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All content following this page was uploaded by Maria R.U.D. Tambunan on 02 March 2020.
This article examines the challenges on taxing digital economic performed by Indonesian government through online marketplaces engaged as the
withholder of the merchants selling their products through their platform on gross basis. Online marketplace, seen as potential sector contributing to
the state revenue. The research show that tax imposition on the merchant through marketplace has raised debates, since the merchant which mostly
start-up and micro-business should not be taxed like established business. Small and micro-scale business registered on an online marketplace will
potentially change their marketing mode to avoid tax to get higher return on the mode could be detected by government, such as social media. Further,
the online marketplace has to do another risky responsibilities beside their core business; withhold the tax and remit it to the government following
the prevailing law. The heat debate on the publish lead the government to postpone the policy engaging online marketplace as withholder. As the final
solution, the government imposes small percentage final tax for the business who has the turn over classified as SMEs.
Keywords: Digital Economy, Tax Policy, Withholding Tax, International Tax
JEL Classifications: H2, K34
# This paper has been presented in Japan-Indonesia International Scientific Conference 2018, Osaka University Japan.
This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 10 • Issue 2 • 2020 187
Tambunan, et al.: Taxing Digital Economy through Online Marketplace in Indonesia
by Fiscal Policy Institution, in 2017 the online selling has taken marketplace has a role as the taxpayer followed by the challenges
up 3.5% of the retail selling portion, reaching to 4.8% in 2019. on imposing tax on them that lead the government to set a short-
term tax policy solution.
The government, particularly the financial authority views that
there is large potential for taxing the online transaction activities. 2. RESEARCH METHOD
Citing the statement of Directorate of Counselling, Service and
Public Relations (P2 Humas) Directorate General of Taxes (DJP), This research occupies constructivist paradigm with qualitative
there is an intention to set the marketplace as withholder for the research method. Data collection technique was conducted through
tax collection to be much easily done1.1Moreover, according to the literature review and documentation study. The collected data was
Director of P2 Humas, setting up the marketplace as withholder then analysed by using qualitative method.
is intended to ease the government work for the identification
process of the merchant taxpayer.
On the other hand, DJP also realizes that this plan could TAXING DIGITAL ECONOMY
trigger the merchant movement from the marketplace to other
trading mode. The equal fulfilment of obligations has been the The use of digital technology in the modern life is the driving
consideration in setting up the tax for the marketplace similar force for rapid innovation and economic growth during the last
to other conventional trading, despite the fact that there are still decade. Meanwhile, the development in tax law is still relatively
e-commerce non-marketplace platforms have not been included in slow except regulations on transfer pricing, controlled foreign
the taxing scheme. This issue becomes the concern of Indonesian corporation, which are used as an instrument to minimize the
e-commerce association that the e-commerce tax regulation should aggressive tax planning strategy by some multinational scale
not only target online sellers and buyers in the marketplace, but business entities3.3On the other hand, before the existence of
also in other platforms such as social media and chat applications digital technology, manufacture industry held an important role,
to reach an equal level of business playing field. The expected where the vital intellectual property (IP) in doing business has
equal playing field by e-commerce business party does not not yet been a concern compared to nowadays, where IP can be
merely between offline and online, but also includes e-commerce transferred and represents the stock ownership.
marketplaces and other platforms being taxed simultaneously.
Stig Sollund44stated that digitalization will be a continuing
Moreover, it is also important to note whether imposing tax on process. For tax authority, this will have an impact on how
marketplace will have an impact to the elimination of multiplier business activities should be taxed efficiently. Sollund also
effect, since the government favour is to have an upward emphasized that the tax regulation needs to be adaptable to the
movement in micro, small, medium-scale business, where a changes and business dynamics, not only to secure income to the
number of the economic actors are included in the marketplace. government from the existing potential economic activities but
For the marketplace merchant, imposing tax to the trader in their also to rapidly provide security to the business entities regarding
platform, where marketplace serves as withholder will reduce the their tax obligations and burden that needs to be fulfilled. During
numbers of activities in the marketplace, which was previously the implementation, government should pay attention to the
designed with an effortless investment to attract sellers making changes they made to avoid any negative impacts to the business
them prefer to choose the marketplace for trading. The tax entities, or in other words, the changes in regulation should not
imposed to the marketplace will cause sellers who have joined hindrance the business entities to create efficiency by using their
the marketplace to move to social media selling mode that has not own business model. Sollund55(2018) also emphasized that the tax
been “covered” by the regulation2.2Meanwhile, according to the regulation should avoid any action that will wipe out the digital
marketplace merchant, when sellers move from marketplace to business entities.
social media, they will lose chances and scale up received, when
they were in the marketplace. On the other hand, most of buyers International consensus through OECD/G20 Inclusive Network
tend to have more trust if the transaction conducted through the on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) published an interim
marketplace as there is no customer service and lack of transaction report in 2018 with the title “Tax Challenges Arising from
secure guarantee available in other platform. On top of that, it is Digitalization”. The report described several things as6follows6
also easier to reach the market within the marketplace. that the tax administrator should consider while formulating tax
regulation on digital business:
This article discusses the tax regulation aspect and administration
related to the tax imposed on e-commerce activities where the 3 Kadet, (2017) Submission Concerning Tax Challenges Of Digitalization,
Task Force On The Digital Economy.
1 Citation from interview by bisnis.com to Hestu Yoga Saksama, the Director 4 Interview Of Denny Vissaro With Stig Sollund, Retrievd From Https://
of Counseling, Services and Public Relations (P2 Humas) Directorate News.Ddtc.Co.Id/Tantangan-Pajak-Digital-Perlu-Solusi-Jangka-
General of Taxes, “We emphasis more on the e-commerce who uses Panjang-12347, Accessed On January 20, 2019.
marketplace, because they are more applicable at the moment,” said Yoga 5 Interview Of Denny Vissaro With Stig Sollund, Https://News.Ddtc.Co.Id/
to Bisnis, Sunday (4/2/2018). Tantangan-Pajak-Digital-Perlu-Solusi-Jangka-Panjang-12347, Accessed
2 Summary of the interview by katadata.co.id with the General Head of On January 20, 2019.
Asosiasi E-Commerce Indonesia (idEA), Ersyah Marinto uploaded on 6 Cited From OECD Brief On The Tax Challenges Arising From
February 7, 2018. Digitalization: Interim Report 2018.
188 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 10 • Issue 2 • 2020
Tambunan, et al.: Taxing Digital Economy through Online Marketplace in Indonesia
1. Digitalization of business model has a close relationship to 4. There are different opinions on how much transformation is
the value creation. Therefore, the intangible property aspect required in the tax system related to the transaction activities
becomes very important due to its impact to the ability to between jurisdictions, particularly in respond to the incompatible
generate income in a jurisdiction without the physical presence regulations between jurisdictions regarding taxation on profit at
(scale without mass). Moreover, the availability of the data the place10 where value creation took place. Therefore, changes
and user participation has also become crucial. Therefore, the on system are required to accommodate profit allocation or
concept of value creation needs to be discussed thoroughly. nexus that consider the role of data and users participation.
Business models will keep growing, but here we only cover Some countries put emphasis on the high dependency to the
4 digital business models, i.e. (i) multi-sided platform (Uber, knowledge-based capital and the needs in changing the definition
Airbnb, Facebook, Google, etc.), (ii) resellers (Alibaba, Spotify, of permanent establishment, while other countries have different
Amazone e-commerce), (iii) vertically integrated firms (Xiaomi, opinions that refuse fundamental changes.
Netflix, etc.), (iv) input supplier (Intel, Tsinghua Unigroup). 5. Several elements should be considered in the global consensus
2. There is growing implementation of BEPS Package related to the context, i.e. (i) refers to the Double Tax Agreement (DTA)
digital economy7, with emphasis on (i) prevention of permanent principle and World Trade Organization (WTO), (ii) targeted
establishment (PE) status (ii) insurance on the implementation of and not valid for general public (iii) does not lead to excessive
value creation on transfer pricing regulation, (iii) special attention tax burden (iv) no destructive impacts to the start-up, and
is required to the Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) regulation (v) does not increase compliance cost burden and other new
and the needs to discuss the development of Multilateral complications.
Instrument. In this report, OECD stated that the decrease in tax 6. There is equal tax treatment to ensure no particular tax regime
avoidance practices cannot be measured, due to the presence of a special business model and no negative impacts on various
of BEPS Action Plan initiation, particularly related to closing sharing economic activities.
the gap for tax avoidance by digital merchant. The success in
minimizing tax avoidance depends on the commitment of each Sollund (2018) stated that the report does not include or has not
country in implementing regulation on permanent establishment reached to the agreement on how countries should tax digital industry
(PE) presence status avoidance8. Several options of regulations
in the short and long-term periods11. It needs to emphasize that short-
on permanent establishment avoidance that can be selected
term solution is not a reliable choice because digital business is very
include: (i) performing modification on permanent establishment
dynamic and will likely to develop further rapidly. Due to the facts
threshold with the significant economic presence test or by
and potentials mentioned, the application of long-term solution is
expanding the scope of fixed place of business definition for
very crucial but difficult to reach, as it requires mutual agreement12.
digital platform, (ii) unilateral action through withholding tax
mechanism, by expanding the scope of withholding tax or
In regards to the development of digital business, each country
royalty or adopting withholding tax on cost of technical services,
has several variants of taxation issues on the economic activities,
(iii) special tax regulation to target multinational companies,
as a result of different business development. The mutual
such as diverted profit tax in The UK9, Multinational Anti-
problem selection and formulation also become another task
Avoidance Law in Australia and Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax/
BEAT in the United States. to be solved. There is possibility for each country to have tax
3. The interim report also provides investigation on various regulation preferences, for example when related to cross-country
domestic tax regulations that has been implemented in various transaction, there is an option to change the general regulation of
countries since 2015, related to the tax imposition on cross- the tax regulation, following the development of digital economic
jurisdiction digital economic activities. The regulations are activities or to organize the ring-fence (to form a special regulation)
categorized into four main parts, i.e.: (i) domestic regulation, of the digital economic activities.
which covers protection aspect as well as expansion of tax
basis in the buyers or users location, (ii) the large proportion 3.1. Current Policy of Taxing Digital Economy in
of the regulation design uses elements related to the market Indonesia
as the tax basis, for example: selling, consumption location, In general, the government of Indonesia has realized the rapid
(iii) final turnover tax with equalization levy, advertisement development of e-commerce activities, thus there is a requirement
tax and even tax on audio-visual content distribution activities
10 Indian Equalization Levy has been enforced, legal sourced through the
(iv) the regulation reflects dissatisfaction of profit distribution domestic regulation, see Deloitte. (2016), Equlization Levy 2016, Is it
model of the currently applicable international tax system. Equitable? India: Deloitte, Mehta, A. (2017), Is the Equalization Levy
Compatible with India’s Existing Tax Treaty Network? White Paper 1,
7 OECD (2015), Addressing the Tax Challenges on the Digital Economy, India International Tax., Mohanti, C.A.R. (2016), Overview and Practical
Action 1 2015 Final Report. Aspect of Equalization Levy. India: Ernst and Young.
8 Ganesh (2016), Equalization Levy Applicability of Non-Discrimination 11 Cited from Denny Vissaro’s interview with Stig Sollund, the member of
Rules in International Agreements, Report of CBDT Committee on the United Nations of Expert on Interim Report Tax Challenges Arising
Taxation of E-Commerce, published by Journal of the Chamber of Tax from Digitalization, retrieved from Https://News.Ddtc.Co.Id/Tantangan-
Consultants. Pajak-Digital-Perlu-Solusi-Jangka-Panjang-12347, Accessed On January
9 Backer (2015), Diverted Profit Tax, UK Development Update, January 20, 2019.
2015; Ernst and Young. (2014), UK Releases Details Regarding Diverted 12 Cited from Denny Vissaro’s interview with Stig Sollund, the member of the
Profit Tax, Global Tax Alert December. London, United Kingdom: Ernst United Nations of Expert on Interim Report Tax Challenges Arising from
and Young. Digitalization.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 10 • Issue 2 • 2020 189
Tambunan, et al.: Taxing Digital Economy through Online Marketplace in Indonesia
for a comprehensive regulation related to rights and obligations as communication provider, electronic publications, electronic
fulfilment similar to other business entities. The release of offers, electronic transaction application provider, service and
Presidential Regulation No. 74/2017 indicates the government’s payment application system provider, and service and shipping
attention to support acceleration and development of national application system provider (pajak.go.id, 2014).
trade on electronic basis (e-commerce), start-up, and logistic
acceleration by creating an integrated e-commerce Road Map Furthermore, related to the compliance of the tax regulation,
that is called as Sistem Perdagangan Nasional Berbasis Elektronik it is also described that transaction by using e-commerce will
2017-2019 (SPNBE). The road map covers several aspects, be taxed according to the applicable law. In the tax context,
such as budgeting, taxation, consumer protection, education and the Indonesian tax authority explains that tax imposition on
human resource, infrastructure, communication, logistics and e-commerce transactions is more likely common procedural taxing
cyber security. activities rather than imposing a new type of tax. Therefore, the
taxation treatment of the e-commerce will be the same as for
It is also emphasized that SPNBE 2017-2019 as the foundation other trading activities, without any special tax regulation for
for the central and regional governments to set the sectoral e-commerce. In addition, Indonesian Value Added Tax regulation
regulation and plan for acceleration of national e-commerce also classifies e-commerce activities into 4 categories despite the
system. Moreover, this document also becomes the foundation for rapid development of the e-commerce. This classification into
stakeholders to run the e-commerce system. Before the released only 4 categories is made for easier choices on classifying types
of this guideline, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of business and simplicity for the purpose of their tax obligation
(2016) classifies e-commerce activities into 3 categories for easier fulfilment, although it signifies a over-simplification.
monitoring activities, i.e. (i) start-up or infant business, (ii) small
and medium enterprises (UKM) and (iii) established. Since the release of this regulation (SE-62) in 2013, there is no
revision or addition category into that current 4 types of digital
Previously, the Ministry of Trade also regulated the trade activities, economy classification (Table 1).
including e-commerce under Law No. 7/2014 on Commerce. The
regulation was aimed to educate people to understand the same 4. TAX POLICY CHALLENGES ON
trading concept by using electronic system (PMSE)13, to protect
and provide insurance for merchants, PMSE administrators
and consumer. Law on Commerce (UU Perdagangan) defined
The Government of Indonesia’s aim to impose tax on e-commerce
PMSE as commerce where the transaction is made through a
actors, including those who own the application, does not
set of hardware and electronic procedures. The types of PMSE
necessarily mean to define a new tax object as a new base to levy
businessmen include merchant, e-commerce operator (PPSE) such
tax, since only the way of doing the transaction is different from
13 PSME stands for Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik, translated into
conventional to electronic means. For the government, the content
English as Trading by Using Electronic System, is mentioned in Indonesia of current tax policy (material tax regulation) seem has sufficient,
e-commerce Road Map the shifting of economic vehicle mode from conventional into
190 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 10 • Issue 2 • 2020
Tambunan, et al.: Taxing Digital Economy through Online Marketplace in Indonesia
digital ones has made the tax administration works becoming far additional task to collect tax is also risky, particularly for
more complicated to find the appropriate balance between treat the marketplace as the withholder who could make an error
the firm on the similar tax burden among modes of business and during the tax collection, thus leading to various sanctions for
keep the them grow on digital environment, as following Sollund’s them. This will lead to the high compliance cost for collecting
(2018) thought the tax regulation should avoid any action that will Final Tax.
wipe out the digital business entities. 3. Marketplace will have to pay more for human resources for
tax collection activities, which is not their main core business.
In 2018, Minister of Finance released Ministry of Finance Meanwhile, most of the marketplaces in Indonesia are start-up
Regulation No. 210/PMK.010/2018 (PMK-210) concerning Tax companies with limited capital and relatively small profit.
Treatment of e-Commerce. In this regulation, the marketplace 4. From the fairness perspective, the online marketplace
platform has to fulfil their obligation as taxable enterprise, it means businessmen stated that the government is too partial in
it has to withhold and collect the tax from the users of their services imposing tax to the online marketplace. A survey conducted
following the tax provision. The marketplace platform also has to by IdEA to 1.800 respondents from 11 cities, reveals that
report the recapitulation of transaction performed by the buyers 46% business actors choose Facebook as the place for their
and sellers through their platform and report them periodically online trading. There is also 5% who prefers Instagram to
to the tax authority. Besides those administrative works, the trade. Around 11% respondents use both Facebook and
government also engaged the marketplace to withhold the tax of Instagram simultaneously to trade online. Only 16% sellers
transaction (between the merchants and buyers) undertaken on use online marketplace platform, which means the non-online
their space by using gross basis then remit the collected tax to marketplace are still large and the sellers who choose these
the government account. In addition, for merchants who use the social media are still not subject to tax as the government
services of marketplace platform has to registered as taxpayer has not yet provided the instrument to alleviate the issues.
and was obliged to submit their personal identification number E-commerce marketplace model is only one of many
to marketplace. transaction means. The regulation should be applicable to
all transaction means available in the market at the moment,
Following the PMK-210 initiative, the government also released without differing one way to another to ensure better and more
the regulation mentioned that tax imposition on e-commerce is progressive e-commerce industry growth.
subject to 0.5 % Final Income Tax (PPh) of the business circulation 5. In reality, a merchant is often registered in several online
for merchant with less than IDR 4.8 billion turnover per year marketplaces.
regardless the mode of business effective from July 1, 2018 6. There is possibility that if the government imposes tax through
through the stipulation of Government Regulation No. 23 year online marketplace, the sellers will move out from the media
2018. It seems, even though the regulation mentioned “regardless and shift to the social media while the online marketplace
the mode of business,” the lucrative rate is intended to tax start-up businessman has put a large investment to build and maintain
merchants taking place in market place platform14, since this tax their business. This will probably happen despite the fact that
rate is lower to the tax imposed on conventional business before. there are facilities and simplicity received by sellers if they
The issue of taxing digital economy raised with former taxing do their business in online marketplace, where up to 79% of
rate 1% final on gross basis as stated on Government Regulation total sellers in online marketplace platform are new business
No. 46 year 2013. actors.
By releasing these regulation simultaneously, it is expected that Others also stated that the imposition of Value Added Tax could
tax collecting will be a lot easier for the government and the be done based on payment gateway where the price paid already
decrease in tax rate will also boost competitiveness in the business. includes the consumer’s Value Added Tax obligation. Moreover,
Based on documentation study and interview with the relevant other opinion also states that the shipping service business actors
stakeholders, various responses and arguments to this put forward could take the role as collector. However, there is a concern that this
by the business actors specifically on the plan of engaging online also will create a new problem if the delivery is made by cash on
marketplace as withholder, are as follows15: delivery transaction. Furthermore, the administration cost will also
1. Basically, the collection by withholding is already popular be too high for the courier due to their new responsibility as collector.
in Indonesia. However, marketplaces as the withholder who
merely provide media for business are not included in the On the other hand, DJP also faces various obstacles. Indonesian
withholder category. This new proposed role is not formally taxation system which implement self-assessment, instructed that
categorized as the withholder on prevailing law and similarly tax reporting should be considered valid, the assessment of any
has violate the ideal withholding tax concept. mistakes could be performed if new information or data is found.
2. A marketplace media, if they are obliged to collect taxes from Moreover, DJP also requires valid comparison data from business
a great number of sellers where a marketplace could have 2.6 actors for consideration in decision making or setting updated
millions sellers, will impose a high cost for collection. This tax regulation. The last argument related to the regulation on
confidentiality of consumers data and customers becomes another
14 https://investor.id/archive/ekonomi-digital-masa-depan-ekonomi-dan-
challenge in making the regulation. To this moment, discussion
15 This information was based on discussion with Ministerial Expert Staf to on e-commerce taxation is still growing and the government has
Coordinating Ministry of Economic Indonesia in Depok, May 2018 not made decision on the issue.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 10 • Issue 2 • 2020 191
Tambunan, et al.: Taxing Digital Economy through Online Marketplace in Indonesia
Until the end of 2018, this policy was seem against by interest party object which taxation is different to other common object. Taxing
and digital related-business. In the beginning of 2019, Indonesia business by using the hard-to-tax system with a new adjusted
Service Dialogue (ISD) arranged the discussion between online rate, provides government with new additional revenue from the
marketplace business, merchants and tax authority to find the potential tax objects without incurring large cost of collection. The
balance on the existing withholding policy. Several notes gathered benefit also received by the business actors who are facilitated to
from that discussion16: fulfil their obligations without being imposed by high compliance
1. Online marketplace business noticed after the arranged cost. For the current short-term solution, what the government
dialogue that the imposition of tax on merchant is not a new made seems follow the global consensus proposal, regardless
tax object. The protests proposed by the online marketplaces the heat debates come from the actors. At the moment, if the
business were due to unclear mechanism of fulfilment of tax government still plan to engage the marketplace as withholder for
obligation about to what extent they have to take a part on the online merchants, the government tasks could be diverted to
collecting tax on each transaction between merchants and the level on how to compensate the marketplace businessmen who
buyers. In addition, there was not sufficient dialogue between have been appointed to collect and remit the tax. Other additional
related party before the release of PMK-210. task is how to tax the business actors outside the marketplaces
2. Online marketplace stated that before the release of regulation, who have the same amount of turnover with the business actors
the socialization of policy has not publicly known. The SMEs in the marketplace.
were obliged to registered as taxpayer and got taxpayer
identification number without sufficient information the REFERENCES
benefit of becoming taxpayer. If the government was able to
explain the current benefit of having tax identification numbers Backer, M. (2015), Diverted Profit Tax, UK Development Update,
such as; eligible to involve on exhibitions organized by the January 2015.
government, eligible to apply for grant from state owned Circular Letter No. SE-62/PJ. (2013), (SE-62) on Confirmation of
enterprises bank, the merchants would tend to have voluntary Taxation Regulation on E-commerce Transactions.
willingness register as taxpayer. Deloitte. (2016), Equlization Levy 2016, Is it Equitable? India: Deloitte.
3. Knowing clearly that the tax rate imposed on their annual Ernst and Young. (2014), UK Releases Details Regarding Diverted Profit
turnover was only 0.5%, the merchants would not object that Tax, Global Tax Alert December. London, United Kingdom: Ernst
tax obligation, since the tax rate has been quite moderate and and Young.
it would not significantly disturb their business. However, the Ganesh, R. (2016), Equalization Levy Applicability of Non-Discrimination
Rules in International Agreements, Report of CBDT Committee on
merchant proposed that the government has to establish clear
Taxation of E-Commerce, published by Journal of the Chamber of
mechanism on how to fulfil the obligation with minimum Tax Consultants.
administrative cost. Government Regulation No. 46. (2013), Concerning Income Tax on
Specific Business on Certain Turnover.
As the result of the dialogue, for the short term solution, the Kadet, J.M. (2017), Submission Concerning Tax Challenges of
tax authority postpone the withholding mechanism undertaken Digitalization, Task Force on the Digital Economy. Washington,
by online marketplace. For the next short period of time, the DC: University of Washington.
government would have socialized the mechanism of tax liability Mehta, A. (2017), Is the Equalization Levy Compatible with India’s
fulfilment for the merchants, but the decision of paying tax liability Existing Tax Treaty Network? White Paper 1, India International Tax.
0.5% on final basis has been decisive. Mohanti, C.A.R. (2016), Overview and Practical Aspect of Equalization
Levy. India: Ernst and Young.
OECD. (2015), Addressing the Tax Challenges on the Digital Economy,
5. CONCLUSION Action 1 2015 Final Report.
OECD. (2018), OECD Brief on the Tax Challenges Arising from
Looking back at the recommendation of international institutions, Digitalization: Interim Report 2018, Law No.7/2014 on Commerce.
the choices to impose final tax could be considered as the solution. Presidential Regulation No. 74. (2017), Concerning Road Map
For developing countries, this sector is a part of hard-to-tax e-Commerce Year 2017-2019.
Sollund, S. (2018), Tantangan Pajak Digital Perlu Solusi Jangka Panjang,
16 This information is based on indept interview with Indonesia Service Interview by Denny Visaro. Available from: https://www.news.ddtc.
Dialogue (ISD). Thanks to Anika Widiana, Trade Analyst and Government co.id/tantangan-pajak-digital-perlu-solusi-jangka-panjang-12347.
Relations in Indonesia Services Dialogue (ISD) Council. [Last accessed on 2019 Jan 09].
192 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 10 • Issue 2 • 2020
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