p.7 Science Notes 2023
p.7 Science Notes 2023
p.7 Science Notes 2023
• Endo skeleton
• Exo skeleton
• Hydrostatic skeleton
End skeleton
• By moulting or ecdysis
Hydrostatic skeleton
• Snails
• Slugs
• Worms
• Star fish
• Jelly fish
• Caterpillars
• Sea urchins.
Qn. Name the delicate body organs protected by the following parts of
the skeleton.
a) skull
• Brain
• Tongue
• Eyes
• Middle and inner ear.
b) Back bone / spine / vertebral column
• Spinal cord
c) Rib cage / Ribs
• Heart
• Lungs
d) Pelvis / Hip girdle
• Reproductive organs
e) Eye Socket / Orbit
• Eyes
Human skeleton
• Babies are born with many cartilages which later join to form bones.
• Axial region
• Appendicular region
Axial Region
Qn. Mention the parts of the skeleton that make up the axial region.
• Skull
• Back bone
• Ribs
Appendicular Region
• Girdles
• Limbs
• Blood
• Blood cells
• Nerves
Qn. Mention the mineral salts that make bones and teeth strong
• Calcium
• Phosphorous
Bone marrow
• Long bones
• Short bones
• Flat bones
• Irregular bones
a) Long bones
• Long bones are the bones found mainly in the limbs.
• Tibia
• Femur
• Fibula
• Humerus
• Radius
• Femur
b) Short bones
• Short bones are bones found mainly in the feet and hands.
• Carpals
• Tarsals
i) Hand
ii) Foot
c) Flat bones
d) Irregular bones
• Vertebrae
• Pelvis
• Movable joints
• Immovable joints
Movable joints
a) Ligament
• A ligament is tough elastic fibre that joins a bone to a bone.
b) Tendon
• A tendon is tough elastic fibre that joins a bone to a muscle/tendon.
• A ball and socket joint is a joint that allows movement in all directions.
Qn. Give the examples of the ball and socket joints in the body.
• Shoulder joint
• Hip joint
2. Hinge joint
• Knee joint
• Elbow joint
• Knuckle joints
3. Pivot joint
• A pivot joint is a joint that allows rotation of certain parts of the body
on other parts.
• Neck vertebrae
• Gliding joints are joints which allow bones to slide over each other.
• Wrist joint
• Ankle joint
Muscular system
Types of muscles
Qn. Why are the triceps and biceps regarded as antagonistic muscles?
• Biceps and triceps muscles work in pairs and have opposite effect on
each other.
Qn. State what happens to the following muscles when the arm is
a) Biceps
• The biceps relaxes.
b) Triceps
• The triceps contacts.
Qn. State what happens to the following muscles when the arm is bent.
a) The biceps
b) Triceps
• Biceps muscles are called flexor muscles because they bend the arm /
• Triceps are called extensor muscles because they extend /stretch the
arm / leg.
b) Involuntary muscles.
• Involuntary muscles are muscles whose movement is not under our will.
• Sit upright.
• Do not tighten the ankle / knees.
• Place both feet on the floor
• Sit on both buttocks.
Qn. Mention the different diseases that affect the skeletal system.
• Polio
• Rickets
• Bone cancer
• Leprosy
• Osteomylitis
• Achondroplasia
a) Polio
• Virus
• Fever
• Paralysis
• Persistent cough
• A lump grows on the spine.
• Failure to walk.
• Oxbow legs
• Knock knee legs
• Dislocation
• Fracture
• Skull deformity
• Osteoporosis (weak bones)
• Apply RICE (Raise the injured part, ice the injured part, compress the
injured part and Elevate the injured part.)
b) Fractures.
• Polio
• Tetanus
• Sprain
• Strain
• Muscle cramps
• Cuts
• Wounds
• Steel
• Iron
• Nickel
• Cobalt
• Rubber
• Glass
• Wood
• Plastic
Types of magnets
a) Natural magnet
b) Artificial magnets
a) Natural magnets
• The earth
• Lode stone (magnetite)
b) Artificial magnets.
• Electro magnet.
• Bar magnet
• Horse shoe magnet.
• Cylindrical magnet
• Needle magnet
a) Bar magnet
d) Needle magnets
Properties of magnets
a) A freely suspended bar magnet will always rest with its poles facing
in the north-south direction.
An illustration
An illustration
• Magnetic lines of force run from the North Pole to the South Pole.
• Magnetic lines of force do not intersect within each other.
• There is no line of force within the magnet itself.
Qn. State the differences between iron and steel as magnetic materials.
• Iron gains magnetism easily while steel takes long to gain magnetism.
• Iron loses magnetism easily while steel takes long to lose magnetism.
• Iron is used to make temporary magnets while steel is used to make
permanent magnets.
2. Induction method.
• Induced magnet.
• Electro magnet
Qn. State the factors that determine the strength of an electro magnet.
Qn. Give any two ways of increasing the strength of an electro magnet.
• By hammering a magnet.
• By heating a magnet.
• By leaving a magnet to rust.
• By keeping a magnet with like poles near each other for a long time.
• By keeping a magnet while facing in the East to West direction.
• By passing alternating currents through a magnet.
• By boiling a magnet in water.
An Electric Bell
• When the switch is pressed, current starts flowing and the soft iron core
gains magnetism.
• When the soft iron core gains magnetism, it attracts the soft iron
• The hammer attached to the soft iron armature hits the gong and
sound is produced.
• The metal strip is pulled away from the contact screw and the electro
magnet becomes demagnetised.
Qn. Name the appliances that use both magnets and electricity.
PREPARED BY MUTAKA SEMU 0705229363/ 0771433657
• Radios
• Electric bells
• Loud speakers
• Electric motors
• Refrigerators
• Television sets.
• Magnetic compasses.
• Magnetic tapes
• Protons
• Electrons
• Neutrons
Types of electricity
• Current Electricity
• Static electricity
Current electricity
• Dry cells
• Simple cells / wet cells
• Car batteries.
• Direct current electricity cannot be stepped up or stepped down.
• Hydro electricity.
• Geothermal electricity
• Thermal electricity
• Solar electricity
• Atomic or Nuclear electricity
• Chemical electricity.
• Potential energy.
Qn. Mention the type of energy possessed by falling water that turns
turbines at a water fall.
• Kinetic energy.
• Turbines are big wheel like structures which rotate when hit by water.
Qn. How does electricity generated from power stations reach other
b) Geothermal Electricity
c) Thermal Electricity
• Coal
• Petrol
• Diesel
d) Solar Electricity
i) Solar panel
• To absorb sunlight.
• To trap sunlight.
f) Chemical Electricity
Electric current
• Ammeter
• Amperes / amps
Electric circuit
Components Symbols
Dry cell
Bulb (load)
A fuse
Conductors connected
Conductor crossing
a) Switch
• The switch breaks and completes the circuit at the user’s will.
b) Ammeter
• The ammeter measures electric current.
c) Conductor
• The conductor transmits electricity through the circuit.
d) Dry cells
• The dry cells produce electricity for the appliance.
• Chemical energy
Qn. What energy charge takes place when the circuit is complete?
• Electric energy.
Qn. State the energy change that takes place in an electric bulb when
the circuit is complete.
Qn. Identify the two forms of energy produced by an electric bulb when
the circuit is complete.
• Heat energy
• Light energy
Qn. Identify the instances / factors that can make a bulb to stop giving
light even when the circuit is complete.
f) Fuse
• A fuse breaks the circuit incase of too much flow of current.
• By melting and breaking the circuit incase of too much flow of current.
Qn. Give the factors that can make a fuse wire to blow.
• A fuse is made up of an alloy of tin and lead which has a low melting
• Ohmmeter
• Ohms
• Electric pressure is the force that drives current through the resistance
of the circuit.
• Voltmeter
• Volts
• Electromotive force.
• Silver
• Aluminium
• Tin
• Lead
• Tungsten
• Copper
• Iron
• Wet wood.
• Salt solution
• Acids e.g. hydrochloric acid
• Undistilled water / water containing mineral salts.
• Carbon rod.
• Carbon rod
Qn. Give a reason why distilled water does not conduct electricity.
• Rubber
• Plastics
• Clothes
• Dry wood
• Dry paper
• Porcelain
• Distilled water
Qn. Give reasons why electric wires are covered with rubber during
electrical installation.
Short circuit
• A short circuit is mainly caused when two naked wires carrying current
Electric cells
• Primary cells
• Secondary cells
a) Primary cells
• Primary cells are cells that cannot be recharged when used up.
• Dry cells
• Wet cells / simple cells
Dry cell
a) Brass cap
• A simple cell is a cell that consists of a copper plate (positive) and zinc
plate (negative) dipped into dilute sulphuric acid.
• Lemon juice
• Urine
• Undistilled water
• Salt solution
• Dilute sulphuric acid
• Dilute hydrochloric acid
• Chemical energy
• Polarization
• Local action
• When hydrogen bubbles cover the copper plate, they reduce the
e.m.f of the cell and the bulb will stop giving light.
Local action
• Local action is when hydrogen bubbles are seen coming off from the
zinc plate.
• Secondary cells are cells that can be recharged once used up.
A car battery
a) Glass envelope
b) Brass cap
• The brass cap enables the bulb to be fixed properly in the lamp
c) Coiled filament
• Tungsten
• Wolfram
• The supporting glass stem and filament support hold the filament in
g) Lead wire
• Lead wires conduct electricity from the contact to the filament.
h) Sealing tube
• The sealing tube enables air to be removed from the bulb.
i) Contacts
• The contacts transmit electricity from the lamp holder to the bulb.
• The contacts connect the bulb to the source of electricity from the
lamp holder.
j) Cement
• The cement provides support to the inside parts of the bulb.
A torch
A diagram of a torch
a) Bulb
• The switch breaks and completes the circuit at one’s will or wish.
c) Dry cells
• Dry cells produce electricity.
d) Reflector
• The reflector directs light into diverging beam.
e) Glass
• The cover and spring keep the dry cells tightly fixed and closed.
• The cover and spring complete the circuit.
Qn. Give the factors that can make a torch fail to give out light.
Qn. Identify the factors that can make a torch stop giving out light.
An illustration
• DVD players
• Telephones
• Electric fans
• Televisions
• Electric radios
Qn. State the importance of the following wires in a three pin plug.
• The neutral wire takes current from the appliance back to the source.
• The live wire brings current from the source to the appliance.
iv) Earth wire (Yellow or Green)
• The earth wire takes current in the soil incase of two much flow.
• The earth wire prevents electric shock.
Domestic electricity
• Generator
• Transformer
• Dynamo
• Electric motor
a) Generator
• A generator is a device that produces electricity by changing
mechanical energy to electric energy.
• Bicycle
• Vehicles
• Step up transformers.
• Step down transformers.
Qn. How does electricity generated from power stations reach the
Rural Electrification
Qn. State the different ways of creating static electricity in daily life.
An illustration
• Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other.
• The charges are on the surface of • The charges are inside the
the insulator. conductor
Qn. What is lightning?
• Electricity is quick.
• Electricity provides clean work.
• Electricity controls the cutting of trees.
• Electricity does not pollute the environment.
• Renewable resources.
• Non-renewable resources.
• Animals
• Plants
• Soil
• Water
• Air / wind
• Sun
• Minerals
• Rocks
• Fossil fuels
Energy resources
• Energy resources are things that provide people with useful energy.
• Plants
• Animals
• Wind
• Sun
• Minerals
• Fossil fuels
• Plants
• Animals
• Wind
• Water
• The sun
• Minerals
• Fossil fuels
• Oxen
• Donkeys
• Camels
• Through reproduction.
• Afforestation.
• Re-afforestation.
• Agro – forestry.
• Using energy saving stoves.
• Using other alternative sources of energy e.g. biogas instead of wood
Qn. State the importance of the clay lining found on a charcoal saving
• Firewood
• Charcoal
• Wood shavings
• Saw dust
• Briquettes
• Chemical energy.
Qn. State the energy change that takes when wood burns to ash.
• The sun is the main source of heat and light energy as forms of energy
on earth.
• Solar electricity reduces the cutting down of trees for wood fuel.
• Solar electricity does hot pollute the environment.
Qn. Give the examples of useful energy resources got from water.
• Hydro electricity.
• Geothermal electricity
• Tidal electricity
A diagram of a windmill.
• Wind is formed when air in a certain area is heated faster than air in
another area.
• Afforastation.
• Re-afforestation
• Agro forestry
• Using energy saving stoves.
• Fossils are remains of plants and animals that lived thousands of years
• Fossil fuels are fuels that were formed from the remains of plants and
animals that lived thousands of years ago.
• Petroleum
• Coal
• Petroleum is a fossil fuel that was formed from the remains of animals
that died many years go.
• Petrol
• Diesel
• Jet fuel
• Paraffin / kerosene
• Natural gas
• Petroleum products can generate power that can run big machines.
• Petroleum products are burnt to produce heat and light.
• Fractional distillation.
• Coal is a hard black material formed from the remains of plants that
lived thousands of years ago.
• Plastics
• Polythenes
• Dye
• Vaseline
• Paint
• Fertilizers
• Paint
• Perfumes
• Fertilizers
Biogas production
a) Plant materials
• Banana peelings
• Sweet potato peelings
• Seed residues
b) Animal materials
• Cow dung
• Urine
• Chicken droppings
• Human faeces
• Goat droppings
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Qn. How is biogas produced?
i) Inlet
• The inlet pipe allows plant and animal matter into the digester.
iii) Outlet
• The outlet is used for removing old or used up matter from the digester.
• For cooking
• For lighting
• For heating
• Biogas is cheap.
• Biogas does not pollute the environment.
• Materials for making biogas are readily available.
Environmental conservation
Work done
WD = FxD
• Joules (J)
1kg = 10Newtons
1. Find the work done by a man who carries a log of wood of 25N
through a distance of 7m.
WD = FxD
WD = (25 x 7) Joules
WD = 175 Joules
W.D = FxD
F = (6 x 10) N
F = 60N
WD = (60 x 9) Joules
WD = 540 Joules
F = 320
F = 40N
1. Find the work done by Joshua who lifted a basket of mangoes using
a force of 65N through a distance of 5m.
3. Find the force needed by Aisha to push a box of 280 joules through
a distance of 7 metres.
Types of machines
• Complex machines
• Simple machines
• Complex machine are machines that are made up of many parts and
need training to use them.
• Tractors
• Vehicles
• Sewing machines
• Aeroplane
b) Simple machines
• Simple machines are machines that are made up of few parts and do
not need training to use them.
• A claw hammer
• A water pump
• A weighing scale
• A see saw
• A pair of scissors
• A bottle openers
• An axe
• Wheel barrow
• Spade
• Trowel
• Razor blade
• Rake
• Hoe
• Panga
• A lever is a stiff / ridged bar that turns freely on a fixed point called a
fulcrum / pivot.
Parts of a lever
• A lever works best when the load arm is shorter than the effort arm.
• Diagram S.
a) Who is heavier?
• John is heavier.
b) Give a reason to support your answer above.
• John is seated nearer to the fulcrum and the nearer to the fulcrum, the
heavier the object.
• Mary is lighter.
• Mary is seated far away from the fulcrum and the far away from the
fulcrum, the lighter the object.
Classes of levers
• First class levers are machines where the pivot is in between the load
and the effort.
(L.P.E ) OR (E.P.L)
• In the first class, the effort arm is longer than the load arm.
Qn. State the advantage of using machines in the first class levers.
a) Pair of scissors.
c) A crow bar
f) A see saw
g) Pincers
h) Weighing scale
• Second class levers are levers in which the load is in between the pivot
or fulcrum and the effort.
• In the second class levers, the load is closer to the fulcrum than the
a) A wheel barrow
b) Nut cracker
c) Bottle opener
e) Craw bar
• Third class levers are levers where the effort is in between the pivot
and the load. (LEP) or (PEL)
a) Spade
b) Human arm
c) Broom
e) A fishing rod
f) Stapler
g)Table knife
Qn. State the advantage of using machines in the third class levers.
• The formula PLE or FLE can be used to determine the class of levers.
• The law of levers states that the sum of the clockwise moments about
any point is equal to the sum of anticlockwise moments. i.e.
Calculations on levers
1. James who weighs 60kgf sits 2m away from the fulcrum and
balances with Joan who weigh 30kg from a see saw. How far from
the fulcrum does Joan sit?
4. Moses is 50kg. He sits 4m away from the fulcrum to balance with Jane
who wighs 25kgs on a see saw. How far is Jane from Musa?
L x L.A = E x E.A
50 x 4 = 25 x h
200 = 25h
25 25
8 = h
4m + 8m = 12m
30X3 = PX10
30X = 10P
15X7 = 10P
105 = 10P
10 10
10.5 = P
Therefore P = 10.5
5. Calculate the value of Y.
y = 30kgf
R = 6M
1. Charity weighs 90kgf. If she sits 3m away from the pivot of a see
saw, how far Joel whose weight is 30kgf will sit in order to balance.
Mechanical Advantage
Qn. Mention the force that affects the efficiency of the mechanical
advantage of a machine.
• Friction
M.A = Load
M.A 400N
M.A = 4
M.A = L
M.A = 80N
M.A = 4
3. Find how many times a see saw simplifies work given the load of
600N and the effort of 30N.
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M.A = L
M.A 600N
M.A = 20
M.A = L
2 = L
2 X 30N = L X 30N
60N = L
M.A =
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3 = 90N
3xE = 90NX E
3E = 90N
3 3
E = 30
The force required is 30N
Efficiency of machines
• It is due to friction.
Calculations of efficiency
Work input
= 120N x 3m x 100
30N X 15m
= 4 x 20
= 80%
Efficiency = 80%
Velocity ratio
• Velocity ratio is the ratio of the distance moved by the effort to the
ratio of distance moved by the load.
V.R = D.E
V.R = DE
• The longer the inclined plane, the less effort used to move the load.
• The shorter the inclined plane, the more effort used to move the load.
i) Load = 5cm
M.A = L
M.A = 80kgf
M.A = 2
M.A = DE
M.A 10cm
M.A = 2
d) State the ways one can use less effort to raise the load on the
diagram above.
a) A ladder
b) Winding roads
b) Stair cases
• Inclined planes reduce the effects of gravity as one raises the load.
• Inclined planes enabled people to use less effort to raise a load from a
lower level to a higher level.
1kg = 10N
10kg = (10 x 10)N
= 100N
Work done = force x Distance
WD =F x D
WD = (100 x 1) Joules
An illustration of a wedge.
• Razor blades
• Axe
1. Panga
2. Needle
3. Spear
4. An Axe
6. Hoe
A diagram of a screw
• Bolts
• Nuts
• Car jack / screw jack
• Engineers vice / clamp
• Screw nail
• Screw driver
• Spiral stair cases
1. Nut
2. Bolt
3. Car jack
• Friction
• Force of gravity
Types of pulleys
1. Find the force required to move the load in the diagram below.
M.A = L
I = 40kgf
IXE = 40kgf x E
E = 40kgf
M.A = Load
I = 50kg
IXE = 50kgf x E
E = 50kgf
M.A =L
I = L
70kg x I = L x 70kgf
70kgf = L
Load = 70kgf
• A single fixed pulley works as a first class lever.
• A single movable pulley uses less effort to overcome the load / less
effort is used to move the load.
1. Find the force required to move the load using the pulley below.
M.A = L
2 = 50kgf
2xE = 50kgf x E
2E = 50kgs
E = 25kgf
2. Mark used a single movable pulley to raise a load of 90kgf. what effort
did he use?
M.A =Load
2 = 90kgf
2E = 90kgf
2 2
E = 45kgf
He used an effort of 45kgf
Qn. State the differences between a single fixed pulley and a single
movable pulley.
• A block and tackle system is the type of pulley system which consists
of both a fixed and movable pulleys.
Qn. Give examples of machines that use the wheel and axle.
a) A windlass winch
c) Handles of bicycles
e) Egg beater
g) Brace
= 60 teeth
30 teeth
= 2 turns
Belt drives
• Belt drives are special forms of wheels and axle that transmit motion
from one wheel to another.
Qn. Give the examples of machines that uses gear wheels and belt
• Bicycles
• Cars
• Vehicles
• Sewing machines
• Motorcycles
• Grinding mills.
Types of friction
• Static friction.
• Viscosity friction
• Rolling / sliding / kinetic friction.
• Static friction is the type of friction that occurs in objects fixed in one
• A fish swimming.
• A bird flying.
• An aeroplane flying.
This is the type of friction that occurs between two objects that are
in sliding contact.
• Friction causes wear and tear of objects e.g. shoe soles, car tyres.
• Friction causes unnecessary noise in machines.
• Friction causes unnecessary heat.
• Friction reduces efficiency of machines.
• Friction delays work.
• Friction reduces speed of movement.
a) Treads on shoes.
c) Treads on a tyre.
• Ball bearings
• Grease
• Oil
• Rollers
• Sand paper
a)Ball bearings
b) Rollers
c) Sand paper
• Excretion is the removal of waste products from the body before they
become toxic.
Qn. Write down the four major examples of excretory organs in the
• The kidneys
• The lungs
• The skin
• The liver
Qn. Give at least one example of waste material removed from the
body by each of the following excretory organs.
1. Kidneys
• Urine
• Excess water
• Excess salts
• Excess sugar
• Urea
• Uric acid
2. The lungs
• Carbon dioxide.
• Water vapour
• Sweat
• Lactic acid
• Excess water
• Excess salts
4. The Liver
• Bile pigment
The kidneys
Qn. Why is the left kidney located slightly higher than the right kidney?
• The left kidney is found under the spleen while the right kidney is found
under the liver which is the largest internal organ of the body.
i) Kidney wall
ii) Cortex
iv) Pyramids
• Pyramids are the holes through which urine pours to the pelvis.
v) Pelvis
vi) Ureter
• The ureter is the passage of urine from the pelvis to the urinary
• The ureter transports urine from the pelvis to the urinary bladder.
Vii)Renal artery
• The renal artery transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the
viii) Renal vein
• The renal vein transports de-oxygenated blood from the kidney to the
ix) Urinary bladder
• The urinary bladder stores urine for a short time.
X) Sphincter muscles
• The sphincter muscles control the opening and closing of the urinary
xi) Urethra
Qn. State the different ways of maintaining the proper function of the
• The lungs excrete / remove carbon dioxide and water vapour from
the body.
• Lungs allow oxygen into the body for the process of respiration.
Qn. Mention the raw materials needed by the body for respiration.
• Digested food
• Oxygen
• Energy
• Carbon dioxide
• Water vapour
Types of respiration
• Aerobic respiration
a) Nose
• The nose is the passage of air into the lungs.
• The nose contains mucus and tiny hair called cilia.
• Air is moistened.
• Air is filtered.
• Air is warmed.
Qn. Why is the nose said to be the best passage of air into the lungs?
• Air through the mouth is cold and may chill the lungs.
b) Epiglottis
• The epiglottis prevents food and other foreign bodies from entering
the trachea.
• The larynx contains vocal cords which vibrate and produce sound.
Qn. Why should the trachea be kept open all the time?
f) Bronchioles
h) Diaphragm
• The diaphragm separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
• Breathing is the taking in of air rich in oxygen and taking out air rich in
carbon dioxide.
a) Lungs
c) The diaphragm.
d) The ribs
e) Intercostal muscles
a) The lungs
c) The diaphragm
d) The ribs
e) Intercostal muscles
Qn. State one difference between the air we breathe in and that one
we breathe out.
• The air we breathe in has more oxygen than the air we breathe out.
• The air we breathe out has more carbon dioxide than the air we
breathe in.
• The air we breathe in has more density than the air we breathe out.
Qn. Why does the air we breathe in contain more oxygen than the air
we breathe out?
Qn. Why does the air we breathe out contain more carbon dioxide
than the air we breathe in?
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• It is an airborne disease caused by mycobacterium.
• Chromic cough.
• Coughing and spitting mucus with blood stains.
• Persisted fever.
• A lamp grows on the spine
• Pain in the backbone.
• Swollen neck.
• Sore throat
• Prolonged fever
5. Pneumonia
5. Influenza.
• Runny nose
• Congested nose
• Fever
• Muscle pain
• Lung cancer
• Asthma
• Pleurisy
• Avoid smoking
• Having regular physical exercises.
• Immunize children against childhood killer diseases.
• Avoid staying in crowded places.
• Avoid staying in very cold places.
• Feeding on a balanced diet.
• Always breathe through the nose but not through the mouth.
• Sweat
• Lactic acid
• Excess water.
• Excess salts.
• Cornified layer
• Granular layer
• Malpighian layer.
a) Cornified layer
• The cornified layer protects the body from fungal, viral and bacterial
• The cornified layer prevents the loss of water from the body by
b) Granular layer
• The granular layer is made up living cells which continuously grow to
form the malpighian layer.
c) Malphighian layer
• Melanin
Qn. Identify the condition that results from lack of melamin in the
• Albinism
2. Dermis
a) Hair follicle
c) Erector muscle.
d) Sebaceous glands
• Sebum is the oil that keeps the skin oily and moist.
e) Sweat glands.
f) Sweat duct
• The sweat duct lets out sweat from the sweat glands.
g) Sweat pores
h) Nerve endings.
• The nerve endings enable us to feel cold, hot, touch and pain.
• By sweating.
• By vasodilation
• By the hair on the skin lying flat (the hair on the skin lies flat)
Qn. Give the different ways the skins controls body temperature on
cold days.
• By shivering
• By vasoconstriction.
• By production of goose pimples.
• The hair on the skin stands up right.
Qn. Name the cells in the skin that help to produce hair, toes and
finger nails.
• Keratin cells
• Ringworm
• Athletes foot
• Leprosy
• Scabies
• Impetigo
• Measles
• Scurvy
• German measles (Rubella)
• Chicken Pox
• Skin cancer
• Syphilis
a) Ring worm
• Fungus / Fungi
Qn. State the different ways through which ring worm spreads.
Qn. Give the different ways of preventing and controlling ring worm.
b) Athletes foot
Qn. Give the different ways through which athletes foot spreads.
Qn. Give the different ways of preventing and controlling athletes foot.
c) Leprosy
d) Scabies
e) Impetigo
i) Scurvy
j) Skin cancer
• Corns
• Burns
• Scalds
• Cuts
• Wounds
Qn. Give the ways of maintaining the proper functioning of the skin.
i) Hepatic artery
• The hepatic artery transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the
• The hepatic vein transports de-oxygenated blood from the liver to the
• The hepatic portal vein transports blood rich in digested food from the
ileum to the liver.
• Hepatitis B
• Liver abcess
• Cirrhosis of the liver
• Liver cancer
a) Hepatitis B
b) Liver abscess
c) Cirrhosis of liver
d) Live cancer
Qn. State the ways of maintaining the proper functioning of the liver.
Sources of Light
• The sun
• Stars
• Fire flies
• Glow worms
• Volcanic eruption
• Lightning.
• Artificial sources of light are objects that produce light and are made
by people.
• Electric bulbs
• Torches
• Candles
• Kerosene lamps
• Burning charcoal
• Fire
• Pressure lamps etc
• Luminous sources of light are objects that produce / emit their own
• Sun
• Stars
• Lightning
• Volcanic eruption
• Glow worms
• Fire
• Filament bulbs
• Burning charcoal
• Candles
• Lamps
• Bio-luminescent objects.
• Bio-luminescence
• Glow worms
• Fire flies
• Jelly fish
• Dragon fish
• Some squids
• Sun
• Stars
• Burning charcoal
• Working filament of electric bulbs.
• Non-luminous sources of light are objects that reflect light from other
• Moon
• Planets
• Mirrors
Speed of light
Properties of light
An illustration showing that light travels in all direction from the source.
Qn. State any two differences between light and sound energy.
Qn. Write down the instances that shows that light travels faster than
• Cardboards.
• Source of light.
iii) Procedure
• Get three cardboards and put a hole in each of them at the centre.
• Arrange them in a straight line and provide the source of light at
exactly the same point.
• Look through and observe.
Set up of experiment A
Arrangement 1
• The cardboards are not in a straight line yet light travels in a straight
Set up of experiment B
Arrangement 3
Arrangement 4
• The tube is bent and light cannot pass through yet light travels in a
straight line.
Qn. Write the two instances that show that light travels in a straight line.
• A parallel beam of light is a type of beam where light rays move from
the same source but do not meet.
c) Diverging beam
Qn. Mention any two objects that produce a diverging beam of light.
• Car headlights
• Torches
• Light is absorbed.
• Light is allowed to pass through
• Light is scattered or diffused.
• Transparent objects.
• Translucent objects
• Opaque objects
a) Transparent objects
• Transparent objects are objects that allow all light to pass through
• Clear glass
• Clear polythene paper
• Clear air
• Clear water
b) Translucent objects
• Tracing paper
• Coloured glass
• Smoky air
• Frosten glass
• Oiled paper
• Thin clothes
c) Opaque objects
• Opaque objects are objects that do not allow light to pass through
• Walls
• Wood
• Human beings
• Metals
• Stones
• Sand paper
Qn. What kind of shadow is formed when the source of light is small?
Qn. What kind of shadow is formed when the source of light is big?
a) Solar Eclipse.
• Solar eclipse is the type of eclipse that occurs when the month comes
in between the sun and earth.
• When the moon comes in between the sun and the earth. (SME)
• When the earth comes in between the sun and the moon (SEM).
Reflection of light
• Regular reflection.
• Irregular /diffuse reflection.
a) Regular reflection
Qn. Write down any one example of a material that produces regular
• Plane mirrors
Qn. Give a reason why we are able to see clear images in plane
• Plane mirrors have smooth shinny polished surfaces that give rise to
regular reflection.
• This is the type of reflection where light rays are thrown back and
scattered in different direction.
Qn. Give a reason why we are unable to see clear image on a rough
unpolished surface.
• Rough unpolished surfaces scatter light rays and give rise to irregular
i) Incident ray
• The angle of incidence is the angle between the normal ray and the
incident ray.
v) Angle of reflection.
• The angle of reflection is the angle between the normal ray and
reflected ray.
• These are angles between the incident ray or the reflected ray lying
on the reflecting surface.
Laws of reflection
P + 60o = 90o
P = 30o.
i + 48o = 90o.
PREPARED BY MUTAKA SEMU 0705229363/ 0771433657
i + 48o – 40o = 90o – 48o.
i = 42
i) A ii) B
i) Dark and dull materials are good absorbers of light and heat.
ii) Light and smooth materials are good reflectors of light and heat.
Qn. Mary washed a black and a white shirt at the same time and put
them under sunshine.
• Objects appear by their colours because they absorb all other colours
and reflected its colour.
• A blue shirt appears blue because it absorbs all other colours and
reflects blue.
• A red dress appears red because it absorbs all other colours and
reflects red.
PREPARED BY MUTAKA SEMU 0705229363/ 0771433657
• Qn. Why does a white shirt appear white?
• A white shirt appears white because it reflects all other colours and
absorbs none.
• Real images
• Virtual images
Real Images
Virtual Images
• Virtual images are types of images that are formed behind the screen.
Plane mirrors
A periscope
Uses of periscopes
• Periscopes are used by submariners to see over the surface of the sea.
• Periscopes are used by soldiers in trenches to see their enemies
without exposing themselves.
• Periscopes are used to see around corners.
• Periscopes are used by spectators to watch a football match over
heads of crowds.
• Convex mirrors
• Concave mirror
Qn. Give the uses / application of convex mirrors in our daily life.
• Convex mirrors give a wider view of the object behind the vehicle.
Qn. State the uses / applications of concave mirrors in our daily life.
Refraction of light
Law of refraction
An illustration
Note: 1
a) Incident ray
b) Refracted ray
c) Angle of incidence
• The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the
normal ray.
d) Angle of refraction
• The angle of refraction is the angle between the refracted ray and the
normal ray,
Note 2:
Qn. Why does the refracted ray bend towards the normal ray?
• Due to the change of speed as the light ray moves from a medium of
less density to a medium of more density.
An illustration
Qn. Give a reason why the emergent refracted ray bends away from
the normal ray.
An illustration
Qn. Write down any two places where mirages are commonly found.
• Tarmac roads.
• Iron sheets
Types of lenses
• A convex lens is a lens which is thick in the middle and thin at the
• A convex lens is a lens whose surface is curved outwards.
• A convex lens converges light rays to meet at one point in front of it.
An illustration
b) Concave lens
• A concave lens is a lens which is thin in the middle and thick at the
Uses of lenses
Optical instruments
i) Magnifying glass
Lens camera
A pinhole camera
Qn. Why does the image formed in a pin hole camera diminished /
smaller than the object.
A convex lens
Focusing ring
Eye lashes
• The eye lashes prevent foreign bodies from entering into the eye.
Eye brows
• The eye brows prevent sweat from flowing into the eye.
• The pupil allows light into the eye.
The iris controls the amount of light entering into the eye.
Convex lens
• The convex lens refracts light rays to the retina so that the images are
Suspensory ligament
The suspensory ligament holds the lens in position.
Ciliary muscle
• The ciliary muscle adjusts the shape of the lens to allow the images of
both far and near objects to be focused on the retina.
Ciliary body
• The ciliary body contains blood vessels that supply blood to the eye.
• The vitreous and aqueous humours keep and maintain the shape of
the eye.
• The vitreous and aqueous humours refract light rays onto the retina.
Blind spot
• The blind spot is where the optic nerve leaves the eye.
Optic nerve
• The optic nerve transmits or carries nerve impulses to the brain for
Tear glands
Qn. How does the iris control amount of light entering the eye?
• By regulating the size of the pupil.
• During dim light, the iris contracts to enlarge the size of the pupil and
relaxes to reduce the size of the pupil during bright light.
A diagram showing regulation of light by the iris during dim light.
Qn. State the differences between the eye and the lens camera.
PREPARED BY MUTAKA SEMU 0705229363/ 0771433657
• The ability of the eye to focus near and distant objects is called
Qn. What is accommodation?
• Accommodation is the ability of the eye to focus near and distant
objects on the retina.
• An eye defect is the inability of the eye to focus images on the retina
• The concave lens diverges light rays before they reach the lens inside
the eye.
An illustration
• Convex lenses converge light rays before they reach the lens inside
the eye.
Colour blindness
• Old age sight is a condition of the eyes that happens in the old age
above 60 years.
Eye diseases
Qn. Write down the different examples of diseases that affect the
• Trachoma
• Conjunctivitis
• Night blindness
• Glaucoma
• Iritis
• Sty
• Cataracts
Qn. Name the vector that spreads germs that cause trachoma.
• House fly
River blindness
Qn. Name the vector that spreads germs that cause river blindness.
Night blindness
• Sore eyes
• Colds
Qn. Write down any four signs shown by a person suffering from
Qn. Write down the different ways of caring for the human eyes.
Dispersion of light
• Rainbow
• When the light rays from the sun pass through rain drops.
Qn. Why does the red colour appear on top of the spectrum?
Qn. What happens to light rays when they pass through an inverted
glass prism?
• Primary colours
• Secondary colours
• Complementary colours
Primary colours
Qn. What are primary colours?
• Primary colours are colours got without mixing any other colour.
Qn. Write down the examples of primary colours.
• Blue
• Green
• Red
Secondary colours
• Secondary colours are colours got after mixing two primary colours in
equal amount.
• Yellow
• Magenta
• Cyan
c) Complementary colours
• Plants
• Animals
• Soil
• Water
• The sun
• Air
• Animal structure
• Plants
• Animals
• The sun
• Water
• Air
Qn. Give different ways how non ling things depend on living things.
• Soil erosion
• Bush burning
• Deforesting
Food chain
Qn. What is food chain?
• This is the way organisms in the environment obtain their food.
• Plants are the producers in any given food chain.
Qn. What are producers?
• Producers are organisms that make their own food.
Qn. Why are plants regarded as producers in a food chain?
• Plants make their own food.
Qn. What are consumers?
• These are organisms that depend on already made food.
Qn. Mention the three groups of consumers.
• Primary consumers.
• Secondary consumers
• Tertiary consumers
• Monkeys • Cows
• Grass hoppers • Sheep
• Rabbits • Man
• Goats • Locusts’
• Man • Vultures
• Eagles • Hawk
• Kites • Crows
• Owl
• Fungi and bacteria are regarded as decomposers and the sun is the
main source of energy in a food chain.
• Sun—cabbages—rabbits—lions—crows—bacteria.
• Nakati—goats—leopard—bacteria.
Qn. What will happen to the leopards if Nakati dries up in list (c)
Agro – forestry
• This is the growing of crops, trees and rearing of animals on the same
piece of land.
Qn. Write at least three factors considered when selecting seeds for
crops and tree growing.
Indigenous trees
• Mvule
• Mahogany
• Musizi
• Acacia
• Mutuba or ficus trees
Exotic trees
• Cypress
• Pine
• Cedar
• Black wattle
• Ginkgo
A nursery bed
• Tomatoes
• Egg plants
• Cabbage
• Passion fruits
• Carrots
• Rice
• Onion
Qn. State the different ways of caring for seedlings in a nursery bed.
• By watering
• By manuring
• By thinning
• By hardening off
• Trowel
• This is the process by which a plant loses more water than it gains from
the soil.
Qn. State the different ways of caring for crops and trees grown.
• Mulching
• Pruning
• Row planting
• Crop spacing
• Weeding
• Plant training
• Gap filling
• Manuring
a) Row planting
• Onions
• Cabbages
• Beans
• Maize
• Egg plants
• Ground nuts.
Qn. A part from row planting, mention the other method used to plant
• Sorghum
• Millet
• Cowpeas
• Rice
• Simsim
b) Mulching
• The dry plant material used for mulching are called mulches.
• Mulches are dry plant material used to cover top soil in the garden.
• Dry grass
• Dry banana leaves
• Saw dust
• Wood shavings
• Rice husks
Qn. How does mulching control the growth of weeds in the garden?
• Secateurs
• Pruning saw
• Shears
Pruning saw
• Bananas
• Avocado
• Jackfruit
• Oranges
• Coffee
• Mangoes
f) Crop spacing
• Black jack
• Spear grass
• Couch grass
• Elephant grass
• Wandering jew
• Staking
• Trellising
• Propping
• Vanilla
• Tomatoes
• Peas
• Some beans
• White yams
ii) Trellising
• Trellising is the providing of support to plants with weak stems using sisal
strings or wires held between poles.
• Passion fruits.
iii) Propping
• Bananas
• Coffee
• Guavas
• Avocado
a) Crop pests
No. Crop Diseases and Sign of disease damage Prevention and control
1 Banana • Panama • Wilting of the crop • Spraying using
(fungus) fungicides.
• Planting using health
• Burn all affected
• Cigar end • Dark spots on leaves • Burn all infected
rot • Rotting of the fruits. crops.
(Bacteria) • Tips of the affected
plant look like a
• Banana • The banana stem rots • Planting healthy
bacterial and falls down. suckers.
wilt • Rotting of the
(Bacteria) banana plant.
2 Mangoes • Powdery • Powdery patches • Spray using
mildew appear on leaves. fungicides.
3 Tomatoes • Tomato • Leaves develop • Spray using pesticides
mosaic yellow and white to kill white flies.
(virus) patches.
• Tomato • Leaves turn yellow • Spray with pesticides
4 Cassava • Cassava • Leaves turn yellow • Spraying with
mosaic • Leaves develop pesticides to kill white
(virus) white spots flies.
Cassava • Brown • Leaves turn yellow • Spray using pesticides
streak • Practice crop
(virus) rotation
Qn. State the general signs of pest and disease damage in plants.
Qn. State the different ways of controlling crop pests and diseases.
• Setting traps
• Fencing gardens
• Regular weeding
• Uprooting diseased crops
• Crop rotation
• Planting disease free stem cuttings
• Planting disease free suckers
• Planting resistant crops.
Qn. Give the factors that affect better yields of crops and trees.
• Pests and diseases
• Poor farming methods.
• Prolonged drought
• Floods
• Infertile soils
• Poor seed selection
• Early harvesting
• Irregular weeding
• Coppicing
• Lopping
• Pollarding
a) Coppicing
b) Lopping
An illustration
c) Pollarding
An illustration
Qn. Give a reason why wood for electric poles should be treated using
wood preservatives.
Qn. What term refers to the keeping of timber in a shade to allow it dry
at a slow rate?
• Seasoning
A woodlot project
• A woodlot is a small garden where trees are planted for a small scale
Qn. Write down the different activities done by the young farmers club.
• The young farmer’s club teaches children how to plant and care for
• The young farmer’s club teaches children modern methods of
• The young farmer’s club teaches children how to care for animals.
• The young farmer’s club organizes field trips to agricultural centres.
• The young farmer’s club organizes science exhibition at school.
• The young farmer’s club encourages conservation of the environment.
• Health records
• Production records
• Feeding records
• Breeding records
• Field records
• Marketing records
• Income and expenditure records
• Inventory records
• School community
• Church community
• Market community
• Prison community
• Home community
• Hospital community
• Convent community
Social problems
• Social problems are challenges that affect the social life of people in
an area.
• Kwashiorkor
• Beriberi
• Pellagra
• Lung cancer
• Emphysema
• Scurvy
Qn. Write down the different causes of sickness in our homes and
• Poor feeding
• Poor sanitation
• Poor personal hygiene
• Poor water supply
• Alcoholism
• Smoking
• Lack of body / physical exercises
• Lack of enough rest and sleep.
• Living in poorly ventilated houses
• Poor healthy life styles.
• Poor sanitation
• Poor water supply / inadequate water supply.
• Anti social behaviours
• Inadequate food supply.
Poor sanitation
• Anti – social behaviours are habits that are not allowed in society.
• Truancy • Prostitution
• Arson • Defilement
• Violence • Murder
• Wandering • Pape
• Alcoholism • Smoking
• Bullying • Drug abuse
• Teasing • Stealing
• Fighting • Sexual deviations
• Abortion
Qn. State the causes of anti- behaviours.
Types of violence
• Sadism
• Masochism
A juvenile
Juvenile delinquency
Sexual deviations
• Homosexuality
• Oral sex
• Bestiality
• Masturbation
• Lesbianism
• Necrophilia
• Incest
• Fellatio
• Homosexuality is the sexual activity between two males i.e a man and
a man.
• Incest is the sexual activity between two close relatives e.g brother
and sister, father and daughter etc.
• Polio
• Cholera
• Diarrhoea
• Dysentery
• Typhoid
• Hepatitis B
• Bilharziasis
• Scabies
• Trachoma
• Impetigo
• Conjunctivitis
• Water contact diseases are diseases we get when our bodies get into
contact with contaminated water.
• Bilharziasis
• Swimmer’s itch
• Water habitat vector diseases are diseases that are spread by vectors
that spend part of their life cycle in water.
• Malaria
• Elephantiasis
• Yellow fever
• Bilharziasis
• Dengue fever
• River blindness
• Boiling water
• Sedimentation
• Filtration
• Coagulation
• Chlorination
Qn. Identify the different ways how water can get contaminated /
Qn. State the different ways of addressing / solving poor water supply.
• By constructing boreholes.
• By constructing valley dams.
• By treating water with chemicals e.g. chlorine
• By fencing and protecting water sources.
• By cleaning bushes around water sources.
• Drought
Food security
• Malnutrition is the condition when the body does not receive enough
essential food values.
Qn. Give the different reasons why a health survey is carried out.
• Personal hygiene
• Water and sanitation
• Immunization
• Toxoid vaccines
• Killed vaccines
• Attenuated vaccines
Health lifestyles
• Health life styles are habits done to prevent the risk of getting diseases.
• Enough rest and sleep enables the brain to rest and get refreshed.
• Enough rest and sleep enables digestion to be carried out smoothly.
• Enough rest and sleep making the healing of wounds quick.
• Enough rest and sleep enables the body to repair worm out body
• Smoking
• Drug abuse
• Alcoholism
• Prostitution
• Eating too much fatty foods.
• Lack of body exercises
• Poor personal hygiene
• Demography
• Housing information
• Available health services
Qn. State the reasons why the government carries out demography.
Health clubs