KC2633 HackMaster The Mysterious Shrine
KC2633 HackMaster The Mysterious Shrine
KC2633 HackMaster The Mysterious Shrine
addition to Frandor’s Keep, a setting for use has been more vigilant of late. To their great consternation,
with Kenzer and Company’s HackMaster they discovered that a replacement obelisk was erected at the
Basic fantasy roleplaying game. If you shrine site – now secured in place by large wooden stakes
enjoy the material presented here, there around its base. Subsequent reconnoitering of the site revealed
are 144 pages of comparable fun waiting that the pagan offerings – for certainly this is what the bones
for you in the full product. must be – were also present and in greater abundance every
time they visited.
Only the guards of Falcon’s Eye tower know the current state
GM’s Background of the site. Fearing more severe punishment, they took it upon
themselves to apprehend whoever was utilizing the site for
The winding switchback trail leading to Falcon’s Eye Tower these unholy rituals. Alas, several all-night vigils failed to dis-
is broken up by two relatively flat clearings – one about 1¾ cover the idolaters.
miles up the trail (at 6200’ elevation) and the second nearly
another mile further up the trail (at 6500’). The lower clearing Getting the Players Involved
encompasses approximately 1¼ acres while the upper one
occupies about three and a half acres. The following rumors may be added to the Area
Information table found on page 24 of Frandor’s Keep.
The two clearings are substantively different in appearance.
The lower and smaller one is bisected by the trail and relative- 21. There’s an old silver mine in the cliffs on the south side of the
ly free of bushes and dense undergrowth. Such is not the case Tanara River not too far off the path that leads up to Falcon’s Eye
with the upper clearing. The trail skirts its northern edge while Tower. Dwarves used to mine it but they abandoned it when it
the balance is choked with briars. began to get played out. Too much work getting what little
remained they said. An enterprising young feller with a strong back
A couple of months ago, a group of soldiers hacked through might find himself a bit a loot though if ’n he was willin’ to scratch
the thicket in a vain search for ‘lost dwarven silver’ (this being around a bit. (False; Dasas Zhenshi [the proprietor of Dasas’
the rumor du jour propagated by some scurrilous wag at the Goods detailed in area M10 on page 65 of Frandor’s Keep] peri-
Broken Hilt Tavern). While they understandably came up odically scatters around a few trade coins to the local drunks to
empty-handed, they did make a remarkable discovery. At the keep this rumor (and other variants) alive in hopes of selling
far southeastern edge of the rocky shelf there was a 10-foot-tall mining tools to rubes foolish enough to believe it.)
unhewn stone erected in a naturally formed notch. More eeri-
ly, a collection of antlers, hooves, teeth and other presumed ani- 22. A demon totem in our own back yard! Don’t that just beat all.
mal parts were scattered around its base. The Prefect had a hissy fit when he heard about that. Had the
entire crew of Falcon’s Eye Tower flogged for lettin’ it sit there right
This shrine became a local curiosity attracting many to the under their noses. Good thing he had it torn down – who knows
site. Strange markings, purportedly Orkin religious script, were what kind of evil something like that might attract… we got
observed on the stone’s surface. Word of the site soon reached enough problems with these goblin scum. (True)
Keep Prefect Ganitak and the incensed commander ordered
his personal retinue to level the spot. This they did by toppling
the stone over the cliff edge and hurling the gruesome artifacts These rumors may goad the players into exploring the trail
after it. Guards assigned to Falcon’s Eye Tower were flogged to Falcon’s Eye Tower and the clearings along said path.
and pilloried for dereliction of duty in permitting this abomi- Alternatively, they may wish to travel to Falcon’s Eye Tower
nation to escape unnoticed for so long. itself to interview the soldiers there.
If they choose the latter course, they will be greeted with soldiers as trusted confederates might prove to be a valuable
stone-faced grimaces from the guards on duty. These troopers asset.
do their best to dissuade the explorers from rummaging around
If this offer is insufficient, he will agree to any terms that can
the site, even threatening to arrest them for trespassing.
be reached. However, he will scheme to undermine the players.
However, use of Diplomacy or Art of Seduction skills (an
See Aftermath for further details.
Average check in either case) will compel the sergeant
[Relemir Tesipo] to pursue a different tactic – especially if the Additional details that may be learned through this discus-
PCs relate the rumors they’ve heard and seem intent on inves- sion include the following:
tigating the site.
a) On each occasion, four troopers kept watch on the site and
Under these circumstances, he takes the players into his con- they maintained a campfire.
fidence and reveals the true nature of the site (that is, what the
soldiers believe to be true). He also states that guardsmen have b) No unusual tracks have ever been found on the path up to
camped at the site on three separate occasions encountering Falcon’s Eye Tower.
neither hide nor hair of evil cultists. If the players were to dis- c) There is writing on the obelisk but in an unknown script.
cover who is responsible for the shrine and its apparent upkeep,
he would appreciate the effort. If the players decide to go it on their own, a shift change
occurs at Falcon’s Eye Tower a day after they set out. The out-
Of primary importance though is for the PCs to keep quiet going patrol searches the upper clearing on their way back to
about anything they discover and report back to him personal- Frandor’s Keep. If they encounter foreigners (e.g. the players)
ly. He lets slip that the guardsmen have already been punished near the site, they will presume that they are the ‘evil cultists’
by the Keep Prefect and that Ganitek is unaware that the and attempt to apprehend or kill them. The Fast Talking skill
obelisk has been restored. Were he to find out the true situa- may prove very useful in preventing an escalation of violence
tion, heads would roll. While he won’t offer a cash reward, he and permit the PCs time to provide a plausible excuse for
hints at some alternative remuneration implying that having
being there. If they are quick-witted enough, they may be able The Enemy
to take the soldiers into their confidence (with similar results
as detailed above). In truth, the shrine was erected by an Orkin shaman and his
apprentices as part of a ritual calling upon the Creator of Strife
Sergeant Relemir Tesipo: N Baparan human fighter 1; HP 28; for a day of reckoning and eventual defeat of the humans
Init +4; Spd 9 (8); Rch 31⁄2’; Atk +1; Dmg 2d8p+1 (longsword); Def
+4; DR 3; ToP 9/ 6; Hon 9; Quirk: Paranoid; Notable Skills: language
encroaching on Hell’s Throat. These are high aspirations for
(Baparan 71), observation (12), resist persuasion (12); Gear: the diminutive band of orcs but they are true believers and
longsword, medium shield, studded leather armor, 2d3 sp, 3d4 fanatical in their devotion to the Discordant One.
Their unholy days, which they dutifully observe, are periods
4 Men-at-Arms: N Baparan human; HP 26; Init +5; Spd 8 (7); Rch
2’; Atk 0; Dmg 2d6p (short sword); Def +3 (medium shield); DR 3;
of foul weather. Ironically, this has served better than any
ToP 8/ 6; Notable Skills: language (Baparan 71), observation (10); stealth on their part to aid them in remaining undiscovered for
Gear: short sword, med. shield, studded leather armor, 1d3 sp, they visit the shine only on miserable stormy nights – precise-
2d4 cp ly the type of weather that discourages the castle’s soldiery
from camping out and ambushing them.
Orc Shaman (67 EP): CE orc cleric 1; HP 30; Init 3; Spd 13; Reach
4’; Atk +3; Dmg 2d8p+1; Def +2 (medium shield); DR 3; ToP 12/6;
Size M; Move 10 ft./s; Spell: (1) Moderate Emotion: Cause Fear;
Notable Skills: survival (40), literacy [Orkin] (31), observation (12);
Gear: orkin body armor, medium human-made shield, flail, 5
pounds of rock salt (81⁄2 sp value), 12 sp, Potion of Orcish raiders). Should the players attempt to hide, make a contested
Steadfastness, traveler’s outfitting bundle, ink (1 oz), quill, note- check versus the soldiers’ observation skills.
3 Orc Minions (34 EP each): HP 29, 27, 25; Init 5; Spd 9; Rch 3’; Later that afternoon, dark storm clouds blow over the Krond
Atk +3; Dmg 2d8p+2; Def -4; DR 3; ToP 12, 11, 10/6; Size M; Move Heights portending a storm. That evening, a severe
10 ft./s; Notable Skills/Proficiencies: laborer, observation (7); Gear: thunderstorm hits the region. If players are camping out,
orkin body armor, orkin scimitar, pilgrim’s outfitting bundle describe in detail just how dreadful it is to be out in the
*This notebook is filled with rambling orkin script detailing the wilderness completely soaked and chilled to the bone. To
sacrilige wrought by the accursed humans building a fortress on an heighten tensions, a lightning bolt strikes a tall tree a mere 100
orkin burial ground. Feel free to reveal as much of the history of yards away, causing it to collapse.
Frandor’s Keep from Chapter Two as you wish should an enterpris-
In the midst of this storm, the orkin minions emerge to
ing character translate the book. (For those not literate in Orkin,
worship at their shrine. They approach cautiously knowing that
translation services are offered by the Adept Scribes located in
the abominable human scum have taken to violating their
Frandor’s Keep and detailed in entry M2).
unholy shrine. Should they encounter interlopers, they attack
Exploring the Upper Clearing with maddening fury seeking to cleanse the site of this
desecration and perhaps to take a living captive to sacrifice.
This three and one-half acre flat area was cleared some years
ago in an attempt to create an additional food plot for the If the players abandon their stakeout due to the inclement
Keep’s residents. It proved highly susceptible to flash flooding weather, they will not encounter the orkin worshippers.
and was abandoned after a couple of seasons. Since then it has However, later investigation of the site will (with a Trivial
lain fallow and become overgrown with thorny bushes. observation check) reveals additional bones arrayed as sacrifices
and a myriad of fresh tracks covering the site. These tracks exit
If players enter the thicket, they will be able to make out the clearing to the south and a novice tracker can ascertain that
several paths through the brush as indicated on the map. this group comprised four individuals. Unfortunately, following
Several of these paths end in dead ends necessitating either the tracks requires a Very Difficult skill check due to the hours
backtracking or a slow and laborious effort of hacking through of hard rain obscuring the orcs’ trail. If the orcs’ tracks are
the dense undergrowth with swords (the latter weapon the only found and the creatures pursued, what will follow is an aimless
suitable stand-in for a machete). chase down the Padiras river valley. These orcs are nomads with
At the far end of the clearing overlooking the valley below no lair.
stands a rough unhewn stone. Players may alternatively choose to lie in wait and not reveal
themselves to the orcs when they appear opting rather to track
After trekking through the thicket, you discover a ten-foot them to their lair. Tracking the orcs in the rainstorm requires a
high rough block of stone wedged into a natural depression and Difficult tracking check with success resulting in an identical-
secured with large wooden stakes. All about it lie scattered
antlers, hooves and bones.
ly fruitless chase through the valley.
The orcs will return to the site during the next storm (a new
Closer examination reveals script carved into the stone. storm front will appear in d8+2 days). This is the next oppor-
Should any of the players be literate in orkin, it reads, tunity the PCs have to confront the orc cultists. If they are not
“Sometimes misfortune has nothing to do with chance.” An dealt with at this point, the shaman will begin to attract fol-
Easy Divine Lore check will reveal that this is a shrine to the lowers at the rate of d4-2 per month (with statistics identical
Creator of Strife while a Difficult Observation check of the to the current orc minions). The emboldened band will also
offerings will identify some of the bones as human (the inaugurate the practice of capturing individuals from the
remains of a lost traveler captured by the orcs and sacrificed a immediate region for their monthly sacrifice. Roll a d6 to
month ago). Tracking checks easily reveal that a number of determine this individual’s identity: 1-2 is a random traveler, 3-
booted man-sized creatures have tromped around the site but 5 is a named resident of Quarrytown (see Chapter Five of
they are too old to follow away from the site. Frandor’s Keep) and 6 indicates a named resident of the Keep
itself. Obviously the orcs aren’t going to boldly march into the
Confronting the Minions
fortress and kidnap this individual, rather he (or she) is waylaid
If the players lay an ambush in order to waylay anyone sometime during the month and kept prisioner until sacrificed
coming to visit the site, they will spend a fruitless day and to the Creator of Strife. The Keep’s military garrison won’t take
night encamped in the clearing. The following day soldiers notice until such time as its residents begin disappearing.
from Falcon’s Eye Tower will reconnoiter the clearing possibly
confronting the PCs as ‘evil cultists’. Note that the men-at- Aftermath
arms will not make any attempt at stealth and can be detected Should the players kill the Orkin shaman and his minions,
some ways off by an observant group (though it will necessitate they put an end to this little coven and have solved the mystery
an Average listening check to overhear their conversation in of the shrine. There are a number of alternative conclusions to
the Baparan dialect – a sure clue that they are not humanoid the story based upon player actions.
Scenario One: If the characters made a gentleman’s arrange- man, Sergeant Relemir Tesipo, is then led forward and stripped
ment with the soldiers of Falcon’s Eye Tower, the troops will of his rank before being before being beheaded. The remain-
completely cleanse the site. They insist that the PCs take no ing Falcon’s Eye troops are then marched off to the pillory.
bounty heads (though anything else is theirs by right of com-
The player characters responsible for bringing this shame
bat). They proceed to pull down the obelisk, bury the orc
upon the soldiery will subsequently marked for every kind of
corpses and scatter the grisly offerings. None will ever speak of
harassment possible short of open attack. Complaining to the
the incident.
Prefect will elicit nothing more than a brusque “I’ll look into
These soldiers will be indebted to the PCs and subsequent- it” as he has no interest whatsoever in the matter.
ly use their influence within Frandor’s Keep to make life a lit-
tle bit easier for the characters. This will essentially give them
Adventure Synopsis
the benefit of the doubt when dealing with the Keep’s common
Treasure Yield:
soldiery and preclude the suspicion normally given to freelance
Potion of Orcish Steadfastness
mercenaries. Party fighters may even be invited to join the human-made medium shield (15 sp resale value)
Secret Society of the Black Fists (see description on page 68 of flail (71⁄2 sp resale value)
Frandor’s Keep). 5 pounds of salt (81⁄2 sp value)
ink and quill (51⁄4 cp)
Scenario Two: If the players drive a hard bargain with 12 sp
Relemir taking advantage of his precarious position or if they bounty on orc heads (4 sp)
insist on taking heads or ears to cash in with Kip the Bounty Reward from Prefect Ganitek (30 sp)
Master (see area M9a in Chapter Seven of Frandor’s Keep), he
will honor the terms of their arrangement and offer to buy any Experience Yield:
trophies directly. However, he insists that any cash reward will Discovering which deity the Orcs are worshipping (15 EP)
have to be issued from a slush fund he has squirreled away back Figuring out that the Orcs only appear on stormy nights (10 EP)
Learning the identity of the worshippers at the mysterious shrine
at Falcon’s Eye Tower. While escorting the players to the tower, (20 EP)
he sends his troopers back to the Keep to falsely report that the Killing Orc cultists (169 EP)
guardsmen of Falcon’s Eye Tower killed the orcs responsible for Destroying the coven before it can grow in size and influence
erecting the evil shrine. (15 EP)
Discovering details of Frandor’s Keep’s history by translating the
When the players return to Frandor’s Keep, a huge public shaman’s notebook (60 EP)
gathering is held in which Prefect Ganitek lauds praise on the Forming trusted alliance with Falcon’s Eye Tower crew (50 EP)
brave soldiers of Falcon’s Eye Tower. These soldiers are treated
as heroes and treated to free drinks and hearty congratulations
from everyone they encounter. Players who feel slighted and Author/Illustrator: Steve Johansson
try to contradict the tale will not be believed whatever evidence Editor: David S. Kenzer
they present. © Copyright 2010 Kenzer and Company. All rights
reserved. HackMaster is a registered trademark of
Scenario Three: Should the players bypass the Falcon’s Eye Kenzer and Company.
Tower crew and wish to exercise their bragging rights first www.kenzerco.com
hand, word soon reaches Prefect Ganitak. He summons the
PCs for a full debriefing and expresses his appreciation for
their initiative in ridding the valley of this menace. He then
invites them to a ceremony to be held two days hence to
publicly herald their accomplishment.
The ceremony is only a pretense. Its true purpose is to
punish the guards of Falcon’s Eye Tower for continued sloth
and incompetence and to serve as a warning to the rest of the
When the characters arrive at the ceremony held on
Frandor’s Field in the middle of the upper bailey, nearly all of
the keep’s soldiers are arrayed in rank and file before the Lynx
rotunda. The PCs are ushered up to the rotunda where the
Prefect will give some them some perfunctory praise and then
presents them with 30 silver coins. Following that, the guards-
men of Falcon’s Eye Tower are marched in bound in chains. Join our discussion forums to learn more about
Ganitek then lets loose a tirade about the virtues of honor and HackMaster and to find additional free stuff.
duty and how these men have failed to honor their oath. One