BS 3125 1959 Mast Hoist

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Amendment No. 1

Specification for

Power-driven mast
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

hoists for materials

BS 3125:1959

Co-operating organizations

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Standards Committee, under whose

supervision this British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives
from the following Government departments and scientific and industrial

Admiralty High Commission of India

Air Ministry Institute of Marine Engineers
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Associated Offices’ Technical Committee* Institute of Petroleum

Association of Consulting Engineers Institution of Civil Engineers
(Incorporated) Institution of Gas Engineers
British Chemical Plant Manufacturers’ Institution of Heating and Ventilating
Association Engineers
British Compressed Air Society Institution of Mechanical Engineers
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Association (Automobile Division)
British Engineers’ Association Institution of Production Engineers
British Gear Manufacturers’ Association Locomotive and Allied Manufacturers’
British Internal Combustion Engine Association of Great Britain
Manufacturers’ Association Machine Tool Trades Association
British Iron and Steel Federation Ministry of Labour and National Service
British Railways, The British Transport (Factory Inspectorate)*
Commission Ministry of Power
Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Ministry of Supply
Administrations Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation
D.S.I.R. — National Engineering Laboratory Ministry of Works*
Electricity Council, The Generating Boards and National Coal Board
the Area Boards for England and Wales National Physical Laboratory (D.S.I.R.)
Engineering Equipment Users’ Association Radio Industry Council
Gas Council War Office

The Government departments and industrial organization marked with an

asterisk in the above list, together with the following, were directly
represented on the Committee entrusted with the preparation of this standard:

Aluminium Development Association Federation of Manufacturers of

An individual manufacturer Contractors Plant
Contractors Plant Association Federation of Master Builders
D.S.I.R. — Building Research National Federation of Building Trades
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors Employers

This British Standard, having

been approved by the
Mechanical Engineering
Industry Standards
Committee and endorsed by
the Chairman of the Engineering
Divisional Council, was
published under the authority
of the General Council on
4 June 1959 Amendments issued since publication
© BSI 10-1999
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

The following BSI references 4967 July 1963 Indicated by a sideline in the margin
relate to the work on this
Committee reference MEE/106
Draft for comment
CX(MEE) 4521

ISBN 0 580 35517 9

BS 3125:1959


Co-operating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Information to be supplied to the manufacturer 1
3 Materials and equipment 1
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4 Safe working load 1

5 Design requirements 1
6 Type test 1
7 Fusion welding 1
8 Rivets and bolts 1
9 Bolts and set screws (other than those used in
the hoist-mast structure) 3
10 Wire ropes 3
11 Rope drums 3
12 Rope pulleys 3
13 Gearing and drive 3
14 V-belt drives 3
15 Rotating and fixed shafts and axles 3
16 Keys and keyways 3
17 Friction drives 3
18 Guarding 4
19 Brakes 4
20 Controls 4
21 Safety devices for platforms 5
22 Internal combustion engines 5
23 Electric motors 5
24 Control gear 5
25 Cables and wiring 5
26 Conduit 5
27 Earthing 5
28 Testing 5
29 Painting 6
Appendix A Information to be supplied by manufacturer 7
Appendix B List of British Standards for materials and equipment
to be used in the manufacture of hoists 8
Appendix C 11
Appendix D Legislation affecting power-driven mast hoists for
materials when used for building operations in the United Kingdom 12
Figure 1 — Uniform loading 2
Figure 2 — Eccentric loading 2
Figure 2 — Platform hoist 12
Figure 3 — Mobile platform hoist 13

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BS 3125:1959


This standard makes reference to the following British Standards which are
numbered in italics in Appendix B.

The object of this British Standard is to specify the minimum requirements

necessary to ensure safety and reliability of power-driven mast hoists for
builders, without restricting the freedom of designers of mast hoists to produce
hoists suitable for particular purposes.
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The appendices give additional information. Appendix A gives particulars to be

supplied by the manufacturer so that the user can obtain the best service from his
equipment. Appendix B gives a list of British Standards covering materials and
equipment to be used in the manufacture of hoists, and Appendix C describes the
method of inscribing the identification particulars, including the load capacity, on
the travelling carriage and on the winch. Appendix D gives a list of statutory
requirements that have to be considered in connection with builders’ hoists
operated in the United Kingdom.
NOTE Where metric equivalents have been given, the figures in British units are to be regarded as
standard. The metric conversions are approximate. More accurate conversions should be based on the
tables in BS 350,“Conversion factors and tables.”
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 13 and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

ii © BSI 10-1999
BS 3125:1959

1 Scope ii) Mobile hoists. Mobile hoists and hoists

unsupported by other structures shall be
This British Standard specifies requirements for a
designed to be stable when carrying on the
non-passenger power-driven hoist not
platform, with the platform at any position on
exceeding 50 cwt capacity, for temporary use on
the mast, a load at least 50 per cent greater than
construction work, in which a platform for lifting the safe working load, with the mast structure
materials is supported and guided by a mast. one in forty out of vertical.
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2 Information to be supplied to the b) Other structural members. Structural

manufacturer members other than masts shall be designed in
accordance with BS 2573,1) using a duty factor
The manufacturer shall supply with the tender the of 0.95 and an impact factor of 1.2.
particulars regarding the construction of the hoist
given in Appendix A. 6 Type test
3 Materials and equipment A prototype of each new design of mast hoist shall be
subjected to the following test loads. With each load
The materials and equipment used in the the platform shall be raised and lowered over the
construction of the hoist shall comply with the whole effective length of the mast if it is in one piece,
appropriate British Standard given in Appendix B. or over two sections if the mast is in sections. The
The materials used in load bearing members of the mast hoist and structure shall suffer no permanent
structure of the hoist shall comply with the distortion.
British Standards given in Appendix B. Test loads. i) A load of magnitude appropriate to
Other materials and equipment shall comply, where the safe working load, as shown in Figure 1,
applicable, with the British Standards set out uniformly distributed over the whole area of the
in Appendix B. platform.
ii) A load of magnitude appropriate to the safe
4 Safe working load working load, as shown in Figure 2, uniformly
The safe working load is the maximum working load distributed over one half of the area of the
which the hoist is designed to carry in service, platform to one side of the mast.
including everything added to the platform by the
manufacturers. 7 Fusion welding
Because components of different hoists will be Steel parts may be joined by fusion welding
interchangeable all the components listed provided the welding is in accordance with the
in Appendix C shall be legibly and permanently appropriate British Standards (see Appendix B).
marked with the safe working load of the hoist for The design shall be such that the maximum
which they were designed. permissible stresses in welds do not exceed those
given in BS 2573.1)
5 Design requirements
8 Rivets and bolts
a) Masts. i) General. The mast, and mast
sections, shall be designed so that, with the The distance between centres of rivets in stress
points of attachment spaced as specified by the bearing parts shall be not less than 2" times the
manufacturer, or closer, it is capable of diameter of the rivet and shall not exceed sixteen
withstanding all stresses or combinations of times the thickness of the thinnest outside plate or
stresses when working at its safe working load. angle, except in built-up compression members,
The mast shall also be capable of withstanding where the pitch shall not exceed twelve times the
the test loads as specified in Clause 6. thickness of the thinnest outside plate or angle.
The manufacturer shall state the greatest height Where two lines of staggered riveting are used in
of mast which may safely extend above the top the same angle or flange, the maximum distance
supporting attachment. between the rivets on each line may be taken as one
and one-half times those given above.
Arrangements shall be made, as far as possible,
to prevent the rope being caught up in the mast

BS 2573,“Permissible stresses in cranes.” Part 1: “Structures”.

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BS 3125:1959
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Figure 1 — Uniform loading

Figure 2 — Eccentric loading

2 © BSI 10-1999
BS 3125:1959

The distance between the centres of rivets and the 12 Rope pulleys
sheared edge of plates shall be not less than one and
It is recommended that rope pulleys have a
three-quarter times the diameter of rivet, and
diameter of not less than sixteen times the diameter
between the centre of the rivet and a rolled or
of the rope. Pulleys shall be grooved to a depth equal
planed edge shall be not less than one and one-half
times the diameter of the rivet. to one and a half times the diameter of the rope. The
contour of the bottom of the groove shall be circular
Holes for rivets and bolts shall be accurately drilled,
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over an angle of 120°. The radius of this part of the

and all arrises and burrs shall be removed from the groove shall be larger than the radius of the rope by
holes before assembling. at least 5 per cent. Grooving shall be finished
The diameters of holes for rivets and black bolts smoothly and shall be free from surface defects
shall not exceed the diameter of the rivets under the liable to injure the rope. The included angle shall be
head, or the diameter of the bolts, by more approximately 52°.
than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm). The diameter of holes for Pulleys carrying ropes that are periodically
precision bolts shall not exceed the bolt shank unloaded shall be provided with guards to retain the
diameter by more than 1/64 in. (0.4 mm). No rivet ropes in the grooves.
shall be used to withstand a tensile load.
13 Gearing and drive
9 Bolts and set screws (other than
those used in the hoist-mast structure) All gearing shall comply with the appropriate
British Standard as follows:
Bolts and set screws, except set screws used for
BS 436, “Helical and straight spur gears”. Class C.
adjusting the positions of components, shall be
locked. BS 545, “Bevel gears”. Class C.
BS 721, “Worm gears”. Class C
10 Wire ropes Chains and chain wheels shall be in accordance with
The hoisting ropes shall be of 6 × 19 or 6 × 24 BS 2947, “Steel roller chains for agricultural and
or 6 × 37 construction and shall comply with similar machinery.”
BS 302 & BS 621,“Steel wire ropes for cranes,
excavators and general engineering purposes”. The 14 V-belt drives
breaking load of the lifting rope shall be not less V-belt drives, where fitted, shall be in accordance
than six times the safe working load of the hoist. with BS 1440, “Endless V-belt drives for industrial
Arrangements entailing reverse bends shall be purposes”.
avoided as far as possible.
Rope connectors shall be in accordance with the 15 Rotating and fixed shafts and axles
standards listed in Appendix B.5. Shafts and axles shall have ample strength and
rigidity and adequate bearing surface for their
11 Rope drums purpose. They shall be finished smoothly and, where
It is recommended that rope drums have a diameter shouldered, shall be provided with fillets of as large
of not less than sixteen times the diameter of the a radius as practicable.
rope. Drums shall be flanged at both ends and, when
the rope is fully wound on the drum, the flanges 16 Keys and keyways
shall project beyond the rope the equivalent of three Keys and keyways shall comply with BS 46-1,“Keys
rope diameters, and in any case, and keyways”, and the bottom corners of the
at least 1 in. (25.4 mm). keyways shall be radiused.
It is recommended that arrangements be made to Keys shall be so fitted or secured that they cannot
keep the rope in tension at all times and to ensure work loose.
that it is properly reeved on the drum.
If the rope is wound on the drum in more than one 17 Friction drives
layer the anchorage shall be located clear of the Friction drives shall be capable of transmitting a
winding; preferably outside the flange. The rope torque 50 per cent greater than the torque
anchorage shall be easily accessible. There shall be transmitted when the winch is lifting its safe
not less than two dead turns of rope at the anchor working load applied as a direct pull on the drum at
end in addition to the length of rope required for the the appropriate speed.
specified lift.
The lead angle of the rope shall not exceed 1 in 12.

© BSI 10-1999 3
BS 3125:1959

18 Guarding The design shall be such that, when the winch

control is released, the brake or brakes
Effective guards shall be provided for gear wheels,
automatically apply a restraining torque not less
belt and chain drives, revolving shafts, fly-wheels,
than the above. The operating arrangements shall
couplings, collars, projecting set screws, and bolts or
be such that the brake cannot be accidentally
keys on any revolving shaft, wheel or pinion, unless released.
those parts are made safe by design or by position or
Springs for applying the brakes shall be of the
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are effectively guarded by parts of the structure.

compression type and their design stress shall not
NOTE In Appendix D reference is made to statutory obligations
affecting power-driven mast hoists for materials when used for exceed 80 per cent of the torsional elastic limit of the
building operations in the U.K. material.
Design. a) Fixed guards. Guards may be of sheet The stresses in any part of the brake construction,
metal, perforated or expanded metal, wire mesh, while such restraining torque is being exerted, shall
wood, pressed fibre or other suitable material and not exceed one-half of those allowed for the
shall completely encase the parts concerned. Guards materials used.
shall be designed to allow for routine inspection and Brake weights shall be securely attached to their
maintenance work. levers.
Guards shall be substantially constructed to The wearing surface of all brake drums or wheels
withstand the atmospheric conditions in the shall be machined and shall be smooth and free from
situation in which they are to be used and shall be defects. Brake blocks and linings shall be protected
sufficiently rigid to resist distortion. from lubricant and water as far as practicable.
Guards shall be securely attached to fixed supports. Brake linings shall be effectively secure. Brakes
i) Thickness. The thickness of metal guards shall shall be provided with a simple and easily accessible
be not less than 18 S.W.G. (0.048 in.) (1.2 mm) device to compensate for the wear of the linings.
and of wooden guards not less NOTE The Building (Safety, Health and Welfare)
than 3/4 in. (19 mm). Regulations, 1948, require:
a) Winches to be provided with efficient brakes
ii) Size of opening and clearance. The minimum [Regulation 40 (1)].
clearance between the guard and the moving b) Winches for the operation of hoists to be constructed so that
parts, and the size of opening in guards or the brake is applied automatically if the control is released
(Regulation 68).
perforated metal, woven, wire, metal lattice or
similar material shall be in accordance with the
20 Controls
following requirements:
Winches used with mast hoists shall be designed so
Minimum that if remote control is used it can be effected by
Size of opening clearance from means of a hand-rope, provided that the release of
moving parts
the hand-rope immediately and automatically
in. in. causes the winch brakes to be applied. This
control-rope shall be employed only with load
Not exceeding /8 (9.5 mm)
3 7
/8 (22.2 mm)
sheaves such that the control-rope cannot leave the
Over 3/8 (9.5 mm) up to and 2 (50.8 mm)
sheave and cannot enter between the sheave and
including 1/2 (12.7 mm)
the cheeks.
Over 1/2 (12.7 mm) up to and 4 (101.6 mm)
including 11/4 (31.75 mm) Control levers should be marked to indicate their
Over 11/4 (38.1 mm) up to and 5 (127.0 mm) purpose and method of operation and they should be
including 11/2 (38.1 mm) provided with a locking device to prevent accidental
movement unless they, or the winch, are
NOTE Size of opening means the greatest dimension of the
opening except in the case of slotted material, when the length constructed to prevent such movement.
of the slot may be disregarded if the width does not exceed " in. NOTE The Building (Safety, Health and Welfare)
Regulations, 1948, see Appendix D, require:
a) Control levers to be marked to show their purpose and
19 Brakes method of operation [Regulation 40 (3)].
Hoisting drum brakes shall be designed to exert a b) Control levers to be provided with a locking device to
prevent accidental displacement, unless they are constructed
restraining torque 50 per cent greater than the so as to prevent accidental displacement [Regulation 40 (2)].
torque transmitted from the suspended safe
working load; this does not include the load due to
friction in the transmission details between the
platform and the brake.

4 © BSI 10-1999
BS 3125:1959

21 Safety devices for platforms 25 Cables and wiring

All platforms, whether of cantilever design or Cables shall conform to either
supported between guides, shall be fitted with an BS 7,“Rubber-insulated cables and flexible cords for
efficient automatic device designed to prevent the electric power and lighting”, or BS 2004,“Polyvinyl
platform falling if the hoist rope or any part of the chloride insulated cables and flexible cords for
hoisting gear should fail. electric power and lighting”. The nominal sectional
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All hoists shall be fitted with a device which will area of any cable used for a connection to a motor
automatically prevent the platform over-running shall be not less than 0.004 5 sq. in. (2.9 mm2).
the top of the mast. The size of all cables supplied with the hoist shall be
NOTE The Building (Safety, Health and Welfare) such that the rating of the cable is adequate for the
Regulations, 1948, require the fitting of these devices maximum current to be carried under service
[Regulations 66 (2) and 66 (3)]. conditions.
NOTE 1 For details of current ratings and maximum
22 Internal combustion engines permissible operating conductor temperatures, reference should
Internal combustion engines shall comply with be made to the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of
Buildings issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and if
BS 649, “Diesel engines for general purposes”, or necessary to Electrical Research Association Report F/T 183 . It
BS 765, “Internal combustion engines, spark is strongly recommended that tile electric wiring of hoists should
ignition type”. comply with the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of
Buildings, published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the need in many instances for
23 Electric motors the hoist to comply, after installation, with the Electricity
(Factories Act) Special Regulations. The electrical wiring should
a) Ratings. The ratings and enclosures shall be therefore be such as to facililate compliance with these
selected so that, under the specified service regulations by the user.
conditions, the temperature rise will not exceed
the limits specified in BS 2613 for the class of 26 Conduit
insulation employed.
All cables shall be adequately protected against
NOTE Motors for use in high ambient temperature or at mechanical damage. When metal conduits or
high altitude will require special consideration.
flexible tubes are used, their ends shall be screwed
b) Torque. The pull-out torque of any motor in adequately to prevent ingress of moisture.
supplied at normal voltage shall be not less than
two and a quarter times the rated torque. For out-door hoists cables shall be enclosed
throughout their entire length in conduit or tubing
c) Design and construction. Motors shall be as specified above.
suitable for reversing, frequent acceleration, and
braking. 27 Earthing
d) Mounting. Generators and motors shall be
Provision shall be made for connecting metal
located so that the brushgear and terminals are
conduit or cable guards and the frames of all
readily accessible for inspection and maintenance
electrical equipment to earth.
and so that normal ventilation is not restricted.
e) Terminals. Where practicable 3-phase a.c. 28 Testing
motors shall have each phase- end of the stator
windings brought out to a terminal in the a) Hoist. Before being put into service for the
terminal enclosure. first time the hoist shall be tested with the
platform carrying:
24 Control gear i) the safe working load.
Control gear for all electric motors shall be provided ii) 25 per cent in excess of the safe working
in accordance with BS 587, “Motor starters and load.
controllers”, and switches and isolators shall During the overload test the specified speeds
conform to BS 861 and all electrical equipment need not be attained, but the hoist shall show
installed in accordance with I.E.E. Regulations for itself capable of dealing with the overload.
the Electrical Equipment of Buildings if these are
applicable. Reference should also be made to the
Electricity Regulations (see Appendix D).

© BSI 10-1999 5
BS 3125:1959

b) Safety devices. Safety devices shall be tested 29 Painting

to demonstrate that:
Prior to painting, metal work shall be thoroughly
i) The platform, supported by its lifting rope cleaned and dried and shall be free from welding
and carrying an overload of 25 per cent, is slag, rust, scale and grease.
capable of arresting the descent when the
hoisting rope is either severed or released. The Metal surfaces bolted or riveted together shall be
platform need not be in motion. primed before assembly.
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Paint may be applied by a spray-gun or brush, or by

ii) The automatic device to prevent overrun at
dipping, and at least one priming and one finishing
the top of the mast is effective.
coat shall be applied.
NOTE The requirement that the contract speeds of electric
hoists shall be attained is contingent on the voltage and Paint need not be applied when other forms of
frequency of the electricity supply to the motor being correctly corrosion preventive are used or on
maintained. corrosion-resisting materials.
A certified record of the test figures shall be
supplied to the purchaser and shall be recorded
on the prescribed test certificate,2) which shall
also indicate that the hoist complies with this
c) If the purchaser wishes to have the
requirements of Clause 7 verified, this can be
done by special arrangement with the

2) Form No. 75 under the Building (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations, 1948.

6 © BSI 10-1999
BS 3125:1959

Appendix A Information to be supplied by manufacturer

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© BSI 10-1999 7
BS 3125:1959

Appendix B List of British Standards for materials and equipment to be used in

the manufacture of hoists
(References in italics are referred to in the text)

Hoist detail BS No. and title

1. Materials.
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Iron and steel

Castings, iron, grey 1452 Grey iron castings.
malleable 310 Blackheart malleable iron castings.
whiteheart 309 Whiteheart malleable iron castings.
S.G. 2789 Iron castings with spheroidal or nodular graphite
data on 991 Data on cast iron.
Steel 3100 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes.
Structural steel 15 Structural steel.
548 High-tensile structural steel for bridges, etc. and general
building construction.
968 High-tensile (fusion welding quality) structural steel for
bridges, etc. and general building construction.
Wrought steel 970 Wrought steels. En series.
Steel tubes 1775 Steel tubes for mechanical, structural and general
engineering purposes.
Rivet materials 15 Structural steel.
548 High-tensile structural steel for bridges, etc. and general
building construction.
Steel bars for machine parts 32 Steel bars for the production of machined parts.
Springs, coil and spiral 24 Part 3B. Helical and volute springs and spring steels
1408 Hard drawn steel wire for springs.
1429 Annealed steel wire for oil-hardened and tempered springs.
Shafts and axles, steel 15 Structural steel.
Wrought aluminium alloys
Bars, rods and sections 1476 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Bars, rods and sections.
Rivets 1473 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Rivet, bolt and screw stock for forging.
Plates 1477 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Sheet and strip 1470 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Sheet and strip.
Tubes 1471 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Drawn tube.
1474 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Extruded round tube and hollow sections.
Plates 1477 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Cast aluminium alloys
Castings 1490 Aluminium and aluminium alloy ingots and castings.

8 © BSI 10-1999
BS 3125:1959

Hoist detail BS No. and title

2. Structural details, etc.
Bolts and nuts 1083 Precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts and plain washers.
916 Black bolts, screws and nuts.
1768 Unified, precision, hexagon bolts, screws, nuts (UNC and
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UNF threads) and plain washers — normal series.

1769 Unified, black, hexagon bolts, screws, nuts and plain
washers — heavy series.
Permissible stresses 2573 Permissible stresses in cranes. Part 1: Structures
Rivets (dimensions) 275 Dimensions of rivets (1/2 in. to 13/4 in. diameter).
641 Dimensions of small rivets for general purposes.
Sections, steel 4 Dimensions and properties of channels and beams for
structural purposes.
4A Dimensions and properties of equal angles, unequal angles,
and T bars for structural purposes.
6 Dimensions and properties of bulb angles and bulb plates for
structural purposes.
Sections, aluminium 1161 Aluminium and aluminium alloy sections.
Welding 2642 General requirements for the metal-arc welding of medium
tensile weldable structural steels.
693 Oxy-acetylene welding in mild steel.
938 General requirements for the metal-arc welding of weldable
structural steel tubes.
1856 General requirements for the metal-arc welding of mild steel.
3. Machinery and machinery details.
Bearings, ball and roller 292 Dimensions of ball bearings and parallel-roller bearings.
oil retaining 1131 Part 5: Bronze oil retaining bushes and thrust washers.
Diesel engines 649 Diesel engines for general purposes
Driving chains 2947 Steel roller chains for agricultural and similar machinery
Gearings, spur 436 Machine cut gears.
A. helical and straight spur.
bevel 545 Bevel gears (machine cut).
Worm 721 Machine cut gears.
C. Worm gearing.
I.C. engines 765 Internal combustion engines, spark ignition type
Keys and keyways 46 Part 1: Keys and keyways.
Splines and serrations 2059 Straight-sided splines and serrations.
Taper pins, solid and 46 Part 3: Solid and split taper pins.
Lubricating nipples 1486 Part 1: Lubricating nipples and adaptor.
and adaptor
Screw threads 84 Parallel screw threads of Whitworth form.
1580 Unified screw threads (with metric equivalents).
V-belts 1440 Endless V-belt drives for industrial purposes

© BSI 10-1999 9
BS 3125:1959

Hoist detail BS No. and title

4. Electrical machinery and equipment.
Appliances and 816 Requirements for electrical appliances and accessories.
Cables 7 Rubber insulated cables and flexible cords.
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2004 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables and flexible cords for

electric power and lighting.
Circuit breakers 862 Air-break circuit breakers.
Conduit 31 Steel conduits and fittings for electrical wiring.
Controllers and 587 Motor starter and controllers.
Motors 2613 Electrical performance of rctating electrical machinery.
861 Air-break switches and isolators. Part 1: Switches and
isolators for voltage not exceeding 660 volts and for currents
not exceeding 200 amperes
5. Lifting equipment.
Wire rope terminal 461 Bordeaux connections.
attachments and 462 Bull-dog grips.
wire rope slings 463 Drop-forged sockets for wire ropes for general engineering
464 Thimbles for wire ropes.
643 Capping metal for steel wire ropes.
529 Steel eyebolts.
716 Rigging and stretching screws for general engineering
1290 Wire rope slings and sling legs.
Chain and chain slings 394 Short link wrought iron crane chain (excluding pitched or
calibrated chain).
465 Pitched or calibrated wrought iron load chain.
590 Mild steel chain Grade 30, short link and pitched or
calibrated for lifting purposes
1663 Higher tensile steel chain Grade 40 (short link and pitched or
calibrated) for lifting purposes
781 Wrought iron chain slings and rings, links alternative to
rings egg links and intermediate links.
Hooks 482 Wrought iron and mild steel hooks for cranes, slings, blocks
and general engineering purposes (excluding building
591 Wrought iron and mild steel hooks of the “C” or Liverpool
Shackles 825 Mild steel shackles.
Wire ropes 302 & 621 Round strand steel wire ropes for cranes, excavators and
general engineering purposes.

10 © BSI 10-1999
BS 3125:1959

Appendix C
Components of mast hoists which shall bear permanent and legible inscriptions showing the safe working
loads and alternative pay loads.
1. Winch
In the case of a winch designed primarily for use with mast platform hoists such winch shall bear the
following information inscribed so as to be a permanent and legible indication of the S.W.L. and duty
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provided for in the design.

a) Makers’ winch number and/or identification symbols.
b) S.W.L. of winch applied as direct pull on drum.
2. Travelling carriage or platform
This shall bear a plate with a clearly marked and permanent inscription indicating:



3. Mast sections
Maximum safe working load to be stamped adjacent to one end.

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BS 3125:1959

Appendix D Legislation affecting power-driven mast hoists for materials when

used for building operations in the United Kingdom
Building (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations, 1948, S.I. 1948, No. 1145.
Electricity (Factories Act) Special Regulations, 1944, S.R. & O., 1944, No. 739.
Electricity Regulations, 1908, S.R. & O., 1908, No. 1312.
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Figure 2 — Platform hoist

12 © BSI 10-1999
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

© BSI 10-1999
Figure 3 — Mobile platform hoist

BS 3125:1959
BS 3125:1959

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