Grade 10 Term 3 Real BSB 5

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10 - sinflar uchun Cambridge Prepare second edition Grade 10 kitobining “ Unit

11-16” bo’limi yuzasidan summativ baholash

(3-chorak BSB vazifalari)

Bahola Bo’lim nomi Topshiriq Topshiri Baholash kerak bo’lgan ball

sh turi turi q shakli jihatlar
BSB -5 Unit 11 Unit test 1 Project 25
Unit 12 work
Unit 13

BSB -6 Unit 14 Unit test 2 Mixed Vocabulary 25

Unit 15 tests Grammar
Unit 16 Listening

FB Aktivlik 10
Vazifalarni o’z vaqtida
O’quv qurollarining
ChSB Revision Test BSB-5 - BSB-6 yuzasidan 40
Of Unit 6- takrorlash
Umumiy: 100
Project work

Make a presentation or video

An environmental campaign
Work in groups. Brainstorm ideas for an environmental campaign and then make a
presentation or video. Use the questions below to help you think.
• What environmental topics interest you?
• Are there any environmental issues in your area?
• Do the people in your area recycle enough?
• What sorts of campaigns would be fun to do?
• Are you good at taking photos or making videos?
• Could you create a computer presentation?
Share your presentation or video with the class. Then vote on the best idea.
Assessment rubric for project (per group)

Each group can score a maximum of 25 points

Name______________________ Teacher:___________________________
Date of presentation____________ Title of work:_______________________

Not quite Getting There! Good job! Great work!
Audience cannot Audience has Student presents Student presents
understand difficulty information in information in
presentation following logical logical,
because there is presentation sequence which interesting
no sequence of because student audience can sequence which
information jumps around follow audience can
(1 point) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points)
Student does not Student is Student is at Student
have grasp of uncomfortable ease with demonstrates full
information; with information content, but knowledge (more
Content Student cannot and is able to fails to than required)
Knowledge answer questions answer only elaborate with explanations
about subject rudimentary and elaboration
(1 point) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points)
Student used no Student Visuals related Student used
visuals occasional used to the text and visuals to
visuals that rarely presentation reinforce screen
support text and text and
presentation presentation
(0 points) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points)
Student’s Presentation had Presentation has Presentation has
presentation had three misspellings no more than no misspelling or
four or more and/or two grammatical
spelling errors grammatical misspellings errors.
and/or errors and/or
grammatical grammatical
errors errors
(1 point) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points)
Student mumbles, A student Student’s voice A student used a
incorrectly incorrectly is clear. Student clear voice and
pronounces terms, pronounces pronounces correct, precise
Delivery and speaks too terms. Audience most words pronunciation of
quietly for members have correctly terms.
students in the difficulty hearing
the presentation.
back the class to
hear (2 points) (3 points) (4 points)
(1 point)
Few group Some group Most group Each group
members members members members
contributed to contributed to contributed to contributed to
Teamwork project materials project materials project project materials
and presentation and presentation materials and and presentation
(2 points) (3 points) (4 points) (5 points)

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