Effect of Ground Nut Shell Powder On Soil Stabilization

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24FEB1233

Effect of Ground Nut Shell Powder on

Soil Stabilization
1 2
Rashmitaben V. Prajapati Mauni N. Modi
M.E. Civil (Infrastructure Engineering) Civil Engineering Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department
Department LDRP-Institute of Technology & Research LDRP-Institute of Technology & Research
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.

Abstract:- Various varieties of soil may be found across chemical, mechanical, biological, or combination approach
the world. The engineering features of soil are the most of modifying natural soil to serve an engineering goal. To
significant consideration in any building development. strengthen the soil, improvements are made to the weight
Construction on expanding soil is the most essential bearing capacity, tensile strength, and overall performance
difficulty that civil engineers encounter. The expansive of in-situ subsoil, sands, and waste materials. Soil
soil has typically undesired engineering properties, such stabilization refers to the process of enhancing the
as poor shear strength, plasticity, and compressibility; it engineering qualities of poor soil with various stabilizing
expands when wet and shrinks when dry. Its chemicals. Through stabilizing the soil, permeability and
characteristics can be enhanced with appropriate compressibility are reduced while shear strength in cr eases,
stabilizing procedures. Black cotton covers around 15% leading to increased stability and improved soi l bearing
of the soil in India. Crops produced on black cotton soil capacity.
include pea nuts, cotton, wheat, jowar, linseed, tobacco,
castor, sunflower, and millets. In comparison, the peanut  Methods of Soil Stabilization
industry generates millions of tons of garbage.
Nowadays, a key issue is "How to benefit from the A. Mechanical Stabilization
industrial waste product." B. Dynamic Stabilization
C. Preloading Method
Soil stabilization is performed in order to improve D. Vibroflotation
the engineering qualities of the soil. The rising expense of E. Stone Columns
typical stabilizing chemicals, along with the need to F. Injection Grouting
economically utilize industrial and agricultural waste for G. Chemical Stabilization
positive engineering reasons, prompted an inquiry into H. Stabilization by Heating
the stabilizing potential of groundnut shell powder I. Use of Geotextiles
(GSP) in expansive soil.
A. Mechanical Stabilization:
This study looks at how to improve the geotechnical It's a technique to enhance the arrangement or
characteristics of expansive soil by performing various gradation of soil. Two techniques for modifying soil
tests such as specific gravity, atterberg limit, compaction characteristics are covered by mechanical stabilization: (i)
test, and California bearing ratio test to determine the arranging soil particles and (ii) applying soil gradation.
properties of the untreated soil sample and then adding Using materials that are properly balanced is especially
5%, 7%, and 9% ground nut shell powder by weight of crucial when building inexpensive roads. Subgrade soils can
soil. In this phase, only untreated soil testing are be improved by the use of the grading 2 principle. Building
conducted. After receiving treated and untreated soil bases and sub-bases is the primary use for the management
results, compare the untreated black cotton soil results of soil grading and low-grade aggregates. Many types of
to various percentages of ground nut shell powder natural rock, gravel, sand, and artificial materials like slag,
results to determine the optimum amount of ground nut burned shale, etc. have been successfully employed in road
shell powder necessary to increase the stability of black building to ensure the mechanical stability of the materials.
cotton soil.
B. Dynamic Stabilization:
Keywords:- Black Cotton Soil, Soil Stabilization, Groundnut Using this technique, a massive weight of up to 45,000
Shell Powder, California Bearing Ratio. kg is dropped from a height of 15 to 40 meters and let to fall
naturally back to the earth. This forceful strike on the earth
I. INTRODUCTION leaves its mark. Rapid draining causes liquefaction in
cohesion less soils, which is followed by settling. Radial
Soil stabilization is the process of improving soil's cracks that occur around impacts in some soils allow for
physical qualities. Stabilization may raise a soil's shear quick drainage.
strength and manage its shrink-swell qualities, so enhancing
a sub-grade's load bearing capability for pavement and
foundation support. Soil stabilization refers to any physical,

IJISRT24FEB1233 www.ijisrt.com 1969

Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24FEB1233
C. Preloading Method: H. Stabilization by Heating:
The most popular technique for preloading is the The clay minerals in a fine-grained soil undergo
heaping of fill materials. Sometimes the material is removed permanent changes when heated to temperatures between
entirely, sometimes only a portion of it is, and it might be 400 and 6000 degrees Celsius. The soil stops being plastic,
used again in the same project for another preload or to becomes less sensitive to water, and stops expanding.
build an embankment. Even though heaping fill material Additionally, the clay clods are turned into aggregates. Both
increases the risk of a base failure, this approach is typically kilns and in-situ slow-moving furnaces with a downward
used since it is less expensive for all kinds of structures and airflow can be used to bake soil. For mechanical
sites. The necessary weight for preloading can alternatively stabilization, the artificial aggregates created in this way can
be applied to the ground by building a peripheral dike and be applied. In Russia, the heating approach is effectively
filling the enclosed space with water, as an alternative to used to stabilize deep, partially saturated loess deposits up to
heaping fill. Typically, embankment loading is the most a depth of 12 meters. Increase cohesive soils' strength and
common preloading technique. Typically, it takes three to reduce their compressibility by using this technique.
eight months from the start of embankment placement to the
completion of load removal. I. Use of Geotextiles:
Geotextiles are synthetic fabrics that are permeable or
D. Vibroflotation: porous and are utilized in conjunction with geotechnical
It is a useful method for simultaneously vibrating and elements like rock or soil as an essential component of man-
saturating cohesiveness less soils. This method was first made products, structures, or systems. Geotextiles can be
used in Germany in 1939 to enhance the soils for woven, composed of mono-, multi-, or tape-filament, or they
construction foundations, and it originated in Russia in the can be non-woven. Natural materials that can be used to
middle of the 1930s. create them include jute paper, wood shavings, and other
things. The capacity of these fibers to be chemically,
E. Stone Columns: physically, and mechanically designed to fit specific
Granular piles, another name for stone columns, are geotechnical engineering applications is why geotextiles use
often erected by vibration methods. A cylindrical vertical them.
hole is created, and gravel backfill is added gradually. The
material is then crushed using an appropriate tool, which II. LITERATURE REVIEW
also causes the material to shift radially. This produces a
column of compacted stone that is a specific depth and  Desiccation-Induced Volumetric Shrinkage
diameter. Soft, inorganic cohesive soil is ideal for stone Characteristics of Highly Expansive Tropical Black Clay
columns. To improve the density of loose sand deposits, Treated with Groundnut Shell Ash for Barrier
they can also be applied. Consideration [1].
Journal of Department of Civil and Water Resources
F. Injection grouting: Engineering, Nigerian. (2019) By George Moses, Roland K.
A crucial ground improvement method that may Etim, John E. Sani, and Michael Nwude. In this study, the
significantly increase soil stability and strength is grouting. effects of varying amounts of ground nut shell ash (0%, 2%,
up order to fill up spaces, compact the earth, and lessen soil 4%, 6%, and 8%) on compacted materials used as a
settlement, cementations, or chemical grout, are injected hydraulic barrier in a wastewater containment facility are
into the soil. The grouting project design typically specifies examined in extremely expansive black clay. They
the grouting techniques to be used in the project. The conducted a number of tests using both natural soil and
following criteria must be addressed when choosing a natural black cotton soil that had had GSA added up to 8%.
grouting technique: In the first fifteen days, the mould volumetric shrinkage
strain value decreased for both the British Standard light 3
 Soil or rocks of different characteristics should be treated and British Standard heavy, which were compacted at
individually. moulding water contents of -2, 0, 2, and 4% of their
 It should be possible to treat short sections of boreholes respective optimum. After that, the value increased with
in any desired sequence. higher moulding water but decreased with higher
 Leakage around the borehole should be prevented compaction effort. Furthermore, the study's findings indicate
that it is recommended that the proportion of GSA
G. Chemical Stabilization: supernumerary be raised above the 8% GSA at which
The process of chemical stabilization involves volumetric shrinkage is minimized. It is assumed that the
binding the soil particles together with a cementing agent— volumetric value will progressively decrease with the
a chemical is usually the main additive—that is created by a addition of 4% GSA.
chemical reaction that occurs inside the soil. The main
additions that are frequently used include polymers, lime,
salt, and lignin (which is a powdered form of sulphate
liquid). In other circumstances, dispersants and aggregates
are also used.

IJISRT24FEB1233 www.ijisrt.com 1970

Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24FEB1233
 A Comparative Study on the Effect of Glass Powder and highest strength attained with the addition of 9% ground nut
Groundnut Shell Ash on Clayey Soil [2]. shell ash.
Journal of Department of Civil Engineering, St.
Thomas Institute for Science and Technology, Trivandrum,  Groundnut Shell Ash Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil
India. (2017) By Sudha A R and Ebin S Wilson. The [5].
groundnut shell ash combined with black cotton soil Journal of Dept. of Civil Engineering, Nigerian
stabilization was used in this study. For soil stability, they Defense Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria. (2010). By Oriola,
were adding different amounts of pulverized nut shell Folagbade and Moses, George. According to the protocols
powder and glass powder to the soil at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and described in BS 1377 (1990) and BS 1924 (1990),
10%. The outcome demonstrates that the free swell value of respectively, index tests were conducted on the natural and
a natural soil is 15.25%, but when 6% ground nut shell ash stabilized soils in this study. For the stabilized soil
is added, the value is only 2.91%, indicating a progressive specimens, step percentages of groundnut shell ash by dry
decline in value. Similarly, with 6% of GSA, a natural soil's weight of soil (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8%) was introduced into the
CBR value increases to 2.17% from 1.67%. The value of a soil. In compliance with the Nigerian General Specification
soil's unconfined compressive strength (UCS) after a 21-day (1997), which mandates that specimens be cured in the dry
curing time is 134 KN/m2, which is higher than the 313 for six days and soaked for twenty-four hours prior to
KN/m2 of 6% GSA. The highest strength attained with the testing, the soaked California bearing ratio test technique
addition of 6% ground nut shell ash. was implemented. According to the results, the natural black
cotton soil was categorized as CL in the Unified Soil
 Stabilization Analysis of Black Cotton Soil by using Classification System (USCS) and AASHTO, respectively.
Groundnut Shell Ash [3]. A peak 7-day UCS value at Standard Proctor of 455 KN/m2
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Government at 4% GSA content and 526 KN/m2 at 6% GSA content for
Polytechnic, Junagadh, Gujarat. (2015). By Mr. N. V. West African Standard comp active effort were obtained by
Gajera and Mr. K. R. Thanki. The groundnut shell ash treating the natural soil with groundnut shell ash. The
combined with black cotton soil stabilization was used in highest strength attained with the addition of 6% ground nut
this study. The outcome demonstrates that, for the natural shell ash.
soil, the liquid limit and plasticity index values are 83.36%
and 38.92%, respectively. Similarly, with a 10% GSA, the III. MATERIAL
values are 103.71% and 75.88%, respectively. Furthermore,
the free swell value of a natural soil is 15.25%, but when A healthy leguminous crop, groundnuts are primarily
10% ground nut shell ash is added, the value is only 2.91%, farmed for their oil and seeds globally. The stuff left behind
indicating a progressive drop in value with the addition of after groundnut seeds are extracted from their pods is known
GSA. Similarly, with 10% of GSA, a natural soil's CBR as groundnut shells. This is a common byproduct of agro-
value increases to 2.17% from 1.67%. In contrast to 313 industrial waste that degrades 4 extremely slowly in the
KN/m2 of 10% GSA, the strength of a soil for UCS environment. On the other hand, a variety of bioactive and
(unconfined compressive strength) after a 21- day curing functional components found in groundnut shells are
time is 134 KN/m2. The highest strength attained after 10% advantageous to humans. The shells make up around 30% of
ground nut shell ash was added. the legume's weight overall, and each kilogram of
groundnuts yields 200– 300 grams of shells. Although the
 Soil Stabilization by Groundnut Shell Ash and Waste globe produces around 11,000,000 tons of these wastes from
Fiber Material [4]. the peanut industry annually, applications for them are still
Journal of PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences. in their infancy. Ground nut shells are used in the
(2015). By T. Murali Krishna and Sd. Shekun Beedi. manufacturing of hydrogen, bioethanol, biodiesel,
Ground nut shell ash (3%, 6%, and 9%) and waste fiber construction materials, carbon Nano sheets, heavy metal
reinforcement (0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.15%) are used in this adsorption, paper, and color degradation.
study. Using groundnut shell ash percentages of 3%, 6%,
and 9% in a soil sample, a direct shear test yielded results Table 1 Chemical Composition of
that increased cohesiveness by 7.11%, 14.22%, and 20.89%, Groundnut Shell Powder
respectively. The increase in unconfined compression Chemical Composition % by Weight
strength was determined to be 24.60%, 44.26%, and SiO2 27.01
59.01%, respectively, based on an unconfined compressive Al2O3 6.58
strength test conducted on a soil sample containing Fe2O3 0.53
groundnut shell ash at concentrations of 3%, 6%, and 9%. CaO 9.43
The increase in cohesiveness was determined to be 7.11%, MgO 5.57
14.22%, and 20.89%, respectively, based on a direct shear SO3 1.79
test conducted on a soil sample with groundnut shell ash K2O 20.13
percentages of 3%, 6%, and 9%. Based on an unconfined P2O5 1.95
compressive strength test conducted on a soil sample MnO2 0.34
containing 3%, 6%, and 9% groundnut shell ash, the TiO2 0.68
corresponding increases in unconfined compression strength LOI 23
were determined to be 24.60%, 44.26%, and 59.01%. The

IJISRT24FEB1233 www.ijisrt.com 1971

Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24FEB1233
Table 2 Market Survey of Ground Nut Shell Powder
Country Area(Lakh hector) Production (Lakh tones) Yield (Kg/hector)
China 44.04 149.38 3390
India 55.20 61.06 1105
Nigeria 25.36 28.26 1119
USA 5.17 19.67 3796
Myanmar 8.40 13.36 1590
Senegal 10.30 10.16 975
Indonesia 6.43 7.7 1240
Niger 6.86 3.22 466
World 240.05 375.11 1562

IV. NEED OF PRESENT STUDY [6]. T. Murali Krishna and Sd. Shekun Beedi. ―Soil
Stabilization by Groundnut Shell Ash and Waste
Black cotton soil contracts during the dry season, Fiber Material‖. Journal of PACE Institute of
causing uneven building settlement, cracks, swelling and Technology and Sciences. (2015)[4].
shrinkage problem occur during different weather. So it is [7]. Oriola, Folagbade and Moses, George. ―Groundnut
essential to enhancing the strength or carrying capacity of Shell Ash Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil.‖ Journal
black cotton soil through controlled compaction, of Dept. of Civil Engineering, Nigerian Defense
proportioning, and/or the addition of the appropriate Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria. (2010).
admixtures or stabilizers. For achieving stabilization, the
different agricultural wastes are used like a fly ash, bagasse
ash, rice husk ash and ground nut shell powder. By using
previous research paper, we are using a ground nut shell
powder for black cotton soil stabilization. Around 25-30%
of the ground nut by weight the waste produces in ground
nut shell industries and its throw as a waste so we are used
in this for improving the bearing capacity of the black cotton


By checking a various research paper it is conclude

that the maximum soil stability is improved by adding up to
10% of ground nut shell powder in soil.


[1]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation by Dr. B.C. Punmia,

Ashok kumar Jain and Arun kumar jain, Laxmi
Publications (P) LTD.
[2]. Ground Improvement Techniques by Dr. P.
Purshothama Raj, Laxmi Publications (P) LTD.
[3]. George Moses, Roland K. Etim, John E. Sani, and
Michael Nwude. ―Desiccation-Induced Volumetric
Shrinkage Characteristics of Highly Expansive
Tropical Black Clay Treated with Groundnut Shell
Ash for Barrier Consideration‖. Journal of
Department of Civil and Water Resources
Engineering, Nigerian. (2019)[1].
[4]. Sudha A R and Ebin S Wilson. ―A Comparative
Study on the Effect of Glass Powder and Groundnut
Shell Ash on Clayey Soil‖. Journal of Department of
Civil Engineering, St. Thomas Institute for Science
and Technology, Trivandrum, India. (2017)[2].
[5]. Mr. N. V. Gajera and Mr. K. R. Thanki.
―Stabilization Analysis of Black Cotton Soil by
using Groundnut Shell Ash‖. Journal of Applied
Mechanics, Government Polytechnic, Junagadh,
Gujarat. (June 2015)[3].

IJISRT24FEB1233 www.ijisrt.com 1972

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