23mce16 - Research Proposal Writing and Ipr: DECEMBER - 2023
23mce16 - Research Proposal Writing and Ipr: DECEMBER - 2023
23mce16 - Research Proposal Writing and Ipr: DECEMBER - 2023
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(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University)
Mr./Mrs. …………………………………………………………………………
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1. Broad Subject:
Atmospheric science
Chemical Sciences
Earth Sciences
Engineering Sciences
Life Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Physical Sciences
Other Interdisciplinary
12. Co-Investigator:
13. Designation:
16. Address:
18. E-mail:
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Working with expansive soil is not technically easy due to its poor
workability and insufficient capacity to support the imposed loads. For
performance of the structure constructed in such foundation, the properties of the
weak soil have to be modified. One of the ideal solutions to these problems is to
utilize the industrial waste materials that are produced in large quantities as
stabilizing agent for clay soil so that the instability concerns can be minimised. We
can also explore the collective benefit of the material properties of waste materials
when used in a composite form. It is found that mixing of waste materials brings
out significant improvement in geotechnical properties of locally available clayey
soil. This paper presents the effects of waste ceramic dust on, liquid limit, plastic
limit, plasticity index, compaction characteristics, unconfined compressive
strength, California bearing ratio, shear strength parameters and swelling pressure
of an expansive soil. The expansive soil collected locally was mixed with ceramic
dust from 0 to 30% at an increment of 5%. The main objective of this experimental
study was to obtain an economical stabilized mix of ceramic tiles wastage and clay
soil so that clay soils can be used for various construction purposes.
i. Dust Stabilization
ii. Ceramic Waste
iii. Dust Management
iv. Stabilization Techniques
v. Environmental Remediation
vi. Sustainable Practices.
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Expansive soils are the soils which swell significantly when
come in contact with water and shrink when the water squeezes out. Because of
this alternate swell- shrink behaviour of the soil, damages occur to different civil
engineering structures founded on them. The severity of damages done by
expansive soil has been well documented in literature worldwide (Chen, 1988;
Nelson and Miller, 1992; Gourley et al., 1993). There are a number of techniques
available to improve the engineering properties of expansive soil to make it suitable
for construction. Stabilization using dust/powder like waste materials with and
without a binder like lime, cement etc. is one of them. Quarry Dust (Sabat, 2012),
marble dust (Sabat and Nanda, 2011; Baser, 2009; Palaniappan and Stalin, 2009;
Swami, 2002), baryte powder (Srinivasulu and Rao, 1995), pyroclastic dust (Ene
and Okagbare, 2009), brick powder (Abd EI Aziz and Abo-Hashema, 2012) are
some of the prominent dust/powders like waste materials which have been
successfully utilized for stabilization of expansive soil.
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Black soils are prone to erosion, especially when exposed to heavy rainfall. Erosion
can lead to the loss of soil, affecting the stability of slopes and embankments.
The international status of stabilization techniques for ceramic dust would likely
be influenced by broader trends in waste management and environmental
sustainability. Here are some general considerations that may impact the
international perspective on this topic:
In many regions, including India, there has been an increasing focus on sustainable
waste management and the reuse of industrial by-products, such as ceramic dust.
Researchers and engineers often explore ways to stabilize and repurpose waste
materials in construction to reduce environmental impact. As this ceramic dust is
produced in large quantities our country is making new ways to dispose the wate
generated as waste management is a challenging task. As a preliminary step,
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ceramic dust is being used in stabilizing the soil in rural areas for small construction
to check the property change and characteristic change after combining with
ceramic dust.
The problem occurs mostly on black soil due to their low bearing capacity and their
nature to retain water. This can result in waterlogging, making the soil soft and
unstable. Waterlogged soil is not suitable for construction as it can compromise the
stability of foundations. So, all places with black soil are the locations we need to
focus to implement this technique.
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i. Environmental Sustainability
ii. Waste Minimization
iii. Economic Efficiency
iv. Enhanced Engineering Properties
v. Regulatory Compliance
i. Construction Industry
ii. Environmental Agencies and Regulatory Bodies
iii. Local Communities
iv. Ceramic Industry
v. Government Agencies
vi. Researchers and Academia
vii. Developing Regions
viii. Global Sustainability Initiatives
i. Air Quality
ii. Water Quality
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iii. Soil Quality
iv. Biodiversity
v. Noise Pollution
vi. Energy Consumption
vii. Land Use Changes
viii. Waste Generation
i. Waste Reduction
ii. Resource Conservation
iii. Energy Savings
iv. Job Creation
v. Strength and Stability
vi. Engineering Properties
vii. Environmental Standards
viii. Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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Broken/waste ceramic tiles were collected from a local supplier. These tiles were
broken into small pieces by using a hammer. The smaller pieces were fed into a
Los Angeles abrasion testing machines to make it further smaller. For conducting
different tests, the expansive soil was mixed with the ceramic dust from 0 to 30%
at an increment of 5%. In total 7 mixes were prepared. Liquid Limit tests, plastic
limit tests, standard Proctor compaction tests, UCS tests, soaked CBR tests,
consolidated undrained direct shear tests and swelling pressure tests were
conducted on these samples/mixes according to relevant Indian Standard (IS)
i. Project Planning
ii. Site Assessment
iii. Regulatory Compliance
iv. Material Testing
v. Stabilization Techniques
vi. Equipment and Resources
vii. Quality Control and Assurance
viii. Health and Safety Measures
ix. Construction Implementation
x. Monitoring and Evaluation
xi. Documentation and Reporting
xii. Community Engagement
xiii. Post-Construction Maintenance
xiv. Knowledge Sharing
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Yes, the quotation for the project is prepared before the commencement of the
project. As the main materials of this project is Black soil & Broken tile waste,
they are available in free of cost.
This project is mainly based on soil stabilization and the process of stabilization
will be carried out in the areas having more black soil. At first it will be
implemented on small buildings and the characteristics of the soil will be studied
and it will be gradually increased in the regular usage of stabilizing the black soil.
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As this is laboratory research in initial basis, we don’t need any extra labors to carryout the
work. So, there will be no expense for the labor.
Total 12000
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Rs. 2500 Rs. 2500 Rs. 2500 Rs. 7500/-
A) Infrastructural Facilities:
1. Workshop Facility No
2. Water & Electricity Yes
3. Laboratory Space/ Furniture Yes
4. Power Generator No
5. AC Room or AC No
6. Telecommunication including e-mail & fax No
7. Transportation Yes
8. Administrative/ Secretarial support No
9. Information facilities like Internet/ Library No
10. Computational facilities No
11. Animal/ Glass House No
12. Any other special facility being provided No
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x. Binici, H.(2007) “Effect of crushed ceramic and basaltic pumice as fine aggregates on
concrete mortars properties,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 21, pp 1191-
xi. Koyuncu, H., Guney, Y., Yilmaz, G., Koyuncu, S., and Bakis, R.(2004) “Utilization of
Ceramic wastes in the construction sector, ” Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 264-268,
pp 2509-2512.
xii. Baser, O.(2009) “Stabilization of expansive soils using waste marble dust, ” Master of
Science thesis submitted to Civil Engineering Department, Middle East, Technical
xiii. Nelson, D.J., and Miller, D.J. (1992) Expansive soils, problems and practice in
foundation and pavement engineering, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
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Dust Stabilization Working with expansive soil is not
Ceramic Waste technically easy due to its poor workability
Dust Management and insufficient capacity to support the
imposed loads. For performance of the
Stabilization Techniques
structure constructed in such foundation,
Environmental Remediation the properties of the weak soil have to be
Sustainable Practices. modified. One of the ideal solutions to these
problems is to utilize the industrial waste
materials that are produced in large
quantities as stabilizing agent for clay soil
so that the instability concerns can be
minimised. We can also explore the
collective benefit of the material properties
of waste materials when used in a
composite form. It is found that mixing of
waste materials brings out significant
improvement in geotechnical properties of
locally available clayey soil. This paper
presents the effects of waste ceramic dust
on, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity
index, compaction characteristics,
unconfined compressive strength,
California bearing ratio, shear strength
parameters and swelling pressure of an
expansive soil. The expansive soil collected
locally was mixed with ceramic dust from 0
to 30% at an increment of 5%. The main
objective of this experimental study was to
obtain an economical stabilized mix of
ceramic tiles wastage and clay soil so that
clay soils can be used for various
construction purposes.
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INTRODUCTION (liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index),
compaction properties - optimum moisture
Expansive soils are the soils which swell content (OMC) and maximum dry density
significantly when come in contact with (MDD), unconfined compressive strength
water and shrink when the water squeezes (UCS), soaked California bearing ratio
out. Because of this alternate swell- shrink (CBR), shear strength parameters (cohesion
behaviour of the soil, damages occur to and angle of internal friction) and swelling
different civil engineering structures pressure of an expansive soil .The economy
founded on them. The severity of damages of stabilization has also been studied by
done by expansive soil has been well strengthening the subgrade of a flexible
documented in literature worldwide (Chen, pavement.
1988; Nelson and Miller, 1992; Gourley et
al., 1993). There are a number of techniques
available to improve the engineering
properties of expansive soil to make it
suitable for construction. Stabilization
using dust/powder like waste materials with
and without a binder like lime, cement etc. Black soil exhibits significant shrink-swell
is one of them. Quarry Dust (Sabat, 2012), behaviour with changes in moisture
marble dust (Sabat and Nanda, 2011; Baser, content. When the soil absorbs water, it
2009; Palaniappan and Stalin, 2009; swells and can cause heaving, and when it
Swami, 2002), baryte powder (Srinivasulu dries, it shrinks. This can lead to ground
and Rao, 1995), pyroclastic dust (Ene and movement and result in damage to
Okagbare, 2009), brick powder (Abd EI structures. Black soils often have low
Aziz and Abo-Hashema, 2012) are some of bearing capacity, meaning they may not
the prominent dust/powders like waste provide sufficient support for heavy
materials which have been successfully structures. The low bearing capacity can
utilized for stabilization of expansive soil. result in settlement issues and foundation
problems. Black soils are highly plastic,
which means they can be easily moulded
It has been estimated that about 30% of when wet. This plasticity can cause
daily production in the ceramic industry difficulties in construction processes such
goes to waste (Binici, 2007). The disposal as excavation, grading, and compaction.
of which creates soil, water and air Black soils tend to retain water, leading to
pollution. Koyuncu et al. (2004) had added poor drainage. This can result in
ceramic tile dust wastes up to 40% to study waterlogging, making the soil soft and
its effect on swelling pressure and swelling unstable. Waterlogged soil is not suitable
potential of Na –bentonite and found that for construction as it can compromise the
swelling pressure and swelling potential stability of foundations. So the main
decreased by 86% and 57% respectively at objective is to increase the subgrade
40% addition of ceramic tile dust waste. properties of the soil.
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MATERIALS USED (ii) silt size -31%
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It decreases from 62% to 35%, when ECONOMY OF STABILIZATION
ceramic dust is increased from 0 to 30%.
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A series of laboratory tests were conducted vii. friction goes on increasing with
to study the effects of waste ceramic dust on increase in percentage of addition of
the, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity ceramic dust.
index, MDD, OMC, UCS, soaked CBR, viii. The swelling pressure goes on
shear strength parameters and swelling decreasing with addition of ceramic
pressure of an expansive soil .Based on the dust. There is 81.5% decrease in
observations and discussions, following swelling pressure of soil as
conclusions are drawn from this study. compared to untreated soil, when
i. The liquid limit, plastic limit and 30% ceramic dust was added.
ii. The addition of 30% ceramic dust subgrade of flexible pavement with
CL group. construction.
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