Activity Proposal PI DAY

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Agusan del Sur
Esperanza II
Makalindang Elementary School
School I.D 131710

A. Information about the Applicant/Proponent

Name of Applicant/ Proponent: AERIS A. MAYBUENA

Position Teacher III

B. Profile of the Program or Course

Title International Day of Mathematics

Rationale National Pi Day on March 14th
recognizes the mathematical constant
π. Also known as pi, the first three and
most recognized digits are 3.14.
Mathematics enthusiasts from all over
the globe commemorate Pi Day and the
International Day of Mathematics (IDM).

The day aims to raise awareness

about the importance of mathematics
and its role in shaping our world, as
well as to promote the beauty and
relevance of mathematics to a wider

In accordance with DepEd

Memorandum No. 28, s. 2020 which
announces the first official Observance
of the International Day of Mathematics
with a theme “ Playing with Math”, the
Makalindang Elementary School
teachers integrates mathematical
activities in every subject areas that
allow learners to explore, experiment
and discover on March 14, 2024 and
will conduct a culmination program on
March 15, 2024.
Program or Course Description This activity is designed to
raise awareness and appreciation of the
pupils for the significance of
mathematics in everyday life, foster
positive attitude towards mathematics
and develop problem solving skills and
critical thinking through integration of
mathematical games and puzzles every
Professional Development Priorities
( RPMS PPST KRA 3 Objective 11)
Professional Standards Covered
( PPST, PPSSH, or PPSS domain/s,
strand/s, indicator/s)
Target Participant Profile Participants of this activity are teachers
and pupils of Makalindang Elementary

No. of
Kindergarten 4
I&II 9
V&VI 15
School Head 1
Teachers 3
Total 46

Number of Hours ( face to face This activity is a face to face orientation

instruction and/ or online learning covering 5 hours of a day.
and classroom application ( if
List of Resource Persons/ Learning
Facilitators supported by
Curriculum Vitaes
Modality ( Formal Learning, Culmination Program
possibly with Job-Embedded
Learning (JELL, Learning Action
Cell ( LAC ), relationship and
discussion-based learning, among
other modalities.
Delivery Platform ( Online, face-to Face-to-face delivery of program
face, blended delivery)
Indicative date implementation The culmination program will be
conducted on March 15, 2024 at 1:00
PM to 5:00 PM
C. Program of Course Design
Objective/s or Outcome/s General Objective:
This culmination program aims to
integrate mathematical activities every
subject that will allow learners to
explore and experiment different
subject areas with real-life situations.

Specific Objectives:
1. Raise awareness and appreciation
for the significance of
mathematics in everyday life;
2. Foster a positive attitude towards
mathematics among learners
through engaging and interactive
3. Provide an opportunity for
learners to develop problem-
solving skills and critical thinking
through mathematical games and
Detailed Program of Course Matrix 1:00-1:15 Opening Program
1:15-2:15 DAMATH
2:15:3:30 Math Quiz/ Poster Making
3:30-4:30 SUDOKO
4:30-5:00 Awarding

Assessment Plan

D. Program or Course Implementation Plan

Schedule of Activities March 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Refer to specific objectives and/or
instructional design.

Budget Requirements Unit Item Quantity Unit Total

Description Cost Cost
1 cartolina 5 20 100
2 bondpaper 1 ream 250 250
3 pentelpen 4 50 100
Total 450
Funding Source This activity will be done via face to
face modality. Expenses shall be charged
against school MOOE subject to the
usual accounting and auditing rules and
Monitoring and Evaluation
Development Mainstreaming The culminating program helps the
teachers to teach pupils in an interesting
and meaningful way by integrating
mathematical activities, making pupils
to link between what they learn in
different subject areas with real-life
situations. It also helps pupils foster
positive attitude towards mathematics.

Prepared by:




Teacher III/School Head

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