SsangYong Tivoli
Mahindra & Mahindra aims
to make European inroads
43 Uncertainty quantification 49 Driving EVs toward lower cost
The technique is a must for next-generation simulation tools. The race is on to reduce battery and electric-drive systems
cost while improving efficiency.
45 Oil-pump sizing AUTOMOTIVE
Researchers from Hinduja Tech investigate options for Rolls-Royce’s Chief Engineer discusses new technologies
low friction and power consumption. that inspire current R&D design and evaluation work as part
of its strategic roadmap for future big commercial programs.
47 The future of Indian commercial
aviation AEROSPACE INFRASTRUCTURE 55 HMIs extend beyond the cab
The growth in traffic that airport modernization has
supported has also made a significant contribution to the Telematic functions are being integrated into
local and national economies, while the improved multi-function user interfaces.
infrastructure has been positive for the perception of
India in the global market.
With the engineering and
financial backing of Mahindra
& Mahindra, the South
Korean-built SsangYong Tivoli
is set on making meaningful
inroads into the challenging
European market.
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INDIA, No 1/17Ceebros Arcade, 3rd Cross, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai -600 020. Telefax: 91-44-2441-1904,
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DC/DC Regulators,
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Motor Angle
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Angle, Linear,
and Digital
Position Sensing
Allegro MicroSystems provides a full array of integrated circuits (ICs) for use in Electric Power Steering (EPS) systems. Allegro has a long
history in the automotive industry (more than 4 billion ICs shipped) and provides cutting edge sensor and power IC solutions that meet the
needs of advanced EPS systems. Allegro is a high volume supplier of Hall-effect sensor ICs for torque, steering wheel position, motor
current, and motor position sensing applications. Allegro’s power ICs are designed for safety and include advanced features to diagnose IC
performance to ensure that system safety is never compromised. Allegro’s complete line of power management ICs is designed
specifically for automotive safety systems and complements Allegro’s motor driver ICs and sensor ICs for a robust and reliable EPS system.
• AEC-Q100 Grade 0 qualified. • Sensor ICs can be operated from • High accuracy current sensor IC • Development process is certified
• Power Management ICs provide a 12 V battery. solutions support low or high side to the requirements of ISO 26262.
multiple output voltages from wide • Sensors support a wide range of current sensing with near zero
Vin, with buck or buck-boost output formats: analog, SPI, I2C, insertion loss.
pre-regulator for battery voltages SENT, high speed SENT. • Advanced diagnostics and bridge
including idle-stop/load-dump • Diagnostic and redundant die control parameters can be
conditions options to support ASIL compliance. programmed via industry standard
• Angle sensor ICs integrate a serial interface.
• Gate driver ICs include redundant
steering wheel turns counter, and high-performance low side current • Supports systems using both DC
a micropower mode of operation. sense amplifiers. brushed and brushless motor types.
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SUPRA SAEINDIA 2015 held in Chennai
Team Invincibles won overall first place at SUPRA SAEINDIA 2015. The organizing team for SUPRA SAEINDIA 2015.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Chief Guest of the Valedictory Function. amount of hands-on experience. Being
Prashant K. Banerjee, Convener, SUPRA Ms. Rashmi Urdhwareshe, Director, ARAI; the market leader, Maruti Suzuki has
SAEINDIA 2015 and Head of Dr. Aravind S. Bharadwaj, President, always paid extra attention to engineering
Homologation and Product Evaluation, SAEINDIA and Senior Vice President, and we will continue with our initiatives to
Tata Motors Ltd., said, “It gives us great Advanced Technology and Services, provide students the right kind of expo-
satisfaction to see that over the years Automotive & Farm Equipment Sectors, sure to further polish their engineering
teams are maturing, which is now show- Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.; Mr. Prashant K. skills. I believe that there is an abundance
ing in some of the very impressive pro- Banerjee, Convener, SUPRA SAEINDIA of talent pool in our country so I hope to
totypes that they have brought here. 2015 and Head, Homologation and see more students participating and gain-
We hope this event will continue to Product Evaluation, Tata Motors Ltd.; Mr. ing as much experience as possible from
enable these bright, young engineers to Sirish Vissa, Technical Committee Chair, these events to develop their abilities
discover their passion for automotive SUPRA SAEINDIA 2015 and Head of from the opportunities that lie ahead.”
engineering and motivate them to Volkswagen Motorsport India; and other Maruti Suzuki India Limited is and
choose it as their career.” office bearers and members of SAEINDIA has been the Title Sponsor of the event
About 91 teams registered on the were present on the occasion. right from the first edition. Other spon-
first day and underwent static tests and Mr. C. V. Raman said, “We had first col- sors include BPCL, who have offered to
dynamic tests. Finally only nine teams laborated with SUPRA SAEINDIA in 2011 exhibit these vehicles at their network
qualified for the endurance test. for this competition to encourage bud- across the country, Altair, ANSYS, ARAI,
The Event came to an exciting close on ding talent in motorsports and engineer- Bosch, Continental, Viper Hobbies,
19th July afternoon. Mr. C. V. Raman, ing. To conceptualize, design, fabricate Roots, and Canara Bank.
Executive Director, Engineering Research, and run a Formula prototype car from Mr. Bibhu Kumar, Officer, CDS EVENTS,
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, was the start to finish provides an immense SAEINDIA
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iTEC INDIA 2015, the country’s first the Department of Heavy Industry, trained and certified drivers and sup-
International Transportation Government of India under Faster ported by qualified professionals, work-
Electrification Conference, was inaugu- Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid ing in the backend. A display of the
rated by Shri. Anant Geete, Honorable and Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme, a latest electric vehicles was showcased
Minister of Heavy Industries & Public part of the National Electric Mobility during iTEC INDIA 2015, highlighting
Enterprises, Government of India, on Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020, the Nissan Leaf, Mahindra Reva e2o,
August 27, 2015. The three-day (August Confederation of Indian Industries etc. among others.
27-29, 2015) conference held at Le (CII), Society of Manufacturers of “The Government of India had formu-
Royal Meridien (Chennai) was jointly Electric Vehicles (SMEV), Society of lated the FAME – India scheme and allo-
organised by SAEINDIA and the Indian Automobile Manufacturers cated Rs. 795 Crores for the years 2015
Institute of Electrical and Electronics (SIAM), Automotive Component – 2017. This scheme will focus on four
Engineers (IEEE) Industry Applications Manufacturers Association (ACMA), areas namely, technology development,
Society (IAS). The main focus of the and SAE International. demand creation, pilot projects and
conference was “Electrified Mobility Shri. Anant Geete said, “The growth finally charging infrastructure,” Shri.
through Holistic Ecosystem Solutions.” and adoption of hybrid electric vehicles Ambuj Sharma said.
Shri. Ambuj Sharma, Patron of the will be a major component of the gov- Speaking at the kick-off event, Dr.
Steering Committee for iTEC INDIA 2015 ernment’s FAME India scheme. These Aravind S. Bharadwaj said, “The
and Additional Secretary, Department vehicles will reduce CO2 emissions and Government of India has set the chal-
of Heavy Industries, Government of fuel consumption, in turn positively lenging goal of achieving 6-7 million
India; Dr. Aravind S. Bharadwaj, impacting the foreign exchange situa- sales of hybrid and electric vehicles year
President, SAEINDIA and Senior Vice tion in the country, since 90% of our on year from 2020 onwards. While mon-
President, Advanced Technology and crude oil is imported. India is unique etary incentives and investments are
Services, Automotive & Farm and there are huge cost and environ- important to realize this ambition, tech-
Equipment Sectors, Mahindra & mental challenges. Solutions which nology innovation and advancements are
Mahindra Ltd.; Dr. David Schutt, CEO, work abroad, may not work as is in even more crucial at this stage to shape
SAE International; Dr. Tomy Sebastian, India. iTEC INDIA 2015 provided the the growth trajectory of Electro Mobility
President Elect, IEEE IAS and Director of opportunity to deliberate on these tech- adoption in the country.”
Motor Drive Systems, Halla nical challenges and come up with solu- In his speech, Dr. David Schutt com-
Mechatronics; and Mr. N. tions required for India’s future.” plimented SAEINDIA for organizing the
Balasubramanian, Chairman, Organizing iTEC INDIA 2015 also saw the launch First International Transportation
Committee for iTEC INDIA 2015 and of the “Lithium” Project. Lithium is the Electrification Conference in India with
Deputy Vice President, Product world’s first service provider with a IEEE IAS and assured the support of SAE
Engineering, Renault Nissan Technology 100% zero emission electric car fleet for International in carrying out such trend-
& Business Centre India; and other corporate transport. Lithium provides setting programs as Electric Mobility,
members of iTEC INDIA 2015 commit- an integrated transport management which is going to occupy a significant
tees were present on the occasion. system for corporations including a place in mass mobility in the future.
iTEC INDIA 2015 was supported by fleet of connected cars manned by Dr. Tomy Sebastian said, “Cooperation
of SAE whose focus is on mobility sys- were presented at the conference by par- Autotech Review, Lohia Auto Industries,
tems and IEEE which is the largest pro- ticipants from seven countries. Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles Pvt.
fessional association for the advancement The conference covered topics Ltd, TVS Motor Company, St. Peter’s
of technology focused on electrical and including power electronics and electric University, and Satyam Venture
electronic technologies is probably the motor drives, electric machines, sensors Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd.
most efficient way to address the techni- and actuators, battery and battery man- The conference also featured a
cal challenges associated with the inte- agement systems, electric, hybrid elec- young professional program where stu-
gration of electrical technologies into tric, and plug-in-hybrid vehicles, electric dents and young professionals got an
automotive systems.” vehicle system architectures, smart grid, opportunity to discuss issues and
Mr. N. Balasubramanian said, electrical infrastructure and V2G, auton- opportunities with industry and aca-
“Individual mobility of the future will be omous vehicles, V2V communication demic leaders and entrepreneurs, mod-
greener, intelligent and partnership ori- and ICT, fuel cell applications in trans- erated by Prof. Akshay Rathore.
ented. India has opportunities both as a portation, and electrical systems and Dr. Rajan Wadhera, Chief Executive
manufacturer as well as an early adopter components for sea, undersea, air, rail and President of Truck & Power Train
of hybrid and electric technology. iTEC and space vehicles. Division, and Head of Mahindra Research
INDIA 2015 is being organized to encour- The three-day conference featured an Valley at Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., was
age sharing of knowledge, best practices exceptional line-up of speakers including the Chief Guest of the valedictory func-
and case studies, both technological and Dr. Mahesh, Illinois Institute of tion and stated that the iTEC India 2015
organizational, to propel India’s fledgling Technology; Mr. Patric Mccarren, ED, Conference also offered an excellent
Electro Mobility Industry.” IEEE IAS, USA; Mr. Michael Poznanski, platform for exhibitors to showcase their
Balasubramanian expressed his grati- CTO, Volkswagen India; Mr. Naritomo products, technologies, and services to
tude to Ministry of Heavy Industries, Higuchi, Honda R&D, Japan; Mr. Brian the important players of the mobility
government of India, for having sup- McMurray, Director, General Motors; R.K. industry. It also provided OEMs and sup-
ported in conceptualizing this first of its Shenoy, Sr. VP, Robert Bosch; Mr. Stevan pliers a perfect venue to display and
kind conference in India. He also Dom, Manager, Siemens; Mr. Wensi Jin, demo the advanced technologies in their
thanked the delegates and the partici- MathWorks; Mr. Mahesh Babu, COO, vehicles so the tech-savvy audience
pating companies for coming together Mahindra e2o; Mr. I.V. Rao, Executive could touch, feel, and live the experience.
for the conference. advisor, MSIL; Dr. Chalasani Rao, Director The conference has channelized innova-
The conference addressed technical (Ret.) General Motors; and Mrs. Rashmi tive minds from the global automotive
interests related to the electrification in Urdhwareshe, Director, ARAI. community to congregate and exchange
the transportation sectors including but The event was sponsored by the ideas. Going forward, innovative design
not limited to, electric hybrid vehicles, Department of Heavy Industries, Bosch, concepts will lead the way toward sus-
plug-in-hybrid vehicles, aeronautical, rail- Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL), Siemens, tainable, safe, and connected vehicles, in
road and off-road vehicles. iTEC INDIA Automotive Research Association of line with ever-changing customer
2015 also had an array of papers across India (ARAI), Ansys, Altair, Continental demands and loyalty.
different topics. In addition, the event was Automotive Components India Limited, Wadhera also announced that the 2nd
comprised of panel discussions, short and MathWorks. The various exhibitors iTEC INDIA will be organized in August
courses and tutorials, presentations, who exhibited the event are Comsol 2017 at ARAI Campus in PUNE, India.
exhibits, electric vehicle displays, and ride Multiphysics Pvt. Ltd, Automotive Test Mr. R. Srinivasa Raghavan, Dy.Manager -
and drives. About 80 technical papers Systems (ATS), Autocar Professional, Projects, SAEINDIA
The 6th edition of SAEINDIA Northern to the participants. Judges were briefed
Section (SAENIS) Efficycle 2015 event about the rulebook criteria, evaluation
was organized as “Efficycle - parameters, etc.
Lightweight Season” with the theme On the second day of the first round,
“Using lightweight technologies to the participants were briefed and the
make lighter, durable, and highly effi- presentations were made as per the
cient cycles but without compromising schedule. After all the presentations, the
safety.” The event was conducted in two valedictory session was organized. The
locations: Ghaziabad for the first round judges’ efforts were recognized by the
and Indore for the second. organizing committee and Shri. U.D.
The first round of SAENIS Efficycle Bhangale presented the “Certificate of
2015 event was conducted at KIET, Bird’s eye view of the valedictory
Appreciation” and mementos to all the
function at SAENIS Efficycle 2015.
Ghaziabad from 4th to 5th July 2015. 59 judges on behalf of SAENIS and the
teams participated and there were five whole organizing committee. The event
judging panels of four judges each from concluded with the vote of thanks by automotive industry. Mr. K.S. Jairaj and
companies including MSIL, ICAT, ABB Convener Shri. U.D. Bhangale. Mr. S. Saifee enlightened the partici-
Electric, Lumax, NSCT, SPX ClydeUnion The second round of SAENIS pants with their motivational talks. The
Pumps, IOCL etc. Efficycle 2015 event was conducted at event proceeded with the students
Shri. Atul Garg, Management Trustee, CDGI, Indore from 11th to 12th July, briefing and judges briefing by the
KIET; Dr. S.P. Mishra, VC-Dev, Sanskriti 2015. 84 teams participated and there Technical Committee and M/s Siemens
University and Advisor, Krishna Group; were six judging panels of three judges conducted a separate session. The stu-
Shri. U.D. Bhangale, Sr. GM, ICAT and each from companies namely MSIL, dents were then informed about the
Convener Efficycle 2015; Dr. Reji Matahi, ICAT, Lumax, IOCL, John Deere, Volvo CAD/CAE practices.
Chief Research Manager, IOCL and Eicher Commercial Vehicles, Mahindra On day two of the second round, the
Co-convener, Efficycle 2015; and Dr. 2 Wheelers, and NATRAX (under participants were briefed and the pre-
K.L.A. Khan, HOD, Mechanical, KIET NATRiP) etc. sentations were made as per the sched-
were present during the inaugural cere- Shri. K.S. Jairaj, Registrar, CDGI; Mr. ule. The judges’ efforts were recognized
mony. After the lamp lighting ceremony, D.R. Phalke, HOD Mechanical, CDGI; by the organizing committee and Shri.
Shri. U.D. Bhangale welcomed all the Shri. U.D. Bhangale, Sr. GM, ICAT and U.D. Bhangale (Convener), Shri. Jitendra
participants, faculty advisors, and Convener Efficycle 2015; Dr. Reji Matahi, Malhotra (Co-convener), Dr. Reji Mathai
judges from the automotive industry. Dr. Chief Research Manager, IOCL and (Co-convener), and Prof. C.N.S. Murthy
S.P. Mishra and Shri. Atul Garg enlight- Co-convener, Efficycle 2015; Mr. S. (Dean, CDGI) presented the “Certificate
ened the participants with their motiva- Saifee, Sr. Manager, Mahindra 2 of Appreciation” and mementoes to all
tional talks. The event proceeded with Wheelers; and Mr. Ashit Jha, GM, MSIL, the judges on behalf of the chairman,
the students briefing and judges brief- were present during the inaugural cere- SAENIS, and the whole organizing com-
ing by Mr. Jitendra Singh Gaur, Technical mony. Lighting the lamp, Shri. U.D. mittee. The event concluded with the
Committee Coordinator, in which the Bhangale welcomed all the participants, vote of thanks by Convener Shri.
evaluation procedures were explained faculty advisors and judges from the Jitendra Malhotra.
SAEINDIA Western Section in association Then on 22nd August 2015, SAENIS various tips and suggestions were con-
with ARAI and sponsors Eaton inaugurated the AWIM 2015 chapter by stantly rendered by the trainers.
Technologies, John Deere, and Cummins successfully conducting the MTTP at Sails of different shapes and areas
India conducted A World In Motion Mapple Emerald for Delhi NCR region. for Skimmers were tested for various
(AWIM) Master Teacher Training Program Mr. Alok Jaitley, Vice Chairman categories i.e. maximum distance,
(MTTP) on 31st July for teachers from Student Competition, SAENIS and accuracy, directional stability, weight
various schools from Pune and volunteers Convener, AWIM SAENIS, and Mr. carrying capacity, and more.
of sponsoring companies. AWIM is a Rakesh Sood, Vice Chairman Student Conclusions were drawn upon the
competition for school students of 5th Activities, SAENIS and ex-convener, observations with different designs
and 6th Standard who work as a team, AWIM SAENIS, were present and made and graphs. JetToys were experi-
applying scientific design concepts and the program a success. mented with different size nozzles and
exploring the principles of laws of mo- Over 77 schools from Delhi, Gurgaon balloon inflation diameters for catego-
tion, inertia, force, momentum, friction, and Faridabad along with volunteers ries like maximum time, maximum
air resistance, jet propulsion, etc. to cre- from IGDTUW, Jamia University, DTU, speed, maximum distance, accuracy,
ate moving vehicles like skimmer and NSIT, and NIEC participated in the event. and weight carrying ability.
balloon-powered JetToy cars. Mr. Saurabh Both the Skimmer and JetToy sessions College leaders and industrial volun-
V. Chitnavis, Mr. Manoj Girhe, and Mr. were simultaneously conducted. The ses- teers were making their respective toys
Rahul Gujar, along with conveners of sions started with a brief introduction of and gave a healthy competition to the
AWIM Pune Olympics 2015, Mr. Kiran the trainers, teachers, and volunteers. volunteers during testing, taking out
Patil, Ms. Mrunmayee Pujari, and Mr. Yatin Following the brief, motto, and signifi- time from their jobs of managing the
Jayawant conducted the training. cance for today’s building intellectuals, whole event. The presentation round
Teachers and volunteers from Pune City the fabrication of JetToy and Skimmer gave an opportunity to the teams to
as well as some Mumbai and Chandigarh finally began. Post lunch, innovation was discuss and share their ideas on how to
volunteers attended the training. at its peak during fabrication time and market their toys.
Awarding the young women of the engineering profession. The Life Time Achievement Award is presented to Dr. B. Bhanot.
The Third Annual Awards function of universities/associations for their out- right path for the nation’s development.
the SAEINDIA Foundation was held on standing contribution in promoting Mr. Ramesh Suri also appreciated the
3rd August, 2015, at India Habitat SAEINDIA activities. More than 120 invi- efforts of SAEINDIA Foundation in recog-
Centre, New Delhi. The awards were giv- tees and guests from the industry, gov- nizing students, faculty, and corporations
en to recognize and motivate young ernment, academia, and media attended for their contribution in the field of mobil-
women engineering students, working the Annual Awards function. ity. He assured greater participation by
professionals, SAEINDIA section cham- Mr. Vijay Chhibber delivered the key- ACMA in all activities related to SAEINDIA.
pions, institutions, and to honor our gu- note address. His talk was inspirational Dr. Richard Greaves praised the activi-
rus and mentors for their contribution and motivating for all who were pres- ties of SAEINDIA during his visit and
to mobility at large. Mr. Vijay Chhibber, ent. He started with paying homage and interaction at all sections. He was keen to
Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport observing silence as a mark of respect promote aerospace engineering in India
and Highways, was the Chief Guest, and to ex-president, the late Dr. Abdul and announced a donation of USD
Mr. Ramesh Suri, President, ACMA, and Kalam. He focused on road safety and $10,000 to the SAEINDIA Foundation for
Chairman, Subros Limited, was the reminded that it was the responsibility providing recognition to extraordinary
Guest of Honor. Dr. Richard Greaves, of all stakeholders to work toward mini- efforts put in the field of aerospace.
President, SAE International, was the mizing causalities happening on Indian Mr. Murli Iyer emphasized the sup-
Special Guest at the occasion. roads. He appreciated the efforts of the port of SAE International to SAE activi-
Mr. R. Dayal, President, SAEINDIA SAEINDIA Foundation in awarding the ties in India and shared that next Board
Foundation, welcomed the guests and students, faculty members, and profes- meeting will be held in India. A vote of
explained the activities of the sionals from the industry. He further thanks was delivered by Mr. I V Rao,
Foundation and the objective of the shared and emphasized that students Past Chairman, SAENIS. He summarized
SAEINDIA Foundation Awards. From this are the building blocks of the nation the event and thanked the contributors
year onward, the “Corporate Award” has and any step taken in the improvement who had contributed for the awards and
been instituted to award corporations/ of their skill would definitely provide the for the function event.
Tenneco’s double-swirl mixer is designed for Euro 6c diesel In a cutaway view of the double-swirl mixer, urea injection takes
aftertreatment. place in the small space between the oxidation catalyst and SDPF.
regulations, which will require a light off Processing means injection, atomiza-
time of two minutes or less. Reducing tion, evaporation, hydrolysis and trans-
the distance between the SCR and DPF forming into ammonia and then
to around 10 cm (4 in) could help. distributing everything homogeneously
The problem then is that neither the on the SDPF—a challenge, he admitted.
DPF nor the SCR cat is close enough to Tenneco has developed a solution to
the engine to ensure that both have the problem of mixing the urea solution
reached the required working tempera- with the exhaust gases in such a small
ture in the required time interval. space. The company’s new double swirl
Tenneco’s oval gasoline particulate filter is Tenneco’s solution, on display at the system is able to promote the mixing
designed for packaging in confined spaces 2015 IAA Frankfurt Show, is to combine even in a very compact mixing zone
to meet the requirements of Euro 6c.
the two devices in one. In this case the such as in the SDPF.
DPF is treated with an SCR coating. “We generate a swirl and inject the
Euro 6c emissions limits will present a urea, then have a controlled contact of
number of challenges for light duty en- the fluid droplets with the wall, where
gine emissions, both gasoline and diesel
Double-swirl does it they can evaporate,” he explained.
when the regulations come into force in “That is what we call an SDPF, an SCR In addition to the shortened light-off
September 2017. One significant hurdle coated DPF,” explained Frank Terres, time from a cold start, the new
is speeding light-off of diesel selective Executive Director, Core Science, European Real Driving Emissions (RDE)
catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts. Advanced Engineering and Hot End test also presents challenges. “You need
In current systems it can take up to Development, Tenneco Clean Air. to have a system that performs under
10 or 12 minutes currently for a diesel “If you move the SCR portion into all realistic driving conditions,” Terres
SCR cat to reach its light-off tempera- the DPF, you also need to move the noted. The urea injector is positioned in
ture. This is determined to an extent by dosing point to the gap between the a much hotter area of the catalyst sys-
the packaging of the exhaust aftertreat- diesel oxidation cat (DOC) and the tem than on previous designs.
ment system. SDPF,” noted Terres. “Normally there is 1 Tenneco also uses the urea supply to
In a current Euro 6b system the diesel cm between those two substrates but cool the injector by circulating the flow
particulate filter (DPF) may be the first now you need to increase this gap from the tank to the injector and back.
aftertreatment device downstream of the because you need to dose in this small This ensures that the urea temperature
engine, with a separation of 50 to 60 cm gap. Every centimeter is a pain because in the injector is around 40°C despite
(19.6 to 23.6 in) between the rear of the you have package constraints. So you the high surrounding temperature of
DPF and the front of the SCR cat. Under give your few centimeters, maybe less the exhaust system.
Euro 6c, the light-off time would have to than 10 cm and the whole processing of There may be insufficient space for
be shortened to between three to four the urea additive that you inject needs an in-line DOC/SDPF design. In this
minutes. The same will apply to US Tier 3 to be done in this small cavity.” case some form of parallel design would
The positioning of components and subassemblies on the engine will use the latest
laser projection and virtual reality assistance systems, while operators will use
connected tools and other advanced devices. The design of these pulse lines involves
operator feedback and can accommodate recommendations.
higher, the need to supply the new gen- Snecma to assemble up to 1000
Engine movements on the pulse lines will eration engines (from CFM and Pratt & engines/year at Villaroche—the equiva-
be managed by touchscreens and an Whitney) that make these 150-seat air- lent to over four engines every day.
overhead handling system featuring a planes so popular has become a prior- The two current CFM56 pulse lines,
“swing cradle” that enables rotating the ity, certainly in the case of the LEAP commissioned in 2009, had already
engine around the horizontal axis (a engine, which is the sole source power- enabled Snecma to reduce engine assem-
proprietary Snecma process), so staff plant on the 737 Max family. bly time by 30% and the two new LEAP
won’t have to work at heights.
As a result, Snecma is preparing its assembly lines will extend this initiative,
supply chain and industrial capabilities for while adding a number of innovations.
During the recent Paris Air Show, French an unprecedented production ramp-up. For example, engine movements will
engine manufacturer Snecma an- The LEAP’s predecessor, the CFM56, be managed by touchscreens, and an
nounced significant investment in a new saw its production gradually rise over a overhead handling system featuring a
assembly facility to meet the unprece- dozen years to an annual rate of nearly “swing cradle” that enables rotating the
dented level of customer demand for 1600 engines. The LEAP faces a much engine around the horizontal axis (a pro-
the new LEAP engine, which is being more daunting challenge, since it is aim- prietary Snecma process), so staff won’t
developed as part of the CFM partner- ing at an annual production rate of have to work at heights. The positioning
ship with GE to power the latest re-en- more than 1800 engines as early as of components and subassemblies on
gined versions of the Boeing 737 and 2020, in just four years. In line with the the engine will use the latest laser pro-
Airbus A320 families and the new assigned workshares in the joint jection and virtual reality assistance sys-
Chinese COMAC 919 airliner. French/U.S. company, Snecma is tems, while operators will use connected
At the time of the announcement, responsible for the final assembly of tools and other advanced devices.
before another flood of 500+ orders half of all engines made by CFM, with The design of these pulse lines
were declared at Paris, there were this assembly being handled by involves operator feedback and can
already more than 8900 orders and Snecma’s Villaroche plant near Paris. accommodate recommendations. It is
commitments for the new engine, a year To meet this huge challenge, Snecma expected that this will significantly
before entry into service. is to build two new assembly lines dedi- enhance the comfort and efficiency of
The new LEAP is already the world’s cated to the LEAP, alongside the two operators at the various workstations
best-selling new engine, while it is still existing CFM56 production lines. These throughout the production and assem-
under development, in the history of new pulse lines will stretch 60 m long bly process. The new additions to the
aviation. The challenge facing the and 20 m wide (about 200 x 65 ft), and plant will allow for a third LEAP assem-
engine manufacturers, and everyone each line will offer a capacity up to 500 bly line if this is eventually needed to
else down through the supply chain, is engines per year. They will be able to increase production capacity even fur-
how to produce enough units to satisfy assemble all three versions of the LEAP: ther. The GE partners in CFM are also
what has grown to a backlog of well the LEAP-1A for the Airbus A320neo, the expanding their own LEAP production
over 12,000 new aircraft. LEAP-1B for the Boeing 737 MAX, and facilities in the U.S. at West Lafayette,
Even with aircraft output at Boeing the LEAP-1C for the Comac C919. These IN, which will see a new line open
and Airbus heading toward 50 airframes two lines will be up and running by before the end of this year.
every month, and possibly rising even January 2017 and early 2018, allowing Richard Gardner
The Module
70 worklight
for close-
The Module 70
worklight for long-
range illumination.
The Deutz-Fahr 7250 Warrior is equipped with 14 new Hella Module 70 LED Generation
IV worklights. Each LED module has three multichip LEDs and is rated to 2470 lumen,
consuming just 30 W of energy. polarity inversion and ensures constant
brightness, even when operating volt-
Deutz-Fahr collaborated with Hella to Maierhofer shared with SAE Magazines. age fluctuates between 9 and 33 V.
develop an industry-first LED light pack- With a diameter of 80 mm (3.15 in), Temperature sensors protect the lamps
age for its line of 7 Series tractors. The the Module 70 LED is particularly suit- from overheating.
Deutz-Fahr 7250 Warrior is equipped able for installation in tight spaces, “LED lighting is very similar to day-
with 14 new Hella Module 70 LED said Maierhofer. light,” Carl Brown, President of Hella Inc.
Generation IV worklights, which in addi- The 7 Series of Deutz-Fahr is already in Peachtree City, GA, said in a state-
tion to close- and long-range illumination equipped with the previous version of ment. “It helps to combat fatigue by
also offer a special extra-wide illumina- the Module 70 LED; for the special-edi- allowing equipment operators to distin-
tion, allowing for homogeneous light dis- tion Warrior, the company decided to guish colors more easily after dark.”
tribution across the work area. The tractor equip the tractor with the latest version. LEDs offer high color temperatures
is the first in the market to incorporate Hella launched the first version of the of around 6500 Kelvin. The LED work-
this latest-generation LED light package. Module 70 LED in 2005 with 170 lumen. lights have a design life of up to 60,000
For the first time, LED output is on par The Module 70 Generation IV is a stan- h with constant lighting performance,
with that of xenon in this compact design, dard worklight—not a customized specific according to Maierhofer, and thus are
according to Stefan Maierhofer, the solution, Maierhofer pointed out. A multi- maintenance-free.
Worklights Program Manager at Hella faceted reflector ensures homogenous Other manufacturers also have spec-
Fahrzeugteile Austria GmbH, where the lighting of the work area. Available for ified the fourth-generation of Module
company develops and produces its special applications, the extra-wide illumi- 70 worklight, but the tractors have not
worklights. Equipped with three high-per- nation uses a highly-diffusing cover lens. had start of production yet, he shared.
formance multichip LEDs, the Module 70 All illumination variants have a symmetri- The Module 70 is already available for
LED is rated to 2470 lumen and consumes cal configuration, allowing the headlamp the aftermarket.
just 30 W of energy. to be upright or pendant mounted. Other applications for Generation IV
“By comparison, the Module 70 LED The black lamp housings are made include agriculture and construction
Generation 3 only generated 800 lumen of aluminum and incorporate cooling machines, municipal vehicles, vehicles for
and the halogen version just 1100 fins to dissipate heat from the high- commercial use, and transport vehicles. It
lumen. With the xenon version it is pos- power LEDs. The electronics of the is also available in a marine version, one
sible to achieve the same light output Module 70 LED are “multi-volt compati- that can be used as a “rear driving lamp,”
as with the fourth generation, but due ble,” capable of operation with a 12- or and another one as a high beam (used for
to its power supply unit it is not possi- 24-V power supply. The module’s inte- agricultural or special-purpose vehicles).
ble to offer the same compact housing,” grated electronics protect it in case of a Ryan Gehm
Hyundai engineers’ focus on chassis and NVH enhancements paid off in internal testing of noise levels.
like we’re using a whole rocker,” he optimal ride comfort and body control.
explained. “It’s a laser-focused applica- Overall, front and rear suspension set-
tion, so it minimizes cost but gives us the ups are now 20% stiffer than the outgo-
biggest bang for the buck…You could do ing Tucson’s.
it with normal steel, but then you start Suspension bushings are now com-
adding more weight.” posed of a higher-damping synthetic
Though the overall solution is heavier rubber that is 30% stiffer for smoother
than the previous single reinforcement, ride characteristics when compared
Apelian noted that “all of the other with conventional rubber.
solutions would be higher weight…to “The front suspension was com-
achieve this much stiffness and this pletely redesigned,” O’Brien said. “We
much ride improvement.” went to a four-point bushing setup for
Hyundai’s Chahe Apelian next to the better rigidity and better noise isola-
Tucson BIW. Note the hot-stamped steel
tion. Probably more importantly we’ve
piece (red) that sandwiches the damper, Other NVH enhancements gone from a conventional rubber bump
resulting in a 109% increase in rigidity,
reduced road noise levels, and ride and Another area targeted for NVH improve- stop that basically has that very harsh
handling improvements. (Ryan Gehm) ments was the subframes, which are fully feeling when you hit the limit of the
isolated, front and rear. “The platform is suspension travel, to instead a hydrau-
absorber and that’s a tunable variable.” basically a derivative of the Sonata plat- lic rebound spring stopper that man-
Apelian pointed out the spring seat on form, and we carried over those,” he said. ages that last bit of suspension travel
the underside of the BIW wheel well, “The body stiffness is critical to making much more comfortably.”
comprised of 100 kg/mm2 (980 MPa) HSS sure those subframes work, so that the To help lower wind noise, aerody-
and hot-stamped steel; “on the other side, handling doesn’t degrade, and also for namics have been improved to 0.33 Cd,
we sandwich it with another piece of hot- managing the 19-in tires, making sure a 0.02 lower coefficient of drag than the
stamped steel, so it’s all bracketed in and they work with the whole system.” former Tucson.
takes all the forces right here.” The 19-in tires are one size larger Based on Hyundai’s internal tests at
Engineers in Korea began working on than the previous-generation’s available its R&D center in Ann Arbor, MI, the new
the solution since the previous genera- 18-in tires. Tucson has achieved better road noise
tion, according to Apelian, after identi- Front suspension is a MacPherson (65.5 dBA), idle noise (61.7 dBA), and
fying the rear suspension mount as an strut design, with coil springs, gas-filled wind noise (67.2 dBA) measures than
area that needed improvement. HSS shock absorbers, and a 24.7-mm (0.97- Toyota RAV-4, Honda CR-V, and Ford
being a “core technology” for Hyundai, in) stabilizer bar. The rear suspension is Escape—“the result of our extra effort in
its employment for this application an independent, multi-link design, now terms of NVH and road noise isolation,”
made sense, he said. with dual lower arms for both front- said O’Brien.
“The part sizes aren’t very big; it’s not wheel and all-wheel-drive models, for Ryan Gehm
At Intermat, LiuGong announced that it Most important, the new center will future trends within the industry.
was in a 60-day countdown before its be the focal point for the development LiuGong believes that the center will
new Global Research and Development of engineering talent within LiuGong, enable a fundamental change for the
Center opened in June. LiuGong, found- considered a key target at LiuGong. The better in how it approaches R&D.
ed in 1958, currently directs close to 5% new complex has several specialized In terms of expectations for the
of its total sales revenue into R&D year- training laboratories that will focus on research center, “We want to bring
on-year, with an investment of over €61 testing and optimizing all aspects of highly-skilled people to LiuGong whose
million (~$68 million) in 2014 alone. machine performance, such as structural primary outlook is to teach and inspire
“For LiuGong to continue our growth design, materials science, electronic and their colleagues in their specialties,”
path, we need facilities that enable our hydraulic efficiency, cooling, vibration, said Beatenbough. “I am not interested
design and engineering teams to inno- and noise. The laboratories will allow in bringing in an engineer just to design
vate and utilize the technologies that accelerated endurance testing as well as a better excavator; I want to hire an
will drive the future of our machines,” a wide variety of performance testing. engineer that designs a better excava-
said David Beatenbough, Vice President “From a personal point-of-view, it is tor in a way that educates and hones
of LiuGong and Project Lead for the the most complete facility that I have the skills of their fellow employees.”
new Development Center. had the opportunity to work in,” said Beatenbough believes that within
Development began in Liuzhou, Beatenbough. “It gives us the platform just a few months of moving into the
China, in 2013 and the accumulated to be competitive with any construction new center “our customers will begin to
investment in the project since then has equipment manufacturer in the world.” feel the impact of optimized R&D, and I
reached €40 million ($45 million). The At Intermat, Beatenbough, even con- can confidently say that within a very
facility spans 110,000 m² and includes a sidering the state-of-the-art equipment few years there will be technologies and
22,000 m² office complex for about 1200 in the laboratories, seemed particularly products from LiuGong that will
engineers, a test center, a prototype cen- enamored of the office space, which has advance the industry.”
ter, seven laboratories, and three design been designed “with gathering and The facility’s initial focus will be to
studios, including a virtual reality studio. meeting places to facilitate interactions undertake major R&D and testing for
Liuzhou—also home to the company’s between engineers,” he said. “The space LiuGong’s lines of wheel loaders, exca-
global headquarters—will be the new hub will have different kinds of rooms for vators, and graders. One of the first
that will provide direction to LiuGong’s different kinds of meetings, for ener- projects will be the completion of R&D
three other R&D facilities in India, Poland, getic engineers eager to learn.” and testing for the second-phase mod-
and the U.K. One of the main objectives Co-locating experts from many disci- els of H Series wheel loaders. In 2014,
of the new center will be to encourage plines will allow better exchange of LiuGong held nearly 9.7% of the global
greater interaction between the R&D facil- ideas, and help with one of the new market share in wheel loaders and
ities, streamlining information exchange design center’s primary missions—that nearly 17.5% share domestically.
and resource utilization. of evaluating future technologies, and Jean L. Broge
The technique is a must for next-generation simulation tools.
oday’s CAE (computer-aided engineering) analysis tools are What is uncertainty?
mature in terms of solving complex real-world problems. With Uncertainty is everywhere, but it does not nec-
growing industry expectations, next-generation system-level essarily mean risk. Error and uncertainty are
simulation tools will be armed with uncertainty prediction ca- different terms and cannot be correlated. Error
pability. Of course, there are challenges in implementing uncertainty is defined as “recognizable deficiencies of
quantification and propagation, but the ability to predict uncertainty models or algorithms employed,” whereas un-
would garner increased confidence on simulation predictions. certainty is defined as “potential deficiency due
The plight of a 1D system analyst is summarized with Roache’s to lack of knowledge.” Therefore, the focus
famous statement: “No one believes the simulation results except the should be on managing uncertainty rather than
one who performed the calculation, and everyone believes the experi- complete eradication. For example, the main
mental results except the one who performed the experiment.” focus of an increasingly important discipline
Simulation engineers struggle to convince engineering teams to called Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is uncer-
believe in numbers along with real-world uncertainties. However, all real- tainty management instead of eradication.
world processes always come with associated uncertainty. While carrying There are two forms of uncertainty: alea-
out simulation, do we think of propagating measurement uncertainty to tory and epistemic. Aleatory uncertainty (also
simulation predictions? Let’s look at the basics to find the answers. called irreducible uncertainty) arises from the
inherent variation associated with systems
under consideration. The aleatory uncertainty
can be represented by a finite number of ran-
dom variables with some known probability
distribution. The sources of aleatory uncer-
tainty include both uncertainty in model coef-
ficients and uncertainty in the sequence of
possible events. Examples of aleatory uncer-
tainty are material properties, operating con-
ditions, manufacturing tolerances, etc.
Aleatory uncertainty can be studied as noise
analysis in mathematical modeling. This type
of uncertainty should not keep engineers
from carrying out simulation activities and
should not decrease designer confidence in
Types of uncertainty. modeling. Established statistical models can
Errors Extrap-
Uncertainty Propagation
Code Metrics
produce a range of scenarios and can be pre- simulation tools can answer these questions.
sented as “best-case, base-case, and worst- Any predictive simulation requires validated, computational tools,
case” if needed. physical models, and quantified ranges and tolerances for all uncertain-
More serious problems can arise for design- ties. The objective of UQ is to provide bounds on computational results,
ers from epistemic uncertainty. This type of just as they are provided with experimental results as uncertainties can
uncertainty represents any lack of knowledge arise from each of these inputs in the predictive simulation.
or information in any phase or activity of a This calls for a fundamentally new approach for modeling focusing
modeling process. Frequently, strong statisti- on bounds to simulation predictions. The traditional modeling
cal information such as probability distribution approach is based on the idea of approximation: “say where the
function is not available. Experimental data answer is” and then “try to minimize the bias.” The approach of
needed to construct this information are bounding is exactly opposite: “say where you know the answer is not”
expensive and consequently no data or only a and then “try to tighten the range.” Model validation and uncertainty
small collection of data points may be avail- quantification are closely associated. Model validation consists of per-
able. In such cases “expert opinion” is used in forming thorough comparisons with experimental data, so as to
conjunction with the available data to produce ensure that the models accurately represent the reality. As real con-
weak inferential estimates of parametric figurations are always associated with uncertainties, these uncertain-
description, often in the form of lower and ties must be accounted for during validation.
upper bounds. Designers of a system part, Uncertainty quantification is not prevalent in today’s analysis pro-
such as a Tier 1 supplier, deal with epistemic cess. The system analyst responsible for doing the modeling needs to
uncertainty as a core part of their process. communicate the uncertainty along with the predictions. The chief
Controlling it will depend on complete or sim- engineer who consumes the analysis results to make critical design
ulated system data, which is where the use of decisions must demand this uncertainty range. Don’t just ask: “will my
robust computational tools is essential. system meet the design target?” but also ask: “what conditions will
make my system fail, and what are the chances of that happening?”
Why should we consider
uncertainty quantification of Ms. Angela Uppuluri, Director of Operations,
simulation predictions? and Mr. Hemant R. Khalane, Lead Systems Engineer,
both of Computational Sciences Experts Group,
Computational tools are increasingly used for wrote this article for Mobility Engineering.
designing and optimizing engineering sys-
tems, but can we have any confidence in their
predictions? How certain, or uncertain, are we
that the results will correspond to reality? UQ
tringent emission norms are pushing OEMs to focus on making Variable displacement
powertrains more efficient, making them look for all possible A variable-displacement oil pump (VDOP),
ways to reduce fuel consumption. The oil pump’s contribution typically a solenoid actuated mechanical
to accessory power loss of the engine is significant. Various pump, employs a multistage pump strategy
OEMs have come up with different and new thought processes to used by the OEMs and Tier 1s for power saving
counter power loss at oil pumps. but are also market and cost driven. Another
An effective lubrication system is necessary for an engine because of similar concept is a mild variable displacement
its tribology, hydraulic, and thermal functionality. A modern-day engine oil pump. This contributes to power saving as
puts increased strain on lubrication systems due to additional compo- well as counters the higher cost of VDOPs.
nents and higher thermal loads. The flow estimation for an oil pump is A variable-displacement oil pump
based on the flow requirement of the components in the system. addresses the problem of the conventional oil
Conventional oil pumps are designed for high-temperature low- pump by keeping the output flow as close to
speed flow and pressure requirements. These methodologies tend to be system demand. VDOP lowers the variation in
simpler but lead to excess flow conditions at other operating points. output by self-regulating the flow to the
Various technologies are implemented over the conventional oil pump requirement of the system based on the
design to improve overall efficiency. feedback from the system. The feedback
Conventional oil pumps are of external gear or gerotor design. They from the system is in pressure form. The
are either driven directly through crankshaft, gear drive, or chain sys- pressure is picked up either at the outlet of
tems. Conventional oil-pump flow has a high level of variations/distri- the pump, in the gallery, or combination of
bution in output. Figure 1 shows various distributions in different oil both. The flow into the system is subse-
pump types. These distribution outputs are caused by linearity in flow quently modified to meet the requirement.
increase with respect to rise in engine speed. An increase in flow over- This reduces the overall system pressure and
shoots the actual demand of the system leading to increase of pressure. hence lowers power consumption.
Figure 3: A CFD
analysis of the oil
ndia, one of the fastest growing aviation demand for more kinds of planes in a market where 84% of the fleet con-
markets in the world, currently ranks sists of single-aisle aircraft. Boeing, which has made 50 of the 62
ninth, but is expected to become the third wide-bodied planes currently in the fleet of Indian carriers, is counting on
largest after the U.S. and China by 2020. growth in this segment to take on Airbus.
Indian airport systems are poised to handle India does not have “genuine” low-cost carriers (LCC) as there are
336 million domestic and 85 million interna- no budget terminals in the country. Low fares advertised by LCCs are
tional passengers by 2020, from the current mainly 90-day advance fares, and very few can actually plan their trips
level of 121 million domestic and 41 million in- so far in advance. The government must make it easier for new airliners
ternational passengers. According to to fly abroad to counter their dominant role here. There is not much
International Air Transport Association’s difference in spot fares of full service carriers (FSCs) and LCCs. India
(IATA) Airline Industry Forecast 2012-2016, needs budget terminals that are efficient and from where all airlines,
India’s domestic air travel market would be not just LCCs, can operate.
among the top five globally, experiencing the Gulf carriers are ruling Indian aviation. Flyers from here travel
second highest growth rate at CAGR of 13.1%. between India and the world through Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other
Airbus has 196 of its commercial passenger hubs in the Gulf.
aircraft flying in India, compared with Boeing’s Low-cost carriers have developed their value chain and strategies with
160. Airbus has signed with Indigo for 250 a focus on cost reduction in comparison to network carriers who also
planes and has an earlier firm order for focus on excellent customer service. Industry specialists and consumers
another 180. It is likely that volumes over the both believe that LCCs have benefited the industry by providing low fares
next 10 years will increase to 516. and made air travel affordable. LCCs need to select a need-based out-
The nation’s newest local carriers, the Tata sourcing to reduce their unnecessary operational costs. The advent of
sons’ joint ventures, Vistara and Air Asia low-cost carriers has led to a rapid growth in the aviation market in India.
India, have both picked Airbus as their initial Today, LCCs have captured a majority share of the market. Globally,
choice, while Boeing’s visible backlog is LCC growth is often associated with a boom in tourism, growth in air traf-
much smaller at 59 planes, which include fic, and increased frequencies to smaller cities. This is mainly because
long-haul Dreamliners to Air India and Jet globally, LCCs have a totally different model, such as choice of routes,
Airways BSE as well as narrow-bodied 737 ticketing, check-in, passenger service, baggage rules, labor engagement,
Max planes to SpiceJet. and aircraft configuration. Unfortunately in India, the LCCs have only a
The government is working on rules that it slightly better cost structure (primarily aircraft configuration, salaries),
says will make it easier for new airlines to fly but they mirror FSCs on all other parameters. It’s no wonder that the
abroad. The current rules say a carrier must LCCs differ globally from FSCs is the choice of airport. Flying out of low-
have five years’ experience of domestic flying cost airports enables airlines to operate more efficiently and unbundle
and 20 planes would be allowed for overseas services, thus resulting in lower airport related costs (up to 13%).
operations. The change in rules will likely create Firstly, LCCs also prefer low-cost airports, as these are relatively
arket penetration of electric vehicles has been limited by forecasts, will produce more lithium-ion cells
two significant constraints: driving range and purchase cost. in 2020 than the entire world made in 2013.
These two factors are in fundamental opposition, because Nissan apparently agrees with the value in
the most costly part of a battery EV is its battery. Make that having large, integrated facilities located in
battery larger to increase driving range, as Tesla Motors has done with the U.S. as a cost-control measure for electric
the Model S, and the result is a retail price in the six-figure range. vehicles. The company builds Leaf EVs and
Reduce the battery’s size to hold down costs and the resulting driving their batteries in Smyrna, TN, as part of its
range is unacceptably short. Indeed, despite progress on these issues, cost-saving strategy, according to spokes-
global EV sales will reach only 2.4% of all light-duty vehicle sales by woman Paige Presley.
2023, predicts Scott Shephard, research analyst with Navigant Research.
The only way to overcome this situation is to drive down the cost of elec- Battery-cell details
tric-drivetrain components. Major manufacturers are engaged on assaults The Tesla Gigafactory’s gigantic scale and
on this paradigm, with new models such as the Chevrolet Bolt, expected to integrated on-site manufacturing will slice
arrive as a 2017 model, coming to market amid claims of a 200-mi (322-km) the cost per kilowatt-hour for lithium-ion
driving range and a $30,000 price tag (after government incentives). cells by 30%, Tesla predicts. To aid with that
“Plug-in EV markets are expanding rapidly, and are set to grow much cost-reduction effort, the company has
more quickly as several major automakers are slated to introduce vehi- signed researcher Jeff Dahn, a professor at
cles in the high-volume SUV segment,” Shephard said. Dalhousie University in Canada.
Former Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn told the German news- Dahn’s work has been supported by 3M
paper Bild that his company’s Silicon Valley Electronic Research since 1996, but the chance to work directly on
Laboratory is developing a smaller, cheaper battery that will give one of products that will go to customers was
its cars a 300-km (186-mi) range. “It will be a quantum leap for the appealing, he said. “I wanted to try in some
electric car,” Winterkorn told the paper. small way to help the Gigafactory and Tesla
And Tesla is developing less-expensive vehicles than the Model S succeed even more,” Dahn explained.
based on aggressive cost-reduction strategies. Its biggest bet is on its Today, Tesla sells its 10 kW·h Powerwall
venture with Panasonic to build a Nevada “Gigafactory” which, Tesla power backup and load-shifting battery array
for $3500, revealing a price of $350 per kW·h. much opportunity for cost savings by refining the use of aluminum
If the Gigafactory’s scale succeeds in reducing foil layers in the batteries. “We have a lot of experience making alu-
that cost by the 30% level claimed by Tesla, minum foil, so there is not much cost to come out of that,” he said.
the price will be $245 per kW·h. But even that But a less-obvious avenue for savings is through improvements in
is not enough of a cost-down. battery durability. “Another way to think of cost reduction is, if you
“Everybody wants it below $200, or even increase the battery’s lifetime, you effectively reduced its cost. So
below $100 would be a good thing,” said Dahn. that is one of the main areas we will focus on,” Dahn added.
So where is there room for improvement? It is
in details, like the cost of the porous plastic sep- Chevrolet’s dynamic duo
arator membrane, he said. “The separator costs Chevrolet hasn’t yet released the technical details of the Bolt, so we don’t
about $1.50 per square meter when you buy it in yet know how that car will achieve its ambitious targets. But the company
huge quantity,” Dahn reported. By comparison, a has discussed the second-generation 2016 Volt, with its electric drivetrain.
similar plastic film with no holes in it, costs about The 2016 Volt’s LG Chem-supplied lithium-ion battery pack contains
$0.06/m2 when sourced from the very cheapest 192 battery cells instead of the outgoing model’s 288. So reducing the
Chinese suppliers, he pointed out. number of cells needed to do the job cuts the battery pack’s cost corre-
“Somehow the process of putting holes in a spondingly, and it also trims 30 lb (about 14 kg) from the pack as well.
separator raises the cost significantly,” he said. “It would have been easy for us to tweak our existing battery to
So Dahn aims to seek low-cost ways to produce provide nominally improved range, but that’s not what our customers
plastic films for separators with 50% porosity at want,” said Larry Nitz, Executive Director of GM Powertrain’s electrifi-
a cost closer to 6 cents per m2 than $1.50. cation engineering team. “So our team created a new battery system
Similarly, there are costly metals in lithium-ion that will exceed the performance expectations of most of our owners.”
batteries, such as the nickel and cobalt used in That improved driving range stretches to 50 mi (80 km), in comparison
battery cathodes (positive electrodes), he said. to the old car’s EPA rating of 38 mi (61 km) of electric-only driving range.
“The more nickel and cobalt you can replace The company also made improvements in the Volt’s electric motors.
with manganese, the better the cost will get.” The two-motor drive unit is 5% to 12% more efficient than the old car’s
In contrast, however, there isn’t likely to be drive unit. Impressively, it also weighs 100 lb (45 kg) less. One of the
Rolls-Royce’s Chief Engineer
discusses new technologies that
inspire current R&D design and
evaluation work as part of its
strategic roadmap for future big
commercial programs.
by Richard Gardner
he steady rise in demand for high-thrust, big-fan engines for replacement will eventually have no future.
new wide-body commercial airplanes continues to generate Managing the cycle so that today’s revenues
massive business, as the 2015 half-year results from Rolls- can produce profits while also off-setting the
Royce demonstrated. But at the same time, underlying revenue vital R&D expenditure that will bring forward
and profits can suffer as demand falters on production that is transi- the next generation of products is a corporate
tioning to newer, but less mature engines, and as R&D investment in- trial-by-strength challenge that only the big-
creases to bring forward innovation that can safeguard future market gest and boldest in the propulsion sector can
share in due course. The company’s civil aerospace order book has ris- afford to engage in. So long as they continue
en to $103.6 billion and underlying revenue in this sector was up 2% in to be able to do this, however, then they can
the first half of 2015, yet profits fell. be assured that they will remain competitive.
The airframe sector of the global commercial air transport market in
the size category above 200 seats is totally dominated today by just Looking toward future technologies
two suppliers—Airbus and Boeing—and the engine market for these No better example of such challenges is to be
wide body passenger and cargo airplanes is in the hands of just three found than in the case of Rolls-Royce where its
companies—GE, Rolls-Royce, and Pratt & Whitney, in that order of sales current profits have suffered as sales of the
success. Profits from sales of the largest aero engines in production best-selling Trent 700, which powers the Airbus
reflect their high value (more than a typical regional jet) and also, A330, have peaked and are now slowing down
increasingly, the return from care packages that can offer lifetime main- as more customers select its replacement, the
tenance and repair support, providing airline operators with an attrac- Trent 7000, which is being developed for appli-
tive alternative to traditional heavy investment in MRO contracts or cation on the upgraded A330neo (new engine
in-house facilities and services. option). This new engine is offering better all-
But this is a very strategic sector, and to survive, let alone thrive, the round performance and so, understandably,
big players have to be prepared to spend considerable sums on com- customers are waiting for this latest product. At
plex and challenging R&D programs to be in a position to bring new the same time, as the Trent 700 nears the later
products to market in line with changing airframe needs. Getting this stages of its delivery life cycle the aftermarket
right is difficult to predict many years in advance and carries with it revenues are increasing.
major commercial risks, but if the application of improved designs, But this market surge for the upgraded A330
materials, and production methods can deliver a new engine that will wasn’t expected just a few years ago, as Airbus
significantly increase operating efficiency, while improving reliability intended to replace the A330 with the all-new
and environmental performance, then the rewards can more than com- A350, powered by the new Trent XWB engines.
pensate for the investment. Although the company received a record num-
In reality, shareholders know that any company that just sits back ber of orders for the new combination, you
and enjoys a long success run on a product without investing in its can’t buck the customer. When a substantial
New technologies in the Trent XWB family of engines are inspiring current
R&D design and evaluation work as part of its strategic roadmap for future
big Rolls-Royce fanjets aimed at delivery in the next decade.
HMIs extend
beyond the cab
Telematic functions
are being integrated
into multi-function
user interfaces.
by Terry Costlow
uman-machine interfaces (HMIs) are evolving in multiple Handling communications from outside the
paths—they’re becoming a more important product differenti- vehicle is a logical extension of HMI capabilities.
ator while also expanding their control functions outside the It highlights the central role that user interfaces
vehicle. As connectivity moves deeper into the mainstream, play in making vehicles more useful and produc-
HMIs are being redesigned to make it easier for operators to utilize the tive. HMIs play an important role throughout the
broad range of features and functions that come with telematics. vehicle’s life cycle.
Fleet operators who have utilized connectivity to gain information “The HMI is already the central communi-
for some time seek improved techniques for making some of this data cation hub in many off-highway vehicles
available to operators, while those new to telematics want a wealth of today,” said Christiana Seethaler, Product
basic functions. Tool providers note that off-highway and commercial Development Director at TTTech
vehicle developers are using communication technologies to make Computertechnik. “Alternatively, it is also
vehicles safer and more productive. useful as a development and debugging
“Automotive HMIs focus on infotainment; in off-highway and com- interface during application development.”
mercial vehicles, safety and operations are more important,” said The tight link between HMIs and communica-
Manuela Papadopol, Marketing Director, Elektrobit, which makes HMI tion modules is following a common arc: once
design tools. “HMIs with connectivity are now a key differentiator. Many developers and users get comfortable with a few
of the instrument clusters are very graphical.” features, they start adding more functionality.
Many channels
Connectivity’s swift journey from a high-end
offering to a mainstream option is now evolv-
ing to include a range of communications in- HMIs in trucks and off-highway vehicles focus on safety and productivity.
terfaces. It’s no longer uncommon for vehi- (Elektrobit)
cles to have more than one outside link.
“Wireless connectivity options like Wi-Fi
and mobile telecommunication options like
GSM are becoming more prevalent in HMI
devices as enablers for telematics solutions
like remote assistance/maintenance and fleet
management,” Seethaler said.
While this data often flows from vehicles
to operation centers, bidirectional links often
let operators access the Internet or their
management system. That makes it easy for
them to get detailed information to enable
educated decisions.
“Operators are no longer limited to radio
weather reports,” said Stephan Tarnutzer, Vice
President, Electronics, FEV North America.
“Someone on a tractor can run an app when
it’s raining to get information to help them
decide whether to stop or continue planting
seeds or spraying.”
The role of connectivity will continue to
expand as developers find more ways to uti- Technicians at remote sites may soon be able to control some functions on
lize remote links. The continued growth of vehicles, said Danfoss’ Fauld.
electronic controls and software means that
more data can be accessed by letting commu- Taking control
nications modules transmit data gathered Currently, remote technicians can look at data from the vehicle, but they
from a range of CAN buses. can’t control the ECUs. That’s expected to change. Specialists in opera-
“We expect to see increased use of software tion centers may be able to control some functions. That capability may
to feed data to telematics systems in off-high- be extended to personnel carrying tablets or even smartphones.
way equipment,” said Kirk Lola, Business “Depending on the robustness of the telematics solution, they might
Development Manager, Parker Hannifin even have the option to make adjustments to the machine remotely or
Electronic Controls Division. “Telematics allows run automated functions such as remote upgrades or geo-fencing,” said
for the owner to track machine usage and pro- Kevin Faulds, Product Marketing Manager of Software Solution Services,
ductivity, but also allows the service manager Danfoss Power Solutions. “Bluetooth technology allows operators to
to view faults and performance to help reduce connect a phone or tablet and get status reports or make adjustments
machine downtime.” to the system without actually needing to be near the machine.”
“We have very high levels of engi- in a new engine plant given that there
neering, with details including all-wheel are plenty of alternatives, so SsangYong
drive, adaptive electric power steering did consider sourcing from a third party
(EPAS), efficient Aisin-supplied auto- but decided they wanted their own
matic transmissions, and a high- ‘home grown’ engines,” explained
strength-steel (HSS) intensive Williams. “And Mahindra wanted better
architecture. We also offer an excep- engine technology for their future prod-
tional warranty for the Tivoli—five years ucts and also needed size and scale.
limitless in the UK; a company can only Therefore this is a long-term strategy
do that if the vehicle has been screwed with Mahindra that will see derivatives
together well in the first place.” of the engines and use of the ‘know-
Before joining SsangYong in 2007, how’ that is being created.”
Williams’ career included posts with The Tivoli’s diesel produces 85 kW
Nissan and Mercedes-Benz, and very (114 hp) and 300 N·m (221 lb·ft) from
senior executive positions expanding 1500 to 2500 rpm. The gasoline
CEO Paul Williams says the Tivoli is the the presence of Kia, Mitsubishi, and engine’s output is 94 kW (126 hp) at
“biggest thing to happen to SsangYong.”
Daihatsu in the UK. 6000 rpm with maximum torque of
Although SsangYong has a relatively 160 N·m (118 lb·ft) at 4600 rpm. The
“Tivoli is the biggest thing to happen to modest presence in Europe, he believes diesel’s CO2 emissions’ figure is 113 g/
SsangYong,” said Paul Williams, CEO of Tivoli will prove the real pacemaker for km in two-wheel-drive manual trans-
SsangYong Motor UK. the company, describing the company mission form and 146 g/km as an auto.
It’s a bold statement to make about a in Europe as a “challenger brand.” The gasoline gets 149 g/km with a
company that has had a long but some- Mahindra Motor Company’s 73% stop/go facility, two-wheel drive, and
times commercially challenging history. stake in SsangYong has brought not manual gearbox, 167 g/km as an auto.
But with the engineering and financial only financial security but also a Combined fuel consumption for the
backing of India’s Mahindra & Mahindra cross-fertilization of automotive engi- manual diesel is 4.3 L/100 km and 5.5
automotive conglomerate, it is now set on neering know-how together with shared L/100 km for the auto.
making meaningful inroads into the chal- manufacturing assets that make for The diesel uses a Honeywell turbo-
lenging European market, where aesthet- required economies of scale. charger.
ics and engineering need to cohere Both the four-cylinder gasoline Transmission choice is six-speed
convincingly to achieve real success. (e-XGi160) and diesel (e-XDi160) 1.6-L manual or six-speed auto. Performance
So what has the South Korean built engines of the Tivoli are South Korean- figures are relatively modest; the best
Tivoli got from design and technology designed. Produced in the company’s 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) for the gasoline
aspects that make Williams so confi- new Changwon Plant, which began pro- car is 11.9 s (auto) and the same time for
dent? “Firstly, we believe the crossover duction in the fall of 2014 with a poten- the manual diesel. Curb weight spans
styling is unique—and it was done tial 300,000 units per annum capacity, 1270 to 1465 kg (2800 to 3230 lb)
in-house. Now, people are saying, ‘My the engine program was made possible depending on engine and specification.
goodness, you’re capable of doing this by Mahindra’s involvement. Best braked towing capacity is a high
given what you have done in the past.’ “You don’t necessarily need to invest 1500 kg (3300 lb).
257 hp (192 kW), while the Cat C15 ACERT with latch, ductile iron sheaves, and to accept a load-monitor indicator (LMI),
Tier 4 Final engine in the PL83 and PL87 heavy-duty frame structures pinned with new hydraulic circuitry, integrated
has a maximum power rating of 363 hp together for strength and durability. mounting hardware, and ready-mount
(271 kW). The new models feature Cat’s Operator-comfort features on the power supply to facilitate installation.
torque divider and electronically con- pipelayers include a quieter cab, adjust- The LMI-ready system enables installa-
trolled 3F/3R powershift transmission. able armrests, and heated/ventilated tion without opening the hydraulic sys-
The compact-profile winch assemblies seat options. A dash-mounted LCD dis- tem, thus preventing contamination.
for the new pipelayers feature oil-disc play provides onboard diagnostic infor- Remote monitoring with the Cat
brakes to provide smooth operation and mation for the operator, allows operators Product Link system improves overall fleet
positive retention of boom and hook posi- to create individual profiles and opera- management effectiveness, providing
tions. The modular, pin-on design of the tional settings, and provides access to event and diagnostic codes, machine
winches allows fast service in the field. multiple switch-controlled functions. location, fuel level, idle time, working
Counterweight segments are contoured The available enclosed cab is new and time, and other detailed information
to provide optimum lifting performance designed by Caterpillar specifically for (including fault codes for not using seat
and are extended hydraulically for effi- pipeline applications, allowing truck belts) that is transmitted to the Cat secure
cient load balance and clearance. A new transport with the ROPS in place. The web-based application, VisionLink.
electronic kick-out switch for the PL83 cab is fully sealed and supplied with fil- For added job-site safety, a wide-an-
and PL87 ensures that counterweights are tered, pressurized air for a clean interior gle rearview camera enhances visibility
retracted to the correct position. environment. Expansive glass surfaces to the work area, and a standard opera-
The lightweight, durable boom fea- allow unhindered visibility around the tor-presence detection system allows
tures high-tensile-strength-steel con- machine and into the trench, and a large the machine to idle when the operator
struction and a narrow design that skylight with sliding shade provides a is not seated, but locks out the power-
enhances visibility to the work area. clear view to the boom and block. train to avoid unintentional movement.
Replaceable boom-mount bearings are A low-effort joystick and a single- To facilitate routine maintenance,
designed for long life and easy service. lever steering tiller places complete hydraulic pressure taps allow quick
The new PL83 and PL87 now use two machine control at the operator’s fin- pressure monitoring, and ecology drains
booms in common, 24-ft (7.3-m) and gertips, including hook and boom, for the radiator, hydraulic tank, engine,
28-ft (8.5-m) configurations. The PL72 counterweight position, throttle, trans- transmission, and main case add to ser-
also features two booms, 20 ft (6.1 m) mission, and steering. A planetary dif- vice convenience and prevent spills. The
and 24 ft (7.3 m). ferential turns the machine by speeding radiator, charge-air cooler, and hydraulic
The short-profile block set enhances one track and slowing the other to oil cooler are packaged in a single
visibility to the work area and extends the maintain full power to both tracks for plane, making cleanout easier, and the
working range of the boom. Heavy-lifting added maneuverability in congested zero-speed, reversing hydraulic fan
components include hook and boom areas and for enhanced slope capability. operates only as needed.
blocks with sleeve bearings, forged hook The new models are factory equipped Jean L. Broge
Allegro Microsystems Inc......................................................................7................................................. www.allegromicro.com/camp1244
Altair Engineering Pvt Ltd....................................................................5...............................................................................www.altair-india.in
......................................................................................................................................................................................... www.altairhyperworks.in
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation contact for India.................. 11............................................................ www.arworld.us/EMCsource
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... www.complus.in
Borg Warner..............................................................................................9................................................................................... borgwarner.com
COMSOL Inc................................................................................. Cover 4...........................................................................................comsol.co.in
Hindustan University............................................................................ 13................................................................... www.hindustanuniv.ac.in
Lear Corporation..........................................................................Cover 3........................................................................................www.lear.com
Molex Incorporated.....................................................................Cover 2........................................................................... molex.com/hsautoin
Smalley Steel Ring Company...............................................................3................................................................................ www.smalley.com
Satven.......................................................................................................33.................................................................. www.satyamventure.com
MBW 1500 tt B-pillar—weighs about 15.4 kg, and with our TriBond
1400 solution we were able to get the weight down to 14.1 kg. To
be honest with you, it’s kind of difficult for us to do cost calcula-
explores steel
tions on the material because it is not [in production yet]. We do
see an increase compared to the conventional material [€38.80]
just because we have an additional process step, but this may well
go down a little [currently stated as €40.60]. So very attractive
weight and slightly higher cost make the solution very attractive…
We have a couple solutions [in InCar plus] where the weight re-
duction comes with reduced cost, just because you save material
InCar plus is the most extensive internal R&D project that and material cost is the biggest portion of your part cost; that
ThyssenKrupp has ever undertaken. It encompasses the group’s sometimes works in our favor. But it’s still attractive.
interdisciplinary expertise to generate more than 40 individual
solutions for cost-effective vehicle weight reduction without sac- Any other possible applications for the material?
rificing performance, as well as the use of advanced manufactur- It doesn’t have to be a B-pillar. So we have a couple of different
ing technologies that are validated and can be implemented with applications for that material. It will work for front rails as well…I
current processes. Another component is scalability, with modu- showed a drop tower test of a front rail that looked very good. In
lar lightweight design concepts that can be utilized across multi- today’s vehicles, you don’t use hot stamping for front rails because
ple platforms and vehicle programs. The project was initiated by it’s not enough elongation in the part. But with TriBond we would
developing an independent body-in-white structure to serve as a actually have that option to use it in front and rear rails where de-
reference benchmark for the various body solutions. The refer- formation is required. That might actually be a better application
ence structure is a representative upper midsize class vehicle than the B-pillars. But in B-pillars there’s a lot of expensive solu-
that was derived through extensive comparative studies of bod- tions out there—tailored tempering, tailor welded blanks, tailor
ies manufactured by various OEMs. With a lightweight index of rolled blanks—that are very complicated to control from a
2.7, it surpassed its previous InCar reference structure that was hot-stamping-process perspective. With the TriBond, you just
developed in 2009, due to improved design and advanced mate- throw it in your hot stamping press and you’ve got a ductile part.
rial utilization. Timo Faath, General Manager Technology,
ThyssenKrupp Steel North America, Inc., spoke with SAE You have also presented A-pillar and bumper concepts as
Magazines about the InCar plus project and some of its promis- part of InCar plus. Which of these technologies is closest to
ing technologies. Read more and view additional technical imag- serial production?
es at http://articles.sae.org/14396/. That’s a tough one. Throughout the InCar project we tried to of-
fer different serial production levels. Some of the solutions our
One of the project’s innovations is a B-pillar featuring a new customers can buy today. Some solutions are still under develop-
TriBond material. Can you talk about this development? ment. The reason why we do it like that is our customers—some
We have several different solutions for the B-pillar. Our reference of them work on next-generation vehicles, and some of them
structure is already a MBW 1500 tailored tempered (tt) solution. have a problem today with their serial production vehicle where
We’ve developed some hot-stamped solutions—one is MBW 1900 they need a solution. So we’re trying to reach as many customers
tt and the other is TriBond 1400, a pretty interesting new material as possible. Generally speaking, hot stamping is a big topic for
development. And we also have some cold-stamped solutions— everybody, and we know there’s some OEMs trying to do it
DP-K 700Y980T and DP-K 780Y1180T…TriBond is a material de- themselves [particularly] in Europe. Whenever OEMs invest in
velopment; we don’t have it in serial production yet. It’s like a hot stamping, I don’t think they want to do it the conventional
sandwich material. We take three slabs, to simplify it, stacked on way—or follow what their suppliers already do for them—they
top of each other and run them through the hot rolling mill, the want to come up with more sophisticated solutions. Some of the
cold rolling mill, annealing, and offer it as aluminized-coated. The stuff [in InCar], tailored tempering being one of them, is very
only process that is added is that stacking up of the slabs. The slab promising and I think we’ll see a lot more of that in the future in
in the middle is a conventional MBW 1500; the thin outer slabs are NAFTA; it’s already out there in Europe. Pretty much everything
lower strength. What that does for us is…no cracks [in drop tower that we show [related] to hot stamping is very promising.
and 3-point bending tests], higher ductility with almost the same Ryan Gehm
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