Fees Structure 2023-24

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dk;kZy; izkpk;Z] 'kk- gksydj foKku egkfo|ky;] bUnkSj

M.Sc. - Fees Structure 2023-24

S.N. Course Code Subject Combination Seat Previous Year Final Year
1 C040 Biochemistry 35 22600 23200
2 C042 Biotechnology 35 34600 35200
3 C043 Botany 35 14600 15200
4 C044 Chemistry 60 18600 19200
5 C046 Computer Science 35 34600 35200
6 D394 Fisheries 20 14600 15200
7 C215 Forensic Science 50 34600 35200
8 C048 Geology 35 14600 15200
9 C050 Mathematics 75 14600 15200
10 C051 Microbiology 35 34600 35200
11 C053 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 35 34600 35200
12 C054 Physics 35 14600 15200
13 C055 Statistics 35 14600 15200
14 C056 Zoology 35 14600 15200
15 D429 Seed Technology 35 34600 35200
16 C581 Geography 20 14600 15200
dk;kZy; izkpk;Z] 'kk- gksydj foKku egkfo|ky;] bUnkSj
B.Sc. - Fees Structure 2023-24
S.No. Course Code Subject Combination Seat I Year II Year III Year
1 C065 Biotechnology Chemistry Computer 80 22800 22600 23400
2 C067 Biotechnology Chemistry Zoology 160 18800 18600 19400
3 C062 Biotechnology Chemistry Botany 160 18800 18600 19400
4 C061 Bioinformatics Computer Zoology 80 18800 18600 19400
5 C058 Biochemistry Chemistry Zoology 80 17800 17600 18400
6 C118 Microbiology Chemistry Zoology 80 17800 17600 18400
7 C082 Botany Chemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry 80 17800 17600 18400
8 C120 Zoology Chemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry 80 17800 17600 18400
9 C085 Botany Chemistry Zoology 160 11800 11600 12400
10 D395 Botany Horticulture Seed Technology 320 18800 18600 19400
11 D412 Forensic Science Chemistry Zoology 80 22800 22600 23400
12 C310 Geography Fisheries Zoology 80 11800 11600 12400
13 C112 Geology Chemistry Zoology 50 11800 11600 12400

dk;kZy; izkpk;Z] 'kk- gksydj foKku egkfo|ky;] bUnkSj

B.Sc. - Fees Structure 2023-24
S.No. Course Code Subject Combination Seat I Year II Year III Year
1 C137 Computer Science Mathematics Physics 480 20300 20100 20900
2 C140 Electronics Mathematics Computer Science 80 18300 18100 18900
3 C144 Electronics Mathematics Physics 80 14800 14600 15400
4 C138 Computer Science Mathematics Statistics 80 18300 18100 18900
5 C139 Statistics Mathematics Economics 80 11800 11600 12400
6 C187 Statistics Mathematics Physics 80 11800 11600 12400
7 C116 Chemistry Mathematics Physics 320 11800 11600 12400
8 C136 Geology Mathematics Computer Science 80 15800 15600 16400
9 C172 Geology Mathematics Physics 80 11800 11600 12400
10 C030 (BCA) Computer Science Mathematics Physics 160 25800 25600 26400
11 C184 Computer Science Mathematics Cyber Security 80 22800 22600 23400
dk;kZy; izkpk;Z] 'kk- gksydj foKku egkfo|ky;] bUnkSj
Fees Structure 2023-24
Special Certificate & Diploma Courses
S.N. Subject Combination Seat Total
1 CF166 Python Programming (Core) 30 8000
2 CF216 Web Development 30 10000
3 CF139 Mushroom Cultivation 30 5000
4 CF161 Preparation of Health and Hygiene Products 50 4000
5 D592 UG Diploma - Food and Nutrition 30 15000
6 C034 Special Courses - PGDCA 30 12000
7 C423 Special Courses - PG Diploma in Yoga 40 12000
8 Robotics 40 1200
9 Fabrication and Mantances of Laboratory Equipment 40 1200

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