1st Semester Selection MSO-103
1st Semester Selection MSO-103
1st Semester Selection MSO-103
• Caste system with all its peculiarities is unique to India. It is not universal. On the other hand Class system
is universal. It is found almost in all societies of the world.
• Caste status of an individual is ascribed at birth. Birth, not achievement is the criterion of caste. Status can
neither be changed nor be improved. However, in case of class system, status is achieved by the individuals.
There is scope for achieving higher status. Hence, in class system, status can be changed or improved.
• It must be remembered that caste is a closed system; it restricts social mobility (movement) from one social
status to the other. By contrast, class is an open system. It provides opportunity to improve one’s social status
(which is called mobility) Individual can, move from lower to a higher class by dint of their achievement.
• Caste system is not secular like the class system. It is believed that caste system had a divine origin. It is
closely linked up with Hinduism, although caste is found among some other religious groups. On the other
hand class system is secular. It has no significant connection with any religion.
• The concept of purity and impurity (pollution) is ingrained in the caste system. Some castes are pure or
clean while some other castes are unclean, impure or even untouchables. In case of class system, although
there is a feeling of disparity between different classes, the question of purity and pollution does not arise.
Hence, there is no untouchable group in class system.
• Caste system regulates the activities and relations of its members to a great extent. It fixes the role of a
man in society. The class system on the other hand limits the range of contact and communications of its
members. Individuals are freer in a class. It also regulates the daily activities of its members
• l Comparatively greater social distance is kept between different caste groups, while there is less social
distance between different classes. Members of a class are more tolerant than others.
• Caste system tends to become more conservative, orthodox, and reactionary. On the other hand, social
classes are more tolerant and progressive than the caste system. It allows its members to achieve higher
status or great mobility. • Caste is an endogamous group. As we all know, it means caste members have to
choose their marriage partners from within the group. It is not the case with class system. Classes are not
• Caste system is a complex system. The fact that more than 2800 castes and sub castes are found in India
shows how complex it is. On the other hand class is its simplicity. Broadly speaking, there are only three
classes namely, the upper, middle and the lower class. Therefore the class system is not as complex as that
of castes.
• In a democratic country like India caste consciousness is more dangerous than class consciousness.
Casteism has been a great hindrance to national integration.
On the other hand class system never restricts the spirit of democracy. In the Indian society, both castes and
class exists side by side. At times, they also overlap.