight full-scale column tests are available at NEEShub (NEES

2009) for researchers and structural engineers to investigate the observed behavior of the

column specimens during the tests. These data include measurements from the MAST lab

6-DOF control system and the instrumentation (LVDTs, string pots, tiltmeters, and strain

gages). Additionally, the high- and extra-high-resolution still images and high-resolution

videos provide a visual record of damage for each face of the column specimens during

testing. The data set will enhance understanding of the behavior of RC and UHP-FRC

columns subjected to near-collapse loading protocols and can be used to calibrate finite-

element models intended to simulate their behavior. Also, it can be utilized to improve

collapse-predictive component models for performance-based design, to evaluate ACI

code methodology for estimation of shear and moment capacity, to quantify the evolution

of energy dissipation and secant (or tangent) stiffness during cyclic loading, and to assess

the effects of loading protocols on damage state.

First, the test data from this experimental program can enhance knowledge of the

behavior of RC and UHP-FRC columns subjected to large seismic events, and they can be

used to assess and improve finite-element modeling. Previous experiments on RC columns

were performed either on small- or medium-scale specimens or under small drift ratios.

Accordingly, finite-element models were typically calibrated with test results that did not

capture the complete range of column post-peak behavior. The loading protocols in this

experimental program were extended to large drift ratios (∼12%) until the specimens

exhibited significant strength loss (i.e., 80% or more of their maximum strength in each

loading direction) and stiffness deterioration. The data from this research program will

enable finite element model calibration and validation against a wide range of structural

performance. Developed models can then be utilized to assess the seismic performance of

structures under various axial load ratios, cross-sectional dimensions, and loading

protocols. Also, the tests performed on columns constructed with UHP-FRC material will

enhance knowledge of the seismic performance and damage tolerance capabilities of

columns constructed with this innovative material, and they will provide a tool to improve

structural models that capture their behavior.

An important application of the recorded test data is the assessment and improvement

of existing collapse-predictive component models in performance-based seismic design. A

set of comprehensive test data is required for the development of representative nonlinear

models and implementation of a reliable analysis for performance-based design. Improved

component models represent an important step in predicting the collapse safety of existing

buildings that are designed in accordance with modern codes as well as in designing

reliable structures. They have been recognized as a requirement for the advancement of

performance-based seismic engineering procedures (Applied Technology Council (ATC),

2009b). The tests conducted in this research were designed considering the critical need

for collapse prediction in performance-based design procedures.

The proposed methodology in the ACI code for estimation of column shear and

moment capacity can be evaluated using flexural moments, axial loads, and internal strains

measured during each test. Nominal shear and moment capacities calculated following the

ACI code approach can be compared to the specimen’s actual strength exhibited during

each test to assess the validity of the current design methodology for RC columns,

including the capacity design procedures for evaluating seismic demands in RC moment

frames. Also, the effects of the applied axial load level and the lateral loading protocol on

shear and moment capacity can be estimated.

Finally, recorded test data during each test provide a measure to quantify the evolution

of damage as represented by energy dissipation (or absorption) and the change in secant

(or tangent) stiffness under cyclic loading protocols. Energy dissipation and stiffness

change are both affected by characteristics of the loading protocol (i.e., target

displacement, axial load level, and number of cycles). These characteristics can affect the

extent of specimen damage produced. A larger target displacement, a higher axial load

level, and a greater number of deformation cycles will typically result in more damage to

the concrete as well as yielding, buckling, or ultimately fracturing of the reinforcing bars.

The progression of damage in a RC column, on the other hand, is accompanied by energy

dissipation and a reduction in secant (or tangent) stiffness. Therefore, recorded test data

can be used to calculate energy dissipation and secant (tangent) stiffness at different test

stages to estimate the extent of damage and identify the parameters that accelerate it.


A set of eight full-scale RC and UHP-FRC column tests was conducted at the MAST

laboratory at the University of Minnesota to address the shortcomings in available test data
for rectangular columns in high-rise buildings. The tests aimed to enhance understanding

of the behavior of RC columns representative of those typically used in the ground floor of

tall moment-resisting frame buildings at a near-collapse state, and to utilize this enhanced

understanding to develop improved collapse-predictive component models for

performance-based design. The data set can be accessed through a DOI and includes details

of specimens, material properties, sensor and instrumentation layouts and their recorded

data, and high- and extra-high-resolution images and high-resolution videos recorded

during each test. It provides an opportunity for researchers and engineers in the field to

enhance their knowledge of the seismic performance of RC columns under severe loading

conditions. The recorded test data can be utilized to assess and improve finite element

modeling tools as well as existing collapse simulation models to more accurately capture

post-peak column behavior. Additionally, the data set can be employed to evaluate the

current ACI code for estimating nominal RC column moment and shear capacity and for

assessing the evolution of energy dissipation and stiffness deterioration under various

loading protocols.





Current ACI code provisions ACI 318-14 (ACI Committee 318, 2014) for the design

of reinforced concrete (RC) columns are based on previous experiments on column

specimens that featured smaller cross-sectional dimensions compared to those currently

used in mid- or high-rise buildings. A study on a database of RC columns including those

recently tested at the MAST Laboratory of the University of Minnesota as part of this

research, and ACI 369 Rectangular Column Database (Ghannoum et al., 2012) suggests

that flexural moment capacity, drift capacity, and displacement ductility of columns are

not generally affected by column dimension (i.e. cross-sectional depth). However, the bar

buckling can start earlier in larger columns. Additionally, observations from the MAST

tests reveals a bar buckling mode that is seldom observed in tests on smaller columns, in

Under review by ACI Structural Journal.
which the bars buckle parallel to the face of the column. A study that is presented herein

suggests that larger columns are more prone to this in-plane mode of bar buckling.

Keywords: RC column, cross-sectional size, bar buckling


Many experiments have been carried out on rectangular RC columns. Properties of

more than 300 of such tests are collected in the ACI 369 Rectangular Column Database

(2012) as well as in the PEER structural performance database (Berry et al., 2004). The

primary goal of most of these tests was to investigate the behavior of RC columns subjected

to gravity and seismic loadings and to develop and improve design code provisions for

building columns. However, many of the tests were conducted on columns with smaller

dimensions than those currently used in mid- or high-rise buildings mainly due to

limitations of the testing facilities. The average cross-sectional depth of the rectangular RC

columns in the more recent database (i.e., ACI 369 Rectangular Column Database (2012))

is 12.5 in. (318 mm) with the lower 5% and upper 95% bounds of 6.3 in. (160 mm) and

21.65 in. (550 mm), respectively. The smallest and largest columns in these databases that

failed either in flexure or flexure-shear mode featured a cross-sectional depth of 3.15 in.

(80 mm) (Zhou, Higashi, Jiang, & Shimizu, 1985) and 27.56 in. (700 mm) (Yarandi, 2007).

While these tests provide a valuable dataset for RC columns, a careful study is required to

assess the validity and applicability of their results to estimate seismic performance of

actual columns with larger dimensions.

A clear understanding of the seismic performance of RC columns is crucial in

designing earthquake resistant structures. In performance-based design, columns are

designed to sustain a certain level of damage under the effect of applied loads, but to resist

collapse. The state of damage in RC columns is usually linked to moment capacity, drift

capacity, drift ratio at yield, and the drift at the onset of buckling.

RC columns are typically designed with sufficient flexural capacity to resist external

loads. The flexural moment capacity of RC columns can be affected by many parameters

including axial load magnitude, concrete compressive strength, and amount of transverse

reinforcement. A well-designed RC column should be able to resist flexural moments due

to lateral loading and associated P-Delta effects, and experience large deformations before

failure. Therefore, the maximum flexural moment of a RC column during testing can be

used to evaluate its seismic performance as well as the accuracy of the ACI approach to

estimate flexural moment capacity.

Additionally, accurate estimation of the effective stiffness of RC columns is important

in design because it affects load carrying capacity, deformation demands, and dynamic

response characteristics. Most existing procedures specify the effective stiffness as a

fraction of the gross stiffness depending on the axial load ratio (ACI Committee 318, 2014;

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2000, 2007; Paulay & Priestley, 1992).

Further research (Elwood & Eberhard, 2009) showed that the effective stiffness of concrete

columns is also strongly proportional to aspect ratio (the ratio of shear span to column

depth in the direction of loading, L/h).

Moreover, drift capacity and displacement ductility are important parameters in

performance-based design as they indicate the expected lateral deformation when reaching

a certain level of strength loss, typically 20% of the peak lateral load capacity. The effect

of column aspect ratios on the drift capacity depends on the level of axial load ratio.

Increasing aspect ratio (L/h) will result in an increase in the drift capacity provided that the

axial load ratio is small. In columns with large axial load ratios, on the other hand,

increasing L/h can pronounce the P-Delta effect and result in a lower drift capacity (Bae &

Bayrak, 2008).

Last but not least, seismic performance of RC columns can be significantly affected

by reinforcing bar buckling as it is often followed by significant strength degradation and

stiffness deterioration that lead to extensive and costly damage. Reinforcing bar buckling

in RC columns can initiate right after spalling of the cover concrete or yielding of

transverse hoops (Bae & Bayrak, 2008) and well before global collapse of the specimens.

Early bar buckling can drastically affect ductility of RC columns and limit their drift

capacity. Therefore, understanding the drift ratio at which the bar buckling initiates, is

significantly important for practicing engineers. To achieve this understanding, analytical

and experimental studies have been carried out to investigate the buckling of longitudinal

bars. Early investigations employed Euler buckling theory to explain the observed buckling

behavior of bars (Bresler & Gilbert, 1961; Scribner, 1986; Papia, Russo, & Zingone, 1988).

Other researchers conducted analytical (Gomes & Appleton, 1997; Dhakal & Maekawa,

2002) and experimental studies on isolated bars (Mander, Priestley, & Park, 1984; Monti

& Nuti, 1992; Rodriguez, Botero, & Villa, 1999; Bayrak & Sheikh, 2001) to investigate
the constitutive relationship of steel reinforcing bars including the effect of buckling, and

to study the parameters that affect bar buckling. However, experimental investigations on

RC columns with specific focus on bar buckling are limited (Suda, Murayama, Ichinomiya,

& Shimbo, 1996; Moyer & Kowalsky, 2003; Brown, Lehman, & Stanton, 2008). These

experimental investigations have sought to define drift or displacement demands

corresponding to the onset of bar buckling as a critical damage state in seismic

performance-based design.

In this study, the selected database of RC columns is used to study the influence of

cross-sectional size on seismic performance characteristics of columns, namely the

moment capacity, drift capacity, ductility, and drift at the onset of buckling. For each

seismic characteristic, the calculation scheme used with the information available in the

database, as well as the key controlling parameters are discussed and employed to

categorize the columns. The influence of cross-sectional size is then studied for columns

in each category.


RC columns can incorporate cross-sectional dimensions significantly larger than those

tested previously and which were utilized to verify ACI code design provisions. A series

of tests on rectangular RC columns with larger cross-sectional dimensions was carried out

as part of this research to fill the gap in the existing database of RC columns. Results from

these tests were employed along with an available database of RC columns (Ghannoum et

al., 2012) to investigate the effects of cross-sectional size on seismic performance of RC

columns including moment capacity, effective stiffness, drift capacity, displacement

ductility, and bar buckling.


Seven full-scale RC column tests, representative of modern mid- and high-rise RC

moment frame buildings, were conducted at the Multi-Axial Subassemblage Testing

(MAST) Laboratory of the University of Minnesota. These columns featured

cross-sectional dimensions (36×28 in. and 28×28 in.) (914×711 mm. and 711×711 mm.)

larger than most of the previous tests on RC columns subjected to cyclic loading protocols

(Berry et al., 2004; Ghannoum et al., 2012). Each specimen was constructed horizontally

along with a 84×84×30 in. (2134×2134×762 mm.) footing block and a 75×75×23 in.

(1905×1905×584 mm.) loading block (Figure 3.1) and was placed on top of a spacer block

under the MAST loading crosshead (Figure 3.2). Each test was started with application a

constant axial load along Z′ axis followed by a lateral displacement loading protocol along

X′ axis. Additionally, to focus this study on the effects of loading protocols and to eliminate

changes in the response of columns due to dislocation of the inflection point a flexural

moment was applied on top of the specimen to maintain the inflection point at 96 in. (2438

mm.) above the column base corresponding to one half of the height of the columns in the

ground floor of the prototype building. However, during an actual earthquake, the

inflection point typically shifts upward along the length of RC columns and hence a lower

lateral load as compared to the case with fixed inflection point would be required to

generate the plastic moment at their base. Therefore, RC columns in practice may exhibit

lower drift capacity and drift ratio at the onset of buckling as those that were recorded

during tests at the MAST Lab. Information regarding cross-sectional dimensions as well

as concrete compressive strength (f′c), axial load ratio (P/f′cAg), and aspect ratio (L/h) of

these columns is presented in Table 3.1. The table also shows distinct lateral loading

protocols applied to the specimens during each test.

Figure 3.1. Overview of the Test Specimens

Figure 3.2. Overview of the Test Setup at the MAST Lab and Loading Direction

Table 3.1. Characteristics of the MAST Tests

f'c, ksi P/ Mtes 80 Keff
Loading Protocol in. ×in. L/h μΔ
(MPa) f'cAg t/Mn (%) /Kg
36×28 4.86
SP1 Monotonic (914×711) (33.51)
2.67 0.15 1.30 10.74 0.19 10.15

Symmetric Cyclic 36×28 5.40

SP2 (ACI 374-05 (2005)) 2.67 0.14 1.26 7.13 0.26 5.31
(914×711) (37.23)
Symmetric Cyclic 36×28 5.30
SP3 Plus Monotonic Push 2.67 0.14 1.22 7.83 0.19 7.35
(914×711) (36.54)
Symmetric Cyclic 36×28 5.37
SP4 Plus Monotonic Push 2.67 0.14 1.35 10.19 0.21 8.78
(914×711) (37.02)
Symmetric Cyclic 28×28 5.27
SP5 (ACI 374-05 (2005) ) 3.43 0.28 1.33 4.09 0.38 4.53
(711×711) (36.34)
36×28 4.61
SP6 Near-Collapse (914×711) (31.78)
2.67 0.16 1.28 12.47 0.17 9.60

36×28 4.90
SP7 Biaxial (914×711) (33.78)
2.67 0.15 1.19 5.09 0.14 4.79

A single cycle loading protocol was applied to the first specimen (SP1) to capture the

monotonic force-displacement envelope of the test specimens in a single cycle. The second

specimen (SP2) was subjected to progressively increasing displacement reversals which

were defined according to the guidelines in the ACI 374-05 (ACI Committee 374, 2005).

The applied lateral loading protocols were continued until the specimens lost most of their

load carrying capacity (more than 80% of peak lateral load capacity). The lateral loading

on SP3 and SP4 started with displacement cycles like those used in SP2. However, these

two specimens were subjected to a final monotonic displacement segment after a specified

number of cycles. The applied loading protocol and hysteretic force-displacement (or drift

ratio) of specimen SP4 is represented in Figure 3.3. The last two specimens (i.e., SP6 and

SP7) were subjected to a near-collapse cyclic loading protocol which was designed as part

of this research, and a biaxial cyclic loading protocol, respectively. Further details

regarding the applied loading protocols can be found elsewhere (Nojavan et al., 2014,

2015) and are not shown here for brevity. Results from these tests were employed along

with ACI 369 Rectangular column database (Ghannoum et al., 2012) to investigate the

influence of cross-sectional depth on the seismic performance of columns. The column

dataset was screened to include only columns with concrete compressive strength between

2.5 ksi (17.24 MPa) and 10 ksi (68.94 MPa) in order to focus the study on structural

columns constructed with normal and moderately high strength concrete. Additionally, it

is assumed that columns in a typical building design based on standard code practice will

not suffer shear failure and reach flexural capacity when subjected to extreme loadings.

Thus, column specimens failing in shear were excluded from the dataset. A complete list

of the test specimens utilized for the purpose of this study is not shown here for brevity.

Instead, the range and statistics of important parameters (i.e. minimum, maximum, mean,

and coefficient of variation (CV) of concrete compressive stress (f′c), reinforcing yield

stress (fy), cross-sectional depth (h), and reinforcing bar diameter (db)) for the selected

specimens are presented in Table 3.2.


Drift (%)



0 15 30 45



Figure 3.3. Behavior of Specimen SP4 under the Applied Loading Protocol: (a)

Loading Protocol, (b) Variation of Lateral Force with Drift Ratio and Top


Table 3.2. Properties of Rectangular Columns in the ACI 369 Database

Parameter Min. Max. Mean COV

2.55 9.83 4.58

f′c, ksi (MPa) 0.276
(17.6) (67.8) (31.6)
46.8 85.1 62.1
fy, ksi (MPa) 0.154
(322.9) (586.9) (428.2)
3.15 27.6 13.6
h, in. (mm) 0.351
(80) (700) (345)
0.24 1.25 0.71
db, in. (mm) 0.281
(6) (32) (18)


3.5.1. Calculation

The normalized flexural moment capacity of columns is defined here as the ratio of

the maximum measured flexural moment during the test (Mtest), including the P-Delta

contribution (i.e. moment due to axial load and column lateral deflection), to its nominal

moment capacity (Mn) calculated according to the provisions in ACI 318-14 (2014). To

compute the nominal flexural moment capacity (Mn) for each column in the database, the

nominal axial load-flexural moment (P-M) interaction diagram was computed using strain

compatibility, and assuming an ultimate concrete compressive strain of 0.003 and an

elastic-perfectly plastic reinforcing steel material model. Measured concrete and steel

material properties were used. The location of the neutral axis was computed based on a

linear strain distribution and was used to determine the depth of the compression region.

For each level of strain, the compressive force provided by concrete was calculated based
on an equivalent rectangular concrete stress block, following provisions in the ACI 318-14

(2014), and neglecting the confinement effect. The compressive force resultant in the

concrete was considered along with the forces provided by reinforcing steel bars to

compute the net axial force and the moment about the geometric centroid of the section.

The moment associated with the applied axial load on the P-M interaction diagram was

then taken as the flexural moment capacity of the column specimen (Mn).

3.5.2. Influence of Column Section Depth h

The normalized moment capacity (Mtest / Mn) for all the columns in the database is

plotted against their cross-sectional depths (Figure 3.4). It is noticed that columns failing

in flexure exhibit a normalized moment capacity of at least one while this ratio is generally

smaller for the columns that failed in shear (not shown for brevity). In other words, all of

the column specimens developed their nominal moment capacity, computed according to

ACI 318-14 (2014) regardless of their cross-sectional depth, unless they failed in shear.

This observation confirms the ACI 318-14 (2014) flexural design provisions for RC

columns to be appropriately conservative. The data in Figure 3.4 also indicate that the

normalized moment capacity is not generally dependent on the cross-sectional depth of

columns (i.e. the linear least squares trend line including the tests conducted at the MAST

lab is nearly flat) for flexure dominated columns and the MAST Lab tests do not alter this


Prev. Tests

2.5 MAST Tests

Trend Line



0 10 20 30 40

h (in)

Figure 3.4. Normalized Moment Capacity vs. Cross-Sectional Depth for Columns

Failing in Flexure


3.6.1. Calculation

A simple approach was employed to compute the effective stiffness (Keff) of the

columns (Figure 3.5). A secant passing through a point on the Lateral Force-Displacement

(F-Δ) cyclic envelope corresponding to 70% of the maximum applied lateral load on the

specimen (0.7Fmax) is extended to intersect with the horizontal line at Fmax as shown in

Figure 3.5. The yield displacement is defined as intercept of a vertical line from the

intersection point on the horizontal axis. This approach is similar to that used by Elwood

and Eberhard (2009) to estimate EI eff calc except that they used the lateral load



F-∆ Cyclic

∆y ∆

Figure 3.5. Definition of the Effective Stiffness

corresponding to a specified concrete compressive strain and yielding of reinforcing steel

instead of Fmax and 0.7Fmax. Reported values for Fmax and drift ratio at yielding (δy) by

Ghannoum et al. (2012) and Sivaramakrishnan (2010) that were calculated according to

the aforementioned approach, were utilized to compute the effective stiffness of the

columns in the dataset. Considering that concrete cracking typically happens before

yielding of the longitudinal bars in RC columns, it would appear to be more realistic for

the effective stiffness to be normalized by the stiffness computed based on cracked and

transformed section properties. Mehanny et al. (2001) applied this idea to normalize the

effective stiffness, but their proposed approach was shown to overestimate the normalized

stiffness of both rectangular and circular columns (Elwood & Eberhard, 2009).

Consequently, the gross section stiffness (Kg) was used to normalize the calculated

effective stiffness, as was done by Elwood and Eberhard (2009).

3.6.2. Influence of Axial Loading and Aspect Ratio

The normalized effective stiffness of RC columns (Keff / Kg) which is equal to EIeff /

EIg can vary significantly depending on the applied axial load level and aspect ratio

(Elwood & Eberhard, 2009). To investigate the effect of cross-sectional depth on effective

stiffness, the columns in the database were subdivided into distinct categories depending

on their axial load ratio (P/f′cAg) and aspect ratio (L/h) in order to separate the effects of

these two parameters and identify the influence of column depth more easily. Four

categories of axial load ratio (P/f′cAg<0.2, 0.2≤P/f′cAg<0.3, 0.3≤P/f′cAg<0.4, and

0.4≤P/f′cAg) and four categories of aspect ratio (1≤L/h<2, 2≤L/h<3, 3≤L/h<4, 4≤L/h) were


For the columns in the database, the normalized stiffness ratio (Keff /Kg) was observed

to be strongly dependent on the axial load and aspect ratios as illustrated in Figure 3.6. The

trend line for each category was obtained using a linear least squares fit. The trend line in

Figure 3.6(a) is calculated using all of the data shown, which includes the corresponding

previous test data (i.e. test specimens in the ACI 369 database (Ghannoum et al., 2012) as

well as most of the tests recently conducted at the MAST lab. The trend lines for the

individual aspect ratio categories (Figure 3.6(b)) indicate that for columns with aspect

ratios greater than 2, normalized effective stiffness generally increases with axial load ratio,

and that the rate of increase further increases with increasing aspect ratio (L/h).



Keff/ Kg

Prev. Tests
MAST Tests
Trend Line

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P / f'cAg

(a) 2 ≤ L/h < 3

Keff/ Kg




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

P / f'cAg

(b) Various L/h

Figure 3.6. Normalized Effective Stiffness vs. Axial Load Ratio

3.6.3. Influence of Column Section Depth h

The normalized effective stiffness is shown relative to column cross-sectional

depth in Figure 3.7, and it suggests that normalized effective stiffness is not generally

affected by column size. Given the large spread of data in Figure 3.7, plots were created

for each column category depending on axial load and aspect ratios. The plots for two

categories, that contained MAST test data, are illustrated in Figure 3.8. It is observed that

including the MAST test results does not significantly change the observed trend. Among

the MAST test specimens, SP2 which was subjected to a loading protocol that resembles

that used for the rest of the columns in the database, exhibits a normalized stiffness that is

pretty close to the trend line. These plots confirm the lack of dependence between

normalized effective stiffness and the cross-sectional depth. Slight increasing or decreasing

Prev. Tests

1.25 MAST Tests

Trend Line
Keff / Kg




0 10 20 30 40
h (in)

Figure 3.7. Normalized Effective Stiffness vs. Cross-Sectional Depth

Prev. Tests
MAST Tests
Trend Line
0.6 SP2

Keff / Kg


0 10 20 30 40
h (in)

(a) 0 ≤ P/f'cAg < 0.2; 2 ≤ L/h < 3

Prev. Tests

0.6 Trend Line

Keff / Kg



0 10 20 30 40
h (in)

(b) 0.2 ≤ P/f'cAg < 0.3; 3 ≤ L/h < 4

Figure 3.8. Normalized Effective Stiffness vs. Cross-Sectional Depth

trends in some categories (i.e. the one shown in Figure 3.8(b) and others that are not shown

for brevity) is believed to be related to the effects of other parameters which are not held

constant, such as the reinforcement yield strength, longitudinal bar diameter, and

reinforcement ratio.


3.7.1. Calculation

In this study, the drift capacity (δ80) refers to the post-peak drift ratio corresponding

to a 20% loss of the peak lateral loading capacity. Accordingly, the displacement ductility

(μΔ) is defined as the ratio of drift capacity (δ80) to drift at yield (δy) calculated according

to the approach described in the previous section. Reported values for δ80 and δy by

Ghannoum et al. (2012) and Sivaramakrishnan (2010) were utilized to investigate the

influence of cross-sectional size on drift capacity and displacement ductility.

3.7.2. Influence of Axial Loading and Aspect Ratio

Similar axial load ratio and aspect ratio categories to those in the previous section

were employed to investigate the effect of cross-sectional dimension. Drift capacities,

shown in Figure 3.9(a) for 2≤L/h<3 which contains MAST test data, indicates a decreasing

trend with axial load ratio. This trend is also present for more slender columns (L/h >3)

according to the trend lines given in Figure 3.9(b). Yet, for stocky columns (L/h<2), the

trend line in Figure 3.9(b) indicates that axial load ratio does not have a significant effect

on the drift capacity. For slender columns (L/h>2), a larger aspect ratio corresponds to a

Prev. Tests
MAST Tests
12 Trend Line
SP2& SP7

Drift Capacity (%)


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P / f'cAg

(a) 2 ≤ L/h < 3

6 2<L/h<3
Drift Capacity (%)

5 4<L/h<5

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P / f'cAg

(b) Various L/h

Figure 3.9. Variation of Drift Capacity with Axial Load Ratio

smaller curvature demand to reach a desired drift ratio. But, it is accompanied by a more

pronounced secondary (P-Delta) moment that results in a reduction in the drift capacity

with increasing the axial load ratio. The drift capacity of the MAST test specimens exhibit

a vertical distribution as shown in Figure 3.9(a) which is believed to be due to the effect of

different loading protocols. In this figure, the column specimens subjected to fully

symmetric loading protocols with many reversals (i.e. SP2, and SP7 that were subjected to

loading protocols designed according to ACI 374-05 (ACI Committee 374, 2005)

guidelines) exhibit the lowest drift capacities and fall much closer to the trend line than do

the other MAST column specimens in the same category (2≤L/h<3).

Calculated values for displacement ductility exhibit more scattered patterns with

variations in axial load and aspect ratio than those for drift ratio, such that a general trend

could not be easily recognized and the plots are not shown here for brevity. This scatter

can be traced to uncertainty in the estimation of the yield displacement from

force-displacement plots of the specimens rather than measured yielding of the reinforcing


3.7.3. Influence of Column Section Depth h

The drift capacity of the columns in the database are shown against their

cross-sectional depths in Figure 3.10. To minimize the effect of aspect ratio and axial load

ratio, the columns were categorized in the manner used in previous sections, however, only

the data for column categories containing MAST data are shown in Figure 3.10(a) and

Figure 3.10(b). The trend line in Figure 3.10(b), suggests that the drift capacity of columns

is not generally a function of their cross-sectional size. Also, further analysis of the

columns shown in Figure 3.10(a) reveals that the increasing trend in drift capacity with

column size is dominated by the series of tests conducted at the MAST lab. The difference

in the drift capacity of the MAST column specimens with similar cross-sectional depths

(i.e. 36 in. (914 mm)) is related to their distinct loading protocols, and loading protocol

was observed to have a significant effect on the drift capacity of columns. Similar

observations have been reported (Pujol, 2002). Limiting the MAST data to include only

the specimen with the symmetric cyclic loading protocol (i.e. column SP2 in Table 3.1),

modifies the trend line in Figure 3.10(a) such that it is independent of the cross-sectional

size. Therefore, the MAST tests reveal insensitivity of the drift capacity with variations in

the cross-sectional depth for columns subjected to similar cyclic loading protocols.

Displacement ductility is expected to follow the same relationship with cross-sectional

depth as does drift capacity, because the idealized drift at yield is independent h (not shown

here for brevity). Comparison of the displacement ductility for the specimens relative to

cross-sectional depth, shown in Figure 3.11, exhibits a similar relationship to that shown

in Figure 3.10 for drift capacity. Slight ascending or descending trends in the ductility of

these columns with h is believed to be related to the effect of the loading protocol, or to

slight changes in aspect ratio and axial load ratio within each category.

Prev. Tests

MAST Tests
All Tests

Drift Capacity (%)


0 10 20 30 40
h (in.)

(a) 0 ≤ P/f'cAg < 0.2; 2 ≤ L/h < 3

Prev. Tests

6 Trend Line
Drift Capacity (%)

0 10 20 30 40
h (in.)

(b) 0.2 ≤ P/f'cAg < 0.3; 3 ≤ L/h < 4

Figure 3.10. Variation of Drift Capacity with Cross-Sectional Depth

Prev. Tests

10 MAST Tests

All Tests

Disp. Ductility

0 10 20 30 40
h (in.)

(a) 0 ≤ P/f'cAg < 0.2; 2 ≤ L/h < 3

Prev. Tests

MAST Tests
Trend Line
Disp. Ductility

0 10 20 30 40
h (in.)

(b) 0.2 ≤ P/f'cAg < 0.3; 3 ≤ L/h < 4

Figure 3.11. Variation of Displacement Ductility with Cross-Sectional Depth


Buckling of reinforcing bars in an RC column is a complicated phenomenon that

depends on the interaction of cover concrete, transverse reinforcement, concrete core, and

loading history. Compression from applied forces on a RC column causes the concrete core

to expand laterally due to Poisson’s effect, dilatation and shear deformation, which in turn

mobilizes the confinement reinforcement that restrain the bars from buckling. Furthermore,

the cover concrete, if un-cracked, can also restrain the bars from buckling outward. The

longitudinal bars experience cyclic tension and compression during the evolution of a

seismic event and eventually yield under larger deformations. Upon load reversal and

before the cracks close, the longitudinal bars on one face of the column carry all of the

axial load. Accumulation of plastic deformation in tension elongates the longitudinal bars,

and when the elongation is combined with outward pressure from the concrete core and the

high axial loads from building weight, bar buckling can occur. Once buckled, the bars lose

a significant portion of their strength and stiffness and may eventually fracture due to large

plastic strain reversals at the location where a kink forms in response to buckling.

3.8.1. Characterization of Reinforcing Bar Buckling

Different researchers have employed a variety of approaches to define the onset of

buckling from experimental observations. Some researchers (Bayrak & Sheikh, 1996;

Saatcioglu & Grira, 1999) recognized the onset of buckling based on observations at or

near the end of the test. Brown et al. (2008) assumed an arbitrary lateral displacement of

the bar equal to 1% of the column diameter, equivalent to 0.2 in. (51 mm.) for their test

specimens, as the onset of buckling. On the other hand, Bournas and Triantafillou (2010),

considered a sudden increase in the compressive strain of the longitudinal bars, after

yielding, as a sign of bar buckling. Because there is no consensus for a unified method to

measuring lateral displacement of the reinforcing bars at the onset of buckling in

rectangular RC columns in the database, any general conclusion regarding the influence of

the cross-sectional size on the drift ratio at the onset of buckling would lack sufficiently

accurate supportive data. Instead, in this study, some observations from the tests conducted

by the authors at the MAST Lab are presented to provide an insight into the effect of

cross-sectional size on the mechanism of bar buckling.

For MAST tests, strain gages (Figure 3.12) were installed at a 6-in. (152.4-mm)

spacing along the height of four longitudinal bars in each column specimen. While fracture

of the longitudinal bars are typically followed by a marked drop in the load carrying

capacity as shown in Figure 3.13, bar buckling, as a local phenomenon, is barely observable

from strain histories of gages located far from the buckling zone. Therefore, the location

of the buckled sections (i.e. sections with a maximum lateral deformation) along the bar

were determined after each test and the strain gages right above and right below the buckled

sections were identified. While a sudden strain variation could be recognized from these

strain gages, investigation of the other strain gages revealed that regions of the bar away

from the buckling section could still be in their elastic range of constitutive behavior. Thus,

readings from the two strain gages located immediately above and below the buckled

section of the bars were utilized to determine the drift at the onset of buckling.

Figure 3.12. Location of Strain Gages for Cross Sections of MAST Test Specimens

Measured strain for a gage in specimen SP2 located at the proximity of a buckled bar

is illustrated in Figure 3.14. The circles and squares denote the largest strains in

compression and tension, respectively, in the preceding cycle after which a reduction in

the measured compressive strain is observed. These points coincide with drift ratios of

1.87% for specimen SP2 in the compression and tension directions of the bar, respectively

(Figure 3.14(b)). The circle corresponds to a cycle where the buckling is believed to start


Lateral Force (Kip)



-6 -4.5 -3 -1.5 0 1.5 3 4.5 6

Figure 3.13. Sudden Drops in Load Carrying Capacity due to Bar Fractures

as the compressive strain decreases in the following cycles. This definition of the onset of

buckling is consistent with the one by Bournas and Triantafillou (2010) in terms of a

reduction in the compressive strain in the loading cycles that follow bar buckling. It has

also been stated by other researchers that a reduction of the compressive strength due to

bar buckling is preceded by a large pre-strain (i.e., a large excursion in yield strain) in

tension (Brown et al., 2008; Massone, Polanco, & Herrera, 2014). This point is indicated

by a square in Figure 3.14. The horizontal span with low strain variations, between steps

20,000 and 25,000, in Figure 3.14(a) refers to a pause in testing before application of the

next level of displacement cycles. The next level of applied displacements was

accompanied by a sudden drop in the tensile strain as shown by a triangle, which can be

due to kinking of the bar following buckling and after which the measured strain data are

not reliable.

0.020 Onset of Buckling
Tension Excursion
Tension Drop

Strain (in./in.)



10 15 20 25
Step (10 )


0.020 Onset of Buckling

Tension Excursion
Tension Drop
Strain (in./in.)




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4


Figure 3.14. Characterization of the Onset of Bar Buckling

A criterion for determination of the approximate strain value to cause buckling can be

taken from the equation proposed by Pantazapoulou (1998) which relates the strain at the

onset of buckling to the bar diameter and its unsupported length, and it results in a strain

of 0.010 and 0.011 for No.8 and No.9 bars, respectively. However, validity of the estimated

strains based on Pantazapoulou’s equation depends significantly on the strain compatibility

condition in the specimens which can be violated in many cases due to cracking of the

specimens during construction, shipping, installation, or small pretest cycles. Therefore,

Pantazapoulou’s equation was not considered as a criterion to define the onset of bar

buckling, rather it was used as an approximate initial estimate of expected bar strains at


For each column specimen, the drift ratios at the initiation of buckling for the two

strain gages closest to the buckled region on each reinforcing bar were determined using

the approach described above. The average of the drift ratios at buckling for all four

instrumented bars in the compression face of each column specimen was assumed to

represent the drift ratio at the onset of buckling (δb) as indicated in Table 3.3. Most of the

bars developed a kinked region at buckling which eventually fractured during subsequent

loading cycles due to low-cycle fatigue. Table 3.3 indicates that the drift ratios at bar

fracture (δF) can be significantly larger than the drift ratios at the onset of bar buckling

depending on the loading conditions. Berry and Eberhard (2005) proposed an equation to

estimate the drift ratio at the onset of bar buckling based on a statistical study of a dataset

of columns. However, the data used to calibrate their equation was based on visual

inspection of the specimens at or near the end of the tests to determine buckling of the bars.
As a consequence, their equation tends to overestimate the drift ratios at the onset of bar

buckling for column specimens that experienced many displacement cycles before fracture

of the bars (SP2, SP3, SP5, and SP7) as shown in Table 3.3. In fact, for these columns, the

estimated drift ratios according to their proposed equation (δcalc.) are closer to actual drift

ratios at fracture of the bars than the onset of buckling. Additionally, for column specimens

that experienced fewer loading cycles (SP1 and SP6 in Table 3.3), their proposed equation

tends to underestimate the drift ratio at the onset of buckling. The bar splices were located

away from the column-footing interface in these columns. Having mechanical bar splices

at or near the column base may result in a change in the drift ratio at the onset of buckling.

However, these splices are typically not recommended to be placed at the yielding zone

(i.e., near the column base) of RC columns in special moment resisting frames of Seismic

Design Categories C, D, E and F according to seismic provisions in chapter 21 of the ACI

318-11 (2011).

Table 3.3. Drift Ratios at the Onset of Bar Buckling and Fracture

Specimen δb (%) δf (%) δcalc.(%)

SP1 8.56 11.60 4.77

SP2 1.96 5.27 4.67
SP3 2.05 4.64 4.66
SP4 2.21 10.23 4.66
SP5 2.14 4.17 4.17
SP6 6.56 10.10 4.71
SP7 1.80 4.24 4.63

3.8.2. Influence of Column Section Size

Unlike flexural moment capacity, drift capacity, and ductility, observations from the

tests carried out at the MAST lab suggest that longitudinal bar buckling can be affected in

a significant way by the cross-sectional size of the columns. It is well accepted from

previous tests that confinement provided by transverse ties is required to prevent or

postpone bar buckling in rectangular RC columns. However, the MAST tests indicate that

larger reinforcing bars (No. 8 and No. 9) in columns made with normal strength concrete

can buckle in an in-plane mode (i.e. parallel to the face of the column) instead of outward

because the concrete cannot provide sufficient support to the bars parallel to the ties. In-

plane buckling in these bars occurred about the strong axis of the bars, which is contrary

to the common assumption that bars will only buckle about their weak axis.

Larger columns typically support a larger amount of axial load that requires larger bar

sizes. Compared to smaller columns, cover concrete is less effective in restraining larger

bars from buckling in bigger columns since it will crack at earlier stages of loading due to

the larger tensile forces carried by the longitudinal bars. This phenomenon makes columns

with larger cross-sectional dimensions more prone to bar buckling. Additionally, the

concrete surrounding the longitudinal bars is more susceptible to cracking and crushing in

bigger columns because it restrains larger longitudinal bars, which require much larger

restraint stresses to avoid buckling. Therefore, even if the bars are well restrained from

buckling outward by transverse ties, they are still prone to buckle sideways, and this

buckling mode can significantly reduce their load carrying capacity in the post-peak region

of the buckled bars. In-plane buckling of bars, as shown in Figure 3.15, was observed in
all tested specimens and it affected 36% of the buckled bars excluding those located at the

corners. The corner bars were excluded as their final buckled configuration was typically

a combination of outward and in-plane buckling. In many cases, no tie fracture or tie

opening was observed. However, after crushing of the concrete core, the bars were

observed to have clearly buckled parallel to the face of the column, and the buckling usually

occurred over a distance equal to two times the tie spacing with the middle tie offering no

restraint to the buckled bar.

Figure 3.15. In-Plane bar buckling and Fracture in MAST Column Tests


In this study, results from recent tests conducted at the MAST lab on full-scale RC

columns were combined with available dataset of RC columns to assess the effect of

cross-sectional size of columns on their seismic performance. A study on the parameters

representing seismic performance of RC columns confirms that effective stiffness, drift

capacity, and displacement ductility of RC columns can be significantly affected by axial

load and aspect ratios. In the case of drift capacity, the effect of axial load for stocky

columns with aspect ratio smaller than 2 is minor. However, for columns with larger aspect

ratios, the axial load ratio has an adverse effect on the drift capacity. This analysis also

confirms the sensitivity of the drift capacity and displacement ductility to loading history.

Test data analysis reveals that flexural moment capacity, drift capacity, and displacement

ductility of RC columns constructed with normal to moderately high strength concrete (2.5

ksi (17.24 MPA) ≤ f′c ≤ 10 ksi (68.94 MPA)) are not generally affected by the dimension

of their cross-sectional depths. However, observations from MAST tests imply that bar

buckling as an important seismic damage state can start at earlier drift ratios in larger

columns. These observations also suggests that despite bar fracture, which is typically

followed by a marked reduction in lateral load capacity, realization of the drift at the onset

of buckling requires proper sensor installation in the proximity of buckling zone. The

MAST tests revealed a mode of bar buckling seldom seen and never considered in

structural engineering of RC columns, the in-plane buckling mode in which the bars buckle

parallel to the face of the column rather than in the outward direction. In the observed cases

of in-plane bar buckling during the MAST tests, the bars deformed over a height equal to
two times the tie spacing (i.e. skipping the middle tie) and deflected sideways into the cover

on either side. This mode of buckling typically occurred about the strong axis of the bars

while the common assumption is that longitudinal bars buckle only about their weak axis.

From the MAST test observations, it is suggested that in-plane buckling initiates when the

cover concrete crushes and there is compression damage (softening) to the portion of the

core on either side of the buckled bars.





Seven full-scale reinforced concrete (RC) columns were tested at the Multi-Axial

Subassemblage Testing (MAST) Laboratory of the University of Minnesota to investigate

their performance under extreme seismic events. The specimens were designed according

to seismic provisions of ACI 318-11 (ACI Committee 318, 2011) and incorporated

closely-spaced transverse hoops at their base. However, at large drift ratios during these

tests, longitudinal bars were observed to buckle parallel to the face of the columns with

transverse ties having little effect. This previously unobserved bar buckling phenomenon

is investigated numerically to gain a better understanding of the column characteristics that

affect it. First, a bar-spring mechanical model is used to understand the conditions needed

to prevent buckling of longitudinal bars by means of restraints with finite stiffness. Second,

Under review by Engineering Structures Journal.
a three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear finite element analysis of the lower portion of the

specimen subjected to monotonic loading was formulated in ABAQUS and validated with

test data. The analysis reveals that columns featuring larger cross-sectional dimensions and

longitudinal bar sizes and lower strength concrete are more prone to in-plane bar buckling.

Keywords: reinforced concrete; column, bar buckling, in-plane buckling, finite element



Reinforcing bar buckling is a complex phenomenon that can reduce ductility of RC

columns and lead to significant stiffness reduction and strength loss. The complexity of

this phenomenon is attributed to the fact that the reinforcing bar buckling in RC columns

involves both material and geometric nonlinearities and depends on several parameters

including tie spacing and effectiveness, spalling of cover concrete, expansion of concrete

core, and loading history. Due to the complexity of the problem, many prior experimental

and analytical studies were carried out on isolated bars under compression to investigate

bar buckling behavior. Experimental investigations showed that the behavior of bars in

compression is generally different from that in tension (Dhakal & Maekawa, 2002; Bae,

Mieses, & Bayrak, 2005) and hence analytical formulations were proposed to capture the

constitutive relations of compression bars including buckling (Monti & Nuti, 1992; Gomes

& Appleton, 1997; Rodriguez et al., 1999). Additionally, the investigations revealed that

the post-yield behavior of reinforcing bars under compression is generally controlled by

the ratio of their unsupported length to bar diameter (s/db) as well as their eccentricity to
bar diameter ratio (e/db) (Bayrak & Sheikh, 2001; Bae et al., 2005). Considering the major

role of transverse ties in controlling the bar buckling, some research studies idealized the

bar buckling problem as a system of bar and springs with the springs representing the axial

stiffness introduced by transverse ties (Dhakal & Maekawa, 2002; Papia et al., 1988).

In all the former studies of bar buckling in RC columns, it is assumed that the bars will

buckle outward, that is perpendicular to the nearest column face, and the transverse ties are

essential in restraining them from buckling. However, recent tests carried out at the MAST

Lab in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo- Engineering of the University of

Minnesota on full scale RC columns subjected to extreme loading conditions similar to

what the columns experience during extreme seismic events revealed another buckling

mode in which the bars buckled parallel to the compression face of the columns (in-plane

bar buckling). In several instances, the ties were observed to still be effective in restraining

the bars from outward buckling. However, after extensive damage to the concrete

surrounding the bars, the reinforcing bars buckled over a height equal to twice the tie

spacing and exhibited large lateral deformations parallel to compression face of the


The main restraint against in-plane buckling is the concrete surrounding the bars,

especially the concrete residing between adjacent bars (i.e. the concrete “teeth”). This

concrete, while being within the column core, tends to be the portion of the core that gets

damaged earlier and to a greater extent during a load test. Extensive damage to the concrete

surrounding the bars would typically happen under large seismic loading conditions during

which concrete exhibits severe inelastic behavior. The unique control and loading

capabilities of the MAST Lab provided the opportunity to continue loading of the

specimens far beyond the extent of loading in previous tests on RC columns. During these

tests, the loading continued until the specimens lost more than 80% of their lateral load

capacity whereas in almost all previous tests, loading was terminated after a 20% strength

loss. In the authors’ opinion, such an extended loading regime provided the chance to

observe a failure mechanism in RC columns that was not addressed in previous tests.

In this study, first the required lateral restraint to prevent bar buckling is investigated

numerically using finite element (FE) modeling of isolated bars. In practice, the lateral

restraint can be provided by transverse ties in the case of outward deformation, or by

concrete surrounding the bars (i.e. the “teeth”) in the case of in-plane deflection. Results

from analysis of the isolated bars are then utilized in a nonlinear finite element model in

ABAQUS/Explicit to investigate the observed failure mechanism in the longitudinal bars

of tested column specimens. The model was validated with experimental data and

employed to explore the influence of several parameters that can affect in-plane buckling

of the bars.


The columns tested at the MAST Lab represent the lower portion of typical columns

on the ground floor of a moment resisting frame in a high-rise building. The column

specimens were designed according to seismic provisions of ACI 318-11 (2011) and

featured two distinct cross-sectional dimensions: 36×28 in. and 28×28 in. (914×711 mm.
and 711×711 mm.). The specimens were built using normal-strength, normal-weight

concrete with 28-day nominal compressive capacity (f′c) of 5000 psi (34.47 MPa), ASTM

A706 (2003) Grade-60 No. 8 and No. 9 steel reinforcing bars confined by ASTM A615

(2003) Grade-60 No. 5 steel hoops. Transverse hoops were placed at close spacing in the

base of the columns to prevent outward bar buckling and ensure ductile behavior (Figure


At the beginning of each test, a constant axial load was applied on top of the specimens

(Figure 4.1) and kept constant during the tests. To simulate behavior at near-collapse

conditions during extreme seismic excitation, the column specimens were then subjected

to either a monotonic or one of several progressively increasing displacement reversals

until they lost more than 80% of their lateral loading capacity. Further details regarding

these tests can be found elsewhere (Nojavan et al., 2015).


When the lateral loading was applied to the column specimens, flexural cracks formed

on tensile face of the columns (Figure 4.1). Flexural cracking initiated at approximately

0.2% drift level, which was equal to 6 mm of the crosshead displacement. Additionally,

flexure-shear cracks formed in the lower portion of the other two faces of the columns and

longitudinal cracks were observed along the corners on the compression sides. Following

concrete cracking, the longitudinal bars started to yield at approximately 0.5% drift ratio

(15 mm of crosshead displacement). However, the columns exhibited further lateral load

Figure 4.1. Specimen Geometry and Detailing

capacity due to confining pressure from the transverse reinforcement and strain hardening

of longitudinal reinforcement. An increase in lateral load was accompanied by more crack

developments and propagations. Finally, the specimens started to lose flexural strength due

to crushing of the cover concrete and buckling of the longitudinal bars. The columns

exhibited severe strength loss by the end of the test (more than 80% of their peak lateral

load capacity) following the fracture of the buckled bars and extensive damage to the

concrete around the perimeter.

While it is commonly assumed that longitudinal bars in an RC column would buckle

in the outward direction (i.e. perpendicular to the compression face of the column),

investigation of the buckled bars at the end of the tests conducted at the MAST lab indicated
that this assumption is not necessarily true in all cases. Instead, it was observed in all tested

specimens that some of the bars buckled parallel to the compression face of the columns

(Figure 4.2). More specifically, when only the two middle bars on compression faces of

the columns in monotonic and cyclic uniaxial tests at the MAST Lab are considered, 10

out of 24 bars (i.e., 42% of the total observed buckling cases) revealed either a complete

or a dominant in-plane buckling mode. A buckling mode is considered to be completely

in-plane when no out of plane translation is observed in the buckled region whereas if a

small outward translation is present in conjunction with large in-plane translation, it is

considered a dominant in-plane buckling mode.

Another observation is related to the axis of bending in the buckled bars. Since

reinforcing bars incorporate ribs along their length, they have strong and weak axes of

bending. In practice, longitudinal bars are typically oriented in a way that their outward

deformation (i.e. deflection perpendicular to the column face) mobilizes flexural rigidity

corresponding to the weak axis while their in-plane deflection (i.e., deflection parallel to

the column face) occurs about their strong axis of bending. In many of the observed cases

of buckled bars in-plane buckling occurred about the strong axis of bending of the bars,

which is contrary to the common assumption, that is supported by experimental results

from isolated bars, that the bars would only buckle about their weak axis.



Figure 4.2. In-Plane Bar Buckling During Tests at the MAST Lab: (a) Column

Specimen under Monotonic Loading, (b) Column Specimen Subjected to Cyclic




A bar and spring model is used to investigate the demands on lateral restraints that

have finite stiffness to prevent buckling of longitudinal reinforcing bars. For outward (i.e.,

out-of-plane) buckling, these restraints are the hoops or ties that are also used as shear

reinforcement and reinforcement for confinement. For in-plane buckling, the restraints are

provided by the concrete that bears against the longitudinal reinforcement.

4.5.1. General Description of the Bar-Spring System

The buckling behavior of bars can be simply modeled with a bar-spring system as

illustrated in Figure 4.3 where springs represent the axial stiffness of the ties preventing

the bars from buckling. Dhakal and Maekawa (2002) employed such model to estimate the

required tie stiffness for a stable buckling mode and to estimate the buckling length of the

bars. Based on their investigation, Dhakal and Maekawa (2002) proposed Eq. 4.1 to

estimate the required stiffness (Kn) for the nth stable buckling mode as:

 4 EI
Kn  n (4.1)

Where according to their definition, n = the number of tie spacings within the buckled

zone, s = tie spacing, EI = reduced flexural rigidity of the bars that depends on their yield

strength (fy), and αn= a constant that depends on the stable buckling mode. For the case

shown in Figure 4.3, in which the buckled length equals two tie spacings, the required tie

stiffness to prevent the bars from buckling is calculated as 33.1, 166.1, and 408.3 kip/in.

(5.8, 29.1, and 71.5 KN/mm) for No. 6, No. 9, and No. 11 bars, respectively, with αn given

as 0.1649 and assuming a yield strength (fy) of 74 ksi (510.2 MPa) for longitudinal bars of

the test specimens.

To further investigate the behavior of the buckled bars in the bar-spring system, a 3D

finite element model of the system represented in Figure 4.3 was built in ABAQUS using

2-node shear flexible beam-in-space (B31) elements representing the longitudinal bar and

a linear spring at its mid-height whose stiffness corresponds to the axial stiffness of the tie

leg. The length of the bar (l) was selected equal to two times the tie spacing that was used

in tested RC columns (i.e. s=5 in. (127 mm) and l=10 in. (254 mm.)). Behavior of the steel

bar was modeled using a trilinear curve fitting the stress-strain curve of longitudinal bars

in tested specimens with yield and ultimate strengths of 74 ksi and 112 ksi (510.2 MPa,

and 772.2 MPa), respectively (Figure 4.4) while the elastic stiffness of spring was taken as

constant during each analysis. A number of analyses with different bar sizes and values for

spring stiffness were conducted.

An initial imperfection was introduced to perturb the bar geometry and mobilize

buckling. In practice, this imperfection can be caused by misalignment or initial

crookedness of the bars. To minimize the effect of the initial imperfection on the buckling

load, a separate series of analyses were performed and the imperfection magnitude was

selected sufficiently small such that estimated critical loads had a maximum error of 1%

compared to the exact analytical solutions in the case of elastic bar. To simulate fixed

Figure 4.3. Bar-Spring System to Simulate Bar Buckling Behavior


Stress (ksi)





0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

Strain (in./in.)

Figure 4.4. Stress-Strain Behavior of Longitudinal Bars

boundary conditions as assumed by Dhakal and Maekawa (2002), all degrees of freedoms

(DOFs) at the top and bottom of the bar (Points A and B in Figure 4.3) were fixed except

the vertical translation on the top (Point B). During each analysis, the vertical load on top

of the bar increased gradually using Modified Riks (arc-length) method (Crisfield, 1981;

Ramm, 1981; Powell & Simons, 1981) until the bar buckled.

4.5.2. Static Analysis Using Modified Riks (Arc-Length) Method

The modified Riks method was used to obtain static equilibrium solutions for this

geometrically and materially nonlinear problem with emphasis on the effect of buckling on

the descending branch of the force-displacement. The loading on the system is governed

by a single scalar parameter, namely the load proportionality factor (λ), an arc-length and

an iterative procedure that was used to determine a set of load and displacement at each

increment that satisfies static equilibrium. The method is neither displacement nor load

control, and the arc length includes components of both. The magnitude of loading at a

specified increment is defined as follows:

Ptotal = Po + λ (Pref – Po) (4.2)

where Po = the dead load (i.e., any load applied to the structure prior to the Static Riks

step), λ = the load proportionality factor that changes in each load increment, and Pref = the

reference load (i.e., the load that is applied during Static Riks step). A unit load was applied

to the bar during the Static Riks step (Pref =1). Since, there are no other loads prior to the

applied unit load, P0 was equal to zero, hence the magnitude of the load proportionality

factor, λ, represents the evolution of loading (Ptotal) during analysis.

4.5.3. Results from Bar-Spring Analysis

For each bar size in the study, a series of analyses were carried out with spring

stiffness as the variable parameter. The applied axial loads for such analyses on No. 9 bars

and various spring stiffness coefficients is represented in Figure 4.5, which indicates that

the magnitude of critical load increases with a rise in the spring stiffness. However, beyond



F (kips)

60 Kx=0
40 Kx=50
20 Kx=166
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Lateral Disp. (in.)

Figure 4.5. FE Analysis Results for a No. 9 Bar

stiffness of 50 kip/in (8.8 KN/mm.) the rate of increase in critical load with addition of

stiffness drops significantly such that a spring that is 10 times stiffer would only slightly

increase the critical load (i.e. less than 3%). Adding more stiffness will eventually activate

higher buckling modes. A comparison of the estimated critical loads associated with

different spring stiffness with those having stiffness as proposed by Dhakal and Maekawa

(2002) reveals that their proposed equation overestimates the required spring stiffness to

prevent bar buckling (Table 4.1). Specifically, this analysis shows that a spring stiffness of

100 kip/in (17.5 KN/mm.) for No. 11 and 50 kip/in (8.8 KN/mm.) for No.9 bars would

suffice to deliver the axial load capacity within 1% and 2.5% of those obtained from their

proposed spring stiffness (i.e. 408 and 166 kip/in., respectively). In other words, providing

25% and 30% stiffness as of those estimated by Eq. 4.1 for No. 11 and No. 9 bars,

respectively, can prevent the first mode of bar buckling with only a small reduction in the

magnitude of the critical load (i.e., less than 3%).

The bar-spring system analogy can also be applied to the case of in-plane buckling of

the bars. While longitudinal bars in RC columns are restrained by transverse hoops to

prevent outward buckling, it is only the concrete surrounding the bars, as well as the friction

between the bars and transverse hoops, that prevent them from buckling sideways (i.e.,

parallel to the compression face of the column). In this case, the spring stiffness would

represent an initial stiffness provided by the surrounding concrete to restrain the bars from

buckling. The demand on concrete stiffness would increase with an increase in bar size

(Table 4.1). Assuming that the preventive effect of concrete on the in-plane bar buckling

can be idealized by a system of discrete springs, Table 4.1 implies that when concrete with

the same properties are used (i.e. similar spring stiffness) columns incorporating larger bar

sizes are more vulnerable to in-plane buckling as their reinforcing bars require stiffer

surrounding concrete (i.e. stiffer spring) to restrain the occurrence of in-plane buckling.

Table 4.1. Critical Loads from FE Analysis of Bar-Spring System

Bar Size
Kx (kip/in.)
No. 6 No. 9 No. 11
0 31.85 78.65 138.55
5 32.14 81.24 140.91
25 45.39 93.36 148.99
33 47.66* 99.00 152.80
50 48.79 108.52 165.79
100 49.23 110.96 173.76
166 111.16* 174.56
300 111.24 174.76
408 111.27 174.80*
500 111.28 174.81
800 174.84

* Represents buckling load calculated based on Eq. 4.1



A three-dimensional, nonlinear finite element model is described here and used to

simulate the observed in-plane buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement in the RC

column specimens tested in the MAST Lab. The model focuses on the portion of the

column adjacent to the base of the member, and it offers a more realistic representation of

this portion of the columns than does the bar-spring model in the preceding section. The

goal of the FE analysis is to simulate the phenomenon of in-plane buckling by means of a

qualitative assessment, and to give an indication of the variables that may affect it.

4.6.1. General Description of the FE Model

A 3D finite element model representing the test columns was built in ABAQUS to

investigate qualitatively the in-plane buckling of reinforcing bars in the tested specimens.

Since the in-plane bar buckling was observed during test of the first specimen (SP1) under

monotonic loading, SP1 was considered for model calibration of in-plane buckling

behavior. Also, to reduce analysis cost, only the lower portion of column specimen SP1

(25 in. above the column base) was modeled because in-plane buckling was observed in

this region (Figure 4.1).

The FE model was 25 in. (635 mm) tall and featured cross-sectional dimension of

36×28 in. (914×711 mm.) (depth × width) (Figure 4.6). Fixed boundary conditions were

applied to the nodes at the column base whereas all translational and rotational Degrees of

Freedom (DOFs) of the nodes on top of the column were constrained to a reference point

at the centroid of the cross section. Constraining the nodes to the reference point eliminates

singularity issues in the problem, while the loads are applied to the reference point.

Concrete was modeled using 8-node brick elements with reduced integration and hourglass

control (C3D8R). The maximum and minimum mesh size for concrete elements were 2.64

and 2.125 in. (67 and 54 mm.). Longitudinal bars were modeled with 2-node shear flexible

beam-in-space (B31) elements. The bars, except those on the compression face, were

defined within the concrete solid using embedment technique. In this approach, a perfect

bond between embedded elements (reinforcing bars) and the host element (surrounding

concrete) is assumed. The interaction between cracked concrete and longitudinal bars (i.e.,

CDP for core conc.

CDP for cover

Embedded Bars P

25 in.
Compression Face M (635 mm)
Buckling Bars
Transverse ties Ky Node
Conc. Kx
36 in. (914 Node s
mm) Ky
28 in. (672 Kx
mm) s
(a) K
Springs along Z direction Z Outward
are not shown for clarity. buckling

Figure 4.6. General Description of FE Model: (a) Modeled Section (b) Mesh of

Concrete Material (c) Modeling of Buckling Bars within Concrete Elements

bond-slip) is defined by adjusting the strain softening behavior of concrete in tension (i.e.,

tension stiffening). When embedded, all translational DOFs at the nodes of embedded

reinforcing bar elements are eliminated and these nodes are constrained to the interpolated

values of corresponding DOFs at adjacent nodes of the host (concrete) element. As a result,

bar buckling cannot be captured when the embedment technique is used since buckling

involves a sudden lateral deformation of the bars free from the surrounding concrete. Thus,

on the compression face where bar buckling is likely to occur, the bars were modeled as

independent B31 elements. These independent elements were connected to the reference

point on top of the specimen to move in accordance with the translation and rotation of the

specimen top. On the other hand, restraining effects of the ties and surrounding concrete

on the buckling bars were modeled using linear spring elements.

4.6.2. Estimation of Spring Stiffness

Given the proximity of most longitudinal bars to 90° bends in the ties, the spring

stiffness associated with ties were defined on the basis of the axial stiffness of tie legs as


Et At nl
K tie   (4.3)
Lt nb

where Et, At, and Lt are elastic modulus (200000 MPa), cross-sectional area and length of

the tie leg, respectively. Also, nl and nb represent the number of tie legs in the direction of

restraint and the number of bars that are restrained, respectively.

In the case of in-plane buckling, the restraining effect depends on the performance of

the concrete surrounding the bars. An analogy of the preventive concrete pressure on the

rebar to the force created in a discrete system of springs can be made in order to relate

spring stiffness to the characteristics of the physical problem. For the concrete to act as an

axial element, it is assumed that the concrete between adjacent longitudinal bars has begun

to crack off from the rest of the core (i.e., micro-crack generation reducing stress transfer
with the rest of the core) (Figure 4.7). In that case, the secant stiffness can be idealized as


Peff  eff Aeff

Ks   (4.4)
 eff  eff

where Δeff = the maximum lateral displacement of the bar when it buckles, σeff = the

concrete strength when the buckling starts, and Aeff = the effective contact area between

bars and surrounding concrete which prevents the bars from in-plane buckling.

The maximum lateral displacement at the onset of in-plane buckling (Δeff) depends

on many parameters (e.g. characteristic properties of the concrete surrounding the bars and

its performance as well as that of the longitudinal bars, loading history, core concrete

expansion and friction between ties and longitudinal bars) and its accurate measurement

requires a careful instrumentation and monitoring of the longitudinal bars during the test.

The bars which buckled in the in-plane mode during the MAST tests were observed to

have a maximum lateral displacement between db and 3db by the end of the tests. Therefore,

for the purpose of this study and because the onset of buckling is considered here, Δeff was

assumed to be equal to db. It is further assumed that the effective strength of concrete at

buckling (σeff ) would be only a fraction of the compressive strength of core concrete since

the concrete surrounding the bars will soften as the specimen is loaded in compression and

flexure. The state of strain at the onset of in-plane buckling is unknown, thus the stress

level is indeterminate. A lower bound estimate for the stress level is approximated

Figure 4.7. Preventive Effect of Surrounding Concrete from In-Plane Buckling after

Cover Spalling

assuming that the concrete is deformed well into the post-peak range of compression

behavior and its strength has degraded to the “residual strength” level that the Kent-Park

concrete model (Kent & Park, 1971) quantifies as 0.2λf′c, where λ is the factor that

represents the strength enhancement due to confining reinforcement. Thus, Eq. 4.4 can be

rewritten as follows:

Ks 
0.2f cs d b   0.2f s
c (4.5)

where βs = the dimension along the length of the bar in which the concrete is effective in

restraining the buckling bar and λ is suggested by Kent and Park as follows:

 s f yh
 1 (4.6)
f c

where ρs = volumetric ratio of the hoops and fyh = yield strength of the hoops. From

experimental observations, the in-plane buckling length was typically equal to two times

the tie spacing (2s). Therefore, assuming a half-sinusoidal shape over the observed

buckling length, the deflected shape of the bar (before buckling) is given by

( x)  x 
 sin   for 0  x  2 s and    max at x  s (4.7)
 max 2 s

The concrete is assumed to provide restraint over the portion of the buckled bar with a

lateral deflection  ≥ 0.5max, and at the location xo,  =0.5max which can be determined

as follows:

( x )   xo  xo 2 1
 0.5  sin  or  sin 0.5  1 3 (4.8)
 max 2 s  s 

The resulting effective length factor is

  (2s  2 x0 ) /(2s )  2(1  1 / 3)  4 / 3 (4.9)

when substituted in Eq. 4.5, the effective (axial) stiffness of concrete springs is as follows:

Ks  f cs (4.10)

In the case of SP1 with f'c = 4.86 ksi (33.5 MPa), fyh=60 ksi (413.7 MPa), s = 5 in. (127

mm), and ρs = 0.0148, λ would be 1.18 from Eq. 4.6 and the stiffness Ks will be equal to

7.65 kip/in. (1.35 KN/mm).

The behavior of the springs representing the axial stiffness of ties and restraining effect of

concrete, was modeled differently in tension and compression. In the inward direction (i.e.,

-Y direction in Figure 4.6(c)), the concrete is assumed incompressible and hence the bars

cannot bend inward whereas the tie stiffness will be activated when the bars deflect in the

outward direction (i.e., +Y direction). In the case of lateral deformation (i.e., parallel to the

column face), the behavior would depend on the geometry of the bar and transverse hoops.

For the bar shown in Figure 4.6(c), it is only the concrete stiffness that restrains the bar

from deflection in the -X direction (Kx1) whereas the tie legs would limit its deformation

in the +X direction (Kx2). Distinct spring stiffness corresponding to the deflection of this

bar in the +X and –X directions is represented in Figure 4.8. Additionally, the four bars

on the compression face (i.e., buckling bars) were connected to their adjacent concrete

elements using stiff linear springs along Z direction to simulate strong bond conditions as

was assumed for the embedded bars.

Figure 4.8. Spring Stiffness Parallel to the Column Face

4.6.3. Modeling of Concrete Behavior

Concrete behavior is modeled using Concrete Damage-Plasticity (CDP) implemented

in ABAQUS/Explicit. The CDP model assumes two main limit states for concrete as

cracking in tension and crushing in compression when concrete behaves in a brittle manner

(i.e., under low confining pressure). Damage associated with these two failure mechanisms

represents an isotropic stiffness degradation and is characterized independently in tension

and compression by a single scalar parameter. Damage parameters in tension (dt) and

compression (dc) are functions of hardening variables (also known as equivalent plastic

strains, ~t pl and ~cpl ). Hardening parameters represent the evolution of the yield surface and

stiffness reduction and are automatically calculated by ABAQUS from inelastic strains

(i.e., total strain minus the elastic strain corresponding to undamaged material state). The

CDP model uses the yield function proposed by Lubliner et al. (1989) with modifications

proposed by Lee and Fenves (1998) to capture behavior in tension and compression. The

potential plastic flow is based on the Drucker-Prager hyperbolic function and the flow rule

is non-associated.

For the RC columns modeled herein, the elastic modulus of concrete was estimated as

3,974 ksi (27400 MPa) for a concrete with compressive strength of 4.86 ksi (33.5 MPa)

according to Sec 8.5.1 of ACI 318-11 (2011). Except the dilation angle which was assumed

as 30°, the default values were used for the other parameters in the CDP model. These

default values are 1.16 for the ratio of the initial equibiaxial compressive yield stress to

initial uniaxial compressive yield stress, 2/3 for the ratio of the second stress invariant on

the tensile meridian to that on the compressive meridian, 0.1 for eccentricity and 0 for


The stress-strain behavior of concrete in compression was assumed linear up to 0.45f′c

and defined according to the model proposed by Kent and Park thereafter. A different

stress-strain behavior was considered for core concrete as compared to the one for cover

concrete as illustrated in Figure 4.9 to account for the confining effect of rectangular hoops.

The uniaxial tensile behavior of concrete was assumed linear up to a tensile yield stress

(ft0) of 0.522 ksi (3.6 MPa) calculated according to Sec of ACI 318-11(2011). The

post-peak behavior of concrete in tension (tension stiffening) was defined by specifying

the fracture energy (Gf, the energy required to form a unit area of crack) as a material

property. This model assumes a linear softening behavior after cracking in tension until a

complete loss of tensile strength at a cracking displacement equal to ut0 = 2Gf /ft0. Although

suggested values for fracture energy of plain concrete are typically low, low values of this

parameter often lead to numerical issues. Moreover, fracture energy is much larger in

reinforced concrete due to the presence of distributed reinforcing bars (Mercan, Schultz, &

Stolarski, 2010). In this study, a value for fracture energy equal to 0.001 kip/in. (1.76×10-4

KN/mm) was used for the concrete. Also, since calibration was done using only the RC

column specimen under monotonic loading, damage parameters were not needed.

Cover Concrete
Compressive Stress (ksi)

Core Concrete

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Strain (in./in.)

Figure 4.9. Stress-Strain Relationship of Concrete

4.6.4. Explicit Dynamic Analysis of the Model

The FE model of the bottom of RC column specimen SP1 was analyzed using the

Explicit Dynamic procedure in ABAQUS, which is an efficient way of solving dynamic

problems. This procedure is explicit in the sense that equilibrium equations at time t+Δt

are solved based entirely on solutions in time t using a central difference operator. Static

problems can be treated quite well using Explicit Dynamic analysis provided that the inertia

effects are low. Minimizing inertia effects can be achieved by either decreasing the mass

density of concrete or increasing the time over which the load is applied. Unlike Static Riks

(Arc-Length) method that is sensitive to parameters that define behavior of concrete and

encounters convergence issues, Explicit Dynamic analysis is more robust, due to

smoothing of the solutions by inertia effects, and can handle problems for which the former

method fails to converge. However, the central difference operator used in Explicit

Dynamic analysis is only conditionally stable. The stable time limit (Δt) for this operator

is related to the time required for a dilatational wave to pass through the smallest element

dimension in the model mesh. Thus, the stability limit is inversely proportional to the

highest eigenvalue in the system. By default, estimation of a stable time limit and time

incrementation scheme are automatically carried out in ABAQUS. The total number of

increments can be estimated as n=T/Δt where T represents total analysis time. While the

number of increments is typically much larger than that needed for the Static Riks analysis,

each increment is fairly inexpensive because it does not require solving a system of

nonlinear equations. However, computational cost of the analysis can significantly increase

by mesh refinement.

To minimize inertia effects during Explicit Dynamic analysis of the model, the loading

was applied smoothly. When the analysis time is low or the time increments are large,

oscillation will typically appear in the results due to inertia effects. To eliminate inertia

effects, it is usually enough to set the loading time 10 to 50 times larger than the

fundamental period of system (i.e. period associated with the lowest natural frequency of

the system) (Mercan et al., 2010). In this analysis, the lowest frequency was estimated as

19.41 Hz resulting in a natural period of 0.052 sec. Therefore, the total analysis time was
set to 2 sec. and subdivided into two equally spaced windows. During the first window,

the axial load was applied and increased as a ramp function to its final value of 756 kips

(3362.9 KN) at the end of the first loading window (i.e. 1 sec. from start point). The

magnitude of the axial load was kept constant during the rest of the analysis. Following the

first loading window, a top rotation was applied to the column whose magnitude increased

as a ramp function to a final rotation of 0.05 radian at the end of the step time (i.e. 2 sec).

The loading time during each window was equal to 1 sec., which is approximately 20 times

the fundamental period of the system. To estimate inertia effects and evaluate accuracy of

the analysis, total strain energy (EI) and total kinetic energy (EK) of the system were

calculated. Using the above loading rate, the ratio of the kinetic energy to total strain energy

(EK / EI) remained small (less than 0.1%) indicating that inertia effects are negligible.

4.6.5. Model Validation

The 3D model described in the previous section was analyzed using Explicit

Dynamic analysis and its results were compared against test observations. The FE model

could capture the incidence of in-plane buckling in the bars located on the compression

face of the column (Figure 4.10). The two middle bars represent in-plane buckling towards

the centerline of the column that resembles to what was observed during test of specimen

SP1. These middle bars were located at the corners of the middle hoop that restrained them

from in-plane buckling in the opposite direction as shown in Figure 4.2.

View 1

View 1 Compression

Figure 4.10. In-Plane Buckling of Bars in the FE Model

Variation of the base moment with rotation at a section located 25 in. (635 mm.) above

the column base during the test is represented in Figure 4.11 and compared to the top

moment in the FE model. To obtain the rotation at this section during the test, the curvature

profile of the lower portion of the column was estimated based on displacement readings

with the LVDTs located on the SE and NW faces of the column and at a distance equal to

12, 24, and 36 in. (305, 610, and 914 mm.) above the column base. The estimated curvature

profile was integrated to get rotations at 24 and 36 in. (610 and 914 mm.), which were then

interpolated to obtain the rotation at a distance of 25 in. (635 mm.) from the column base.

The test specimen exhibited larger rotations at the column base due to deflection at the

column-footing interface generated by bar slip of the bars within the footing, and this

behavior is not captured in the FE model because it does not include representation of the



Base Moment (

FEM Model



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Top Rotation (rad.)

Figure 4.11. Moment-Rotation Behavior of Tested and Modeled Specimens

footing. Additionally, the model underestimates the peak strength and strain-hardening

behavior of the tested specimen due to the idealization regarding spring stiffness

representing the restraining effect of the concrete. In other words, the spring stiffness due

to the effect of concrete surrounding the bars is estimated based on the assumption that

concrete has reached its residual capacity. This limit state has been chosen to ensure that

conditions for bar buckling are present during the FE analysis. The spring stiffness and

thus, the amount of restraint on the bars located on the compression face of the column, is

much larger at initial stages of the test and its magnitude deteriorates during loading of the

specimen. An underestimation of the initial restraining effect of the concrete on reinforcing

bars can lead to differences in strength and post-yield stiffness as observed in Figure 4.11.

However, for the purpose of a “qualitative” study of buckling behavior of the bars located

on the compression face, these differences are considered acceptable.

4.6.6. Parametric Study

The FE model discussed in previous section (benchmark model) was employed in a

parametric study to investigate the influence of several parameters on the in-plane buckling

of middle and corner bars. The parameters include concrete compressive strength,

longitudinal bar size and spacing, tie spacing, and cross-sectional dimensions. A list of the

models is given in Table 4.2. Maximum in-plane deformation of middle and corner bars of

the benchmark model were compared to corresponding values of the other models to

estimate the influence of the parameters under study.

Table 4.2. Parametric Study Matrix

Tie Spacing
Paramete Bar Size f'c (ksi) Bar Spacing (in.)
Model 2
b×h (in ) (in.)
6 9 11 4 5 6 3.5 5 8 5.9 7.9 11.9
2 Concrete
3 Strength
Bar Size 36×28
6 Bar
7 Spacing
8 Tie
9 Spacing

10 42×32 9 1/4
11 20×16 3 15/16


The FE models listed in Table 4.2 were subjected to an axial load and top rotation

similar to those applied to the benchmark model. For each parameter, results from three

models (including the benchmark model) were compared.

4.7.1. Effect of Concrete Compressive Strength (f′c)

Models 2 and 3 in Table 4.2 were defined with properties similar to the benchmark

model except that they feature concrete compressive strengths (f′c) of 3.5 and 8 ksi (24.1

and 55.2 MPa), respectively. The spring stiffness associated with concrete surrounding the

bars (Ks) in Models 2 and 3 were calculated from Eq. 4.10 as 5.85 and 11.85 kip/in. (1.02

and 2.07 KN/mm), respectively. In-plane buckling was observed at the lower portions of

middle and corner bars in both models. The maximum in-plane displacement for corner

and middle bars of these two models are compared to those from the benchmark model in

Figures 4.12(a) and 4.12(b). As the concrete compressive strength (f′c) decreases, these

figures reveal that initiation of in-plane buckling occurs earlier and the bars end up with

larger lateral deformations. In other words, in-plane bar buckling is expected to start earlier

in RC columns that are built with normal or low strength concrete due to the reduced

effective stiffness associated with lower concrete strength. Moreover, an RC column with

a lower f′c is likely to undergo earlier cracking and crushing under the effect of axial and

flexural loads. Therefore, assuming that the outward buckling is completely prevented by

transverse hoops, the support from concrete to prevent in-plane deformation of the bars

would vanish faster in these columns, which reduces the resistance to in-plane buckling of

the longitudinal bars. Additionally, in-plane buckling would result in a larger deformation

of longitudinal bars embedded in concrete with lower f′c. Thus, the sudden reduction of

strength due to bar fracture (from kinking of the buckled region) can occur earlier in these

columns. As shown in Figure 4.13, the embedded bars in Model 3 that incorporates

concrete with f′c of 8 ksi (55.2 MPa), started to lose axial load capacity at a larger top

rotation than did bars in models with f′c of 3.5 and 5 ksi (24.1 and 34.5 MPa) (i.e., Model

2 and benchmark model, respectively).

0 0

-0.5 -0.5
Lateral Disp. (in.)
Lateral Disp. (in.)

-1 -1
3.5 ksi 3.5 ksi
5 ksi 5 ksi
-1.5 -1.5
8 ksi 8 ksi

-2 -2
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

Top Rotation (rad) Top Rotation (rad)

(a) (b)

Figure 4.12. Effect of Concrete Compressive Strength on Buckling Displacement in:

(a) Corner Bars, (b) Middle Bars

100 100

80 80

Axial Force (kips)

Axial Force (kips)

60 60

40 40
3.5 ksi 3.5 ksi
5 ksi 5 ksi
20 20
8 ksi 8 ksi

0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Top Rotation (rad) Top Rotation (rad)

(a) (b)

Figure 4.13. Variation of Axial Loads of the Reinforcing Bars During FE Analysis in:

(a) Corner Bars, (b) Middle Bars

4.7.2. Effect of Longitudinal Bar Size and Spacing

As suggested by FE analysis of simple bar-spring models, larger bar sizes require

more restraining force from the surrounding concrete to resist buckling. However, as the

specimen is subjected to axial and flexural loads, longitudinal bars exhibit lateral

deformations leading to in-plane buckling when the concrete softens. Results from FE

analysis of models with different bar sizes (Models 4 and 5) are compared with the

benchmark model in Figures 4.14 and 4.15 for corner and middle bars in the compressive

face. As noted in these figures, larger bar sizes (i.e. No. 11 and No. 9) experience larger

final deformations in the buckling zone. Final lateral in-plane deformation for a No. 11 bar

is approximately 50% larger than that for a No. 6. However, all bar sizes start to lose their

axial strengths and buckle at approximately similar top rotations. Unlike bar size, the effect

of longitudinal bar spacing seems to be insignificant on the in-plane buckling of the bars.
A comparison of the results from Models 6, 1 and 7 with No. 9 longitudinal bars that were

spaced at 5.9, 7.9, and 11.9 in. (150, 201 and 302 mm), respectively, shows that in-plane

buckling initiates at similar loading level and leads to approximately the same lateral

deformations in these models. It should be noted that longitudinal bar spacing may have a

role in the extent of damage and stiffness deterioration in the concrete surrounding the bars

during the test. However, at a specified concrete damage state implemented in these FE

models where concrete reaches its residual compressive strength, bar spacing is shown to

be insignificant for in-plane buckling of the bars.

0 0
Lateral Disp. (in)

Lateral Disp. (in)

-0.5 -0.5

#11 #11
-1 -1
#9 #9
#6 #6

-1.5 -1.5
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

Top Rotation (rad) Top Rotation (rad)

(a) (b)

Figure 4.14. Effect of Bar Size on Buckling Displacement in: (a) Corner Bars, (b)

Middle Bars

0 0
6 in. 6 in.
8 in. 8 in.
12 in. 12 in.

Lateral Disp. (in)

-0.5 -0.5
Lateral Disp. (in)

-1 -1

-1.5 -1.5
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Top Rotation (rad) Top Rotation (rad)

(a) (b)

Figure 4.15. Effect of Bar Spacing on Buckling Displacement in: (a) Corner Bars, (b)

Middle Bars

4.7.3. Effect of Tie Spacing

While transverse ties are effective in preventing outward buckling of bars, they may

also help the bars to resist in-plane buckling by enhancing concrete properties through

confinement. Closely spaced transverse hoops will reduce softening rate of concrete and

postpone its stiffness deterioration. Therefore, longitudinal bars in columns with closely

spaced ties can resist in-plane buckling longer as the surrounding concrete that is effective

in restraining them from in-plane buckling will degrade at a slower rate. However, the

beneficial effect of lateral ties in limiting the in-plane buckling will disappear once the

concrete crushes and loses significant amounts of strength. Three columns with transverse

ties spaced at 4, 5 and 6 in. (102, 127, and 152 mm.) (Models 8, 1 and 9) which were

designed in accordance with seismic provisions in ACI 318-11 (2011), are compared in

Figure 4.16. As the spacing of transverse ties increase, these columns lose their axial
capacity faster and undergo larger lateral deformations under the applied loads (Figure

4.16). However, these variations are minor since the concrete is considered to have

degraded to its residual capacity in these FE models.

0 0
4 in. 4 in.
5 in. 5 in.
Lateral Disp. (in)

6 in.

Lateral Disp. (in)

-0.5 -0.5 6 in.

-1 -1

-1.5 -1.5
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

Top Rotation (rad) Top Rotation (rad)

(a) (b)

Figure 4.16. Effect of Tie Spacing on Buckling Displacement in: (a) Corner Bars, (b)

Middle Bars

4.7.4. Effect of Column Cross-Sectional Size

Models 10 and 11 in Table 4.2 represent typical perimeter moment frame columns in

multi-story buildings that satisfy ACI 318-11 (2011) seismic provisions. Model 10 is a

column featuring a 42×32 in. (1067×813 mm) cross-sectional dimension that is built with

4 No. 11 bars spaced at 9 ¼ in. (235 mm) on the compression face (i.e., 16 No. 11 bars

within the whole cross section) whereas Model 11 represents a column that is 20×16 in.

(508×406 mm) in cross section and includes 4 No. 6 bars spaced at 3 15/16 in. (100 mm) on

the compression side. Both columns incorporate No. 5 transverse hoops located at 5 in.

(127 mm) spacing along the columns and concrete with f′c of 5 ksi (34.5 MPa). The axial

load on the models prior to the application of top rotation was 1008, and 240 kips (4483.8

and 1067.6 KN) for models 10 and 11, respectively, which is equivalent to an axial load

ratio (P/f′cAg) of 15%. FE analysis of these models reveals that in-plane buckling of

longitudinal bars in Model 10 with larger bars embedded in a bigger cross section is more

critical than in Models 1 and 11. In-plane buckling of bars in the column with a bigger

cross section (i.e. Model 10) initiates earlier and these bars lose their axial load capacity

faster (Figure 4.17). Therefore, larger columns incorporating larger bar sizes appear to have

higher propensity to in-plane buckling than smaller columns that are constructed with

similar concrete properties but which incorporate smaller bar sizes.

0 0
Lateral Disp. (in)

-0.5 -0.5
Lateral Disp. (in)

42x32 42x32
-1 -1
36x28 36x28
20x16 20x16

-1.5 -1.5
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Top Rotation (rad) Top Rotation (rad)

(a) (b)

Figure 4.17. Effect of Cross-Sectional Size on Buckling Displacement in: (a) Corner

Bars, (b) Middle Bars


This paper presents results from a computational study of a failure mechanism

observed during tests of seven full scale RC columns at the MAST lab subjected to a

constant axial load and various lateral loading protocols. During failure, longitudinal bars

were observed to buckle parallel to the face of the columns with their surrounding concrete

completely crushed at the end of the tests. The loading capabilities at the MAST Lab

enabled testing of full scale column specimens at larger drift ratios than those applied

during previous tests under which the column specimens exhibited an unobserved mode of

failure due to in-plane buckling of reinforcing bars. Since concrete is believed to be the

main restraint for in-plane bar buckling, an analogy was made between the behaviors of

these bars to a system of bar-spring. Analysis of the bars with linear springs at their mid-

height using finite element techniques identified an upper-bound for elastic stiffness of the

springs to prevent bar buckling. It was observed that the required stiffness to prevent

buckling of the bars increases with bar size. Since the restraining effect of concrete

degrades during the tests, elastic stiffness of springs were estimated at a stage where

concrete has lost most of its compressive strength and thus the bars are prone to in-plane

buckling. On the other hand, large reinforcing bars can also exert greater force on their

surrounding concrete and accelerate its rate of damage. A 3D finite element model of the

lower portion of the specimen subjected to monotonic loading was developed in

ABAQUS/Explicit and its behavior was validated using test data. The model was then

utilized to study the influence of several parameters that can affect in-plane buckling of the

bars including concrete compressive strength, longitudinal bar size and spacing, tie
spacing, and cross-sectional dimensions of the columns. Results from these analyses reveal

that concrete with a larger f′c helps to postpone this mode of buckling and reduces rate of

axial strength loss in the bars. Additionally, larger bar sizes are recognized to be more

likely to experience in-plane buckling as their restraint demands are higher. However, the

effect of longitudinal bar spacing is insignificant in the stage where concrete has reached

its residual capacity. At this stage, reduction of tie spacing is found to have minor beneficial

effect on in-plane buckling of the bars. Finally, the specimens featuring larger

cross-sectional dimensions that incorporate larger bar sizes are shown to be more critical

to in-plane bar buckling. This final conclusion can be regarded as a reason for not reporting

the in-plane buckling in previous tests as the columns tested at the MAST Lab were larger

than almost all RC columns designed according to ACI 318 provisions.





Seven full-scale reinforced concrete (RC) columns were tested at the Multi-Axial

Subassemblage Testing (MAST) Laboratory of the University of Minnesota under distinct

lateral loading protocols to large deformation demands. The loading protocols included a

single cycle monotonic, uniaxial and biaxial symmetric cyclic, and a near-collapse

protocols. To investigate the post-peak behavior of the specimens, loading on the

specimens was continued beyond the stopping point used in most of the previous tests (i.e.,

20% strength loss) until the specimens exhibited severe strength loss (i.e., approximately

80% reduction in the peak lateral load capacity) and stiffness degradation. The extent of

damage during each test was estimated by nine noncumulative and cumulative damage

index models. Additionally, the observed damage to the specimens during the tests was

utilized to define five visual damage categories. Calculated and observed damage along

with cyclic force-deformation response, energy dissipation, and stiffness reduction of the

specimens were considered to investigate the effect of the applied loading protocols.

Results of the study suggest that the biaxial loading can lead to a larger extent of damage

than similar protocols applied in one direction only. Also, a higher level of axial load will

cause a more severe damage state under similar lateral loading protocols. Finally, when

axial load ratio is similar during uniaxial tests, a combination of symmetric displacement

cycles followed by a monotonic push can lead to a more detrimental damage state than

purely symmetric cyclic, monotonic, or the near-collapse loading protocols.


Structural performance of building and bridge elements can deteriorate when they are

subjected to seismic events. Large cyclic load reversals during an earthquake can result in

a reduction of the load-carrying capacity and stiffness of structural elements and cause

varying levels of damage. The extent of damage is related to structural properties and to

the characteristics of the loading history during an earthquake. In the case of an RC column,

damage can be in the form of minor tension cracks, cover spalling, yielding of reinforcing

bars or transverse hoops, bar buckling and fracture, and cracking and disintegration of the

core concrete.

Unlike traditional design approaches, recent performance-based design philosophy

anticipates the structure to dissipate energy during an earthquake and accepts certain levels

of damage in structures depending on the expected risk of occurrence of earthquakes during

their lifetime, and importance of the structure. Moreover, the ultimate capacity is associated

with the structure reaching a near-collapse limit state. A regular building structure may be
designed to experience little or no damage during minor earthquakes that occur frequently

during its lifetime (i.e., immediate occupancy limit state) while certain levels of structural

and nonstructural damage may be acceptable during less frequent medium earthquakes (i.e.

life safety limit state). For the design earthquake or a very severe earthquake with a large

return interval, even a non-repairable damage might be acceptable provided that the life-

safety is not compromised (i.e., the structure does not approach the near-collapse limit

state). On the other hand, accepted levels of damage during an earthquake or the design

objectives often lead to larger structural demands in more important structures (e.g.

hospitals, and bridges).

Structural design objectives in the performance-oriented seismic design philosophy

are defined based on accepted levels of damage (i.e., limit states) under distinct levels of

earthquake loads that are expected during lifetime of the structure. Estimated structural

demands (e.g. required strength, or stiffness) to meet certain structural objectives are then

compared against capacity of the structure (e.g. available strength, stiffness, or deformation

capacity). Evaluation of structural capacity, on the other hand, relies primarily on

numerical modeling tools that are calibrated against test results. In the case of RC columns,

these test results are used to estimate their lateral load and deformation capacity under

simulated seismic loadings.

While several tests have been conducted on RC columns, their performance,

specifically in the post-peak region is not completely understood. This lack of knowledge

in the softening regime of response for columns is mainly due to the fact that almost all of

the previous tests were terminated once specimens lost no more than approximately 20%

of their lateral load capacity. While an arbitrary definition of structural failure can be tied

to the aforementioned condition, RC columns can still survive collapse when loaded well

beyond this arbitrary point of failure. Therefore, a series of tests is needed to enhance

knowledge on softening behavior of RC columns when they lose most of their lateral load

capacity. Such an understanding is essential, especially for defining seismic collapse safety

limit states of RC columns in performance-based design.

Unlike RC bridge columns, there are limited previous experimental efforts that have

focused primarily on the effects of applied loading protocols on RC building columns and

during which similar test specimens were subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading

protocols. Considering the uncertainty in the amplitude and number of cycles that RC

columns in a building structure may sustain during an earthquake, their performance under

distinct simulated loading protocols will be beneficial in the estimation of their force-

deformation backbone capacity curves and characterization of damage during various

stages of loading.

Damage characterization is also an essential element for designing new structures

based on performance-oriented design as well as for initial assessment and retrofit decision

making after seismic events. The extent of expected damage is used to define different limit

states in performance-based design and to set structural objectives accordingly. These limit

states for building structures can be defined as experiencing minor or cosmetic damage

during frequent earthquakes or just remaining stable during catastrophic seismic actions.

In both cases, the limit states are related to the level of anticipated damage. Once a structure

experiences a seismic event, identification of the extent of observed damage will be

essential in the estimation of repairability of the structure and in preparation of retrofit


The state of damage in structures is often quantified by damage indices that are usually

scaled to be zero in the case of an undamaged structure, and unity in the case of collapse.

The incidence of collapse in structural elements is usually defined arbitrarily as a state of

loading under which the structural element loses a certain amount of its load carrying

capacity, typically 20% of the peak capacity. Several damage indices have been proposed

to quantify the extent of physical deterioration in structures and their residual capacity.

Most of the existing damage measures are described in terms of lateral deformation (i.e.

displacement, rotation, or curvature), stiffness, hysteretic energy, fatigue or a combination

of these parameters. However, application of different measures often leads to differing

results which makes recognition of the actual state of structural damage challenging.

In this paper, the effect of distinct loading protocols including monotonic, uniaxial

and biaxial symmetric cyclic, and a near-collapse protocol developed for this experimental

program on the performance of full scale RC columns is investigated. During these tests,

the column specimens were loaded beyond the common stopping point in previous tests

until they significantly lost their lateral load capacity and exhibited severe deterioration.

Observed damage during tests of the specimens is used to define damage categories and to

assess various damage index models. Observed and calculated damage values are then used

to study the effects of different lateral loading protocols.


Several damage index models have been proposed to quantify the state of physical

deterioration and strength loss in structures under various loading conditions. Damage

indices are usually described locally, in the element level or globally, for the entire

structure. Member deformation (e.g. lateral displacement, rotation, or curvature), stiffness,

hysteretic dissipated energy, fatigue behavior, or a combination of these parameters are

typically used in expressing local measures of damage whereas global indices are often

calculated by weighted summation of damage in their components. Given that the

specimens in this experimental program represented the lower portion of the first-story

columns in a prototype RC moment frame, only local measures of damage are considered

here. The state of damage during loading depends on both the amplitude of the applied load

and the number of cycles. While noncumulative damage indices ignore the effect of

cycling, cumulative damage indices take the effect of both magnitude and number of cycles

into account usually by summation over all preceding cycles during a loading history. A

summary of the well-known damage index models is presented in the following section. A

comprehensive description of local and global damage indices is also presented by Chung

et al. (1987) and Williams and Sexsmith (1995).

5.3.1. Noncumulative damage indices

Perhaps the simplest measure to quantify damage in RC members are the ones

described in terms of ductility. Damage indices in terms of rotation and curvature ductility

were proposed by Banon et al. (Banon, Irvine, & Biggs, 1981):

 max  max   y
  1 (5.1)
y y

 max  max   y
  1 (5.2)
y y

where θmax and θy represent maximum and yield rotations, respectively and ϕmax and ϕy are

the corresponding curvatures. Banon (1980) also proposed a ductility definition based on

plastic rotation (θp), however he noted that θp may not increase as rapidly as the progression

of damage in the structural member, thus he suggested using the ductility based measures

in Eqs. 5.1 and 5.2. A similar equation can be expressed for lateral displacement ductility

as follows:

 max  max   y
   1 (5.3)
y y

where Δmax and Δy correspond to the peak displacement and displacement at yield,

respectively. While its simplicity is appealing, damage indices based on ductility introduce

some disadvantages. Calculated ductility terms based on Eqs. 5.1 and 5.2 are not scaled to

be zero for the undamaged members and one at their collapse state. Also, these damage

indices are affected by the magnitude of the yield deformation in the RC member which

can be defined based on the measured first yield in the system, an assumed equivalent

elastoplastic behavior or an elastoplastic energy absorption for the member, or a reduced

(secant) stiffness on an equivalent elastoplastic member response (R. Park, 1989).

Considering that rotations can occur due to shear deformation and bar slip, Banon et al.

(1981) indicated that an analytical estimation of the yield rotation assuming antisymmetric

bending and elastic stiffness tends to underestimate the true yield rotation and results in

rotation ductilities that are larger than experimental ones. Even if the yield deformations

are calculated correctly, two specimens with identical lateral force and deformation

capacity but different stiffness will exhibit significant differences in the calculated

displacement ductilities (μΔ ).

Lybas and Sozen (1977) proposed a damage index based on the ratio of the initial

tangent stiffness (Ko) to the reduced (secant) stiffness at maximum displacement of the

current cycle (Km):

DR  (5.4)

The advantage of the above equation as compared to the ductility expressions is its

lack of dependency on yield displacement. However, analytical estimation of initial tangent

stiffness (Ko) may be difficult due to the presence of the shear deformation and bar slip.

Therefore, Banon et al. (1981) proposed replacing Ko with calculated stiffness of the

cracked member (Kcr) and modified Eq. 5.4 to obtain the flexural damage ratio (FDR) as


FDR (5.5)

where Kcr = 24EI/L3 in the case of antisymmetric bending, in which E = elastic modulus of

elasticity, I = moment of inertia, and L = member length. FDR seems to be a better indicator

of damage in the specimen compared to ductility terms as it takes the effects of strength

reduction and stiffness deterioration into account and is not sensitive to the displacement

at yield. However, 24EI/L3 does not represent a valid estimation for Kcr of a first-story

column since the top of the column is likely to rotate even if the rotation at the column base

is very small due to a very stiff foundation (which is not always the case).

Roufaiel and Meyer (1987) included secant stiffness corresponding to the failure (Kf)

and modified the flexural damage ratio as follows:

K m  K o

FDR   (5.6)
K f  K o

where the positive signs (+) denote the loading direction. A similar equation is expressed

for loading in the opposite direction and the flexural damage ratio is taken as the maximum

of the calculated values in positive and negative directions. Assuming a bilinear moment-

curvature response for the member, Ko will be equivalent to the secant stiffness at yielding.

5.3.2. Cumulative damage indices

The state of damage in RC members depends not only on the magnitude of the applied

loads, but also on the number of cycles they sustain. Repeated loading at large deformations

will result in the accumulation of plastic damage in the RC member and expedites strength

loss and stiffness deterioration due to the phenomenon known as low cycle fatigue.

Therefore, cumulative damage indices that include the effect of damage accumulation in

the preceding cycles have been proposed. Cumulative damage indices are typically

expressed in terms of accumulation of plastic deformation or strain in a form of low cycle

fatigue formulation, reduction of stiffness, normalized dissipated energy, or a combination

of these parameters. Deformation- and Strain-based cumulative damage indices

To take the effect of cycling into account, Banon et al. (1981) attempted to extend his

proposed equation for rotation ductility (Eq. 5.1) and introduced normalized cumulative

rotation term:

 max  y

A similar form can be expressed in terms of cumulative displacement:

 max  y

While NCR can represent damage due to cumulative fatigue-type loading, Banon et al.

(1981) observed a large scatter in the results at the state of specimen failure.

Stephens and Yao (1987) modified the equation which was previously proposed by

Yao & Munse (1962) for steel structures and expressed a damage index that accounts for

the accumulation of plastic deformations due to cyclic loading on RC structural elements:

D   Di (5.9)
i 1

where D is the damage due to n cycles and:

  pi 
Di    (5.10)
  
 f 

where Di = damage associated with the ith cycle, Δδpi+ = incremental positive plastic

deformation of the ith cycle (Figure 5.1), Δδf = the value of Δδpi+ single cycle test resulting

in the specimen failure, b is recommended as 0.77, and r is ratio of the plastic deformation

in the positive direction (Δδpi+) to that in the negative direction (Δδpi-) during ith cycle

described as:

 pi
r (5.11)
 pi

Figure 5.1. Definition of Plastic Deformations in Stephens-Yao Model

While the damage index based on Stephens’s model includes the effect of loading

reversals, it ignores the effect of sequence of cycles that can affect the extent of damage.

Additionally, when results from monotonic tests are not available, an estimation of Δδf

depends on the selection of the drift ratio at which failure is expected to occur.

Wang and Shah (1987) developed a cumulative displacement based damage model in

an exponential form assuming that the rate of damage accumulation is proportional to the

existing state of damage in the structure:

e sDi  1i

D s (5.12)
e 1


Di  c (5.13)
i f
where Δi = maximum imposed displacement in the ith cycle, and Δf = displacement capacity

under monotonic loading. A value of 0.1 was recommended by Wang and Shah (1987) for

c while they suggested taking s equal to 1.0 for a well reinforced beam-column joint and -

1.0 for a poorly reinforced joint that is prone to shear failure.

RC members are likely to sustain large displacement reversals during an earthquake

that causes large plastic strains to be accumulated over cycles and eventually result in the

member failure. Jeong and Iwan (1988) assumed a prescribed relationship for a member

that fails due to application of Nf cycles of loading at a given displacement ductility, μ:

N f s  C (5.14)

where s and C are positive empirical constants and are suggested to be taken as 6 and 416,

respectively. Their proposed equation is similar to the classical Coffin (1954)-Manson

(1953) relationship for low-cycle fatigue failure in which the number of cycles leading to

collapse is related to the accumulated plastic strains. Assuming that damage accumulation

is a linear function of the number of cycles with a constant amplitude (ni) and using the

simple rule proposed by Palmgren (1924) and Miner (1945), Jeong and Iwan (1988)

expressed the damage index as:

ni 1
D   ni is (5.15)
i N fi C i

where ni = number of cycles at the ith cycle, Nfi = number of cycles that cause collapse at

the ith cycle, and μi = displacement ductility corresponding to the ith cycle. A damage index
of 1 corresponds to failure. Their proposed damage index does not account for the effect

of loading sequence, however considering its simplicity, it can provide a qualitative

estimate of damage in an RC member.

More sophisticated fatigue-based damage indices have also been proposed in which

the number of cycles that cause collapse is related to the plastic or total strains in the

reinforcing bars. By conducting tests on reinforcing bars, Mander et al. (1994) related the

fatigue life of reinforcing bars to their plastic strains as a classical form of Coffin (1954)-

Manson (1953)relationship:

 p  0.08(2N f )0.5 (5.16)

where ϵp = plastic strain in the reinforcing bars, and Nf = number of cycles causing collapse.

Since estimation of plastic strains can be difficult due to the Bauschinger’s effect, a similar

form of this equation was also proposed based on the total strain (Mander & Cheng, 1995):

 t  0.08(2 N f ) 0.333 (5.17)

The damage index is calculated using Miner’s rule (1945):

DI   (5.18)
i 2 N fi

where Nfi = number of cycles causing collapse at the ith cycle.

Kunnath et al. (1997) correlated Eqs. 5.16 and 5.17 to the results from their tests on

bridge piers under constant-amplitude loading:

 p  0.065( N2 f )0.436 (5.19)

 t  0.06( N2 f )0.360 (5.20)

where N2f =number of cycles to failure. Kunnath et al. (1997) indicated that their proposed

modified equations are more suitable than those derived by Mander an Cheng (1995) for

RC sections as they consider the actual fatigue behavior of reinforcing bars in a RC section

and include damage due to shear and axial stresses as well as loss of confinement.

However, their model could not predict failure in two out of five specimens under cyclic

displacement reversals and in any of the six column specimens under random earthquake

excitations. During their tests, Kunnath et al. (1997) also observed that under low

amplitude displacement cycles, failure is generally controlled by loss of lateral support than

low cycle fatigue of reinforcing bars. Therefore, they suggested that a model that includes

damage corresponding to confinement deterioration as well as low cycle fatigue would be

better suited for RC columns.

To include the effect of lateral restraint provided by cover concrete on the performance

of longitudinal bars, Lehman and Moehle (2000) developed a two-phase damage model

based on the Coffin (1954)-Manson (1953). The first phase in their proposed model

considers the damage in the cover concrete whereas the second phase includes low cycle

fatigue failure in reinforcing bars. The damage index in each phase is defined based on
Miner’s rule. Before cover spalling, the damage index is only related to the state of strain

in cover concrete. Once, the cover concrete is completely failed (i.e., Dc =1), damage index

will be represented by fatigue of longitudinal bars.

 c 5
( N f ) c  33( ) (5.21)
 csp

 s 5.5
( N f ) s  0.08( )  0.92 (5.22)
 su

Dc   for Dc  1 (5.23)
i ( N f ) ci

Ds   for Dc  1 (5.24)
i ( N f ) si


(Nf)c = number of cycles to degrade cover concrete

(Nf)s = number of cycles to failure after cover spalling

ϵc = compressive strain in the extreme fiber of core concrete

ϵcsp = compressive strain at cover spalling

ϵs = tensile strain of the longitudinal bar

ϵsu = ultimate tensile strain in the extreme longitudinal bar

Dc = damage corresponding to cover spalling

Ds = damage corresponding to low cycle fatigue in the reinforcing bars after cover


ϵcsp and ϵsu were estimated based on experimental results whereas ϵc and ϵs were

predicted analytically. The two-phase damage index could predict failure in 5 out of 6

column specimens tested by the authors and all of the columns tested by Kunnath et al.


Through finite element (FE) analysis of RC columns, Erduran and Yakut (2004)

introduced three categories of damage based on the maximum crack width that is caused

by loading of the specimens. The crack width was calculated based on measured tensile

strains of longitudinal reinforcing bars according to the equation proposed by Frosch

(1999). The maximum calculated crack widths of 0.2, 1, and 2 mm (0.008, 0.039, 0.079

in.) were selected to define three states of damage as negligible, light, and moderate and

were assigned damage scores of 0.5%, 7.5%, and 30%. The fourth (i.e., heavy) damage

state was related to the ultimate ductility capacity and was assigned a damage score of

90%. The ultimate ductility capacity of columns were calculated based on a normalized

parameter ρs / (P/Po) in which ρs represents the volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement

and P/Po denotes the ratio of the applied axial load to the axial load capacity (P/Po). The

authors had shown formerly that the normalized parameter ρs / (P/Po) significantly affects

the ductility of RC columns.

Based on the observed relationship between the drift ratio and damage scores in each

ductility category, Erduran (Erduran & Yakut, 2004) proposed an equation for the damage

state at a target drift ratio (δ):

D ( )  f ( ) g ( ) (5.25)

where f(δ) and g(δ)are defined as:

f ( )  1  (5.26)
 b
exp( )
aCsC fy

   
g ( )  0.51  cos( ) if c (5.27)
 cCsC fy  CsC fy

g ( )  1 if c (5.28)
CsC fy

where a,b ,and c are constants that depend on the ductility levels (i.e. magnitude of ρs /(

P/Po)) and Cs and Cfy are correction factors for yield strength of longitudinal bars and

slenderness, respectively.

While their proposed damage index showed high correlation with damage curves in

ATC-40 (1996), it involves several arbitrary constant values and damage scores. Also,

three out of four of the defined damage categories (i.e., negligible, low, and moderate) rely

only on crack widths and hence invalid once cover spalling occurs. Their proposed

equation for determination of the fourth (i.e., heavy) damage state which is based entirely
on the calculation of the ultimate ductility is noncumulative and ignores the effects of low

cycle fatigue and loading history. Therefore, while their proposed equation might be useful

for design practices, its ability to provide an estimation of the damage state in RC columns

under large cyclic load reversals is questionable. Energy-based cumulative damage indices

Dissipated energy during loading has also been used as a measure for state of damage

in RC members by researchers. Gosain et al. (1977) proposed a work index (Iw) to estimate

damage in RC beams and columns with dominant failure mode in shear:

pi  i
Iw   (5.29)
i 1 py y


n=number of cycles in which p/py ≥ 0.75

pi, Δi= lateral load at peak displacement and corresponding peak displacement during

the ith cycle

py, Δy= lateral load and corresponding displacement at yielding of reinforcing bars

Only cycles satisfying lateral load ratios with p/py ≥ 0.75 were considered. As the upper

bound p/py was estimated as 1.25, the authors also suggested simplification of the work

index as the summation of normalized deflections (i.e., Δi/Δy). As also indicated by the

authors, the proposed work index for a specimen that is loaded two times to a normalized

deflection of 10 would be equal to that for a specimen that is loaded four times to a

normalized deflection of 5 while the former would likely experience more damage. Thus,

the damage index as proposed in Eq. 5.29 did not correlate well with the experimental

database that the authors used. Therefore, they proposed modifications to account for the

effect of shear span and axial load.

A more sophisticated cumulative energy index was developed by Kratzig and

Meskouris (1987). In their proposed method, dissipated energy terms were calculated

separately for the primary half-cycles (PHCs) and follower half-cycles (FHCs) in the

positive and negative directions (Figure 5.2). A PHC was defined as the half cycle with a

displacement larger than that in the previous cycles whereas a FHC was considered as any

following half cycles of equal or smaller deformation amplitudes. For the positive

deformation of the specimen, the accumulated damage is defined as:

D 
E 
pi   Ei
E f   Ei


E+pi = energy in a PHC with a positive deformation amplitude

E+i= energy in a FHC with a positive deformation amplitude

E+f= energy in a monotonic test to failure for loading in the positive direction

Accumulated damage during negative deformation part is calculated in a similar approach

and yields the overall damage as:

D  D  D  D D (5.31)
Their proposed model includes both the damage due to large displacement excursions

as well as the fatigue-type damage due to repeated loading at smaller displacement

amplitudes. Calculated damage indices could properly predict failure for nine beams in

their study.

Figure 5.2. Definition of Primary and Follower Half Cycles (Kratzig & Meskouris, 1987) Combined cumulative damage indices

A popular damage index was developed by Park and Ang (1985) assuming a linear

combination of normalized displacement to characterize noncumulative effects and

normalized dissipated energy to characterize cyclic loading effects:

 dE (5.32)
u Fy  u


Δm = maximum displacement

Δu = ultimate displacement capacity under monotonic loading

Fy = yield strength

dE= dissipated energy increment

β = strength deterioration factor due to cyclic loading

By regression analysis of 261 tests on RC beams and columns, Park and Ang (1985)

proposed an equation to estimate β :

l P 
  (0.447  0.073  0.24  0.31l )0.7 s (5.33)
d f cbd


l = length of specimen

d = distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the longitudinal tension


l/d = shear span ratio, replaced by 1.7 if l/d < 1.7

P/f′cbd = normalized axial stress, replaced by 0.2 if P/f′cbd < 0.2

ρl = longitudinal reinforcement ratio (%), replaced by 0.75 if ρl < 0.75

ρs = confinement reinforcement ratio (%).

The authors subsequently proposed a damage classification based on observed data as

represented in Table 5.1 (Park, Ang, & Wen, 1987). Williams and Sexsmith (1995)

indicated difficulties in the estimation of ultimate displacement capacity (Δu) and strength

deterioration factor (β). They also criticized the damage scale for being nonlinear with the

severe damage state corresponding to the calculated damage index of magnitudes beyond


Kunnath et al. (1992) proposed an alternative form of Park-Ang (1985) damage index

based on moment and curvature instead of load and displacement which was later used by

Stone and Taylor (1993) for investigation of the damage state in circular bridge piers.

However, Stone and Taylor (1993) indicated that for the case of simple structures such as

cantilever bridge piers, the results using moments and curvature were similar to those

obtained by using the force and displacement in the original Park-Ang (1985) equation.

Assuming a damage index equal to unity at ultimate displacement capacity, Eq. 5.32

can be written as:

m E
1  h (5.34)
u Fy u

where Eh= dissipated energy during loading. Under collapse condition due to monotonic

loading (i.e., when Δm = Δu), Eq. 5.34 results in the total dissipated energy to be zero.

However, during monotonic loading to failure, the specimen will exhibit inelastic behavior

and dissipate energy. To correct the issue, Chai et al. (1995) suggested removing the plastic

strain energy due to monotonic loading.

Table 5.1. Damage Classification for Park-Ang Model

Index Value (D) Description of the Observed Damage

D < 0.1 Slight localized cracking

minor cracking throughout, partial

0.1 ≤ D < 0.25 Minor
crushing of concrete in columns

0.25 ≤ D < 0.4 Moderate extensive cracking, localized spalling

extensive crushing of concrete, disclosure

0.4 ≤ D < 1 Severe
of reinforcing bars

D≥1 Collapse Collapse


Seven full-scale RC columns were tested as part of this research. All specimens except

SP5 featured a 36×28 in. cross section with 16 No. 9 longitudinal bars and transverse hoops

made of No. 5 bars and spaced at 5 in. along the height of the specimens. Specimen SP5

featured a smaller cross section (28×28 in) and incorporated 12 No.8 reinforcing bars

which were confined by transverse hoops at 5 in. spacing. The columns were subjected to

distinct lateral loading protocols as summarized in Table 5.2.

Each test started by application of an axial load. The magnitude of the applied axial

loads was set to 756 and 1176 kips, equivalent to an axial load ratio (P/f′cAg) of 0.15 and

0.3 for larger (i.e. 36×28 in.) and smaller (i.e. 28×28 in.) columns, respectively. While

keeping the axial load level constant, the specimens were subjected to lateral loading

protocols in the form of displacement excursions as represented in Figures 5.3 to 5.9.

Application of the lateral loadings on specimens continued until either the actuators

reached their stroke capacity or the specimens lost more than 80% of their peak lateral load

capacity in either direction.

The first specimen was subjected to a monotonic displacement until the stroke capacity

of the actuators exhausted at 15.61 in. of the crosshead displacement. To estimate the

reserve capacity of the specimen, the monotonic loading in the positive direction was then

followed by loading in the opposite direction and formed a single cycle (Figure 5.3). The

specimen response during the first test was utilized to estimate the peak deformation

capacity of the columns and to calibrate controllers of the loading crosshead at the MAST


The loading protocol on specimens SP2 and SP5 were designed following the

procedures in the ACI 374-05 (2005). These loading protocols incorporated a series of

progressively increasing displacement cycles. The magnitudes of displacement cycles were

gradually increased with an approximate growth of 25% to 50 % in the drift ratio (Figures

5.4 and 5.7 ). Three cycles were applied in each drift level and were followed by a small

cycle at a magnitude equal to one third of that in the preceding cycle group. Initial cycles

were set to drift ratios within the linear elastic behavior of the specimens. Cyclic

displacement reversals on specimens SP2 and SP5 followed the aforementioned pattern

until these specimens significantly lost their peak lateral load capacity. These tests stopped

after 56 and 52 cycles and following the application of cycles at 8.91% and 7.13% drift

ratios for specimens SP2 and SP5, respectively.

Table 5.2. Applied Lateral Loading to the Specimens

Description of Loading δy δFmax δult Fy Fmax Fult Fult /

Loading Protocol Direction (%) (%) (%) (kips) (kips) (kips) Fmax

Pos 0.80 3.10 12.09 238 290 212 0.73

SP1 Monotonic
Neg -4.00 -11.43 -239 -172 0.72

Symmetric cyclic (ACI Pos 0.65 1.07 6.91 258 314 58 0.19
SP2 374) Neg -0.70 -1.09 -6.91 -235 -278 -53 0.19

Symmetric cyclic (ACI Pos 0.76 2.29 11.63 246 297 222 0.75
SP3 374)+monotonic push Neg -0.74 -3.51 -10.84 -235 -278 -64 0.23

Symmetric cyclic (ACI Pos 0.75 4.74 11.63 257 310 61 0.20
SP4 374)+monotonic push

Neg -0.76 -1.51 -10.85 -241 -288 -21 0.07

Symmetric cyclic (ACI Pos 0.52 1.51 5.53 155 192 53 0.27
SP5 374) Neg -0.60 -1.08 -5.53 -137 -168 1 -0.01
Pos 0.90 3.44 10.43 232 280 52 0.19
SP6 Near-collapse
Neg -0.71 -1.09 -11.62 -214 -257 -198 0.77
Pos 0.91 3.52 5.53 227 279 57 0.21
SP7 Biaxial
Neg -0.98 -3.52 -5.53 -218 -268 -33 0.12
Specimens SP3 and SP4 initially sustained displacement cycles that were designed

according to the same pattern as of those described for specimens SP2 and SP5. However,

these cycles were followed by monotonic push in positive and negative displacement

directions after applications of 5.67% and 3.66% drift cycles for specimens SP3 and SP4,

respectively (Figures 5.5 and 5.6). Unlike all other specimens, the loading protocol on

specimen SP6, the near-collapse protocol, incorporated symmetric and asymmetric cycles

followed by a final monotonic displacement push (Figure 5.8). The near-collapse loading

protocol was developed from time history analysis on low- and high-rise buildings

subjected to far-field earthquake motions.

The biaxial loading protocol on specimen SP7 was designed based primarily on the

same pattern as of that for SP2, but along both X and Y directions. Each full cycle in this

loading protocol can be represented by load paths A and B as noted in Figure 5.9(a) and

Figure 5.9(b) to form a full cycle at a target drift level (Figure 5.9(c)). The lateral loading

on the specimen started by application of a displacement along the positive Y direction

similar to that initially applied to specimen SP2. The specimen was then subjected to the

target displacement along X direction while it was unloaded along Y direction. The resulted

applied displacements along negative X and Y directions completed a full cycle at a desired

drift level. The aforementioned pattern continued to create gradually increasing

displacements along both directions. Loading of the specimen terminated after 52 full

cycles and following the application of 7.13% drift cycles (Figure 5.9(d)).


Drift (%)
0 1 2 3

Figure 5.3. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP1

Drift (%)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 5.4. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP2

Drift (%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 5.5. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP3


Drift (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 5.6. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP4

Drift (%)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 5.7. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP5

Drift (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 5.8. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP6

(a) (b)

0.25 6

Drift Y (%)

Drift Y (%)

0 0



-0.25 -6
-0.25 0 0.25 -6 -1 4
Drift X (%) Drift X (%)

(c) (d)

Figure 5.9. Applied Loading Protocol to Specimen SP7


Application of the lateral loads to the specimens were followed by initiation of flexural

cracking on the tension face of the columns at approximately 0.25% drift ratios. Once the

loading continued (in the case of SP1) or the loading direction was reversed (in the case of

cyclic tests), flexural cracks were formed on the other face as well. Flexural cracking was

accompanied by formation of flexure-shear cracks on the other two faces of the columns

that were parallel to the loading direction. Longitudinal bars started to yield at

approximately 0.5% drift ratios. Due to cracking of the cover concrete and yielding of the

reinforcing bars, the initial stiffness of the columns degraded and they exhibited inelastic

behavior. Progression of damage was accompanied by further stiffness degradation in the

specimens. However, the specimens could still sustain larger magnitudes of lateral load

due to the confining pressure of the hoops and strain hardening of the longitudinal bars.

After reaching the peak lateral load capacity, further loading of the specimens was followed

by progression of damage to the core concrete, yielding of transverse ties and buckling and

fracture of longitudinal bars that caused the specimens to lose strength and stiffness.

Lateral displacement at the top of the specimens (i.e., interface of the top block and

loading crosshead) and the applied lateral loads to the specimens were recorded during

each test. The force-drift ratio and force-deformation response of the specimens is

illustrated in Figures 5.10 to 5.17 . To estimate the yield displacement and corresponding

yield force for each specimen, a secant line was extended from the origin to a point on the

force-displacement cyclic envelope corresponding to a lateral load of 70% of the peak

capacity (0.7Fmax ). The secant line was further extended to intersect with the horizontal

line at Fmax (Point A in Figure 5.18). The yield displacement (Δy) is defined as the

horizontal ordinate of point A, and the corresponding yield force (Fy) is determined by

extending a vertical line down from Point A until it intersects the force-deformation cyclic

envelope at Point B. This method has been previously applied by other researchers (Bae &

Bayrak, 2008; Sivaramakrishnan, 2010) to estimate the yield displacement and yield force.

Magnitudes of yield displacement and yield force of each specimen along with those at

peak strength and ultimate loading stage of each specimen are represented in Table 5.2.

Except for the test of SP1 which was terminated after exhausting the full stroke

capacity of the actuators of the loading crosshead at an ultimate drift ratio (δult) equal to

12.1%, the rest of the specimens exhibited significant strength loss by the end of the tests

(Figures 5.11 to 5.17). A residual strength ratio (Fult/Fmax) of 73%, 19%, 23%, 7%, 0%,

19%, and 12% was measured at the end of the tests for specimens SP1 to SP7, respectively

(Table 5.2). Severe strength loss in the specimens was accompanied by extensive damage

to the reinforcing bars and the core concrete.

Figure 5.10. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP1

Figure 5.11. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP2

Figure 5.12. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP3

Figure 5.13. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP4

Figure 5.14. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP5

Figure 5.15. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP6

Figure 5.16. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP7 along Y Direction

Figure 5.17. Force-Deformation Behavior of Specimen SP7 along X Direction

Figure 5.18. Estimation of the Yield Displacement and Yield Force


The state of damage during loading of the specimens was estimated using three non-

cumulative and five cumulative damage indices. The noncumulative damage indices

include displacement ductility, and the models proposed by Lybas (Lybas & Sozen, 1977),

and Roufaiel (Roufaiel & Meyer, 1987) which are expressed by Eqs. 5.3, 5.4, and 5.6,

respectively. The cumulative damage indices that were used in this study include models

proposed by Banon (Banon et al., 1981), Stephens (Stephens & Yao, 1987), Wang (Wang

& Shah, 1987), Kratzig (Kratzig & Meskouris, 1987), and Park (Park and & Ang, 1985),

and these indices are quantified using Eqs. 5.8, 5.11, 5.12, 5.30 and 5.32. Among these

indices, displacement ductility and estimated damage indices based on Lybas and Banon

models are not scaled. Thus, their results, which will be presented in the next section, are

not directly comparable to the rest of the models.

Estimated damage values for each specimen at the end of the tests are included in

Table 5.3. The column specimens under the loading protocols exhibited various strength

loss at the end of the tests (Table 5.2) so that calculated damage values for various

specimens were not comparable. Therefore, to study the effects of applied loading

protocols, final damage values should be calculated at a similar state (e.g. 20% or 50%) of

strength loss. The computed damage to specimen SP2 based on five damage models is

represented in Figure 5.19. The vertical dashed line in this figure corresponds to the state

of 20% strength loss in the specimen. At this state, RC columns often require repair to re-

establish their capacity and hence this state is commonly considered as the failure of

specimens in terms of their useful limit. In this study, the state of 20% strength loss is

referred to as the Limit of Useful Capacity at 80% strength (LUC80). In the case of

specimen SP2, a strength reduction of 9% and 31% was recorded following the application

of peak positive displacements during the 49th and 50th cycles, respectively. Therefore,

LUC80 was estimated to occur between these successive cycles.

Among all calculated damage indices for specimen SP2 in Figure 5.19, the one

proposed by Wang shows a slow progression until its final magnitude of 1.01 at the end of

the test. However, the corresponding damage index at LUC80 (i.e. intersection of the

damage line with vertical dashed line related to LUC80), is estimated as 0.6 representing

a damage state which is far below failure. Models by Roufaiel and Kratzig suggest a rapid

progression of damage at early stages of loading while their estimated damage values

remain approximately constant towards the end of the test. The two models estimate a

damage index of 0.93 at LUC80. The models by Stephens, and Park suggest a medium rate

of damage progression until the 40th cycle. These models suggest a rapid increase in

Table 5.3. Estimated Damage Values at the End of Each Test

Column Test Specimen

Damage Index

Stepehens-Yao 0.465 1.679 0.823 0.826 1.688 0.491 1.106

Wang-Shah 0.041 0.466 0.317 0.246 0.455 0.082 0.342
Roufaiel-Meyer 0.975 1.000 1.007 1.019 1.036 1.012 1.008
Kratzig-Emskouris 0.973 0.892 0.934 0.940 0.915 0.852 0.812
Park-Ang 1.010 1.453 1.475 1.309 1.220 0.957 1.459
Banon et al. 15.148 141.377 87.523 72.364 139.687 24.496 76.136
Lybas-Sozen 17.035 46.779 17.480 64.799 31.012 51.817 24.062
Ductility 15.148 10.586 15.324 15.434 10.535 11.645 6.086

damage progression towards the end of the tests which is reasonable because the damage

is most likely to occur at an accelerating rate with drift as verified during the tests at the

MAST Lab. Stephens and Park models estimate failure after 42 cycles, which over-predicts

the failure of the specimens defined on the basis of 20% strength loss.

Since the loading protocols for most of the tested column specimens at the MAST Lab

were continued until they exhibited severe strength loss, failure of the specimens was

defined based on 50% strength loss (i.e., LUC50) to better estimate the state of damage at

later stages of loading. For specimen SP2, LUC50 is located between cycles 50 and 51

(Figure 5.20). As represented in Figure 5.20 shows that while the Wang model still

underestimates the extent of damage, the Stephens model correctly predicts failure of SP2.

The Roufaiel model also suggests a damage value of 0.96 at LUC50, thus it properly

represents a stage that is quite close to failure. The Roufaiel model also shows that it is

more deeply affected by accumulation of plastic deformations due to an increase in the

magnitude of applied displacements than by cycling at a constant displacement, and the

estimated damage index values are closer to the ones by the Kratzig model than the rest of

the models. However, Kratzig model suggests a smoother evolution of damage through the

entire loading protocol. The model by Park still over-predicts damage to specimen SP2.

Defining failure based on LUC50 results in an overall reduction in the calculated damage

values by Park model and thus a lower rate of over-prediction of damage. The model by

Park shows to increase in accuracy as the degree of damage increases.

Calculated damage indices for specimens SP3 and SP4 are shown in Figures 5.21 and

5.22. The progression of damage for specimens SP3 and SP4 was similar to that of SP2

until application of the final monotonic push (i.e., the last cycle for SP3 and the last two

cycles for SP4). Large monotonic displacements that were applied to specimens SP3 and

SP4 at the end of their loading protocols resulted in a sudden increase in the magnitudes of

estimated damage indices based on the Park model. The final monotonic push also resulted

in a large increase in the damage indices calculated by the Stephens, Roufaiel, and Kratzig

models for specimen SP4 which had exhibited less strength loss during preceding cyclic

loading excursions compared to SP3. The ultimate strength loss for the positive loading

direction of SP3 was less than 50% (Table 5.2), and hence the ultimate damage indices

were extrapolated to obtain the estimated values at 50% strength loss. At the intersection

with LUC50 line, calculated damage values by the Stephens and Kratzig models in the case

of SP3, and the Roufaiel and Kratzig models for SP4, were closer to the unit value (DI =

1) than those calculated based on the rest of the models. Estimated damage indices by Park

are highly affected by the final large displacement cycles. Considering the load-

deformation response of specimens SP3 and SP4 (Figures 5.12 and 5.13) confirms that

these specimens lost most of their strengths during the last cycles that carry, by far, the

majority of the damage. Therefore, calculated damage indices by Park model seems to be

closer to the actual performance of column specimens than those calculated by other

models. The model by Wang, on the other hand, was not sensitive to the final displacement


The evolution of damage indices in specimen SP5 were approximately similar to that

in specimen SP2 since both specimens were subjected to progressively increasing

displacement cycles until failure. As the monotonic test on specimen SP1 was only

representative of specimens incorporating larger cross-sectional dimensions (i.e., 36×28

in.), the displacement corresponding to monotonic failure of specimen SP5 that featured a

smaller cross-sectional dimensions (i.e., 28×28 in.) was estimated by comparison of the

ultimate drift ratios of specimens SP2 and SP5. In specimen SP5, the state of 50% strength

loss (i.e., LUC50) was estimated to occur between cycles 49 and 50 (Figure 5.23).

Calculated damage indices from the Roufaiel, Kratzig, and Park models suggest a better

estimate of failure in specimen SP5 with corresponding damage values of 0.99, 0.91, and

1.11 at LUC50. On the other hand, estimated damage values by the Stephens and Wang

models were over- and under-predictive, respectively.

Except the Wang model, calculated damage indices by the rest of the models for

specimen SP6 are significantly affected by the applied monotonic push (Figure 5.24). The

results from the Roufaiel, Park, and Kratzig models were better in terms of failure

prediction than those based on Stephens and Wang models, which were under-predictive.

Finally, the evolution of damage indices is specimen SP7 followed an approximately

similar pattern as of that in specimen SP2 (Figure 5.25). Among all calculated damage

values for specimen SP7, those by the Roufaiel model indicated a better estimation of

failure at LUC50. Results from the Stephens and Kratzig models seem to underestimate

damage to specimen SP7. However, results from Park model are more realistic as the

dissipated energy term in this model were calculated based on total energy that was

dissipated during loading of the specimen along X and Y directions while the other models

ignore the damage caused by loading along X direction. For these models to be realistic

indicators of damage in specimen SP7, calculated damage values in both directions should

be combined. Qiu et al. (Qiu, Li, Pan, & Qian, 2002) proposed four methods to include the

effect of biaxial loading in the estimation of damage values by Park model. One of their

proposed method was to include the total dissipated energy along both loading directions

which was used to estimate damage values in specimen SP7. For seven column specimens

under biaxial loading in their study, the authors showed that results of all four proposed

methods were very close.

Figure 5.19. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP2 Based on LUC80

Figure 5.20. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP2 Based on LUC50

Figure 5.21. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP3 Based on LUC50

Figure 5.22. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP4 Based on LUC50

Figure 5.23. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP5 Based on LUC50

Figure 5.24. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP6 Based on LUC50

Figure 5.25. Calculated Damage Indices for Specimen SP7 Based on LUC50



It is essential for damage models to be calibrated against damage observed in

structures so that they can provide a measure of structural integrity after seismic events and

be used for retrofit decision making and seismic loss estimation. The results of such

calibrations are typically provided in tables that relate levels of observed damage to the

corresponding estimated damage values. Such calibration was carried out by Park and Ang

(1985) against a large number of experimental data. The Applied Technology Council

(ATC-40, 1996) also defines damage states based on visual observations after earthquakes

to help conduct seismic evaluations and preparing retrofit plans.

To better identify the correlation of estimated damage values for the different models

with observed damage to the specimens tested at the MAST Lab, the state of damage in

the test columns were categorized based on visual observation. Five visual damage

categories were defined by considering the extent of required repair and close to what were

proposed by Park et al. (1987) and Williams et al. (1997). At peak displacements

corresponding to the first and third cycles at a given drift level for each column specimen,

eight still images were captured at two elevations. These pictures were analyzed to define

the five visual damage categories that are summarized in Table 5.4. Also, images

representative of the beginning of visual damage categories II, “Light”, III, “Moderate”,

IV, “Severe”, and V, “Failure”, for specimen SP2 are shown in Figures 5.26 to 5.29. The

start of visual damage category I, “Negligible”, corresponds to the undamaged state of the

specimens and is not shown in these Figures. The measured responses of the specimens

during the tests indicate that the first three visual damage categories (“Negligible”, “Light”,

“Moderate”) were accompanied by little or no strength loss, the column specimens

exhibited noticeable reductions in lateral load capacities at the onset of the “Severe” (IV)

and “Failure” (V) visual damage categories (Table 5.5).

Corresponding damage index values at the beginning of visual damage categories

II-V were calculated using the damage models discussed in the previous section (Figures

5.30 to 5.34). Additionally, damage values based on the Lybas model (Lybas & Sozen,

1977), Banon’s normalized cumulative displacement model (Banon et al., 1981), and

displacement ductility are also computed (Figures 5.35 to 5.37). The corresponding

damage values are also included in Table 5.6. Among these models, calculated damage

values by the Stephens, Wang, and Park models are clearly distinct for each damage

Table 5.4. Visual Damage Categories Based on Test Observations

Category Description of the Observed Damage
None or minor hairline flexural or flexural-
I Negligible
shear cracks
Widespread cracking throughout and
II Light
initiation of cover spalling
Widespread cracks > 1/8 in. wide and cover
III Moderate
spalling around the corners
Extensive wide cracking and cover spalling
IV Severe throughout the column and/or single bar
Extensive cover spalling and bar exposure,
V Failure
buckling/fracture of longitudinal bars

category. However, the Wang model suggests damage values that are barely larger than

0.32 at failure. On the other hand, estimated damage values by the Park model

corresponding to the start of visual category V for “Failure” are greater than unity in four

out of seven specimens. The Roufaiel and Kratzig models estimate damage values that are

able to capture failure while their results seem to over-predict early damage in the

specimens due to cycling. The model proposed by Lybas results in damage values that are

not well distributed for different damage categories. Estimated damage values based on the

Lybas model also seem to be significantly affected by large displacements that were

applied during monotonic test (i.e., test of specimen SP1) and the last cycles of loading on

specimens SP3, SP4, and SP6 while insensitive to accumulated damage over cycles.

Calculated displacement ductilities and normalized cumulative displacements (i.e., damage

index values computed using the Banon model) are also separated over different visual

damage categories with the latter more evenly distributed. However, both of these

measures are not scaled which makes interpretation of their estimated values difficult.

Figure 5.26. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Light” Damage Category

Figure 5.27. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Moderate” Damage Category

Figure 5.28. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Severe” Damage Category

Figure 5.29. Observed Damage at the Beginning of “Failure” Damage Category

Table 5.5. Measured Strength Loss at the Onset of Visual Damage Categories

Damage Category
Light Moderate Severe Failure
SP1 0 0 3.1 *
SP2 1.5 1.6 3.4 7.3
SP3 0.0 0.3 2.5 27.4
SP4 0.0 0.0 5.2 80.3
SP5 1.0 4.8 9.8 24.0
SP6 0.0 0.0 13.5 81.4
SP7 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.9

*Test was terminated prior to achieving this damage category


Damage Index



Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.30. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Stephens Model

Damage Index



Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.31. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Wang Model


Damage Index




Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.32. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Roufaiel Model

Damage Index





Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.33. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Kratzig Model

1.4 Park‐Ang

Damage Index
Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.34. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Park Model

Damage Index



Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.35. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Lybas Model

Banon et al.

Damage Index



Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.36. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Banon Model

Damage Index


Light Moderate Severe Failure

Figure 5.37. Estimated Damage Index Values Corresponding to Different Visual

Damage Categories Based on Displacement Ductility

Table 5.6. Estimated Damage Values for Various Visual Damage Categories

Column Test Specimen

Damage Index Model

Visual Damage Category II - Light

Stepehens-Yao 0.032 0.063 0.065 0.111 0.003 0.020
Wang-Shah 0.037 0.054 0.054 0.068 0.009 0.037
Roufaiel-Meyer 0.345 0.465 0.443 0.607 0.220 0.139
Kratzig-Emskouris 0.300 0.382 0.390 0.525 0.088 0.245
Park-Ang 0.087 0.136 0.138 0.170 0.072 0.114
Banon et al. 8.777 13.483 13.623 22.760 1.218 3.605
Lybas-Sozen 1.510 1.756 1.763 2.444 1.095 1.156

Visual Damage Category III - Moderate

Stepehens-Yao 0.200 0.192 0.222 0.313 0.111
Wang-Shah 0.104 0.104 0.118 0.133 0.076
Roufaiel-Meyer 0.688 0.649 0.702 0.767 0.469
Kratzig-Emskouris 0.605 0.580 0.629 0.714 0.454
Park-Ang 0.298 0.287 0.361 0.330 0.273
Banon et al. 34.857 29.918 33.975 46.590 14.743
Lybas-Sozen 3.064 2.619 3.177 3.908 1.829

Visual Damage Category IV - Severe

Stepehens-Yao 0.465 0.484 0.469 0.340 0.549 0.003 0.218
Wang-Shah 0.041 0.189 0.189 0.194 0.205 0.045 0.118
Roufaiel-Meyer 0.975 0.803 0.780 0.992 0.875 0.970 0.634
Kratzig-Emskouris 0.973 0.763 0.744 0.934 0.819 0.820 0.594
Park-Ang 1.010 0.631 0.603 1.217 0.560 0.903 0.486
Banon et al. 15.148 64.001 54.876 56.930 69.529 12.851 25.483
Lybas-Sozen 17.035 4.681 4.033 17.071 6.156 11.156 2.584

Visual Damage Category V - Failure

Stepehens-Yao 0.827 0.823 0.826 0.835 0.491 0.727
Wang-Shah 0.287 0.317 0.246 0.278 0.082 0.253
Roufaiel-Meyer 0.891 1.007 1.019 0.927 1.012 0.904
Kratzig-Emskouris 0.857 0.934 0.940 0.871 0.852 0.781
Park-Ang 1.087 1.475 1.309 0.788 0.957 1.161
Banon et al. 92.678 87.523 72.364 91.326 24.496 57.878
Lybas-Sozen 7.666 17.480 64.799 8.908 51.817 6.134


One of the primary goals of this study was to characterize the applied lateral loading

protocols to the specimens in terms of severity of observed damage. Identification of the

worst loading scenario that a specimen is likely to experience during an earthquake will be

essential in the generation of capacity curves and determination of structural demands for

performance-based design. While all of the loading protocols applied to the specimens

tested at the MAST Lab resulted in significant strength reduction and stiffness

deterioration, the column specimens subjected to these loading protocols exhibited distinct

behavior in terms of ultimate displacement ductility, rate of softening, energy dissipation

and damage propagation.

To investigate the effect of the loading protocols, the cyclic load-deformation

envelopes for each column specimen were defined by connecting the peak lateral

displacements at the first cycle of each drift level. Such calculation for specimen SP2 is

shown in Figure 5.38. Comparison of the cyclic envelopes indicates that among all seven

specimens, specimen SP5, which had a larger axial load ratio (P/f′cAg = 0.3), and specimen

SP7, which was subjected to biaxial loading, exhibited the smallest drift capacities (Figure

5.39). Specimen SP2 also reached its ultimate strength at a drift level smaller than those

for specimens SP3, SP4, and SP6 which lost most of their strength during the final

monotonic push at the end of their loading protocols. The displacement during the

monotonic push applied to these specimens resulted in rapid strength reduction and

stiffness deterioration, while the softening occurred gradually for specimens subjected to

only cyclic load reversals (SP2, SP5, and SP7). The effect of the lateral loading protocols

on the initial stiffness and peak load capacity of the specimens was insignificant.

The extent of damage to the specimens due to loading can be characterized by the

energy that they dissipated during the tests. Accumulated dissipated energy during loading

of the specimens is shown in Figure 5.40. Since the strength loss at the end of the test was

different for each of the specimens, estimated energy dissipations of specimens SP2, SP4,

SP5, SP6 and SP7 were truncated at the state of 50% strength loss (i.e., LUC50) so that the

ultimate magnitudes for these specimens can be comparable. On the other hand, the energy

dissipation of specimen SP1 and SP3 at LUC50 were obtained by extrapolation, as these

specimens exhibited a final strength loss that was less than 50% of the peak lateral load

capacity during loading of the specimens in the positive direction. As illustrated in Figure

5.40, column SP7 showed larger magnitudes of energy dissipation than did the other

specimens, but reached a final value equal to that for specimen SP2. Calculated energy

dissipation for specimen SP7 were obtained by summation of the corresponding values

during loading of the specimen along X and Y directions. Specimen SP5 that featured a

smaller cross-sectional dimension dissipated less energy than all other specimens except

SP6 which dissipated energy mainly over one cycle. Energy dissipation in specimen SP6

was basically quite similar to that of specimen SP1 which was under monotonic loading.

The ultimate monotonic push that was applied to specimens SP3 and SP4 resulted in a rapid

increase in the dissipated energy. However, at LUC50, both of these specimens exhibited

less dissipated energy than specimen SP2 that sustained more cyclic displacement


Figure 5.38. Generation of Cyclic Envelope for Specimen SP2

Figure 5.39. Force-Deformation Cyclic Envelopes for All Tests

Figure 5.40. Calculated Energy Dissipation until Occurrence of 50% Strength Loss

Energy dissipation during loading was accompanied by the evolution of damage in the

specimens. Calculated damage values based on the Lybas (Lybas & Sozen, 1977) model

are shown in Figure 5.41. Specimen SP5 shows a higher rate of stiffness reduction during

cyclic loading reversals. However, the applied monotonic displacement to specimens SP1,

SP3, SP4, and SP6 results in major stiffness deterioration such that the calculated damage

values at 50% strength loss (i.e., LUC50) of these specimens are significantly larger than

those in cyclic tests. Estimated damage indices by the Stephens, Roufaiel and Kratzig

models for all specimens, which are given in Figures to 5.44, suggest a higher extent of

damage in specimen SP5 than specimen SP2 that experienced similar displacement

excursions, but under a lower axial load ratio. On the other hand, the monotonic push which

was applied during loading of specimens SP3, SP4, and SP6 also caused a major increase

in the calculated damage values by the Roufaiel and Kratzig models. Specimen SP1 which

was under monotonic loading as well as specimen SP6 which experienced the least number

of cycles exhibit final damage values based on the Roufaiel model that are close to those

of all other specimens except specimen SP3. The Kratzig model, on the hand, suggests a

smaller damage value for SP6, and the Stephens model does not predict failure for SP6 at

all. Calculated damage values by the Stephens, Roufaiel and Kratzig models do not capture

the extent of damage in specimen SP7, which was subjected to the biaxial loading protocol,

when only Y-direction response is used for estimating the damage indices. To obtain a

more realistic value for specimen SP7, damage indices should be calculated in both loading

directions and their effects combined. However, the combination of damage that occurs

from loading in two orthogonal directions is challenging, especially if a unit value is

expected at failure. Among the damage models considered, the one proposed by Park can

inherently capture the effect of loading in two directions when the total energy dissipation

during loading in both directions is taken into account. Calculated damage values obtained

from the Park model (Figure 5.45) suggest a higher extent of damage in specimen SP7 than

all other specimens except SP3.

Figure 5.41. Damage Values by Lybas Model until Occurrence of 50% Strength Loss

Figure 5.42. Damage Values by Stephens Model until 50% Strength Loss

Figure 5.43. Damage Values by Roufaiel Model until 50% Strength Loss

Figure 5.44.Damage Values by Kratzig Model until Occurrence of 50% Strength Loss

Figure 5.45. Damage Values by Park Model until Occurrence of 50% Strength Loss


The extent of damage during tests of seven RC columns subjected to distinct loading

protocols was estimated using nine noncumulative and cumulative damage models. In

addition, observed damage to the specimens during each test was categorized into five

visual damage categories and used as a measure to validate the calculated damage indices.

Among all damage index models that were studied, the model by Park and Ang (1985)

provided an overall better estimate of actual damage in specimens. The observed and

calculated damage were used along with performance characteristics of the columns based

on force-deformation envelope, and energy dissipation to assess the applied loading

protocols. The results of this study indicate that the column specimen subjected to biaxial

loading (i.e., SP7) experienced more damage during loading. For this specimen, results

from Park and Ang (1985) model were closer to the actual state of damage in the specimen

as it can directly take the effect of biaxial loading into account provided that the calculated

energy dissipation values include the hysteretic energy dissipated during loading in both

directions. The study also shows that column specimen SP5, which had a similar loading

protocol as of that for SP2, but under a larger axial load ratio, sustained a more severe

extent of damage. In addition, the monotonic push displacement that was applied following

a number of cyclic displacement reversals resulted in a rapid strength reduction in the

specimens and a higher extent of damage as of that in the case of pure cyclic or monotonic





A series of seven full-scale reinforced concrete columns were tested at the MAST Lab

as a part of this study to increase the understanding of the performance of typical columns

in high-rise buildings that are designed using current code requirements and then subjected

to extreme seismic events. The columns featured cross-sectional dimensions that were

larger than almost all columns tested previously under simulated seismic loadings and were

subjected to distinct lateral loading protocols including a monotonic five cyclic uniaxial

and biaxial, and a near-collapse loading protocol. To investigate the post-peak behavior of

the columns, loading of the specimens continued beyond the common stopping point

during previous tests. During these applied loading protocols, the specimens exhibited

significant strength reduction (i.e., 80%) and stiffness deterioration.

Results from these tests were considered along with those from previous tests on RC

columns to study the effects of cross-sectional size of column specimens on their seismic

performance. To this end, five parameters were considered necessary to characterize

column performance, and these include moment capacity, effective stiffness, drift capacity,

displacement ductility, and longitudinal bar buckling. With the test data and these five

parameters, the effect of cross-sectional depth of columns on each parameter was studied

in detail.

The loading capabilities at the MAST Lab enabled the testing of full-scale column

specimens at larger drift ratios than those applied during previous tests, and under these

conditions, the column specimens exhibited a previously unobserved mode of failure which

features in-plane buckling of the longitudinal reinforcing bars. A 3D FE model of the lower

portion of the columns was analyzed in addition to that of isolated bars to investigate the

in-plane buckling phenomenon that occurred in 6 of 7 tests at the MAST Lab. A parametric

study was carried out to investigate the effect of concrete compressive strength,

longitudinal bar size and spacing, tie spacing, and column cross-sectional on the buckling

behavior of reinforcing bars.

Damage to the specimens during each test was quantified by several cumulative and

noncumulative damage index models. In addition, the damage to the specimens was

categorized by visual test observations and used as a measure to assess the calculated

damage indices. Calculated and observed damage to the specimens were then considered

along with the force-deformation cyclic envelope, and hysteretic energy dissipation during

each test to study the effect of loading protocols.


Experimental and analytical investigation of the seismic performance of the full-scale

RC columns in this research leads to the following conclusions:

1) A study of the parameters defining the seismic performance of RC columns

confirms that effective stiffness, drift capacity, and displacement ductility of

RC columns can be significantly affected by axial load and aspect ratios. The

effect of axial load for stocky columns with aspect ratio smaller than 2 is minor.

However, for columns with larger aspect ratios, an increase in the axial load

ratio and aspect ratio is accompanied by an increase in the effective stiffness

while it has an adverse effect on the drift capacity and displacement ductility.

2) It was also confirmed that the drift capacity and displacement ductility of RC

columns are sensitive to the characteristics of the lateral loading protocols so

that an increase in the number of loading cycles results in a reduction of drift

capacity and displacement ductility. In addition, RC columns exhibit a lower

drift capacity under biaxial loading condition than under a uniaxial loading


3) Flexural moment capacity, normalized effective stiffness, drift capacity, and

displacement ductility of RC columns constructed with normal strength to

moderately high strength concrete (2.5 ksi (17.24 MPA) ≤ f′c ≤ 10 ksi (68.94

MPA)) are not generally affected by the dimension of their cross-sectional


4) The MAST tests revealed a mode of longitudinal bar buckling that has not been

reported and is not considered in the structural design of RC columns: An in-

plane buckling mode was observed in which the bars buckle parallel to the face

of the column as opposed to the presumption that they would only buckle in

the outward direction.

5) In-plane buckling of bars typically occurred about the strong axis of the bars

during tests at the MAST Lab while the common assumption is that

longitudinal bars buckle only about their weak axis.

6) Results from FE modeling of the lower portion of the columns suggest that

concrete with a larger nominal compressive strength (f′c ) helps to postpone

in-plane buckling of the bars.

7) In addition, larger longitudinal bar sizes are recognized to be more likely to

experience in-plane buckling as their restraint demands are higher. However,

the effect of bar spacing is insignificant.

8) Unlike outward buckling, in-plane buckling of reinforcing bars is not

controlled by tie-spacing. Rather, it is the concrete surrounding the bars that

restrains the bars from in-plane buckling.

9) The specimens featuring larger cross-sectional dimensions that incorporate

larger bar sizes are shown to be more critical to in-plane bar buckling.

10) An analysis of the damage evolution during tests of RC columns at the MAST

Lab under distinct loading protocols reveals that columns will exhibit more

damage during cyclic biaxial loading protocol as compared to uniaxial loading


11) All damage index models that were considered in this research, except the one

proposed by Park and Ang (1985), are described for uniaxial loading. The

model proposed by Park and Ang (1985) can directly include the effect of

biaxial loading if the hysteretic energy dissipated during loading in both

directions is considered.

12) The study also shows that column SP5, which had a similar loading protocol

to that of SP2, but under a larger axial load ratio, experienced more damage.

13) Finally a monotonic push displacement that was applied following a number

of cyclic displacement reversals resulted in a rapid strength reduction in the

specimens. Among all specimens, SP7 and SP3 which sustained a biaxial

loading protocol and a uniaxial symmetric cyclic followed by a monotonic

push, respectively exhibited more damage. On the other hand, the loading

protocols with the smallest number of cycles (i.e., the monotonic and the near

–collapse loading protocols) were the least damaging ones. The symmetric

cyclic loading protocol that was applied to specimen SP2 was in the middle in

terms of severity of resulted damage.


The current study recommends that the following topics be investigated in the future


1) The in-plane buckling of reinforcing bars needs to be investigated

experimentally in more detail. The effects of concrete compressive strength,

longitudinal bar size and spacing, tie spacing and overall cross-sectional size

of the columns require verification by conducting tests for which in-plane

buckling is the main focus of the study.

2) A more detailed FE analysis to include the effects of deterioration of concrete

surrounding the bars would be beneficial for a better estimation of the

sensitivity of in-plane bar buckling to the relevant parameters.

3) Methods to prevent in-plane buckling of longitudinal bars need to be studied.

Crossties with 180 degree end hooks may be helpful in restraining the bars

from in-plane buckling.


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The specimens were constructed in an upright position at the University of Texas at

Arlington (UTA) and shipped to the MAST Lab for testing. Reinforcement details for

perimeter and space frame colum specimens are shown in Figs. A.1 to A.4. As illustrated

in Figure A.5 the reinforcing cage was built horizontally and placed into the concrete forms

prior to pouring of the concrete. The specimens were constructed along with a footing

block, and a top block to be connected to the MAST strong floor and loading crosshead,

respectively (Figure A.6).

Figure A.1. Reinforcement Details for Perimeter Frame (PF) Column Specimens

(Designed and created by the author and reported by (Palacios, 2015))

Figure A.2. Reinforcement Details for Perimeter Frame (PF) Column Specimens

(Designed and created by the author and reported by (Palacios, 2015))

Figure A.3. Reinforcement Details for Space Frame (SF) Column Specimens

(Designed and created by the author and reported by (Palacios, 2015))

Figure A.4. Reinforcement Details for Space Frame (SF) Column Specimens

(Designed and created by the author and reported by (Palacios, 2015))



Figure A.5. (a) Building Reinforcing Cage, (b) Placing the Cage in the Forms

Figure A.6. Forming Column and Top Block


Prior to pouring concrete, strain gages were installed on reinforcing bars, transverse

hoops, and into the concrete. To install the strain gages on reinforcing bars, first the desired

location of the strain gage on the bar was marked. The surface of the bar at the marked

location was grounded, and sanded with 400 grit sandpaper to provide a smooth surface

for the strain gage (Figure A.7). The smoothed surface of the bars were cleaned (Figure

A.8). The gages were oriented so that pulling their wires out of the concrete would not

require the wires to fold back and cause any damage to the gage wires. The gages were

taped to the bar. The location of the strain gages were then coated with layers of

polyurethane, nitrile rubber, moisture sealing electrical tape to protect the gages.

In addition, aluminum anchors were placed in the specimens prior to pouring the

concrete (Figure A.9). These anchors were used when connecting the external sensors (i.e.,

LVDTs, string pots and tiltmeters) to the specimens at the MAST Lab (Figures A.10 and


Figure A.7. Grinding and Cleaning of Bars Prior to Strain Gage Installation

Figure A.8. Attaching the Strain Gage to the Prepared Surface of the Bar

Figure A.9. Installation of an Aluminum Anchor for External Instrumentation

Figure A.10. Installation of Vertical LVDTs on SE Face of the Column

Figure A.11. Installation of LVDTs and String Pots on NE Face of the Column


To protect the specimens from tensile cracking, the specimens were post tensioned

using four threaded rods, each 1 in. in diameter. Lifting and tilting of the specimens was

carried out using 2 ½ in. holes that were designed in the footing and top blocks. Loading

of the specimens at UTA, specimen shipping, unloading and tilting up the specimens at the

MAST Lab are represented in Figures A.12 to A.16. At the MAST Lab, the specimens

were placed on top of a three-piece spacer block that was constructed at the University of

Minnesota so that the minimum required height condition for the loading crosshead is

satisfied (Figures A.17, and A.18).

Figure A.12. Post Tensioning of the Specimen Prior to Shipping

Figure A.13. Lifting the Specimen Before Shipping

Figure A.14. Delivery of the Specimen to the MAST Lab

Figure A.15. Unloading the Specimen at the MAST Lab

Figure A.16. Tilting Up the Specimen at the MAST Lab

Figure A.17. Three-Piece Spacer Block

Figure A.18. Installation of the Specimen on Top of the Spacer Blocks


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