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Energy 182 (2019) 632e640

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Experimental and computational investigation of methane hydrate

inhibition in the presence of amino acids and ionic liquids
Dongyoung Lee, Woojin Go, Yongwon Seo*
School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, 44919, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Amino acids (glycine and alanine) and ionic liquids ([BMIM][BF4] and [BMIM][I]) were examined for their
Received 31 October 2018 inhibition effects on CH4 hydrates with experimental and computational approaches. Both amino acids
Received in revised form and ionic liquids functioned well as thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors, by shifting equilibrium curves of
28 May 2019
CH4 hydrates toward harsh conditions. However, powder X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that amino
Accepted 3 June 2019
acids and ionic liquids did not affect the hydrate structure because they were not included in the hydrate
Available online 4 June 2019
cages due to their large molecular size. Gas uptake measurements showed that the conversion of water
into gas hydrates and the formation rates of CH4 hydrate were significantly influenced by inhibitors.
Gas hydrate
Density functional theory calculations indicated that [BMIM][BF4] had a larger potential than glycine to
Inhibitor inhibit gas hydrate formation by giving a more negative interaction energy between a cage and an in-
Amino acids hibitor molecule. The time-dependent Raman spectra collected during CH4 hydrate formation demon-
Ionic liquids strated that [BMIM][BF4] hindered CH4 molecules from occupying small (512) cages, whereas glycine had
Inhibition mechanism a strong influence on large (51262) cages of sI hydrates. The experimental and computational results
provide a better understanding of inhibition mechanisms of gas hydrates and thus can contribute to the
improved control of hydrate formation in oil and gas pipelines.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Besides the exploitation of natural gas hydrates, gas hydrates have
also been extensively investigated for CO2 capture and storage, gas
Gas hydrates are crystalline compounds that consist of small storage and transportation, and desalination [4e20]. Notably, pre-
guest molecules (guest) and water molecules (host). The water vention and management of gas hydrates in the production and
molecules form “cages” e hydrogen-bonded water frameworks e transportation of hydrocarbon fluids, like natural gas and oil, are
into which guest molecules are incorporated, thus stabilizing the crucial, because gas hydrate formation can create a risk of explosion
gas hydrate structure through van der Waals interactions between and enormous financial losses [21e24].
guest and host molecules [1]. The structures of gas hydrates are There are several methods to prevent gas hydrate formation and
generally divided into structure I (sI), structure II (sII), and structure deposition: injection of thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors (THIs)
H (sH), depending on the shape and size of the guest molecules. and kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs), complete removal of water
Small guest molecules such as methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6) (dehydration), and modifying the gas phase with another gas. Of
form sI hydrates, while relatively larger molecules such as propane these, the injection of THIs and KHIs is the most common method in
(C3H8) and iso-butane are enclathrated into sII hydrates. Both sI and the oil and gas industries to avoid pipeline plugging by gas hydrate
sII are cubic, but sH is hexagonal and can capture much larger guest formation [25e30]. THIs lower water activity and disrupt hydrogen
molecules, such as neohexane and methylcyclopentane, in the bonding of water molecules in the host cages [21,24]. The addition
presence of help gases [1e3]. of THIs can shift gas hydrate equilibrium curves to lower-
Naturally occurring gas hydrates have been considered prom- temperature or higher-pressure regions and, thus, the insides of
ising energy resources because of their abundance and cleanliness. the pipelines can become thermodynamically unstable regions of
gas hydrates. However, large amounts (20e50 wt%) of THIs are
needed to guarantee a sufficient equilibrium line shift beyond gas
hydrate-stable regions. Unlike THIs, much lower concentrations
* Corresponding author. (usually l.0 wt%) are required for KHIs. Although the KHIs with
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Seo).

0360-5442/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640 633

limited concentrations have shown effective performance in confirm the enclathration of inhibitor molecules in the hydrate
delaying or retarding gas hydrate formation, they cannot ensure the cages, and the resulting structural transition, powder X-ray
reliable, long-term prevention of pipeline plugging. Many gas and diffraction (PXRD) patterns of CH4 þ ionic liquid and CH4 þ amino
oil companies therefore still use THIs or THI/KHI blends to avoid gas acid hydrates were obtained. The gas uptakes during CH4 hydrate
hydrate formation in subsea pipelines [21,31,32]. formation were also measured to examine hydrate growth behavior
Alcohols, including methanol, have been widely used to prevent and hydrate conversion in the presence of inhibitors. Density
hydrate formation in extraction wells and pipelines for oil and gas, functional theory (DFT) was also used to calculate interaction en-
because of their effectiveness and low cost. However, environ- ergy between a hydrate cage and an inhibitor molecule. Finally, the
mental concerns about methanol usage have been aroused because cage-dependent inhibition effect of ionic liquids and amino acids
huge quantities of methanol, which is flammable, toxic, and cor- on CH4 hydrates was investigated using in-situ Raman
rosive, are required for thermodynamic inhibition of gas hydrates, spectroscopy.
and the methanol used is rarely regenerated on a continuous basis
in condensate and gas fields [24,33,34]. A new generation of THIs, 2. Experimental section
which are effective and environmentally friendly, should therefore
be identified and developed to meet stricter environmental 2.1. Materials
Ionic liquids and amino acids have recently been introduced as CH4 gas with a purity of 99.95% was supplied by MS Gas Co.
green hydrate inhibitors, as well as dual function inhibitors, (Republic of Korea). The two ionic liquids, 1-butyl-3-
because they are environmentally friendly and have shown good methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIM][BF4], 97%) and 1-
performance as both THIs and KHIs [35e40]. Ionic liquids are salts butyl-3-methylimidazolium iodide ([BMIM][I], 98%), were ob-
that are generally composed of heterocyclic cations and inorganic tained from Merk KGaA (Germany). Two amino acids (glycine and
anions. Ionic liquids are water-soluble, nonvolatile, and less toxic alanine) with 99% purity were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
than methanol, and the thermodynamic inhibition performance of Chemical Co. (USA). Methanol with 99.5% purity was supplied by
some ionic liquids is comparable to that of methanol [35,36]. Ionic Samchun Pure Chemical Co. (Republic of Korea). Double-distilled
liquids are therefore good alternatives to methanol as THIs. and deionized water was used to make aqueous solutions con-
Imidazolium-based ionic liquids, in particular, have been re- taining inhibitors.
ported as being able to function as excellent THIs, even though the To measure changes in pressure and temperature during the
precise nature of their inhibition mechanism remains unclear [36]. hydrate formation and dissociation process, a specially designed
It has been suggested that anions of ionic liquids play a leading role equilibrium cell, made of 316 stainless steel, was used. The cell had
in inhibiting gas hydrates thermodynamically, while cations can an internal volume of approximately 150 cm3 and was immersed in
also contribute to gas hydrate inhibition when specific functional a water bath, whose temperature was controlled by an external
groups, like a hydroxyl group (-OH), are added to them, or their circulator (RW-2025G, JEIO Tech, Republic of Korea). The solution
chain length is modified, thus making them able to interact with containing inhibitors was vigorously agitated by an impeller-type
water molecules [41e43]. stirrer during all experiments. A resistance temperature detector
Amino acids are organic compounds whose key elements are (RTD) sensor, calibrated from 268.15 to 305.15 K using an ASTM 63C
carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N), and which (H-B Instrument Company, USA) with an accuracy of ±0.02 K, was
participate in the formation of human muscles and other tissues in used to measure the temperature of the cell. A pressure transducer
the form of proteins. Amino acids contain both amine (-NH2) and (S-10, WIKA, Germany) was used to measure the pressure of the
carboxyl (-COOH) functional groups and have strong potential as system and calibrated using a Heise Bourdon tube pressure gauge
THIs because they can act as zwitterions and, thus, can interact with (CMM, Ashcroft, Inc, USA) with a maximum error of ±0.02 MPa.
a hydrogen-bonded water network [38e40]. The performance of
amino acids as THIs and KHIs is influenced by the hydrophobicity of 2.2. Hydrate equilibrium and gas uptake measurements
their side chains. Alanine has a methyl group (-CH3) as its side
chain, meaning that alanine has higher hydrophobicity than To measure the hydrate phase equilibria, the equilibrium cell
glycine, and thus shows less inhibition performance than glycine was charged with 35 cm3 of inhibitor solution (3.0 mol%). To flush
[44,45]. out the residual air in the equilibrium cell, the CH4 gas was purged
Substantial research has been conducted on ionic liquids and three times before each run of the experiment. CH4 gas was then
amino acids as THIs and KHIs for gas hydrate inhibition. However, injected into the equilibrium cell until it reached the desired
the inhibition mechanism of gas hydrates in the presence of ionic pressure. The experiment was conducted using an isochoric
liquids and amino acids has not yet been clearly determined, method with step heating and cooling. The equilibrium cell was
because most previous studies have examined hydrate inhibition cooled at 1.0 K/h to induce hydrate nucleation. Sufficient time was
performance of ionic liquids and amino acids by either experi- given after the abrupt pressure drop, due to hydrate formation, was
mentation or computation [35,38,46,47]. Therefore, in this paper, observed. The temperature was then slowly raised in a stepwise
the inhibition effects of ionic liquids and amino acids on CH4 hy- manner at 0.1 K/90 min for CH4 hydrate dissociation. The three-
drate were closely examined with both experimental and compu- phase (HeLweV) equilibrium point was determined by the inter-
tational approaches. Two ionic liquids ([BMIM][BF4] and [BMIM][I]) section between the dissociation line of CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates
and two amino acids (glycine and alanine) were selected to reveal and the thermal expansion line. The equilibrium temperature dif-
their inhibition mechanism for CH4 hydrate. [BMIM][BF4] and ference between CH4 hydrate and CH4 þ inhibitor hydrate at
[BMIM][I] are 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids, 8.0 MPa was obtained by interpolation from corresponding
which showed good effectiveness as both THIs and KHIs [35,36]. HeLWeV equilibrium curves.
[BMIM][I] had a slightly better thermodynamic inhibition effect on Gas uptake during hydrate formation was measured at 8.0 MPa
CH4 hydrate than [BMIM][BF4] when 10 wt% was used [35,36]. and sub-cooling temperature (DT) of 4 K. The pressure during the
Glycine and alanine have been also studied because of their experiment was kept constant using the constant pressure mode of
excellent performance as both THIs and KHIs, and the inhibition a micro-flow syringe pump (500D, Teledyne ISCO, USA). The
performance of glycine was better than that of alanine [38e40]. To consumed volume of CH4 gas during gas hydrate formation was
634 D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640

recorded at intervals of 10 min. The ratio of moles of consumed gas

to moles of initially charged water (nCH4 /nH2 O) was calculated
from volume change data. The percent conversion of water into
hydrates (CWH) was calculated using equation (1).

CWH ¼ ðnCH4 =nH2 OÞ  Nhyd  100% (1)

where Nhyd is the hydration number, which is known to be 6.0 for

CH4 hydrate [1,48,49].

2.3. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Raman measurements

For PXRD measurements, the gas hydrate samples were formed

at hydrate-stable conditions and then finely powdered with a
50 mm sieve in a liquid N2 vessel. The PXRD patterns were obtained
by the PLS-II 6D C&S UNIST-PAL beamline of the Pohang Accelerator
Laboratory (Republic of Korea). The energy of the synchrotron
beamline was 12.658 keV (l ¼ 0.9795 Å). All 2q angles were scan-
ned with an exposure time of 60 s at 127 K. The two-dimensional
patterns obtained (Q-spacing, nm-1) were converted into one-
dimensional diffraction patterns for comparison with the conven-
tional PXRD patterns. The acquired patterns were analyzed with
Rietveld refinement using the Fullprof program.
An in-situ fiber-coupled Raman spectrometer (SP550, Horiba,
France), equipped with a multichannel air-cooled CCD detector and Fig. 1. Phase equilibria of CH4 hydrate in the presence of inhibitors [56].
a 1800 groove/mm grating, was used to monitor CH4 hydrate for-
mation behavior and enclathration of CH4 gas in the hydrate cages
at 8.0 MPa and DT ¼ 4 K. Time-dependent Raman spectra were Salts and alcohols are the most common THIs; ions disrupt the
collected using a fiber-optic Raman probe that was attached to the hydrogen bonds of host water frameworks, and alcohols have the
water-jacketed reactor. More detailed descriptions of experimental potential to form hydrogen bonds with host water molecules,
methods and procedures have been provided in our previous pa- leading to the weakening of thermodynamic stability of hydrate
pers [50e52]. lattices. Inhibitor molecules generally consist of polar functional
groups that contain highly electronegative atoms such as F, O, and N
[1,21,24]. These functional groups attract the hydrogen atoms of
2.4. Computational analysis
water molecules in the host frameworks of the hydrate structure,
which ultimately result in the shift of HeLweV equilibrium curves
Density functional theory (DFT) is a powerful tool for estimating
to harsh conditions. In this manner, ionic liquids ([BMIM][BF4] and
host-guest interaction, intermolecular interaction, and interaction
[BMIM][I]) and amino acids (glycine and alanine) displayed sig-
energy between gas hydrates and inhibitors. In this study, the
nificant thermodynamic inhibition effects on CH4 hydrate, as
Gaussian 09 program (B3LYP/6-311G**) was used to calculate
shown in Fig. 1.
interaction energy between a hydrate cage and an inhibitor mole-
The equilibrium temperature differences between pure CH4
cule and the self-consistent field (SCF) convergence criteria was set
hydrate and CH4 þ THI hydrates at 8.0 MPa are depicted in Fig. 2.
to be 1.0  106 hartrees [53e55]. From the DFT calculation using
The equilibrium temperature differences of ionic liquids and amino
the Gaussian 09 program, the optimized energies of a small (512)
acids were generally comparable to, or slightly smaller than, those
cage (Ecage), an inhibitor (Einhibitor), and the overall configuration of
of methanol. Notably, the inhibition effect of glycine was almost the
the hydrate cage and inhibitor (Eoverall) were obtained. The inter-
same as that of methanol.
action energy (Einteraction) was calculated using the following
Amino acids (glycine and alanine) showed slightly better ther-
modynamic inhibition than ionic liquids ([BMIM][BF4] and [BMIM]
 [I]). This was attributable to different inhibition mechanism in the
Einteraction ¼ Eoverall  Ecage þ Einhibitor (2)
presence of amino acids and ionic liquids. The amino acids, such as
glycine and alanine were reported that they could retard hydrate
nucleation and growth because the balance between the hydro-
3. Results and discussion philic functional groups and hydrophobic side chains of amino
acids causes perturbation of the local water structure [38,39,45]. On
3.1. Influence of inhibitors on thermodynamic stability and the other than, ionic liquids are readily ionized as soon as they
structure of CH4 hydrate dissolve in water. The anions (BF 
4 or I ) of ionic liquids are small
enough to move freely around the solution and can thus reduce the
The three-phase equilibria (hydrate (H) e liquid water (Lw) e probability of hydrate formation and growth effectively [35,36,57].
vapor (V)) of CH4 hydrate in the presence of various inhibitors were Though previous studies have suggested that hydrate inhibition is
measured to observe and compare the performance of the in- closely related to the interaction between host water and inhibitor
hibitors. The thermodynamic inhibition effects of various sub- molecules, the precise inhibition mechanism of gas hydrates in the
stances (3.0 mol %), including methanol, glycine, alanine, [BMIM] presence of various inhibitors is still unclear.
[BF4], and [BMIM][I], are presented in Fig. 1 and Table 1. As ex- Structure identification is the first step in clarifying the influ-
pected, the hydrate equilibrium curves of inhibitor-added systems ence of inhibitors on the CH4 hydrate. PXRD was used to identify
were shifted to higher-pressure and lower-temperature regions. the hydrate structure in the presence of inhibitors (3.0 mol%). The
D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640 635

Table 1
Hydrate phase equilibrium data of the CH4 þ inhibitor (3.0 mol%) þ water systems.a

Methanol Glycine Alanine [BMIM][BF4] [BMIM][I]

T (K) P (MPa) T (K) P (MPa) T (K) P (MPa) T (K) P (MPa) T (K) P (MPa)
273.4 3.22 274.6 3.47 275.0 3.47 274.1 3.47 275.1 3.59
278.4 5.34 277.4 4.72 277.3 4.66 277.2 4.76 277.7 4.74
280.2 6.66 279.7 6.10 280.1 6.30 279.6 6.19 280.2 6.19
281.7 7.89 281.7 7.53 281.7 7.48 281.5 7.49 282.1 7.69
283.3 9.35 283.1 8.98 283.2 8.99 283.3 9.10 283.5 9.00
Standard uncertainties u are u(T) ¼ 0.1 K and u(P) ¼ 0.02 MPa.

Fig. 3. PXRD patterns of CH4 hydrates in the presence of inhibitors.

Fig. 2. Equilibrium temperature differences between CH4 hydrate and CH4 þ inhibitor
hydrates at 8.0 MPa. Table 2
Structure and lattice parameters of CH4 hydrates in the presence of inhibitors.

Concentration (mol Structure Lattice parameter Rwp

PXRD patterns presented in Fig. 3 demonstrate that all the peak %) type (Å) (%)
positions of CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates overlapped with those of the Pure water e Structure I 11.8505 ± 0.0002 6.6
pure CH4 hydrate. Pure CH4 hydrate is cubic sI (space group Pm3n) Methanol 3.0 Structure I 11.8490 ± 0.0005 6.2
and its lattice parameter is a ¼ 11.85 Å. The structure of Glycine 3.0 Structure I 11.8645 ± 0.0003 15.5
CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates were also identified as cubic sI (space Alanine 3.0 Structure I 11.8643 ± 0.0004 20.7
[BMIM] 3.0 Structure I 11.8715 ± 0.0002 7.8
group Pm3n) and their lattice parameters were consistent with [BF4]
those of the pure CH4 hydrate (Table 2). This implies that the amino [BMIM][I] 3.0 Structure I 11.8526 ± 0.0002 5.8
acids and ionic liquids had no influence on the hydrate crystal
structure. PXRD results indicated that ionic liquids and amino acids
were not incorporated in the hydrate cages because they are too was used to express the gas uptake. The amount of CH4 dissolved in
large to fit into the cages of sI hydrate. Ionic liquids and amino acids water was neglected due to the extremely low solubility of CH4 in
resided on the outside of the cages disrupting the hydrogen- water compared to the amount of CH4 enclathrated in the hydrate
bonded water molecular network. cages.
Fig. 4 shows the gas uptake curves and CWH in the presence of
inhibitors for 340 min. As shown in Fig. 4 (a), the gas uptake
3.2. Gas uptake measurements and computational analysis of
(nCH4 /nH2 O) of pure CH4 hydrate increased rapidly after nucle-
inhibition mechanism
ation and reached 0.14 after approximately 110 min. The final
nCH4 /nH2 O value of pure CH4 hydrate was slightly lower than the
Gas uptake measurements were conducted to examine the hy-
theoretical value (0.17), mainly due to occluded water in the formed
drate growth behavior and to measure the hydrate formation rate
gas hydrate crystals for the bulk water system.
in the presence of inhibitors. The amount of gas consumed during
The gas uptakes of CH4 þ inhibitor (3.0 mol%) hydrates were
the hydrate formation is equal to the total amount of gas trapped in
significantly lower than that of pure CH4 hydrate. The addition of
the cages of gas hydrates. Therefore, the ratio of the moles of
inhibitors also had an influence on the growth behavior of CH4
consumed gas (nCH4 ) to moles of initially charged water (nH2 O)
636 D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640

Fig. 4. a. Gas uptakes during hydrate formation in the presence of inhibitors. b. Comparison of gas uptakes (nCH4 /nH2 O) and percent conversion of water into hydrates (CWH) for
pure CH4, CH4 þ glycine, and CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] hydrates.

hydrate. [BMIM][BF4] consistently reduced the growth rate of CH4 The cage-specific inhibition effect of ionic liquids and amino acids
hydrate for about 250 min, whereas glycine did not retard the hy- can affect gas uptakes, hydrate conversion, and formation behav-
drate growth at the initial stage of hydrate formation. However, the iors of CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates and thus, the direct evidence for
final nCH4 /nH2 O value of the CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%) hydrate was different inhibition mechanisms of the inhibitors should be
almost the same as that of the CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] (3.0 mol%) hy- examined by observing growth behaviors of each cage in
drate. As seen in Fig. 4 (b), the conversion of water into gas hydrate CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates via in-situ Raman spectroscopy.
(CWH ) for pure water was 87.6%, whereas CWH for the glycine
(3.0 mol%) and [BMIM][BF4] (3.0 mol%) solutions was 60.1% and 3.3. Time-dependent Raman spectra of CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates
62.6%, respectively. This again indicates that [BMIM][BF4] and
glycine can affect the conversion of water into gas hydrate, as well In-situ Raman spectroscopy is very useful in observing the
as the hydrate growth behavior. enclathration of gas molecules in the gas hydrate cages and con-
In this study, DFT was applied to calculate the interaction energy firming the hydrate structure. Fig. 6 shows time-dependent Raman
between a hydrate cage and an inhibitor molecule. DFT is a useful spectra of pure CH4, CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%), and CH4 þ [BMIM]
tool for quantifying molecular interaction and evaluating the per- [BF4] (3.0 mol%) hydrates after hydrate nucleation. The pure CH4
formance of hydrate inhibitors. Negative interaction energy be- hydrate exhibited two Raman peaks at 2905 and 2915 cm1, which
tween a host water molecule and an inhibitor molecule indicates were assigned to CH4 molecules captured in the large (51262) and
attractive interaction, whereas positive interaction energy means small (512) cages of sI hydrate, respectively. The two Raman peaks at
repulsive interaction [58,59]. The structure configurations of a cage 2905 and 2915 cm1 were also observed when glycine and [BMIM]
with an inhibitor molecule (glycine and [BMIM][BF4]), optimized [BF4] were added, which also supports the PXRD result that neither
for DFT calculations, are presented in Fig. 5, and the calculated glycine nor [BMIM][BF4] affected the hydrate structure.
interaction energies are listed in Table 3. In addition, in-situ Raman spectroscopic results can provide
The interaction energies between a cage and an inhibitor further insights into inhibition mechanisms by offering information
molecule were found to be 94.13 kcal/mol for [BMIM][BF4] about cage-dependent guest distributions and occupation during
and 12.55 kcal/mol for glycine. Anderson et al. found, through hydrate formation. The time-dependent Raman spectra of pure CH4
molecular dynamic simulations, that the effectiveness of the in- hydrate are presented in Fig. 6 (a). The Raman peaks corresponding
hibitors is closely related to the free energy of binding between the to both small (512) and large (51262) cages of pure CH4 hydrate
inhibitor molecules and the hydrate surface, and thus the stronger began to grow simultaneously after hydrate nucleation. The in-
inhibitors have more negative binding energies [47]. In this study, tensities of the small and large cages of pure CH4 hydrate increased
the interaction energies between the inhibitor molecule and the steadily over time, and became almost constant after approxi-
hydrate cage were found to be negative for both [BMIM][BF4] and mately 110 min. However, CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates demonstrated
glycine. [BMIM][BF4] has more negative interaction energy than significantly different cage-filling behaviors during hydrate for-
glycine and, thus, stronger attraction existed between [BMIM][BF4] mation, as seen in Fig. 6 (b) and (c). The overall growth patterns of
and the hydrate cage, which led to the slower formation rate of CH4 small (512) and large (51262) cages in the CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%)
hydrate in the presence of [BMIM][BF4]. The results from gas uptake hydrate seemed to be similar to those of pure CH4 hydrate, but the
and DFT calculations imply that [BMIM][BF4] can function better as intensity of large (51262) cages in the CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%)
an inhibitor during CH4 hydrate formation and that inconsistent hydrate was somewhat lower than that in pure CH4 hydrate and,
hydrate growth behaviors in the presence of inhibitors may be therefore, the intensity ratio of large (51262) to small (512) cages in
caused by different inhibition mechanisms of the inhibitors used. the CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%) hydrate was lower than that in pure
D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640 637

Fig. 5. Structure configuration of (a) small (512) cage, (b) small (512) cage with a glycine molecule, and (c) small (512) cage with [BF
4 ]. The dashed line indicates a hydrogen bonding.

Table 3
Calculated interaction energy between a small (512) cage and an inhibitor using density functional theory (B3LYP/6-311G**).

Case Cage þ Inhibitors (Eoverall) Cage only (Ecage) Inhibitors (Einhibitors) Interaction Energy (Einteraction)
(Hartree) (Hartree) (Hartree) (Kcal/mol)

512 cage only 1568.30 1568.30 0 0

512 cage þ glycine 1852.68 1568.30 284.36 12.55
512 cage þ [BMIM][BF4] 1992.79 1568.30 424.34 94.13

CH4 hydrate throughout hydrate formation. This was attributed to hypothetical empty lattice, and qL and qS are the fractional occu-
the fact that glycine molecules inhibited primarily the large (51262) pancies of CH4 molecules in the large (51262) and small (512) cages
cages and, hence, the encapsulation of CH4 molecules in the large of sI hydrate, respectively. When the gas hydrate is in an equilib-
(51262) cages was hampered during the hydrate growth stage. As rium with ice, the left side of eq. (3) becomes - Dmu ðhÞ . Dmu ðhÞ,
seen in Fig. 6 (c), the growth patterns of the CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] which is known to be 1297 J/mol for sI hydrate [60]. In addition, the
(3.0 mol%) hydrate were quite different from those of pure CH4 and ratio (AL/AS) of area of CH4 molecules trapped in the large (51262)
CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%) hydrates. For the CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] cages to that of the small (512) cages, and the resulting cage occu-
(3.0 mol%) hydrate, the Raman peak corresponding to CH4 mole- pancy ratio (qL/qS), were calculated from each time-dependent
cules captured in the large (51262) cages grew fast at the early stage Raman spectrum in Fig. 6. The changes in both AL/AS and qL/qS
of hydrate formation, and then continued to grow slowly over time, during hydrate formation for pure CH4, CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%),
whereas the intensity of the Raman peak for the small (512) cages and CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] (3.0 mol%) hydrates are depicted in Fig. 7.
was almost constant for 200 min. This indicates that [BMIM][BF4] For pure CH4 hydrate, the AL/AS value increased gradually until
has a specific influence on the small (512) cages, hindering CH4 110 min and finally reached 3.3, which is slightly higher than the
molecules from occupying the small (512) cages. theoretical value (3.0). The small (512) cages were slightly more
Fractional cage occupancy (q) of CH4 in both small (512) and populated at the initial stage, but as hydrate formation proceeded,
large (51262) cages of sI hydrate at a given time during hydrate the qL value became slightly higher than the qS value (Fig. 7 (a)).
formation was obtained to fully understand cage-specific guest However, for the CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%) hydrate, the AL/AS value
occupation and the precise roles of each inhibitor during hydrate was lower than that for pure CH4 hydrate for the entire hydrate
formation. The thermodynamic expression, which indicates the formation period (Fig. 7 (b)), which confirms that glycine has a
chemical potential of water in sI hydrate, should be combined with strong inhibition effect on the large (51262) cages.
the relative integrated areas of the Raman spectra to determine Due to the cage-specific inhibition of glycine, the qL value (~0.8)
cage occupancy of CH4 [60]. was much lower at the initial stage of hydrate formation, gradually
increased after 60 min, and finally reached 0.94, while the qS value
RT was almost constant (0.99) throughout the hydrate formation. As
mu ðhÞ  mu ðhÞ ¼ ½3 lnð1  qL Þ þ lnð1  qS Þ (3) expected from Fig. 6 (c), [BMIM][BF4] specifically affected small
(512) cages of CH4 hydrate, not only at the initial stage, but also at
Here, mu ðhÞ is the chemical potential of water molecules of a
638 D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640

Fig. 6. In-situ Raman spectra of (a) pure CH4 hydrate, (b) CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%) hydrate, and (c) CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] (3.0 mol%) hydrate.

the final stage of hydrate formation (Fig. 7 (c)). The qS value of the two inhibitors with different inhibition mechanisms are mixed
CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] (3.0 mol%) hydrate was found to be 0.66 at the together should therefore be conducted for a complete under-
initial stage and 0.54 at the final stage, which was much lower than standing of host-inhibitor interaction and cage-specific inhibition
those for pure CH4 and CH4 þ glycine (3.0 mol%) hydrates. mechanisms.
Furthermore, the final AS/AL value of CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] hydrate
was 5.4, which was much higher than those for pure CH4 hydrate
(3.3) and CH4 þ glycine hydrate (2.9). Fig. 7 (c) clearly indicates that 4. Conclusions
[BMIM][BF4] was very effective in inhibiting CH4 molecules from
occupying the small (512) cages, leaving a large fraction of small In this study, the thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of
(512) cages vacant during hydrate formation. CH4 hydrate in the presence of amino acids and ionic liquids were
Gas uptakes, hydrate conversion, and formation behaviors of examined with both experimental and computational approaches
CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates were significantly dependent on the types to determine the inhibition mechanism of gas hydrates. Through
of inhibitors used, because in the presence of inhibitors, cage- the experimental results, both ionic liquids ([BMIM][BF4] and
specific guest occupation occurred during CH4 hydrate formation. [BMIM][I]) and amino acids (glycine and alanine) showed signifi-
Further studies about possible synergism that might occur when cant thermodynamic inhibition effects on CH4 hydrate. It was found
from PXRD results that the addition of inhibitors had no effect on
D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640 639

Fig. 7. Changes in AL/AS and cage occupancy (qL and qS) at a given time during hydrate formation of (a) pure water, (b) glycine (3.0 mol%), and (c) [BMIM][BF4] (3.0 mol%) solutions.

the crystal structure of CH4 hydrate. However, gas uptakes, hydrate glycine-added system (12.55 kcal/mol). Finally, the real-time
conversion, and formation behaviors of CH4 þ inhibitor hydrates Raman spectra collected during the formation of CH4 hydrates
were significantly dependent on the types of inhibitors used. The offered direct evidence of the cage-specific inhibition mechanisms
gas uptakes (nCH4 /nH2 O) and CWH of CH4 þ inhibitor (3.0 mol%) of glycine and [BMIM][BF4]. Glycine had a strong influence on the
hydrates were significantly lower than those of pure CH4 hydrate large (51262) cages, while [BMIM][BF4] inhibited CH4 molecules
and, in particular, the growth rate of CH4 þ [BMIM][BF4] (3.0 mol%) from being captured in the small (512) cages. The outcomes and
hydrate was much lower than those of other hydrates. The DFT findings of this study obtained through experimental and compu-
calculations showing interaction energy between a cage and an tational approaches contribute to providing new insights into in-
inhibitor molecule indicated that [BMIM][BF4]-added system had a hibition mechanisms of gas hydrates in the presence of various
higher probability of inhibiting hydrate formation because they inhibitors, and suggest that their different inhibition mechanisms
showed more negative interaction energy (94.13 kcal/mol) than could bring synergy effects when mixed each inhibitor.
640 D. Lee et al. / Energy 182 (2019) 632e640

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