Thonahexus 2
Thonahexus 2
Thonahexus 2
Historical Documentary
or Epic Saga?
A personal view of Hârn by Lucas Magnusson
ârn is like a stereo am- Turning everything into drams, pounds, value factors, cost
2 thonahexus 2
H I S T O R I C A L D O C U M E N TA RY O R E P I C S A G A ? 2
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his huge marshland in northeast Hârn covers and spiders in all shapes and sizes, birds (such as ospreys,
4 thonahexus 2
GM Map
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Shese Bognor's
Sanctu m
Port Esobr an
A large part of the local diet is fish. Fleets of small fishing
The Anoth Delta doesn’t have much of a history. It has vessels leave the coastline of Arone Bay each day. Many
been largely left alone by sentient beings and has through of them prefer to catch fish in Arone Bay, where the wa-
history defended itself successfully against any conquerors. ters are calmer thanks to the protection of Biandra Point,
Civilised settlements have always been restricted to the while other venture out into the Sea of Ivae where the haul
outskirts of the marshland. is greater but the ocean much more violent. Every year a
The first intelligent inhabitants moved in around 1100 number of crews disappear in its dark depths. The export
bt, when the Anoa and the Taelda moved into the region. is very small; most of the haul is consumed locally.
There they lived largely undisturbed by the upheavals of
the surrounding world, off the beaten track of civilisation. Marsh People
But in the fifth century bt well-organised Jarin tribes mi- Scattered throughout the Delta are the Marsh People, as
grated north after the Battle of Sorrows and established the locals call them. The name Marsh People (Marsh
small, isolated fishing villages throughout the Delta – thus Man/Marsh Woman) is given to all humans living in the
displacing the indigenous tribes. wetlands away from the more densely populated areas
In the middle of the second century tr an earthen hill around Lorkin, Shese and Arone. Marsh People are
fort was built at Lorkin as a defence against Gargun raid- frowned upon by the more civilised farmers (in their own
ing. The fort was later abandoned for a larger wooden for- opinion) and are regarded as smelly, dangerous and some-
tification nearby. The strategic position of Lorkin and the times evil. Legends about blasphemous witchcults, incest,
strength of its defences turned it into the dominating power cannibalism and man-beasts are part of the local folklore.
of the region, and from there civilisation spread east and Although it’s true that some Marsh Men live up to their
south. Farming and fishing villages were founded in the infamous reputation, most are hardworking trappers, fish-
centuries to come, and in 495 Arone keep was built to en- ermen and gatherers who come to the “dryland” settle-
sure that the power of Lorkin was not forgotten. The keep ments to trade and enjoy the pleasures of society.
at Shese was built in 498 as part of the continuing effort to The Marsh People’s relationship with the Anoa tribes
tame the wild Delta. varies greatly. In some areas trade is prospering and peace
reigns, while at the same time other parts of the Delta are
Life in the Delta plagued by constant warring. Conflicts may concern hunt-
ing grounds, sacred places, fresh water or just misunder-
Living in and around the Delta hardens both the body and standings.
the soul. It’s an environment that is almost unique on Hârn Marsh People usually wear clothes of buckram, linen
– and so are the people living here. Their isolation from or leather and furs. They are armed with daggers, spears
the rest of Hârn, and each other, has nurtured a special and shortbows. Many of them travel in wooden canoes ca-
mentality and a very diverse culture. Lorkin and Shese are pable of carrying two to three passengers and a limited
the last outposts of mainstream Hârnic culture, although amount of cargo. They live in wooden huts, sometimes on
they have their share of visiting “Deltans.” poles to avoid the tides depending on the location. A
Outsiders generally regard the locals as quiet, suspi- marsh settlement varies from a single hut for one person up
cious and a bit slow. Inbreeding isn’t unusual among the to ten family huts. They are usually located close to some
inhabitants of the Delta’s numerous isolated settlements, kind of waterfront (the sea, lakes or streams) to facilitate
and this has resulted in many odd-looking and mentally transport.
disadvantaged individuals. Superstition, prejudice and
unhealthy traditions thrive in these sometimes bizarre com- The Anoa
munities. The Anoa are the outlaws of the Delta. They are mainly
a threat to Ivinian caravans and soldiers, while they get
Farmers along well with most villagers and fishermen as long as
Crop farming is largely centered around Lorkin to the west they avoid the more densely populated areas. Most of the
and Arone to the east. The wilderness south of Shese con- time the Anoa keep away from civilised life, watching un-
tains several small villages and isolated settlements that detected from the wilderness.
specializes in beekeeping and honey production. Farming The Anoa are covered in detail in the orbaal kingdom
up here is no different from other parts of Hârn, except module.
that the conditions are a bit harder.
6 thonahexus 2
The Pirates able as they are filled with stolen furniture, furs and blan-
kets. They are heated by a small stone fireplace in the cen-
In 705 Esobran d’Ariadlo fled from his Ivinian captors into tre of the room, and thanks to Esobran’s skills in ship-
the Anoth Delta, his back flogged into a pulp. Esobran, a building the walls are tight enough to keep out the wind
shipwright of Grolin in Trierzon, was captured together and the insects.
with his family by Ivinians the same year during a shore
raid. They were transported aboard a dragonship to Bognor’s Sanctum
Marby in Orbaal. Esobran’s wife and thirteen year old
daughter didn’t survive the journey. A few weeks later he The tale of Bognor (hârnplayer, Common Knowledge)
was sold to Lorkin, where he made a name for himself as is true, and his tower is still standing. What the tower looks
a violent and very reluctant slave. He stayed there for only like and what happened to Bognor is at the gm’s discretion
eleven days before he fought his way out of the keep and or can be read about in harnlore issue 11.
disappeared into the Delta. He survived the harsh envi-
ronment, and together with other runaways (most of Jarin The Maruna
origin) he slowly formed a band of brigands and pirates.
In the year of 720 Esobran is 55 years old. He’s a tall, The Maruna is a Shorkyni karune that ran aground in a
grey-haired and tired man, controlling a band of 47 pirates, storm several years ago. The pirates have tried to board
both men and women: if the harvest is bad their numbers the wrecked ship but strange and violent currents have
will grow in the autumn. For the last ten years there has made the attempt impossible every time. The ship lies
been a loyal group of nine men, who form the leadership firmly on the reef, tilting only ten degrees, and both pirates
of the pirates. The pirates control one Ivinian warboat and and fishermen swear they have seen lights from the Mar-
two talbars, all designed and built by Esobran. In addition una’s windows at night.
to that they have nine canoes and a pinda.
Although they are called pirates they often attack car-
avans inland, kill any Ivinian soldiers and vanish into the
Delta. They leave no traces as they use their boats to move
swiftly in the shallow waters. Occasionally the pirate’s ven-
ture across the open sea in search of suitable prey, but it’s
a risky business since many ships are aware of the pirate
menace and carry armed troops on board for protection.
The pirate’s activity has given the Delta a bad reputa-
tion and travellers often make detours to avoid the risk of
being raided.
Arone keep is something of a safe haven for the pirates
although very few people know about this. The ruling clan
of Arone, the Hulthards of Rogna, is more than willing to
trade with the pirates and use them as hired mercenaries to
raid ships or caravans. The Hulthards receive stolen
goods in exchange for safe passage, information and sup-
plies. Esobran is especially interested in information about
merchant ships that do not carry armed troops, and the The Swamp Queen
Hulthards share such information with him and get a part
of the booty in return. Ten years ago a rumour started to spread in the Arone area.
It was a story about children gone missing and strange
Port Esobran creatures spreading terror in remote areas. Some years
The pirates’ stronghold is a strange wooden structure on later a Marsh Man was telling another haunting tale about
the Delta’s largest island. It resembles a port, with wharfs a witch in the marshes, a pale woman dressed in rotting
and primitive shipyard. Connected to the port with rope vegetation, surrounded by an army of green monsters. Of
ladders and suspension bridges are several wooden huts course, no one really believed him, but it was a good story
up in the trees: crude homes built with branches and drift- well told and soon the two rumours merged and gave birth
wood. This is where the pirates live and return to after to the Swamp Queen: an evil witch in control of trolls and
each mission. The small huts are actually quite comfort- demons who steal children for dinner. m
thonahexus 2 7
A Diabolical Plan
A scenario for 4–6 players (six players recommended).
Authors: Michael Bjurshagen, Robert Bjurshagen and Mattias Lejbrink.
Illustrations: Robert Bjurshagen. Translation: Lucas Magnusson
he scenario “A Diabolical Plan” was con- As prosperity grew in the village so did the jealousy in
8 thonahexus 2
The Ford
The Gibbet
The Silver
The Ruin
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Scene 2 – The Missing Flock tance from the camp. Several of the characters know that
the knight was relatively rich and might want to earn them-
The sun disappears behind the hills and cast a beautiful selves a tidy sum. Perhaps others want to visit the ruined
shining light on the small stream next to you. You have keep and look for hidden treasures. Finga knows that one
spread your blankets around the stone encircled fire and almost passes the crossroads with the gibbet on one’s way
satisfied your hunger with the root soup that’s still simmer- to the ruin or back to the village. This way Kloe’s player
ing in its cauldron. The sheep, the ones you managed to will return to the game as soon as possible.
find, is bleating carefully from the fold you have built from
branches and the rope you brought with you. It’s been quite Scene 4 – Kloe Fullfingers
a hectic day, even for those used to working on the fields.
The camp fire throws shadows behind all of you since you’re The dust rises from the ground around you when you travel
sitting in a compact circle around it. along the wide dirt road near the crossroads. The sun is blaz-
ing with undiminished intensity and the air seems more sul-
In this scene they players are given a first chance to really try than usual. Beads of sweat find their way down your
get to know each other. It’s late in the evening and most of backs and under your clothes where they are mixed with the
them are quite tired. The knight should reasonably make dust covering your skin. When the dust cloud in front of you
some kind of watch list, at least to make sure that the sheep disappears the silhouette of a six feet tall cage appears. The
don’t run away again. No matter how zealously the char- cage is made of now rusty metal and is hanging from a
acters are guarding the camp Sir Borsborch will be mur- strong chain connected to an enormous oak tree that
dered during the knight by Urik the assassin who’s hired crouches above you and the road as if it wants to engulf all
by Sir Terkos for this purpose. No one will witness the ac- passers-by. In the cage is an old man, dressed in dusty, worn
tual murder and Urik will avoid detection and disappear clothes, dangling his legs – Pergoth’s father, Kloe.
into the night without a scratch.
Pergoth will most likely, if nothing unforeseen happens, free
Scene 3 – The Knight Is Dead his father so that Kloe’s player can act in the game again.
Nothing else interesting can be found at the crossroads.
You wake up and stretch your tired bodies. It’s a wonderful,
late summer morning with bird song, sunlight and the wind Scene 5 – The Ruin
in your hair. The fire has died down to a couple of glowing
pieces of charcoal and the bleating sheep are now lying still It’s late afternoon and you’ve been walking in the forest for
or slowly walking around in their temporary fold. quite some time. You lift a weighed down branch and gaze
into a larger glade. The glade is dominated by a moss-cov-
The knight is now long dead and the player receives the ered and crumbled ruin of a keep. The core of the former
character Kloe from the gm. Notify the player playing the keep seems to have been a large and strong central tower,
knight that he’s dead and shouldn’t respond when spoken from which the remains of a solid wall protrude. With a lit-
to by the other players. When anyone of the other players tle good will it’s possible for one to discern something that
examines the knight they’ll discover that he’s dead. must have been a courtyard with a gatehouse or perhaps a
small rectangular tower. The place is very tranquil. A buz-
You turn the knight around and he rolls over on his back. zard that has been watching you from one of the crumbling
His green speckled eyes stare at you and his head falls life- copings spreads it wings and sets for the sky. When he
less backwards and hits the ground. In his neck is a four passes above you a large dark cloud sweeps in and tem-
inches long feathered arrow deeply embedded. From his porarily blocks the sun.
mouth hang wispes of dried froth which has run down and
smeared his beard to his nightshirt. Feel free to keep the sun blocked and remind the players,
His right hand is still clamping the sword as if he even if needed, that the day soon will turn to night. Some of the
in death was ready to exact revenge on his slayer. A foul players are scared of what might hide in the ruin, espe-
stench emanates from the knight’s body cavities. cially during the night, and will probably try to convince
the other players to leave. Keep their hopes up and build
The knight has been dead for a couple of hours and is pale the tension as much as you think is needed. The ruin is a
and cold. If they search they’ll find the poisoned arrow that side-track in the scenario and doesn’t affect the future
killed him. Pergoth will now probably free his father from chain of events. If you think it’s motivated the players can
the gibbet that’s hanging in the crossroads just a short dis- find everything from old verdigrised copper coins to gold
thonahexus 2 11
jewellry and gems in the ruin. Frighten the scared charac- houses run about twenty beasts just like the one you just en-
ters with threatening shadows and scary noises. countered, grunting, screaming and fiercely waving their
When the characters are done with the ruin they should torches and scimitars. The smell of smoke is heavy above the
definitely free Kloe from the gibbet if they haven’t done village and the flames bursting out of your homes emit a loud
that already (strongly recommended for the player’s sake). crackling sound. At the centre of all the commotion, next to
Otherwise they should return to the village to report their the well, sits a knight on top of a horse, beholding the de-
experiences. Little do they know what awaits them … struction with his back straight and his neck high. The
knight looks on one of the beasts and nods towards the well.
Scene 6 – The Killing of Hulda The beast grunts and raises his weapon, then attacks the lid
and the buckets.
When you approach your village you suddenly hear a loud
female scream. Out of the grove in front of you comes the When the Gargun have finished burning the village they
miller’s daughter, Hulda, running. She’s pale as a corpse discover that they’re missing a comrade and start looking
and horror radiates from her eyes. Close behind her follows for him. They draw closer to the characters. After some
a three feet tall beast with a bloodstained scimitar ready to time of searching Terkos approaches the Gargun chief Yr-
strike. The beast has brown, dirty and tangled fur and its logoth and orders him to move down the road and attack
face has the features of a dog with strong, yellow fangs. The the caravan that carries tools to the mine and do mischief.
beast utters an animal roar. The sun is reflected in the sharp The characters can hear him angrily finish with “Return
edge of the scimitar before it cuts into Hulda’s flesh. Hulda here in six days.” The Gargun then hurry down the road.
screams in anguish and collapses on the dusty road. The Terkos stands for a while looking at the Gargun, curs-
beast towers above her and utters another animal roar that ing them. He slowly walks towards his horse, where he
transforms into a hoarse laughter. Hulda desperately tries to burns a piece of vellum (Letter 1). He then leads his horse
crawl away from the monster while she sobs prayers to Pe- up to the road to ride towards the forest to meet Orald the
oni – protector of the tardy. The beast thrusts his scimitar hunter. The idea is that the characters attack him and find
into the side of defenceless Hulda. She utters a faint scream a second letter (Letter 2) or follow him. Bjarn looks very
and squirms like a worm on a hook when the beast slowly much like Terkos and the idea is that Bjarn will be able to
turns the blade. After a couple of moments Hulda looses her take Terkos’ place.
conscience and the dust around her quickly turns into a red- If the characters and/or Terkos leave for the inn they
brown sludge when the blood pours out of her. will after an hours walk through the forest come to a ford
where Orald is waiting.
The beast is one of the Gargun that’s attacked the village.
His comrades are busy burning and pillaging in the vil- Scene 8 – The Ford
lage. The Gargun isn’t aware of the characters and if they
act quickly they can surprise him (in the first round he At the ford sits Orald the hunter waiting for Terkos to pay
won’t be able to act at all, in the second round Initiative as him the agreed upon payment for spreading rumours in
usual). The characters should either deal with the lone the village about an approaching Gargun horde.
Gargun before he can alert his comrades or hide so he
won’t spot them. Be fair to the players in this situation. If You come out of the forest and reach the ford across the river.
they fail to kill the Gargun and he alerts his comrades our The area around the river is open and the entire scene gives
heroes will soon be dead. a tranquil impression with the rippling water and the smooth
stones rising from the river. On two of these stones in the mid-
Scene 7 – At the Village dle of the ford stands a slender man dressed in some kind of
fur and a couple of sturdy leather boots. He’s holding a spear
When the village is within sight the players will see a score and a bow is hanging on his back. The man turns around
of Gargun finishing their business by setting fire to the every now and then and gazes with a watchful eye into the
fields and all the buildings in the village. This under the surrounding areas. He doesn’t seem to have noticed you and
supervision of Sir Terkos of Direnmound. The characters you’re too far away to be able to discern the man’s face.
can also see a couple of corpses in the village.
If Terkos is alive Orald’s reward will be a dagger in the
Overlooking Jorby you’re struck by a terrifying sight. All the back, otherwise it can be an interesting conversation be-
buildings, as far as you can see, are in flames, and so are the tween Orald and the characters. If any of the characters
fields on which you’ve laboured all your lives. Between the pretend to be Terkos and confront Orald alone he will
12 thonahexus 2
want the rest of his money. If the other characters accom- fore he speaks. This is a clue that points to Baron Ulfwen
pany the false Terkos, Orald discreetly tries to tell Terkos as the brain behind the plot.
that he wants the rest of his money. Orald is willing to
come with them to The Happy Boar if needed. Final Scene 12 – Failure
Scene 9 – The Happy Boar The characters arrive too late at the ambush and find
Baron Clywed and his company dead. The diabolical
When you break through the dense vegetation the winding plan has succeeded. The characters home village is aban-
trail opens up to a large glade. In the glade you can see a doned. They have nowhere to go.
large two-storey house next to a stable and an underground
storehouse. Outside the house the main road passes by. Final Scene 13 – The Great Battle
Above the front door hangs a sign with a colourful pig’s
head with an apple in its mouth painted onto it. From When the characters arrive at the ambush on Baron
within the house noisy singing can be heard and it’s obvious Clywed and his company the battle is still raging. If they
that a number of drunk people are haunting the place. are alone they don’t have much of a saying and will prob-
ably get killed. Enterprising players have managed to en-
The Happy Boar is a shabby inn where all kinds of scum list the mercenaries and may very well turn the battle in
gather. The ale flows abundant and the food is actually re- favour of their own side.
ally good. Terkos intend to meet Prendis and his band
here. They have been hired to deal with “the Gargun rab- Appendix 1 – NPCs
ble.” Terkos has also planned to meet with the assassin
Urik who poisoned Sir Borsborch to close the deal with
him, i.e. to pay, get him drunk and dispose of him during Sir Terkos of Direnmound
the dark hours of the night. 30 years, landless knight
A letter (Letter 3) is also waiting for Terkos. It’s given Sir Terkos is one of Baron Ulfwen’s
to him or another person wearing his coat of arms by the tools in the struggle for power. He’s
inn’s mistress Bjalla. Besides Bjalla the staff is Piron, farm shrewd, self-confident, quite intelli-
hand and bouncer, Grane, stableman and bouncer and gent and above all totally
Kona, maid and cook. ruthless. He has no sense of
When Terkos has received his letter and finished his duty to the baron but is very
business with Urik, which he will preferably do in secret, pleased with his current sit-
he will lead Prendis and his band back east to kill the Gar- uation. He’s always aiming
gun and then, together with half of Baron Ulfwen’s guard, for the top and the next step in improving his
attack and kill Baron Clywed and his company headed for life is to help Baron Ulfwen crush Baron Clywed and in
Jorby. the process his vassal of Jorby, Sir Borsborch. Sir Terkos
is experienced in the ways of the world and ambitious and
Scene 10 – The Attacked Caravan he isn’t content with a small remote village as a reward for
his services. He himself regards marrying one of Baron
They find the attacked caravan that was headed for the Ulfwen’s daughters a proper reward. During the entire
mine if they travel the main road between Jorby and Baron scenario he will be carrying a lot of money to be able to pay
Clywed’s estates up north. They’ll probably run into Gar- off his henchmen.
gun lingering in the area waiting to find the caravan so they
can attack it. Urik
27 years, assassin (lia-kavair)
Final Scene 11 – He was accepted into the
Thieves’ Guild as a teenager and
Baron Ulfwen’s Vassal On Trial has worked for them since. At the
Once they’ve arrived at Baron Clywed’s it’s not that easy start he emptied people’s pockets
to obtain an audience. If they players succeed in obtaining and stole object together with
an audience and convince Baron Clywed he’ll put an end some of the older thieves, but lately
to the diabolical plan. One of Baron Ulfwen’s vassals, he has advanced within the guild
Greybaulk, is brought before the court but is poisoned be- thanks to his long experience. He
thonahexus 2 13
was appointed Lia-Kavair three years ago and is now no- Yrlogoth
torious in the city’s underworld. Urik’s status as an assas- 5 years, warrior and chief
sin is evident in his cut off left little finger – the assassins’ Yrlogoth knows only battle and has
trademark (some of the characters may know this by lived as a warrior his entire life.
hearsay). Urik isn’t all evil and is man of his word in most He’s moderately calm for a Gargun
cases. He’s got a morbid sense of humour and often tells and has become leader of part of the
tasteless jokes about corpses and cut off bodyparts. He’s tribe thanks to his proficiency in
very curious and often has a chat with his victims before battle and his proportionately sharp
killing them, if only to prove his greatness to himself (he intellect, he has e.g. learnt the hu-
won’t talk to Sir Borsborch, though). man language. He’s has fought in numerous battles, many
within the group, and is scarred both physically and men-
Orald tally. He has no actual morality and may very well tem-
36 years, hunter porarily obey a human if the pay is good. There will always
Orald has lived in the forest for be an opportunity to kill the human sooner or later.
about ten years. He doesn’t talk
much to other people other when Baron Clywed of Wesenshire
he sells his game and he doesn’t 50 years, baron of wesenshire and
miss the company very much. sir borsborch’s lord
He’s very brief and speaks in a Baron Clywed is a straightforward, honest and loud no-
mysterious fashion, not because he’s bleman. He’s still vital and is sometimes travelling with his
weird but rather because he hasn’t company inspecting his vassals, but his visits grow less fre-
had a proper conversation in ten years. quent. Baron Clywed is loyal to the king and belongs to
If one behaves and respects his work he can be really nice the so-called loyalist fraction in the struggle for power.
and even invite one for a bowl of rosehip soup in his cot-
tage. He was offered a large sum of money by Terkos to Baron Ulfwen of Melynshire
spread the rumour about the assaulting Gargun horde and 43 years, baron of melynshire and
suspected that something fishy was brewing, but let himself sir terkos’ employer
be persuaded by Terkos’ smooth tongue. Baron Ulfwen is an ambitious and plotting man, who does-
n’t mind stepping on a few bodies on the road to fulfilling
Prendis his goals. He’s very careful though, and plans his measures
35 years, leader of a band of mercenaries to avoid detection if his plans should fail. In the struggle for
Prendis is a competent warrior and future power Baron Ulfwen is on nobody’s side but his
well-liked by his companions. He own, but he wouldn’t mind aligning himself with almost
and his band are prepared to ac- anyone if he thinks he’d gain something from it.
cept most assignments as long as
the pay is good and the mission Appendix 2 – Maps
isn’t of very dubious origin or ex-
tremely barbaric in nature. The Most maps are meant to be handed out to the players dur-
band are closest to themselves and ing the course of play. The other maps show Jorby, the area
retreat rather than die if a mission around Jorby as the players know it, the ruin, The Happy
is doomed to failure. Prendis is Boar and the bridge north of Jorby where the ambush on
smart but impulsive and can some- Baron Clywed’s company will occur.
times act in haste, especially if irritated. This is one of the
reasons why no one has challenged him as the leader of the Key To the Map of Jorby
band – most believe that he sooner or later will attack his Below is a description of every building in Jorby and/or the
superior. At the negotiation table he prefers to be straight- people living or working there. The numbers relate to the
forward and likes to hurry slow negotiations. In battle he’s local map of Jorby.
brutal and ruthless.
14 thonahexus 2
1. The hunter Nirav’s house and tannery. Here lives, ago. She’s very thorough and well-liked by the peas-
besides Marus, also Nirav’s wife Lisen, his three ants.
daughters Nila, Berith nad Ylva and his younger son 10. The richest freeholder in the village, Freduc Grouse-
Noak. leaf (called Fatfinger). He lives together with his wife,
2. Freeholders Krage and Lisa Brundeson with their seven children, two farm hands and three maids.
daughter Sabine and their other five children. 11. The metalsmith Ragnald and his temporary lodger
3. A rich freeholder, Tesos and his wife Grava, their two Rowan.
children, a farm hand and a maid. 12. Villeins Tole and Vesa with four children.
4. Poor people. Here lives about ten old and sick people. 13. Villeins Id and Embla with two children.
5. Sir Borsborch’s manor. It consists of two small stone 14. Villeins Rake and Sia, their son Benjamin, four other
towers with a surrounding palisade wall and a house, children and Sia’s old mother, Gunja.
half of which is built in stone. The manor is about 15. Villeins Fingol and Hillevi with daughters Finga,
three-hundred years old but the towers were built by Lene, Egina and Liselott.
Borsborch’s grandfather with stones from the ruin. 16. Freeholder Barfer. He’s a widower but has four chil-
The knight plans to exchange the palisade wall with a dren: Ulla, Drage, Adron and Ulf.
stone wall but never seems to raise enough money. 17. The miller Hobert, his wife Madrika and their daugh-
6. Half-villein Kloe and Agda with their son Pergoth ters Hulda and Fia.
and three other children. 18. Freeholders Fabe and Gretel with three children.
7. Freeholder Brynolf, the village yeoman. His children 19. Freeholders Ylfer and Dana with four children.
Bjarn, Hilda, Gunder, Elias and Marika also live here. 20. Windmill.
8. Barn containing the village supplies. 21. Freeholders Grane and Seriele with four children.
9. The villein and widow Gerda who’s been the village 22. Freeholders Sarmer and Ygdra with two children.
crop administrator since her husband died ten years 23. Outhouse.
thonahexus 2 15
The Ruin
The Bridge
16 thonahexus 2
The Happy Boar A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 10
First floor
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A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 11 Poetic Regional Map
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HârnMaster HârnMaster
thonahexus 2
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 55 Shortbow 2 10 1/1 - 1 - - 93 93 100’ 6, 200’ 5, 400’ 4
Human Male 5’ 6“ Light (6) 10 14 9 Endurance 12 Dagger 1 11 1/1 0 1 2 5 85 85 0 -20 -40
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 10 Spear 5 11 4/2 -10 4 - 7 90 80
684-Agr-27 Nadai 140 lbs Plain (7) 13 13 9 Agility 10
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 10
Kråkröse Feudal 10 Dodge (AGL u 5) 50
Social Class Agility
Freeman 10
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
2:nd of 3 Parasites 17 Ilvir 10
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 20,8 Leggings Leather 8,8
Farmer, alive 14 Weapons 8 Tunic Leater 8,8
Estrangement Smell Notes 39 silver Calf Boots Leather 3,2
Outcast 8 Quiver 1
Clanhead Voice 20 Arrows 1
Distant 9 Average Bowstring
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 12
HârnMaster HârnMaster
Character Name: Prendis Character Name: Prendis
Occupation / Title Mercenary Captain Occupation / Title Mercenary Captain
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 84 Battle Axe 6 13 4/2 -15 6 9 - 114 104
Human Male 5’ 10“ Massive (17) 15 14 9 Endurance 13 Round Shield 6 13 1/4 - 2 - - 99 114
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 14 Poleaxe 8 11 5/1 -20 6 9 6 110 90
685-Ilv-1 Tai 192 lbs Average (9) 14 9 12 Agility 7
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 7
Hvandgir Feudal 14 Claustrophobia Dodge (AGL u 5) 35
Social Class Agility
Freeman 7
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
6:th of 11 13 Larani 13
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 63,7 Hauberk Scale 45,5
Yeoman, alive 11 Weapons 20 Leggings Leater 8,8
Estrangement Smell Notes 108 silver Knee Boots Leather 3,8
Cowl Mail 4,0
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 13
Popular 7
Clanhead Voice Gauntlets Ring 1,6
Uncle 10 Average
Skull Mail 2 8 5 1
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Scale 5 9 4 5
Initiative 12 84 Harnic 11 71 Upper Arm Scale 5 9 4 5
Unarmed 12 48 Lakise 15 75 Elbow Scale 5 9 4 5
Dagger 14 56 SHEK PVAR Forearm Scale 5 9 4 5
Polearm 15 75 Convocation SB ML Hand Ring 3 6 4 3
Shield 14 84 Lyahvi Thorax Scale 5 9 4 5
Axe 14 84 Pleleahn Abdomen Scale 5 9 4 5
Riding 10 50 Jmorvi Hip Scale + Leather 7 13 7 8
Fyvria Groin Scale + Leather 7 13 7 8
Odivshe Thigh Scale + Leather 7 13 7 8
Savorya Knee Leather + Leather 4 8 6 6
Neutral Calf Leather + Leather 4 8 6 6
Foot Leather + Leather 4 8 6 6
thonahexus 2
HârnMaster HârnMaster
Character Name: Sir Terkos of Direnmound Character Name: Sir Terkos of Direnmound
Occupation / Title Knight Errant Occupation / Title Knight Errant
thonahexus 2
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 91 Kite Shield 7 14 1/5 - 3 - - 70 90
Human Male 5’ 5“ Medium (9) 10 13 12 Endurance 12 Dagger 1 13 1/1 0 1 2 5 80 80
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 12 Broad Sword 3 13 3/2 0 3 5 3 69 64 On horse
690-Hal-13 Tarael 141 lbs Average (11) 13 14 5 Agility 13 Mace 4 12 3/1 0 6 - - 91 81
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 13
Direnhög Feudal 12 Dodge (AGL u 5) 65
Social Class Agility
Noble 13
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
3:rd of 3 14 Halea 23
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 61 ¾-Helmet Plate 5,6
Sir Terkos of Direnmound
Skull Plate + Quilt 11 13 8 6
Face Plate 6 10 6 2
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Initiative 13 91 Harnic 13 83 Upper Arm Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Unarmed 12 48 Lakise 14 84 Elbow Plate 6 10 6 2
Spear 11 44 SHEK PVAR Forearm Plate 6 10 6 2
Sword 11 44 Convocation SB ML Hand Leather 2 4 3 3
Shield 11 55 Lyahvi Thorax Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Club 11 66 Pleleahn Abdomen Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Dagger 13 65 Jmorvi Hip Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Riding 13 65 Fyvria Groin Mail + Quilt + Leather 9 15 10 8
Odivshe Thigh Mail + Quilt + Leather 9 15 10 8
Savorya Knee Leather + Leather 4 8 6 6
Neutral Calf Leather + Leather 4 8 6 6
Foot Leather + Leather 4 8 6 6
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 14
HârnMaster HârnMaster
Character Name: Urik Character Name: Urik
Occupation / Title Lia-kavair Occupation / Title Lia-kavair
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 60 Blowgun 1 8 1/1 - 1 - - 83 83 25’
Human Male 4’ 11“ Light (8) 10 9 8 Endurance 11 Dagger 1 11 1/1 0 1 2 5 90 90
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 7 Taburi 1 10 1/0 0 0 - 4 90 85 20’ 4, 40’ 3, 80’ 2
693-Lar-29 Angberelius 110 lbs Plain (7) 11 12 7 Agility 10 0 -20 -40
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 10
Sidenheim Feudal 13 Dodge (AGL u 5) 50
Social Class Agility
Serf 12
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
4:th of 4 Alcoholism 14 Naveh 19
Parent Allergy to feathers Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 9,8 Robe Cloth 7,8
Herdsmen, mother dead 9 Weapons 3 Hood Cloth 0,8
Estrangement Smell Notes 36 silver Shoes Leather 1,2
Average 15 Lavaryctia
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 15
Skull Cloth 1 1 1 1
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Cloth 1 1 1 1
Initiative 12 60 Harnic 11 61 Upper Arm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Unarmed 12 60 Elbow Cloth 1 1 1 1
Dagger 15 75 SHEK PVAR Forearm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Blowgun 13 78 Convocation SB ML Hand
Lyahvi Thorax Cloth 1 1 1 1
Pleleahn Abdomen Cloth 1 1 1 1
Jmorvi Hip Cloth 1 1 1 1
Fyvria Groin Cloth 1 1 1 1
Odivshe Thigh Cloth 1 1 1 1
Savorya Knee Cloth 1 1 1 1
Neutral Calf Cloth 1 1 1 1
Foot Leather 2 4 3 3
thonahexus 2
HârnMaster HârnMaster
Character Name: Yrlogoth Character Name: Yrlogoth
Occupation / Title Warrior Occupation / Title Warrior
thonahexus 2
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 54 Morningstar 6 11 4/1 -10 0 - 6 102 87 Heavy
Gargu-Hyeka Male 4’ 0“ Heavy (13) 14 12 7 Endurance 12 Buckler 3 11 1/3 - 1 - 2 60 70
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 7
715-Ilv-6 Skorus 100 lbs Average (10) 14 9 4 Agility 10
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 10
- Tribal 7 Dodge (AGL u 5) 50
Social Class Agility
Warrior 10
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
- 9 ? ?
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 36,5 Hauberk Mail 32,5
- 13 Weapons 9 Cowl Mail 4,0
Estrangement Smell Notes
- 13
Clanhead Voice
- 9 Average
Skull Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Face Fur 4 3 1 3
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Initiative 9 54 Harnic 10 50 Upper Arm Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Unarmed 10 60 Elbow Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Shield 9 45 SHEK PVAR Forearm Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Club 12 72 Convocation SB ML Hand Fur 4 3 1 3
Lyahvi Thorax Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Pleleahn Abdomen Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Jmorvi Hip Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Fyvria Groin Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Odivshe Thigh Mail + Fur 6 11 6 4
Savorya Knee Fur 4 3 1 3
Neutral Calf Fur 4 3 1 3
Foot Fur 4 3 1 3
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 16
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 17 Mercenary / Gargu-Hyeka
Mercenary Gargu-Hyeka
Strength 12 Move 12 Strength 11 Move 11
Dexterity 12 Dodge 60 Dexterity 11 Dodge 55
Agility 12 Initiative 72 Agility 11 Initiative 52
Endurance 12 Encumbrance 6 Endurance 11 Encumbrance 2
Borsborch Clywed
Terkos Ulfwen
24 thonahexus 2
Handout: Bjarn Brynolfson A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 18
28 years and yeoman When he’s present he either becomes angry and starts to
“It’s lucky for this village that I’m here to take care of yell at the ones calling him names, or he walks away pre-
things. Despite the fact that I’ve got plenty of time for other tending not to have heard anything.
things, I and my father Brynolf have successfully managed
this village for the last thirteen years. As my father is get- Personality
ting older and suffer more and more from his bad back it’s Talks big. He’s cocky and tries to sound experienced, but
only natural that I take on the role as defender of the vil- doesn’t want to be alone and sticks with the larger group
lage, second to his lordship Sir Borsborch of course. where he tries to take charge and bully people. He’s irrita-
A number of the villagers have convinced the knight ble but seldom has any greater or longer outbursts. Bjarn
that I have neglected the usual weapons training. The avoids any kind of dirty work as much as possible, and is-
whole thing is a misunderstanding since the idea with n’t very fond of the thought of hurting or killing someone
weapons training obviously is that one should have a good for real. He’d never admit this – it’s not a great idea to have
skill in arms, something I’ve had ever since I started out as a yeoman who’d hesitate to kill someone.
a yeoman. One could believe that the peasants had better He also finds dead bodies extremely disgusting, hu-
things to do than to spread rumours about their superiors, mans and animals alike, and easily feels sick and panics if
but that’s obviously not the case. he’s forced close to a corpse. He’s very economical and
Now the knight has decided to hold some kind of fake wants to be rich above all other things. Bjarn has some
trial where I’ll be sentenced to some kind of punishment, sense of duty through his position as village defender.
just as if I am a simple serf. Most certainly the knight will
send me off to lead a bunch of peasants to find the lost flock The Other Characters
of sheep that’s probably been taken by the wolf. Finga the Rowan Rowanson – The metalsmith’s new apprentice.
shepherdess came to me yesterday and reported that she’d For some reason relieved from weapons training by Sir
lost the sheep. I was of course outraged, but kept my anger Borsborch.
inside when I remembered Finga’s sister’s beautiful smile Marus Hunterson – Usually take part in weapons train-
and warm bosom. ing without any complaints. To my knowledge he’s do-
In addition to this excellent opportunity to display my ing a good job taking care of hunting together with his
qualities of leadership it will also be possible to visit the father Nirav.
ruins close to the pastures. These ruins are said to contain Finga of Flosbrook – A shepherdess. Has a sister, Lene,
a lot of buried old coins of precious value. Obviously some who’s got a wonderful smile and warm brown eyes.
shepherd has spread rumours of ghosts in the ruins, most What I would not give for one night, or an eternity, in
definitely to be able to collect all the riches himself in peace her embrace. Father would of course never allow a mar-
and quiet. Only good can come of this journey. Some of riage with a serf, but Lene is a real woman while Fia is
the peasants will hunt for wolves while I can concentrate on just a suitable spouse.
supervising the excavations of the ruins. If you toss the Pergoth Kloeson – A villein. Son of Kloe Fullfingers, a
peasants a couple of coins at the end of the day no one will villein. Kloe can’t keep his fingers off people’s property,
complain and I’ll be a good deal richer. Perhaps I’ll even but he and his family brews the best beer in the village,
find enough riches to afford a small gift for Sir Borsborch.” that can’t be denied.
Sir Borsborch – A gentle and just lord. Unfortunately he’s
History been pressured by the peasants into believing that I
Born in Jorby on the 30th of Kelen 692 in the sunsign Feniri don’t runt weapons training properly and has made
– the Smith. He’s the eldest son of five children. His father them call me Tenderfeet. The knight would never of
Brynolf is a yeoman and Bjarn is expected to walk in his course come up with such a nickname, but he most re-
father’s footsteps. Bjarn’s brothers Gunnar and Elias both alize that if one spreads the rumour that the yeoman
work at the family farm and his two sisters Hilda and doesn’t do his job there will be a lot of tittle-tattle in the
Marika mostly work in the household but also helps out a cottages.
lot at the village inn, either when visitors come to the vil-
lage or when there are festivities and weddings. Bjarn still Equipment
lives at home, much to his parent’s disappointment, and Shortsword, dagger, round shield, longbow with quiver
has yet to marry although he’s been engaged to Fia, the and arrows. Ring vest, tunic and trousers made of russet,
miller’s daughter, for a very long time. plate halfhelm and leather boots. Keys to the farm, 48 sil-
He’s called Bjarn Tenderfeet by most people when he’s ver pennies, flint and steel and five torches; everything
not around, something he knows about and is ashamed by. packed in a backpack.
thonahexus 2 25
HârnMaster HârnMaster
Character Name: Bjarn of Jorby Character Name: Bjarn of Jorby
Occupation / Title Yeoman Occupation / Title Yeoman
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 60 Short Sword 2 12 2/1 0 2 4 4 70 65
Human Male 5’ 4“ Medium (11) 8 10 8 Endurance 10 Dagger 1 11 1/1 0 1 2 5 59 59
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 11 Round Shield 6 13 1/4 - 2 - - 55 70
692-Kel-30 Feniri 137 lbs Average (11) 13 8 9 Agility 12 Long Bow 3 11 1/1 - 2 - - 55 55
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 12
Jorby Feudal 11 Necrophobia Dodge (AGL u 5) 60
Social Class Agility
Freeman 12
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
3:rd of 5 - 12 Halea 19 INJURIES LOAD (Items Worn/Carried) ARMOUR / CLOTHING MATERIAL AQ WT
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 26,4 Tunic Cloth 4,4
Yeoman, living 12 Weapons 12 Leggings Cloth 4,4
Estrangement Smell Notes Quiver 1 Vest Ring 11,2
Average 12 20 Arrows 1 Halfhelm Plate 3,2
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 19
Skull Plate 6 10 6 2
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Ring + Cloth 4 7 5 4
Initiative 10 60 Harnic 9 69 Upper Arm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Unarmed 10 30 Elbow
Shield 10 40 SHEK PVAR Forearm
Sword 10 50 Convocation SB ML Hand
Dagger 11 44 Lyahvi Thorax Ring + Cloth 4 7 5 4
Bow 10 40 Pleleahn Abdomen Ring + Cloth 4 7 5 4
Jmorvi Hip Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Fyvria Groin Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Odivshe Thigh Cloth 1 1 1 1
Savorya Knee Cloth 1 1 1 1
Neutral Calf Leather + Cloth 3 5 4 4
Foot Leather + Cloth 3 5 4 4
thonahexus 2
Handout: Bjarn Brynolfson
Handout: Sir Borsborch A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 20
46 years, landed knight and lord of jorby. Despite he ordered it himself, Borsborch has always
“It’s a heavy load to carry, but someone has to do it. I re- been jealous of Kloe who got the one he always wanted
ally have better things to do than to sentencing a bunch of and has been bullying him ever since. Among other things
haysacks who have nicked fruit and wrestled on the com- he has spread a rumour saying that Kloe is a thief, hence
mon, but if I don’t do it, who’ll then do justice in Jorby? his nickname “Fullfingers”. It was only yesterday he sen-
Baron Clywed didn’t put me in charge of this village so I tenced Kloe to the gibbet (by the crossroads close to the
can role my thumbs. All you can do is take a deep breath village) for four days on doubtful grounds, that is for dis-
and solve the situation. regarding his lord (Borsborch).
Other than the hunter who’s been nicking fruit from my The only thing keeping Borsborch from driving him
own yard, we have Kloe Fullfingers so called son Pergoth out of the village is the fact that Kloe brews the absolutely
who’s been fighting the hunter outside the inn, a metal- best beer in the village, and the peasants would revolt if he
smith’s apprentice who’s made some money selling things took it from them. It’s a necessary evil.
outside of guild regulations, a daydreaming shepherd who
has lost her flock and my yeoman’s lazy son Bjarn who did- Personality
n’t show up for weapons training last tenday. As I said, a fine He’s past his prime but the blood is still thick in his veins.
collection of potatoes. I’ll hear them in court first, but it’s just He’s a nobleman, something he’s well aware of, and it’s be-
a show since I already know they’re guilty of the crimes neath his pride to associate with the lower classes. He’s a
they’ve been accused of. A suitable punishment for them good administrator who expects his smallest order to be
will be to bring home the lost flock of sheep, unless the wolf obeyed, but he doesn’t go beyond threatening with a au-
has already taken them. Perhaps I’ll let the men bring their thoritative voice since he’s too soft to make use of his posi-
spears so we can combine the search with weapons training tion. He’s honest, inquisitive and interested in most things,
and get one wolf less in these parts. Yes, so it shall be. but only as long as it suits him. There must never be any
On our way home we can take the opportunity to cut doubts about who’s in charge.
down Kloe Fullfingers from the gibbet. He’s served his
four days and most surely regrets ever putting his foot in The Other Characters
this village. He has always hated me ever since that night Rowan Rowanson – A metalsmith’s apprentice who re-
twenty years ago when I and Agda rolled around in the cently moved to the village from nearby Crowscairn. Is
bedstraw. But what can one expect from a simple peasant told be a very competent metalsmith.
who doesn’t know words like chivalrous and gallant? Marus Hunterson – The hunter’s son.
Perhaps we can even take a trip to the ruin close by Bjarn “Tenderfeet” – My yeoman’s lazy son who’s been
when we’re out walking anyway. In the ruin one can find taking over some of his father’s duties lately. He does
both this and that. The silver cup in the window at home, his job if you push him. Otherwise he’s to lazy for his
e.g., was found under a collapsed pillar the last time I was own good.
there. Then we were ambushed by an entire band of brig- Finga of Flosbrook – A clumsy shepherd who can’t keep
ands, of which I killed at least a couple. It will be a good a flock of sheep under control.
story to tell the peasants on our way there. The supersti- Pergoth Kloeson – Kloe’s so called son. Kloe is Agda’s
tious peasants also believe the ruins are haunted, Bjarn has husband and has raised Pergoth. Kloe is always getting
told me that. That will be another good story to tell. Then on my nerves and doesn’t seem to shape up no matter
I’ll be certain they won’t dare to steal any valuables they how many times I punish him. If he didn’t brew such
might find out of fear of being haunted. Poor wretches.” damn good beer I’d have kicked him out long ago.
Doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the boy, which
History is no surprise considering the noble blood that runs
Born in Jorby on the 7th of Larane 674 in the sunsign through his veins. I know his father sends him poach-
Angberelius – the Swords. The eldest of two brothers of ing at night, but I don’t have the heart to prosecute my
his late father, noble Sir Servan. Borsborch is now the last own son for this petty crime.
remnant of his family and has not yet a son to take over
when he passes away. He did make Kloe Fullfingers’ wife Equipment
Agda pregnant twenty years ago, when Agda was serving Leather armour and mail habergeon, great helm, leather
food at a feast that Borsborch held in Baron Clywed’s ho- knee boots, beautiful surcoat with achievement, bastard
nour, but out of fear of losing his title he ordered her to sword, mace, dagger, warhorse, keys to the tower (his
keep it a secret and pretend as if the child, Pergoth, was home), a purse with ten silver pennies.
Agda’s and Kloe’s.
thonahexus 2 27
Character Name: Sir Borsborch Character Name: Sir Borsborch
Occupation / Title Landed Knight Occupation / Title Landed Knight
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 108 Knight Shield 5 14 1/4 - 2 - - 113 128
Human Male 6’ 2“ Heavy (13) 15 12 10 Endurance 12 Dagger 1 12 1/1 0 1 2 5 93 93
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 13 Bastard Sword 6 14 4/2 -10 5 8 5 132 122 Heavy
674-Lar-7 Angberelius 198 lbs Plain (7) 12 9 12 Agility 13 Mace 5 12 3/1 0 8 - - 123 113 Heavy
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 13 Lance 8 11 5/1 -15 4 - 8 118 98
Jorby Feudal 13 Dodge (AGL u 5) 65
Social Class Agility
Noble 13
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety INJURIES LOAD (Items Worn/Carried) ARMOUR / CLOTHING MATERIAL AQ WT
Eldest of 2 Ambidextrous 8 Larani 20
Location HR ILs Armour 73,8 Gauntlets Ring 1,6
Parent Hearing
Noble, dead 11 Weapons 17 Gambeson Quilt 19,5
Estrangement Smell Notes Hauberk Mail 32,5
Knee Boots Leather 3,8
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 21
Unpopular 18
Clanhead Voice Cowl Quilt 2,4
Father’s Cousin’s Son 12 Average Great Helm Plate 8,8
Surcoat Cloth 5,2
Bloodloss H6 Total Weight 90,8
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Name LV EML
Climbing 14 56 Awareness 12 60 Heraldry 10 50
Jumping 14 56 Oratory 10 50 Physician 11 44 PENALTIES SPEC.
Stealth 12 36 Rhetoric 11 66 Law 11 44 PENALTIES
Throwing 12 48 Ritual 14 42 Agriculture 12 60 A. Injury Levels
Dancing 13 52 Singing 12 36 Animalcraft 12 48 B. Fatigue Levels
Intrigue 10 50 Universal (A+B)
Musician 13 52 C. Encumbrance ENC=Load/End
Physical (A+B+C) Total
Skull Plate + Quilt 11 13 8 6
Face Plate 6 10 6 2
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Mail + Quilt + Cloth 8 12 8 6
Initiative 12 108 Harnic 11 81 Upper Arm Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Unarmed 14 56 Lakise 11 81 Elbow Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Spear 14 98 SHEK PVAR Forearm Mail + Quilt 7 11 7 5
Sword 17 102 Convocation SB ML Hand Ring 3 6 4 3
Shield 14 98 Lyahvi Thorax Mail + Quilt + Cloth 8 12 8 6
Club 14 98 Pleleahn Abdomen Mail + Quilt + Cloth 8 12 8 6
Dagger 13 78 Jmorvi Hip Mail + Quilt + Cloth 8 12 8 6
Riding 12 96 Fyvria Groin Mail + Quilt + Cloth 8 12 8 6
Odivshe Thigh Mail + Quilt + Cloth 8 12 8 6
Savorya Knee Leather 2 4 3 3
Neutral Calf Leather 2 4 3 3
Foot Leather 2 4 3 3
thonahexus 2
Handout: Sir Borsborch
Handout: Finga of Flosbrook A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 22
19 years, shepherdess and villein. except being a reason for celebration and of course the op-
“A shepherd loves the singing of the birds, the sun in the portunity to eventually have a number of loveable children
back and the wind in the face. I certainly don’t have much if the gods wish so. The fact is that Finga have placed a
to complain about. Herding sheep isn’t as hard as you couple of daisies under her blankets at home to increase
might think, on the contrary you have a lot of time doing the chances of being pregnant as soon as possible.
whatever you like – throwing knives, pick berries and relax
in the grass. The pay isn’t much, but it’s enough for your Personality
daily bread and a couple of jars of mediocre beer. A coward but curious. Tries to have others take risks for
In addition to being away from the village thus avoid- her. Can’t keep herself from “examining” or touching
ing the knight’s and the yeoman’s eternal buzzing about things she finds, or ask questions about everything be-
working harder, there are a lot of opportunities for adven- tween earth and sky that’s unknown to her. She dreams of
ture. Do I have to tell you about the time when I scared off adventure and longs for a good opportunity to leave the vil-
the wolf? lage, find a treasure or help a fellow man in distress. She’s
Just a couple of minutes away from Narrowheath very fond of beer and wine. She’s got a tendency to prom-
where the sheep are grazing there’s a huge ruin where I’ve ise things she can’t keep, especially when she’s drunk, but
found more than one silver penny. Many of the stones she’s good-hearted deep inside. She’s very generous with
carry different symbols and runes that seem to indicate herself and what little she owns.
that some sort of king or queen is buried there. Most surely
this noble was buried with a river of gems and jewelry. I The Other Characters
even think I’ve found the entrance to the tomb, hidden un- Rowan Rowanson – Don’t know who he is.
der a large bush a short distance from the ruined tower. It Marus Hunterson – The hunter’s son. I’ve only talked to
shines like gold from within the hole, I promise you that. him a few times. He seems nice.
Very soon I will enter and get what’s hidden beneath the Bjarn “Tenderfeet” – Sir Borsborch’s right hand. He
stones. Well, not on my own of course – imagine the stones does the dirty-work for the knight, such as training the
collapsing while you’re inside! men in using spear and bow. He’s in love with my sis-
The thing is that two days ago, when I was examining ter Lene, that’s hard to miss. What a dream it would
the ruin, the sheep took the opportunity to run away and I be if my sister married the yeoman. But that will never
could only find half of them. When I told the yeoman happen.
Bjarn he was more than annoyed. The fact that I was un- Pergoth Kloeson – A villein. He and his father brews the
der the influence of a fifth jar of beer didn’t help of course. best beer in the village that can be enjoyed at the inn!
I just hope that Bjarn and Sir Borsborch are in a good Sir Borsborch – Lord of the manor. I’ve of course never
mood when they give me my sentence. Bjarn has an eye for talked to him about anything else than delivering crops
my sister Lene, so this shouldn’t have any serious conse- and food.
History Shepherds staff, well-washed but worn cloth clothes and
Born in Jorby in a small cottage next to Flosbrook on the leather shoes, carving knife, five jars of beer, two loaves of
27th of Larane in the sunsign Angberelius – the Swords. bread, a piece of cheese, 13 silver pennies; everything
Finga has been herding since she was fourteen years old is packed in a sack tied to one end of the staff. At the ruin
now considered something of a veteran. Unfortunately she has two lamps and a bottle of lamp oil, a number of
she’s been more and more absent-minded over the years knives for throwing, a mirror, steel balls, a soiled piece of
and now she spends her time sunbathing, drinking beer parchment, a quill and a small bottle of ink hidden under
and throwing knives at trees. She lives with her three a tree, rolled into a blanket.
younger siblings together with her mother and father by the
brook next to Jorby, close to the knight’s manor.
Finga’s sister Lene took care of the two youngest, Eig-
inia and Liselott, five years ago when Finga started work-
ing as a shepherdess. The father, Fingol, is working the
fields and the mother Hillevi is a seamstress and house-
Finga and Rake’s son Benjamin are to be married at
the turn of the month. This makes no difference practically
thonahexus 2 29
Character Name: Finga of Flosbrook Character Name: Finga of Flosbrook
Occupation / Title Herdsman Occupation / Title Herdsman
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 50 Staff 4 11 4/3 -10 4 - - 66 61
Human Female 5’ 7“ Medium (10) 14 10 17 Endurance 13 Knife 1 10 1/0 0 0 1 4 50 45
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 7 Taburi 1 10 1/0 0 0 - 4 60 55 20’ 4, 40’ 3, 80’ 2
701-Lar-27 Angberelius 149 lbs Average (10) 13 13 10 Agility 11 0 -20 -40
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 11
Jorby Feudal 7 Dodge (AGL u 5) 55
Social Class Agility
Serf 11
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
1:st of 4 8 Peoni 23
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 9 Robe Cloth 7,8
Farmer, living 4 Weapons 5 Shoes Leather 1,2
Estrangement Smell Notes
Popular 13
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 23
Clanhead Voice
Grandfather’s Cousin’s son 9 Average
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Cloth 1 1 1 1
Initiative 10 50 Harnic 11 61 Upper Arm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Unarmed 11 33 Elbow Cloth 1 1 1 1
Spear 12 36 SHEK PVAR Forearm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Dagger 9 45 Convocation SB ML Hand
Lyahvi Thorax Cloth 1 1 1 1
Pleleahn Abdomen Cloth 1 1 1 1
Jmorvi Hip Cloth 1 1 1 1
Fyvria Groin Cloth 1 1 1 1
Odivshe Thigh Cloth 1 1 1 1
Savorya Knee Cloth 1 1 1 1
Neutral Calf Cloth 1 1 1 1
Foot Leather 2 4 3 3
thonahexus 2
Handout: Finga of Flosbrook
Handout: Kloe of Jorby A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 24
Read this first: Sir Borsborch must not answer Kloe’s family is poor and their little strip of land isn’t
! any questions during the early hours or even
snore since he’s now dead. Possibly you can “pre-
enough to feed all hungry mouths. For this reason Kloe
has been forced to find other ways of surviving and has ac-
tend” to be asleep. This is your new character. tually succeeded quite well at this. First of all he has got-
He’s not yet a member of the group. ten his hands on two bows with which he and his sons kill
wild animals at night, in all secrecy of course – if the hunter
53 years, farmer and villein. Nirav or his spying weasel of a son found out he’d have to
“What misery. This time that knight has gone one step too spend more than a couple of days in the gibbet. Besides
far. I don’t know what he’s got against me since he is always hunting the Kloe family is famous for its home-brewed
spreading lies about me and punishing me unfairly. I sup- beer that’s sold to the inn every Tenday. Kloe found the
pose he’s after my wife. Well, that’s not strange, she’s still recipe among his grandfather’s possessions several years
as beautiful as a summer’s day and he’s got no children of ago. After paying a passing merchant for translation he
his own and there won’t be any either I suppose – the has successfully brewed and sold his beer in the village
skinny sod probably can’t make it stand, hehehe. with quite a good profit, and even some to passing mer-
Oh my god, it’s so boring sitting here in this cage. Sit- chants. Consumption goes up during the summer.
ting here like a thief although I’m totally innocent. I’d
never dream of doing that thing the knight accused me of. Personality
Everyone who knows me knows that. Now, what did he Kloe has become a little forgetful and suffers from gout
say I’d done again? Oh never mind. Three more days to both here and there. He’s religious and worships the fertil-
endure, and the food they throw me every day is really ity goddess Peoni, but doesn’t exercise his religion as much
good. I do think it’s pious lady Emalia who cooks the food as his wife. He considers himself to be morally superior
they bring me, I know that from the smell of the bread. and sees himself as slightly better than his friends. People
Only she can bake bread that smells that wonderful. If my find him cocky, on the verge of being arrogant. He can be
knees didn’t hurt as much everything would be fine. really angry if teased, but can’t do more than spit and
I hope Pergoth is doing well now when he’s responsible swear at his opponents nowadays. Instead he avenges by
for the farm. It might even be good for him, for I will not releasing an inexhaustible stream of whining and nagging.
be with him for all eternity. One’s getting older, you know.
But death doesn’t scare me. I know the gracious earth- The Other Characters
mother Peoni will welcome me with open arms to the Rowan Rowanson – Who’s that?
Meadows of Valon when I get there. If you only knew Marus Hunterson – Nirav’s boy. Nirav has always been a
which day would be your last in this world, then I would really good hunter. Once I saw him bring down a bear,
without hesitation end my days by pushing the fully ar- three fathoms tall. Or was it a wild boar? Anyway, a
moured knight into the river so he’d sink to the bottom like real marksman is he in any case.
the old mossy stone he is, hehehe. That would be a sight Bjarn “Tenderfeet” – The village yeoman. Pergoth com-
for the gods. plains that they are being driven hard at weapons train-
I actually think I’ll do that on my next birthday. Then ing.
the village will remember me as the fighter and hero I re- Finga of Flosbrook – A cute little girl who likes the bottle
ally am. It’s by the way time for Pergoth to find a wife soon and appreciates my beer. A good shepherd, too.
if he’s taking over the farm. He’s not exactly a child any- Pergoth Kloeson – My own son. Works hard but still has
more and someone must take care of my wife and my other a lot to learn.
children when I’m no longer here. Well, I’ll have to wait Sir Borsborch – A slaver you’d be better off without. He
pushing the knight into the river until I’ve found a woman never leaves me alone.
for my son.”
History Filthy and now quite smelly linen clothes. Leather shoes
Born in Jorby on the 13th of Kelen 667 in the sunsign Feniri with a silver penny in each.
– the Smith. Living in quite a happy and gods-fearing re-
lationship with his wife Agda and their four children, of
whom the eldest son Pergoth soon is expected to take over
the family’s minimal plot. Kloe is presently locked up in
the gibbet where he has been placed by Sir Borsborch who
accuses him of disregarding his lord, i.e. the knight himself.
thonahexus 2 31
Character Name: Kloe of Jorby Character Name: Kloe of Jorby
Occupation / Title Farmer Occupation / Title Farmer
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 54
Human Male 5’ 7“ Medium (9) 13 9 9 Endurance 10
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 6
674-Kel-13 Feniri 164 lbs Average (10) 5 11 9 Agility 7
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 7
Jorby Feudal 6 Senility Dodge (AGL u 5) 35
Social Class Agility
Serf 7
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
3:rd of 6 Rheumatism 11 Peoni 16
Parent Gout Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 10 Tunic Cloth 4,4
Farmer, dead Vision Impairment 8 Weapons Leggings Cloth 4,4
Estrangement Weight Gain Smell Notes Shoes Leather 1,2
Unpopular Hearing Loss 16
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 25
Clanhead Voice
Distant 3 Unbearable
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Cloth 1 1 1 1
Initiative 9 54 Harnic 8 58 Upper Arm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Unarmed 9 36 Lakise 9 79 Elbow
Spear 12 50 SHEK PVAR Forearm
Bow 11 44 Convocation SB ML Hand
Lyahvi Thorax Cloth 1 1 1 1
Pleleahn Abdomen Cloth 1 1 1 1
Jmorvi Hip Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Fyvria Groin Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Odivshe Thigh Cloth 1 1 1 1
Savorya Knee Cloth 1 1 1 1
Neutral Calf Cloth 1 1 1 1
Foot Leather + Cloth 3 5 4 4
thonahexus 2
Handout: Kloe of Jorby
Handout: Marus Nivarson, called Hunterson A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 26
19 years, hunter and free man. Sabine’s twentieth birthday next summer. It’s not a torrid
“It’s all that botcher Pergoth Fullfinger’s fault that I am in love affair but they get along fine and Krage has already
this situation. He’s ugly, disgusting, annoying and stands begun sketching on a smaller timber house to be erected
close screaming in your face. On top of that he’s fat and next to the family’s own where Marus and Sabine will live.
dwarf-sized. I admit borrowing some apples from Sir
Borsborchs yard, but Pergoth didn’t have to yell all over Personality
the place as soon as he found out. So I told him and took Marus is energetic and seldom lets himself be downhearted.
the opportunity to tell him what I think of him and his fa- He likes to get to root of the problem and solve it. In every-
ther. I’d probably had a beer or two, but it wasn’t me who day life he’s relaxed, cheerful and a player with words, but
punched first, anyway. The knight is rich like a dragon when’s got a task to solve he becomes resolute, nervous and
even without those apples, that just rot on the ground any- tensed. Marus is generous by nature, both with his own and
way unless someone picks them. One must be able to other people’s possessions. He’s been at odds with Pergoth
share, just like I and my family always have done. since childhood, but the conflict is rather mutual annoyance
As proof of my good intent I intend to offer the knight than hate. Marus is very fond of food and drink.
an excellent bear hide for the lowly price of thirty pennies.
Since winter is on its way it’s important to dress warm. The Other Characters
Well, well, it’s no point dwelling on this now – what’s done Rowan Rowanson – The metalsmith Ragnald’s new ap-
is done. Now I just have to prepare myself for the punish- prentice. Recently moved in a couple of days ago. Quite
ment. I’m sure they will send me out together with Fullfin- handsome if one’s to believe Sabine’s friends who’ve
gers to collect the stray sheep that the clumsy clot Finga been all over him ever since he came to the village.
lost, probably when she was lying in the sun drinking beer Bjarn Brynolfson – The village yeoman in charge of
instead of doing her job. It’s not even sure they are there weapons training every month. He’s boorish, loud and
anymore, the wolf may just as well have taken them. That’s quite bothersome, but he lets us off weapons training
why it’s the knight’s fine luck that I’m involved, the trained very cheaply. People call him “Tenderfeet” when he’s
archer that I am. No one will probably complain if I flay not around, but no one has had the courage to call him
the wolves and sell their hides. It may even turn out to be that when he’s present. How he got his nickname I
a profitable journey. don’t know, he’s always been called that.
I just have to keep my eye on the Fullfingers. I know for Finga of Flosbrook – A lazy shepherdess who drinks too
a fact that they are poaching to complement their income much beer.
from the beer sales. Perhaps I can catch them in front of the Pergoth “Fullfingers” – A simple peasant who’s annoyed
knight. It would be a dream come true. During the night I me since I was a young rascal. It’s his fault I’m here to-
must be cautious, though. Wolves I can bring down in big day. It’s not enough that he won’t leave me alone, he and
heaps, but close to the pasture wraiths roam the land, his father Kloe are poaching at night, of that I’m totally
ghosts from fallen warriors and kings guarding their fields sure because father and I have found wounded animals
of death. Perhaps I should bring Pergoth by night so he in the woods close to their cottage. And my friends tell
can experience what a coward he is.” me that Fullfingers has told them on the booze that he’s
been hunting just to annoy me and my father. His father
History Kloe is a really rude yokel with no respect for a hunter’s
Born in Jorby on the 3rd of Halane in 701 in the sunsign of craft, but he brews damned good beer that’s served at
Hirin – the Eagle. He’s the oldest son of Jorby’s only the inn. I wonder how does it, could he be possessed by
hunter Nirav. The family have been hunters for genera- a demon? Nothing is impossible.
tions. His mother Petronella died giving birth and Nirav Sir Borsborch – Fiefholder and the lord’s vassal. He keeps
remarried with the then only seventeen years old serf mostly to himself and doesn’t associate with us common
Lisen. Nirav, Lisen, Marus, his three sisters Nila, Berith folk except when he inspects weapons training and
and Ylva and his brother Noak live in a small timber house when he comes to collect meat and furs.
on the outskirts of Jorby where they flay, tan and salt meat.
Because the entire area around smells quite bad they don’t Equipment
get many visitors, but the whole family is still very well- Flint and steel, lamp, lamp oil, three knives in different
liked in the village since they are competent craftsmen. sizes, 5 silver pennies, a very beautiful bear hide, two jars
Marus has been going steady with Sabine Brundeson, of beer, snares; everything packed in a backpack. Dressed
the villeins Krage’s and Lisa’s middle daughter, for several in leather. Carries a shortbow, quiver with arrows, dagger
years now and both families have planned the wedding for and a bearspear.
thonahexus 2 33
HârnMaster HârnMaster
Character Name: Marus Hunterson Character Name: Marus Hunterson
Occupation / Title Hunter Occupation / Title Hunter
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 60 Short Bow 2 10 1/1 - 1 - - 63 63 100’ 6, 200’ 5, 400’ 4
Human Male 5’ 9“ Medium (10) 9 14 8 Endurance 9 Dagger 1 11 1/1 0 1 2 5 63 63 0 -20 -40
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 12 Spear 5 11 4/2 -10 4 - 7 70 60
701-Hal-3 Hirin 157 lbs Attractive (13) 9 10 9 Agility 15
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 15
Jorby Feudal 12 Dodge (AGL u 5) 75
Social Class Agility
Ungilded Free 15
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
Eldest of 5 11 Peoni 24
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 20,8 Tunic Leather 8,8
Hunter, mother dead 9 Weapons 8 Leggings Leather 8,8
Estrangement Smell Notes Quiver 1 Calf Boots Leather 3,2
Average 10 20 Arrows 1
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 27
Clanhead Voice
Uncle 15 Pleasant
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Leather 3 5 4 4
Initiative 12 69 Harnic 13 73 Upper Arm Leather 3 5 4 4
Unarmed 12 36 Elbow
Spear 10 40 SHEK PVAR Forearm
Bow 12 48 Convocation SB ML Hand
Dagger 12 48 Lyahvi Thorax Leather 3 5 4 4
Pleleahn Abdomen Leather 3 5 4 4
Jmorvi Hip Leather + Leather 6 10 8 8
Fyvria Groin Leather + Leather 6 10 8 8
Odivshe Thigh Leather 3 5 4 4
Savorya Knee Leather 3 5 4 4
Neutral Calf Leather + Leather 6 10 8 8
Foot Leather + Leather 6 10 8 8
thonahexus 2
Handout: Marus Nivarson
Handout: Pergoth Kloeson A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 28
20 years, villein. The family is poor and quite often Pergoth is forced to
“Misfortune’s misfortune. More times than I can remem- leave the table hungry. The family is struggling hard to
ber, Vole-Marus has put me in a tight corner. He’s dirty, survive, and the minimal surplus that’s left every Tenday
ignorant, ugly and smells of rotten bark. I catch him nick- when Sir Borsborch has received his three day’s work is
ing apples from Sir Borsborch and report him for his own supported by the beer sale and poaching at night. The il-
good. And how does he thank me? The savage starts to in- legal hunting hasn’t exactly improved relations between
sult me and my father for no reason whatsoever, calling us the Kloe family and the village hunters, which is one of the
drunkards and poachers. I thought it was well within my big reasons for the eternal conflicts between Marus and
rights to smack him, but apparently the knight didn’t agree Pergoth.
and now I’m sitting here, waiting to get punished for some- Pergoth is doing a lot of work in the household and has
thing that wasn’t my fault to begin with. yet to find the time to court a possible spouse.
The knight is a dishonest sourpuss who has had grudge
against my family ever since I was a little rascal. For some Personality
reason it’s not I but my father who’s been the victim of the Pergoth loves his father Kloe very much and strongly dis-
knight’s spite. Father has been in the gibbet a number of likes it when he’s being treated badly by the knight. He
times and lately rumours have been flying around the vil- thinks that his father is mostly nice and just, but lately Kloe
lage, calling him a thief and liar – slander that most surely has been having trouble realising that Pergoth isn’t a child
originates from the knight. I really don’t know what he’s anymore and doesn’t need someone looking after him. Per-
got against my father and our family, that has always just goth has been in conflict with Marus Hunterson since
been a fact of life. Yesterday he sent a message telling my childhood, but the conflict is rather one of mutual annoy-
father to appear in court together with me today. I have no ance than hate. Pergoth is a lovesick dreamer who seems
idea what my father is accused of. nervous and enthusiastic most of the time. He wants to
Whatever my own punishment will be I don’t have time appear as a good soul with noble intent, but is to coward
for it. The farm has to be taken care of, the cows tended to achieve any greater heroic deeds, and besides he’s not as
and the plants watered. Besides, the harvest seems to be self-sacrificing as he wants others to believe. He’s strongly
greater than ever and we can’t afford to miss this opportu- religious and spends at least a half-hour every day wor-
nity given to us by Peoni. shipping Peoni.
People are simply to stingy and self-centered, not just
the knight and Vole-Marus who happen to be really bad ex- The Other Characters
amples. Most people are themselves dearest and wouldn’t Rowan Rowanson – Doesn’t know who he is.
hesitate a second to steal something that belongs to others Marus “King of Voles” – A stinking rat who never leaves
or get involved in something that’s none of their business. I me alone. The village would be better off without him.
myself am a noble and gods-fearing soul who’d never think Bjarn “Tenderfeet” – The village yeoman. He’s in charge
of neither stealing nor lying. Or, well, you must lie some- of weapons training each month, it’s usually over in ten
times, but only small white lies for the good of everyone. minutes. He’s a loudmouth but not meaner than any-
One day, my goodness and courage will pay off, and one else in the village.
that’s the truth. One day, when the village needs me the Finga of Flosbrook – A shepherdess.
most, I’ll be there to save them all. The men will envy me Sir Borsborch – An unjust tyrant who never leaves my fa-
and the girls will stand in line to be my wedded wife for ther and our family alone. If only I was a nobleman,
better and for worse. They will pin a silver plaquette en- then I’d kill him in a duel.
graved with my name to the gates of the inn and insert my
name in …” Equipment
Four jars of the family’s own beer, a cheese, two loaves of
History freshly baked bread, turnips, some fruit, a small knife, a
Born in Jorby on the 15th of Ilvin in 700 I the sunsign of Sko- spear, proper cloth clothes and leather shoes, a couple of
rus – the Mixer. The third child of four of Kloe and Agda. yards of rope.
He has walked in his father’s footsteps as a farmer and
worked on the family’s minimal plot since he was ten years
old. Pergoth has gotten quite good at cultivating, harvest-
ing and tending the animals over the years, and he also
helps his father brewing the family’s own beer which is
very popular and served at the inn.
thonahexus 2 35
HârnMaster HârnMaster
Character Name: Pergoth Kloeson Character Name: Pergoth Kloeson
Occupation / Title Farmer Occupation / Title Farmer
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 50 Spear 5 11 4/2 -10 4 - 7 66 56
Human Male 5’ 1“ Massive (16) 9 12 10 Endurance 10
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 9
700-Ilv-15 Skorus 152 lbs Attractive (14) 7 13 14 Agility 8
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 8
Jorby Feudal 9 Dodge (AGL u 5) 40
Social Class Agility
Serf 8
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
3:rd of 4 16 Peoni 15
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 10 Tunic Cloth 4,4
Farmer, living 8 Weapons Leggings Cloth 4,4
Estrangement Smell Notes Shoes Leather 1,2
Average 12
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 29
Clanhead Voice
Distant 11 Average
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Cloth 1 1 1 1
Initiative 10 50 Harnic 12 62 Upper Arm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Unarmed 9 36 Elbow
Spear 9 36 SHEK PVAR Forearm
Bow 11 33 Convocation SB ML Hand
Lyahvi Thorax Cloth 1 1 1 1
Pleleahn Abdomen Cloth 1 1 1 1
Jmorvi Hip Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Fyvria Groin Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Odivshe Thigh Cloth 1 1 1 1
Savorya Knee Cloth 1 1 1 1
Neutral Calf Cloth 1 1 1 1
Foot Leather + Cloth 3 5 4 4
thonahexus 2
Handout: Pergoth Kloeson
Handout: Rowan Rowanson A DIABOLICAL PLAN 30
22 years, metalsmith’s apprentice and yeoman. ent his examination work to Jorby’s metalsmith, Master
“I can’t believe that I, Rowan Rowanson, must sit here Ragnald. The examination work is to be presented in four
caged like an animal. The reason, they say, is that I’ve bro- weeks, and then Rowan plans to go to the city after seven
ken the guild rights by selling my masterpieces without let- hard years as an apprentice. In the city he’ll charm the
ting the greedy merchants get their share, but I know what most competent metalsmiths and merchants with his
it’s really about. Both Sir Borsborch and Master Ragnald smooth tongue and beautiful face. The dream is of course
are jealous because I’ve had everything for free from the to be promoted to Master within a couple of years and be-
very start. And who can blame them? Master is, truth be come one of the most famous metalsmiths in the entire
told, on the autumn of his life still a mediocre metalsmith country.
and the knight has probably not got laid since the great Rowan’s father has for many years tried to negotiate a
winterstorm seven years ago. good bride for Rowan, for contacts in the more distin-
It takes no genius to figure out that the knight will seize guished circles of society aren’t lacking, but every time the
this opportunity to send me off to find the strayed sheep as negotiations are about to close Rowan gets in trouble and
punishment. Not a man’s job, exactly, but I’ll just have to is caught with some peasant girl and the marriage negoti-
bite the sour apple. Arguing with the knight doesn’t get ations must be postponed until the whole incident is for-
you anywhere. But one day I’ll strike back, trust me. I’m gotten. Rowan’s family still lives in Crowscairn.
already a very competent metalsmith with good connec-
tions in Jorby, especially with the female part. Yesterday I Personality
met Hulda, the miller’s daughter, a jewel among jewels. He’s had an easy life since he’s always been well-liked by
It doesn’t have to be totally boring looking for the his family. Rowan is really good looking and is nice and
searching for the flock of sheep. Apparently they were funny, at least as long as life is going well. As a result of
tended on Narrowheath said to be near King Orsin of this he has never had to try very hard while at the same
Pagostra’s grave, or The Ruins as they’re called by the lo- time he’s been convinced of his own excellence. He gets re-
cals. There’s no doubt the king was buried in luxury and ally sulky when things don’t go his way or are being denied
affluence, the question is whether someone’s already been him. It’s very hard for Rowan to forgive what he considers
there and snatched all the goodies. If only I could get my to be a wrong and can ponder revenge for several years.
hands on the well-made royal jewels and the weapons He enjoys the simple life, i.e. good food, rest, beer and
surely buried with the king, then I’d easily become a Mas- women. He’s generally quite immature and horrified of be-
ter. The problem that remains is the king’s ghost that most ing forced into marriage and have to spend the rest of his
surely is waiting to sink his teeth into every plunderer life providing for his wife and their twenty children.
who’s trying to steal his gold. The best thing to do is to go
there during the day, preferably together with the others The Other Characters
and without the knight knowing. Not even a ghost can get Marus Hunterson – The hunter’s eldest son.
a angry if you just have a look around.” Bjarn Tenderfeet – The village yeoman. Is called Tender-
feet by people, even by Master Ragnald, but I honestly
History don’t know why. He’s probably a coward.
Born in Crowscairn on the 17th of Agrazhar in 698 in the Finga of Flosbrook – A shepherdess, the only one in the
sunsign Nadai -– the Salamander. Because he was the village, I think. Definitely her fault the sheep ran away.
third son and wouldn’t inherit his father’s business, and Pergoth Kloeson – Son of Kloe Fullfingers, a villein called
thanks to being his family’s favourite and of statuesque Fullfingers because he steals and cheats.
beauty, he became a metalsmith’s apprentice with his un- Sir Borsborch – Lord of the manor. Haven’t met him, but
cle Olaf in his home village of Crowscairn. He moved to Master says he’s wise and fair most of the time.
the neighbouring village Jorby after he’d become an enemy
of the more distinguished people of Crowscairn because he Equipment
had been caught in Ingrid’s – the innkeeper’s daughter – Flint and steel, two torches, keys to the forge, apprentice’s
bed. Erik, the innkeeper of Crowscairn was outraged since letter, knife, four jars of beer, 42 silver pennies; everything
Ingrid already was engaged to a rather wealthy merchant packed in a backpack.
who visits the village a couple of times each year.
Rowan’s father Egon managed to appease Erik’s anger
and it was decided that Rowan would pay a symbolic fine
for his lapse and, for the good of all, temporarily move to
Jorby where he would finish his apprenticeship and pres-
thonahexus 2 37
Character Name: Rowan Rowanson Character Name: Rowan Rowanson
Occupation / Title Metalsmith (Apprentice) Occupation / Title Metalsmith (Apprentice)
Species Sex Height Frame Strength Intelligence Aura Initiative 50
Human Male 6’ 1“ Heavy (13) 13 13 13 Endurance 11
Birthdate Sunsign Weight Comeliness Stamina Will Morality Dexterity 13
698-Agr-17 Nadai 193 lbs Handsome 17 13 7 14 Agility 10
Birthplace Culture Other Appearance Dexterity Psyche Move 10
Kråkröse Feudal 13 Dodge (AGL u 5) 50
Social Class Agility
Guilded 10
Sibling Rank Medical Eyesight Deity/Religion Piety
3:th of 5 9 Peoni 13
Parent Hearing Location HR ILs Armour 10 Tunic Cloth 4,4
Mecantyler, living 10 Weapons Leggings Cloth 4,4
Estrangement Smell Notes Shoes Leather 1,2
Favorite 8
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 31
Clanhead Voice
Father’s Cousin 6 Unpleasant
Skill SB ML Skill SB ML Shoulder Cloth 1 1 1 1
Initiative 10 50 Harnic 9 69 Upper Arm Cloth 1 1 1 1
Unarmed 12 36 Lakise 12 82 Elbow
Club 13 52 SHEK PVAR Forearm
Convocation SB ML Hand
Lyahvi Thorax Cloth 1 1 1 1
Pleleahn Abdomen Cloth 1 1 1 1
Jmorvi Hip Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Fyvria Groin Cloth + Cloth 2 2 2 2
Odivshe Thigh Cloth 1 1 1 1
Savorya Knee Cloth 1 1 1 1
Neutral Calf Cloth 1 1 1 1
Foot Leather + Cloth 3 5 4 4
thonahexus 2
Handout: Rowan Rowanson
Handout A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 32
You’ve summoned a moot today to sentence six persons. One of them, Kloe Fullfingers, you have already sentenced
to four days in the gibbet. The other five you’ve decided to sentence to come with you and bring back the lost flock
of sheep. You must however let all of the accused and witnesses be heard before you judge them. No one must sus-
pect that you’ve made up your mind in advance.
Below are the five accused, what crime they’re accused of and relevant witnesses.
Rowan Rowanson
Accused of illegal sale in conflict with guild rights. This occurred at the inn according to both witnesses.
Master Ragnald, metalsmith. Claims to have lost both income and stock.
The innkeeper Freduc Grouseleaf. Says he has seen both this and that.
Marus Hunterson
Accused of disturbing the peace. Fought with Pergoth in the street. He’s also nicked fruit from your own garden.
Tora the maid, claims to have seen Marus nick pears and witnessed how Pergoth intervened with a good box.
Freduc Grouseleaf.
Pergoth Kloeson
Accused of disturbing the peace. Fought with Marus in the street.
Tora the maid, see above.
Nirav the Hunter, Marus’ father.
Finga of Flosbrook
Has “lost” the flock of sheep. Half of the village sheep flock has run away, it will be very interesting to hear where
the sheep have gone.
Bjarn, who was the first person to talk to Finga after she returned to the village.
Aunt Gunja, Benjamin’s grandmother has something to say about Finga.
Freduc Grouseleaf.
Bjarn Brynolfson
Accused of neglecting his military duties. You’ve come to understand that ever since you handed over the responsi-
bility for weapons training, the skills of the men have declined to an absolute minimum. Bjarn is considered to be re-
Brynolf, Bjarn’s father, previously responsible for weapons training.
Pergoth and Marus should know if weapons training has been properly carried out.
Freduc Grouseleaf.
thonahexus 2 39
A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 33 Handouts For Each Scene of the Moot
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Handouts For Each Scene of the Moot A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 34
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A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 35 Handout: Letter 1
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Handout: Letter 2 A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 36
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A D I A B O L I C A L P L A N 37 Handout: Letter 3
Victory or death!
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