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Nana Seprianti, Evi Mega Putri, Mathematics Learning Devices...

AL-TA’LIM JOURNAL, 25 (1), 2018, (87-96)

(Print ISSN 1410-7546 Online ISSN 2355-7893)

Available online at http://journal.tarbiyahiainib.ac.id/index.php/attalim

Mathematics Learning Devices Development based on Realistic

Mathematics Education on Probability
th th
Received: 21th January 2018; Revised:20 February 2018; Accepted: 28 February 2018
Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15548/jt.v25i1.377

Nana Sepriyanti *) Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop

Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol mathematics learning devices in the form of Lesson Plan (RPP)
Padang, Indonesia. and Student Assignment (LKPD) based Realistic Mathematics
E-Mail: [email protected] Education(RME) on probability materials in line with curriculum
2013. In addition, this research aims to describe the quality of
Evi Mega Putri developed learning devices in both validity and practicality
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol aspects. This is a development research with 4D model including
Padang, Indonesia. define, design, develop and disseminate. The researcher modified
E-Mail: [email protected] the development model by simplified the model through limit the
research up to develop stage by considering the time and the
*) Corresponding Author cost. The define stage consists of: a) curriculum analysis; b)
student analysis; and c) concept analysis. The design stage
consists of: a) Lesson Plan design; b) Student Assignment
design; c) instrument design and validation on assessment
instrument of learning devices. Meanwhile, the develop stage
consists of: a) the validation of learning devices by the expert
and mathematics teacher; b) testing; and c) the questionnaire of
both teacher and students responses. This research produces
mathematics learning devices in the form of Lesson Plan and
Student Assignment basedRealistic Mathematics Education
(RME) on Probability materials class X. The research findings
shows that according to expert and mathematics teacher
assessment, the developed learning devices are valid with 3.25
on average for lesson plan and 3.48 on average for student
assignment. The result of the teacher response on the
questionnaire shows that student response and interview display
that mathematics learning devices in the form of lesson plan and
student assignment are practical to be used on mathematics
learning particularly on probability materials with 3.50 on
average for Lesson Plan and 3.30 on average for Student

Keywords: Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), mathematics learning devices, probability

How to cite: Sepriyanti, N., & Putri, E. (2018). Mathematics learning devices development based on realistic
mathematics education on probability. Al-Ta Lim Journal, 25(1). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.15548/jt.v25i1.377

INTRODUCTION compulsory subject at school but it is a

subject which acts as a basic towards varied
Mathematics is one of the compulsory disciplines and that is absolutely important in
subjects to be learned in every level of facing today world (Council & Committee,
education in Indonesia. However, today 2001; Mathematics, 2000).
mathematics is not merely viewed as a


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88 Volume 25, Number 1, February, 2018, Page 87-96

One of the topics studied in minister (Permendiknas) number 71 in 2013

Mathematics high school is the Probability. requires a teacher at education unit to be able
The ability of students to solve the problem of to develop learning devices which contains
probability is a matter that needs to be Lesson Plan where one of the elements is
mastered by high school students as the learning resources. Student Assignment
preliminary condition of statistical material (LKPD) is one of the learning resources that
that is very much used in designing research can be developed by the teacher. Learning
and processing research data from various devices based Realistic Mathematics
branches of science. According to the High Education (RME) which consists of Lesson
School Mathematics teachers that the most Plan (RPP) and Student Assignment (LKPD)
difficult material for their students is the considered as able to motivate students to
enumeration rule which is the subject matter. understand the meaning of learning material
Difficulties about the material of enumeration by relating it with their daily life context.
rules are not only felt in Indonesia but also in
developed countries. This can be seen in The purpose is to enrich the students
Pratt's (2000) study entitled “Making Sense of with knowledge and skill to be implemented
The Total of Two Dice”, and Abrahamson & in solving different problems. Realistic
Cendak (2006) study entitled The Odds of Mathematics Education (RME) is a learning
Understanding The Law of Large Number. theory developed in Holland by Haans
Pratt's research tells the student's dexterity of Freudhental since 1971, learning devices
determining the many ways a number based realistic mathematics is a device which
emerges from the number of eyes the two dice refers to assumption that mathematics has to
are thrown, while Abrahamson's study tells be related with reality and mathematics is a
students' difficulties understanding the human activity (Korthagen, Kessels, Koster,
concept of combination. Lagerwerf, & Wubbels, 2001; Kwon, 2002;
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & Drijvers,
Curriculum 2013 requires teacher to 2014).
be able to use learning resources provided, to
be able to develop the media or other learning Realistic mathematics education is to
resources that may support the learning use the problem that can be imagine or
activity, and to be able to develop learning understood by the students to build their
process to facilitate students in the learning knowledge such as the use of daily life
process in line with the future important problems or to relate them with the learned
competence needed by the students (Dewey, and comprehended concepts previously by the
2013; Gonwa & Wadei, 2013; Goodson, students. Probability learning materials is a
2013; Pinar, 2013; Tyler, 2013). The material that is really close to the daily life of
Necessary relevance between mathematical the student, particularly toward the graduate
concepts that have been studied children with of high schools. The probability theory is
the reality of their daily lives or in the other used to determine the probability of the
fields. To that end, the relevance of graduates to be accepted at the public higher
mathematics learning should take advantage education through comparing data in the
of the child when learning mathematics (Ball previous years between the number of the
& Bass, 2000; Boaler, 2002; Cucker & Smale, accepted students and the total number of the
2002; Duval, 2006; Freeman et al., 2014). registrant. The knowledge of probability is
really useful for the students to develop their
Rusman (2012), stated that one of the knowledge prior to enter the higher education
competence that a teacher must possess is to level based on their interest. It is due to the
master the foundation of the education which probability theory is not merely to be
discusses about teacher‟s ability to select, to implemented in mathematics, but this theory
develop and to use the learning resources. In may as well to be implemented in the other
addition, Regulation of national education

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Nana Seprianti, Evi Mega Putri, Mathematics Learning Devices... 89

disciplines such as geography, economics, symbols or their own strategy. This process is
physics, techniques, and the like. called horizontal mathematization. After
experiencing similar processes and
RME approach is based on empowering by simplification and
Freudenthal‟s interpretation of mathematics formalization, students will use more formal
as a human activity (Streefland, 1991; Van language or strategies in solving contextual
Den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 2003; Widjaja & problems. The journey, that will bring
Heck, 2003). From this perspective, students students to re-invent a formal mathematical, is
should learn mathematics by mathematizing called vertical mathematization (Michelsen,
subject matter from realistic situations and by 2005).
mathematizing their own mathematical
activity (Rasmussen & King, 2000). RME Conventional approach refers to the way of
approach is contrary to conventional approach teaching in which teacher mostly starts a
that mostly used by the teachers in Indonesia mathematics lesson by explaining an
to teach mathematics. algorithm or a formula. Then, teacher gives
example(s) to show how the algoritm or
We employed RME approach in this formula works, followed by students‟
research because in line with the idea of how activity of solving mathematical problems
mathematics has to be taught in RME. that are similar to the example(s) given by the
Process of learning mathematics in RME can teacher (Fauzan, 2002; Fauzan et al., 2002b;
be described as a phenomenon of an iceberg Fauzan, Slettenhaar, & Plomp, 2002a). By
below (Barnes, 2004, 2005; Fauzan, using conventional approach, the teachers
Slettenhaar, & Plomp, 2002b; Kaiser & teach ready made mathematics, that is the
Sriraman, 2006). mathematics of mathematicians (Cobb,
Stephan, McClain, & Gravemeijer, 2010;
Drijvers, Doorman, Boon, Reed, &
Gravemeijer, 2010; Drijvers et al., 2010;
Sembiring, 2010). Students tend to perform
unexpected behaviours during teaching and
learning process. The students are obstructing
their peers, lots out of class permission,
drawing or just doing nothing on their desk.
Thus, the low attention display by the
students during mathematics and learning
process along with the difficulty they face in
comprehending the learning material are
Photo: Frans Moerlands obstacles experienced by the teacher to
Figure 1. RME as a phenomenon of an iceberg achieve the learning goal.
A very strong foundation is needed to Meanwhile, RME approach facilitates
support the top of the iceberg to appear on sea students to build conceptual understanding
surface. In relation to this phenomenon, using their informal knowledge. If the
formal and abstract mathematical concepts are conventional approach tends to put an
situated on the top of the iceberg. algorithm as a strarting point, then RME
Mathematics educators or researchers need to approach puts it as an end of the instruction
provide a strong foundation and „a best (Hadi, 2013; Hough & Gough, 2007). To
trajectory‟ for students to reach the top of the understand an algorithm, students will works
iceberg. To do so, at the beginning of the on contextual problems that gradually will
lesson, students are provided with contextual give them experiences to find the algorithm
problems that can be solved using their by themselves under the guidance of the
informal knowledge. The contextual problems teacher (Barnes, 2005; Clements & Sarama,
will also facilitate students to use their own

© 2018 by Al-Ta’lim All right reserved. This work is licensed under (CC-BY-SA)
90 Volume 25, Number 1, February, 2018, Page 87-96

2004; Cobb et al., 2010; Kaiser & Sriraman, using mathematical representations (Caligaris,
2006; Leder, Pehkonen, & Törner, 2006; Rodríguez, & Laugero, 2015; Hickendorff,
Webb, Van der Kooij, & Geist, 2011; Widjaja 2013). Thirdly, RME approach
& Heck, 2003) at Figure 2. accommodates gender and learning styles
differences when students get involve in
doing mathematics activities (Fauzan et al.,
2002a). The differences are also
accommodated by characteristics of RME
such as students‟ free productions, students‟
contributions, and interactivity.


This research is a research and

development. The 4-D model consists of four
development stages, namely define, design,
develop and disseminate. This research
Figure 2. Building conceptual understanding by development was only in 3 steps. Define is to
solving contextual problems using informal knowledge
determine and define the requirements need to
In learning mathematics using RME develop learning devices. This stage is also to
approach, students will experience how to analyze the goal and limitation of the
solve a contextual problem using their developed learning material. Next, design step
informal knowledge. This process is called is to pay attention on three product
horizontal mathematization. At the beginning, characteristics, namely: content, interface and
students will solve the problems informally support. At the develop step, formative
using their own ways, their own words, or evaluation is take place. It consists of
their own symbols. After experiencing a prototyping stage (self evaluation, expert
similar process (trough simplification and reviews, one-to-one evaluation and small
formalization), they will use more formal group).
ways or symbols that will lead them to
Ardhana (2002) mentioned that
reinvent an algorithm or a formal
“Research and Development (R&D) is a
mathematical concept. This kind of process is
development and validation processes of
called vertical mathematization (Devrim &
education product”. On this research, the
Uyangor, 2006). In experiencing horizontal
resulting product is mathematics learning
and vertical mathematization, the students
devices based on Realistic Mathematics
will use multiple representations in form of
Education (RME). The resulted learning
real world object, model, pictures, graph,
devices are in the form of Lesson Plan (RPP)
tables, or symbols.
and Student Assignment (LKPD.) The testing
In comparing the effect of RME and subject in this research is students of class X
conventional approach on students‟ MAN Koto Baru Solok and mathematics
mathematical representation ability, we also teachers of MAN Koto Baru Solok. The
involved gender and learning styles (auditory, instrument used in this research is Validation
visual, and kinesthetic) of the students as Sheet of Mathematics Learning Devices and
variables. There were some reasons behind Practicality Test Sheet.
this idea. Firstly, most teachers in Indonesia
This study included a type of literature
rarely consider gender and learning styles in
study. With literature study is a way used to
choosing an approach in teaching
collect data and sources related to the topics
mathematics. Secondly, male or female
raised in a study. The data sources containing:
students or students with a certain learning
a mathematical problem solving ability,
style might have different preferences in

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Nana Seprianti, Evi Mega Putri, Mathematics Learning Devices... 91

approach Realistic Mathematic Education specification of research product on the

(RME). The sources are obtained from design stage:
journals, books, articles, research reports and 1. Lesson Plan (RPP) Initial Design
internet sites. Lesson plan (RPP) is design based on
writing steps of the Lesson Plan that has been
In general, this developed model can explained on the previous chapter. Below is
be seen in the following chart I: the initial stage of the Lesson Plan (RPP) in
the form of writing order which consists of:
The mathematics learning devices chart a. The identity of the Lesson Plan (RPP)
based on Realistic Mathematics Education b. Basic Competence
(RME). c. Basic Competence and Competence
Achievement Indicator
d. The purpose of the Learning
e. Learning Material
f. Learning Method
g. Media/ Devices/ Resources of Learning
h. Learning activity
i. Learning Result Assessment

Moreover, the developed Lesson Plan

(RPP) also design based on the
appropriateness of the aspect in relation with
the characteristics of mathematics learning
based on Realistic Mathematics Education
(RME), so that the designed learning activity
may facilitate students in relating the
RESULT AND DISCUSSION materials that they learned with the daily life
problems in order to have a more meaningful
The result of this research is about learning activity.
activity in developing mathematics learning
devices in the form of Lesson Plan (RPP) and 2. The initial design of Student
Student Assignment (LKPD) which involves Assignment (LKPD)
the result of define, design and develop. a. The performance of initial cover of
On the define stage, curriculum analysis
which is in line with curriculum 2013 is take
place, next the analysis of the students‟
characteristics, and the last one is the define
stage to analyze the concept in the form of
concepts identification in teaching which
arranged in detail and systematic.
The design stage is to design the
mathematics learning devices in the form of
Lesson Plan (RPP) and Student Assignment
(LKPD) that will be developed and
assessment instrument that will be
implemented. The final result of this design
stage is initial design of Lesson Plan (RPP)
and Student Assignment (LKPD) that will be
developed and the assessment instrument of
learning devices quality. Below is the

© 2018 by Al-Ta’lim All right reserved. This work is licensed under (CC-BY-SA)
92 Volume 25, Number 1, February, 2018, Page 87-96

b. The performance of opening page of each

activity on LKPD

c. The performance of learning activity on

LKPD based on RME

The designed mathematics learning

devices is validated and practiced by the
expert of mathematics education which
consists of five validators.
The result of mathematics learning
devices validation can be seen on the
following table 1:

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Nana Seprianti, Evi Mega Putri, Mathematics Learning Devices... 93

Table 1. Assessment Detail on Lesson Plan (RPP) Table 4. Practicality Assessment

on LKPD by students
Aspect of Assessment Average Criteria
Aspect of the Practicality
The Identity of Lesson Very Criteria
3.73 Assessment Score
Plan (RPP) Valid The appropriateness
Time Allocation 3.2 Valid of material based 3.34 Practical
The Formulation of on RME
Material Achievement 3.45 Valid Language
Indicator and the Purpose 3.30 Practical
of the Learning Presentation Very
Learning Material Valid 3.56
3.16 feasibility Practical
Graphics Very
Learning Method and 3.24 Valid 3.54
feasibility Practical
Approach based on RME
Media/Learning 3 Valid
Resources The table above shows that the developed
Learning activity based on 3 Valid Lesson Plan (RPP) and Student Assignment
Curriculum 2013 (LKPD) are valid and practical including the
The Assessment of 3.23 Valid comments from both valildator and teacher.
Learning Result
The development is to do the
Table 2. The Assessment Detail of Student formative evaluation which includes self
Assignment (LKPD)
evaluation and prototype stage (expert review,
Aspect of the Average one-to-one evaluation, and small group).
Assessment Score
Content feasibility 3.34 Valid CONCLUSION AND
Presentation feasibility 3.56 Very Valid RECOMMENDATION
Language feasibility 3.28 Valid
Graphics feasibility 3.75 Very Valid Based on the research result and the
discussion, it can be concluded that: The
The practicality is obtained through development of mathematics learning device
the questionnaire data of both teacher and based on Realistic Mathematics Education
student and supported by the result of (RME) on Probability learning materials for
observation, the implementation of learning Senior High School (SMA/MA) class X is
and interview toward teacher and students. valid in criteria of Lesson Plan with average
Below is the description of research result of 3.25 and is valid in criteria of Student
testing held at MAN Koto Baru Solok. Assignment (LKPD) with average 3.48.
Table 3. The Practicality Assessment on Lesson Plan Learning devices based on the
(RPP) by Teacher developed Realistic Mathematics Education
(RME) is practical in criteria. This practicality
Aspect of the Practicality
can be seen from the result of the
Assessment Score questionnaire distributed toward the students
The component and the teacher with the average score 3.50
completeness and the for Lesson Plan (RPP) and 3.30 for Student
presentation or Assignment (LKPD) and the interview result
performance of 3.1
Student Assignment
with both teacher and students.
The ease in using 3.3
Based on this research and
Practical development, below is some
The appropriateness 3 recommendations by the researcher: The
between the devices Practical testing on the learning devices based on
and the time Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is
just implemented toward one class and the

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94 Volume 25, Number 1, February, 2018, Page 87-96

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