Summer Reading Packets-1
Summer Reading Packets-1
Summer Reading Packets-1
A Note on Plagiarism
ALL assignments in this packet are to be completed in your own words. If any section
of this assignment was taken from a source other than yourself without the proper credit, it
will be considered plagiarism. The packet will immediately be sent to the Deans’ Office
where the proper disciplinary procedures will be in effect.
You must cite any quotes taken from research or the novel at all times throughout this
1.If the quote was taken from the novel:
1.Include the author’s last name, the title of the novel, and the page number.
2.If the quote was taken from research:
1.Include the web article’s title, the date of publication, the article’s author’s name,
and the name of the website.
What is considered plagiarism?
Using any and all sources other than your own mind to write a response.
All of the assignments in this packet are geared towards helping you understand the novel in
depth and independently. As you read the summer reading novel, have your packet with you.
The sections in this packet must be completed in order as you read the novel. The summer
reading packets will be collected the first day of class for a grade, and the assignments will be
reviewed with the students the first week of school. Students will be tested on the reading
material when the teacher feels the class should be ready to finish the summer reading unit.
Read and sign the Honor Code. By signing the Honor Code, you acknowledge that you
understand our plagiarism policy as delineated in the school’s handbook and you state that the
work turned in is not plagiarized.
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”
Assignment 1: The Author
In order to understand several aspects of a novel, such as the author’s intention and the actions in
the plot, you must learn about the author’s life and time period in which the novel was written (or
written about).
In bullet points, jot down notes about your research of the novel’s author:
_________________________________ (Author’s Name)
When you have completed your research and the bulleted list, you will be better prepared to
understand the novel and to begin the research paper process.
Assignment 2: Expanding Vocabulary
As you read the novel, highlight any vocabulary words that you do not understand. Write the
words and define them in the space below. Then, copy the sentence where the vocabulary word
was used, and explain how the word was used.
As you read the novel, list symbolic objects and images you come across. This exercise also
serves as practice for your research papers.
Chapter &
Page #
in scene
Key words
from the
scene that
indicate tone
How would the story change if the point of view were different? Do you think it would be better
or worse? Explain your thoughts.
Assignment 5: Heroes and Heroines
As you reach the halfway point of the novel, discuss what challenges the hero or heroine has had
to overcome so far, or will have to overcome in the upcoming chapters.
For the challenges he or she has already overcome, how did he or she get through it?
For the challenges he or she will have to face, what do you think he or she will have to do to get
through it?
Assignment 6: What’s the Agenda?
sing the main
n who is actively oppo
What conflict and personal agenda Antagonist: the perso main ch aracter from
perso n is stopping the
motivate the antagonist(s) of this story? character. Th is necessarily evil,
als. Antagonists aren’t
achieving his or her go portrayed as such.
For this character, do the ends justify antagonists have been
though many literary
the means? If he or she gets what he or of a particular
rly ing intentions or motives
Agen da : the un de does something.
she wants, will it satisfy him or her? l reason why a person
person or group; the rea
Assignment 7: The Protagonist
The protagonist of any story is the main character. This person always has a specific goal he or
she wants to accomplish by the end of the story. The chart below focuses on the main character’s
personality as seen through multiple perspectives. Complete the chart below using your novel
and your own thoughts.
Write what the protagonist says Write what other characters say
and thinks about him/herself. and think about the main character.
Event 3
Event 2
Event 1
The falling action, or resolution, is what took place after the climax of the story. Once the
character made his or her choice and stuck to it, what happened next? For each of the characters
in your novel, write what happened, or what will happen, as a result of the climax in the story.
Assignment 11: And the Winner is...
Who was your favorite character? What was it you liked about this character? What qualities,
characteristics, and traits do you share with this character? What makes you both different?
Describe someone you know who also has these characteristics.
Assignment 12: The Book Club
When you return to school, your literature class will become a “book club”. Along with your
teacher, students will discuss all aspects of the book, everything from things you may not have
understood to things you truly enjoyed about the book. In the space provided, write three open-
ended questions you want to ask your class and your teacher about this book. An open-ended
question is a question that requires discussion, not a “yes” or “no” question.
Here is an example of an open-ended question: What do you think was the most important event
in the main character’s quest for freedom?
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________