13.assistance To Alzheimer S Patient
13.assistance To Alzheimer S Patient
13.assistance To Alzheimer S Patient
Kazi Shahrukh Omar1 , Afia Anjum2 , Tahrima Oannahary, Md. Rezaul Karim Rizvi, Diana Shahrin,
Tasmiah Tamzid Anannya, Sanjida Nasreen Tumpa, Md Mahboob Karim, Muhammad Nazrul Islam,
Md Fazle Rabbi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Email: {1 qshahrukh41, 2 afia.anjum70}@gmail.com
Abstract—Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegen- these necessary states of patients will be delivered to their
erative disease that causes to develop dementia. Alzheimer’s family members and caretakers through a mobile application.
patients find it hard to remember recent events, reason and The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
even to recognize people they know. As the disease advances,
symptoms can include difficulty with language, disorientation discusses the related researches previously done in this area.
including getting lost, mood swings, loss of motivation, lack of Section III presents the conceptual framework of the system.
self-awareness and overall behavior. Though a limited number The detail implementation of the proposed system is discussed
of IT based solutions exist to provide support for Alzheimer’s in Section IV followed by the evaluation of the system in
patients, but most of these provide very isolated services either for section V. Finally, section VI concludes the article.
the patients or for the caregivers. The objective of this research
is to propose an assistive tool for Alzheimer’s patients and their II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW
caregivers to provide support like health monitoring, assist to
find lost items, provide reminder to take medicine and assist to A significant number of research has been carried on the
monitor patient’s location. A light-weighted evaluation study was design, development and evaluation of the assistive tool for
carried out with 15 participants. The evaluation study showed the special need people, blind persons, aging population, and
that the proposed system was effective and usable for the patients for the Alzheimer’s patients [6]–[9]. This section will briefly
and their caregivers.
Keywords—Alzheimer, mobile application, heart rate, assistive introduce some work focusing to the development of assistive
tool, intelligent system, sensors. tool for Alzheimer’s patients.
A limited number of papers were conducted focusing to
I. I NTRODUCTION mobile applications and software systems. In [10], Yamagat
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease in which et al. showed that tablets and iPads could be utilized with
the destruction of memory cells causes slow depreciation Alzheimer’s patients portraying favorite music and family
in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. A great deal of photographs, as it helped them remember. In another study,
difficulties are faced by an Alzheimer’s patient including short Armstrong et al. [11] highlighted the potential explicit and
term memory loss, aggression, loss of communication skill, implicit interaction techniques for Alzheimer’s patients to
repetitive behaviour, anxiety, agitation etc [1]. receive care using smart phone buttons, touch screens, motion
According to [2], 24.3 million people have Alzheimer’s sensing and voice recognition. Similarly, in [9], Donnelly
disease today, with 4.6 million new cases every year (one et al. developed a mobile application to provide a virtual
new case every 7 seconds). The number of people affected caregiver which would give frequent memory cues through
will get doubled every 20 years to 81.1 million by 2040. The video reminders for mild AD patients. A medicine dispensing
increasing rate of Alzheimer’s patient is not uniform for all system is proposed in [12] that reminded the user to take
over the world. The experts have forecast the increasing rate medicine at the predetermined time interval and informed
by 100% between 2001 and 2040 for the developing countries caregiver if they had taken the medicine or not. Some other
whereas the rate is more than 300% for India, China, and studies [13]–[15] discussed the smart medication systems that
their south Asian and western Pacific neighbors. The number would help patients who require medications several times a
of patients facing dementia caused by Alzheimer’s Disease is day. These devices would deliver medication in the proper
increasing in the entire world including Asian subcontinent chronological order and at correct time intervals.
[3]. Again some studies were conducted focusing on hardware
With the advancement of technology, it is seen that, tech- systems. For example, an IOT based wearable ECG wire-
nology plays a vital role as caregivers for those people who less sensor system was proposed in [16] which monitors
cannot take care of themselves [4], [5]. Therefore, the objective whereabouts of Alzheimer’s patients and triggers alarms to
of this research is to develop an intelligent assistive tool for caretakers in case of emergencies. The use of pervasive
Alzheimer’s patients to ease their daily life by measuring computing technology to provide better live-at home facility
their heart rate, locate their personal belongings, monitor for the elderly citizens are discussed in [17] and [18]. However,
medication taking status and find their current location, while their system neglected the possibility of the outdoor experience
and specific cases of visiting outdoor by the old people. In
D. Lost Patient Locator rate monitor and lost items finder. Fig. 7(a) portrays the home
If Alzheimer’s patient goes out of home unattended, he/she screen of Alzheimer’s assistant application.
might get lost. The GPS-WiFi tracking system will always (a) Patient locator - The GPS tracking system was used to
keep track of the patient’s whereabouts. If the patient goes keep track of Alzheimer’s patient’s movements. The tracking
out of boundary line of the house or is far away from their system was divided into phases. In the first phase, if the patient
caretaker, the caretaker will be notified by a text alert and will goes outside of home with his/her caretaker and gets lost, the
be able to continuously monitor patient’s location through a caretaker can know the patient’s location through a mobile
mobile application (see Fig. 5). application (see Fig. 7(b)). The GPS module continuously
The four individual modules creates such a system envi- fetches the location of the patient with latitude and longitude
ronment for the Alzheimer’s patients so that their medication and sends the data to caretaker’s mobile application via WiFi
and health is on check, they can easily find necessary items if module.
lost and their whereabouts and location can be tracked. It also
helps the caretaker of the patient as the system makes sure the R EQUIRED C OMPONENTS OF THE S YSTEM
patient is always within reach and does not get lost which is
a common scenario in case of Alzheimer’s patient.
Module Components
IV. D EVELOPING T HE A SSISTIVE T OOL Esp8266 12e,Pulse sensor, OLED display,Battery,
Heart Rate Monitor
The assistive tool was developed in two parts: hardware Esp8266 12e,Servo Motor,Batteries and other
Smart Pill Box
(see Fig. 6) and a mobile application. The required hardware power sources,OLED display,Wires
components are shown in Table II. The Ubidots cloud platform Lost Items Finder
Piezo buzzer, Hc-05 Bluetooth module,Arduino
was used to develop the mobile application. The mobile Uno,Battery
Lost Patient Locator Esp8266 12e,Neo 6m GPS tracker,Battery
application holds the monitoring and assistive control of four
features that include patient locator, smart medicine box, heart
Fig. 2. Heart rate monitor