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STP OlsarettionBrighouseandRobeyns
STP OlsarettionBrighouseandRobeyns
Measuring Justice
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1 author:
Serena Olsaretti
University Pompeu Fabra
All content following this page was uploaded by Serena Olsaretti on 04 April 2015.
Some contemporary philosophers follow Marx’s lead. See Raymond Geuss, Philos-
ophy and Real Politics (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2008), pp. 76-77.
Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme (1890-91),, p. 11.
22 Book Reviews
The other two are Ronald Dworkin’s equality of resources view (Ronald Dworkin,
Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 2000) and welfarism. Dworkin himself thinks that Sen’s view collapses into
his view or becomes a form of welfarism.
Book Reviews 23
Elizabeth Anderson, “What is the Point of Equality?” Ethics 109 (1999): 287-337.
Book Reviews 25
we leave the two aspects of some capability views just discussed (the
commitment to equality and to an objective standard of well-being) to
one side, it appears that the contrast between the capability view and the
primary social goods approach has been overstated. In his paper in the
volume, Thomas Pogge makes a relentless case for rejecting the received
wisdom according to which a focus on resources is fetishist. According
to Pogge, a duly extended resourcist view can be sensitive to the impact
of variations in social climate, environmental conditions, and personal
attributes on people’s situations, especially once we take into account the
fact that many such variations are the result of social factors—that is, of
institutionally created and sustained inequalities. Many persons’ disabili-
ties, for example, are the result of childhood deprivation, when their nu-
tritional and other basic care needs have gone unmet. The real difference
between the capability and the primary social goods views, Pogge re-
marks, lies in whether inequalities due to natural factors are seen to give
rise to claims of justice. Norman Daniels’s paper strengthens Pogge’s
conclusions. Daniels has made the most systematic and well-worked case
to date for an extension of Rawls’s approach to deal with the case of
health,6 and in his contribution to this volume he helpfully summarizes
that case with an eye to comparing it to the capability approach. Daniels
argues for the importance of securing for everyone fair equality of oppor-
tunity, understood, broadly, as an exercisable opportunity to pursue a
reasonable range of life-plans, and people’s health claims are those
claims to having health-related impediments to one’s fair opportunity
share removed. This extension of Rawls’s theory, Daniels points out,
leads to “convergence, if not identity, between the space of capabilities
and the space of exercisable opportunities” (137).
The contention that the two approaches (or at least certain versions of
them) are less different than they have been assumed to be seems plausi-
ble. Whether this is a point in favor of the primary goods view, as Pogge
claims and as Daniels implies, is not clear, however. Pogge himself notes
that a “list of capabilities is a useful heuristic device in the development
of a resourcist criterion of social justice. It can help us think of all the
personal and public goods and supports that human beings need to flou-
rish fully,” and that “an account of human capabilities can also play an
important evidentiary role. The observed fact that many persons are lack-
ing certain vital functionings may be good reason to revise our resourcist
criterion of social justice” (50). These points bring to view the need, for
any resourcist conception, to adopt, if only implicitly, an account of what
valuable functionings we should secure an opportunity to achieve. Re-
sourcist views and capability views may in the end be closer than we
Norman Daniels, Just Health Care (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985).
26 Book Reviews
think, but that is both because (some) capability views accept some typi-
cally resourcist claims, like those concerning the importance of eschew-
ing appeal to controversial conceptions of well-being, and because
(some) resourcist views accept the typically capabilitist contentions that
what fundamentally matters is securing people with the opportunity to
function well, and that what counts as a fair share of resources depends
on the degree to which their possession and use enable this fundamental
An interesting question that calls for close attention at this point in the
debate is whether the resourcist approach that comes closest to incorpo-
rating the concerns voiced by capability theorists is, rather than a Rawl-
sian one, the one formulated by Ronald Dworkin. Dworkin’s view is
more hospitable than Rawls’s (or at least than an unreconstructed version
of the latter) both to variations between individuals, when assessing what
counts as a fair share of resources, and to a putatively neutral (if highly
abstract) account of well-being as the background for the resourcist view.
The editors of this volume explicitly set aside Dworkin’s view, which
may well be justified by reasons of space, but it is more controversial to
justify this exclusion on the grounds the editors themselves adduce,
namely, that primary social goods and the capability view are “the most
influential two proposals present” (6).
Even when the focus is on Rawls and Sen only, there are two aspects
of the debate between their answers to the “equality of what?” question
that in my view may have deserved more sustained attention than they
receive here. The first concerns a long-standing challenge for capability
theorists, namely, how to weight and rank different capability sets. The
challenge is voiced again in this volume by Pogge, and some responses
to it are briefly formulated by Anderson’s, Arneson’s, and Robeyns’ con-
tributions. Given the centrality of this challenge to the defensibility of the
capability view, it would have been helpful to find in this volume a more
systematic examination of these and other various possible responses that
capability theorists may make. The second aspect of the debate at hand
that the contributions to this volume do not tackle, yet which seems high-
ly important, concerns the emphasis on capabilities, or freedom, and the
related issue of the role of responsibility in a theory of justice. The bulk
of the discussions in this volume assess the merits of looking at what
functionings people are able to achieve, rather than what primary social
goods they have at their disposal. They do not say much about the other
central commitment of the capability view, which is that, in the name of
the value of freedom, people should be guaranteed capabilities to achieve
functionings, which includes not only the freedom to achieve those func-
tionings, but also, controversially, the freedom to forgo the achievement
of those functionings. Nor do contributors to this volume (or contributors
Book Reviews 27
elsewhere, I should add) say much about the merits of the capability ap-
proach’s stance about the importance of holding people responsible for
certain costs of their choices.
As Amartya Sen notes in the chapter that concludes this collection,
there is more to “measuring justice” than the choice of the metric of jus-
tice, and he helpfully offers a discussion of differences between his and
Rawls’s view of justice on matters other than the choice between capa-
bility and primary social goods, also articulated in his most recent work
on justice. Nonetheless, it is a virtue of this collection that it accomplish-
es its focused aim in a rigorous and sustained fashion, and it is a very
valuable contribution of this volume as a whole that it should make both
camps in this debate more reflective about what their distinctive claims
Serena Olsaretti
ICREA, Pompeu Fabra University
University of Cambridge
Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 2012)